Image of moschatel, townhall clock
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Moschatel, Townhall Clock

Adoxa moschatellina L.

Adoxa ( Scots )

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Adoxa moschatellina (five-faces) is the sole member o the genus Adoxa. It grows throughoot Europe, Asie, an North Americae, in hedgerows, cuil forests, at law altitudes in the far north, tae heich altitudes in muntains in the sooth o its range. The plant an its flouers hae a musk-lik scent, which it emits taewards evening when the dew falls. If the plant is bruised this scent disappears. In Europe, it flouers in Aprile an Mey.

The names "five-faced bishop" an "tounhaw clock" allude tae the structur o its inflorescence. This consists o five flouers: ane fower-petalled flouer facin upwards, an fower five-petalled flouers facin horizontally, as seen in the picturs.

Adoxa moschatellina frae Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (1885)


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Adoxa: Brief Summary ( Scots )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Adoxa moschatellina (five-faces) is the sole member o the genus Adoxa. It grows throughoot Europe, Asie, an North Americae, in hedgerows, cuil forests, at law altitudes in the far north, tae heich altitudes in muntains in the sooth o its range. The plant an its flouers hae a musk-lik scent, which it emits taewards evening when the dew falls. If the plant is bruised this scent disappears. In Europe, it flouers in Aprile an Mey.

The names "five-faced bishop" an "tounhaw clock" allude tae the structur o its inflorescence. This consists o five flouers: ane fower-petalled flouer facin upwards, an fower five-petalled flouers facin horizontally, as seen in the picturs.

 src= Adoxa moschatellina frae Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (1885)
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