Araceae is a faimily o monocotyledonous flouerin plants in which flouers are borne on a teep o inflorescence cried a spadix. The spadix is uisually accompanied bi, an whiles pairtially enclosed in, a spathe or leaf-lik bract. An aa kent as the arum faimily, members are eften colloquially kent as aroids. This faimily o 107 genera an ower 3700 species is maist diverse in the New Warld tropics, altho an aa distributit in the Auld Warld tropics an north temperate regions.
The lairgest collection o livin Araceae is maintained at Missouri Botanical Gardens.[2] Anither lairge collection o livin Araceae can be foond at Munich Botanical Garden, thanks tae the efforts o the researcher an aroid authority Josef Bogner.
Araceae is a faimily o monocotyledonous flouerin plants in which flouers are borne on a teep o inflorescence cried a spadix. The spadix is uisually accompanied bi, an whiles pairtially enclosed in, a spathe or leaf-lik bract. An aa kent as the arum faimily, members are eften colloquially kent as aroids. This faimily o 107 genera an ower 3700 species is maist diverse in the New Warld tropics, altho an aa distributit in the Auld Warld tropics an north temperate regions.
The lairgest collection o livin Araceae is maintained at Missouri Botanical Gardens. Anither lairge collection o livin Araceae can be foond at Munich Botanical Garden, thanks tae the efforts o the researcher an aroid authority Josef Bogner.