Plate7.1 A young specimen of Amphiporus lactifloreus on extrusion from the egg
Plate6.12 Ovum just before the extrusion of the embryo
Plate6.11 Ovum of the same species in the mulberry-stage
Plate6.10 The same ovum a few hours later
Plate6.9 The same ovum some hours after impregnation
Plate6.8 Unimpregnated ovum of Amphiporus lactifloreus
Plate6.5 Three sperm-sacs with a portion of the body-wall of Amphiporus lactifloreus
Plate6.2 Longitudinal section of the body-wall of Amphiporus lactfloreus, in a somewhat shriveled condition
Plate5.6 Nerve-cells from a cephalic ganglion of Amphiporus lactifloreus
Plate5.4 Portion of the head of the same species considerably flattened
Plate5.3 Arrangement of the circulatory and nervous systems in Amphiporus lactifloreus
Plate5.1 Transverse section somewhat behind that shown Plate1.1
Plate4.18 Spermatozoa of Amphiporus lactifloreus
Plate4.12 Transverse section of the wall of the aesophagus of Amphiporus lactifloreus, after mounting in chloride of calcium
Plate3.20 Fragment of the aesophageal region of the digestive tract from a living Amphiporus lactifloreus
Plate3.16 Transverse section of the posterior chamber of the proboscis in a large example of the same species
Plate3.15 Transverse section of the contracted reservoir-region of the proboscisTransverse section of the contracted reservoir-region of the proboscis of the same species, showing the complex spiral arrangement of the fibres
Plate3.14 Proboscis of an adult, gently but completely extruded under chloroform to make the central stylet prominent
Plate3.12 Stylet-region of the proboscis of a young animal of the same speciesStylet-region of the proboscis of a young animal of the same species, illustrating the first appearance of the stylets and the development of the parts
Plate3.13 Stylet-region of a young Amphiporus lactifloreus, some weeks older than that represented in the previous figure
Plate3.11 Isolated marginal stylet-sac of the same species
Plate3.10 Superficial structure of the stylet and reservoir-regions of Amphiporus lactifloreus
Plate2.5 The central and marginal stylets from a young Amphiporus lactifloreus, on the first appearance of the former
Plate2.4 Termination of the posterior chamber of the proboscis of Amphiporus lactifloreus, with muscular ribands