A large individual of the dark variety.Coe, W. R. (1904). Nemerteans of the Pacific coast of North America. Part II. Harriman Alaska Series. 11, 111–220.
Dorsal view of head to show arrangement of ocelli.Coe, W. R. (1901). The Nemerteans of the Expedition. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Vol. 3, 1-110.
Plate4.16 Portion of a sperm-sac exhibiting a streaky and granular aspect from the varying nature of the contents
Plate4.14 Cephalic ganglia of Tetrastemma flavida
Plate3.9 Stylets of Tetrastemma flavida
Plate2.9 Structure of the stylet-region in Tetrastemma flavida
habitus(from Coe, W. R. (1901). Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. XX. The nemerteans.. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci.. 1-110.)
habitusCoe, W. R. (1904). Nemerteans of the Pacific coast of North America. Part II. Harriman Alaska Series. 11, 111–220.
Outline of anterior portion of body to show the arrangement of ocelli. Dorsal surface.Coe, W. R. (1901). The Nemerteans of the Expedition. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Vol. 3, 1-110.
HabitusCoe, W. R. (1905). Nemerteans of the west and northwest coasts of America.. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv.. 1-318
Stylet region of proboscis, showing slender styleta and basis and tubular middle chamber
Stylet of larger and smaller individuals, indicating spiral ridges
statocyst with spherical statolith
Outline of anterior portion of body showing statocysts (st) on ventral ganglia...outline of anterior portion of body showing statocysts (st) on ventral ganglia; other letters indicate: ct, cephalic blood lacunae; dg, dorsal ganglion; tn, lateral nerve cord; p, proboscis; PI, proboscis sheath
Plate3.1 Structure of the stylet-region of the proboscis of Prosorhochmus claparedii
Plate2.4 Prosorhochmus Claparedii, Keferrstein, and young.
Dorsal view of anterior portion of bodyCoe, W. R. (1901). The Nemerteans of the Expedition. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Vol. 3, 1-110.
Tetrastemma bilineatum: habitus
Tetrastemma quadrilineatum: habitus
Tetrastemma reticulatum: habitus
Tetrastemma reticulatum: Anterior portion of body of individual of the variety with confluent markings
Tetrastemma signifer: habitus
Tetrastemma signifer: Dorsal view of the head, showing typical form of cephalic marking