
Chelicerata ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

'n Spinnekop

Chelicerata is 'n subfilum van die geleedpotiges (Arthropoda). Die subfilum bestaan uit slegs twee biologiese klasse, naamlik Arachnida en Merostomata.

Arachnida (spinnekopagtiges) is 'n groot en suksesvolle grondlewende groep, wat die spinnekoppe, skerpioene en hul verwantes insluit.

Merostomata sluit die hoefysterkrap (Xiphosura) en die uitgestorwe see-skerpioene (Eurypterida) in. Die hoefysterkrap is 'n klein, ou groep wat vir miljoene jare relatief onveranderd oorleef het. Groepe soos hierdie word dikwels lewende fossiele genoem.

Die seespinnekoppe (Pycnogonida) kan moontlik aan die Chelicerata-subfilum behoort. Daar is genetiese bewyse wat dui dat hulle 'n ou sustergroep van al die ander lewende geleedpotiges kan wees.[1] Daar is ongeveer 1 300 seespinnekop-spesies.

Chelicerata het as seediere ontstaan. Die eerste bevestigde fossiele dateer 445 miljoen jaar terug tot die laat Ordovisium-tydperk. Hoewel net vier mariene spesies oorleef het, almal van hulle hoefysterkrappe, is daar meer as 77 000 spesies wat lug inasem, en daar kan soveel as 500 000 onbekende spesies wees.[2][3]

Chelicerata is grootliks karnivories. Sommiges is egter heterotrofies, en leef van materiale wat deur ander organismes vervaardig word.


  1. Regier J.C. et al (25 Februarie 2010). “Arthropod relationships revealed by phylogenomic analysis of nuclear protein-coding sequences”. Nature 463 (7284): 1079–1083. doi:10.1038/nature08742.
  2. Margulis, Lynn and Schwartz, Karlene 1998. Five Kingdoms, an illustrated guide to the phyla of life on Earth. 3rd ed, Freeman. ISBN 0-7167-3027-8
  3. Ruppert E.E. Fox R.S. and Barnes R.D. 2004. Invertebrate Zoology 7th ed, Brooks/Cole.

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Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
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wikipedia AF

Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF
 src= 'n Spinnekop

Chelicerata is 'n subfilum van die geleedpotiges (Arthropoda). Die subfilum bestaan uit slegs twee biologiese klasse, naamlik Arachnida en Merostomata.

Arachnida (spinnekopagtiges) is 'n groot en suksesvolle grondlewende groep, wat die spinnekoppe, skerpioene en hul verwantes insluit.

Merostomata sluit die hoefysterkrap (Xiphosura) en die uitgestorwe see-skerpioene (Eurypterida) in. Die hoefysterkrap is 'n klein, ou groep wat vir miljoene jare relatief onveranderd oorleef het. Groepe soos hierdie word dikwels lewende fossiele genoem.

Die seespinnekoppe (Pycnogonida) kan moontlik aan die Chelicerata-subfilum behoort. Daar is genetiese bewyse wat dui dat hulle 'n ou sustergroep van al die ander lewende geleedpotiges kan wees. Daar is ongeveer 1 300 seespinnekop-spesies.

Chelicerata het as seediere ontstaan. Die eerste bevestigde fossiele dateer 445 miljoen jaar terug tot die laat Ordovisium-tydperk. Hoewel net vier mariene spesies oorleef het, almal van hulle hoefysterkrappe, is daar meer as 77 000 spesies wat lug inasem, en daar kan soveel as 500 000 onbekende spesies wees.

Chelicerata is grootliks karnivories. Sommiges is egter heterotrofies, en leef van materiale wat deur ander organismes vervaardig word.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia AF

Chelicerata ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST

Los quelicerados (Chelicerata, del griegu χελή khelé, "pinces" y κερατος kératos, "'portador", ) constitúin un subfilo del filu Arthropoda. Estremar de los demás artrópodos, ente otres carauterístiques, por escarecer d'antenes.


Tienen el cuerpu típicamente estremáu en dos región o Tagmas, una anterior denomada prosoma (o cefalotórax) y una posterior o opistosoma (abdome).

El prosoma componer del acron presegmentario y 6 segmentos, y de cutiu ta cubiertu por un escudu dorsal. Escarecen d'antenes y de quexales.[1] Presenten 6 pares d'apéndices, toos ellos multiarticulados y unirrameos: quelíceros (apéndices bucales), pedipalpos, y 4 pares de pates marchadoras.[1] Tienen güeyos compuestos llaterales y/o güeyos simples medianos.

El opistosoma, formáu por hasta 12 segmentos y el telson, presenta apéndices bien estremaos o bien escarez d'ellos, según los grupos. Los gonoporos abrir nel segundu segmentu.

Orixe evolutivu

Les rellaciones filoxenétiques d'esti grupu son pocu conocíes. Anque la mayoría de los sos representantes actuales son terrestres, aniciar nel mediu marín a principios del Cámbricu. Piénsase que podríen evolucionar a partir de trilobites bentónicos predadores.[ensin referencies]

Dellos autores consideren al fósil de Burgess Shale Sanctacaris como'l primera quelicerado, ente qu'otros prefieren considerar esta especie como un grupu hermano al restu de los quelicerados, yá que nun presenta quelíceros y los sos apéndices son birrámeos.


Los quelicerados inclúin cuatro clases, Arachnida, Xiphosura, Eurypterida y Pycnogonida, anque pa dellos especialistes estos postreros nun tendríen d'incluyir se. Los Xiphosura y los Eurypterida axúntense tradicionalmente nun solu grupu, Merostomata, al que se-y da con frecuencia'l rangu de superclase.

Conócense más de 70.000 especies actuales de quelicerados, cuasi toes pertenecientes a la clase de los arácnidos.

Un euriptérido.


Los euriptéridos son un grupu de quelicerados fósiles conocíos popularmente como escorpiones marinos, a pesar de nun tar direutamente rellacionaos con ellos. Son los artrópodos más grandes qu'esistieron, yá que algamaben 2,5 m de llargor.

Vivieron nos mares del Ordovícicu mediu al Pérmicu cimeru, onde fueron los depredadores más fuertes de la so dómina.

Un xifosuro.


Los Merostomata son un grupu bien antiguu que na actualidá entiende namái cuatro especies que pueden considerase como auténticos fósiles vivientes, supervivientes de dómines remotes. El telson ye llargu y estrechu, d'onde deriva'l so nome. Viven nos fondos marinos y pueden algamar los 50 cm de llargor. Son carnívoros y aliméntense de moluscos, anélidos y otros invertebraos marinos, d'animales muertos, que suxeten y espeñiquen colos quelíceros.

Un picnogónido.


Los picnogónidos, conocíos como arañes de mar, son un grupu d'estraños artrópodos puramente marinos, clasificaos tradicionalmente dientro de los quelicerados, pero con rellaciones filoxenétiques inciertes. Tienen un cuerpu bien estrechu del que parten de cuatro a seis pares de llargues pates. Polo xeneral miden unos pocos centímetros, pero delles especies abisales pueden algamar un valumbu de mediu metro. Viven no fondero por onde caminen coles sos llargues pates en busca de preses, yá que son depredadores (o carroñeros) d'animales bentónicos.

Una araña.


Los arácnidos son el grupu predominante de quelicerados actuales. Inclúi unes 70.000 especies. Son, xuntu colos inseutos y los vertebraos amniotas, los animales que meyor afixéronse a tierra firme. Destaquen les arañes, que representen más de la metá de les especies (unes 38.000) y los ácaros, con 30.000; tamién atopamos los escorpiones, tarrecibles pola so picadura, y los opiliones, paecíos a arañes de pates bien delgaes y llargues; otros grupos con menos especies son los solífugos, los vinagrillos y los amblipigios, toos ellos inofensivos a pesar del so aspeutu agresivu.


  1. 1,0 1,1 Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (ed.): «Chelicerata. Spiders, mites, scorpions, and relatives» (en) (2001). Archiváu dende l'orixinal, el 1 d'agostu de 2015. Consultáu'l 24 d'agostu de 2015.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia AST

Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST

Los quelicerados (Chelicerata, del griegu χελή khelé, "pinces" y κερατος kératos, "'portador", ) constitúin un subfilo del filu Arthropoda. Estremar de los demás artrópodos, ente otres carauterístiques, por escarecer d'antenes.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia AST

Xeliserlilər ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Xeliserlilər (lat. Chelicerata) — Buğumayaqlılar tipinə aid yarımtip.

Ümumi məlumat

Xeliserlilərin əksəriyyəti quru mühitində yaşayır. Onlarda antenna və antenulla tamamilə itmiş və əvəzində xeliser adlanan orqan əmələ gəlmişdir (xeliserlilər-qısqacbığcıqlılar deməkdir). Xeliser bir cüt olub, qısqaclara malikdir və ağzın önündə yerləşmişdir. Xeliserlilərin bədəni iki hissədən - baş-döş və qarıncıqdan ibarətdir. Quruda yaşayan xeliserlilərdə (hörümçəkkimilərdə) qarıncıq buğumlarının birləşməsi prosesi getmişdir, hətta buğumluluq tamamilə itmişdir. Suda yaşayan xeliserlilərdə qarıncığın ön şöbəsi qəlsəmələrlə təchiz olunmuş 6 cüt ətrafa malikdir, dal qarıncıq buğumları isə ətraflardan məhrumdur. Quruda yaşayanlarda isə qarıncıq ətrafları şəklini dəyişərək, tənəffüs orqanlarına - ağciyərlərə, tor ziyillərinə və s. çevrilmişdir[1].





  1. Ağayev B.İ., Zeynalova Z.A. Onurğasızlar zoologiyası. Bakı: Təhsil, 2008, (568 s.) səh. 349-350
Bu şablona bax Müasir buğumayaqlıların yarımtip və sinifləri Aləmi: Heyvanlar · Yarımaləm: Eumetazoa · Bölmə: Bilateriallar · Yarımbölmə: İlkağızlılar · Tipüstü: EcdysozoaXeliserlilər yarımtipi Hörümçəkkimilər · Merostomata · PantopodlarÇoxayaqlılar yarımtipi Dodaqayaqlılar · İkicütayaqlılar · Pauropodlar · SimfillərAltıayaqlılar yarımtipi Həşəratlar · GizliçənəlilərXərçəngkimilər yarımtipi Ayaqqəlsəməlilər · Daraqayaqlılar · Sefalokaridlər · Çənəayaqlılar · Çanaqlı xərçənglər · Ali xərçənglər Trilobitkimilər yarımtipi Trilobitlər Marellokimilər yarımtipi Açerkostrakalar · Çiklinalar · Marrellinalar · Mimetasteridalar
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Xeliserlilər: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Xeliserlilər (lat. Chelicerata) — Buğumayaqlılar tipinə aid yarımtip.

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Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
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wikipedia AZ

Quelicerats ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Els quelicerats (Chelicerata) són un grup d'animals, considerats actualment un subembrancament del embrancament dels artròpodes (Arthropoda). Es divideixen en tres grans classes: els aràcnids (aranyes, escorpins, àcars, etc.), els euriptèrids (grup extingit, que incloïa els anomenats escorpins de mar) i els xifosurs (grup petit eminentment fòssil que comprèn només quatre espècies actuals conegudes com a cassoles o crancs de les Moluques).

Alguns estudis suggereixen que els picnogònids (Pycnogonida) podrien ser també quelicerats, però és una hipòtesi encara no confirmada. D'altra banda, alguns arbres filogenètics tradicionals agrupen els euriptèrids i els xifosuris en una sola classe anomenada Merostomata, però actualment es tendeix a abandonar aquesta ordenació, ja que no sembla haver-hi cap relació especial més propera entre aquests dos grups que amb la resta de quelicerats, de manera que seria un grup parafilètic.


Els quelicerats comparteixen una mateixa organització anatòmica, amb el cos dividit en dues parts, a diferència dels insectes que es divideixen en tres parts o tagmes. La part frontal, anomenada prosoma té sis segments, cada un amb una parella d'apèndixs: la primera parella són els quelícers (les pinces per triturar l'aliment), la segona són els pedipalps (apèndixs sensorials) i la resta són apèndixs ambulatoris, a vegades modificats. El prosoma acostuma a posseir ulls i la boca s'acostuma a trobar-se entre el segon i tercer segments. La part posterior, anomenada opistosoma, està formada per dotze segments més una mena de cua anomenada tèlson, que en el cas dels escorpins ha donat lloc a l'agulló.

Diferents tipus de quelícers. A: quelícers en navalla; B: quelícers en tisora; C: quelícers triarticulats en pinça

Els quelícers, que donen nom al grup, són una mena de pinces per sostenir, immobilitzar i triturar l'aliment, en lloc de les mandíbules dels crustacis, miriàpodes i insectes. La majoria de quelicerats no poden ingerir matèria sòlida (excepte els opilions i alguns àcars), de manera que trituren l'aliment i hi escupen o injecten enzims digestius que liqüen l'aliment per després absorbir-lo, o bé injecten directament els enzims dins de les seves preses, com algunes aranyes. La majoria de quelicerats són depredadors, però alguns són carronyers (com els opilions), alguns són herbívors i una bona part són paràsits (els àcars, especialment).

Excepte els quelicerats més petits, que respiren amb intercanvi directe de gasos a través del tegument, tots posseeixen aparell respiratori d'algun tipus, pulmons en llibre o tràquees. En els aràcnids que tenen pulmons en llibre la substància encarregada del transport d'oxigen en la sang no és l'hemoglobina, sinó l'hemocianina, que conté coure en lloc de ferro. Aquesta característica (també present en els cefalòpodes) els impedeix grans activitats que requereixin un considerable desgast energètic, ja que l'hemocianina no pot subministrar oxigen als teixits tan ràpidament com l'hemoglobina. És per això que la majoria d'aràcnids són força passius i només s'activen en moments molt puntuals. No és així, en canvi, amb els aràcnids que posseeixen tràquees, que són molt més actius.

 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Quelicerats Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
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wikipedia CA

Quelicerats: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Els quelicerats (Chelicerata) són un grup d'animals, considerats actualment un subembrancament del embrancament dels artròpodes (Arthropoda). Es divideixen en tres grans classes: els aràcnids (aranyes, escorpins, àcars, etc.), els euriptèrids (grup extingit, que incloïa els anomenats escorpins de mar) i els xifosurs (grup petit eminentment fòssil que comprèn només quatre espècies actuals conegudes com a cassoles o crancs de les Moluques).

Alguns estudis suggereixen que els picnogònids (Pycnogonida) podrien ser també quelicerats, però és una hipòtesi encara no confirmada. D'altra banda, alguns arbres filogenètics tradicionals agrupen els euriptèrids i els xifosuris en una sola classe anomenada Merostomata, però actualment es tendeix a abandonar aquesta ordenació, ja que no sembla haver-hi cap relació especial més propera entre aquests dos grups que amb la resta de quelicerats, de manera que seria un grup parafilètic.

direitos autorais
Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Klepítkatci ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Klepítkatci (Chelicerata) jsou podkmen členovců. V současné době zahrnují jednu velkou třídu (pavoukovci), jednu menší (nohatky) a jednu téměř vymřelou (hrotnatci). Jsou pravděpodobně suchozemskými pokračovateli vyhynulých trojlaločnatců. Je jich známo asi 36 000 druhů.


  • Hlavová část (složená z čelního článku a dalších čtyř článků těla) je srostlá se dvěma články hrudi v kompaktní útvar nazývaný hlavohruď, zbývající články tvoří zadeček. Před ústy se nachází pár končetin nazývaných chelicery, které vývojově odpovídají druhému páru tykadel korýšů. Za ústy se nachází pár končetin nazývaných jako pedipalpy – odpovídají kusadlům korýšů a vzdušnicovců.
  • Klepítkatci mají čtyři páry noh, jež se člení v základní články: kyčel (coxa), příkyčlí (trochanter), stehno (femur), koleno (patella), holeň (tibia) a články chodidla rozlišené někdy na nárt (metatarsus) a chodidlo (tarsus) zakončené dvěma nebo třemi drápky.
  • Zadeček je vždy bez noh, končetiny, které jsou na něm přítomny, mají různé funkce (smyslová funkce – hřebínky u štírů, u pavouků jsou přetvořeny ve snovací bradavky). Zadeček může být k hlavohrudi připojen stopkou (u pavouků), nebo na ni nasedá celou šíří, přičemž někdy ztrácí původní článkovitost, takže tělo má tvar kompaktního váčku (roztoči).
  • Vylučování zajišťují buď kyčelní žlázy, nebo malphigické trubice na konci žaludku.
  • Dýchání obstarávají plicní vaky, keříčkovité vzdušnice. U roztočů je možné dýchání povrchem těla.


Tradiční systém recentních klepítkatců zahrnuje 3 třídy:[1]

Podle moderních fylogenetických poznatků) jsou však pavoukovci parafyletičtí, hrotnatce a pavoukovce nahrazuje přirozený klad Euchelicerata Weygoldt & Paulus, 1979.


Představy o vzájemné příbuznosti jednotlivých skupin klepítkatců se, tak jako u ostatních členovců, výrazně měnily v závislosti na rostoucích datech získaných sekvencováním genomů. Fylogenetická studie z r. 2019[2] v podstatě potvrdila překvapivé závěry studie z r. 2014[3], zejména nepřirozenost klasického vymezení pavoukovců. Závěry lze shrnout do několika bodů:

  • Sesterskou skupinou klepítkatců jsou kusadlovci (Mandibulata), které tvoří stonožkovci a Pancrustacea (korýši a hmyz).
  • Bazální větví fylogenetického stromu recentních klepítkatců jsou nohatky (Pycnogonida), ostatní skupiny tvoří přirozený klad Euchelicerata.
  • Ostrorepi (Xiphosura) nejsou sesterskou skupinou pavoukovců, ale odvětvují se uvnitř nich, jako sesterská skupina roztočovců (Ricinulei). Znamená to, že pavoukovci (Arachnida) v klasickém vymezení jsou parafyletičtí a přirozeným kladem na stejné pozici jsou Euchelicerata.
  • Podtřída roztoči v klasickém vymezení (Acari) pravděpodobně také není přirozenou skupinou, uvnitř ní se asi odvětvují štírci a štírenky, a to v sousedství nadřádu Parasitiformes; nadřád Acariformes asi tvoří bazální větev takto rozšířené skupiny nebo přímo jako bazální klad euchelicerat. Opilioacariformes asi nejsou na úrovni předchozích dvou nadřádů, ale mohou být vnitřní větví Parasitiformes (kteří by tak byli v klasickém vymezení parafyletičtí).
  • Sesterské linie pavouci (Araneae) a Pedipalpi tvoří přirozenou skupinu Tetrapulmonata a ta spolu se sesterskými štíry (Scorpiones) velký klad Arachnopulmonata.
  • Sekáči (Opiliones) jsou přirozeným kladem nepatřícím do pavouků, ale odvětvují se dokonce ještě bazálněji než ostrorepi a roztočovci.
  • Dosud není plně vyjasněné postavení krátkochvostů (Schizomida), štírků (Pseudoscorpiones/Pseudoscorpionida), štírenek (Palpigradi) a solifug (Solifugae); prvními dvěma skupinami se poslední studie z r. 2019 nezabývala. S nižší podporou vycházejí štírci a štírenky jako vnitřní větve roztočů odvětvující se blízko Parasitiformes, štírci však v jiných studiích vycházejí jako sesterští k solifugám. Solifugy mohou být sesterskou skupinou kladu ostrorepi + roztočovci, v jiných studiích vycházejí jako sesterské k Acariformes. Krátkochvosti jsou patrně součástí bičnatců (Uropygi) jakožto sesterská skupina vlastních bičnatců (Thelyphonida); bičnatci a jim sesterští krabovci (Amblypygi) pak tvoří přirozený klad Pedipalpi.

Aktuální (r. 2019) představy o příbuznosti recentních klepítkatců ukazuje následující fylogenetický strom (P? značí potenciálně nepřirozené skupiny, ? nedostatečně potvrzenou pozici):



Euchelicerata (P?)



Parasitiformes včetně Opilioacariformes






(P?) ?









krabovci (syn. bičovci)


vlastní bičnatci




  1. BioLib.cz – podkmen klepítkatci. Dostupné online
  2. BALLESTEROS, Jesús A.; SHARMA, Prashant P. A Critical Appraisal of the Placement of Xiphosura (Chelicerata) with Account of Known Sources of Phylogenetic Error. Systematic Biology [online]. Oxford University Press, 14. únor 2019. S. 1-62. Online před tiskem. Dostupné online. PDF [1]. ISSN 1076-836X. DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syz011. (anglicky)
  3. SHARMA, Prashant P.; KALUZIAK, Stefan T.; PÉREZ-PORRO, Alicia R.; GONZÁLEZ, Vanessa L.; HORMIGA, Gustavo; WHEELER, Ward C.; GIRIBET, Gonzalo. Phylogenomic Interrogation of Arachnida Reveals Systemic Conflicts in Phylogenetic Signal. Molecular Biology and Evolution [online]. Oxford University Press, 8. srpen 2014. Svazek 31, čís. 11, s. 2963–2984. Dostupné online. Dostupné také na: [2]. ISSN 1537-1719. DOI:10.1093/molbev/msu235. PMID 25107551. (anglicky)
direitos autorais
Wikipedia autoři a editory
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia CZ

Klepítkatci: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Klepítkatci (Chelicerata) jsou podkmen členovců. V současné době zahrnují jednu velkou třídu (pavoukovci), jednu menší (nohatky) a jednu téměř vymřelou (hrotnatci). Jsou pravděpodobně suchozemskými pokračovateli vyhynulých trojlaločnatců. Je jich známo asi 36 000 druhů.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia autoři a editory
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia CZ

Chelicerata ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA

Klosaksdyr (Chelicerata) er en større underrække af leddyr. Den største undergruppe er spindlere (Arachnida), der består af edderkopper, mejere, skorpioner, mider, mosskorpioner, solifuger, piskeskorpioner og et par mindre grupper. Til klosaksdyrene hører også havedderkopper og dolkhaler samt den uddøde gruppe havskorpioner.

Kroppen er todelt i en forreste prosoma med otte segmenter og en bagerste opistoma med tolv segmenter. Munden er mellem 2. og 3. segment på prosoma, og på 3. segment sidder klosaksene (chelicerae) der har givet dem navn. De har ikke antenner og mandibler.

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Kieferklauenträger ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Als Kieferklauenträger, Fühlerlose oder Cheliceraten (Chelicerata) wird eine Gruppe von Gliederfüßern (Arthropoda) bezeichnet, die sich durch den Besitz einer spezifisch umgewandelten Extremität des ersten Kopfsegmentes[1] auszeichnet. Diese als Cheliceren bezeichneten Extremitäten stellen bei ihnen auch die ersten Extremitäten des Körpers dar. Antennen, wie sie bei den Krebstieren und den Tracheentieren vorkommen und den Cheliceren und Pedipalpen homolog sind, fehlen ihnen.

Zu den Cheliceraten gehören weltweit gut 100.000 bekannte Arten,[2] darunter die Pfeilschwanzkrebse und die zu den Spinnentieren gehörenden Skorpione, Webspinnen, Weberknechte und Milben. Auch die ausgestorbenen Seeskorpione, die die größten jemals lebenden Gliederfüßer darstellten, gehören in diese Gruppe. Bis auf die Pfeilschwanzkrebse und die Asselspinnen leben alle rezenten Arten dieser Gruppe auf dem Land oder sind nachträglich wieder ins Wasser gegangen (etwa die Wassermilben oder die Wasserspinne).


Gemeiner Holzbock (Ixodes ricinus), Kieferklauen

Die Kieferklauenträger sind eine sehr formenreiche Gruppe innerhalb der Gliederfüßer, weshalb es schwierig ist, gemeinsame Merkmale der Arten zu benennen. Als wichtigstes gemeinsames Merkmal besitzen sie die bereits erwähnten Cheliceren, die am ersten Kopfsegment entspringen[1][3] (nicht am dritten, wie jahrzehntelang vermutet). Das nächste Extremitätenpaar stellt bei den Pfeilschwanzkrebsen bereits das erste Laufbeinpaar dar, bei allen anderen Gruppen übernimmt es als Pedipalpen verschiedene Aufgaben. Die folgenden vier Extremitätenpaare sind bei allen Gruppen primär als Laufbeine ausgebildet. Bei den Geißelskorpionen und Geißelspinnen wurde das erste Laufbeinpaar sekundär zu Tastorganen, den sogenannten Fühlerbeinen, umgebildet.

Der Körper der Kieferklauenträger ist meist in zwei Abschnitte (Tagmata) geteilt, einen Vorderkörper (Prosoma) und einen Hinterleib (Opisthosoma). Alle oben aufgeführten Extremitäten sowie die wichtigsten Sinnesorgane befinden sich bei den Tieren am Vorderkörper, die Extremitäten des Hinterleibs sind meist vollkommen umgebildet und haben gänzlich andere Funktionen (Geschlechtsorgane, Spinndrüsen, Fächerlungen). Im Opisthosoma sind die Verdauungsorgane, die inneren Geschlechtsorgane und das Schlauchherz untergebracht.

Ursprünglich hatten die Fühlerlosen Komplexaugen, diese sind jedoch nur noch bei den Pfeilschwanzkrebsen vorhanden. Die anderen Gruppen besitzen maximal fünf Paar Einzelaugen.

Fortpflanzung und Entwicklung

Auch bei der Fortpflanzung gibt es diverse Variationen. Da die meisten Arten landlebend sind, gibt es sehr häufig eine innere Befruchtung durch penisähnliche Strukturen (etwa bei den Spinnen, bei denen die männlichen und weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane wie beim Schlüssel-Schloss-Prinzip ineinander passen). Die Männchen anderer Gruppen wie etwa den Skorpionen sowie die meisten Milben legen Spermienpakete (Spermatophoren) ab, die von den Weibchen aufgenommen werden.


Gemeinhin werden die Kieferklauenträger als Schwestergruppe der Mandibeltiere (Krebstiere und Tracheentiere) betrachtet.

Die verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen innerhalb der Cheliceraten sind noch weitgehend ungeklärt und Gegenstand kontroverser Diskussionen. Besonders über die Einordnung der morphologisch stark abgewandelten Asselspinnen ist man sich nicht einig, schon zur Einordnung innerhalb der Spinnentiere gibt es mehrere alternative Auffassungen. Im Folgenden ist die Systematik der Chelicerata im klassischen phylogenetischen System nach Weygoldt und Paulus (1979) dargestellt:

Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse innerhalb der Chelicerata nach Ballesteros und Sharma (2019).[4]

Asselspinnen (Pycnogonida, Pantopoda)



Pseudoskorpione (Pseudoscorpiones)

Weberknechte (Opiliones)

Walzenspinnen (Solifugae)

Kapuzenspinnen (Ricinulei)

Pfeilschwanzkrebse (Xiphosura)

Webspinnen (Araneae)

Skorpione (Scorpiones)


  • D. T. Anderson: Invertebrate Zoology. 2. Auflage. Oxford Univ. Press, 2001, ISBN 0-19-551368-1, Kap. 14, S. 325.
  • R. S. K. Barnes, P. Calow, P. J. W. Olive, D. W. Golding, J. I. Spicer: The invertebrates - a synthesis. 3. Auflage. Blackwell, 2001, ISBN 0-632-04761-5, Kap. 8.4, S. 174.
  • R. C. Brusca, G. J. Brusca: Invertebrates. 2. Auflage. Sinauer Associates, 2003, ISBN 0-87893-097-3, Kap. 19, S. 653.
  • J. Moore: An Introduction to the Invertebrates. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001, ISBN 0-521-77914-6, Kap. 14, S. 207.
  • E. E. Ruppert, R. S. Fox, R. P. Barnes: Invertebrate Zoology - A functional evolutionary approach. Brooks/Cole, 2004, ISBN 0-03-025982-7, Kap. 18, S. 554.

Wissenschaftliche Literatur

  • U. W. Hwang, M. Friedrich, D Tautz, C. J. Park, W. Kim: Mitochondrial protein phylogeny joins myriapods with chelicerates. In: Nature. 413, 2001, S. 154.
  • P. Weygoldt: Evolution and systematics of the Chelicerata. In: Experimental and Applied Acarology. 22, 1998, S. 63.
  • W. C. Wheeler, C. Y. Hayashi: The phylogeny of the extant chelicerate orders. In: Cladistics. 14, 1998, S. 173.


  1. a b Maximilian J. Telford & Richard H. Thomas: Expression of homeobox genes shows chelicerate arthropods retain their deutocerebral segment. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. Vol. 95, 1998, S. 10671–10675.
  2. Arthur D. Chapman: Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World. 2. Auflage. Report for the Australian Biological Resources Study. Canberra 2009, ISBN 978-0-642-56861-8. (online)
  3. (PDF) Segmentation and tagmosis in Chelicerata. Abgerufen am 26. September 2020 (englisch).
  4. Jesús A. Ballesteros & Prashant P. Sharma: A Critical Appraisal of the Placement of Xiphosura(Chelicerata) with Account of Known Sources of Phylogenetic Error. Systematic Biology, Volume 68, Issue 6, November 2019, S. 896–917, doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syz011


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Kieferklauenträger: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Als Kieferklauenträger, Fühlerlose oder Cheliceraten (Chelicerata) wird eine Gruppe von Gliederfüßern (Arthropoda) bezeichnet, die sich durch den Besitz einer spezifisch umgewandelten Extremität des ersten Kopfsegmentes auszeichnet. Diese als Cheliceren bezeichneten Extremitäten stellen bei ihnen auch die ersten Extremitäten des Körpers dar. Antennen, wie sie bei den Krebstieren und den Tracheentieren vorkommen und den Cheliceren und Pedipalpen homolog sind, fehlen ihnen.

Zu den Cheliceraten gehören weltweit gut 100.000 bekannte Arten, darunter die Pfeilschwanzkrebse und die zu den Spinnentieren gehörenden Skorpione, Webspinnen, Weberknechte und Milben. Auch die ausgestorbenen Seeskorpione, die die größten jemals lebenden Gliederfüßer darstellten, gehören in diese Gruppe. Bis auf die Pfeilschwanzkrebse und die Asselspinnen leben alle rezenten Arten dieser Gruppe auf dem Land oder sind nachträglich wieder ins Wasser gegangen (etwa die Wassermilben oder die Wasserspinne).

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Celiserato ( Língua franca nova )

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La celiseratos es un sufilo de la filo de artropodos, e inclui esta clases:

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Chelicerata ( Japonês )

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Chelicerata inggih punika salah satunggaling subfilum saking kéwan avertebrata ingkang kalebet ing filum Rrthropoda.[1] Subfilum Chelicerata kawangun saking arachnida (mangga lan kalajengking), eurypterids ingkang sampun cures, kaliyan kepiting tapal jaran ingkang taksih dianggep dados fosil ingkang gesang.[1]


  1. Anggadhahi piranti tutuk wujud chelicerata ingkang kawangun saking kalih segmen[2]
  2. Padatanipun gadhah suku ingkang gunggungipun wolu[2]
  3. Tuladha kéwan saking subfilum chelicerata inggih punika mangga, kalajengking, mimi, lan mintuno[2]
  4. Boten gadhah rahang kaliyan antena[3]
  5. Ambegan kanthi cara angsang buku, paru-paru buku, utawi trakea[3]

Sapunika gunggungipun jinis ingkang kawentar taksih gesang lan sampun dipuntemkaken langkung saking 10.000 jinis lan ugi ingkang sampun diparingi nama.[4] Kalebet ing salebetipun jinis ingkang mega-diverse sanget inggih menka Acari lan mangga (Araneae) ingkang sansaya dangu gunggungipun temonan jinis énggal mindhak terus kanthi rikat.[4] sapunika sampun dipuntepangi wonten watawis 2000 jinis fosil Chelicerata lan amèh langkung saking 3/4 gunggungipun inggih punika golongan saking Arachnida.[4]


Fosil-fosil ingkang pinanggih ing sawatawis panggénan migunani sanget kanggé mangertosi umur paling sepuh saking golongan takson satunggal ing golongan Chelicerata, utawi mawi cara wiyaripun sadaya makluk gesang ing bumi punika.[5]

Tuladhanipun, fosil kalajengking pinanggih watawis 430 yuta taun kepengker sanadyan temonan punika saged langkung sepuh saking ingkang dimangertosi sapunika. Saking kasil temonan fosil ing satunggal lapisan tartamtu, saged pikantuk informasi umur saking trah golongan kasebat utawi umur kanca celakipun. Boten mangertos takson gadhah umur langkung enèm utawi sabotenipun sami sepuhipun kaliyan golongan takson ingkang dimangertosi fosilipun wau.[5]

Kanthi studi filogèni ingkang ngrembaka sapunika molekuler utawi pendekatan tradhisional lumantar morfologi, saged ditindakaké satunggaling pendekatan superimposed ing wit filogèni ingkang dipunkasilaken. Saking kasil punika dèrèng saged dimangertosi fosil. Kasil saking kombinasi wit evolusi kaliyan cathetan fosil saged dipun-ginakaken minangka metode kalibrasi molekuler clock ingkang kathah dipun-ginakaken ing pendekatan molekuler. Kajawi minangka piranti kalibrasi, saking kombinasi punika saged dipun-ginakaken kanggé ngira-ngira divergence time kang dikasilaké saka penandha molekuler. Sanadyan kados makaten, pertentangan antawisipun kasil temonan fosil ing satunggaling lapisan stratigrafi lan kasil panggénan takson ing wit filogèni boten saged diindhari.[5]

Minangka tuladhanipun, kalajengking ingkang minangka salah satunggaling takson ingkang paling sepuh ingkang naté pinanggih tanpa rangu-rangu. Ing sawatawis studi ngengingi evolusi Chelicerata, kalajengking inggih punika takson dhasar ingkang paling primitif kaliyan moyang saking sadaya trah ingkang wonten ing golongan Chelicerata. Nanging ing kajian ingkang bènten, golongan kalajengking ingkang dipunyakini minangka golongan paling sepuh malah dados golongan ingkang luwih majeng. Pertentangan kasil kados punika ingkang taksh kathah pinanggih, saéngga kedah kathah panalitiyan babagan data-data ingkang saged ngrampungaken masalah wau.[5]

Ugi pirsani

Cathetan suku

  1. a b Chelicerata(diundhuh 28 Oktober 2012)
  2. a b c Ciri-ciri Chelicerata(dipunundhuh 28 Oktober 2012)
  3. a b Ciri Chelicerata(dipunundhuh 29 Oktober 2012)
  4. a b c [A. Pratiwi, Sri Maryati, Srikini, Suharno, Bambang S.] (2007). BIOLOGI SMA Jilid 1 untuk Kelas X Berdasarkan Standar Isi 2006. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga. ISBN 979-781-726-1. Priksa gandra |author-link1= (pitulung)
  5. a b c d Biotagua.org Sejarah géologi Chelicerata. Diundhuh 19 Fèbruari 2011
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Chelicerata ( Occitano (desde 1500) )

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Classificacion Classica

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Chelicerata ( Tagalo )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Ang subphylum na Chelicerata ay bumubuo sa isa sa mga pangunahing subdibisyon ng philum Arthropoda. Naglalaman ito ng mga crab ng horseshoe, mga spider ng dagat, at mga arachnid (kasama ang mga alakdan at mga gagamba).

Usbong Ang lathalaing ito ay isang usbong. Makatutulong ka sa Wikipedia sa nito.

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Chelicerata ( Escoceses )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

The subphylum (or phylum[1]) Chelicerata (/kəˌlɪsəˈrtə/ or /kəˌlɪsəˈrɑːtə/; New Laitin, frae French chélicère, frae chél "claw, chela" an -cère frae the Greek keras, meanin "horn") constitutes ane o the major subdivisions o the phylum (or superphylum[1]) Arthropoda, an includes horseshae crabs, scorpions, speeders, mites, harvestmen, ticks, an Solifugae.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Margulis, Lynn; Schwartz, Karlene (1998), Five Kingdoms, An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth (third ed.), W.H. Freeman and Company, ISBN 0-7167-3027-8
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Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Escoceses )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

The subphylum (or phylum) Chelicerata (/kəˌlɪsəˈreɪtə/ or /kəˌlɪsəˈrɑːtə/; New Laitin, frae French chélicère, frae chél "claw, chela" an -cère frae the Greek keras, meanin "horn") constitutes ane o the major subdivisions o the phylum (or superphylum) Arthropoda, an includes horseshae crabs, scorpions, speeders, mites, harvestmen, ticks, an Solifugae.

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Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

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 src= Chelicarata

Chelicerata inggih punika salah satunggaling subfilum saking kéwan avertebrata ingkang kalebet ing filum Rrthropoda. Subfilum Chelicerata kawangun saking arachnida (mangga lan kalajengking), eurypterids ingkang sampun cures, kaliyan kepiting tapal jaran ingkang taksih dianggep dados fosil ingkang gesang.

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Keevklauendregers ( Baixo-Saxão )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

As Keevklauendregers oder Cheliceraten (Chelicerata) warrt en Grupp vun Liddfööt (Arthropoda) betekent, de an dat tweete Koppsegment en sünnerlich ümwannelte Extremität wiesen doot. Dat sünd de „Keevklauen“ oder „Chelicere“. Bi de Keevklauendregers sünd dat de eersten Extremitäten an dat ganze Liev, vunwegen dat Föhlspriete bi jem fehlen doot (anners as bi Kreefte un Tracheendeerter).

To de Keevklauendregers höört över de ganze Welt hen bi 60.000 Aarden, dormank de Pielsteertkreeften un de Spinnen. To de Spinnen höört nu wedder de Skorpionen, de Weevspinnen, de Schoosters un de Mieten. Ok de Seeskorpionen, de midderwielen utstorven sünd, höört to düsse Grupp mit to. Dat sünd de gröttsten Liddfööt, de dat jemols geven hett. Bit up de Pielsteertkreeften un de Seespinnen leevt al Aarden vun düsse Grupp up Land, oder sünd vun dat Land ut denn eerst wedder in dat Water „inwannert“. So weer dat bi de Watermieten un bi de Waterspinn.


De Keevklauendregers weert tomeist as Süsterngrupp vun de Mandibeldeerter (Kreeften un Tracheendeerter) ankeken.

De Verwandtschop vun de Keevklauendregers ünner'nanner is wiethen noch nich klaar stellt. Dor warrt noch över streden. Sünnerlich, wat de Asselspinnen angeiht, is gor nich klaar, wo de henhöörn doot, man ok mank de Spinnen warrt de Saak mol so un mol so ankeken. Hier folgt nu dat „klassische“ System vun de Verwandtschop, so as Weygold un Paulus (1979) dat dorstellt hefft. An un for sik warrt dat noch an'n meisten gellen laten.

Keevklauen bi en Weevspinn
Keevklauen vun en Schaapteek (Ixodes ricinus)

De Verwandtschop vun de Keevklauendregers


  • Anderson, DT (2001): Invertebrate Zoology, 2nd Ed., Oxford Univ. Press, Kap. 14, S. 325, ISBN 0-19-551368-1
  • Barnes, RSK, Calow, P., Olive, PJW, Golding, DW, Spicer, JI (2001): The invertebrates - a synthesis, 3rd ed., Blackwell, Kap. 8.4, S. 174, ISBN 0-632-04761-5
  • Brusca, RC, Brusca, GJ (2003): Invertebrates, 2nd Ed., Sinauer Associates, Kap. 19, S. 653, ISBN 0-87893-097-3
  • Moore, J (2001): An Introduction to the Invertebrates, Cambridge Univ. Press, Kap. 14, S. 207, ISBN 0-521-77914-6
  • Ruppert, EE, Fox, RS, Barnes, RP (2004), Invertebrate Zoology - A functional evolutionary approach, Brooks/Cole, Kap. 18, S. 554, ISBN 0-03-025982-7

Wetenschoppliche Literatur

  • Hwang, UW, Friedrich, M, Tautz, D, Park, CJ, Kim, W (2001): Mitochondrial protein phylogeny joins myriapods with chelicerates, Nature 413, S. 154
  • Weygoldt, P (1998): Evolution and systematics of the Chelicerata, Experimental and Applied Acarology, 22, S. 63
  • Wheeler, WC, Hayashi, CY (1998): The phylogeny of the extant chelicerate orders, Cladistics, 14, S. 173
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia emerging languages

Keevklauendregers: Brief Summary ( Baixo-Saxão )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

As Keevklauendregers oder Cheliceraten (Chelicerata) warrt en Grupp vun Liddfööt (Arthropoda) betekent, de an dat tweete Koppsegment en sünnerlich ümwannelte Extremität wiesen doot. Dat sünd de „Keevklauen“ oder „Chelicere“. Bi de Keevklauendregers sünd dat de eersten Extremitäten an dat ganze Liev, vunwegen dat Föhlspriete bi jem fehlen doot (anners as bi Kreefte un Tracheendeerter).

To de Keevklauendregers höört över de ganze Welt hen bi 60.000 Aarden, dormank de Pielsteertkreeften un de Spinnen. To de Spinnen höört nu wedder de Skorpionen, de Weevspinnen, de Schoosters un de Mieten. Ok de Seeskorpionen, de midderwielen utstorven sünd, höört to düsse Grupp mit to. Dat sünd de gröttsten Liddfööt, de dat jemols geven hett. Bit up de Pielsteertkreeften un de Seespinnen leevt al Aarden vun düsse Grupp up Land, oder sünd vun dat Land ut denn eerst wedder in dat Water „inwannert“. So weer dat bi de Watermieten un bi de Waterspinn.

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wikipedia emerging languages

Клештари ( Macedônio )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Поттипот клештари (односно Chelicerata) е древна група на членконоги која ги вклучува и истребените Eurypterida (морски скорпии). Главни карактеристики по кои видовите од овој поттип се разликуваат од останатите членконоги се отсуството на антени и присуството на хелицери (клештовидни структури) како прв пар на екстремитети.

Првите древни клештари најверојатно еволуирале пред околу 600 милиони години. Тие сега се разликуваат од другите членконожни видови по тоа што имаат најмалку шест пара на телесни додатоци: обично четири екстремитети за одење, како и пар на хелицери и пар на педипалпи. Исто така, тие не поседуваат мандибула, немаат антени и телото е поделено на две (а не три) дела, исто како кај Uniramia:

  • прозом (главограден регион) и
  • опистозом (стомачен регион).

Клештарите се обично билатерално симетрични, имаат целосен дигестивен систем, поседуваат унирамни додатоци, имаат неваровников егзоскелет и се гонохористи.

Хелицератите немаат типични вилици за гризење и џвакање, туку ја цицаат храната во течна или полутечна форма. Но, оваа храна може да биде растргана од хелицерите пред ингестијата. Повеќето видови имаат екстерна дигестија, што значи дека тие секретираат дигестивни сокови на храната како што таа се приближува кон устата или инјектираат дигестивни сокови во телото на пленот, по што ја цицаат резултирачката супа.

Вклучувањето на класата Pycnogonida (морски пајаци) во клештарите е генерално прифатено, но не е научно докажано, бидејќи фосилниот фонд за морските пајаци е многу мал и тие многу се разликуваат од другите клештари.

Поттипот на клештари содржи повеќе од 80,000 видови познати на науката, од кои повеќето се арахниди поделени речиси еднакво меѓу пајаците и дерматофагоидите.

Копитести краби (Merostomata) Пајаковидни (Arachnida) Морски пајаци (Pycnogonida) 5 вида 80,000 вида 1,000 вида
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Хелицералуулар ( Quirguiz )

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Nymphon hispidum.

Хелицералуулар (лат. Chelicerata) - омурткасыздардын муунак буттуулар тибинин типчеси. Уз. 0,05 ммден 1,8 ммге чейин (казылып алынгандары) жетет.

Башы менен 6 сегменттүү көкүрөгү биригип, баш-көкүрөк бөлүгүн түзөт. Курсагы 12 сегменттен турат. Баш-көкүрөгүндө 6 жуп буту (хелицералары) - оозунун алды жагында, арт жагында педипальдтар (тинтүүрлөрү) жана 4 жуп басып жүрүүчү буттары бар. Курсагында түрүн өзгөрткөн буттары (бакалоор, өпкө, ж. б.) болот. 2 классы (меростомалар, жөргөмүш сымалдар), 54 миң азыркы жана бир нече мин казылып алынган түрү белгилүү.

Колдонулган адабияттар

  • «Кыргызстан». Улуттук энциклопедия: 7-том / Башкы ред. Ү. А. Асанов. К 97. Б.: «Кыргыз энциклопедиясы» башкы редакциясы, 2015. - 832 б., илл. ISBN 978-9967-14-125-4
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Хелицералуулар: Brief Summary ( Quirguiz )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Nymphon hispidum.

Хелицералуулар (лат. Chelicerata) - омурткасыздардын муунак буттуулар тибинин типчеси. Уз. 0,05 ммден 1,8 ммге чейин (казылып алынгандары) жетет.

Башы менен 6 сегменттүү көкүрөгү биригип, баш-көкүрөк бөлүгүн түзөт. Курсагы 12 сегменттен турат. Баш-көкүрөгүндө 6 жуп буту (хелицералары) - оозунун алды жагында, арт жагында педипальдтар (тинтүүрлөрү) жана 4 жуп басып жүрүүчү буттары бар. Курсагында түрүн өзгөрткөн буттары (бакалоор, өпкө, ж. б.) болот. 2 классы (меростомалар, жөргөмүш сымалдар), 54 миң азыркы жана бир нече мин казылып алынган түрү белгилүү.

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केलीसेराटा ( Hindi )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

केलीसेराटा (Chelicerata) एक प्राणी उपसंघ है जो आर्थ्रोपोडा संघ का एक मुख्य उपविभाग है। इसमें अश्वनाल केकड़ा, समुद्री मकड़ी और अष्टपाद (मसलन बिच्छु और मकड़ी) शामिल हैं।[1][2]

इन्हें भी देखें


  1. Ruppert, E. E.; Fox, R. S.; Barnes, R. D. (2004), Invertebrate Zoology (7th ed.), Brooks/Cole, ISBN 0-03-025982-7
  2. Margulis, Lynn; Schwartz, Karlene (1998), Five Kingdoms, An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth (third ed.), W.H. Freeman and Company, ISBN 0-7167-3027-8
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केलीसेराटा: Brief Summary ( Hindi )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

केलीसेराटा (Chelicerata) एक प्राणी उपसंघ है जो आर्थ्रोपोडा संघ का एक मुख्य उपविभाग है। इसमें अश्वनाल केकड़ा, समुद्री मकड़ी और अष्टपाद (मसलन बिच्छु और मकड़ी) शामिल हैं।

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Chelicerata ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The subphylum Chelicerata (from Neo-Latin, from French chélicère, from Ancient Greek χηλή (khēlḗ) 'claw, chela', and κέρας (kéras) 'horn')[1] constitutes one of the major subdivisions of the phylum Arthropoda. It contains the sea spiders, horseshoe crabs, and arachnids (including harvestmen, scorpions, spiders, solifuges, ticks, and mites, among many others), as well as a number of extinct lineages, such as the eurypterids (sea scorpions) and chasmataspidids.

The Chelicerata originated as marine animals in the Middle Cambrian period; the first confirmed chelicerate fossils, belonging to Sanctacaris, date from 508 million years ago.[2] The surviving marine species include the four species of xiphosurans (horseshoe crabs), and possibly the 1,300 species of pycnogonids (sea spiders), if the latter are indeed chelicerates. On the other hand, there are over 77,000 well-identified species of air-breathing chelicerates, and there may be about 500,000 unidentified species.

Like all arthropods, chelicerates have segmented bodies with jointed limbs, all covered in a cuticle made of chitin and proteins. The chelicerate body plan consists of two tagmata, the prosoma and the opisthosoma, except that mites have lost a visible division between these sections. The chelicerae, which give the group its name, are the only appendages that appear before the mouth. In most sub-groups, they are modest pincers used to feed. However, spiders' chelicerae form fangs that most species use to inject venom into prey. The group has the open circulatory system typical of arthropods, in which a tube-like heart pumps blood through the hemocoel, which is the major body cavity. Marine chelicerates have gills, while the air-breathing forms generally have both book lungs and tracheae. In general, the ganglia of living chelicerates' central nervous systems fuse into large masses in the cephalothorax, but there are wide variations and this fusion is very limited in the Mesothelae, which are regarded as the oldest and most basal group of spiders. Most chelicerates rely on modified bristles for touch and for information about vibrations, air currents, and chemical changes in their environment. The most active hunting spiders also have very acute eyesight.

Chelicerates were originally predators, but the group has diversified to use all the major feeding strategies: predation, parasitism, herbivory, scavenging and eating decaying organic matter. Although harvestmen can digest solid food, the guts of most modern chelicerates are too narrow for this, and they generally liquidize their food by grinding it with their chelicerae and pedipalps and flooding it with digestive enzymes. To conserve water, air-breathing chelicerates excrete waste as solids that are removed from their blood by Malpighian tubules, structures that also evolved independently in insects.[3]

While the marine horseshoe crabs rely on external fertilization, air-breathing chelicerates use internal but usually indirect fertilization. Many species use elaborate courtship rituals to attract mates. Most lay eggs that hatch as what look like miniature adults, but all scorpions and a few species of mites keep the eggs inside their bodies until the young emerge. In most chelicerate species the young have to fend for themselves, but in scorpions and some species of spider the females protect and feed their young.

The evolutionary origins of chelicerates from the early arthropods have been debated for decades. Although there is considerable agreement about the relationships between most chelicerate sub-groups, the inclusion of the Pycnogonida in this taxon has recently been questioned (see below), and the exact position of scorpions is still controversial, though they were long considered the most basal of the arachnids.[4]

Venom has evolved three times in the chelicerates; spiders, scorpions and pseudoscorpions, or four times if the hematophagous secretions produced by ticks are included. In addition there have been undocumented descriptions of venom glands in Solifugae.[5] Chemical defense has been found in whip scorpions, shorttailed whipscorpions, harvestmen, beetle mites and sea spiders.[6][7][8]

Although the venom of a few spider and scorpion species can be very dangerous to humans, medical researchers are investigating the use of these venoms for the treatment of disorders ranging from cancer to erectile dysfunction. The medical industry also uses the blood of horseshoe crabs as a test for the presence of contaminant bacteria. Mites can cause allergies in humans, transmit several diseases to humans and their livestock, and are serious agricultural pests.


Four types of arthropods showing the acron and 9 head and/or body segments. Trilobites and chelicerates are shown with 7 head segments, and crustaceans and tracheates with 5 head segments. Of these, the first head segment of chelicerates and the second head segment of trachates is lost in development. All four start with an acron at the anterior end bearing compound eyes. All have nephridia on some or all head segments, some of which are lost in development in chelicerates. All—other than chelicerates—have antennae on the first head segment, and crustaceans also have antennae on the second head segment. Only chelicerans have chelicera, on the second head segment and first body segment, and pedipalps, on the third body segment. Crustaceans have mandibles on the third head segment and maxillae on each of the fourth and fifth head segments. Trilobites and chelicerates bear legs on all remaining head segments, but crustaceans and tracheates have legs on the anterior body segments.
= acron
= segments contributing to the head
= body segments
x = lost during development
= eyes
O = nephridia lost during development
L = Leg
Mnd = Mandible
Mx = Maxilla
Four types of arthropods showing the acron and 9 head and/or body segments. Trilobites and chelicerates are shown with 7 head segments, and crustaceans and tracheates with 5 head segments. Of these, the first head segment of chelicerates and the second head segment of trachates is lost in development. All four start with an acron at the anterior end bearing compound eyes. All have nephridia on some or all head segments, some of which are lost in development in chelicerates. All—other than chelicerates—have antennae on the first head segment, and crustaceans also have antennae on the second head segment. Only chelicerans have chelicera, on the second head segment and first body segment, and pedipalps, on the third body segment. Crustaceans have mandibles on the third head segment and maxillae on each of the fourth and fifth head segments. Trilobites and chelicerates bear legs on all remaining head segments, but crustaceans and tracheates have legs on the anterior body segments.
Formation of anterior segments across arthropod taxa based on previous hypothesis.[9] Note the antenna-bearing somite 1 was thought to be lost in Chelicerata.
Formation of anterior segments across arthropod taxa based on gene expression and neuroanatomical observations,[10][11] Note the chelicera(Ch) and chelifore(Chf) arose from somite 1 and thus correspond to the first antenna(An/An1) of other arthropods.

Segmentation and cuticle

The Chelicerata are arthropods as they have: segmented bodies with jointed limbs, all covered in a cuticle made of chitin and proteins; heads that are composed of several segments that fuse during the development of the embryo; a much reduced coelom; a hemocoel through which the blood circulates, driven by a tube-like heart.[9] Chelicerates' bodies consist of two tagmata, sets of segments that serve similar functions: the foremost one, called the prosoma or cephalothorax, and the rear tagma is called the opisthosoma or abdomen.[12] However, in the Acari (mites and ticks) there is no visible division between these sections.[13]

The prosoma is formed in the embryo by fusion of the ocular somite (referred as "acron" in previous literatures), which carries the eyes and labrum,[11] with six post-ocular segments (somite 1 to 6),[10] which all have paired appendages. It was previously thought that chelicerates had lost the antennae-bearing somite 1,[14] but later investigations reveal that it is retained and corresponds to a pair of chelicerae or chelifores,[15] small appendages that often form pincers. somite 2 has a pair of pedipalps that in most sub-groups perform sensory functions, while the remaining four cephalothorax segments (somite 4 to 6) have pairs of legs.[10] In basal forms the ocular somite has a pair of compound eyes on the sides and four pigment-cup ocelli ("little eyes") in the middle.[12] The mouth is between somite 1 and 2 (chelicerae and pedipalps).

The opisthosoma consists of thirteen or fewer segments, may or may not end with a telson.[10] In some taxa such as scorpion and eurypterid the opisthosoma divided into two groups, mesosoma and metasoma.[10] The abdominal appendages of modern chelicerates are missing or heavily modified[12] – for example in spiders the remaining appendages form spinnerets that extrude silk,[16] while those of horseshoe crabs (Xiphosura) form gills.[17][10]

Like all arthropods, chelicerates' bodies and appendages are covered with a tough cuticle made mainly of chitin and chemically hardened proteins. Since this cannot stretch, the animals must molt to grow. In other words, they grow new but still soft cuticles, then cast off the old one and wait for the new one to harden. Until the new cuticle hardens the animals are defenseless and almost immobilized.[18]

The large chelicerae of the pterygotid eurypterid Acutiramus cummingsi, with pedipalps undiferentiated from the walking legs
The whip spider Phrynichus phipsoni, with short chelicerae and large specialized pedipalps

Chelicerae and pedipalps

Chelicerae and pedipalps are the two pairs of appendages closest to the mouth; they vary widely in form and function and the consistent difference between them is their position in the embryo and corresponding neurons: chelicerae are deutocerebral and arise from somite 1, ahead of the mouth, while pedipalps are tritocerebral and arise from somite 2, behind the mouth.[12][10][11]

The chelicerae ("claw horns") that give the sub-phylum its name normally consist of three sections, and the claw is formed by the third section and a rigid extension of the second.[12][19] However, spiders' have only two sections, and the second forms a fang that folds away behind the first when not in use.[16] The relative sizes of chelicerae vary widely: those of some fossil eurypterids and modern harvestmen form large claws that extended ahead of the body,[19] while scorpions' are tiny pincers that are used in feeding and project only slightly in front of the head.[20]

In basal chelicerates, the pedipalps are unspecialized and subequal to the posterior pairs of walking legs.[10] However, in sea spider and arachnids, the pedipalps are more or less specialized for sensory[12] or prey-catching function[10] – for example scorpions have pincers[20] and male spiders have bulbous tips that act as syringes to inject sperm into the females' reproductive openings when mating.[16]

Nervous system
Digestive & excretory
Circulatory system
Respiratory system
Reproductive system
4 Pumping stomach
5 Forward aorta branch
6 Digestive cecum
8 Midgut
10 Stercoral pocket
11 Rear aorta
15 Ovary (female)
18 Legs
Spider's main organs[21]

Body cavities and circulatory systems

As in all arthropods, the chelicerate body has a very small coelom restricted to small areas round the reproductive and excretory systems. The main body cavity is a hemocoel that runs most of the length of the body and through which blood flows, driven by a tubular heart that collects blood from the rear and pumps it forward. Although arteries direct the blood to specific parts of the body, they have open ends rather than joining directly to veins, and chelicerates therefore have open circulatory systems as is typical for arthropods.[22]

Respiratory systems

These depend on individual sub-groups' environments. Modern terrestrial chelicerates generally have both book lungs, which deliver oxygen and remove waste gases via the blood, and tracheae, which do the same without using the blood as a transport system.[23] The living horseshoe crabs are aquatic and have book gills that lie in a horizontal plane. For a long time it was assumed that the extinct eurypterids had gills, but the fossil evidence was ambiguous. However, a fossil of the 45 millimetres (1.8 in) long eurypterid Onychopterella, from the Late Ordovician period, has what appear to be four pairs of vertically oriented book gills whose internal structure is very similar to that of scorpions' book lungs.[24]

Feeding and digestion

The guts of most modern chelicerates are too narrow to take solid food.[23] All scorpions and almost all spiders are predators that "pre-process" food in preoral cavities formed by the chelicerae and the bases of the pedipalps.[16][20] However, one predominantly herbivore spider species is known,[25] and many supplement their diets with nectar and pollen.[26] Many of the Acari (ticks and mites) are blood-sucking parasites, but there are many predatory, herbivore and scavenger sub-groups. All the Acari have a retractable feeding assembly that consists of the chelicerae, pedipalps and parts of the exoskeleton, and which forms a preoral cavity for pre-processing food.[13]

Harvestmen are among the minority of living chelicerates that can take solid food, and the group includes predators, herbivores and scavengers.[27] Horseshoe crabs are also capable of processing solid food, and use a distinctive feeding system. Claws at the tips of their legs grab small invertebrates and pass them to a food groove that runs from between the rearmost legs to the mouth, which is on the underside of the head and faces slightly backwards. The bases of the legs form toothed gnathobases that both grind the food and push it towards the mouth.[17] This is how the earliest arthropods are thought to have fed.[28]


Horseshoe crabs convert nitrogenous wastes to ammonia and dump it via their gills, and excrete other wastes as feces via the anus. They also have nephridia ("little kidneys"), which extract other wastes for excretion as urine.[17] Ammonia is so toxic that it must be diluted rapidly with large quantities of water.[29] Most terrestrial chelicerates cannot afford to use so much water and therefore convert nitrogenous wastes to other chemicals, which they excrete as dry matter. Extraction is by various combinations of nephridia and Malpighian tubules. The tubules filter wastes out of the blood and dump them into the hindgut as solids, a system that has evolved independently in insects and several groups of arachnids.[23]

Nervous system

Chelicerate nervous systems are based on the standard arthropod model of a pair of nerve cords, each with a ganglion per segment, and a brain formed by fusion of the ganglia just behind the mouth with those ahead of it.[30] If one assume that chelicerates lose the first segment, which bears antennae in other arthropods, chelicerate brains include only one pair of pre-oral ganglia instead of two.[12] However, there is evidence that the first segment is indeed available and bears the cheliceres.[31][15]

There is a notable but variable trend towards fusion of other ganglia into the brain. The brains of horseshoe crabs include all the ganglia of the prosoma plus those of the first two opisthosomal segments, while the other opisthosomal segments retain separate pairs of ganglia.[17] In most living arachnids, except scorpions if they are true arachnids, all the ganglia, including those that would normally be in the opisthosoma, are fused into a single mass in the prosoma and there are no ganglia in the opisthosoma.[23] However, in the Mesothelae, which are regarded as the most basal living spiders, the ganglia of the opisthosoma and the rear part of the prosoma remain unfused,[32] and in scorpions the ganglia of the cephalothorax are fused but the abdomen retains separate pairs of ganglia.[23]


As with other arthropods, chelicerates' cuticles would block out information about the outside world, except that they are penetrated by many sensors or connections from sensors to the nervous system. In fact, spiders and other arthropods have modified their cuticles into elaborate arrays of sensors. Various touch and vibration sensors, mostly bristles called setae, respond to different levels of force, from strong contact to very weak air currents. Chemical sensors provide equivalents of taste and smell, often by means of setae.[33]

Living chelicerates have both compound eyes (only in horseshoe crabs, as the compound eye in the other clades has been reduced to a cluster of no more than five pairs of ocelli), mounted on the sides of the head, plus pigment-cup ocelli ("little eyes"), mounted in the middle. These median ocelli-type eyes in chelicerates are assumed to be homologous with the crustacean nauplius eyes and the insect ocelli.[34] The eyes of horseshoe crabs can detect movement but not form images.[17] At the other extreme, jumping spiders have a very wide field of vision,[16] and their main eyes are ten times as acute as those of dragonflies,[35] able to see in both colors and UV-light.[36]


Female scorpion Vaejovis cashi carrying its young (white)

Horseshoe crabs use external fertilization; the sperm and ova meet outside the parents' bodies. Despite being aquatic, they spawn on land in the intertidal zone on the beach.[37] The female digs a depression in the wet sand, where she will release her eggs. The male, usually more than one, then releases his sperm onto them.[38] Their trilobite-like larvae look rather like miniature adults as they have full sets of appendages and eyes, but initially they have only two pairs of book-gills and gain three more pairs as they molt.[17]

Also the sea spiders have external fertilization. The male and female release their sperm and eggs into the water where fertilization occurs. The male then collects the eggs and carries them around under his body.[39]

Being air-breathing animals, although many mites have become secondary aquatic,[40] the arachnids use internal fertilization. Except for opiliones and some mites, where the male have a penis used for direct fertilization,[41] fertilization in arachnids is indirect. Indirect fertilization happens in two ways; the male deposit his spermatophore (package of sperm) on the ground, which is then picked up by the female. Or the male store his sperm in appendages modified into sperm transfer organs, such as the pedipalps in male spiders, which is inserted into the female genital openings during copulation.[16] Courtship rituals are common, especially in species where the male risk being eaten before mating. Most arachnids lay eggs, but all scorpions and some mites are viviparous, giving birth to live young (even more mites are ovoviviparous, but most are oviparous).[42][43][44][45] Female pseudoscorpions carry their eggs in a brood pouch on the belly, where the growing embryos feeds on a nutritive fluid provided by the mother during development, and are therefore matrotrophic.[46]

Levels of parental care for the young range from zero to prolonged. Scorpions carry their young on their backs until the first molt, and in a few semi-social species the young remain with their mother.[47] Some spiders care for their young, for example a wolf spider's brood cling to rough bristles on the mother's back,[16] and females of some species respond to the "begging" behavior of their young by giving them their prey, provided it is no longer struggling, or even regurgitate food.[48]

Evolutionary history

Fossil record

There are large gaps in the chelicerates' fossil record because, like all arthropods, their exoskeletons are organic and hence their fossils are rare except in a few lagerstätten where conditions were exceptionally suited to preserving fairly soft tissues. The Burgess shale animals like Sidneyia from about 505 million years ago have been classified as chelicerates, the latter because its appendages resemble those of the Xiphosura (horseshoe crabs). However, cladistic analyses that consider wider ranges of characteristics place neither as chelicerates. There is debate about whether Fuxianhuia from earlier in the Cambrian period, about 525 million years ago, was a chelicerate. Another Cambrian fossil, Kodymirus, was originally classified as an aglaspid but may have been a eurypterid and therefore a chelicerate. If any of these was closely related to chelicerates, there is a gap of at least 43 million years in the record between true chelicerates and their nearest not-quite chelicerate relatives.[49]

Reconstruction of Mollisonia plenovenatrix, the oldest known arthropod with confirmed chelicerae

Sanctacaris, member of the family Sanctacarididae from the Burgess Shale of Canada, represents the oldest occurrence of a confirmed chelicerate, Middle Cambrian in age.[2] Although its chelicerate nature has been doubted for its pattern of tagmosis (how the segments are grouped, especially in the head),[49] a restudy in 2014 confirmed its phylogenetic position as the oldest chelicerate.[2] Another fossil of the site, Mollisonia, is considered a basal chelicerate and it has the oldest known chelicerae and proto-book gills.[50]

Holotype of the xiphosuran Lunataspis aurora

The eurypterids have left few good fossils and one of the earliest confirmed eurypterid, Pentecopterus decorahensis, appears in the Middle Ordovician period 467.3 million years ago, making it the oldest eurypterid.[51] Until recently the earliest known xiphosuran fossil dated from the Late Llandovery stage of the Silurian 436 to 428 million years ago,[52] but in 2008 an older specimen described as Lunataspis aurora was reported from about 445 million years ago in the Late Ordovician.[53]

The oldest known arachnid is the trigonotarbid Palaeotarbus jerami, from about 420 million years ago in the Silurian period, and had a triangular cephalothorax and segmented abdomen, as well as eight legs and a pair of pedipalps.[54]

Attercopus fimbriunguis, from 386 million years ago in the Devonian period, bears the earliest known silk-producing spigots, and was therefore hailed as a spider,[55] but it lacked spinnerets and hence was not a true spider.[56] Rather, it was likely sister group to the spiders, a clade which has been named Serikodiastida.[57] Close relatives of the group survived through to the Cretaceous Period.[58] Several Carboniferous spiders were members of the Mesothelae, a basal group now represented only by the Liphistiidae,[55] and fossils suggest taxa closely related to the spiders, but which were not true members of the group were also present during this Period.[59]

The Late Silurian Proscorpius has been classified as a scorpion, but differed significantly from modern scorpions: it appears wholly aquatic since it had gills rather than book lungs or tracheae; its mouth was completely under its head and almost between the first pair of legs, as in the extinct eurypterids and living horseshoe crabs.[60] Fossils of terrestrial scorpions with book lungs have been found in Early Devonian rocks from about 402 million years ago.[61] The oldest species of scorpion found as of 2021 is Dolichophonus loudonensis, which lived during the Silurian, in present-day Scotland.[62]

Relationships with other arthropods

A recent view of chelicerate phylogeny[63]
A "traditional" view of chelicerate phylogeny[64][65]

The "traditional" view of the arthropod "family tree" shows chelicerates as less closely related to the other major living groups (crustaceans; hexapods, which includes insects; and myriapods, which includes centipedes and millipedes) than these other groups are to each other. Recent research since 2001, using both molecular phylogenetics (the application of cladistic analysis to biochemistry, especially to organisms' DNA and RNA) and detailed examination of how various arthropods' nervous systems develop in the embryos, suggests that chelicerates are most closely related to myriapods, while hexapods and crustaceans are each other's closest relatives. However, these results are derived from analyzing only living arthropods, and including extinct ones such as trilobites causes a swing back to the "traditional" view, placing trilobites as the sister-group of the Tracheata (hexapods plus myriapods) and chelicerates as least closely related to the other groups.[66]

Major sub-groups


Xiphosura (horseshoe crabs) Limulus polyphemus (aquarium) (white background).jpg

Eurypterida Eurypterus Paleoart (no background).png

Chasmataspidida 20200606 Chasmataspis laurencii.png


Scorpiones Buthus mariefranceae (10.3897-zookeys.686.12206) Figure 1.jpg

Opiliones (harvestmen) Phalangium opilio 2 (Nemo5576) (white background).jpg

Pseudoscorpiones Neobisium sylvaticum 03.png

Solifugae (sun spiders) Ammotrecha itzaana 4414721993.png

Palpigradi (microwhip scorpions) Live Eukoenenia spelaea in its cave habitat (no background).png

Trigonotarbida 20201202 Trigonotarbus johnsoni.png

Araneae (spiders) Aptostichus simus Monterey County.jpg

Haptopoda 20200823 Plesiosiro madeleyi.png

Amblypygi (whip spiders) Flickr - ggallice - Tailless whip-scorpion, La Muerta.png

Uropygi (whip scorpions) Whip Scorpion body (9672115742) (white background).png

Schizomida Brignolizomus woodwardi 175486060.jpg

Ricinulei (hooded tickspiders) Ricinulei from Fernandez & Giribet (2015).png

Anactinotrichida Ixodes scapularis P1170301a (white background).png

Acariformes (mites) Rote Samtmilbe Namibia.png

Shultz (2007)'s evolutionary family tree of arachnids[67] marks extinct groups.

It is generally agreed that the Chelicerata contain the classes Arachnida (spiders, scorpions, mites, etc.), Xiphosura (horseshoe crabs) and Eurypterida (sea scorpions, extinct).[67] The extinct Chasmataspidida may be a sub-group within Eurypterida.[67][68] The Pycnogonida (sea spiders) were traditionally classified as chelicerates, but some features suggest they may be representatives of the earliest arthropods from which the well-known groups such as chelicerates evolved.[69]

However, the structure of "family tree" relationships within the Chelicerata has been controversial ever since the late 19th century. An attempt in 2002 to combine analysis of RNA features of modern chelicerates and anatomical features of modern and fossil ones produced credible results for many lower-level groups, but its results for the high-level relationships between major sub-groups of chelicerates were unstable, in other words minor changes in the inputs caused significant changes in the outputs of the computer program used (POY).[70] An analysis in 2007 using only anatomical features produced the cladogram on the right, but also noted that many uncertainties remain.[71] In recent analyses the clade Tetrapulmonata is reliably recovered, but other ordinal relationships remain in flux.[58][72][59][73][74][75][76]

The position of scorpions is particularly controversial. Some early fossils such as the Late Silurian Proscorpius have been classified by paleontologists as scorpions, but described as wholly aquatic as they had gills rather than book lungs or tracheae. Their mouths are also completely under their heads and almost between the first pair of legs, as in the extinct eurypterids and living horseshoe crabs.[60] This presents a difficult choice: classify Proscorpius and other aquatic fossils as something other than scorpions, despite the similarities; accept that "scorpions" are not monophyletic but consist of separate aquatic and terrestrial groups;[60] or treat scorpions as more closely related to eurypterids and possibly horseshoe crabs than to spiders and other arachnids,[24] so that either scorpions are not arachnids or "arachnids" are not monophyletic.[60] Cladistic analyses have recovered Proscorpius within the scorpions,[57] based on reinterpretation of the species' breathing apparatus.[77] This is reflected also in the reinterpretation of Palaeoscorpius as a terrestrial animal.[78]

A 2013 phylogenetic analysis[79] (the results presented in a cladogram below) on the relationships within the Xiphosura and the relations to other closely related groups (including the eurypterids, which were represented in the analysis by genera Eurypterus, Parastylonurus, Rhenopterus and Stoermeropterus) concluded that the Xiphosura, as presently understood, was paraphyletic (a group sharing a last common ancestor but not including all descendants of this ancestor) and thus not a valid phylogenetic group. Eurypterids were recovered as closely related to arachnids instead of xiphosurans, forming the group Sclerophorata within the clade Dekatriata (composed of sclerophorates and chasmataspidids). This work suggested it is possible that Dekatriata is synonymous with Sclerophorata as the reproductive system, the primary defining feature of sclerophorates, has not been thoroughly studied in chasmataspidids. Dekatriata is in turn part of the Prosomapoda, a group including the Xiphosurida (the only monophyletic xiphosuran group) and other stem-genera. A recent phylogenetic analysis of the chelicerates places the Xiphosura within the Arachnida as the sister group of Ricinulei.,[76] but others still retrieve a monophyletic arachnida.[80]











Chelicerata Pycnogonida































Although well behind the insects, chelicerates are one of the most diverse groups of animals, with over 77,000 living species that have been described in scientific publications.[81] Some estimates suggest that there may be 130,000 undescribed species of spider and nearly 500,000 undescribed species of mites and ticks.[82] While the earliest chelicerates and the living Pycnogonida (if they are chelicerates[69]) and Xiphosura are marine animals that breathe dissolved oxygen, the vast majority of living species are air-breathers,[81] although a few spider species build "diving bell" webs that enable them to live under water.[83] Like their ancestors, most living chelicerates are carnivores, mainly on small invertebrates. However, many species feed as parasites, herbivores, scavengers and detritivores.[13][27][81]

Interaction with humans

A microscopic mite Lorryia formosa.

In the past, Native Americans ate the flesh of horseshoe crabs, and used the tail spines as spear tips and the shells to bail water out of their canoes. More recent attempts to use horseshoe crabs as food for livestock were abandoned when it was found that this gave the meat a bad taste. Horseshoe crab blood contains a clotting agent, limulus amebocyte lysate, which is used to test antibiotics and kidney machines to ensure that they are free of dangerous bacteria, and to detect spinal meningitis and some cancers.[89]

Cooked tarantula spiders are considered a delicacy in Cambodia,[90] and by the Piaroa Indians of southern Venezuela.[91] Spider venoms may be a less polluting alternative to conventional pesticides as they are deadly to insects but the great majority are harmless to vertebrates.[92] Possible medical uses for spider venoms are being investigated, for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia,[93] Alzheimer's disease,[94] strokes,[95] and erectile dysfunction.[96]

Because spider silk is both light and very strong, but large-scale harvesting from spiders is impractical, work is being done to produce it in other organisms by means of genetic engineering.[97] Spider silk proteins have been successfully produced in transgenic goats' milk,[98] tobacco leaves,[99] silkworms,[100][101][102] and bacteria,[97][103][104] and recombinant spider silk is now available as a commercial product from some biotechnology companies.[102]

In the 20th century, there were about 100 reliably reported deaths from spider bites,[105] compared with 1,500 from jellyfish stings.[106] Scorpion stings are thought to be a significant danger in less-developed countries; for example, they cause about 1,000 deaths per year in Mexico, but only one every few years in the USA. Most of these incidents are caused by accidental human "invasions" of scorpions' nests.[107] On the other hand, medical uses of scorpion venom are being investigated for treatment of brain cancers and bone diseases.[108][109]

Ticks are parasitic, and some transmit micro-organisms and parasites that can cause diseases in humans, while the saliva of a few species can directly cause tick paralysis if they are not removed within a day or two.[110]

A few of the closely related mites also infest humans, some causing intense itching by their bites, and others by burrowing into the skin. Species that normally infest other animals such as rodents may infest humans if their normal hosts are eliminated.[111] Three species of mite are a threat to honey bees and one of these, Varroa destructor, has become the largest single problem faced by beekeepers worldwide.[112] Mites cause several forms of allergic diseases, including hay fever, asthma and eczema, and they aggravate atopic dermatitis.[113] Mites are also significant crop pests, although predatory mites may be useful in controlling some of these.[81][114]

See also


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  6. ^ Ecdysteroids from Pycnogonum litorale (Arthropoda, Pantopoda) act as chemical defense against Carcinus maenas (Crustacea, Decapoda)
  7. ^ Gnaspini, Pedro; Hara, Marcos R. (2007). "Defense Mechanisms". In Pinto-da-Rocha, Ricardo; Machado, Glauco; Giribet, Gonzalo (eds.). Harvestmen: The Biology of Opiliones. Harvard University Press. p. 382. ISBN 9780674023437.
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  37. ^ Nest-Site Selection in the Horseshoe Crab, Limulus polyphemus
  38. ^ Millions of horseshoe crabs spawn on the shores of Delaware Bay each year. Here’s how to see them.
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  41. ^ Functional Morphology and Diversity
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  51. ^ Lamsdell, James C.; Briggs, Derek E. G.; Liu, Huaibao; Witzke, Brian J.; McKay, Robert M. (2015), "The oldest described eurypterid: a giant Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) megalograptid from the Winneshiek Lagerstätte of Iowa", BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15: 169, doi:10.1186/s12862-015-0443-9, PMC 4556007, PMID 26324341
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  54. ^ Dunlop, J.A. (September 1996), "A trigonotarbid arachnid from the Upper Silurian of Shropshire" (PDF), Palaeontology, 39 (3): 605–614, archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-12-16, retrieved 2008-10-12 The fossil was originally named Eotarbus but was renamed when it was realized that a Carboniferous arachnid had already been named Eotarbus: Dunlop, J.A. (1999), "A replacement name for the trigonotarbid arachnid Eotarbus Dunlop", Palaeontology, 42 (1): 191, doi:10.1111/1475-4983.00068, S2CID 83825904
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  57. ^ a b Garwood, Russell J.; Dunlop, Jason A. (2014). "Three-dimensional reconstruction and the phylogeny of extinct chelicerate orders". PeerJ. 2: e641. doi:10.7717/peerj.641. PMC 4232842. PMID 25405073.
  58. ^ a b Wang, Bo; Dunlop, Jason A.; Selden, Paul A.; Garwood, Russell J.; Shear, William A.; Müller, Patrick; Lei, Xiaojie (2018). "Cretaceous arachnid Chimerarachne yingi gen. et sp. nov. illuminates spider origins". Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2 (4): 614–622. doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0449-3. ISSN 2397-334X. PMID 29403075. S2CID 4239867.
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  60. ^ a b c d Weygoldt, P. (February 1998), "Evolution and systematics of the Chelicerata", Experimental and Applied Acarology, 22 (2): 63–79, doi:10.1023/A:1006037525704, S2CID 35595726
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  63. ^ Giribet G, Edgecombe G (April 2013). "The Arthropoda: A Phylogenetic Framework". Arthropod Biology and Evolution: 17–40. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36160-9_2. ISBN 978-3-642-36159-3.
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  65. ^ Giribet G, Ribera C (2000). "A Review of Arthropod Phylogeny: New Data Based on Ribosomal DNA Sequences and Direct Character Optimization". Cladistics. 16 (2): 204–231. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2000.tb00353.x. PMID 34902954. S2CID 84370269.
  66. ^ Jenner, R.A. (2006), "Challenging received wisdoms: Some contributions of the new microscopy to the new animal phylogeny", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 46 (2): 93–103, doi:10.1093/icb/icj014, PMID 21672726
  67. ^ a b c Schultz, J.W. (2007), "A phylogenetic analysis of the arachnid orders based on morphological characters", Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 150 (2): 221–265, doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2007.00284.x
  68. ^ O. Tetlie, E.; Braddy, S.J. (2003), "The first Silurian chasmataspid, Loganamaraspis dunlopi gen. et sp. nov. (Chelicerata: Chasmataspidida) from Lesmahagow, Scotland, and its implications for eurypterid phylogeny", Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94 (3): 227–234, doi:10.1017/S0263593300000638, S2CID 73596575
  69. ^ a b Poschmann, M.; Dunlop, J.A. (2006), "A New Sea Spider (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) with a Flagelliform Telson from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate, Germany", Palaeontology, 49 (5): 983–989, doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2006.00583.x
  70. ^ Gonzalo Giribet G., Edgecombe, G.D., Wheeler, W.C., and Babbitt, C. (2002), "Phylogeny and Systematic Position of Opiliones: A Combined Analysis of Chelicerate Relationships Using Morphological and Molecular Data", Cladistics, 18 (1): 5–70, doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2002.tb00140.x, PMID 14552352, S2CID 16833833{{citation}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  71. ^ Shultz, J.W. (2007), "A phylogenetic analysis of the arachnid orders based on morphological characters", Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 150 (2): 221–265, doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2007.00284.x
  72. ^ Garwood, Russell J.; Dunlop, Jason A.; Knecht, Brian J.; Hegna, Thomas A. (2017). "The phylogeny of fossil whip spiders". BMC Evolutionary Biology. 17 (1): 105. doi:10.1186/s12862-017-0931-1. ISSN 1471-2148. PMC 5399839. PMID 28431496.
  73. ^ Garwood, Russell J.; Dunlop, Jason (2014). "Three-dimensional reconstruction and the phylogeny of extinct chelicerate orders". PeerJ. 2: e641. doi:10.7717/peerj.641. ISSN 2167-8359. PMC 4232842. PMID 25405073.
  74. ^ Giribet, Gonzalo (2018). "Current views on chelicerate phylogeny—A tribute to Peter Weygoldt". Zoologischer Anzeiger. 273: 7–13. doi:10.1016/j.jcz.2018.01.004. ISSN 0044-5231. S2CID 90344977.
  75. ^ Sharma, Prashant P.; Kaluziak, Stefan T.; Pérez-Porro, Alicia R.; González, Vanessa L.; Hormiga, Gustavo; Wheeler, Ward C.; Giribet, Gonzalo (2014). "Phylogenomic Interrogation of Arachnida Reveals Systemic Conflicts in Phylogenetic Signal". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 31 (11): 2963–2984. doi:10.1093/molbev/msu235. ISSN 1537-1719. PMID 25107551.
  76. ^ a b Ballesteros, Jesús A; Sharma, Prashant P; Halanych, Ken (2019). "A Critical Appraisal of the Placement of Xiphosura (Chelicerata) with Account of Known Sources of Phylogenetic Error". Systematic Biology. 68 (6): 896–917. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syz011. ISSN 1063-5157. PMID 30917194.
  77. ^ Jason A. Dunlop; O. Erik Tetlie; Lorenzo Prendini (2008). "Reinterpretation of the Silurian scorpion Proscorpius osborni (Whitfield): integrating data from Palaeozoic and recent scorpions". Palaeontology. 51 (2): 303–320. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2007.00749.x. S2CID 53521811.
  78. ^ G. Kühl; A. Bergmann; J. Dunlop; R. J. Garwood; J. Rust (2012). "Redescription and palaeobiology of Palaeoscorpius devonicus Lehmann, 1944 from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate of Germany". Palaeontology. 55 (4): 775–787. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2012.01152.x.
  79. ^ Lamsdell, James C. (2013-01-01). "Revised systematics of Palaeozoic 'horseshoe crabs' and the myth of monophyletic Xiphosura". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 167 (1): 1–27. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00874.x. ISSN 0024-4082.
  80. ^ Lozano-Fernandez, Jesus; Tanner, Alastair R.; Giacomelli, Mattia; Carton, Robert; Vinther, Jakob; Edgecombe, Gregory D.; Pisani, Davide (2019). "Increasing species sampling in chelicerate genomic-scale datasets provides support for monophyly of Acari and Arachnida". Nature Communications. 10 (1): 2295. Bibcode:2019NatCo..10.2295L. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10244-7. ISSN 2041-1723. PMC 6534568. PMID 31127117.
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  87. ^ Ruppert, Fox & Barnes 2004, pp. 586–588
  88. ^ Harvey, M.S. (2002), "The Neglected Cousins: What do we Know about the Smaller Arachnid Orders?" (PDF), Journal of Arachnology, 30 (2): 357–372, doi:10.1636/0161-8202(2002)030[0357:TNCWDW]2.0.CO;2, ISSN 0161-8202, S2CID 59047074, archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-12-13, retrieved 2008-10-26
  89. ^ Heard, W. (2008), Coast (PDF), University of South Florida, ISBN 978-1-59874-147-6, archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-02-19, retrieved 2008-08-25
  90. ^ Ray, N. (2002), Lonely Planet Cambodia, Lonely Planet Publications, p. 308, ISBN 978-1-74059-111-9
  91. ^ Weil, C. (2006), Fierce Food, Plume, ISBN 978-0-452-28700-6, archived from the original on 2011-05-11, retrieved 2008-10-03
  92. ^ Spider Venom Could Yield Eco-Friendly Insecticides, National Science Foundation (USA), retrieved 2008-10-11
  93. ^ Novak, K. (2001), "Spider venom helps hearts keep their rhythm", Nature Medicine, 7 (155): 155, doi:10.1038/84588, PMID 11175840, S2CID 12556102
  94. ^ Lewis, R.J.; Garcia, M.L. (October 2003), "Therapeutic potential of venom peptides", Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 2 (10): 790–802, doi:10.1038/nrd1197, PMID 14526382, S2CID 1348177
  95. ^ Bogin, O. (Spring 2005), "Venom Peptides and their Mimetics as Potential Drugs" (PDF), Modulator (19), archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-12-09, retrieved 2008-10-11
  96. ^ Andrade, E.; Villanova, F.; Borra, P.; et al. (June 2008), "Penile erection induced in vivo by a purified toxin from the Brazilian spider Phoneutria nigriventer", British Journal of Urology International, 102 (7): 835–837, doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.07762.x, PMID 18537953, S2CID 24771127
  97. ^ a b Robitzski, Dan (2019-04-02). "Scientists gene-hacked bacteria to make bullet-proof spider silk". futurism.com. Retrieved 2019-06-08.
  98. ^ Hinman, M.B., Jones J.A., and Lewis, R.W. (September 2000), "Synthetic spider silk: a modular fiber" (PDF), Trends in Biotechnology, 18 (9): 374–379, CiteSeerX, doi:10.1016/S0167-7799(00)01481-5, PMID 10942961, archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-12-16, retrieved 2008-10-19{{citation}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  99. ^ Menassa, R.; Zhu, H.; Karatzas, C.N.; Lazaris, A.; Richman, A. & Brandle, J. (June 2004), "Spider dragline silk proteins in transgenic tobacco leaves: accumulation and field production", Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2 (5): 431–438, doi:10.1111/j.1467-7652.2004.00087.x, PMID 17168889
  100. ^ Kojima, Katsura; Tamada, Yasushi; Nakajima, Ken-ichi; Sezutsu, Hideki; Kuwana, Yoshihiko (2014-08-27). "High-Toughness Silk Produced by a Transgenic Silkworm Expressing Spider (Araneus ventricosus) Dragline Silk Protein". PLOS ONE. 9 (8): e105325. Bibcode:2014PLoSO...9j5325K. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105325. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 4146547. PMID 25162624.
  101. ^ Yirka, Bob (2018-08-07). "Gene editing technique allows silkworms to produce spider silk". Phys.org. Retrieved 2019-06-08.
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  103. ^ Jefferson, Brandie (2018-08-21). "Engineering scientists use bacteria to create biosynthetic silk threads stronger and more tensile than before". phys.org. Retrieved 2019-06-08.
  104. ^ Rehm, Jeremy (2019-05-01). "Bacteria can be coaxed into making the toughest kind of spider silk". Science News. Retrieved 2019-06-08.
  105. ^ Diaz, J.H. (August 1, 2004), "The Global Epidemiology, Syndromic Classification, Management, and Prevention of Spider Bites", American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 71 (2): 239–250, doi:10.4269/ajtmh.2004.71.2.0700239, PMID 15306718, retrieved 2008-10-11
  106. ^ Williamson, J.A.; Fenner, P.J.; Burnett, J.W. & Rifkin, J. (1996), Venomous and Poisonous Marine Animals: A Medical and Biological Handbook, UNSW Press, pp. 65–68, ISBN 978-0-86840-279-6, retrieved 2008-10-03
  107. ^ Cheng, D.; Dattaro, J.A. & Yakobi, R., Scorpion Sting, WebMD, retrieved 2008-10-25
  108. ^ "'Scorpion venom' attacks tumours", BBC News, 2006-07-30, retrieved 2008-10-25
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  110. ^ Goodman, Jesse L.; Dennis, David Tappen; Sonenshine, Daniel E. (2005), Tick-borne diseases of humans, ASM Press, p. 114, ISBN 978-1-55581-238-6, retrieved 29 March 2010
  111. ^ Potter, M.F., Parasitic Mites of Humans, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, retrieved 2008-10-25
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  114. ^ Osakabe, M. (2002), "Which predatory mite can control both a dominant mite pest, Tetranychus urticae, and a latent mite pest, Eotetranychus asiaticus, on strawberry?", Experimental & Applied Acarology, 26 (3–4): 219–230, doi:10.1023/A:1021116121604, PMID 12542009, S2CID 10823576
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Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The subphylum Chelicerata (from Neo-Latin, from French chélicère, from Ancient Greek χηλή (khēlḗ) 'claw, chela', and κέρας (kéras) 'horn') constitutes one of the major subdivisions of the phylum Arthropoda. It contains the sea spiders, horseshoe crabs, and arachnids (including harvestmen, scorpions, spiders, solifuges, ticks, and mites, among many others), as well as a number of extinct lineages, such as the eurypterids (sea scorpions) and chasmataspidids.

The Chelicerata originated as marine animals in the Middle Cambrian period; the first confirmed chelicerate fossils, belonging to Sanctacaris, date from 508 million years ago. The surviving marine species include the four species of xiphosurans (horseshoe crabs), and possibly the 1,300 species of pycnogonids (sea spiders), if the latter are indeed chelicerates. On the other hand, there are over 77,000 well-identified species of air-breathing chelicerates, and there may be about 500,000 unidentified species.

Like all arthropods, chelicerates have segmented bodies with jointed limbs, all covered in a cuticle made of chitin and proteins. The chelicerate body plan consists of two tagmata, the prosoma and the opisthosoma, except that mites have lost a visible division between these sections. The chelicerae, which give the group its name, are the only appendages that appear before the mouth. In most sub-groups, they are modest pincers used to feed. However, spiders' chelicerae form fangs that most species use to inject venom into prey. The group has the open circulatory system typical of arthropods, in which a tube-like heart pumps blood through the hemocoel, which is the major body cavity. Marine chelicerates have gills, while the air-breathing forms generally have both book lungs and tracheae. In general, the ganglia of living chelicerates' central nervous systems fuse into large masses in the cephalothorax, but there are wide variations and this fusion is very limited in the Mesothelae, which are regarded as the oldest and most basal group of spiders. Most chelicerates rely on modified bristles for touch and for information about vibrations, air currents, and chemical changes in their environment. The most active hunting spiders also have very acute eyesight.

Chelicerates were originally predators, but the group has diversified to use all the major feeding strategies: predation, parasitism, herbivory, scavenging and eating decaying organic matter. Although harvestmen can digest solid food, the guts of most modern chelicerates are too narrow for this, and they generally liquidize their food by grinding it with their chelicerae and pedipalps and flooding it with digestive enzymes. To conserve water, air-breathing chelicerates excrete waste as solids that are removed from their blood by Malpighian tubules, structures that also evolved independently in insects.

While the marine horseshoe crabs rely on external fertilization, air-breathing chelicerates use internal but usually indirect fertilization. Many species use elaborate courtship rituals to attract mates. Most lay eggs that hatch as what look like miniature adults, but all scorpions and a few species of mites keep the eggs inside their bodies until the young emerge. In most chelicerate species the young have to fend for themselves, but in scorpions and some species of spider the females protect and feed their young.

The evolutionary origins of chelicerates from the early arthropods have been debated for decades. Although there is considerable agreement about the relationships between most chelicerate sub-groups, the inclusion of the Pycnogonida in this taxon has recently been questioned (see below), and the exact position of scorpions is still controversial, though they were long considered the most basal of the arachnids.

Venom has evolved three times in the chelicerates; spiders, scorpions and pseudoscorpions, or four times if the hematophagous secretions produced by ticks are included. In addition there have been undocumented descriptions of venom glands in Solifugae. Chemical defense has been found in whip scorpions, shorttailed whipscorpions, harvestmen, beetle mites and sea spiders.

Although the venom of a few spider and scorpion species can be very dangerous to humans, medical researchers are investigating the use of these venoms for the treatment of disorders ranging from cancer to erectile dysfunction. The medical industry also uses the blood of horseshoe crabs as a test for the presence of contaminant bacteria. Mites can cause allergies in humans, transmit several diseases to humans and their livestock, and are serious agricultural pests.

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Chelicerata ( Esperanto )

fornecido por wikipedia EO
Kiel legi la taksonomion
Chelicerata Limulo

Araneoj Arachnida

La subfilumo Chelicerata estas unu el la plej grandaj subfilumoj en kiu dividiĝas la filumo de la artropodoj. Ĝi inkluzivas la klasojn de la Araneoidoj, la Piknogonidoj (aŭ Mar-araneoj) kaj la Merostomatoj (aŭ Limuloj). Ĝi ankaŭ sia tempe inkluzivis la klason de la Euripteridoj, aŭ Mar-skorpionoj, kiuj ekstingiĝis antaŭ pli aŭ malpli 250 milionoj da jaroj. Araneoj kaj skorpioj apartenas al la Chelicerata.

Iliaj korpoj estas dividitaj en du partoj, antaŭa prosomo dividita en ok segmentoj, kaj malantaŭa opistomo dividita en dek-du segmentoj. Ili havas kelikerojn, kiuj donas al la subfilumo ĝian latinan nomon. Kelikeroj estas akraj apendicoj kiuj estas uzataj por kolekti manĝaĵojn, anstataŭ la mandibloj kiujn havas aliaj artropodoj. La plej multo da Chelicerata ne kapablas manĝi solidajn aferojn, do ili trinkas sangon aŭ kraĉas aŭ injektas digestajn enzimojn en iliajn predojn.

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Chelicerata ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los quelicerados (Chelicerata, del griego χηλή khēlḗ, "mandíbula" y κέρας kéras, "cuerno", más el sufijo latino plural -ata, por la forma de sus piezas bucales, llamadas en su conjunto quelícero) constituyen un subfilo del filo Arthropoda. Se diferencian de los demás artrópodos, entre otras características (como dicho quelícero), por carecer de antenas.


Tienen el cuerpo dividido en dos regiones o tagmas, una anterior denominada prosoma (o cefalotórax) y una posterior u opistosoma (abdomen).

El prosoma se compone del acron presegmentario y 6 segmentos, y a menudo está cubierto por un escudo dorsal. Carecen de antenas y de mandíbulas.[1]​ Presentan seis pares de apéndices, todos ellos multiarticulados y unirrameos: quelíceros (apéndices bucales), pedipalpos, y 4 pares de patas marchadoras.[1]​ Tienen ojos compuestos laterales y/o ojos simples medianos.

El opistosoma, formado por hasta doce segmentos y el telson, presenta apéndices muy diferenciados o bien carece de ellos, según los grupos. Los gonoporos se abren en el segundo segmento.

Origen evolutivo

Las relaciones filogenéticas de este grupo son poco conocidas. Aunque la mayoría de sus representantes actuales son terrestres, se originaron en el medio marino a principios del Cámbrico. Se piensa que podrían haber evolucionado a partir de trilobites bentónicos predadores.[cita requerida]

Algunos autores consideran al organismo de Burgess Shale Sanctacaris como el primer quelicerado, mientras que otros prefieren considerar este género como un grupo hermano al resto de los quelicerados, ya que no presenta quelíceros y sus apéndices son birrámeos.


Los quelicerados incluyen cuatro clases, Arachnida, Xiphosura, Eurypterida y Pycnogonida, aunque para algunos especialistas estos últimos no deberían incluirse. Los Xiphosura y los Eurypterida se reúnen tradicionalmente en un solo grupo, Merostomata, al que se le otorga con frecuencia el rango de superclase.

Se conocen más de 70 000 especies actuales de quelicerados, casi todas pertenecientes a la clase de los arácnidos.


Un euriptérido.

Los euriptéridos son un grupo de quelicerados extintos conocidos popularmente como escorpiones marinos, a pesar de no estar directamente relacionados con ellos. Algunos autores los incluyen, como orden, en la clase Merostomata. Son los artrópodos más grandes que han existido, ya que llegaron a alcanzar los 2,5 m de longitud.

Vivieron en los mares del Ordovícico medio al Pérmico superior, donde fueron los depredadores más fuertes de su época.[cita requerida]


Un xifosuro.

Los xifosuros son un grupo muy antiguo que en la actualidad comprende solo cuatro especies que pueden considerarse como auténticos fósiles vivientes, supervivientes de épocas remotas. El telson es largo y estrecho, de donde deriva su nombre. Viven en los fondos marinos y pueden alcanzar los 50 cm de longitud. Son carnívoros y se alimentan de moluscos, anélidos y otros invertebrados marinos, de animales muertos, que sujetan y desmenuzan con los quelíceros.


Un picnogónido.

Los picnogónidos, conocidos como arañas de mar, son un grupo de extraños artrópodos exclusivamente marinos, clasificados tradicionalmente dentro de los quelicerados, pero con relaciones filogenéticas inciertas. Tienen un cuerpo muy estrecho del que parten de cuatro a seis pares de largas patas. En general miden unos pocos centímetros, pero algunas especies abisales pueden alcanzar una envergadura de medio metro. Viven en el fondo por donde caminan con sus largas patas en busca de presas, ya que son depredadores (o carroñeros) de animales bentónicos.


Una araña.

Los arácnidos son el grupo predominante de quelicerados actuales. Incluye unas 70 000 especies. Son, junto con los insectos y los vertebrados amniotas, los animales que mejor se han adaptado a tierra firme. Destacan las arañas, que representan más de la mitad de las especies (unas 38 000) y los ácaros, con 30 000; también encontramos los escorpiones, temibles por su picadura, y los opiliones, parecidos a arañas de patas muy delgadas y largas; otros grupos con menos especies son los solífugos, los pseudoescorpiones, los vinagrillos y los amblipigios, todos ellos inofensivos a pesar de su aspecto agresivo.


  1. a b Myers, Phil (2001). Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, ed. «Chelicerata. Spiders, mites, scorpions, and relatives» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 1 de agosto de 2015. Consultado el 24 de agosto de 2015.
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Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los quelicerados (Chelicerata, del griego χηλή khēlḗ, "mandíbula" y κέρας kéras, "cuerno", más el sufijo latino plural -ata, por la forma de sus piezas bucales, llamadas en su conjunto quelícero) constituyen un subfilo del filo Arthropoda. Se diferencian de los demás artrópodos, entre otras características (como dicho quelícero), por carecer de antenas.

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Lõugtundlased ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Lõugtundlased (Chelicerata) on suur lülijalgsete takson, mida käsitletakse alamhõimkonnana. Lõugtundlaste hulka arvatakse ämblikulaadsed (Arachnida), odasabalised (Xiphosura) jt. Lõugtundlastega on fülogeneetiliselt lähedalt seotud väljasurnud trilobiidid (Trilobita).

Tänapäevaks on ka enamik mereelulisi lõugtundlasi, kaasa arvatud kogu eurüpteriidide (Eurypterida) selts, välja surnud.

Alamhõimkonnad ja klassid

1. lõugtundlased (Chelicerata)

  1. skorpionilised (Scorpionida)
  2. ämblikulised (Araneae)
  3. lestalised (Acarina)


Lõugtundlaste keha koosneb pearindmikust ja tagakehast (abdoomenist). Enamikul rühmadel moodustub pearindmik 6–8 lülist. Lõugtundlastel puuduvad tundlad. Neil on kaks paari suiseid: esimesi kutsutakse lõugtundlateks (millest ka nende nimi) ehk helitseerideks ja teist paari lõugkobijateks ehk pedipalpideks.

Enamik lõugtundlasi on röövloomad.

Lõugtundlased on lahksoolised.

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Lõugtundlased: Brief Summary ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Lõugtundlased (Chelicerata) on suur lülijalgsete takson, mida käsitletakse alamhõimkonnana. Lõugtundlaste hulka arvatakse ämblikulaadsed (Arachnida), odasabalised (Xiphosura) jt. Lõugtundlastega on fülogeneetiliselt lähedalt seotud väljasurnud trilobiidid (Trilobita).

Tänapäevaks on ka enamik mereelulisi lõugtundlasi, kaasa arvatud kogu eurüpteriidide (Eurypterida) selts, välja surnud.

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Chelicerata ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Chelicerata Arthropoda filuma banatzen den azpifilumetako bat da. Bere barnean zaldi-oin karramarroak, eskorpioiak, armiarmak eta akaroak daude. Itsas-animali gisa garatu ziren, litekenez Kanbriarrean, baina ezagutzen ditugun fosilik zaharrenak Eurypteridoak dira, Ordoviziar berantiarrekoak. Gaur egun itsasoan bizi diren espzeiak Xiphosurak eta Pycnogonidaren 1.300 espezieak dira (hauek Chelicerataren barruan sartu badaitezke, bederen). Itsasotik kanpo 77.000 espezie ezagutzen dira eta baliteke identifikatu gabeko 500.000 espezie gehiago egotea.

Beste artropodo guztiek bezala kelizeratuek gorputz artikuluatu eta segmentatuak dituzte, kitina eta beste proteina batzuekin osatutako kanpo-oskolarekin. Chelicerataren plan nagusiak bi tagma ditu: prosoma (edo zefalotorax) eta opistosoma (edo abdomena). Akaroetan ez dago bi zati hauen arteko ezberdintasun garbirik. Taldeari izena ematen dieten kelizeroak ahoaren atzean duden bi apendizen dira, azpitalde gehienetan jateko erabiltzen diren bi pintza txiki; armiarmetan kelizero hauek pozoina sartzeko erabili daiteke. Taldeak artropodoen zirkulazio sistema irekia dute, tutu baten itxurako bihotza batekin odola homozelora jaurtikiz.

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Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Leukakoukulliset ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Leukakoukulliset (Chelicerata) on niveljalkaisten pääjakson alajakso. Nimensä mukaisesti kaikilla tähän alajaksoon kuuluvilla eläimillä on jonkinlainen leukakoukku. Leukakoukulliset on kuusijalkaisten jälkeen toiseksi laajin niveljalkaisten alajaksoista, niitä tunnetaan noin 100 000 lajia. Alajakson nimesi 1901 eläintieteilijä Richard Heymons. Leukakoukullisiin luetaan nykyisin elävät hämähäkkieläinten, merilukkien ja molukkirapujen luokat sekä vain fossiileina tunnetut meriskorpionit. Hämähäkkieläinten luokka on suurin; siihen kuuluvat hämähäkkien ohella muun muassa punkit ja skorpionit.[1]

Suurin osa leukakoukullisiin kuuluvista merissä elävistä lajeista on aikojen kuluessa kuollut sukupuuttoon. Muinaiset trilobiitit olivat leukakoukullisten lähisukua, ja ne muodostavat yhdessä taksonin Arachnomorpha. Sukupuuttoon kuolleita leukakoukullisten lajeja on tunnistettu fossiililöydöistä noin 2 000, ja niistä vanhimmat ovat myöhäiseltä kambrikaudelta. Varhaisimmat meriskorpionien ja molukkirapujen fossiilit ovat ordovikikaudelta.[1]

Kaikille leukakoukullisille yhteinen anatominen piirre on erityinen raajarakenne, leukakoukku eli kelikeri. Leukakoukku on raajasta kehittynyt suuosa, jossa raajan päässä on yleensä ontto koukku. Sitä kautta eläin ruiskuttaa ruoansulatusnestettä ruokaansa. Leukakoukkuja on kolmea päätyyppiä: linkkuveitsimäinen koukku ja kaksi- tai kolmiosainen saksikoukku. Hämähäkkien leukakoukut ovat linkkuveitsimäisiä, valeskorpionien kaksiosaisia saksia ja skorpionien, lukkien, merilukkien ja molukkirapujen kolmiosaisia saksikoukkuja.

Leukakoukullisten koukkutyyppejä: A) linkkuveitsi, B) kaksiosainen saksikoukku, C) kolmiosainen saksikoukku.


  1. a b Jason A Dunlop: Fossil Focus: Chelicerata Paleontology online. Viitattu 11.9.2017. (englanniksi)

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Leukakoukulliset: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Leukakoukulliset (Chelicerata) on niveljalkaisten pääjakson alajakso. Nimensä mukaisesti kaikilla tähän alajaksoon kuuluvilla eläimillä on jonkinlainen leukakoukku. Leukakoukulliset on kuusijalkaisten jälkeen toiseksi laajin niveljalkaisten alajaksoista, niitä tunnetaan noin 100 000 lajia. Alajakson nimesi 1901 eläintieteilijä Richard Heymons. Leukakoukullisiin luetaan nykyisin elävät hämähäkkieläinten, merilukkien ja molukkirapujen luokat sekä vain fossiileina tunnetut meriskorpionit. Hämähäkkieläinten luokka on suurin; siihen kuuluvat hämähäkkien ohella muun muassa punkit ja skorpionit.

Suurin osa leukakoukullisiin kuuluvista merissä elävistä lajeista on aikojen kuluessa kuollut sukupuuttoon. Muinaiset trilobiitit olivat leukakoukullisten lähisukua, ja ne muodostavat yhdessä taksonin Arachnomorpha. Sukupuuttoon kuolleita leukakoukullisten lajeja on tunnistettu fossiililöydöistä noin 2 000, ja niistä vanhimmat ovat myöhäiseltä kambrikaudelta. Varhaisimmat meriskorpionien ja molukkirapujen fossiilit ovat ordovikikaudelta.

Kaikille leukakoukullisille yhteinen anatominen piirre on erityinen raajarakenne, leukakoukku eli kelikeri. Leukakoukku on raajasta kehittynyt suuosa, jossa raajan päässä on yleensä ontto koukku. Sitä kautta eläin ruiskuttaa ruoansulatusnestettä ruokaansa. Leukakoukkuja on kolmea päätyyppiä: linkkuveitsimäinen koukku ja kaksi- tai kolmiosainen saksikoukku. Hämähäkkien leukakoukut ovat linkkuveitsimäisiä, valeskorpionien kaksiosaisia saksia ja skorpionien, lukkien, merilukkien ja molukkirapujen kolmiosaisia saksikoukkuja.

 src= Leukakoukullisten koukkutyyppejä: A) linkkuveitsi, B) kaksiosainen saksikoukku, C) kolmiosainen saksikoukku.
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Chelicerata ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Chélicérés (Chelicerata) ou Chélicérates[1], nom signifiant « doté de chélicères », forment un sous-embranchement de l'embranchement des Arthropodes qui comprend les classes actuelles des arachnides (dont les araignées et les scorpions), des pycnogonides et des mérostomes (dont les limules). Ces animaux, pour la plupart prédateurs, ont survécu après l'extinction des trilobites, arthropodes marins très communs du Paléozoïque. La plupart des chélicérés marins, comprenant notamment les euryptérides, sont maintenant éteints.


Chez les Chélicérés, le corps est divisé en 2 parties :

  • un prosome antérieur (ou céphalothorax), composé de 8 segments (auxquels s'ajoute une pièce supplémentaire antérieure, l'acron). Comme chez les autres Arthropodes, la bouche se trouve entre les 2e et 3e segments, mais alors que l'on trouve habituellement une paire d'antennes sur le dernier segment préoral, il n'y en a pas chez les Chélicérates. Le prosome porte habituellement des yeux ;
  • un opisthosome postérieur (ou abdomen), constitué de 12 segments (et d'une pièce terminale supplémentaire, le telson).

Les segments ne sont guère visibles de l'extérieur, sauf au niveau de l'abdomen chez les scorpions. Chez les opilionides et les acariens, céphalothorax et abdomen sont soudés.
Le système nerveux central ne comprend qu'un protocérébron suivi du tritocérébron autour de l'œsophage.


Les appendices sur les segments du prosome sont :

  1. Les chélicères : ce sont des pièces buccales faisant office de mandibules, elles donnent leur nom au groupe. Elles se présentent généralement sous forme de pinces cornées, mais peuvent subir des modifications chez certains groupes. Ainsi, chez les araignées, elles sont modifiées en crochets venimeux ; chez les tiques, elles forment un tube armé de pointes apte à percer la peau de leur hôte. La plupart des Chélicérates sont incapables d'ingérer de la nourriture solide : ils sont donc amenés à boire du sang ou à projeter leurs sucs digestifs pour digérer leurs proies à l'extérieur du corps (digestion externe).
  2. Les pédipalpes : ce sont des appendices couverts de soies sensorielles, ils encadrent l'orifice buccal. Ils ont un rôle tactile et servent à manipuler les proies. Chez les scorpions, les pédipalpes sont modifiés et forment les pinces.
  3. Quatre paires de pattes : les pattes du prosome sont uniramées et portent une branchie réduite. Elles permettent de marcher ou de nager. Chez les Arachnides qui tissent des toiles, elles sont aussi utilisées pour la manipulation de la soie.

Les appendices de l'opisthosome sont soit absents soit réduits aux branchies qu'ils portent.


Liste des classes actuelles

Selon ITIS (septembre 2016)[2]:

Taxons fossiles

Classification, genres fossiles basaux et ordre fossiles d'après Lamsdell, 2013[3] et Paleobiology Database (septembre 2016)[4]:

Phylogénie interne

Phylogénie des grands groupes de chélicérés, d'après Lamsdell, 2013[5] :

Chelicerata City locator 4.svg



Xiphosura (limules)



Sclerophorata City locator 4.svg

Arachnida (araignées, scorpions, acariens...)

Eurypterida (scorpions de mer)

Notes et références

Références taxonomiques

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wikipedia FR

Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Chélicérés (Chelicerata) ou Chélicérates, nom signifiant « doté de chélicères », forment un sous-embranchement de l'embranchement des Arthropodes qui comprend les classes actuelles des arachnides (dont les araignées et les scorpions), des pycnogonides et des mérostomes (dont les limules). Ces animaux, pour la plupart prédateurs, ont survécu après l'extinction des trilobites, arthropodes marins très communs du Paléozoïque. La plupart des chélicérés marins, comprenant notamment les euryptérides, sont maintenant éteints.

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wikipedia FR

Quelicerados ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

O dos quelicerados (Chelicerata) constitúen un subfilo do filo dos artrópodos.

Diferéncianse dos demais artrópodos, entre outras características, por careceren de antenas e de mandíbulas, e por presentaren quelíceros (ao que deben o seu nome).

Estes animais, na súa maior parte depredadores, sobreviviron á extinción dos trilobites, artrópodos mariños moi comúns no cámbrico e cos que están relacionados filoxeneticamente.


Esquema corporal dun quelicerado: 1: patas; 2: cefalotórax; 3: abdome.

Teñen o corpo tipicamente dividido en dúas rexións ou tagmas, unha anterior denominada prosoma (ou cefalotórax) e unha posterior ou opistosoma (abdome).

O prosoma componse do acron presegmentario e 6 segmentos, e a miúdo está cuberto por un escudo dorsal. Presenta 6 pares de apéndices, todos eles multiarticulados e unirrámeos: quelíceros (apéndices bucais), pedipalpos e 4 pares de patas marchadoras. Teñen ollos compostos laterais e/ou ollos simples mediais.

O opistosoma, formado por até 12 segmentos e máis o telson, presenta apéndices moi diferenciados ou ben carece de eles, segundo os grupos.

Coñécense máis de 70 000 especies actuais de quelicerados, case todas pertenecientes á clase dos arácnidos.



O subfilo dos quelicerados foi descrito en 1951 polo zoólogo alemán Richard Heymons.


O termo Chelicerata esta formado polos elementos do latín científico cheli- e -cerata, tirados do grego antigo χελή chelé, "pinza" e κέρας, κέρατος kéras, kératos, "corno", coa desinencia -a indicando plural.


O subfilo dos quielicerados subdivídese nas tres clases seguintes:[1][2]

Subfilo Chelicerata


Véxase tamén


  • Brusca, R. C. e G. J. Brusca (2005): Invertebrados. Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España. ISBN 978-84-486-0246-8.
  • Rupppert, E. E.; R. S. Fox & R. D. Barnes (2004): Invertebrate Zoology 7ª ed. Stamford, Connecticut (EE.UU.): Brooks/Cole ISBN 0-03-025982-7.

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Quelicerados: Brief Summary ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

O dos quelicerados (Chelicerata) constitúen un subfilo do filo dos artrópodos.

Diferéncianse dos demais artrópodos, entre outras características, por careceren de antenas e de mandíbulas, e por presentaren quelíceros (ao que deben o seu nome).

Estes animais, na súa maior parte depredadores, sobreviviron á extinción dos trilobites, artrópodos mariños moi comúns no cámbrico e cos que están relacionados filoxeneticamente.

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wikipedia gl Galician

Kliještari ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Kliještari (Chelicerata) su potkoljeno[1] (ili natkoljeno[2]) u koljenu člankonožaca koji se od drugih razlikuju specifično oblikovanim ekstremitetima drugog segmenta glave. Ovi ekstremiteti, nazvani kliješta (lat. Chelicera) prvi su tjelesni ekstremiteti, a nemaju ticala kao rakovi i uzdušnjaci.


Kliještari su toliko oblicima različiti člankonošci, da je vrlo teško naći neka obilježja koja bi bila zajednička svima. Najvažnije zajedničko obilježje su već spomenuta kliješta. Kako su im segmenti glave međusobno srašteni, bilo je teško utvrditi s kojim segmentom su povezani. Povezanost s drugim segmentom dokazana je pomoću praćenja živčanog sustava. Drugi par ekstremiteta prakliještari koriste kao noge, dok kod svih drugih taj par kao pedipalpe ima drugačiju ulogu. Sljedeća četiri para ekstremiteta kod svih grupa građena su prije svega za kretanje.

Tijelo kliještara kod većine je podijeljeno na dva dijela, prednji (prozoma) i stražnji dio (opistozoma). Svi navedeni ekstremiteti nalaze se na prednjem dijelu, dok su ekstremiteti na stražnjem dijelu potpuno preoblikovani i imaju sasvim drugačije funkcije (spolni organi, žlijezde za predenje, dišni organi). U tom, stražnjem dijelu tijela smješteni su probavni organi, unutrašnji spolni organi i mješinasto srce.

Izvorno, ova skupina imala je kompleksne oči. Danas ih imaju samo još prakliještari.Druge skupine imaju još samo najviše 5 pari pojedinačnih očiju.

Razmnožavanje i razvoj

I tu postoje vrlo različite varijacije. Većina vrsta su kopnene životinje i kod njih je vrlo česta unutrašnja oplodnja strukturama nalik na penis (kao kod paukova kod kojih muški i ženski spolni organi odgovaraju jedno drugom na principu "ključ-ključanica"). Mužjaci drugih skupina, kao štipavci i većina grinja, odlažu paketiće sperme (spermatofora) koje zatim ženke preuzimaju.


Srodnički odnosi unutar kliještara su još u velikoj mjeri nerazjašnjeni i predmet su kontroverznih rasprava. Ovo se odnosi prije svega na krakače koji su morfološki snažno različiti od većine drugih kliještara. No neke njihove osobine sugeriraju pretpostavku da oni možda pretstavljaju najranije člankonošce od kojih su se kasnije razvile druge poznate skupine kliještara[3].


  1. Velika ilustrirana enciklopedija životinja, Mozaik knjiga, Zagreb, ISBN 953-196-088-7
  2. Margulis, Lynn; Schwartz, Karlene (1998), Five Kingdoms, An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth (treće izdanje), W.H. Freeman
  3. Poschmann, M., and Dunlop, J.A. (2006), "A New Sea Spider (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) with a Flagelliform Telson from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate, Germany", Palaeontology 49 (5): 983–989
  4. BioLib Taxon profile

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Kliještari: Brief Summary ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Kliještari (Chelicerata) su potkoljeno (ili natkoljeno) u koljenu člankonožaca koji se od drugih razlikuju specifično oblikovanim ekstremitetima drugog segmenta glave. Ovi ekstremiteti, nazvani kliješta (lat. Chelicera) prvi su tjelesni ekstremiteti, a nemaju ticala kao rakovi i uzdušnjaci.

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wikipedia hr Croatian

Chelicerata ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Chelicerata adalah subfilum dari anggota hewan tak bertulang belakang yang termasuk dalam filum Arthropoda.[1] Chelicerata dalam pengertian yang luas merupakan salah satu kelompok fauna yang terdiri dari Arachnida, Xiphosura, kelompok yang punah Eurypterida dan Chasmataspidida dan juga Pycnogonida.[2]


Jadi Chelicerata merupakan semacam kelompok besar yang memayungi jenis-jenis laba-laba, kalajengking, kalajengking semu, kalacuka dan bahkan mimi dan mintuno. Kelompok Chelicerata ini dikenal karena anggotanya mempunya alat mulut berupa chelicera yang terdiri dari dua segmen. Berbeda dengan kelompok serangga, kaki seribu, dan lipan yang menggunakan alat mulut berupa mandibula dan maxilla yang terdiri dari lebih dari dua ruas.

Saat ini, jumlah jenis yang dikenal hidup dan sudah ditemukan lebih dari 100.000 jenis telah diberi nama. Termasuk didalamnya jenis yang sangat mega-diverse yaitu Acari dan laba-laba (Araneae) yang dari tahun ke tahun jumlah temuan jenis baru terus meningkat secara drastis. Saat ini, dikenal ada sekitar 2000 jenis fosil Chelicerata dan hampir lebih dari 3/4 jumlahnya adalah kelompok Arachnida.[1]

Chelicerata diduga mempunyai nenek moyang yang hidup di dalam air. Namun, jenis-jenis chelicerata dari laut maupun air tawar saat ini sangat jarang ditemukan dan hanya terbatas pada laba-laba laut dan mimi dan mintuno (horseshoe crabs) serta beberapa akuatik Acari dari kelompok Hydracari. Konon, kelompok yang pertama kali diyakini hidup di daratan adalah kalajengking.[2]


Fosil-fosil yang ditemukan di beberapa lokasi sangat bermanfaat untuk mengetahui umur tertua dari satu kelompok takson dalam kelompok Chelicerata, atau secara luas semua makhluk hidup di bumi ini. Sebagai contoh, fosil kalajengking ditemukan sekitar 430 juta tahun lalu meskipun temuan ini bisa lebih tua dari yang diketahui saat ini. Dari hasil temuan fosil dalam satu lapisan tertentu, dapat diperoleh informasi umur dari keturunan kelompok tersebut atau umur kerabat dekatnya. Entah suatu takson mempunyai umur lebih muda atau setidaknya setua dengan kelompok takson yang diketahui fosilnya tersebut.[2]

Dengan studi filogeni yang berkembang saat ini, baik molekuler maupun pendekatan tradisional melalui morfologi, dapat dilakukan suatu pendekatan superimposed pada pohon filogeni yang dihasilkan. Dari hasil ini dapat diperkirakan umur suatu takson berdasarkan catatan fosil takson maupun takson yang belum diketahuin fosilnya. Hasil dari kombinasi pohon evolusi dan catatan fosil dapat digunakan sebagai metode kalibrasi molekular clock yang jamak digunakan pada pendekatan molekuler. Selain sebagai alat kalibrasi, dari kombinasi ini dapat digunakan untuk memperkirakan divergence time yang diperoleh dari penanda molekuler. Meskipun demikian, pertentangan antara hasil temuan fosil pada suatu lapisan stratigrafi dan hasil posisi suatu takson dalam pohon filogeni tidak dapat dihindarkan.[2]

Sebagai contoh, kalajengking merupakan salah satu takson yang paling tua yang pernah ditemukan tanpa keraguan. Dalam beberapa studi tentang evolusi Chelicerata, kalajengking merupakan takson dasar yang paling primitif dan moyang dari semua keturunan yang ada dalam kelompok chelicerata. Namun dalam kajian yang berbeda, kelompok kalajengking yang diyakini sebagai kelompok tertua yang pernah ditemukan justru menjadi kelompok yang lebih maju atau derived taxon. Pertentangan hasil seperti inilah yang masih banyak ditemukan sehingga menuntut lebih banyak mengeksplorasi data-data lain yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut.[2]


Meskipun banyak fosil yang telah ditemukan dan secara meyakinkan merupakan salah satu kelompok dari Chelicerata, tetapi temuan fosil ini – tidak hanya di Chelicerata, tetapi juga kelompok lain – dalam kajian filogeni tetap menimbulkan kontroversi yang memerlukan lebih banyak penjelasan. Bagaimanapun, temuan fosil yang ditemukan dan selengkap apapun itu, tetap tidak bisa menampakan karakter lengkap seperti yang ditemukan pada spesimen hidup yang ada sekarang, baik molekuler maupun morfologi. Pertentangan antara beberapa hasil kajian menjadi tantangan untuk mengungkap bagaimana sejarah geologi dapat berkontribusi pada pengetahuan evolusioner suatu takson.[2]


  1. ^ a b [A. Pratiwi, Sri Maryati, Srikini, Suharno, Bambang S.] (2007). BIOLOGI SMA Jilid 1 untuk Kelas X Berdasarkan Standar Isi 2006. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga. ISBN 979-781-726-1. Periksa nilai |author-link1= (bantuan)Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link)
  2. ^ a b c d e f Biotagua.org Sejarah geologi Chelicerata. Diakses 19 Februari 2011


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Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Chelicerata adalah subfilum dari anggota hewan tak bertulang belakang yang termasuk dalam filum Arthropoda. Chelicerata dalam pengertian yang luas merupakan salah satu kelompok fauna yang terdiri dari Arachnida, Xiphosura, kelompok yang punah Eurypterida dan Chasmataspidida dan juga Pycnogonida.

 src= Chelicarata

Jadi Chelicerata merupakan semacam kelompok besar yang memayungi jenis-jenis laba-laba, kalajengking, kalajengking semu, kalacuka dan bahkan mimi dan mintuno. Kelompok Chelicerata ini dikenal karena anggotanya mempunya alat mulut berupa chelicera yang terdiri dari dua segmen. Berbeda dengan kelompok serangga, kaki seribu, dan lipan yang menggunakan alat mulut berupa mandibula dan maxilla yang terdiri dari lebih dari dua ruas.

Saat ini, jumlah jenis yang dikenal hidup dan sudah ditemukan lebih dari 100.000 jenis telah diberi nama. Termasuk didalamnya jenis yang sangat mega-diverse yaitu Acari dan laba-laba (Araneae) yang dari tahun ke tahun jumlah temuan jenis baru terus meningkat secara drastis. Saat ini, dikenal ada sekitar 2000 jenis fosil Chelicerata dan hampir lebih dari 3/4 jumlahnya adalah kelompok Arachnida.

Chelicerata diduga mempunyai nenek moyang yang hidup di dalam air. Namun, jenis-jenis chelicerata dari laut maupun air tawar saat ini sangat jarang ditemukan dan hanya terbatas pada laba-laba laut dan mimi dan mintuno (horseshoe crabs) serta beberapa akuatik Acari dari kelompok Hydracari. Konon, kelompok yang pertama kali diyakini hidup di daratan adalah kalajengking.

direitos autorais
Penulis dan editor Wikipedia
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wikipedia ID

Chelicerata ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Il subphylum dei Chelicerati (Chelicerata Heymons, 1901) costituisce una delle maggiori suddivisioni del phylum Arthropoda.


Il corpo dei Chelicerata è suddiviso in due regioni:

  • un prosoma anteriore (o cefalotorace) composto da sette segmenti più un acron presegmentale
  • un opistosoma posteriore (o addome) composto da dodici segmenti più un telson postsegmentale.

Come negli altri artropodi viventi la bocca si trova tra il secondo e il terzo segmento (non contando l'acron). A differenza degli altri artropodi non posseggono antenne e le zampe si trovano nella prima regione del corpo.

Le appendici dei diversi segmenti (non considerando l'acron) del prosoma sono le seguenti:

  1. Nessuna
  2. Nessuna
  3. Cheliceri
  4. Pedipalpi o zampe nei più primitivi
  5. Zampe
  6. Zampe
  7. Zampe
  8. Zampe

I cheliceri, che danno il nome al gruppo, sono appendici appuntite, specializzate per la nutrizione.
Il secondo paio di appendici (pedipalpi) è adibito a funzioni diverse (prensile, sensoriale e copulatoria).



Xiphosura (limuli)






Scorpiones (scorpioni)


Opiliones (opilioni)


Pseudoscorpionida (pseudoscorpioni)


Solifugae (solifugi)






Araneae (ragni)




Amblypygi (amblipigi)










Acarina (acari)

Albero filogenetico dei Chelicerati secondo uno studio dello
zoologo J. W. Schultz del 2007.[1]
Il simbolo † indica che l'ordine è estinto.

I Chelicerata sono tradizionalmente suddivisi in tre classi

Recenti studi filogenetici mettono in discussione la classe Merostomata, che sarebbe in realtà un raggruppamento parafiletico in cui andrebbero distinti Xiphosura e Eurypterida.


  1. ^ Schultz, J.W., A phylogenetic analysis of the arachnid orders based on morphological characters, in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2007; 150: 221–265, doi 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2007.00284.x.


  • Anderson, DT (2001): Invertebrate Zoology, 2nd Ed., Oxford University Press, Kap. 14, S. 325, ISBN 0-19-551368-1
  • Moore, J (2001): An Introduction to the Invertebrates, Cambridge University Press, Kap. 14, S. 207, ISBN 0-521-77914-6
  • Ruppert, EE, Fox, RS, Barnes, RP (2004), Invertebrate Zoology - A functional evolutionary approach, Brooks/Cole, Kap. 18, S. 554, ISBN 0-03-025982-7
  • Weygoldt, P (1998): Evolution and systematics of the Chelicerata, Experimental and Applied Acarology, 22, S. 63
  • Wheeler, WC, Hayashi, CY (1998): The phylogeny of the extant chelicerate orders, Cladistics, 14, S. 173

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wikipedia IT

Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Il subphylum dei Chelicerati (Chelicerata Heymons, 1901) costituisce una delle maggiori suddivisioni del phylum Arthropoda.

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wikipedia IT

Chelicerata ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Chelicerata (nomen a Heymons anno 1901) sunt arthropoda cheliceris, pedipalpis et quattuor paribus cruribus praedita. Corpus in duabus partibus divisum (cephalothorax et abdomen), et appendices sunt birameae. Et mandibulis et antennis carent.


Chelicerata in tribus classibus divisa: Merostomata, Pycnogonida Arachnidaque.

Classis Merostomat

Searchtool.svg Si plus cognoscere vis, vide Merostomata

Merostomata animalia aquatica, appendicibus abdominalibus in branchiis mutatis sunt. Duas subclasses comprehendit: Eurypterida et Xiphosurida. Eurypterida duobus oculis compositis duobusque ocellis in cephalothorace; binis cheliceris ante os, et senis appendicibus post id. Telson magnum.

Xiphosurida corpus in cuticula calcarea, binas cheliceras et deni crura habent. Duo pares oculorum in cephalothorace eis sunt: bini compositi laterales, et bini, interdum singuli, ocelli mediani. Abdomen quinque paribus branchiarum laminarium.


  • Brusca, R. C., et G. J. Brusca. 1990. Invertebrates. Sunderlandiae Massachusettae: Sinauer Associates.
  • Latreille, P. A. 1829. Les Crustacés, les Arachnides et les Insectes, distribués en familles naturelles: Le Règne Animal, distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. Ed. 2a. Vol. 4.
  • Pearse, V., J. Pearse, M. Buchsbaum, et R. Buchsbaum. 1987. Living Invertebrates. Palo Alto Californiae: Blackwell Scientific Publications.

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Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Chelicerata (nomen a Heymons anno 1901) sunt arthropoda cheliceris, pedipalpis et quattuor paribus cruribus praedita. Corpus in duabus partibus divisum (cephalothorax et abdomen), et appendices sunt birameae. Et mandibulis et antennis carent.

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wikipedia LA

Cheliceriniai ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Cheliceriniai (lot. Chelicerata) – nariuotakojų potipis. Gyvena tiek sausumoje(voragyviai), tiek vandenyje (kardauodegiai, jūrų vorai). Cheliceriniai artimi išnykusiems trilobitams.


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Cheliceriniai: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Cheliceriniai (lot. Chelicerata) – nariuotakojų potipis. Gyvena tiek sausumoje(voragyviai), tiek vandenyje (kardauodegiai, jūrų vorai). Cheliceriniai artimi išnykusiems trilobitams.

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Helicerāti ( Letão )

fornecido por wikipedia LV

Helicerāti (latīņu: Chelicerata) ir plašs un daudzveidīgs posmkāju apakštips. Tajā ir sīki līdz vidēji lieli posmkāji. Lielākā helicerātu klase ir zirnekļveidīgie, kas ir sastopami dažādos sauszemes biotopos vai retāk ūdenī. Jūrās gan ir sastopama neliela reliktu helicerātu grupa — Zobenastes (tikai 5 sugas), kas ir saglabājusies no paleozoja ēras. Vēl ir viena neliela, bet no citiem helicerātiem morfoloģiski ļoti atšķirīga jūrās dzīvojoša grupa — Jūraszirnekļi. Tos reizēm nošķir no helicerātiem kā atsevišķu grupu. Helicerātus pēta zinātne — Arahnoloģija (kas gan nav tik attīstīta kā Entomoloģija).

Helicerātu morfoloģija

Kopīga un raksturīga visu helicerātu pazīme ir tā, ka ķermeņa daļa, pie kuras atrodas kustību orgāni — kājas, cieši saistīta ar tai priekšā esošo ķermeņa daļu, kam ir mutes ekstremitātes un izveido kopā ar to vienu kopēju nodalījumu — prosomu (prosoma) jeb galvkrūtis. Jāatzīmē, ka šis helicerātu ķermeņa nodalījums vairāk atbilst vēžveidīgo galvas nodalījumam nekā to galvkrūšu nodalījumam. Otra helicerātiem raksturīgā īpašība — tiem nav galvas taustekļu jeb antenu.

Galvkrūtīm ir seši pāri labi attīstītu funkcionējošu ekstremitāšu, no kurām pirmais pāris — heliceras (chelicerae) atrodas pirms mutes (preorāli) un parasti sastāv no nedaudziem (2—3) posmiem. Helicerām ir žokļu loma, ar tām satver un nonāvē laupījumu. Otrais pāris — pedipalpas (pedipalpi) atrodas parasti aiz mutes (postorāli); dažos gadījumos to uzbūve un funkcijas apmēram ir tādas pašas kā pakaļējām kājām, citos gadījumos ar tām vai nu satver barību (skorpioni), vai tās ir taustes orgāns, bet zirnekļu tēviņiem — kopulācijas orgāns. Galvkrūšu četri pēdējie ekstremitāšu pāri ir kustību orgāni. Aiz prosomas atrodas pakaļējais nodalījums — opistosoma (opisthosoma) jeb vēders. Opistosomas priekšējo daļu, pie kuras dažos gadījumos atrodas ar elpojamiem orgāniem — žaunām vai plaušām saistīti ekstremitāšu rudimenti, sauc par mezosomu, bet pakaļējo daļu, kam ekstremitāšu nav, — par metasomu.

Helicerātu vairošanās un attīstība

Pārsvarā helicerāti vairojas ar olām, bet mēdz būt arī dzīvdzemdētāji. Olas ir bagātas ar olas dzeltenumu, tāpēc izšķīlušies mazuļi ir līdzīgi pieaugušajiem vecākiem, un tālākā attīstība notiek bez pārvērtībām (metamorfozes).

Helicerātu klasifikācija

Pasaulē dzīvo apm. 65000 — 73000 helicerātu sugu, kas iedalīti 13 kārtās un 3 klasēs. Latvijā sastopamas tikai zirnekļveidīgo klases pārstāvji no 4 kārtām un apmēram 1070 sugām. Jāatzīst gan, ka Latvijā zirnekļveidīgie ir maz pētīti, un esošie dati ir sen novecojuši.

Apakštips Helicerāti (Chelicerata)

(†) - izmirušu organismu grupa.

Vikikrātuvē par šo tēmu ir pieejami multivides faili. Skatīt: Chelicerata
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wikipedia LV

Helicerāti: Brief Summary ( Letão )

fornecido por wikipedia LV

Helicerāti (latīņu: Chelicerata) ir plašs un daudzveidīgs posmkāju apakštips. Tajā ir sīki līdz vidēji lieli posmkāji. Lielākā helicerātu klase ir zirnekļveidīgie, kas ir sastopami dažādos sauszemes biotopos vai retāk ūdenī. Jūrās gan ir sastopama neliela reliktu helicerātu grupa — Zobenastes (tikai 5 sugas), kas ir saglabājusies no paleozoja ēras. Vēl ir viena neliela, bet no citiem helicerātiem morfoloģiski ļoti atšķirīga jūrās dzīvojoša grupa — Jūraszirnekļi. Tos reizēm nošķir no helicerātiem kā atsevišķu grupu. Helicerātus pēta zinātne — Arahnoloģija (kas gan nav tik attīstīta kā Entomoloģija).

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wikipedia LV

Chelicerata ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Chelicerata is een onderstam van de stam Arthropoda (geleedpotigen). Ofschoon cheliceratendrager letterlijk gifkakendragers betekent, zijn er families zonder echte gifklauwen. Ze hebben geen voelsprieten en 4 paar poten, met als uitzondering zeespinnen die wel met 2 en 3 paar poten bestaan.


Chelicerata zijn verdeeld in vier klassen, waarvan één uitgestorven:


Er wordt verwantschap vermoed met de eveneens uitgestorven trilobieten.

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wikipedia NL

Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Chelicerata is een onderstam van de stam Arthropoda (geleedpotigen). Ofschoon cheliceratendrager letterlijk gifkakendragers betekent, zijn er families zonder echte gifklauwen. Ze hebben geen voelsprieten en 4 paar poten, met als uitzondering zeespinnen die wel met 2 en 3 paar poten bestaan.

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Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Klosaksdyr ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Klosaksdyr (Chelicerata) er en gruppe leddyr som kjennetegnes ved å ha seks par vedheng. Det første paret er utviklet til klosakser, som benyttes til å kutte opp og manipulere mat. Det andre paret er i hovedsak utviklet som primitive gangbein, men det kan være mer spesialisert hos mer avanserte arter. De fire siste parene har stort sett gangbeinfunksjon. Hos andre nålevende arter med ledddyr er det første beinparet omdannet til antenner.[1]

Klosaksdyrene utviklet seg i havet for mer enn 445 millioner år siden,[2] men har siden utviklet lunger og krabbet på land. Hvor mange arter som finnes er usikkert, i det man regner med at svært mange fortsatt er uoppdaget.




  1. ^ Erik Tetlie, Odd & Rein, Jan Ove. (2006). Klosaksdyrene (Chelicerata) og deres slektskapsforhold. Naturen Oslo. 130. 244-257.
  2. ^ Rudkin, D.M.; Young, G.A. & Nowlan, G.S. (January 2008), "The Oldest Horseshoe Crab: a New Xiphosurid from Late Ordovician Konservat-Lagerstätten Deposits, Manitoba, Canada", Palaeontology, 51 (1): 1–9, doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2007.00746.x

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wikipedia NO

Klosaksdyr: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Klosaksdyr (Chelicerata) er en gruppe leddyr som kjennetegnes ved å ha seks par vedheng. Det første paret er utviklet til klosakser, som benyttes til å kutte opp og manipulere mat. Det andre paret er i hovedsak utviklet som primitive gangbein, men det kan være mer spesialisert hos mer avanserte arter. De fire siste parene har stort sett gangbeinfunksjon. Hos andre nålevende arter med ledddyr er det første beinparet omdannet til antenner.

Klosaksdyrene utviklet seg i havet for mer enn 445 millioner år siden, men har siden utviklet lunger og krabbet på land. Hvor mange arter som finnes er usikkert, i det man regner med at svært mange fortsatt er uoppdaget.

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wikipedia NO

Szczękoczułkowce ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Szczękoczułkowce (Chelicerata syn. Arachnomorpha, Cheliceromorpha) - podtyp stawonogów. Ich cechą charakterystyczną jest brak wyodrębnionej głowy (mają głowotułów) i brak czułków, których funkcję przejęły dwie pary przekształconych odnóży, tzw. przysadki gębowe. Podtyp obejmuje ok. 65 tys. gatunków zwierząt zamieszkujących morza, lądy i wody słodkie. Większość szczękoczułkowców to organizmy lądowe, niektóre wtórnie przystosowały się do życia w wodzie.

Do szczękoczułkowców należą zarówno bardzo małe zwierzęta (roztocze) jak i bardzo duże (kopalne dochodziły nawet do 3 m). Zdecydowana większość to zwierzęta wolno żyjące, pasożyty są nieliczne.


Do szczękoczułkowców zalicza się trzy gromady:

  • Chelicerata, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  • licença
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    wikipedia POL

    Szczękoczułkowce: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia POL

    Szczękoczułkowce (Chelicerata syn. Arachnomorpha, Cheliceromorpha) - podtyp stawonogów. Ich cechą charakterystyczną jest brak wyodrębnionej głowy (mają głowotułów) i brak czułków, których funkcję przejęły dwie pary przekształconych odnóży, tzw. przysadki gębowe. Podtyp obejmuje ok. 65 tys. gatunków zwierząt zamieszkujących morza, lądy i wody słodkie. Większość szczękoczułkowców to organizmy lądowe, niektóre wtórnie przystosowały się do życia w wodzie.

    Do szczękoczułkowców należą zarówno bardzo małe zwierzęta (roztocze) jak i bardzo duże (kopalne dochodziły nawet do 3 m). Zdecydowana większość to zwierzęta wolno żyjące, pasożyty są nieliczne.

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    wikipedia POL

    Chelicerata ( Português )

    fornecido por wikipedia PT

    Chelicerata (neo-latim, do francês chélicère, derivado do grego: khēlē "garra, quela" + kéras "corno") é um subfilo do filo Arthropoda (artrópodes),[1] dos quais constitui uma das principais subdivisões, que inclui as classes Arachnida (aranhas, escorpiões, carrapatos, ácaros, entre outros), Pycnogonida e Merostomata (o límulo), bem como extintas classes Eurypterida (os escorpiões marinhos) e Chasmataspida.


    Todos estes animais têm o corpo dividido em duas partes ou tagmas:[1]

    • prossoma, anterior, composto do ácron pré-segmentar mais seis segmentos, e é frequentemente coberto por um escudo dorsal em forma de carapaça.
    • opistossoma, posterior, com até 12 segmentos, e um télson pós-anal. Em alguns grupos o opistossoma pode estar subdividido em duas partes (mesossoma e metassoma).

    No prossoma, os quelicerados possuem seis pares de apêndices multiarticulados e unirremes:[1]

    • Um par de quelíceras;
    • Um par de pedipalpos;
    • Quatro pares de pernas locomotoras, (alguns grupos utilizam as pernas anteriores como função sensorial, por exemplo: As Ordens Amblypygi, Palpigradi, Schizomida e Uropygi).

    Ao contrário dos restantes artrópodes, os quelicerados não têm mandíbulas nem antenas, possuindo apenas olhos simples (ocelos). A sua respiração é realizada por traqueias, pulmão foliáceo ou brânquias foliáceas (nas espécies aquáticas).[1]

    Filogenia e classificação científica

    Estudos recentes de fósseis mostram que os quelicerados já foram muito mais diversificados do que atualmente. Os Pycnogonida (as aranhas-do-mar) são atualmente considerados uma linhagem independente de artrópodes, por apresentarem características únicas (probóscide, um par de pernas ovígeras e redução considerável do opistossoma), embora por vezes estejam classificados como grupo irmão dos Chelicerata num clado denominado Cheliceriforme. Apesar de serem considerados Cheliceriformes, a relação filogenética desses indivíduos ainda não é bem resolvida. [2]

    Por outro lado, os Merostomata, que tradicionalmente agrupavam-se em uma subclasse (límulos e os extintos escorpiões marinhos), mostram ser um grupo parafilético e o uso desse táxon vem sendo abandonado.[1]

    Existe uma tendência recente de reunir os Chelicerata, Trilobita e artrópodes do Paleozóico que se assemelham a Xiphosura em um grupo denominado Arachnomorpha. Porém é difícil encontrar boas características que definam Arachnomorpha além da forma geral do corpo.

    Os Cheliceriformes formam um táxon bem diverso que agrega duas classes bem distintas : os Chelicerata incluem as aranhas e os escorpiões que são representantes terrestres e os límulos que compreendem os ambientes marinhos e os Pycnogonida ("aranhas-do-mar").[1]


    Xiphosura (límulos)




    Scorpiones (escorpiões)

    Opiliones (opiliões)

    Pseudoscorpionida (pseudoscorpiões)

    Solifugae (solífugos)



    Araneae (aranhas)







    Acarina (ácaros)

    Árvore filogenética dos Chelicerata segundo um estudo do
    zoólogo J.W.Schultz del 2007.[3]
    O símbolo †; indica que o táxon está extinto.

    Os Chelicerata são tradicionalmente subdivididos nas seguintes classes:

    Recentes estudos filogenéticos colocaram em causa a classe Merostomata, que seria na realidade um agrupamento parafilético no qual estariam grupos distintos constituídos pelos Xiphosura e Eurypterida.


    1. a b c d e f Richard C. Brusca, Gary J.Brusca (2011). Invertebrados. [S.l.]: Guanabara Koogan
    2. Adilson Fransozo, Maria Lucia Negreiros Fransozo (2016). Zoologia dos Invertebrados. [S.l.]: Roca
    3. Schultz, J.W. «A phylogenetic analysis of the arachnid orders based on morphological characters». Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2007; 150: 221–265. doi 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2007.00284.x


    • Briggs, D.E.G. & Collins, D.A., 1988. A Middle Cambrian chelicerate from Mount Stephen, British Columbia. Paleontology, 31:779-798
    • Dunlop, J.A., 1999. Pasando a la revista a la evolución de los Quelicerados (A review of Chelicerate evolution). In: Melic, A., De Haro, J.J., Mendez, M. & Ribera, I. (Eds). Evolución y Filogenia de Arthropoda (Evolution and Phylogeny of Arthropoda). Volumen Monográfico. 806 pp.
    • Brusca, Richard C., Gary J. Brusca, 2011 - Invertebrados 2 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan.
    • Fransozo, A.& M.L. Negreiros-Fransozo (eds.), 2016. Zoologia dos Invertebrados. 1a edição, Rio de Janeiro, Roca, ISBN 978-85-277-2806-5

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    wikipedia PT

    Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Português )

    fornecido por wikipedia PT

    Chelicerata (neo-latim, do francês chélicère, derivado do grego: khēlē "garra, quela" + kéras "corno") é um subfilo do filo Arthropoda (artrópodes), dos quais constitui uma das principais subdivisões, que inclui as classes Arachnida (aranhas, escorpiões, carrapatos, ácaros, entre outros), Pycnogonida e Merostomata (o límulo), bem como extintas classes Eurypterida (os escorpiões marinhos) e Chasmataspida.

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    wikipedia PT

    Chelicerata ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

    fornecido por wikipedia RO

    Cheliceratele constituie una dintre subdiviziunile majore ale încrengăturii Arthropoda, și include crabi potcoavă, scorpioni, arahnide și păianjeni de mare. Primele chelicerate au fost eurypteridele, care au trăit cu 445 de milioane de ani în urmă în perioada Ordoviciană. Acestă subîncrengătură include 77 000[necesită citare] specii descrise. Majoritatea sunt terestre, doar crabii potcovă și păianjeni de mare sunt acvatice. Ca toate artropodele, cheliceratele au corpul segmentat, acoperit cu o cuticulă chitinoasă. Corpul lor constă din prosomă (cefalotorace) și opistosomă (abdomen). Opistosoma la unele specii se divide în preabdomen și postabdomen. Pe prosomă se găsesc 4 perechi de membre locomotoare și câte una de chelicere și pedipalpi. Membrele segmentelor abdominale sunt modificate sau lipsesc. O particularitate importantă a cheliceratelor este lipsa antenulelor, prima pereche de membre a prosomei sunt chelicere, care servesc pentru fărămițarea hranei. Păianjenii au chelicere în formă de colți și le folosesc pentru a injecta veninul în pradă. A doua pereche – pedipalpii – îndeplinesc funcția tactilă, unele specii posedă clește utilizate la vânătoare și în lupte.


    1. ^ en Chelicerata (TSN 82697). Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
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    Încrengătura Arthropoda Regn Animalia · Subregn Eumetazoa · (neclasificat) Bilateria · (neclasificat) Protostomia · Supraîncrengătură Ecdysozoa Arachnomorpha
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    wikipedia RO

    Chelicerata: Brief Summary ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

    fornecido por wikipedia RO

    Cheliceratele constituie una dintre subdiviziunile majore ale încrengăturii Arthropoda, și include crabi potcoavă, scorpioni, arahnide și păianjeni de mare. Primele chelicerate au fost eurypteridele, care au trăit cu 445 de milioane de ani în urmă în perioada Ordoviciană. Acestă subîncrengătură include 77 000[necesită citare] specii descrise. Majoritatea sunt terestre, doar crabii potcovă și păianjeni de mare sunt acvatice. Ca toate artropodele, cheliceratele au corpul segmentat, acoperit cu o cuticulă chitinoasă. Corpul lor constă din prosomă (cefalotorace) și opistosomă (abdomen). Opistosoma la unele specii se divide în preabdomen și postabdomen. Pe prosomă se găsesc 4 perechi de membre locomotoare și câte una de chelicere și pedipalpi. Membrele segmentelor abdominale sunt modificate sau lipsesc. O particularitate importantă a cheliceratelor este lipsa antenulelor, prima pereche de membre a prosomei sunt chelicere, care servesc pentru fărămițarea hranei. Păianjenii au chelicere în formă de colți și le folosesc pentru a injecta veninul în pradă. A doua pereche – pedipalpii – îndeplinesc funcția tactilă, unele specii posedă clește utilizate la vânătoare și în lupte.

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    wikipedia RO

    Klepietkavce ( Eslovaco )

    fornecido por wikipedia SK

    Klepietkavce (Chelicerata) je podkmeň bezhryzadlových článkonožcov. Sú to suchozemské článkonožce, len 2 starobylé skupiny sú morské. Nemajú nikdy tykadlá a takmer nikdy zložené oči (výnimkou sú 4 druhy z triedy Merostomata). Hlava vždy zrastá s hruďou na hlavohruď (cephalothorax). V hlavovej časti sú len dva páry modifikovaných končatín – chelicery a pedipalpy, ktoré bývajú často mohutne vyvinuté. Hrudná časť má 4 páry primárne kráčavých nôh, len veľmi zriedka (u málo početnej starobylej podivnej morskej triedy Pantopoda) ich môže byť viac párov. Pôvodnými dýchacími orgánmi sú pľúcne dutinky, u odvodených skupín sú aj vzdušnice; žiabre majú iba Merostomata. Vylučovacími orgánmi sú koxálne nefrídie, ktoré sú u vyšších klepietkavcov nahradené Malphigiho trubicami. Vývin je väčšinou epiméria, u primitívnych a odvodených typov má rysy anamérie.


    podkmeň: klepietkavce (Chelicerata)

    Vo viacerých systémoch sa nohatky nezaraďujú pod klepietkavce.

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    wikipedia SK

    Klepietkavce: Brief Summary ( Eslovaco )

    fornecido por wikipedia SK

    Klepietkavce (Chelicerata) je podkmeň bezhryzadlových článkonožcov. Sú to suchozemské článkonožce, len 2 starobylé skupiny sú morské. Nemajú nikdy tykadlá a takmer nikdy zložené oči (výnimkou sú 4 druhy z triedy Merostomata). Hlava vždy zrastá s hruďou na hlavohruď (cephalothorax). V hlavovej časti sú len dva páry modifikovaných končatín – chelicery a pedipalpy, ktoré bývajú často mohutne vyvinuté. Hrudná časť má 4 páry primárne kráčavých nôh, len veľmi zriedka (u málo početnej starobylej podivnej morskej triedy Pantopoda) ich môže byť viac párov. Pôvodnými dýchacími orgánmi sú pľúcne dutinky, u odvodených skupín sú aj vzdušnice; žiabre majú iba Merostomata. Vylučovacími orgánmi sú koxálne nefrídie, ktoré sú u vyšších klepietkavcov nahradené Malphigiho trubicami. Vývin je väčšinou epiméria, u primitívnych a odvodených typov má rysy anamérie.

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    wikipedia SK

    Pipalkarji ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

    fornecido por wikipedia SL

    Pipalkarji (znanstveno ime Chelicerata) so ena glavnih skupin členonožcev, ki jo največkrat razvrščajo na ravni poddebla in združuje razrede pajkovcev (Arachnida), praskrluparjev (Merostomata) ter nogačev (Pycnogonida).

    Pipalkarji so dobili ime po značilnosti, da so njihov prvi par okončin tik za usti pipalke (helicere). Pri večini pipalkarjev so to drobne, kleščaste in nogam podobne strukture, ki sodelujejo pri hranjenju, le pri pajkih so preoblikovane v ostre ter votle strupnike, ki jih žival zabode v plen in skoznje iztisne strup. Od ostalih členonožcev se ločijo tudi po tem, da nimajo tipalnic. Pipalkam sledi par okončin, ki jim pravimo pedipalpi in imajo pri različnih pipalkarjih različne funkcije (čutilno, razmnoževalno itd.). Večina predstavnikov ima štiri pare nog.[1]

    Telo pipalkarjev je členjeno v dve glavni regiji, glavoprsje in zadek, le pršice imajo to členjenost na zunaj zabrisano in je njihovo telo na prvi pogled enotno.[1]

    Sistematika in evolucija

    Izvor skupine in njen položaj znotraj členonožcev še nista povsem pojasnjena. V fosilnem zapisu pipalkarjev so velike luknje in uvrstitev različnih najdb, ki lahko bistveno spremeni »družinsko drevo«, je predmet debate med taksonomi.

    Najstarejši znani fosil, ki ga je možno nesporno uvrstiti med praskrluparje, s tem pa med pipalkarje, datirajo v pozni ordovicij pred 445 milijoni let. Odkrit je bil leta 2008 v Kanadi.[2] Zaenkrat še potekajo debate, ali rodova Fuxianhuia in Kodymirus (oba iz kambrija) spadata med pipalkarje; če je kateri od teh bližnje soroden pipalkarjem, je luknja vsaj 43 milijonov let med najstarejšim znanim pipalkarjem in najbližjim sorodnikom skupine.[3]

    »Tradicionalna« interpretacija filogenije členonožcev[4]

    »Tradicionalna« podoba »družinskega drevesa« členonožcev postavlja pipalkarje na bazo drevesa, kar pomeni, da so manj sorodni ostalim velikim skupinam (rakom, trokrparjem, šesteronožnim členonožcem in stonogam) kot so si te skupine med seboj. Rezultati novejših kladističnih analiz z upoštevanjem molekularnih znakov in razvojem živčevja nakazujejo, da so pipalkarji najbolj sorodni stonogam, drugo ožje sorodno skupino pa tvorijo šesteronožni členonožci ter raki. Vendar pa te analize ne upoštevajo izumrlih skupin (predvsem trokrparjev); z upoštevanjem teh postane podoba drevesa sorodnosti bolj podobna »tradicionalni«.[4]

    Tudi znotraj skupine so razmerja še negotova. Splošno sprejeto mnenje je, da so se pipalkarji razvili v morju in doživeli razmah s prehodom na kopno. »Primitivni« skupini praskrluparjev in nogačev sta morski, prav tako so v morju živeli trokrparji. Pajkovci, ki so daleč najštevilčnejši razred znotraj pipalkarjev, pa so skoraj izključno kopenski (z izjemo nekaj predstavnikov, ki so ponovno poselili vodne habitate). Problematičen je predvsem položaj ščipalcev; izumrl rod Proscorpius je očitno izvorno morski, saj imajo škrge in druge izvorne morfološke znake, po drugi strani pa so ostanki zelo podobni današnjim ščipalcem. Če sodi rod med ščipalce, so ščipalci kot sekundarno kopenski pajkovci polifiletska in s tem v sodobni filogenetski klasifikaciji neustrezna skupina.[5]

    Sklici in opombe

    1. 1,0 1,1 Ruppert, E.E.; Barnes, R.D. (1994). Invertebrate Zoology (6 izd.). Saunders College Publishing. COBISS 35352833. ISBN 0030266688.
    2. Rudkin, D.M.; Young, G.A.; Nowlan, G.S. (januar 2008). "The Oldest Horseshoe Crab: a New Xiphosurid from Late Ordovician Konservat-Lagerstätten Deposits, Manitoba, Canada". Palaeontology 51 (1): 1–9. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2007.00746.x.
    3. Wills, M.A. (2001). "How good is the fossil record of arthropods? An assessment using the stratigraphic congruence of cladograms". Geological Journal 36 (3-4): 187–210. doi:10.1002/gj.882.
    4. 4,0 4,1 Jenner, R.A. (2006). "Challenging received wisdoms: Some contributions of the new microscopy to the new animal phylogeny". Integrative and Comparative Biology 46 (2): 93–103. doi:10.1093/icb/icj014.
    5. Weygoldt, P. (februar 1998). "Evolution and systematics of the Chelicerata". Experimental and Applied Acarology 22 (2): 63–79. doi:10.1023/A:1006037525704.

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    Pipalkarji: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

    fornecido por wikipedia SL

    Pipalkarji (znanstveno ime Chelicerata) so ena glavnih skupin členonožcev, ki jo največkrat razvrščajo na ravni poddebla in združuje razrede pajkovcev (Arachnida), praskrluparjev (Merostomata) ter nogačev (Pycnogonida).

    Pipalkarji so dobili ime po značilnosti, da so njihov prvi par okončin tik za usti pipalke (helicere). Pri večini pipalkarjev so to drobne, kleščaste in nogam podobne strukture, ki sodelujejo pri hranjenju, le pri pajkih so preoblikovane v ostre ter votle strupnike, ki jih žival zabode v plen in skoznje iztisne strup. Od ostalih členonožcev se ločijo tudi po tem, da nimajo tipalnic. Pipalkam sledi par okončin, ki jim pravimo pedipalpi in imajo pri različnih pipalkarjih različne funkcije (čutilno, razmnoževalno itd.). Večina predstavnikov ima štiri pare nog.

    Telo pipalkarjev je členjeno v dve glavni regiji, glavoprsje in zadek, le pršice imajo to členjenost na zunaj zabrisano in je njihovo telo na prvi pogled enotno.

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    Palpkäkar ( Sueco )

    fornecido por wikipedia SV

    Palpkäkarna (Chelicerata) är leddjur som har kroppen indelad i en framkropp, även kallad prosoma, och en bakkropp, även kallad opisthoma. På framkroppen återfinns 4 benpar, samt pedipalper och de palpkäkar (chelicerer) som givit understammen dess namn. Bakkroppen saknar extremiteter och kan bestå av som mest 12 segment. Som hos andra leddjur så återfinns munnen mellan det andra och tredje segmentet, men chelicerata saknar i motsats till andra understammar känselspröt. På framkroppen återfinns vanligen ögon.


    Blue morpho butterfly 300x271.jpg Denna djurrelaterade artikel saknar väsentlig information. Du kan hjälpa till genom att tillföra sådan.
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    Palpkäkar: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

    fornecido por wikipedia SV

    Palpkäkarna (Chelicerata) är leddjur som har kroppen indelad i en framkropp, även kallad prosoma, och en bakkropp, även kallad opisthoma. På framkroppen återfinns 4 benpar, samt pedipalper och de palpkäkar (chelicerer) som givit understammen dess namn. Bakkroppen saknar extremiteter och kan bestå av som mest 12 segment. Som hos andra leddjur så återfinns munnen mellan det andra och tredje segmentet, men chelicerata saknar i motsats till andra understammar känselspröt. På framkroppen återfinns vanligen ögon.


    Merostomata (Sjölevande palpkäkar med gälar) - med familj dolksvansar Havsspindlar (Pycnogonida) (Sjölevande palpkäkar med snabel) Spindeldjur (Arachnida) (Jordlevande palpkäkar med fyra benpar) som omfattar bland annat spindlar, skorpioner och kvalster Blue morpho butterfly 300x271.jpg Denna djurrelaterade artikel saknar väsentlig information. Du kan hjälpa till genom att tillföra sådan.
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    Keliserliler ( Turco )

    fornecido por wikipedia TR

    Keliserliler (Chelicerata), eklem bacaklıların büyük bir altşubesini teşkil eder. Merostomata, Arachnida ve Pantopoda diye üç sınıfı vardır. Köken olarak denizde yaşayan ve karada yaşayan canlıları içerir. Bugün bazı türlerinin (Xiphosura) soyu tükenmiştir. 35.000 den fazla türü yaşamaktadır.

    Fiziksel özellikleri

    Vücutları ön prosoma ve arka opisthosoma diye ikiye ayrılmıştır. Son kısımlarında bir kuyruk dikeni ya da kamçı taşıyabilirler. Prosoma, trilobitlere göre daha fazla segmentten yapılmıştır. Baş oluşumu daha belirgindir. Sefalotoraks, üye taşıyan 6 segmentten meydana gelmiştir. Çok defa segmentleri tamamen kaynaşarak yekpare bir yapı kazanmışlardır. Antenler kaybolmuştur.

    İlk üye çiftine keliser (chelicer) denir ve besin almada kullanılır. Çok defa kıskaç, bazen pençe ya da diken gibidir. İkinci üyeye maxillipalpus ya da pedipalpus denir. Bu üye, duyu alma organı, yürüme bacağı ya da alt çene olarak yapısal farklılaşmaya uğrayabilir. Prosomadaki üyeler bir kolludur. Diğer 4 çift üye, yürüme görevini yüklenmiştir.

    Solunum organı, solungaçlar, kitapsı akciğerler ya da borulu trakeler şeklindedir. Boşaltım organları nefridyumlardan değişerek meydana gelmiş ve prosomadaki üyelerin kaidesinden dışarıya açılan koksal bezlerdir. Bu bezlerin kirpikli hunileri, sacculus denen solom kalıntısına açılır. Fakat karada yaşayan Arachnida gruplarında, böceklere anolog olarak endodermal kökenli Malpighi tüpleri bulunur. Dolaşım sistemleri böceklerdeki gibidir. Köken olarak mediyan ve yan bileşik gözlere sahip olmalarına karşın; karada yaşayanlarda (örümceklerde) yalnız nokta gözler vardır.

    Stub icon Eklem bacaklılar ile ilgili bu madde bir taslaktır. Madde içeriğini geliştirerek Vikipedi'ye katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.
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    Keliserliler: Brief Summary ( Turco )

    fornecido por wikipedia TR

    Keliserliler (Chelicerata), eklem bacaklıların büyük bir altşubesini teşkil eder. Merostomata, Arachnida ve Pantopoda diye üç sınıfı vardır. Köken olarak denizde yaşayan ve karada yaşayan canlıları içerir. Bugün bazı türlerinin (Xiphosura) soyu tükenmiştir. 35.000 den fazla türü yaşamaktadır.

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    wikipedia TR

    Хеліцерові ( Ucraniano )

    fornecido por wikipedia UK

    Хеліце́рові або Павукоподі́бні (Chelicerata) — підтип типу членистоногі. Характерною ознакою хеліцерових є поділ тіла на дві тагми: головогруди та черевце. На головогрудях розташовано шість пар кінцівок. Вусики (антени, антенули) в хеліцерових відсутні. Перша пара кінцівок, розташована перед ротовим отвором, часто закінчується клішнею й зветься хеліцерами (звідси й назва підтипу). Позаду ротового отвору є друга пара кінцівок — педипальпи (ногощупальця). Останні чотири пари слугують ходильними ногами. Головний мозок хеліцерових, на відміну від інших членистоногих, складається з прото- та тритоцеребрума; дейтоцеребрум відсутній. Сучасні хеліцерові населюють суходіл і тільки близько 5% видів живе в морській та прісній воді.



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    Хеліцерові: Brief Summary ( Ucraniano )

    fornecido por wikipedia UK

    Хеліце́рові або Павукоподі́бні (Chelicerata) — підтип типу членистоногі. Характерною ознакою хеліцерових є поділ тіла на дві тагми: головогруди та черевце. На головогрудях розташовано шість пар кінцівок. Вусики (антени, антенули) в хеліцерових відсутні. Перша пара кінцівок, розташована перед ротовим отвором, часто закінчується клішнею й зветься хеліцерами (звідси й назва підтипу). Позаду ротового отвору є друга пара кінцівок — педипальпи (ногощупальця). Останні чотири пари слугують ходильними ногами. Головний мозок хеліцерових, на відміну від інших членистоногих, складається з прото- та тритоцеребрума; дейтоцеребрум відсутній. Сучасні хеліцерові населюють суходіл і тільки близько 5% видів живе в морській та прісній воді.

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    Động vật Chân kìm ( Vietnamita )

    fornecido por wikipedia VI

    Phân ngành Chân kìm (hoặc ngành[1]), danh pháp khoa học Chelicerata, là một trong số các phân nhánh chính của ngành (hoặc liên ngành[1]) chân khớp, và bao gồm cua móng ngựa, bọ cạp, nhệnmites. Chúng có nguồn gốc từ các động vật biển, có thể từ giai đoạn Cambri, nhưng các hóa thạch chelicerata đã được xác nhận đầu tiên là eurypteridae có tuổi từ 445 triệu năm trong kỷ Ordovic muộn.

    Các loài động vật biển còn sống trong phân ngành này gồm 4 loài thuộc Xiphosura, và có thể gồm 1.300 loài nhện biển (Pycnogonida) nếu chúng được xếp vào nhóm chelicerata. Mặc khác có hơn 77.000 loài chelicerata thở bằng không khí đã được xác định rõ ràng và có thể có khoảng 500.000 loài chưa được xác định.

    Đa dạng

    Chelicerata là một trong các nhóm động vật đa dạng nhất với hơn 77.000 loài còn tồn tại đã được xác nhận trong các ấn phẩm khoa học.[2] Một số nguồn ước tính rằng có thể có 130.000 loài nhện chưa được miêu tả và gần 500.000 loài bọ ve chưa được miêu tả.[3] Trong khi các loài chelicerata đầu tiên nhất và Pycnogonida còn tồn tại (nếu chúng là chelicerata[4]) và Xiphosura là các động vật biển hô hấp từ ôxy hòa tan trong nước, phần lớn các loài còn tồn tại là thở bằng không khí,[2] mặt dù một vài loài nhện xây tổ "diving bell" có thể giúp chúng sống dưới nước.[5] Giống như các tổ tiên của chúng, hầu hết các loài chelicerata còn sống là các động vật ăn thịt, chủ yếu là ăn các động vật không xương sống nhỏ. Tuy nhiên một số loài ăn ký sinh trùng, thực vật, xác chếtdetritivore.[2][6][7]

    Đa dạng của các loài chelicerata còn tồn tạis Nhóm Số loài đã được miêu tả[2] Thức ăn Pycnogonida (nhện biển) 500 Carnivorous[2] Xiphosura (sam) 4 Carnivorous[2] Araneae (nhện) 34,000 Carnivorous;[2] 1 vegetarian[8] Acari (bọ ve) 32,000 Carnivorous, parasitic, vegetarian, detritivore[2][6] Opiliones (Bộ Chân dài) 5,000 xác chết, thực vật, detritivore[7] Pseudoscorpiones (Bọ cạp giả) 3,200 Carnivorous[9] Scorpiones (bọ cạp) 1,400 xác chết[10] Solifugae (nhện lông) 900 Carnivorous, omnivorous[11] Schizomida (small whipscorpions) 180 Amblypygi (whipspiders) 100 Uropygi (Thelyphonida – đuôi roi) 90 Carnivorous[12] Palpigradi (micro whipscorpions) 60 Ricinulei 60

    Chú thích

    1. ^ a ă Margulis, Lynn; Schwartz, Karlene (1998), Five Kingdoms, An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth , W.H. Freeman and Company, ISBN 0-7167-3027-8
    2. ^ a ă â b c d đ e Shultz, J.W. (2001), “Chelicerata (Arachnids, Including Spiders, Mites and Scorpions)”, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., doi:10.1038/npg.els.0001605
    3. ^ Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World (PDF), Department of the Environment and Heritage, Australian Government, Tháng 9 năm 2005, truy cập ngày 29 tháng 3 năm 2010
    4. ^ Poschmann, M., and Dunlop, J.A. (2006), “A New Sea Spider (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) with a Flagelliform Telson from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate, Germany”, Palaeontology 49 (5): 983–989, doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2006.00583.x
    5. ^ Schütz, D., and Taborsky, M. (2003), “Adaptations to an aquatic life may be responsible for the reversed sexual size dimorphism in the water spider, Argyroneta aquatica (PDF), Evolutionary Ecology Research 5 (1): 105–117, truy cập ngày 11 tháng 10 năm 2008
    6. ^ a ă Ruppert, Fox & Barnes 2004, tr. 591–595
    7. ^ a ă Ruppert, Fox & Barnes 2004, tr. 588–590
    8. ^ Meehan, C,J. Olson, E.J. and Curry, R.L. (ngày 21 tháng 8 năm 2008), Exploitation of the Pseudomyrmex–Acacia mutualism by a predominantly vegetarian jumping spider (Bagheera kiplingi), truy cập ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2008
    9. ^ Pseudoscorpion - Penn State Entomology Department Fact Sheet, Pennsylvania State University, truy cập ngày 26 tháng 10 năm 2008
    10. ^ Ruppert, Fox & Barnes 2004, tr. 565–569
    11. ^ Ruppert, Fox & Barnes 2004, tr. 586–588
    12. ^ Harvey, M.S. (2002), “The Neglected Cousins: What do we Know about the Smaller Arachnid Orders?” (PDF), Journal of Arachnology 30 (2): 357–372, ISSN 0161-8202, doi:10.1636/0161-8202(2002)030[0357:TNCWDW]2.0.CO;2, truy cập ngày 26 tháng 10 năm 2008

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    Động vật Chân kìm: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

    fornecido por wikipedia VI

    Phân ngành Chân kìm (hoặc ngành), danh pháp khoa học Chelicerata, là một trong số các phân nhánh chính của ngành (hoặc liên ngành) chân khớp, và bao gồm cua móng ngựa, bọ cạp, nhệnmites. Chúng có nguồn gốc từ các động vật biển, có thể từ giai đoạn Cambri, nhưng các hóa thạch chelicerata đã được xác nhận đầu tiên là eurypteridae có tuổi từ 445 triệu năm trong kỷ Ordovic muộn.

    Các loài động vật biển còn sống trong phân ngành này gồm 4 loài thuộc Xiphosura, và có thể gồm 1.300 loài nhện biển (Pycnogonida) nếu chúng được xếp vào nhóm chelicerata. Mặc khác có hơn 77.000 loài chelicerata thở bằng không khí đã được xác định rõ ràng và có thể có khoảng 500.000 loài chưa được xác định.

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    wikipedia VI

    Хелицеровые ( Russo )

    fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
    Царство: Животные
    Подцарство: Эуметазои
    Без ранга: Первичноротые
    Без ранга: Линяющие
    Без ранга: Panarthropoda
    Подтип: Хелицеровые
    Международное научное название

    Chelicerata Heymons, 1901

    Классы Wikispecies-logo.svg
    на Викивидах
    на Викискладе
    ITIS 82697NCBI 6843EOL 2579982FW 91508

    Хелицеровые (лат. Chelicerata) — подтип членистоногих (Arthropoda). Хотя группа возникла в водной среде, наибольшего видового богатства достигли более поздние сухопутные представители — паукообразные. В настоящее время из первичноводных хелицеровых сохранились мечехвосты (4 вида) и морские пауки (около 1000 видов). Вторично перешли к водному образу жизни некоторые клещи́ и пауки[1]. Практически все представители — хищники. Многие клещи и морские пауки на некоторых стадиях жизненного цикла ведут паразитический образ жизни. В настоящее время учёными описано более 115 тыс. видов хелицеровых (включая более 2 тыс. ископаемых видов; Zhang, 2013), большинство которых составляют пауки (более 44 тыс. видов) и клещи (более 55 тыс. видов)[2]. К хелицеровым также относят ракоскорпионов.


    Меростомовые и паукообразные

    Традиционно в теле меростомовых и паукообразных выделяют две тагмыголовогрудь (просому) и брюшко (опистосому). Просома состоит из акрона (головной лопасти, обычно несущей глаза) и первых шести сегментов, несущих конечности: хелицеры, педипальпы и четыре пары ходных ног[3]. Функции и строение конечностей просомы у разных хелицеровых существенно различаются. Хелицеры представляют собой клешни или подклешни, состоят из двух или трёх члеников и обычно служат для захвата пищи.

    В состав опистосомы входит 13 сегментов тела и тельсон (анальная лопасть)[3]. Последние шесть сегментов никогда не несут конечностей, в связи с чем некоторые исследователи подразделяют опистосому на две других тагмы: мезосому (7 сегментов) и метасому (6 сегментов и тельсон)[3].

    Первый сегмент мезосомы подвержен редукции и у почти всех представителей не несёт конечностей[3]. Исключение составляют мечехвосты, у которых на нём располагаются небольшие пластинки — хилярии. Конечности остальных шести сегментов бывают сильно видоизменены или полностью утрачены. Они могут быть преобразованы в жаберные книжки (у мечехвостов), лёгкие (у многих паукообразных), половые придатки (у скорпионов), паутинные бородавки (у пауков).

    Морские пауки

    В теле морского паука выделяют три отдела: голову, грудь и брюшко. Головной отдел несёт три пары конечностей и массивный придаток — хобот, на конце которого располагается ротовое отверстие[4]. Число конечностей входящих в грудной отдел варьирует у разных представителей — от 4 до 6 пар.[4] На конце рудиментарного брюшка открывается анальное отверстие.


    Хелицеровых разделяют на 3 класса:

    • Паукообразные (Arachnida): пауки, скорпионы, клещи и другие;
    • Меростомовые (Merostomata): мечехвосты и ракоскорпионы;
    • Морские пауки (Pycnogonida): единственный отряд морских пауков иногда выделяют из состава хелицеровых в собственный подтип.


    1. Schütz, D., and Taborsky, M. (2003), "Adaptations to an aquatic life may be responsible for the reversed sexual size dimorphism in the water spider, Argyroneta aquatica", Evolutionary Ecology Research Т. 5 (1): 105–117, <http://www.zoology.unibe.ch/behav/pdf_files/Schuetz_EvolEcolRes03.pdf>. Проверено 11 октября 2008.
    2. Zhang, Z.-Q. «Phylum Athropoda». — In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.) «Animal Biodiversity: An Outline of Higher-level Classification and Survey of Taxonomic Richness (Addenda 2013)». (англ.) // Zootaxa / Zhang, Z.-Q. (Chief Editor & Founder). — Auckland: Magnolia Press, 2013. — Vol. 3703, no. 1. — P. 17–26. — ISBN 978-1-77557-248-0 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-77557-249-7 (online edition). — ISSN 1175-5326.
    3. 1 2 3 4 Рупперт Э. Э., Фокс Р. С., Барнс Р. Д. Членистоногие // Зоология беспозвоночных. Функциональные и эволюционные аспекты = Invertebrate Zoology: A Functional Evolutionary Approach / пер. с англ. Т. А. Ганф, Н. В. Ленцман, Е. В. Сабанеевой; под ред. А. А. Добровольского и А. И. Грановича. — 7-е издание. — М.: Академия, 2008. — Т. 3. — 496 с. — 3000 экз.ISBN 978-5-7695-3496-6.
    4. 1 2 Догель В. А. Зоология беспозвоночных: Учебник для ун-тов// Под ред. проф. Полянского Ю. И. — 7-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М.: Высш. школа, 1981. — 606 с.

    direitos autorais
    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    Хелицеровые: Brief Summary ( Russo )

    fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

    Хелицеровые (лат. Chelicerata) — подтип членистоногих (Arthropoda). Хотя группа возникла в водной среде, наибольшего видового богатства достигли более поздние сухопутные представители — паукообразные. В настоящее время из первичноводных хелицеровых сохранились мечехвосты (4 вида) и морские пауки (около 1000 видов). Вторично перешли к водному образу жизни некоторые клещи́ и пауки. Практически все представители — хищники. Многие клещи и морские пауки на некоторых стадиях жизненного цикла ведут паразитический образ жизни. В настоящее время учёными описано более 115 тыс. видов хелицеровых (включая более 2 тыс. ископаемых видов; Zhang, 2013), большинство которых составляют пауки (более 44 тыс. видов) и клещи (более 55 тыс. видов). К хелицеровым также относят ракоскорпионов.

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    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    螯肢亞門 ( Chinês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


















    Spider main organs labelled.png
    蜘蛛的主要器官1螯爪2毒腺3腦部4胃部5大動脈分支6盲腸7心臟8中腸9馬氏管10泄殖腔11後大動脈12噴絲板13絲腺14氣管15卵巢(雌性)16書肺17神經索1819鬚肢生理系統 神經系統 消化排泄系統 循環系統 呼吸系統 生殖系統










    頭胸神經節融入至腦部 腹神經節融入至腦部 所有 只有首二節 蠍子 所有 沒有 古疣亞目 只有首二節 沒有 其他蛛形綱 所有 所有






    雌性維納鉗蠍Compsobuthus werneri),背上白色的是幼體。








    已知最古老的蛛形綱Palaeotarbus jerami,源自4億2000萬年前的志留紀。牠們擁有三角形的頭胸部及有節的腹部,有八對腳及一對鬚肢。[17][18]

    3億3600萬年前泥盆紀Attercopus fimbriunguis英语Attercopus是最早擁有生產絲器官的[19],但卻沒有噴絲板,故並非真正的蜘蛛。[20]有幾種石炭紀的蜘蛛都是屬於中突蛛亞目[19]



    節肢動物門 泛甲殼動物





























































    現存螯肢亞門的多樣性 類別 已描述物種[28] 食性 海蜘蛛綱 500 肉食性[28] 劍尾目 4 肉食性[28] 蜘蛛綱 34,000 肉食性;[28] 1種草食性[6] 蜱蟎亞綱 32,000 肉食性、寄生、草食性及食碎屑性[2][28] 盲蛛目 5,000 肉食性、草食性及食碎屑性[2] 擬蠍目 3,200 肉食性[31] 蠍目 1,400 肉食性[2] 避日目 900 肉食性、雜食性[2] 裂盾目 180 鈍尾目 100 有鞭目 90 肉食性[32] 鬚腳目 60 節腹目 60



    以往美國原住民是會吃,用其尾棘製作矛頭,殼用來舀水。不過他們已經放棄了將鱟作為牲畜食物,因為發現會令牲畜肉質的味道變壞。鱟的血液含有鱟阿米巴樣細胞溶解物(Limulus Amebocyte Lysate)可以用作細菌存在的試劑,以及用來偵測腦膜炎及一些癌症[33]






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    鋏角亜門 ( Japonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
    鋏角亜門 Scorpion anatomy.png
    分類 : 動物Animalia : 節足動物Arthropoda 亜門 : 鋏角亜門 Chelicerata




    1. 体は前体Prosoma、頭胸部)と後体Opisthosoma、腹部)からなる。
    2. 触角は存在しない。
    3. 鋏角の他に、独立した顎のような付属肢がない。












    鋏角亜門 ?


















    • 内田亨監修『動物系統分類学(全10巻)第7巻(中A) 節足動物(IIa)』,(1966),中山書店
    • 石川良輔編『節足動物の多様性と系統』,(2008),バイオディバーシティ・シリーズ6(裳華房)
    • 小野展嗣編著、『日本産クモ類』、(2009)、東海大学出版会
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    鋏角亜門: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

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    협각류 ( Coreano )

    fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

    협각류(鋏角類)는 거미류, 투구게 그리고 관련된 형태의 동물을 포함하는 절지동물 분류의 하나이다. 대개 육식인 이들은, 캄브리아기의 해양 절지동물의 공통 조상인, 현재는 멸종된 삼엽충보다 오랫동안 존재해 오고 있다. 해양 협각류 동물의 대부분은, 유립테루스 모두를 포함하여, 현재 멸종되었다. 협각류 동물과 이와 밀접한 화석으로 존재하는 친족 동물(주로, 원래의 검미아강에 포함된)들은 분류군 Arachnomorpha아문에, 삼엽충과 함께 분류된다.


    협각류에서, 몸은 8개의 체절과 하나의 선절로 구성된 전방의 두흉부(頭胸部 prosoma)와 12개의 체절과 하나의 후절로 구성된 후방의 후체구(後體球, opisthosoma)로 구분되어 있다. 다른 절지동물에서처럼 입은 두 번째와 세 번째 체절 사이에 놓여 있다. 그러나 다른 그룹에서는 항상 마지막 전구 체절 상에 한 쌍의 더듬이가 있음에 반하여, 협각류에서는 없다. 두흉부는 항상 눈을 지닌다. 두흉부의 처음 2 개의 체절은 어떤 부속지도 지지하지 않는다; 세 번째는 협각을 지탱하고, 네 번째 체절은 다리 또는 촉지를 지탱하며, 그리고 다음의 나머지 모든 체절들은 다리를 지탱한다.

    협각류라는 이름이 유래된 "협각"은, 먹이를 쥐는 뾰족한 부속지들로, 대부분의 다른 절지동물들이 가지고 있는 먹이를 씹는 턱들의 위치에 있다. 대부분은 딱딱한 것들을 섭취할 수 없기 때문에, 피를 빨아들이거나 뱉거나 또는 먹이에게 소화 효소를 넣는다. 두형부 상에 있는 다리들은 단지이거나, 매우 짧고 주름진 파생물이고, 걷거나 헤엄치기에 적합하게 되어 있다. 후체구 상에 있는 부속지들은, 반대로 존재하지 않거나 또는 주름진 파생물로 쫄아들어 있다.

    하위 분류

    노랑진드기(Lorryia formosa)

    협각아문은 4개의 으로 구분한다:

    바다거미강은 실제로, 위에서 기술된 몸 구조와는 다른 좀 큰 차이점을 보여주며, 절지동물의 독자적인 계통을 드러내주는 것으로 제안된 바 있다. 바다거미강은 초기에 다른 절지동물로부터 분리되었을지 모르며, 또는 매우 변형된 형태일 것으로 묘사된다. 때로는 바다거미강이 협각류에서 제외되기도 하지만, Cheliceriformes으로는 포함된다. 최근의 모든 계통적 추측 때문에 퇴구강이라는 이름을 쓰는 것은 꺼리고 있으며, 검미아강(Xiphosura) + 광익아강(Eurypterida)으로 구성된 측계통군으로 간주된다.

    버제스 혈암 동물인 Sanctacaris광순류는 퇴구강에 포함시키는 것으로 제안되었으나, 현재는 논란이 되고 있다. 이들은 캄브리아기에서 등장했던 멸종 동물들이다; 광순류는 실루리아기 동안에 사라졌다고 믿어지고 있다. 협각류 중에서 확실한 가장 오랜 그룹은 후기-캄브리아기 이후에 발견되는 비다거미이다.

    계통 분류

    다음은 범절지동물의 계통 분류이다.[1]













    1. Regier; Shultz, J. W.; Zwick, A.; Hussey, A.; Ball, B.; Wetzer, R.; Martin, J. W.; Cunningham, C. W.; 외. (2010), “Arthropod relationships revealed by phylogenomic analysis of nuclear protein-coding sequences”, 《네이처463 (7284): 1079–1084, Bibcode:2010Natur.463.1079R, doi:10.1038/nature08742, PMID 20147900
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