Onychophora (frae Auncient Greek, onyches, "claws"; an pherein, "tae cairy"), commonly kent as velvet worms (due tae thair velvety textur an somewhit wirmlik appearance) or mair ambiguously as peripatus (efter the first descrived genus, Peripatus), is a phylum o elongate, saft-bodied, mony-leggit panarthropods.[1][2]
Onychophora (frae Auncient Greek, onyches, "claws"; an pherein, "tae cairy"), commonly kent as velvet worms (due tae thair velvety textur an somewhit wirmlik appearance) or mair ambiguously as peripatus (efter the first descrived genus, Peripatus), is a phylum o elongate, saft-bodied, mony-leggit panarthropods.