
Conservation Status

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In 2012, Cercopithecus roloway was included among the world's 100 most threatened species, in a report by the IUCN Species Survival Commission and the Zoological Society of London.

(Baillie & Butcher 2012; Harvey 2012)

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Most of the observed Roloways are of the same age, which indicates that there is high competition between Roloway individuals for resources and access to mates (Buzzard, 2006).

Roloway monkeys also compete and interact with other species of Cercopithecus monkeys (Magnuson, 2002-2003). It is most common for the vocal Roloway monkeys to call during the morning and the evening, as well as after any disturbances. However, due to hunting by humans, the Roloway monkeys do not call often and quickly run away from humans (Magnuson, 2002-2003). Roloway monkeys are very vigilant and frequently give predator alarm calls, making them a very influential species in the survival of other primates (Goneledé Bi et al., 2013).


Magnuson, L. 2002-2003. Distribution and abundance of the roloway monkey Cercopithecus diana roloway and other primate species in Ghana. Afr. Primates 6(1 and 2): 19-26.

Tess Denton, MaryEllen Fitzgerald-Bord, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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Due to overexplotaition by human hunting, the Roloway monkey has been extirpated from the Bia National Park, located in Ghana (Struhsaker, 2008). When sites were surveyed where the Roloway monkey was known to be found, used gun cartridges and wire snares were abundant throughout the region (Wiafe, 2013). The forests of Côte d'Ivoire, a common habitat of the Roloway monkey, showed an increase in the hunting activity of humans. This increase caused extirpation of many species originally found there, including the Roloway monkey (Bene et al., 2012). The Roloway monkey is identified as an easy hunting target by humans because, for a mammal, it is loud and is located up in the trees. Humans can pick them out more easily and can hunt them with less work than other inconspicuous species (Struhsaker, 2008). Also, the few habitats that have been left undeveloped by humans tend to be a crucial location for bushmeat (Schulte-Herbrüggen et al., 2013). Guenons, such as the Roloway monkey, are being unsustainably overexploited for bushmeat by full-time hunters. Again, the Roloway monkey is an easy target because these monkeys are large mammals and easier to hunt (Butynski, 2002). Hunting of the Roloway monkey allows the bushmeat to either be consumed as food by the locals, or sold.

In addition, there is another significant influence on the Roloway monkey population size: deforestation (Bergl, 2011) and accompanying habitat fragementation. The decline of most primates can be attributed, in part, to fragmentation in Guinea due to human activity (Barnes, 2002). Also, the reserves designated to help with conservation efforts may be too small and isolated (Gonedelé Bi et al., 2012).

Due to these human activities, the Roloway monkey has had a decreasing population trend for years. The Roloway monkey is one of the three most endangered monkeys that inhabits the forest of Upper Guinea (Mittermeier, 2007). It is estimated that more than 80% of the Roloway monkey populations have decreased over the last decade (Magnuson, 2002-2003). The Roloway monkey population may have been reduced to a total of 500 individuals within recent years (Goneledé Bi et al., 2013).

When 100 locals in Ghana were interviewed in 2013 to see if they had seen the Roloway monkey, 86% of the participants indicated they had seen the monkey in the past, but not within the last 20 years (Wiafe, 2013). Surveys from 1994, which were completed 20 years ago now, show evidence of Roloway monkeys having a sizable presence in both the Yay Forest Reserve and the Ehy Lagoon, both located in the Côte d'Ivoire. However, more recent surveys from 2004 indicate little to no presence of the monkey in these regions (Mittermeier, 2007).Also, local people state that populations of the Roloway monkeys occur in various reserves in Western Ghana, but researchers have difficulties confirming their presence (Sery et al., 2006).

The Roloway monkey has been included on the list of “The World’s 25 Most Endangered Primates” (Mittermeier et al., 2007). It was previously on the list in 2002, but was taken off in subsequent years. It has currently been placed back on the list as of the 2006-2008 listing (Mittermeier et al., 2007), and remains there today. The Roloway monkey is also endangered according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals (Mittermeier and Konstant, 2001).

The forests of Guinea have been recognized as one of the sites requiring the most conservation efforts due to the high number of endangered and endemic primates that are found there (Magnuson, 2005; Gonedelé et al., 2008). However, as of 2012, no conservation efforts have been made specifically for the Roloway monkey. Actual statistics for the range, and population sizes of the monkey are estimated yet mostly unknown (Bene et al., 2012).

Determining the range of the roloway monkey would aid in the conservation efforts for this species (Magnuson, 2002-2003). The Roloway monkey is sometimes seen as a flagship species, meaning it can be used to garner support for other conservation efforts, as well as for itself (Mittermeier et al., 2007). Also, the Roloway monkey is not known to be conserved at popular zoos; the Edinburgh zoo located in Scotland, for example, maintains most primates except for the Roloway monkey (Young, 1998). Perhaps a population of the monkey could be maintained at a zoo, or conservation center in order to make sure the species does not go completely extinct.

Studies of the Roloway monkey all indicate that it is understudied; more information is needed about the species in order to appropriately protect it. The monkey would benefit from research on its current range, habitat, and ecology. The Roloway monkey is in danger of extinction if no actions are taken to protect the species.


  • Barnes, R. F. W. 2002. The problem of precision and trend detection posed by small elephant populations in west Africa. Afr. J. Ecol. 40: 179-185.
  • Bergl, R. A., Y. Warren, A. Nicholas, A. Dunn, I. Imong, J. L. Sunderland-Groves, and J. F. Oates. 2011. Remote sensing analysis reveals habitat, dispersal corridors and expanded distribution for the critically endangered Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli. Oryx 46(2): 278-289.
  • Butynski, T. M. 2002. Conservation of the guenons: An overview of status, threats, and recommendations. Dev. Primatol. 411-424.
  • Gonedelé Bi, S., I. Koné, A. E. Bitty, J. C. Béné Koffi, B. Akpatou, and D. Zinner. 2012. Distribution and conservation status of Catarrhine primates in Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa). Folia. Primatol. 83: 11-23.
  • Magnuson, L. 2005. Conservation of african monkeys. Int. J. of Primatology 26(3): 511-512.
  • Mittermeier, R. A., and W. R. Konstant. 2001. Primate populations, conservation of. Enc. of Biodiversity 4: 879-889.
  • Schulte-Herbrüggen, B., J. M. Rowcliffe, K. Homewood, L. A. Kurpiers, C. Whitham, G. Cowlishaw. 2013. Wildlife depletion in a West African farm-forest mosaic and the implications for hunting across that landscape. Hum. Ecol. 41: 795-806.
  • Struhsaker, T. T. 2008. Demographic variability in monkeys: implications for theory and conservation. Int. J. Primatol. 29: 19-34.
  • Young, R. J. 1998. Behavioural studies of guenons Cercopithecus spp at Edinburgh Zoo. Int. Zoo Yb. 36: 49-56.

Tess Denton, MaryEllen Fitzgerald-Bord, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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The Roloway monkey belongs to the Anthropoids classification of primates. They are one of eight sub-species of apes and monkeys (Buzzard and Parker, 2012). Roloway monkeys are guenons, the genus of Old World Cercopithecus monkeys, all of which are found in forested ecosystems. The characteristics of inhabiting forest canopies, as Roloway monkeys do, is thought to have developed due to ancestors taking refuge from predators in the forest (Buzzard, 2006; Guschanski et al., 2013). Guenons are known to have a large geographic range, yet are concentrated mostly in western Africa (Guschanski et al., 2013).

The official reported range of the monkey is from western Ghana to the Sassandra River in Côte d'Ivoire, as well as into parts of Guinea (Gonedelé et al., 2008). The official range is agreed upon throughout distribution maps, but no uniform surveying of the area has been done to verify an actual range. There have been rare sightings of the Roloway monkey outside the reported range, further north than indicated, by hunters and other passersby (Campbell et al., 2008). Roloway monkeys share a range with Miss Waldron’s red colobus (Piliocolobus badius waldronae) and the white-naped mangabey (Cercocebus atys lunulatus), particularly in the Tanoé Forest (Gonedelé Bi et al., 2013).

The roloway monkey has been extirpated throughout reserves and national parks in Ghana, such as the Bia National Park, the Cape Three Points Forest Reserve, the Draw River Forest Reserve, and the Nini-Suhien National Park (Magnuson, 2002-2003). Sightings by scientists within the last 10 years have only been recorded in the Kwabre Forest in the southwest corner of Ghana (McGraw, 2000-2006). Roloway monkeys were encountered in Ghana’s Ankasa Resource Reserve one-tenth as frequently as they were encountered in Tanoé Forest (Gonedelé Bi et al., 2013). The forestry staff of the Bia-Goaso Forest in southwestern Ghana have confirmed limited presence of the monkey, despite previous records stating otherwise (Danquah et al., 2012). The Subri River Forest Reserve is one of the largest reservations in the country and the presence of the Roloway monkey has been acknowledged by hunters who have traveled through the area (Buzzard and Parker, 2012). The monkey is also known to be found in parts of Côte d'Ivoire (Mittermeier, 2007). The Tanoé Forest, in Côte d'Ivoire, is the habitat of several endangered and threatened species, including the Roloway monkey. The forest, and surrounding areas, are thought to make up a section of the original habitat range of the monkey (Bene et al., 2012).


  • Bene, J.-C. K., I. Kone, S. Gonedele Bi, E. A. Bitty, K. Ouattara, K. B. Akpatou, K. A. N’Guessan, and D. A. Koffi. 2012. The diurnal primate community of the Tanoé Forest: species composition, relative abundance, distribution, polyspecific associations and conservation status. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 6(1): 51-64.
  • Buzzard, P. J. 2006. Ecological partitioning of Cercopithecus campbelli, C. petaurista, and C. diana in the Taï Forest. Int. J. Primatol. 27(2): 529-558.
  • Buzzard, P. J. and A. J. A. Parker. 2012. Surveys from the Subri River Forest Reserve, Ghana. Afr. Primates 7(2): 175-183.
  • Campbell, G., J. Teichroeb, and J. D. Paterson. 2008. Distribution of diurnal primate species in Togo and Bénin. Folia. Primatol. 79:15-30.
  • Danquah, E., S. K. Oppong, E. Akom, and M. Sam. 2012. Preliminary survey of chimpanzees and threatened monkeys in the Bia-Goaso Forest Block in southwestern Ghana. Afr. Primates 7(2):163-174.
  • Gonedelé Bi, S., J.-C. Béné Koffi, A. E. Bitty, B. K. Kassé, A. N’Guessan, A. D. Koffi, B. Akpatou, and I. Koné. 2013. Roloway guenon (Cercopithecus diana roloway) and white-naped mangabey (Cercocebus atys lunulatus) prefer mangrove habitats in Tanoé Forest, south-eastern Ivory Coast. J. Ecosys. Ecograph. 3: 1-6.
  • Gonedelé Bi, S., I. Koné, J.-C. Béné Koffi, A. E. Bitty, B. K. Akpatou, Z. Goné Bi, K. Ouattara, and D. A. Koffi. 2008. Tanoé forest, south-eastern Côte-d’Ivoire identified as a high priority site for the conservation of critically endangered primates in west Africa. Tropical Conservation Science 1(3): 265-278.
  • Guschanski, K., J. Krause, S. Sawyer, L. M. Valente, S. Bailey, K. Finstermeier, R. Sabin, E. Gilissen, G. Sonet, Z. T. Nagy, G. Lenglet, F. Mayer, and V. Savolainen. 2013. Next-generation museomics disentangles one of the largest primate radiations. Syst. Biol. 62(4): 539-554.
  • Magnuson, L. 2002-2003. Distribution and abundance of the roloway monkey Cercopithecus diana roloway and other primate species in Ghana. Afr. Primates 6(1 and 2): 19-26.
  • McGraw, W. S. and J. F. Oates. Roloway monkey Cercopithecus diana roloway (Schreber, 1774) Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire (2002, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012). 14-16.
  • Mittermeier, R. A., J. Ratsimbazafy, A. B. Rylands, L. Willaimson, J. F. Oates, D. Mbora, J. U. Ganzhorn, E. Rodríguez-Luna, E. Palacios, E. W. Heymann, M. Cecília, M. Kierulff, L. Yongcheng, J. Supriatna, C. Roos, S. Walker, and J. M. Aguiar. 2007. Primates in peril: the world’s 25 most endangered primates, 2006-2008. Primate Conservation 22: 1-40.

Tess Denton, MaryEllen Fitzgerald-Bord, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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Roloway monkeys inhabit mangroves, lowland moist forest, and riverine and gallery forests, located in the Guinean Forest Zone in western Africa (Gonedelé Bi et al., 2013; Wiafe, 2013). They inhabit the upper strata of forests, which indicates niche partitioning, because other species of primate use the lower levels (Buzzard, 2006). The Roloway monkey prefers mature and relatively undisturbed forests, but they can also inhabit secondary forests and occasionally even farmlands (Magnuson, 2002-2003).


Wiafe, E. D. 2013. Status of the critically endangered roloway monkey (Cercopithecus diana roloway) in Dadieso forest reserve, Ghana. Afr. Primates 8: 9-16.

Tess Denton, MaryEllen Fitzgerald-Bord, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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Molecular Biology

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The GenBank accession numbers for the Roloway monkey are L35193 (Van der Kuyl et al., 1995) and JQ256923 (Guschanski et al., 2013).


Van der Kuyl, A. C., J. T. Dekker, and J. Goudsmit. 1995. Distribution of baboon endogenous virus among species of African monkeys suggests multiple ancient cross-species transmissions in shared habitats. J. Virol. 69(12): 7877-7887.

Tess Denton, MaryEllen Fitzgerald-Bord, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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The Roloway monkey is distinctive due to the presence of a sizable white “beard” and white upper section of the brow. Also, they typically have yellow or cream-colored fur on their thighs ( Magnuson, 2002-2003; Mittermeier, 2007). No body measurements have been recorded for the Roloway monkey because an adult male has not been observed within close proximity (Butynski et al., 2009). Sexual diomorphism is not an identified characteristic of the species. One of the few characteristics differing between the sexes is that the males have more prominent canines (Lenglet, 1984). Male Roloway monkeys also have significantly larger skulls and mandibles than female Roloway monkeys (Lenglet, 1984).


  • Butynski, T. M., Y. A. de Jong, and G. W. Hearn. 2009. Body measurements for the monkeys of Boiko Island, equatorial Guinea. Primate Conservation 24: 99-105.
  • Lenglet, G. L. 1984. Sexual dimorphism of the weight of the skull in African Cercopithecidae (primates, Catarrhini). Folia. Primatol. 42: 134-146.
  • Mittermeier, R. A., J. Ratsimbazafy, A. B. Rylands, L. Willaimson, J. F. Oates, D. Mbora, J. U. Ganzhorn, E. Rodríguez-Luna, E. Palacios, E. W. Heymann, M. Cecília, M. Kierulff, L. Yongcheng, J. Supriatna, C. Roos, S. Walker, and J. M. Aguiar. 2007. Primates in peril: the world’s 25 most endangered primates, 2006-2008. Primate Conservation 22: 1-40.

Tess Denton, MaryEllen Fitzgerald-Bord, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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Trophic Structure

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Roloway monkeys are frugivore-insectivores, although they prefer seeds (Magnuson, 2002-2003). Frugiove-insectivores consume a diet of primarily fruits and insects. The Roloway monkey is known to typically eat ripe fruit located in the canopies of the forest. They are also known to eat the petioles of leaves of Diospyros, evergreen trees/shrubs (Buzzard, 2006). In addition to fruit, the diet of the Roloway monkey has a substantial amount of “animal matter” (Buzzard, 2006). This “animal matter” includes feces as well as animal remains. However, according to one study, the Roloway monkey eats fruit and foliage more frequently than many other species of monkey (Buzzard, 2006). Also, the males of the species ate a significantly larger amount of fruit than females, who instead chose to eat more animal matter and foliage. Roloway males often eat fruit with vigor, more so than females, because it shows their fellow males that they are alert, and because they are able to harvest and consume fruit more rapidly than they could catch prey (Buzzard, 2006). The consumption of animal matter is mainly by females in order to provide more adequate sustenance to keep up with the nutritional demands of a pregnancy (Buzzard, 2006). During times when there is low fruit accessibility, often May-August, the diet of the Roloway monkey is more skewed toward the other options (Buzzard, 2006).In a study used to identify primary receptors in the mouth for taste, Catarrhini monkeys, including Roloways, identified all of the various tastes as sweet. This might indicate why the Roloway monkey has a high preference for fruit (Buzzard and Parker, 2012).

Tess Denton, MaryEllen Fitzgerald-Bord, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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Cercopitec roloway ( Catalan; Valencian )

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El cercopitec roloway (Cercopithecus roloway) és un primat de la família dels cercopitècids. És molt similar al cercopitec diana, del qual anteriorment se'l considerava una subespècie. Té una llargada corporal de 40-55 cm i pesa 4-7 kg.

El cos és predominantment negre, però té zones blanques a la part lateral i inferior del musell, el pit i el costat anterior de les extremitats davanteres. Es difereix del cercopitec diana sobretot per tenir la barba blanca més llarga.


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Cercopitec roloway: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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El cercopitec roloway (Cercopithecus roloway) és un primat de la família dels cercopitècids. És molt similar al cercopitec diana, del qual anteriorment se'l considerava una subespècie. Té una llargada corporal de 40-55 cm i pesa 4-7 kg.

El cos és predominantment negre, però té zones blanques a la part lateral i inferior del musell, el pit i el costat anterior de les extremitats davanteres. Es difereix del cercopitec diana sobretot per tenir la barba blanca més llarga.

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Kočkodan Rolowayův ( Czech )

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Kočkodan Rolowayův (Cercopithecus roloway) je opice z čeledi kočkodanovití (Cercopithecidae) a rodu Cercopithecus někdy uváděna jako poddruh kočkodana Dianina (Cercopithecus diana). Vyskytuje se v Ghaně a na Pobřeží slonoviny. Kočkodan Rolowayův patří mezi největší druhy z celého rodu Cercopithecus, ale přesné míry nebyly nikdy určeny, protože u všech měřených jedinců nebylo určeno pohlaví ani stáří. Žije v tlupách obvykle o 15 až 20 zvířatech a živí se hlavně ovocem. Mezinárodní svaz ochrany přírody jej považuje za ohrožený druh nebezpečí představuje lov a ztráta přirozeného prostředí.


Kočkodan Rolowayův patří do čeledi kočkodanovití (Cercopithecidae) a rodu kočkodan (Cercopithecus).[2] Je to monotypický taxon tvořící klad společně s kočkodanem Dianiným (Cercopithecus diana) a často byl společně s Cercopithecus diana diana považován jako poddruh kočkodana Dianina, tedy Cercopithecus diana roloway, kterému se podobá například vnitřní barvou stehen a naopak odlišuje jinou délkou vousů, obočí a zbarvením. Osamostatněn na druh byl roku 2005 profesorem biologické antropologie Colinem Grovesem.[3][4]

Kočkodana Rolowayova popsal v roce 1774 německý lékař a přírodovědec Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber.[2] Odborným jménem je Cercopithecus roloway, vědeckými synonymy pro druh jsou Cercopithecus palatinus a Schreberem určená synonyma Cercopithecus diana roloway a Simia roloway, českým synonymem pak kočkodan Dianin Rolowayův.[2][4] Druh má 58 chromozomů.[3]


Kočkodan Rolowayův je zvíře afrotropické (etiopské) oblasti, obývá západní Afriku.[5] Lze jej najít na severu a výhodě Pobřeží slonoviny východně od řeky Sassandra až k řece Pra v Ghaně, neoficiální zprávy (například od lovců) uvádějí vzácný výskyt také severněji, opice možná žije v Burkině Faso či na východ od přehradní nádrže Volta v Togu.[4][6]

Je to stromový druh žijící v lesích, může obývat prvotní i obnovené lesy od nížinných až po říční či galeriové,[4] lze jej najít také v porostech mangrovníků druhů Pandanus candelabrum a Cyrtosperma senegalense, kde opice žijí ve větších skupinách, protože jim tyto oblasti vzdálené od lidské populace poskytují ochranu a potravu včetně vody.[5] Žijí i v lehce degradovaných lesích se zachovaným baldachýnem, obyčejně jsou však na degradaci lesů citlivé.[4] Orientují se z vrcholků stromů.[5]


Kočkodan Rolowayův patří mezi největší druhy z celého rodu Cercopithecus,[5] ale přesné míry nebyly nikdy určeny, protože u všech měřených jedinců nebylo určeno pohlaví ani stáří; u kočkodana Dianina, jemuž se tento druh velmi podobá, činí délka těla samce 52,5 až 61,5 cm a délka těla samice 44 až 45 cm. Kočkodan Rolowayův vykazuje pohlavní dimorfismus, samci jsou větší než samice a mají také mohutnější špičáky a větší lebky.[5][6] Tělo opice působí elegantním dojmem, končetiny a ocas, který je delší než tělo,[5] jsou dlouhé.[3] Palec je protistojný a na všech prstech rostou nehty. Lebka je zploštělá, s nosními dírkami, které jsou od sebe mírně rozestoupeny. Celkový zubní vzorec činí I 2/2 1/1, P 2/2, M 3/3 = 32, druh má lícní sáčky.[5]

Zbarvení je tmavošedé, na konci zad karmínové, břicho a končetiny jsou zabarveny černě, krk a hrudník bílé. Na černém obličeji roste 8 až 10 cm plnovous.[5][3] Mláďata se zbarvením podobají dospělcům.[3]


Kočkodan Rolowayův v zajetí

Kočkodan Rolowayův žije ve skupinách složených ze 6 až 22 zvířat, běžná je tvořena 15 až 20 jedinci. V tlupě je obyčejně jeden samec, zbytek tvoří samice a mláďata. Jedná skupina si zabírá území o rozloze 189 km2, které si značí táhlým voláním. V případě nebezpečí ze strany predátorů, například levharta skvrnitého (Panthera pardus) a možná i orla korunkatého (Stephanoaetus coronatus), vydávají kočkodani varovné volání.[3][5] Druh se živí rozmanitou potravou. Potravu jim poskytuje přes 130 druhů rostlin včetně epifytických, největší část stravy tvoří dužnina ovoce (společně se semeny tvoří hlavní část jídelníčku v období sucha[5]), dále také členovci a listy. Většinu jídla nacházejí na koncích větví stromů. Jejich jídelníček je podobný jako u kočkodana bělonosého (Cercopithecus nictitans), který může tak být konkurenčním druhem.[7] V období dešťů byli také kočkodani pozorováni, jak se krmí v blízkosti guéréz límcových (Colobus vellerosus).[3]


Na kresbě Charlese Darwina

O rozmnožování druhu nebylo zjištěno dostatečné množství informací, nicméně je možné, že je podobně jako kočkodan Dianin polygamní. Rozmnožovat se mohou celoročně,[5] páření kočkodanů Rolowayových byla zaznamenávána především mezi únorem a červencem a mláďata se v Národním parku Bia rodila od konce listopadu do začátku prosince.[3] Mladí jedinci jsou obyčejně neprůbojní, asertivní se stávají až ve vyšším věku. Délka dožití ve volné přírodě není známa, v zajetí se jeden kočkodan Rolowayův dožil 31 let.[5]


Mangabej Rolowayův je jeden ze tří nejvíce ohrožených primátů ve svém areálu výskytu a jeho populace v celém areálu výskytu klesá, v Ghaně již možná vyhynul.[4] V řadě oblastí, včetně národních parků, jako je Národní park Bia, byl vyhuben.[6] Nebezpečí představuje jak ničení přirozeného prostředí, lesy ustupují zemědělským půdám nebo jsou káceny pro těžbu dřeva, v oblasti rovněž vznikají plantáže palm olejných (Elaeis guineensis). Rozvinutý je též lov pro maso (takzvaný bushmeat) a kůže. Kvůli svému hlasitému volání se stávají zranitelné vůči lovcům.[3]

Mezinárodní svaz ochrany přírody jej považuje za ohrožený druh (EN), zapsán je na první přílohu Úmluvy o mezinárodním obchodu s ohroženými druhy volně žijících živočichů a rostlin.[4]



  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-09]
  2. a b c KOŘÍNEK, Milan; SLOVIAK, Michal. kočkodan Rolowayův [online]. Biolib.cz [cit. 2017-03-01]. [Cercopithecus roloway Dostupné online].
  3. a b c d e f g h i KINGDON, Jonathan; HOFFMAN, Michael. Primates. In: Mammals of Africa. Bloomsbury: Bloomsbury Natural History, 2013. ISBN 9781408122570. S. 313−314. (anglicky)
  4. a b c d e f g Cercopithecus roloway [online]. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [cit. 2017-03-01]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  5. a b c d e f g h i j k l JOHNSON, K. Animal Diversity Web, 2015 [cit. 2017-03-01]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  6. a b c Cercopithecus roloway [online]. Encyclopedia of Life [cit. 2017-03-01]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  7. CURTIN, Sheila H. Diet of the Roloway Monkey, Cercopithecus diana roloway, in Bia National Park, Ghana. Příprava vydání Mary E. Glenn, Marina Cords. [s.l.]: Springer US (Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects). Dostupné online. ISBN 9780306473463, ISBN 9780306484179. DOI:10.1007/0-306-48417-x_23. S. 351–371. (anglicky) DOI: 10.1007/0-306-48417-X_23.

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Kočkodan Rolowayův: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Kočkodan Rolowayův (Cercopithecus roloway) je opice z čeledi kočkodanovití (Cercopithecidae) a rodu Cercopithecus někdy uváděna jako poddruh kočkodana Dianina (Cercopithecus diana). Vyskytuje se v Ghaně a na Pobřeží slonoviny. Kočkodan Rolowayův patří mezi největší druhy z celého rodu Cercopithecus, ale přesné míry nebyly nikdy určeny, protože u všech měřených jedinců nebylo určeno pohlaví ani stáří. Žije v tlupách obvykle o 15 až 20 zvířatech a živí se hlavně ovocem. Mezinárodní svaz ochrany přírody jej považuje za ohrožený druh nebezpečí představuje lov a ztráta přirozeného prostředí.

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Roloway-Meerkatze ( German )

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Die Roloway-Meerkatze (Cercopithecus roloway) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gattung der Meerkatzen (Cercopithecus) innerhalb der Familie der Meerkatzenverwandten (Cercopithecidae). Sie ist eng mit der Dianameerkatze verwandt und wird manchmal als deren Unterart (Cercopithecus diana ssp. roloway) betrachtet.

Von den Dianameerkatzen unterscheiden sich diese Tiere vor allem durch den etwas längeren Bart. Ihr Fell ist überwiegend schwarz gefärbt, wie auch das Gesicht. Die Kehle und die Innenseite der Arme sind weiß, die Hüfte und das Hinterteil orange. Die Kopfrumpflänge variiert zwischen 40 und 55 Zentimetern und ihr Gewicht beträgt zwischen vier und sieben Kilogramm.

Roloway-Meerkatzen leben ausschließlich in einem kleinen Gebiet in den südlichen Landesteilen der Elfenbeinküste und Ghanas. Sie sind tagaktive Baumbewohner, die in Haremsgruppen von 15 bis 30 Tieren zusammenleben. Die Nahrung dieser Primaten setzt sich aus Früchten, Blüten, Samen, Insekten und anderen Wirbellosen zusammen.

Roloway-Meerkatzen zählen zu den bedrohtesten Primaten des afrikanischen Kontinents. Genaue Zahlen für die Art sind nicht verfügbar, sie wurden in einigen Wäldern in ihrem Verbreitungsgebiet beobachtet, gelten aber als sehr selten. Schätzungen zufolge ist ihre Population aufgrund von Lebensraumzerstörung und Bejagung in den letzten drei Generationen um mehr als 50 % (evtl. bis zu 80 %) zurückgegangen. Die IUCN listet die Roloway-Meerkatze als „vom Aussterben bedroht“ (critically endangered).

In europäischen Zoos leben derzeit 29 Tiere in menschlicher Obhut.


  • Don E. Wilson, DeeAnn M. Reeder (Hrsg.): Mammal Species of the World. A taxonomic and geographic Reference. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  • J. F. Oates, S. Gippoliti & C. P. Groves: Cercopithecus diana ssp. roloway. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. . Downloaded on 25. April 2011.


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Roloway-Meerkatze: Brief Summary ( German )

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Die Roloway-Meerkatze (Cercopithecus roloway) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gattung der Meerkatzen (Cercopithecus) innerhalb der Familie der Meerkatzenverwandten (Cercopithecidae). Sie ist eng mit der Dianameerkatze verwandt und wird manchmal als deren Unterart (Cercopithecus diana ssp. roloway) betrachtet.

Von den Dianameerkatzen unterscheiden sich diese Tiere vor allem durch den etwas längeren Bart. Ihr Fell ist überwiegend schwarz gefärbt, wie auch das Gesicht. Die Kehle und die Innenseite der Arme sind weiß, die Hüfte und das Hinterteil orange. Die Kopfrumpflänge variiert zwischen 40 und 55 Zentimetern und ihr Gewicht beträgt zwischen vier und sieben Kilogramm.

Roloway-Meerkatzen leben ausschließlich in einem kleinen Gebiet in den südlichen Landesteilen der Elfenbeinküste und Ghanas. Sie sind tagaktive Baumbewohner, die in Haremsgruppen von 15 bis 30 Tieren zusammenleben. Die Nahrung dieser Primaten setzt sich aus Früchten, Blüten, Samen, Insekten und anderen Wirbellosen zusammen.

Roloway-Meerkatzen zählen zu den bedrohtesten Primaten des afrikanischen Kontinents. Genaue Zahlen für die Art sind nicht verfügbar, sie wurden in einigen Wäldern in ihrem Verbreitungsgebiet beobachtet, gelten aber als sehr selten. Schätzungen zufolge ist ihre Population aufgrund von Lebensraumzerstörung und Bejagung in den letzten drei Generationen um mehr als 50 % (evtl. bis zu 80 %) zurückgegangen. Die IUCN listet die Roloway-Meerkatze als „vom Aussterben bedroht“ (critically endangered).

In europäischen Zoos leben derzeit 29 Tiere in menschlicher Obhut.

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ရိုလိုဝေးမျောက် ( Burmese )

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ရိုလိုဝေးမျောက်၏ သိပ္ပံအမည်မှာ စာကိုပီသီကပ်စ် ရိုလိုဝေး ဖြစ်သည်။ အပူပိုင်း အနောက်အာဖရိကဒေသတွင်သာ တွေ့ရသော မျိုးပြုန်းတီးမှုအန္တရာယ်နှင့် ရင်ဆိုင်နေရသော ကမ္ဘာဟောင်းမျောက်တစ်မျိုး ဖြစ်သည်။ မူလက ဒိုင်ယာနာမျောက်၏ မျိုးစိတ်ခွဲအဖြစ် သတ်မှတ်ထားခဲ့သည်။

ပျံ့နှံ့တွေ့ရှိပုံနှင့် ကျက်စားရာသဘာဝပတ်ဝန်းကျင်

အိုင်ဗရီကို့စ်နိုင်ငံအရှေ့ပိုင်းနှင့် ဂါနာနိုင်ငံ၏ သစ်တောများတွင် ကောင်ရေအနည်းငယ်မျှသာ တွေ့ရသည်။ ဘူကီနာဖာဆိုနှင့် တိုဂိုနိုင်ငံတို့တွင်လည်း တွေ့ကောင်းတွေ့နိုင်သည်။ [၃] ကျောကုန်းမှ အမြီးအထိ အနက်ရောင် (သို့မဟုတ်) အညိုရောင်ရင့်ရင့် ဖြစ်သည်။ အမြီးမှာ ရှည်လျားသည်။ အသီးအရွက်များ၊ ပန်းပွင့်များကို စားသည်။ သစ်စေ့များကိုလည်း စားသည်။ မြင့်မားသောသစ်ပင်အမြင့်များ ပေါ်သို့ တက်ရောက်နိုင်စွမ်း ရှိသည်။

အပြုအမူနှင့် အလေ့စရိုက်

အစုအဖွဲ့နှင့်နေထိုင်လေ့ရှိကြသည်။ အုပ်စုတစ်ခုလျှင် အနည်းဆုံး ကောင်ရေ ၁၅ကောင်မှ အကောင် ၃၀ အထိ စုဖွဲ့နေတတ်ကြသည်။ မြင့်မားသော သစ်ပင်အကိုင်းအခက်များ၊ ထူထပ်သောမြက်ခင်းစပ်များတွင် အိပ်စက် တတ်ကြသည်။ ပုံမှန်အားဖြင့် တစ်နှစ်လျှင် တစ်ကြိမ် သားပေါက်လေ့ရှိကြပြီး မွေးဖွားရာတွင်လည်း ၁ကောင်မှ ၃ကောင်အထိ မွေးဖွားလေ့ရှိသည်။ မိခင်မျောက်မသည် ၅လခန့် သားလွယ်ရသည်။ မျောက်ကလေးများသည် မိဘများနှင့်အတူ ပူးပေါင်းနေလေ့ရှိသည်။ သဘာဝတောရိုင်းတွင် သက်တမ်း နှစ် ၂၀ ရှည်သည်။ အဖမ်းလှောင်ခံဘဝတွင် သက်တမ်း နှစ် ၃၀ အထိ ရှည်သည်။[၄]


  1. Koné, I.; Oates, J.F.; Dempsey, A.; Gonedelé Bi, S.; McGraw, S.; Wiafe, E. (2019). "Cercopithecus roloway". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T4232A92384429.
  2. "Cecopithecus diana". Animal Diversity Web

ရိုလိုဝေးမျောက်: Brief Summary ( Burmese )

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ရိုလိုဝေးမျောက်၏ သိပ္ပံအမည်မှာ စာကိုပီသီကပ်စ် ရိုလိုဝေး ဖြစ်သည်။ အပူပိုင်း အနောက်အာဖရိကဒေသတွင်သာ တွေ့ရသော မျိုးပြုန်းတီးမှုအန္တရာယ်နှင့် ရင်ဆိုင်နေရသော ကမ္ဘာဟောင်းမျောက်တစ်မျိုး ဖြစ်သည်။ မူလက ဒိုင်ယာနာမျောက်၏ မျိုးစိတ်ခွဲအဖြစ် သတ်မှတ်ထားခဲ့သည်။


Roloway monkey

provided by wikipedia EN

The Roloway monkey (Cercopithecus roloway) is an endangered species of Old World monkey endemic to tropical West Africa. It was previously considered a subspecies of the Diana monkey (C. diana). The species is classified as Critically Endangered due to habitat loss and their continued hunting because of the bushmeat trade. The Roloway monkey is mainly an arboreal species, for the most part inhabiting forests in Ghana and some reserves in South-Eastern Côte-D'Ivoire. More specifically, studies have shown that C. roloway is primarily concentrated in the Tanoé forest of the Côte-D'Ivoire because of their heavy threats to extinction and lack of habitat. It is still difficult to gather data on wild subjects, as they have low populations in a vast forest, but they are a unique and vanishing species.


Both the Cercopithecus diana and the Cercopithecus roloway were originally categorized under the well-known species group: diana. This categorization meant that the two monkeys were related subspecies. This classification, related species from one another, changed in 2005, when each monkey was to be considered its own species, and treated as such. This differing classification is beneficial to each species in relation to conservation efforts and justifications for necessity of conservation. It can be challenging to find funding for extreme conservation efforts, and when the Cercopithecus diana and the Cercopithecus roloway were considered related subspecies, the urgency for conservation may not have been as great. Individuals can find themselves more willing to support conservation of a unique species rather than a subspecies.


Juvenile Captive Roloway Monkey

The Roloway monkey is a species of guenon monkeys. In fact, they are the largest of all of the 26 African Cercopithecus.[4] Of this genus, The roloway monkey is most similar to the C. diana. Both of these monkeys share similar physical features as well. They both have dark fur surrounding a majority of their body, with a dark brown-reddish patch on their lower back. The Roloway monkey has a prominent white beard resting under its black chin, and above its dark eyes is a horizontal white stripe of fur, resting directly on its brow bone.[5]

Its face is a dark black, accentuated by the bright white fur covering its shoulders and chest. Roloway Monkeys have a relatively flat skull, and unlike many other primates, they do not have an elongated chin cavity, also referred to as a rostrum. In addition, the nostrils of the monkey are closely set and they angle downwards. Its chest, and throat are bright white, and the monkey has white line of fur that runs along each outer-thigh. On the inside of the thighs, the fur can range from being white, red, brown, or even yellowish. They have exceptionally long tails, longer than the entirety of their body. There are not many body measurements of adult Roloway monkeys, but through analysis and comparison with the Diana species, it is estimated that the Roloway Monkeys body length ranges from 40 cm to 55 cm, and the tails of the monkey range from 50 cm to 75 cm long.[6]

Male monkeys weigh about 5 kg, or 11 pounds. The female Roloway weigh only about 2.5 kg, or 5.5 pounds.[7] The Roloway monkey has a distinct cheek pouch, something that it shares with all cercopithecus monkeys. This patch allows the monkeys to store food such as fruits, nuts and seeds, which are the majority of their diet as they are omnivorous primates. Cercopithecinae monkeys all have opposable thumbs, which are quite well-developed; the Roloway Monkey also has fingernails on all of their fingers.[5] Finally, the Roloway monkey has a long lifespan, similar to that of other primates, ranging from 20 to 30 years.[7]

Distribution and habitat

The species occurs in a small area of eastern Ivory Coast and the forests of Ghana, between the Sassandra and Pra Rivers, and may possibly occur in Burkina Faso and Togo. The Roloway inhabit the canopy of old-growth forests, including gallery forests, in moist-low-lying regions, and avoids but can make use of forests that have been lightly logged. The Roloway monkey cannot live in areas where humans have had a large impact, therefore they only live in secluded, primary forests. Primary forests are ones that have not been majorly affected, and they are quite old and full of unique attributions that can allow for populations of animals and plants to be more stable in the long term. These forests are very lush, containing thick and moist shrubbery that allows for easy hiding. The habitats of the Roloway are very complex, and the terrain is not simple, meaning they have many places to hide and escape view. Small areas of these forests and habitats are used to inhabit the monkeys, and the group sizes of the species tend to be minuscule. The monkeys' instinct to flee combined with the areas they choose to live in, make it very hard to study them or gather any new information on the changes in their population size or behavior.[5] Even when studies were performed where scientists stayed in the area where the monkeys were typically found, the Roloway monkey was only spotted on one occasion. In addition to this, most of the Roloway monkey found are taken to zoos to be kept and observed. This is because their population is so low and there are so few seen in the wild, so the main conservation effort is capturing these animals. In addition, the Roloway is unable to survive in a natural, wild, area that has been largely impacted by humans.[8]



The Roloway monkey is an omnivorous species, meaning they will feed on both plants and animals. This means the primates consume various fruits, flowers, leaves, and even insects. Because insects are included in their primary nutritional consumption, the Roloway can be described as insectivorous, along with being labeled an omnivore. The primates will search for large invertebrates and eat them for sustenance. In addition, the Roloway monkey will consume larvae and eggs of said invertebrates for added nutritional value.[7] They can feed on the plant parts of roughly 130 species of trees, climbers, and epiphytes. Like many omnivores, the Roloway monkey also consumes mature fruit pulp, arthropods, oil-rich seeds, and young leaves.[9]

The diet of the Roloway monkey is one that has been observed for quite some time. It is presumed that the monkey will vary its diet in accordance to the season of the year. This means that the Roloway will eat more fruit, and pulp during the dry season of the year. During the wet season, when more insects are out and available for hunting, the Roloway will consume less fruit and seed, and will act more on its insectivorous urges. The variation in abundance of their food supply is the primary influences of such diet changes, and it is actually quite beneficial for the Roloway to sustain itself of varying food sources.[7] When hunting for their food, the Roloway monkey will look for the most direct path, and may not choose to swing, climb, or jump from branch to branch if it is not the most efficient means of food collection.[10]


A common predator of the Roloway monkey: the African leopard

The Roloway monkey does not often employ its "fight" instinct, rather it chooses to flee from danger. Typical predators of the Roloway monkey include the leopard, large prey birds, chimpanzees, and other larger species. In order to survive against these predators, the Roloway will use communication techniques such as warning sounds, or even signals, in order to tell the other members of their group that a threat is near, and they must flee to safety. The predators do have an impact on the population of monkeys, but they are not the primary cause for the decline in overall population, and the reason for the critically endangered title the Roloway has been given.[10]


Roloway monkeys typically are diurnally active only, and spend the night sleeping high in the canopy, similar to other primates and mammals. The species forms social groups of around 6-30 individuals, typically with a single male, around 10 females and their offspring. Males may change between groups, while females generally stay with the same group into which they were born. When there are reduced populations of the Roloway, the habits of staying in the same group can impose restrictions on the ability for the species to recuperate.[11] For the monkeys, most of their day is spent searching for food, and in between hunting, during rest time, the monkeys will take time to groom one another, play, and care for their young. This is the primary time for bonds to form and strengthen. The rest period during the day is also a great time for the infants to learn and grow mentally. In addition, the Roloway monkey is social, and will interact with other monkeys that inhabit the same areas.[7] The younger, more juvenile Roloway will not be as outgoing and strong as the adult Roloway. The juvenile will also have more reliance on the adults for learning, and understanding of their surroundings.[12] There is still little known about the species day to day activity, as their population numbers are so low and there is not much scientific research on the roloway.


It is known that many primates have very advanced methods of communicating to one another. The Roloway monkey is no exception, as it has many different types of calls and sounds it will make based on the scenario. The monkey is known to croak, chuckle, shriek, and will even make distinct yelling sounds when it senses a threat, and wants to warn the others in the group. Another frequent call is one that the males of the haram will make. This is known as a gathering call and it lets the females and juveniles of the group know that they should return to their home range, near the male.[12] Verbal communications are not the only forms of communication the Roloway employs. Many individuals will perform physical communications, including facial expressions, posture, hand signals, and even actions.[7] The eyebrows of the monkey can also be a giveaway for the emotion it is trying to portray. Raised eyebrows can be used to show threatening signals. In addition, their eyes are important, as a Roloway that is staring is one that is showing dominance and threats. Finally, they use their mouth and teeth as a way of being either dominant or submissive, and different mouth movements or shapes can mean different things. When showing teeth in a smile, the monkey is usually submissive, but when growling and wide open, with a pushed out jaw, the monkey is aggressing.[13] Within their groups, there are levels of hierarchy, and distinct communication, both physical and verbal, is needed in order to maintain a peaceful structure, and to reduce tension and fighting. This is where grooming becomes so essential, as it allows for stronger bonds and sharing of information to occur.


Much of the information about reproduction for the Roloway monkey is based on knowledge of the closely-related Diana monkey. While they are different species, their reproductive behavior is very similar. The Roloway monkey is polygynous, meaning that one male who acts as a leader in the group. Females go through an Estrous cycle of 30 days, and this cycle can occur at any point in the year. This means that there is not one specific time for breeding, but the male can mate with a female whenever her estrous occurs. Female Roloways normally give birth to a single infant or, rarely, twins, after a gestation period of around six months. The female monkey is the primary caretaker, though siblings or non-related female monkeys may help to care for the newborn.[7] The mother will suckle the infant for about six months, and then it will feed it a more adult-like diet, including fruit, nuts, and seeds.[5] A Roloway monkey reaches maturity at about 3–4 years of age. A young male typically seeks out a new group that he can join or forms a new group in order to reproduce with unrelated females.[7] The lifespan of a Roloway monkey is about 20 years in the wild, while individuals in captivity may live for more than 30 years. Captive Roloway monkeys typically go through hormonal changes that restrict their ability to effectively mate and reproduce, but if the conditions match that of their home habitats, they can reproduce as they would in the wild.[12]



The Roloway monkey is a very threatened species, being labeled as an endangered species by the IUCN in 2008. As the population of the monkeys continued to rapidly decline, and the hunting and habitat loss continued, the species was moved up to critically endangered, meaning conservation is more needed than ever.[7] In addition to this title by the IUCN, the Roloway monkey is one of the top three most threatened monkeys on the west coast of Africa.[13] Other sources have suspected that the Roloway is in fact the top most threatened primate in the entire continent of Africa.[14]

The Roloway require a habitat of a primary forest, also known as an old-growth forest, in order to survive. The issue with this is that such forests are undergoing rapid levels of deforestation for human purposes, and this is causing exceptional levels of habitat loss for so many species, including the Roloway. Ghana, the country that the Roloway have been most frequently spotted, has gone through a drastic loss of close to 90% of its forest land throughout the past 100 years.[15] The reason this loss in habitat is so profound is because the Roloway monkey is not good at adapting to new areas or habitats. It requires very specific characteristics in its environment, and as the monkey started to lose such environment, its population has fallen tremendously.[16] The species is listed as one of "The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates".[17] In fact, it is estimated that there are only around 2,000 living individuals, and their population will continue to decline because of how highly hunters value their quality meat. Roloway monkeys are on the brink of extinction not only because of hunting but because of human expansion. The once expansive forest they inhabited continues to shrink as roadways and transportations areas expand. In addition, much of the forest is being used for farming purposes, making the land inhabitable for the monkey.[18] There are fewer and fewer sightings every year since the 1970s and, recently, many of the areas that the Roloway could be found have recently reported zero sightings.[7]

Not only are their predators such as the chimpanzee, the leopard, and the crowned eagle very dangerous, but the Roloway Monkey is also largely affected by humans. The Roloway monkey is a primary target in Ghana bushmeat trade. The bushmeat trade is massive, accumulating almost 1,000 tons of meat, and selling it in the markets on Ghana's streets. The reason the Roloway monkey is so popular for bushmeat is because they are unique. Also, the monkey tends to make loud noises when communicating, and this can allow for hunters to find their location more easily, thus leading the monkeys to being hunted.[14] Recently, however, it has been found that there are so few Roloway left, that even hunters do not want to seek out the monkeys, as they might not make as much profit because of the time it would take to find one.[7] Not only is hunting an issue, but so is habitat loss. Humans are expanding rapidly, and to get more land for buildings, crops, and other human necessities, people are cutting down areas of the forest that the Roloway tend to inhabit. With less and less area to live in, the monkeys become more threatened by hunting, and they also cannot expand their population as much. Humans are the primary reason for such a low population size because of hunting, increased infrastructure, habitat destruction and habitat fragmentation.[14]

Conservation efforts

The Roloway monkey is now considered one of the top 25 most critically threatened primates in the entire world. There are conservation efforts that need to be taken immediately in order to save this species. There is great recognition for how threatened the species is, but there is not a lot of action going on. CITES labeled them as a Class A species of the African Convention of Nature and Natural Resources, but there are quite a few issues with policy making in the countries that the Roloway live. Due to these issues, there are not many laws properly enforced against the poaching of this species. There are some small foundations started in areas surrounding the Tanoe forest and other locations the monkeys have been found, but without government help, the organizations probably will not go far. Large conservation programs are trying to aid in the revival of this species, through captive breeding and other methods. Unfortunately, the species has hit a point where this breeding is not extremely successful, as the monkeys do not have anywhere to be released to. Currently, efforts need to be in place to find a new location that the primates could thrive in after breeding programs have allowed for a larger captive population that have the potential to be released[7] In 2020, however, the United Kingdom had a large celebration for the first ever birth of a Roloway monkey in that country. There are current breeding programs all over the world, and while many have not been largely successful, this is a small win. The reason breeding programs have had struggles is because the monkeys can have a difficult time acclimating to one another, and are not entirely willing to breed. There are also so few in captivity, that the breeding is quite selective, as inbreeding depression is unfavorable and could worsen the conservation status of the species.[19]


  1. ^ Groves, C. P. (2005). Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 158. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ Koné, I.; Oates, J.F.; Dempsey, A.; Gonedelé Bi, S.; McGraw, S.; Wiafe, E. (2019). "Cercopithecus roloway". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T4232A92384429. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-1.RLTS.T4232A92384429.en.
  3. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  4. ^ Rafferty, John P. (2012). "Guenon". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 20 October 2021.
  5. ^ a b c d "Roloway Monkey Facts | Habitat | Traits | Endangered". Primates Park. 29 May 2020. Retrieved 20 October 2021.
  6. ^ Johnson, Kelsey. "Cercopithecus roloway (Roloway monkey)". Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved 20 October 2021.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Roloway monkey". New England Primate Conservancy. Retrieved 2021-11-14.
  8. ^ McGraw, W. Scott (July 1998). "Three monkeys nearing extinction in the forest reserves of eastern Côte d'lvoire". Oryx. 32 (3): 233–236. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3008.1998.d01-48.x. ISSN 1365-3008. S2CID 84416564.
  9. ^ Curtin, Sheila H. (2004). "Diet of the Roloway Monkey, Cercopithecus diana roloway, in Bia National Park, Ghana". The Guenons: Diversity and Adaptation in African Monkeys. Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects. pp. 351–371. doi:10.1007/0-306-48417-X_23. ISBN 978-0-306-47346-3.
  10. ^ a b Johnson, Kelsey. "Cercopithecus roloway (Roloway monkey)". Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved 2021-11-29.
  11. ^ Kennedy, Karen (1999). "Cercopithecus diana". Animal Diversity Web.
  12. ^ a b c "Roloway Monkey - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio". animalia.bio. Retrieved 2021-11-29.
  13. ^ a b "Roloway Monkey". palm oil problems. Retrieved 2021-11-29.
  14. ^ a b c Isharib (2018-08-21). "ROLOWAY MONKEY". The Animal Life of Terrestrial Habitat. Retrieved 2021-11-30.
  15. ^ "Roloway Monkey". Institute for Wildlife Studies. Retrieved 2021-11-30.
  16. ^ "Roloway Monkey". Our Breathing Planet. 2017-01-28. Retrieved 2021-11-30.
  17. ^ Mittermeier, R.A.; Wallis, J.; Rylands, A.B.; Ganzhorn, J.U.; Oates, J.F.; Williamson, E.A.; Palacios, E.; Heymann, E.W.; Kierulff, M.C.M.; Long Yongcheng; Supriatna, J.; Roos, C.; Walker, S.; Cortés-Ortiz, L.; Schwitzer, C., eds. (2009). Primates in Peril: The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates 2008–2010 (PDF). Illustrated by S.D. Nash. Arlington, VA.: IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG), International Primatological Society (IPS), and Conservation International (CI). pp. 1–92. ISBN 978-1-934151-34-1.
  18. ^ "Unsustainable fishing and hunting for bushmeat driving iconic species to extinction – IUCN Red List". IUCN. 18 July 2019. Retrieved 10 November 2021.
  19. ^ "Roloway Monkey". Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Retrieved 2021-11-29.

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Roloway monkey: Brief Summary

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The Roloway monkey (Cercopithecus roloway) is an endangered species of Old World monkey endemic to tropical West Africa. It was previously considered a subspecies of the Diana monkey (C. diana). The species is classified as Critically Endangered due to habitat loss and their continued hunting because of the bushmeat trade. The Roloway monkey is mainly an arboreal species, for the most part inhabiting forests in Ghana and some reserves in South-Eastern Côte-D'Ivoire. More specifically, studies have shown that C. roloway is primarily concentrated in the Tanoé forest of the Côte-D'Ivoire because of their heavy threats to extinction and lack of habitat. It is still difficult to gather data on wild subjects, as they have low populations in a vast forest, but they are a unique and vanishing species.

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Cercopithecus roloway ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El cercopiteco de Roloway (Cercopithecus roloway) es una especie de primate catarrino (monos del Viejo Mundo) perteneciente a la familia Cercopithecidae. Se encuentra en una pequeña área al este de Costa de Marfil y en los bosques de Ghana, entre el río Sassandra y el río Pra.[1]

Es similar a otras especies de cercopitecos, pero se distingue por su larga barba. La capa y la cara son predominantemente de color negro, mientras que la garganta y la parte interior de sus brazos son de color blanco, y sus caderas y la espalda son de color naranja. La longitud del cuerpo varía entre 40 y 55 centímetros y su peso está entre los 4 y 7 kilogramos. La especie es arbórea, y forma grupos sociales de 15 a 30 individuos. Su dieta se compone de frutas, flores, semillas e insectos.

Es una de las especies de primates más amenazadas en el continente africano, aunque las cifras exactas de las especies no están disponibles. Las encuestas recientes no pudo encontrar evidencias de que estuviera en Ghana en el parque nacional Bia, donde fue eliminado probablemente entre mediados de 1970 y 1990. Hay estimaciones de que probablemente hay una disminución de la población de al menos 80% en las últimas tres generaciones. La especie está clasificada en la Lista Roja de la UICN como en peligro de extinción,[2]​ y se incluye en la lista de los 25 primates en mayor peligro del mundo.[3]


  1. a b Groves, Colin (2005). Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. Mammal Species of the World (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 158. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  2. a b Koné, I., Oates, J.F., Dempsey, A., Gonedelé Bi, S., McGraw, S. & Wiafe, E. (2019). «Cercopithecus roloway». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2019.1 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 30 de mayo de 2020.
  3. Schwitzer, C., Mittermeier, R.A., Rylands, A.B., Taylor, L.A., Chiozza, F., Williamson, E.A., Wallis, J. and Clark, F.E. (eds.) (2012). Primates in Peril: The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates 2012-2015 (PDF) (en inglés). IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG), International Primatological Society (IPS), Conservation International (CI) y Bristol Zoological Society (BZS). pp. 1-91.

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Cercopithecus roloway: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El cercopiteco de Roloway (Cercopithecus roloway) es una especie de primate catarrino (monos del Viejo Mundo) perteneciente a la familia Cercopithecidae. Se encuentra en una pequeña área al este de Costa de Marfil y en los bosques de Ghana, entre el río Sassandra y el río Pra.​

Es similar a otras especies de cercopitecos, pero se distingue por su larga barba. La capa y la cara son predominantemente de color negro, mientras que la garganta y la parte interior de sus brazos son de color blanco, y sus caderas y la espalda son de color naranja. La longitud del cuerpo varía entre 40 y 55 centímetros y su peso está entre los 4 y 7 kilogramos. La especie es arbórea, y forma grupos sociales de 15 a 30 individuos. Su dieta se compone de frutas, flores, semillas e insectos.

Es una de las especies de primates más amenazadas en el continente africano, aunque las cifras exactas de las especies no están disponibles. Las encuestas recientes no pudo encontrar evidencias de que estuviera en Ghana en el parque nacional Bia, donde fue eliminado probablemente entre mediados de 1970 y 1990. Hay estimaciones de que probablemente hay una disminución de la población de al menos 80% en las últimas tres generaciones. La especie está clasificada en la Lista Roja de la UICN como en peligro de extinción,​ y se incluye en la lista de los 25 primates en mayor peligro del mundo.​

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Cercopithecus roloway ( Basque )

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Cercopithecus roloway Cercopithecus generoko espezieetako bat da. Generoko guztiak bezala Afrikan bizi da. Bolikosta eta Ghanan bizi dira.

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Cercopithecus roloway ( French )

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Cercopithèque de Roloway, Diane roloway, Palatine

Le Cercopithèque de Roloway[1] ou Diane roloway[2] ou encore Palatine[2] est une espèce de primates de la famille des cercopithécidés. Il est très proche du Cercopithèque diane dont il est parfois considéré comme une sous-espèce (Cercopithecus diana roloway). Il fait partie de la liste des 100 espèces les plus menacées au monde établie par l'UICN en 2012.


Il se différencie du cercopithèque diane par sa barbe un peu plus longue. Sa fourrure est noire sur une grande partie de son corps, tout comme son visage. Sa gorge et l'intérieur de ses bras sont blancs, tandis que ses hanches et son arrière-train sont orange.

Il mesure de 44 à 57 cm de long, avec une queue de 71 à 86 cm[3]. Son poids se situe entre 5 et 5,4 kg[4].

Ce sont des animaux diurnes qui vivent dans les arbres en groupes de 15 à 30 animaux. Ils se nourrissent de fruits, de fleurs, de graines, d'insectes et d'autres invertébrés.

Répartition et habitat

Répartition géographique

Le Cercopithèque roloway est présent uniquement sur un petit territoire au sud du Ghana et de la Côte d'Ivoire. Il vit dans la forêt tropicale humide de basse altitude[5].

Menaces et conservation

Cette espèce a été incluse dans la liste des 25 primates les plus menacés au monde en 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 et 2016[6] et 2018.

On ne connait pas le nombre exact de ces primates. Ils sont observés dans quelques forêts dans leur aire de répartition mais passent pour être très rares. D'après certains calculs approximatifs, leur effectif aurait baissé de plus de 50 % (et peut-être jusqu'à 80 %) lors des trois dernières générations à cause de la perturbation de leur biotope et de la chasse. L'UICN le classe comme « en danger » et le met dans la liste des 100 espèces les plus menacées en 2012.

Actuellement, 29 cercopithèques de Roloway vivent dans des zoos européens, sous surveillance attentive.

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Cercopithecus roloway: Brief Summary ( French )

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Cercopithèque de Roloway, Diane roloway, Palatine

Le Cercopithèque de Roloway ou Diane roloway ou encore Palatine est une espèce de primates de la famille des cercopithécidés. Il est très proche du Cercopithèque diane dont il est parfois considéré comme une sous-espèce (Cercopithecus diana roloway). Il fait partie de la liste des 100 espèces les plus menacées au monde établie par l'UICN en 2012.

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Monyet Roloway ( Indonesian )

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Monyet Roloway (Cercopithecus roloway) adalah sebuah spesies terancam dari monyet Dunia Lama yang menjadi endemik di wilayah tropis Afrika Barat. hewan tersebut dulunya dianggap merupakan subspesies dari monyet Diana (C. diana). Hewan tersebut diklasifikasikan terancam karena kehilangan habitat dan perburuan berkelanjutan untuk perdagangan daging semak.


  1. ^ Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., ed. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (edisi ke-3). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. hlm. 158. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ Oates, J.F., Gippoliti, S. & Groves, C.P. (2016). "Cercopithecus roloway". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2016: e.T4232A92375108. Diakses tanggal 16 March 2017.Pemeliharaan CS1: Menggunakan parameter penulis (link)
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Monyet Roloway: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Monyet Roloway (Cercopithecus roloway) adalah sebuah spesies terancam dari monyet Dunia Lama yang menjadi endemik di wilayah tropis Afrika Barat. hewan tersebut dulunya dianggap merupakan subspesies dari monyet Diana (C. diana). Hewan tersebut diklasifikasikan terancam karena kehilangan habitat dan perburuan berkelanjutan untuk perdagangan daging semak.

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Cercopithecus roloway ( Italian )

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Il cercopiteco roloway (Cercopithecus roloway) è un primate della famiglia delle Cercopithecidae.


È molto simile al cercopiteco diana, del quale era stato considerato una sottospecie. La lunghezza del corpo può variare tra 40 e 55 cm, il peso è tra 4 e 7 kg. Il colore del corpo è prevalentemente nero, ma una vasta zona bianca comprende la parte laterale e inferiore del muso, il petto e il lato anteriore degli arti anteriori. Differisce dal cercopiteco diana soprattutto per la maggiore lunghezza della barba bianca.

Distribuzione e habitat

La specie è presente in una piccola zona della Costa d'Avorio orientale e del Ghana.


Conduce vita arboricola ed ha attività diurna. Vive in gruppi territoriali, formati da un maschio adulto, diverse femmine e piccoli, per un totale da 15 a 30 individui.

Si nutre soprattutto di frutta, semi, altri vegetali e insetti.

Stato di conservazione

Il cercopiteco roloway è tra i primati a maggior rischio di estinzione. Non si sa la consistenza attuale della popolazione, ma certamente è diminuita drasticamente nelle ultime tre generazioni e la specie è oggi molto rara. La IUCN la considera a rischio critico di estinzione nel futuro imminente.


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Cercopithecus roloway: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il cercopiteco roloway (Cercopithecus roloway) è un primate della famiglia delle Cercopithecidae.

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Cercopithecus roloway ( Portuguese )

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Cercopithecus roloway é uma espécie de primata da família Cercopithecidae encontrado em uma pequena área do leste da Costa do Marfim e em Gana, entre os rios Sassandra e Pra.[1]

A espécie é similar a outras do gênero Cercopithecus mas se distingue pelo comprimento dos pelos faciais. C. roloway possuem pelos do dorso e da face predominantemente pretos, enquanto a garganta e parte interior dos braços são brancos, enquanto a região lombar é de cor laranja. O comprimento do corpo varia entre 40 e 55 cm e seu peso está entre 4 e 7 kg.

É arborícola, e forma grupos entre 15 e 30 indivíduos. Sua dieta é composta principalmente por frutos, flores, sementes e insetos.

Cercopithecus roloway está entre os mais ameaçados primatas do continente africano, embora a situação exata da espécie não seja conhecida. Estudos recentes não confirmaram mais a presença no Parque Nacional Bia, em Gana, de onde deve ter sido eliminado entre 1970 e 1990. Estima-se que as populações tenham diminuído em 80% nas últimas três gerações da espécie.[2] A espécie consta na lista dos 25 primatas mais ameaçados do mundo.[3]

Essa espécie já foi considerada como subespécie de Cercopithecus diana.[1]


  1. a b c Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. (eds.), ed. Mammal Species of the World 3 ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 158 páginas. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494
  2. a b Oates, J. F., Gippoliti, S. & Groves, C. P. (2008). Cercopithecus roloway (em inglês). IUCN 2012. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2012 . Página visitada em 29 de março de 2013..
  3. Mittermeier, R.A.;Schwitzer, C.; Rylands, A.B.; Taylor, L.A.; Chiozza, F.; Williamson, E.A.; Wallis, J. (2012). «Primates in Peril: The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates 2012–2014» (PDF). IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG), International Primatological Society (IPS), Conservation International (CI), and Bristol Conservation and Science Foundation (BCSF): 1–40
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Cercopithecus roloway: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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Cercopithecus roloway é uma espécie de primata da família Cercopithecidae encontrado em uma pequena área do leste da Costa do Marfim e em Gana, entre os rios Sassandra e Pra.

A espécie é similar a outras do gênero Cercopithecus mas se distingue pelo comprimento dos pelos faciais. C. roloway possuem pelos do dorso e da face predominantemente pretos, enquanto a garganta e parte interior dos braços são brancos, enquanto a região lombar é de cor laranja. O comprimento do corpo varia entre 40 e 55 cm e seu peso está entre 4 e 7 kg.

É arborícola, e forma grupos entre 15 e 30 indivíduos. Sua dieta é composta principalmente por frutos, flores, sementes e insetos.

Cercopithecus roloway está entre os mais ameaçados primatas do continente africano, embora a situação exata da espécie não seja conhecida. Estudos recentes não confirmaram mais a presença no Parque Nacional Bia, em Gana, de onde deve ter sido eliminado entre 1970 e 1990. Estima-se que as populações tenham diminuído em 80% nas últimas três gerações da espécie. A espécie consta na lista dos 25 primatas mais ameaçados do mundo.

Essa espécie já foi considerada como subespécie de Cercopithecus diana.

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Cercopithecus roloway ( Swedish )

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Cercopithecus roloway är en primat i släktet markattor som förekommer i västra Afrika. Population listades en längre tid som underart till Dianaapa (Cercopithecus diana) och sedan början av 2000-talet godkänns den som art.[2][1]


Denna primat har ungefär samma utseende och storlek som Dianaapan. Pälsen på ryggen är främst grå med undantag av övre stjärten som är orangebrun. På extremiteternas utsida är pälsen svartgrå och på yttre låren finns en ljus strimma. Delar av de inre låren har en röd färg. Kransen av långa hår på hjässan är tydligare än hos Dianaapan och den har en beige färg. Dessutom är det vita skägget hos Cercopithecus roloway längre. Undersidan är huvudsakligen täckt av vit päls. Den långa svansen har ungefär samma färg som extremiteternas utsida. Hos Cercopithecus roloway är hannarna betydlig större än honor.[3]


Arten förekommer vid Guineabukten i södra Ghana och Elfenbenskusten. Kanske hittas arten även i Burkina Faso. Habitatet utgörs av fuktiga tropiska skogar i låglandet och av galleriskogar. Cercopithecus roloway har viss förmåga att anpassa sig till skogsbruk.[1]


Denna markatta vistas nästan hela tiden i träd. Den bildar flockar med 6 till 22 medlemmar som består av en alfahanne, några honor och deras ungar. Arten har ett komplext socialt beteende med ömsesidig pälsvård samt olika läten och kroppsspråk för kommunikationen. Under den torra tiden äts främst frukter och frön. Arten byter till insekter och blad under regntiden.[3]

Fortplantningssättet är i princip okänt men det antas vara lika som hos Dianaapa. Den äldsta individen i fångenskap blev 31 år gammal.[3]

Cercopithecus roloway faller ibland offer för leoparden och för större rovlevande fåglar. Pälsfärgen utgör inget kamouflage och därför måste markattan vara på alerten. Flockens medlemmar varnar varandra med skrik.[3]


Beståndet hotas av skogsavverkningar samt av jakt för köttets och för hudens skull. För att skydda arten upptogs den i appendix I av CITES. Dessutom inrättades några naturskyddsområden. IUCN befarar att populationen minskade med 50 procent (eller upp till 80 procent) under de gångna 30 åren (räknad från 2008) och listar Cercopithecus roloway som starkt hotad (EN).[1]


  1. ^ [a b c d] Oates, J.F., Gippoliti, S. & Groves, C.P. 2016 Cercopithecus roloway Från: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Läst 26 september 2017.
  2. ^ Wilson & Reeder, red (2005). Cercopithecus roloway (på engelska). Mammal Species of the World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4
  3. ^ [a b c d] Kelsey Johnson (2015). ”Roloway monkey” (på engelska). Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan. http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Cercopithecus_roloway/. Läst 26 september 2017.
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Cercopithecus roloway: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Cercopithecus roloway är en primat i släktet markattor som förekommer i västra Afrika. Population listades en längre tid som underart till Dianaapa (Cercopithecus diana) och sedan början av 2000-talet godkänns den som art.

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Мавпа роловейська ( Ukrainian )

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  1. Mittermeier, R.A.; Wallis, J.; Rylands, A.B.; Ganzhorn, J.U.; Oates, J.F.; Williamson, E.A.; Palacios, E.; Heymann, E.W.; Kierulff, M.C.M.; Long Yongcheng; Supriatna, J.; Roos, C.; Walker, S.; Cortés-Ortiz, L.; Schwitzer, C., ред. (2009). Primates in Peril: The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates 2008–2010 (PDF). Illustrated by S.D. Nash. Arlington, VA.: IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG), International Primatological Society (IPS), and Conservation International (CI). с. 1–92. ISBN 978-1-934151-34-1.

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Мавпа роловейська: Brief Summary ( Ukrainian )

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Mittermeier, R.A.; Wallis, J.; Rylands, A.B.; Ganzhorn, J.U.; Oates, J.F.; Williamson, E.A.; Palacios, E.; Heymann, E.W.; Kierulff, M.C.M.; Long Yongcheng; Supriatna, J.; Roos, C.; Walker, S.; Cortés-Ortiz, L.; Schwitzer, C., ред. (2009). Primates in Peril: The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates 2008–2010 (PDF). Illustrated by S.D. Nash. Arlington, VA.: IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG), International Primatological Society (IPS), and Conservation International (CI). с. 1–92. ISBN 978-1-934151-34-1.

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Cercopithecus roloway ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Cercopithecus roloway là một loài khỉ Cựu thế giới được tìm thấy ở một khu vực nhỏ ở đông Côte d'Ivoire và rừng Ghana, giữa các sông SassandraPra.[1]

Loài này giống các loài khỉ đuôi dài khác nhưng phân biệt bằng bộ râu dài. Bộ lông và mặt chủ yếu màu đen còn cổ họng và phía trong cánh tay màu trắng với hông và lưng màu cam. Thân dài từ 40–55 cm và cân nặng từ 4–7 kg. Loài này sống trên cây, và các tạo thành các nhóm xã hội với kích thước nhóm 15 đến 30 cá thể. Chế độ ăn uống của nó bao gồm các loại trái cây, hoa, hạt và côn trùng.

Loài này là một trong số bị linh trưởng nguy cơ nhất trên lục địa châu Phi, mặc dù không có sẵn con số chính xác về loài. Khảo sát gần đây không thể tìm thấy bằng chứng của nó trong vườn quốc gia Bia ở Ghana, nơi nó có thể bị tuyệt diệt khoảng thời gian từ giữa năm 1970 và 1990. Có những dự đoán đó có lẽ đã có một sự suy giảm dân số ít nhất 80% với ba thế hệ cuối cùng.[2] Loài này nằm trong danh sách "25 loài linh trưởng nguy cơ nhất thế giới."[3]

Trước đây nó được coi là một phân loài của khỉ Diana (Cercopithecus diana).[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă â Groves, Colin (16 tháng 11 năm 2005). Wilson D. E. và Reeder D. M. (chủ biên), biên tập. Mammal Species of the World . Nhà xuất bản Đại học Johns Hopkins. tr. 158. ISBN 0-801-88221-4.
  2. ^ a ă Oates, J. F., Gippoliti, S. & Groves, C. P. (2008). Cercopithecus diana ssp. roloway. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 1 năm 2009.
  3. ^ Mittermeier, R.A.; Wallis, J.; Rylands, A.B.; Ganzhorn, J.U.; Oates, J.F.; Williamson, E.A.; Palacios, E.; Heymann, E.W.; Kierulff, M.C.M.; Long Yongcheng; Supriatna, J.; Roos, C.; Walker, S.; Cortés-Ortiz, L.; Schwitzer, C. biên tập (2009). “Primates in Peril: The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates 2008–2010” (PDF). Illustrated by S.D. Nash. Arlington, VA.: IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG), International Primatological Society (IPS), and Conservation International (CI). tr. 1–92. ISBN 978-1-934151-34-1.

Tham khảo

Bản mẫu:25 loài linh trưởng nguy cơ nhất thế giới

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Cercopithecus roloway: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Cercopithecus roloway là một loài khỉ Cựu thế giới được tìm thấy ở một khu vực nhỏ ở đông Côte d'Ivoire và rừng Ghana, giữa các sông SassandraPra.

Loài này giống các loài khỉ đuôi dài khác nhưng phân biệt bằng bộ râu dài. Bộ lông và mặt chủ yếu màu đen còn cổ họng và phía trong cánh tay màu trắng với hông và lưng màu cam. Thân dài từ 40–55 cm và cân nặng từ 4–7 kg. Loài này sống trên cây, và các tạo thành các nhóm xã hội với kích thước nhóm 15 đến 30 cá thể. Chế độ ăn uống của nó bao gồm các loại trái cây, hoa, hạt và côn trùng.

Loài này là một trong số bị linh trưởng nguy cơ nhất trên lục địa châu Phi, mặc dù không có sẵn con số chính xác về loài. Khảo sát gần đây không thể tìm thấy bằng chứng của nó trong vườn quốc gia Bia ở Ghana, nơi nó có thể bị tuyệt diệt khoảng thời gian từ giữa năm 1970 và 1990. Có những dự đoán đó có lẽ đã có một sự suy giảm dân số ít nhất 80% với ba thế hệ cuối cùng. Loài này nằm trong danh sách "25 loài linh trưởng nguy cơ nhất thế giới."

Trước đây nó được coi là một phân loài của khỉ Diana (Cercopithecus diana).

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Cercopithecus roloway ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Euarchontoglires
Грандотряд: Euarchonta
Миротряд: Приматообразные
Отряд: Приматы
Инфраотряд: Обезьянообразные
Надсемейство: Собакоголовые
Семейство: Мартышковые
Подсемейство: Мартышковые
Триба: Cercopithecini
Вид: Cercopithecus roloway
Международное научное название

Cercopithecus roloway (Schreber, 1774)

Сercopithecus palatinus (Wagner, 1855)


на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 944222NCBI 1137049EOL 4453557

Cercopithecus roloway (лат.) — вид приматов из семейства мартышковых. Некоторые исследователи рассматривают вид в качестве подвида мартышки дианы (Cercopithecus diana).

Относится к числу критических видов, точная численность популяции не установлена, поскольку встречается в лесах редко, а в национальных парках не проживает. Отмечены редкие встречи с мартышками в лесах Ганы и на востоке Кот-д’Ивуара, где обезьяны являются объектами охоты[1].

Вид похож на другие виды мартышек, но отличается своей длинной бородой. Мех преимущественно чёрного окраса, а горло и внутренняя сторона его руки белые, бедра и спина — оранжевые. Длина тела варьирует от 100 до 145 см и весом от 4 до 7 килограммов. Это древесный вид и образует социальные группы 15—30 особей. Рацион состоит из фруктов, цветов, семян и насекомых.


  1. http://www.primate-sg.org/PDF/Primates.in.Peril.2008-2010.pdf Primates in Peril: The World’s 25 Most Endangered Primates 2008—2010 (PDF) (2009) С. 1—92.
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Cercopithecus roloway: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Cercopithecus roloway (лат.) — вид приматов из семейства мартышковых. Некоторые исследователи рассматривают вид в качестве подвида мартышки дианы (Cercopithecus diana).

Относится к числу критических видов, точная численность популяции не установлена, поскольку встречается в лесах редко, а в национальных парках не проживает. Отмечены редкие встречи с мартышками в лесах Ганы и на востоке Кот-д’Ивуара, где обезьяны являются объектами охоты.

Вид похож на другие виды мартышек, но отличается своей длинной бородой. Мех преимущественно чёрного окраса, а горло и внутренняя сторона его руки белые, бедра и спина — оранжевые. Длина тела варьирует от 100 до 145 см и весом от 4 до 7 килограммов. Это древесный вид и образует социальные группы 15—30 особей. Рацион состоит из фруктов, цветов, семян и насекомых.

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롤로웨이원숭이 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

롤로웨이원숭이(Cercopithecus roloway)는 구세계원숭이의 일종으로, 사산드라 강프라 강 사이의 동부 코트디부아르가나의 숲에서 발견된다.[1]

롤로웨이원숭이는 다른 게논 원숭이 종들과 비슷하지만, 긴 턱수염이 다른 종들과 구별되는 특징이다. 롤로웨이원숭이의 털과 얼굴은 아주 검은 반면에, 목과 팔다리 안쪽은 희고, 엉덩이와 등은 오렌지색이다. 몸길이는 40 cm에서 55 cm 사이로 다양하며, 몸무게는 4 내지 7 kg이다.

나무 위에서 생활하는 수목형 동물이며, 15 ~ 30 마리씩 무리를 지어 군집생할을 한다. 이들의 주 먹이는 과일과 꽃, 씨앗 그리고 곤충이다.

롤로웨이원숭이는 아프리카 대륙에서 가장 멸종 위험이 높은 영장류 중 하나이다. 이 종에 대한 정확한 형태는 정보가 부족하여 얻기 힘들다. 최근 가나의 비아 국립공원에 대한 조사에서 이들의 흔적을 발견할 수 없었으며, 1970년대 중반과 1990년 사이에 사라진 것으로 추측되고 있다. 적어도 마지막 3대의 80% 이상의 개체수가 쇠락하고 있는 것으로 추산되고 있다.[2]

롤로웨이원숭이는 예전에 다이애나원숭이(Cercopithecus diana)의 아종의 하나로 간주된 적이 있었다.[1]


  1. Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., 편집. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 158쪽. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. “Cercopithecus diana ssp. roloway”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2009년 1월 4일에 확인함.
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롤로웨이원숭이: Brief Summary ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

롤로웨이원숭이(Cercopithecus roloway)는 구세계원숭이의 일종으로, 사산드라 강프라 강 사이의 동부 코트디부아르가나의 숲에서 발견된다.

롤로웨이원숭이는 다른 게논 원숭이 종들과 비슷하지만, 긴 턱수염이 다른 종들과 구별되는 특징이다. 롤로웨이원숭이의 털과 얼굴은 아주 검은 반면에, 목과 팔다리 안쪽은 희고, 엉덩이와 등은 오렌지색이다. 몸길이는 40 cm에서 55 cm 사이로 다양하며, 몸무게는 4 내지 7 kg이다.

나무 위에서 생활하는 수목형 동물이며, 15 ~ 30 마리씩 무리를 지어 군집생할을 한다. 이들의 주 먹이는 과일과 꽃, 씨앗 그리고 곤충이다.

롤로웨이원숭이는 아프리카 대륙에서 가장 멸종 위험이 높은 영장류 중 하나이다. 이 종에 대한 정확한 형태는 정보가 부족하여 얻기 힘들다. 최근 가나의 비아 국립공원에 대한 조사에서 이들의 흔적을 발견할 수 없었으며, 1970년대 중반과 1990년 사이에 사라진 것으로 추측되고 있다. 적어도 마지막 3대의 80% 이상의 개체수가 쇠락하고 있는 것으로 추산되고 있다.

롤로웨이원숭이는 예전에 다이애나원숭이(Cercopithecus diana)의 아종의 하나로 간주된 적이 있었다.

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