Saxifragaceae is a plant faimily wi aboot 460 kent species in 36 genera. In Europe thare are 12 genera.
The flouers are hermaphroditic an actinomorphic. Thay hae 4 or 5 petals an 5 or 10 stamens.
Well kent species include:
Parnassiaceae hae sometimes been treatit as pairt o this faimily, altho thay are anly distantly genetically relatit.
Saxifragaceae is a plant faimily wi aboot 460 kent species in 36 genera. In Europe thare are 12 genera.
The flouers are hermaphroditic an actinomorphic. Thay hae 4 or 5 petals an 5 or 10 stamens.
Well kent species include:
Bergenia cordifolia Saxifraga umbrosa Saxifraga stellaris Saxifraga oppositifolia Saxifraga paniculata Heuchera x brizoidesParnassiaceae hae sometimes been treatit as pairt o this faimily, altho thay are anly distantly genetically relatit.