Apote notabilis, drawing of female. [Adapted from Caudell, A.N. 1907. The Decticinae (a group of Orthoptera) of North America. Proc. U S. Nat. Mus. 32: 285-410]. Fig. 2 in Gurney, A.B. 1939. Aids to the identification of the mormon and coulee crickets and their allies (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae; Gryllacrididae). US Dept. Agric. Bureau of Entomol. & Plant Quarantine E-479.19 pp.
Apote notabilis, drawing of female. Drawing by Mary Benson, Fig. 6 in Gurney, A.B. 1939. Aids to the identification of the mormon and coulee crickets and their allies (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae; Gryllacrididae). US Dept. Agric. Bureau of Entomol. & Plant Quarantine E-479.19 pp.
Apote notabilis, drawing of dorsal view of apex of male abdomen. Fig. 12 in Gurney, A.B. 1939. Aids to the identification of the mormon and coulee crickets and their allies (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae; Gryllacrididae). US Dept. Agric. Bureau of Entomol. & Plant Quarantine E-479.19 pp.
Apote robusta, drawing of dorsal view of right male cercus. Fig. 13 in Gurney, A.B. 1939. Aids to the identification of the mormon and coulee crickets and their allies (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae; Gryllacrididae). US Dept. Agric. Bureau of Entomol. & Plant Quarantine E-479.19 pp.