Thoracistus sp. Afrikaans: 'n Manlike helmboskriek roep net na sononder uit die beskutting van 'n adelaarvaringblaar. Afgeneem op die rand van 'n vlei in Iphithi-natuurreservaat, Gillitts, KZN. Die roep bestaan uit drie tot vier rasperige note, "tzit..tzit..tzit", wat met kort tussenposes herhaal word. English: The male of a species of Shield-back catydid calling at dusk from the underside of a bracken frond. Photographed on the fringe of a marshy area in Iphithi Nature Reserve, Gillitts, KZN. The call consists of three to four raspy notes, "tzit..tzit..tzit", which is repeated after short pauses. Date: 4 June 2014, 17:25. Source: Own work. Author: