Oedipina kasiosAdult female paratype of Oedipina quadra (USNM 343452).From JAMES R. MCCRANIE, DAVID R. VIEITES, & DAVID B. WAKE 2008. Description of a new divergent lineage and three new species of Honduran salamanders of the genus Oedipina (Caudata, Plethodontidae). Zootaxa 1930: 1–17
Sean M. Rovito, Gabriela Parra-Olea, Dana Lee, David B. Wake
Figure 3.Photographs of the live and preserved holotype. A Holotype of Bolitoglossa chinanteca B Holotype of Bolitoglossa chinanteca with a sympatric individual of Bolitoglossa rufescens C Dorsum and D venter of preserved holotype E Ventral view of holotype before preservation, showing color in life F Right hand, G right foot H gular region and I side view of head of preserved holotype. J Photograph of the type locality of Bolitoglossa chinanteca, including banana plants where the type series was collected. All photographs by S. M. Rovito.
Oedipina quadraAdult female paratype of Oedipina quadra (USNM 343452). Photograph by J. R. McCranie.From: JAMES R. MCCRANIE, DAVID R. VIEITES, & DAVID B. WAKE 2008. Description of a new divergent lineage and three new species of Honduran salamanders of the genus Oedipina (Caudata, Plethodontidae). Zootaxa 1930: 1–17.