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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Seed Plants
Common Bird's Foot Trefoil
Lotus corniculatus L.
have flowers visited by
show all
active growth period
after harvest regrowth rate
allelopathic effect
anaerobic soil tolerance
are dispersed by
are eaten by
are host of
are mutualistic with
are parasitized by
are preyed upon by
are visited by
bloom period
browse animal palatability
calcareous soil tolerance
carbon-to-nitrogen ratio
commercial availability
drought tolerance
fire resistance
fire tolerance
flower color
foliage porosity summer
foliage porosity winter
foliage texture
frost free days
fruit or seed color
fruit/seed abundance
fruit/seed persistence
geographic distribution
germination requirements
grain type
grass growth type
graze animal palatability
growth rate
have flowers visited by
have pathogen
hedge tolerance
human/livestock toxicity
introduced range includes
leaf color
life cycle habit
life span
livestock bloat potential
low temperature tolerance
moisture use
native range includes
nitrogen fixation
number of specimens in ggbn
optimal growth pH
optimal growth temperature
optimal rainfall
plant growth form
plant height
plant propagation method
post-fire seedling emergence
precipitation tolerance
primary growth form
primary macronutrient requirements
protein potential
resprout ability after clipping
resprout ability after fire
rooting depth
salt tolerance
seed bank
seed bank is long
seed mass
seed period begin
seed period end
seed spread rate
seedling survival
seeds per pound
shade tolerance
soil depth
soil ph
soil requirements
trophic guild
type specimen repository
used for
vegetative spread rate
have flowers visited by
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus wurflenii Radoszkowski 1860
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidium loti Perris 1852
Global Biotic Interactions
Hoplitis claviventris (Thomson 1872)
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Hoplitis claviventris (Thomson 1872)
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile lagopoda (Linnaeus 1761)
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Hoplitis claviventris (Thomson 1872)
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus lucorumterrestris
Global Biotic Interactions
Vanessa cardui
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus semiargus
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptogaster cylindrica (De Geer 1776)
Global Biotic Interactions
Platycheirus granditarsus
Global Biotic Interactions
Boloria euphrosyne
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus 1758) (Buff-tailed bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Vernia verna
Global Biotic Interactions
Bat MERS-like coronavirus
Global Biotic Interactions
Bat MERS-like coronavirus
Global Biotic Interactions
Bat MERS-like coronavirus
Global Biotic Interactions
Bat MERS-like coronavirus
Global Biotic Interactions
Bat MERS-like coronavirus
Global Biotic Interactions
Lyssavirus rabies
Global Biotic Interactions
Lyssavirus rabies
Global Biotic Interactions
Lyssavirus rabies
Global Biotic Interactions
Lyssavirus rabies
Global Biotic Interactions
Mops bat
Global Biotic Interactions
Thecophora atra (Fabricius 1775)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ochlodes sylvanus
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus soroeensis (Fabricius 1776)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile ligniseca (Kirby 1802)
Global Biotic Interactions
Fabriciana adippe Denis & Schiffermüller 1775 (High brown fritillary)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lysandra coridon
Global Biotic Interactions
Burnsius communis
Global Biotic Interactions
Burnsius communis
Global Biotic Interactions
Melanargia galathea Linnaeus 1758 (marbled white)
Global Biotic Interactions
Melanargia galathea Linnaeus 1758 (marbled white)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pyrgus malvae Linnaeus 1758 (Grizzled skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus amandus
Global Biotic Interactions
Hipparchia semele Linnaeus 1758 (Grayling)
Global Biotic Interactions
Coenonympha arcania Linnaeus 1761 (pearly heath)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cantharis flavilabris
Global Biotic Interactions
Melitaea cinxia Linnaeus 1758 (glanville fritellary)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis tages Linnaeus 1758 (dingy skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus coridon
Global Biotic Interactions
Melanostoma mellina
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus cryptarum (Fabricius 1775) (Cryptic Bumble Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Metopina oligoneura (Mik 1867)
Global Biotic Interactions
Boloria bellona
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia caerulescens (Linnaeus 1758) (Mason bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Colias croceus (Geoffroy 1785) (clouded yellow)
Global Biotic Interactions
Zygaena filipendulae Linnaeus 1758 (six-spot burnet)
Global Biotic Interactions
Maniola jurtina Linnaeus 1758 (meadow brown)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Maniola jurtina Linnaeus 1758 (meadow brown)
Global Biotic Interactions
Zygaena filipendulae Linnaeus 1758 (six-spot burnet)
Global Biotic Interactions
Colias croceus (Geoffroy 1785) (clouded yellow)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Hylephila phylaeus Drury (1880?)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Hylephila phylaeus Drury (1880?)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Hesperia sassacus Harris 1862 (Indian Skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cyaniris neglecta (Edwards 1862)
Global Biotic Interactions
Zygaena filipendulae Linnaeus 1758 (six-spot burnet)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia caerulescens (Linnaeus 1758) (Mason bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Maniola jurtina Linnaeus 1758 (meadow brown)
Global Biotic Interactions
Hylephila phylaeus Drury (1880?)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia bucephala Cresson 1864 (Bufflehead Mason Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia aurulenta (Panzer 1799)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Trachusa byssina (Panzer 1798)
Global Biotic Interactions
Phyllobius (Parnemoicus) roboretanus Gredler 1882
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Maniola jurtina Linnaeus 1758 (meadow brown)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cyaniris semiargus (Rottemburg 1775)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia caerulescens (Linnaeus 1758) (Mason bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia caerulescens (Linnaeus 1758) (Mason bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia bucephala Cresson 1864 (Bufflehead Mason Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg 1775) (common blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cupido argiades
Global Biotic Interactions
Argynnis aglaja
Global Biotic Interactions
Cupido argiades
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasiommata megera
Global Biotic Interactions
Cupido argiades
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus magnus Vogt 1911
Global Biotic Interactions
Heterogenea asella
Global Biotic Interactions
Sermylassa halensis
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus magnus Vogt 1911
Global Biotic Interactions
Pollenia amentaria
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasiommata megera
Global Biotic Interactions
Sarcophaga carnaria (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Aglaostigma aucupariae
Global Biotic Interactions
Siphona geniculata (De Geer 1776)
Global Biotic Interactions
Chrysotoxum cautum (Harris 1776)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pegoplata aestiva (Meigen 1826)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus hortorum (Linnaeus 1761) (Small garden bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus vosnesenskii Radoszkowski 1862 (Vosnesensky Bumble Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena falsifica Perkins 1915
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus rupestris (Fabricius 1793)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus monticola Smith 1849
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile versicolor Smith 1844
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus vestalis (Geoffroy 1785) (Vestal cuckoo bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile versicolor Smith 1844
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus monticola Smith 1849
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena clarkella (Kirby 1802) (Clark's Andrena)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus ruderatus (Fabricius 1775) (Large garden bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus hortorum (Linnaeus 1761) (Small garden bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasioglossum calceatum (Scopoli 1763)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidium punctatum Latreille 1809
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus mucidus Gerstäcker 1869
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidium punctatum Latreille 1809
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus jonellus (Kirby 1802)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus distinguendus Morawitz 1869 (Northern Yellow Bumble Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasioglossum calceatum (Scopoli 1763)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasioglossum angusticeps (Perkins 1895)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus ruderarius (Müller 1776)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus hortorum (Linnaeus 1761) (Small garden bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasioglossum pauxillum (Schenck 1853)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus campestris (Panzer 1801)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasioglossum punctatissimum (Schenck 1853)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidium punctatum Latreille 1809
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus ruderarius (Müller 1776)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763) (Common carder bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile versicolor Smith 1844
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidium punctatum Latreille 1809
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus ruderarius (Müller 1776)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus 1758) (Buff-tailed bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena nitida (Müller 1776)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena bicolor Fabricius 1775
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus ruderatus (Fabricius 1775) (Large garden bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasioglossum puncticolle (Morawitz 1872)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763) (Common carder bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile ericetorum Lepeletier 1841 (Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus humilis Illiger 1806 (Brown-banded carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus hortorum (Linnaeus 1761) (Small garden bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus ruderatus (Fabricius 1775) (Large garden bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus campestris (Panzer 1801)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus 1758) (Buff-tailed bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus rupestris (Fabricius 1793)
Global Biotic Interactions
Halictus tumulorum (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus hortorum (Linnaeus 1761) (Small garden bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile frigida Smith 1853 (Frigid Leaf-cutter Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Acalymma vittatum (Fabricius 1775) (Striped cucumber beetle)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oxythyrea funesta (Poda 1761)
Global Biotic Interactions
Formica cunicularia Latreille 1798
Global Biotic Interactions
Cupido comyntas
Global Biotic Interactions
Amblyscirtes vialis
Global Biotic Interactions
Satyrium titus
Global Biotic Interactions
Cupido comyntas
Global Biotic Interactions
Cupido comyntas
Global Biotic Interactions
Euphydryas aurinia
Global Biotic Interactions
Cryptocephalus hypochaeridis
Global Biotic Interactions
Cupido comyntas
Global Biotic Interactions
Amblyscirtes vialis
Global Biotic Interactions
Cupido comyntas
Global Biotic Interactions
Oedemera nobilis
Global Biotic Interactions
Aphantopus hyperantus Linnaeus 1761 (ringlet)
Global Biotic Interactions
Aphantopus hyperantus Linnaeus 1761 (ringlet)
Global Biotic Interactions
Paragus haemorrhous Meigen 1822
Global Biotic Interactions
Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer 1776) (Marmalade hoverfly)
Global Biotic Interactions
Drymeia hamata (Fallen 1823)
Global Biotic Interactions
Melanagromyza cunctans Meigen 1830
Global Biotic Interactions
Melanostoma scalare (Fabricius 1794)
Global Biotic Interactions
Helophilus pendulus (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Scathophaga stercoraria (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Eupeodes latifasciatus (Macquart 1829)
Global Biotic Interactions
Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer 1776) (Marmalade hoverfly)
Global Biotic Interactions
Eristalinus sepulchralis (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Syritta pipiens (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oscinella frit (Linnaeus 1758) (Fruit fly)
Global Biotic Interactions
Chloromyia formosa (Scopoli 1763) (Soldier fly)
Global Biotic Interactions
Platycheirus manicatus (Meigen 1822)
Global Biotic Interactions
Syrphus vitripennis Meigen 1822
Global Biotic Interactions
Eupeodes corollae (Fabricius 1794)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pyrausta purpuralis Linnaeus
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasius niger (Linnaeus 1758) (Small black ant)
Global Biotic Interactions
Phorbia fumigata (Meigen 1826)
Global Biotic Interactions
Strymon melinus Hübner 1818 (Gray Hairstreak)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lysandra bellargus
Global Biotic Interactions
Glaucopsyche lygdamus (Doubleday 1842) (Silvery Blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile centuncularis (Linnaeus 1758) (Megachile leaf-cutter bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia distincta Cresson 1864
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena labialis (Kirby 1802)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lycaena phlaeas (Linnaeus 1761) (Small Copper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Eucera longicornis (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile gemula Cresson 1878 (Small-handed Leaf-cutter Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasioglossum morio (Fabricius 1793)
Global Biotic Interactions
Melitta leporina (Panzer 1799)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile centuncularis (Linnaeus 1758) (Megachile leaf-cutter bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile maritima (Kirby 1802)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile campanulae (Robertson 1903) (Bellflower Resin Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lasioglossum morio (Fabricius 1793)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile leachella Curtis 1828 (megachile dorsalis)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia bicolor (Schrank 1781)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nomada fucata Panzer 1798
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile circumcincta (Kirby 1802)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile gemula Cresson 1878 (Small-handed Leaf-cutter Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena labialis (Kirby 1802)
Global Biotic Interactions
Coelioxys elongata Lepeletier 1841
Global Biotic Interactions
Ematurga atomaria Linnaeus 1758 (common heath)
Global Biotic Interactions
Phyllopertha horticola (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia uncinata Gerstäcker 1869
Global Biotic Interactions
Strymon melinus Hübner 1818 (Gray Hairstreak)
Global Biotic Interactions
Glaucopsyche lygdamus (Doubleday 1842) (Silvery Blue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lycaena phlaeas (Linnaeus 1761) (Small Copper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Melitta leporina (Panzer 1799)
Global Biotic Interactions
Osmia bicolor (Schrank 1781)
Global Biotic Interactions
Strymon melinus Hübner 1818 (Gray Hairstreak)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ancyloxypha numitor Fabricius 1793 (Least Skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis baptisiae Forbes 1936 (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptidea sinapis (Linnaeus 1758) (Wood White)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis baptisiae Forbes 1936 (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Euphyes vestris Boisduval 1852 (Dun Sedge Skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Thymelicus lineola Ochsenheimer 1808 (essex skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ancyloxypha numitor Fabricius 1793 (Least Skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis baptisiae Forbes 1936 (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis baptisiae Forbes 1936 (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cynthia cardui Linnaeus 1758
Global Biotic Interactions
Thymelicus lineola Ochsenheimer 1808 (essex skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pieris rapae (Linnaeus 1758) (small white)
Global Biotic Interactions
Carcharodus alceae Esper 1780 (Mallow Skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis baptisiae Forbes 1936 (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis lucilius Scudder & Burgess 1870 (Columbine Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Thymelicus lineola Ochsenheimer 1808 (essex skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Thymelicus acteon Rottemburg 1775 (lulworth skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis horatius Scudder & Burgess 1870 (Horace's Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Thymelicus lineola Ochsenheimer 1808 (essex skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pyronia tithonus Linnaeus 1771 (hedge brown)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis baptisiae Forbes 1936 (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ancyloxypha numitor Fabricius 1793 (Least Skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pyronia tithonus Linnaeus 1771 (hedge brown)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pieris rapae (Linnaeus 1758) (small white)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pieris rapae (Linnaeus 1758) (small white)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ancistrocerus antilope (Panzer 1789)
Global Biotic Interactions
Boloria selene Denis & Schiffermüller 1775 (Silver-bordered Fritillary)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis baptisiae Forbes 1936 (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polites themistocles Latreille 1823 (Tawny-edged Skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pieris rapae (Linnaeus 1758) (small white)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis baptisiae Forbes 1936 (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pieris rapae (Linnaeus 1758) (small white)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pieris rapae (Linnaeus 1758) (small white)
Global Biotic Interactions
Thymelicus lineola Ochsenheimer 1808 (essex skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Thymelicus lineola Ochsenheimer 1808 (essex skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Thymelicus lineola Ochsenheimer 1808 (essex skipper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Erynnis baptisiae Forbes 1936 (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pieris rapae (Linnaeus 1758) (small white)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pieris rapae (Linnaeus 1758) (small white)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763) (Common carder bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidium manicatum (Linnaeus 1758) (wool-carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus sylvarum (Linnaeus 1761) (Shrill carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763) (Common carder bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus griseocollis (De Geer 1773) (Brown-belted Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus sylvarum (Linnaeus 1761) (Shrill carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus bimaculatus Cresson 1864 (Two-spotted Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus fervidus (Fabricius 1798) (Yellow Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus terricola Kirby 1837 (Yellow-banded Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus muscorum (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus sylvarum (Linnaeus 1761) (Shrill carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus sylvarum (Linnaeus 1761) (Shrill carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus griseocollis (De Geer 1773) (Brown-belted Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus lucorum (Linnaeus 1761) (White-tailed bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus humilis Illiger 1806 (Brown-banded carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus affinis Cresson 1864
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus terricola Kirby 1837 (Yellow-banded Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pratorum (Linnaeus 1761) (Early bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus griseocollis (De Geer 1773) (Brown-belted Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus fervidus (Fabricius 1798) (Yellow Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus ternarius Say 1837 (Tricolored Bumble Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile rotundata (Fabricius 1793) (Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus griseocollis (De Geer 1773) (Brown-belted Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763) (Common carder bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile rotundata (Fabricius 1793) (Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus impatiens Cresson 1863 (Common Eastern Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus hypnorum (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus bimaculatus Cresson 1864 (Two-spotted Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus fervidus (Fabricius 1798) (Yellow Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus impatiens Cresson 1863 (Common Eastern Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763) (Common carder bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763) (Common carder bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Megachile latimanus Say 1823 (Broad-handed Leaf-cutter Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Honey bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763) (Common carder bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus ternarius Say 1837 (Tricolored Bumble Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus humilis Illiger 1806 (Brown-banded carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus sylvarum (Linnaeus 1761) (Shrill carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus ternarius Say 1837 (Tricolored Bumble Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus sylvarum (Linnaeus 1761) (Shrill carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pratorum (Linnaeus 1761) (Early bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763) (Common carder bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus muscorum (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus impatiens Cresson 1863 (Common Eastern Bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Andrena wilkella (Kirby 1802) (Andrenine bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus hypnorum (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus ternarius Say 1837 (Tricolored Bumble Bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli 1763) (Common carder bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidium manicatum (Linnaeus 1758) (wool-carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bombus pratorum (Linnaeus 1761) (Early bumblebee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidium manicatum (Linnaeus 1758) (wool-carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidiellum strigatum (Panzer 1805)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidiellum strigatum (Panzer 1805)
Global Biotic Interactions
Hoplitis tridentata (Dufour & Perris 1840)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidium manicatum (Linnaeus 1758) (wool-carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidium manicatum (Linnaeus 1758) (wool-carder bee)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidiellum strigatum (Panzer 1805)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anthidiellum strigatum (Panzer 1805)