Teilweise evertierter Russel
Diaphragma mit Haupt- und Reservestiletten.
Bulbus globosus
Vorderende mit Tastcirren
Ototyphlonemertes pallida. Habitus und Organisation eines geschlechtsreifen Weibchens
Statocysts. showing variation in composition of statoliths
Stylet and basis more highly enlarged to show delicate spiral groans on stylet
Stylet apparatus with slender basis and stylet and nanow middle chamber
Outline of anterior portion of body, showing statocysts
Statolith with several globules
Long proboscis with proboscis canal
Russelausschnitt mit Papillen, Diaphragma und BalIan
USNM 1616738 - Specimen Image 3; Field number: 1613.001
USNM 1616738 - Specimen Image 4; Field number: 1613.001
USNM 1616738 - Specimen Image 5; Field number: 1613.001
USNM 1616738 - Specimen Image 6; Field number: 1613.001
USNM 1616738 - Specimen Image 7; Field number: 1613.001
USNM 1616749 - Specimen Image 14; Field number: 1619.002
USNM 1616749 - Specimen Image 6; Field number: 1619.002
USNM 1616781 - Specimen Image 6; Field number: 1619.001