

provided by eFloras
Reports of Artemisia frigida from eastern Canada (Ontario eastward), the eastern United States (e.g., Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, Vermont), and Arkansas and Missouri appear to be from old garden sites where the plants may persist. The similarity of this native species to cultivars from eastern Asia (especially Siberia) has led to a number of reports that are apparently based on other cultivars. As a plant with attractive silver foliage, this species has good potential as a drought-hardy plant for flower gardens in cold climates.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 514, 519 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Perennials, 10–40 cm (forming silvery mats or mounds), strongly aromatic. Stems gray-green or brown, glabrescent. Leaves persistent, silver-gray; blades ovate, 0.5–1.5(–2.5) cm, 1–2-ternately lobed (lobes 0.2–0.5 mm wide), faces densely whitish-pubescent. Heads in (leafy) paniculiform arrays 0.5–2(–4) × 4–15(–20) cm. Involucres globose, (3–)5 × (2–)5–6 mm. Phyllaries gray-green (margins sometimes brownish), densely tomentose. Florets: pistillate 10–17; bisexual 20–50; corollas 1.5–2 mm, glabrous. Cypselae 1–1.5 mm, glabrous. 2n = 18.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 514, 519 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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provided by eFloras
Artemisia frigida var. gmeliniana (Besser) Besser; A. frigida var. williamsiae S. L. Welsh
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 514, 519 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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partner site

Broad-scale Impacts of Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: density, wildfire

Whisenant and Uresk [130] noted density of fringed sagebrush changed "little" following fire. Seedlings established quickly following fire. Size of fringed sagebrush plants after fire was "greatly" reduced. About 38% of fringed sagebrush plants resprouted following fire. Wasser [127] states fringed sagebrush plants recover from wildfire in 3 years.
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Broad-scale Impacts of Plant Response to Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: cover, fire use, frequency, grassland, prescribed fire, wildfire

Bailey and Anderson [13] conducted an experiment in Alberta designed to
determine effects of spring and fall prescribed burning of a rough fescue (Festuca
altaica)/short bristle needle and thread (Hesperostipa curtiseta)
grass community. They noted fringed sagebrush canopy coverage was reduced by
both spring and fall burns. After an August, 1994, wildfire in northern dry
mixed prairie in southeastern Alberta, fringed sagebrush appeared to decline in
overall abundance. Pooled data from 1995 to 1997 show a decrease in estimates of
fringed sagebrush's percent weight of total vegetation weight on burned sites relative to unburned sites for both upland and
lowland areas [44]:


Grassland sites burned by wildfire were compared the 1st year after burning to
unburned sites in western North Dakota by Dix [37]. His results show an increase
in frequency of fringed sagebrush on the site burned in summer, but a decrease
in frequency for sites burned in fall and spring.

bordercolor="#111111" width="100%" id="AutoNumber4"> Summer

After 24 years of annual spring burning in the aspen (Populus tremuloides)
parklands of east-central Alberta, fringed sagebrush increased in both canopy
cover and frequency [3]. Increase in canopy cover was significant at

Frequency, %
Canopy cover, %
Unburned (n=458)
Burned (n=458)
Unburned (n=458)
Burned (n=458)

The Research Project Summary Seasonal fires in Saskatchewan rough fescue prairie
provides information on prescribed fire use and postfire response of plains
grassland community species including fringed sagebrush.
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Common Names

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
fringed sagebrush

pasture sage

prairie sagebrush

fringed sagewort
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forest, grassland, herbaceous, perfect

Fringed sagebrush is a fragrant, aromatic [90], perennial [111] mat-forming, native "semi-shrub," woody at the base, that grows to a height of 4 to 14 inches (10-35 cm) with a spread of 6 to 12 inches (15-30 cm) [68]. Woody stems are spreading and often much branched. The upper herbaceous stems are erect and leafy.

The numerous leaves are 0.24 to 0.48 inch (6-12 mm) long and are 2 or 3 times pinnately divided. Numerous small flower heads are borne in nodding racemes or open panicles. Each head contains 10 to 17 outer, seed-producing, pistillate, ray flowers and numerous (25-50) tubular-funnelform, perfect, seed-producing disc flowers [90]. The fruits are achenes bearing tiny seeds [111].

Roots: In a 1965 study of grassland species in Saskatchewan, Coupland and Johnson [31] suggest roots of fringed sagebrush have "sufficient plasticity" to adjust to a semiarid climate by developing taproots in periods when moisture penetration permits, but to make use of moisture near the surface in habitats where deeper supplies are continually limiting due to runoff. In locations where moisture is often deficient near the soil surface, but where occasional moisture penetration to considerable depth permits establishment of deep roots, the taproot system is well developed. Taproots are not found where deep penetration of moisture is prevented by excessive runoff or where moisture supply in the upper layers of soil is more dependable.

Where the taproot is developed extensively it is a woody structure up to 0.4 inch (10 mm) in diameter, which descends vertically. Its thickness decreases rapidly, as many laterals originate just below the soil surface. These mostly descend vertically or obliquely, but a few grow horizontally before turning abruptly downwards. Main laterals are 2-3 mm in diameter and usually penetrate as deeply as the main taproot. Taproots can extend to depths as great as 5.3 feet (1.6 m) [31].

Within medium textured soils lateral spread of roots was greatest in the most arid zone where it reached 7.9 to 9.8 inches (20-25 cm). Under these conditions small branches (0.5-1.0 mm in diameter) from the taproot are usually confined to the top 35.4 inches (90 cm) of soil and these spread more widely than the thicker laterals [31].

In a 1984 study of mycorrhizal inoculum in a ponderosa pine forest in Colorado, Kovacic and others [81] determined fringed sagebrush was mycorrhizal and Dittberner and Olson [36] describe fringed sagebrush as endomycorrhizal.

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
In North America fringed sagebrush occurs naturally from Alaska and western Northwest Territories south along the Rocky Mountains to southern British Columbia, northern Arizona, New Mexico [60], and eastern Texas [55,60]. It extends east to the Great Plains of Colorado, central Nebraska, western Minnesota, central Saskatchewan and Alberta. Fringed sagebrush also occurs in northern Europe and Asia [60]. It has been introduced to northern central states, New England, and the eastern seaboard. The Plants Database provides a distribution map of fringed sagebrush for the United States.
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Fire Ecology

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: competition, cover, fire regime, forest, woodland

Fire adaptations: Fringed sagebrush's persistence during fire and its ability to establish in the postfire environment of a South Dakota mixed-prairie were discussed by Whisenant and Uresk [130]. The "widely dispersed" seeds of fringed sagebrush, parts of an individual plant surviving fire, and recovery by vegetative growth are listed as fringed sagebrush adaptations for persistence. The authors stated fringed sagebrush is only capable of establishing immediately after fire when competition is reduced.

Resprouting has been observed after fire in fringed sagebrush. Cawker [24] states fringed sagebrush "may stump sprout" after burning, and Anderson and Bailey [3] noted an increase in fringed sagebrush cover after 24 years of spring burning due to "the suckers of fringed sagebrush ."

FIRE REGIMES: There is no specific information in the literature concerning FIRE REGIMES for fringed sagebrush. Fire return intervals for plant communities and ecosystems in which fringed sagebrush occurs are summarized below. Find further fire regime information for the plant communities in which this species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under "Find FIRE REGIMES".

Community or Ecosystem Dominant Species Fire Return Interval Range (years) bluestem prairie Andropogon gerardii var. gerardii-Schizachyrium scoparium 82,98] Nebraska sandhills prairie Andropogon gerardii var. paucipilus-Schizachyrium scoparium < 10 silver sagebrush steppe Artemisia cana 5-45 [61,103,132] sagebrush steppe Artemisia tridentata/Pseudoroegneria spicata 20-70 [98] basin big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata var. tridentata 12-43 [112] mountain big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata var. vaseyana 15-40 [8,22,94] Wyoming big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata var. wyomingensis 10-70 (40**) [123,135] saltbush-greasewood Atriplex confertifolia-Sarcobatus vermiculatus < 35 to < 100 desert grasslands Bouteloua eriopoda and/or Pleuraphis mutica 5-100 plains grasslands Bouteloua spp. < 35 blue grama-needle-and-thread grass-western wheatgrass Bouteloua gracilis-Hesperostipa comata-Pascopyrum smithii < 35 blue grama-buffalo grass Bouteloua gracilis-Buchloe dactyloides < 35 grama-galleta steppe Bouteloua gracilis-Pleuraphis jamesii < 35 to < 100 blue grama-tobosa prairie Bouteloua gracilis-Pleuraphis mutica < 35 to < 100 cheatgrass Bromus tectorum 98] curlleaf mountain-mahogany* Cercocarpus ledifolius 13-1000 [10,114] mountain-mahogany-Gambel oak scrub Cercocarpus ledifolius-Quercus gambelii < 35 to < 100 western juniper Juniperus occidentalis 20-70 Rocky Mountain juniper Juniperus scopulorum < 35 wheatgrass plains grasslands Pascopyrum smithii 98] Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir Picea engelmannii-Abies lasiocarpa 35 to > 200 [7] black spruce Picea mariana 35-200 [40] blue spruce* Picea pungens 35-200 pine-cypress forest Pinus-Cupressus spp. < 35 to 200 [7] pinyon-juniper Pinus-Juniperus spp. 98] whitebark pine* Pinus albicaulis 50-200 [1,5] Mexican pinyon Pinus cembroides 20-70 [96,120] Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine* Pinus contorta var. latifolia 25-300+ [6,7,107] Colorado pinyon Pinus edulis 10-400+ [47,52,77,98] interior ponderosa pine* Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum 2-30 [7,14,86] Arizona pine Pinus ponderosa var. arizonica 2-15 [14,27,116] galleta-threeawn shrubsteppe Pleuraphis jamesii-Aristida purpurea 98] aspen-birch Populus tremuloides-Betula papyrifera 35-200 [40,125] quaking aspen (west of the Great Plains) Populus tremuloides 7-120 [7,54,93] mountain grasslands Pseudoroegneria spicata 3-40 (10**) [6,7] Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir* Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca 25-100 [7,8,9] oak-hickory Quercus-Carya spp. 125] oak-juniper woodland (Southwest) Quercus-Juniperus spp. 98] oak savanna Quercus macrocarpa/Andropogon gerardii-Schizachyrium scoparium 2-14 [98,125] little bluestem-grama prairie Schizachyrium scoparium-Bouteloua spp. 98] elm-ash-cottonwood Ulmus-Fraxinus-Populus spp. 40,125] *fire return interval varies widely; trends in variation are noted in the species summary
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Fire Management Considerations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Fire shows promise as a potentially desirable means of reducing fringed sagebrush, an "unwanted increaser," on Canadian rangelands [13].
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification)

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the terms: chamaephyte, phanerophyte

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Habitat characteristics

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants

Fringed sagebrush occupies a wide variety of sites. Most typically, it grows in full sunlight in dry, coarse, shallow soils. However, it tolerates moderate shade well and thrives on ditch banks and along streams [121]. On winter ranges in western Utah and eastern Nevada, fringed sagebrush may occur in dense stands along shallow depressions that collect moisture from summer rains [90].

Elevation: Fringed sagebrush occurs from 4,000 to 11,000 feet (1,200-3,350 m) throughout its range [68]. Specific elevational ranges for fringed sagebrush in various locations show a wider range of elevation. They are:

Alaska: "lowlands" to 3,281 feet (1,000 m) [66]
Arizona: 5,500 to 8,000 feet (1,676-2,438 m) [76]
Colorado: 4,500 to 10,000 feet (1,372-3,048 m) [58]
Nevada: 6,800 to 11,000 feet (2,073-3,353 m) [75]
New Mexico: 5,500 to 8,000 feet (1,676-2,438 m) [89]
Utah: 2,953 to 11,417 feet (900 to 3480 m) [128]

Salt tolerance: Fringed sagebrush has a "fair" tolerance for salt [68].

Drought tolerance: Fringed sagebrush has a "good" drought tolerance, requiring an annual precipitation range of 8 to12 inches (20-30 cm) [68,119].

Soil: Fringed sagebrush does well on shallow to deep, well-drained soils with a pH from neutral to slightly alkaline. Texture of the soil can be fine to coarse [68]. Hann [56] states fringed sagebrush is found on soils with calcareous parent materials.

Dittberner and Olson [36] compiled information on soil types and growth of fringed sagebrush for Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota. They describe fringed sagebrush's growth as good on loam, sandy loam, and clay loam; fair on gravel and sand; fair to poor on clay and poor on dense clay.

Topography: Fringed sagebrush occurs on rocky ridges and foothills [68].

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Habitat: Cover Types

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

More info for the term: cover


42 Bur oak

63 Cottonwood

204 Black spruce

206 Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir

208 Whitebark pine

209 Bristlecone pine

210 Interior Douglas-fir

216 Blue spruce

217 Aspen

218 Lodgepole pine

219 Limber pine

220 Rocky Mountain juniper

235 Cottonwood-willow

236 Bur oak

237 Interior ponderosa pine

238 Western juniper

239 Pinyon-juniper

240 Arizona cypress
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Habitat: Ecosystem

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

More info for the term: shrub


FRES15 Oak-hickory

FRES17 Elm-ash-cottonwood

FRES20 Douglas-fir

FRES21 Ponderosa pine

FRES23 Fir-spruce

FRES26 Lodgepole pine

FRES29 Sagebrush

FRES30 Desert shrub

FRES34 Chaparral-mountain shrub

FRES35 Pinyon-juniper

FRES36 Mountain grasslands

FRES38 Plains grasslands

FRES39 Prairie

FRES40 Desert grasslands

FRES44 Alpine
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Habitat: Plant Associations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the terms: forest, woodland


K011 Western ponderosa forest

K012 Douglas-fir forest

K015 Western spruce-fir forest

K016 Eastern ponderosa forest

K017 Black Hills pine forest

K018 Pine-Douglas-fir forest

K019 Arizona pine forest

K021 Southwestern spruce-fir forest

K022 Great Basin pine forest

K023 Juniper-pinyon woodland

K024 Juniper steppe woodland

K032 Transition between K031 and K037

K037 Mountain-mahogany-oak scrub

K038 Great Basin sagebrush

K040 Saltbush-greasewood

K050 Fescue-wheatgrass

K051 Wheatgrass-bluegrass

K052 Alpine meadows and barren

K053 Grama-galleta steppe

K054 Grama-tobosa prairie

K055 Sagebrush steppe

K056 Wheatgrass-needlegrass shrubsteppe

K057 Galleta-threeawn shrubsteppe

K063 Foothills prairie

K064 Grama-needlegrass-wheatgrass

K065 Grama-buffalo grass

K066 Wheatgrass-needlegrass

K067 Wheatgrass-bluestem-needlegrass

K068 Wheatgrass-grama-buffalo grass

K069 Bluestem-grama prairie

K070 Sandsage-bluestem prairie

K074 Bluestem prairie

K075 Nebraska Sandhills prairie

K081 Oak savanna

K082 Mosaic of K074 and K100

K098 Northern floodplain forest
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Habitat: Rangeland Cover Types

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in association with the following Rangeland Cover Types (as classified by the Society for Range Management, SRM):

More info for the terms: association, cover, forb, grassland, shrubland, woodland


101 Bluebunch wheatgrass

102 Idaho fescue

104 Antelope bitterbrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

105 Antelope bitterbrush-Idaho fescue

107 Western juniper/big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass

109 Ponderosa pine shrubland

110 Ponderosa pine-grassland

301 Bluebunch wheatgrass-blue grama

302 Bluebunch wheatgrass-Sandberg bluegrass

303 Bluebunch wheatgrass-western wheatgrass

304 Idaho fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass

305 Idaho fescue-Richardson needlegrass

306 Idaho fescue-slender wheatgrass

307 Idaho fescue-threadleaf sedge

308 Idaho fescue-tufted hairgrass

309 Idaho fescue-western wheatgrass

310 Needle-and-thread-blue grama

311 Rough fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass

312 Rough fescue-Idaho fescue

314 Big sagebrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

315 Big sagebrush-Idaho fescue

316 Big sagebrush-rough fescue

317 Bitterbrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

318 Bitterbrush-Idaho fescue

319 Bitterbrush-rough fescue

320 Black sagebrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

321 Black sagebrush-Idaho fescue

322 Curlleaf mountain-mahogany-bluebunch wheatgrass

323 Shrubby cinquefoil-rough fescue

324 Threetip sagebrush-Idaho fescue

401 Basin big sagebrush

402 Mountain big sagebrush

403 Wyoming big sagebrush

404 Threetip sagebrush

405 Black sagebrush

406 Low sagebrush

408 Other sagebrush types

409 Tall forb

411 Aspen woodland

412 Juniper-pinyon woodland

413 Gambel oak

415 Curlleaf mountain-mahogany

416 True mountain-mahogany

501 Saltbush-greasewood

503 Arizona chaparral

504 Juniper-pinyon pine woodland

509 Transition between oak-juniper woodland and mahogany-oak association

601 Bluestem prairie

602 Bluestem-prairie sandreed

603 Prairie sandreed-needlegrass

604 Bluestem-grama prairie

605 Sandsage prairie

606 Wheatgrass-bluestem-needlegrass

607 Wheatgrass-needlegrass

608 Wheatgrass-grama-needlegrass

609 Wheatgrass-grama

610 Wheatgrass

611 Blue grama-buffalo grass

612 Sagebrush-grass

613 Fescue grassland

614 Crested wheatgrass

615 Wheatgrass-saltgrass-grama

701 Alkali sacaton-tobosagrass

702 Black grama-alkali sacaton

703 Black grama-sideoats grama

704 Blue grama-western wheatgrass

705 Blue grama-galleta

706 Blue grama-sideoats grama

707 Blue grama-sideoats grama-black grama

710 Bluestem prairie

712 Galleta-alkali sacaton

714 Grama-bluestem

715 Grama-buffalo grass

722 Sand sagebrush-mixed prairie

915 Mixed herb-herbaceous

921 Willow
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Immediate Effect of Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: prescribed fire, wildfire

Fire apparently top-kills fringed sagebrush. Authors cited below describe fringed sagebrush as "killed" by fire without delineating whether the plant is top-killed or completely killed by fire.

During prescribed fire experiments in a mixed-prairie in Badlands National Park, South Dakota, fire killed "many" fringed sagebrush plants [130]. In a wildlife habitat improvement study for California bighorn sheep in British Columbia, burning of big sagebrush stands resulted in killing "most" fringed sagebrush plants [100]. Wasser [127] states wildfire generally kills "some" fringed sagebrush plants and sometimes "most" plants.

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: competition, cover, forbs, frequency, shrub, shrubs

Forage value of fringed sagebrush varies according to season, year, location, and classes of animals utilizing it [110]. Some consider fringed sagebrush a pest species; many others consider it a valuable forage species [28]. Fringed sagebrush is not readily eaten by browsing animals except in autumn and winter. However, half of the foliage of fringed sagebrush may be consumed in winter pastures [30]. Currie and others [32] studied diet of cattle using fistulated animals in Colorado and found fringed sagebrush was consistently selected throughout most of the growing season. Fringed sagebrush was utilized during every month but July. The authors considered this interesting because fringed sagebrush is generally considered unimportant or undesirable cattle forage. Percentage of fringed sagebrush in cattle diet during the study was:

May June July August September November 19.8 23.3 0 4.0 9.2 9.0

Fringed sagebrush is considered a "fair" forage species for domestic sheep by Hutchings [67]. Dittberner and Olson [36] rate fringed sagebrush as good forage for domestic sheep in Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming and fair in Montana and North Dakota. They rate fringed sagebrush as fair forage for horses in Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming, and poor in Montana and North Dakota.

Many large game animals utilize fringed sagebrush throughout western United States and Canada. In a 1971 literature review, Bayless [17] discusses use of fringed sagebrush by big game in Montana. He summarized big game use of fringed sagebrush as:

Species Location Season of use Use pronghorn central Montana fall

Browse made up 50% of total volume in rumen samples with western snowberry (Symphoricarpos occidentalis), silver sagebrush, and fringed sagebrush most important.

winter Big sagebrush, silver sagebrush and fringed sagebrush made up 93% of volume of the rumen samples. spring Big sagebrush and fringed sagebrush made up 65% of volume of rumen samples [25]. summer Five forbs including fringed sagebrush, long-leaf sagebrush (A. longifolia), three-leafed milkvetch (Astragalus gilviflorus), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), and sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis) constituted 62% or more of the total use at feeding sites and averaged 35% of identifiable material in rumen samples [129]. elk Gallatin Canyon winter 3% of plant use [26] Crow Creek drainage, Elk Horn Mountains winter fringed sagebrush was a "significant plant" [51] white-tailed deer Sun River winter Fringed sagebrush rated 7th among browse plants utilized (total # browse plants not given) [113].


Snowy Mountains winter Fringed sagebrush comprised 9% by volume of total winter diet [72]. bighorn sheep Sun River winter Fringed sagebrush was 1 of the browse species that received "significant use [113]." Gallatin Canyon winter Fringed sagebrush, a preferred food item, constituted 9% of the diet [26].

Importance of key winter forage plants for British Columbia ungulates is ranked by Blower [19]. His results for fringed sagebrush are:

Species coast deer mule deer white-tailed deer mountain goat bighorn sheep Roosevelt elk Rocky Mountain elk moose caribou Importance low high moderate low high low moderate low low

Bison in northeastern Colorado browsed fringed sagebrush in March and October. In March on a pasture that had been "heavily" browsed by cattle, fringed sagebrush was 20.2 % of the bison diet with a standard error of 13.6. In October it was 11.3 % with a standard error of 5.6 [99].

Food habits of Rocky Mountain elk in the northern Great Plains were studied by Wydeven and Dahlgren [134] in Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota. They found fringed sagebrush was an "important" or "major" plant in the diet of Rocky Mountain elk in fall, winter, and spring. Percent of fringed sagebrush in elk rumen contents, along with standard deviation, from July, 1976, to August, 1977 was:

Fall (n=6) Winter (n=11) Spring (n=4) Summer (n=9) 0.5 ± 0.8 3.8 ± 4.9 9.3 ± 5.6 0.4 ± 0.7

In a literature review of Rocky Mountain mule deer foods, Kufeld and others [84] rated deer use of fringed sagebrush as "moderate" in winter and "light" in spring and fall.

Bartman [15] utilized tame mule deer to determine diet of mule deer in pinyon (Pinus spp.)/juniper (Juniperus spp.)/mixed shrub winter range during a 2-year experiment in Colorado. Fringed sagebrush was used most heavily by mule deer in February and March during both years. No use or only trace amounts were noted in the remaining winter months. Currie and others [32] also utilized tame mule deer in a Colorado study in managed ponderosa pine habitats to determine if diets of mule deer and cattle were in competition. Their results indicate mule deer utilize fringed sagebrush during the growing season, not just winter months. Fringed sagebrush was ranked 9th of 129 species grazed by mule deer and percentage of total diet of fringed sagebrush by month was:

April May June July August October 12.5 2.2 6.9 0.7 trace 1.0

Bayless [16] studied pronghorn winter diet in Montana. He found pronghorn utilized fringed sagebrush more than would be expected when compared to percentage of total vegetation available in February and March:

January February March 9 feeding sites 12 feeding sites 7 feeding sites instances of use  % of diet % of vegetation available instances of use % of diet % of vegetation available instances of use % of diet % of vegetation available 7 trace trace 332 11 6 94 3 trace

As part of the same study, Bayless [16] analyzed contents of 18 pronghorn rumen samples collected during the winter of 1966/1967. Frequency of occurrence and volume of plant taxa, both in percentages, for fringed sagebrush were:

December January February March 67/14 50/trace 67/16 83/5

In a 1963 study of pronghorn diet at 2 sites in Saskatchewan, Dirschl [35] analyzed rumens of pronghorns and determined they utilized fringed sagebrush year-round. His results, presented as percent of diet by weight, were:

Spring Summer Fall Winter site 1 site 2 site 1 site 2 site 1 site 2 site 1 site 2 11 13 3 -- 7 -- 7 4

Fringed sagebrush is also important to small game and nongame mammals. White-tailed jackrabbits in Colorado utilize fringed sagebrush in spring and autumn. Fringed sagebrush composes 15% of their spring diet and is an "important" part of their fall diet [41]. Also in Colorado, Hansen and Gold (1977) [57] observed black-tailed prairie dogs from June, 1973, to June, 1975, and desert cottontails from June, 1974, to June, 1975, as part of a study to determine competition with cattle for food. Fringed sagebrush was not part of the cattle's diet but the researchers reported fringed sagebrush to be part of the diet of both black-tailed prairie dogs and desert cottontails. Fringed sagebrush was one of the "most important" food items for black-tailed prairie dogs and made up 8% of their total diet. Fringed sagebrush made up 15% of the total diet of desert cottontails. Their results expressed as an average (± Standard Error) percentage of seasonal diets were:

Spring (April-May) Summer (June-August) Fall (September-November) Winter (December-March) Black-tailed prairie dogs 5 ± 2 <1 5 ± 2 21 ± 4 Desert cottontails 9 ± 3 <1 12 ± 5 40 ± 5

Sage-grouse and greater prairie-chickens utilize fringed sagebrush as both adults and juveniles. Food habits of greater sage-grouse in central Montana were studied by Peterson [102] during the summers of 1966 and 1968. Fringed sagebrush was 1 of the 5 most utilized plants and began to appear in the diet of sage-grouse chicks when they were 4 weeks old but only as a trace. Use of fringed sagebrush increased until the chicks were 11 to 12 weeks old.

Use of fringed sagebrush by adult sage-grouse occurred in August and September. Percent frequency and volume of fringed sagebrush in the diet of adult sage-grouse for these 2 months were:

  August  (n = 18) September  (n = 14) Frequency/Volume 63/11 37/2

Another study of sage-grouse in central Montana [126] observed food habits of adult sage-grouse. Use of fringed sagebrush began in March and continued through November. Percent frequency and volume of fringed sagebrush in 299 sage-grouse crops was:

April (n = 22) May (n = 24) June (n = 18) July (n = 45) Aug. (n = 26) Sept. (n = 29) Oct. (n = 13) Nov. (n = 21) Total (n = 299) 55/18 21/6 39/20 31/7 52/13 28/8 69/12 33/5 31/8

In a study of greater prairie-chicken food habits on the Sheyenne National Grasslands in North Dakota, Rumble and others [109] found fringed sagebrush was part of greater prairie-chicken brood diets. Adult birds utilized fringed sagebrush in both winter and summer. Percent composition and standard error of fringed sagebrush in adult greater prairie-chickens diet was [109]:

December (n=7) January (n=49) February (n=63) April (n=45) May (n=88) June (n=39) July (n=44) August (n=27) 0 4.0 ± 1.9 10.7 ± 2.7 7.9 ± 2.4 8.7 ± 2.2 0.9 ± 0.4 0.3 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.1

In Wind Cave National Park, Forde [48] found higher vesper sparrow numbers were associated with several plants, including fringed sagebrush.

Palatability/nutritional value: Because of its range and diverse habitats, fringed sagebrush varies considerably in its value as forage for livestock. Brand and Goetz [20] rate fringed sagebrush as unpalatable to cattle. In North Dakota, Hooper and Nesbitt [64] state fringed sagebrush is bitter and the least palatable forage in the mixed-prairie. Stock will not begin to eat it until other forage becomes scarce. However, in the Southwest, fringed sagebrush rates "fairly good" in palatability for cattle and "very good" for domestic sheep and goats, especially during winter and spring. It is highly prized for domestic sheep forage during lambing season [121].

In a 1946 study of white-tailed deer diet in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Hill [62] ranked palatability of fringed sagebrush for the 4 seasons as:

January to March April to June July to September October to December medium low unpalatable low

Nutritional value of fringed sagebrush for wildlife in some western states is rated [36]:

Species Utah Colorado Wyoming Montana North Dakota Elk good good fair good -- Mule deer good good good fair fair White-tailed deer fair good -- -- -- Pronghorn good -- good good fair Upland game birds good -- fair fair poor Waterfowl poor -- poor -- -- Small nongame birds fair -- fair fair -- Small mammals good -- far fair --

Fringed sagebrush is "moderately" nutritious and is more important for fattening than body-building or energy-producing feed. Chemical analysis of fringed sagebrush indicates it ranks with alfalfa hay in proportions of crude fiber and carbohydrates and contains about 4 times as much fat, 1/2 the ash and 2/3rds as much protein as alfalfa [121].

Fringed sagebrush collected over base-metal deposits in Precambrian rocks of west-central Colorado showed the following concentrations of elements when the ash was analyzed [88]:

Element Range Fe 0.3-0.7 (%) Mg 1.0-2.0 (%) Ti 0.15-0.2 (%) Mn 0.07 (%) Na 0.3-0.5 (%) Ag 0.1-0.2 (ppm) B 300-500 (ppm) Ba 300-700 (ppm) Cd 10-50 (ppm) Co <5 (ppm) Cr 0-5 (ppm) Cu 100-200 (ppm) La 20-30 (ppm) Mo 10-15 (ppm) Ni 10-15 (ppm) Pb 20-30 (ppm) Sr 200-1000 (ppm) V 15-30 (ppm) Y 10 (ppm) Zn 1000-1500 (ppm) Zr 50-100 (ppm)

Dietz [34] discusses fringed sagebrush as part of a study to determine nutritive value of  shrubs in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Seasonal values of nutrients for stems and leaves of fringed sagebrush, oven-dry basis, were:

Nutrient Spring Summer Fall Winter Crude protein (%) 16.4 12.4 9.3 7.6 Acid-detergent fiber (%) 32.7 35.5 35.7 36.0 Acid-detergent lignin (%) 5.3 9.3 12.1 17.4 Cellulose (%) 29.0 24.9 24.1 25.3 Ash (%) 6.9 5.9 5.4 5.1 Ca (%) 0.71 0.72 0.84 1.01 P 0.40 0.37 0.31 0.18 Seasonal gross energy (cal/g) 4,737 5,022 5,068 4,852

He also describes dry matter and nutritive production of fringed sagebrush in fall on a deer range in the Black Hills [34]:

Dry matter production Crude protein Gross energy pounds/acre percent pounds/acre Kcal/g Kcal/acre 23.7 9.3 2.20 5.068 54,530

Cover value: Dittberner and Olson [36] rate fringed sagebrush's cover value for wildlife in some western states as generally low.

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Key Plant Community Associations

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More info for the terms: codominant, habitat type, shrub

Fringed sagebrush appears as a codominant in several habitat types and community
types. It tends to be a dominant on dry, well-drained soil types or in areas
characterized by disturbance.

In a 1st approximation of sagebrush (Artemisia
spp.)-steppe habitat types in northern Colorado,
Francis [49] describes a "topographic climax" habitat type of bluebunch
wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata)/fringed sagebrush as part of an
effort to classify mule deer winter range. Also in Colorado, Komarkova [80] describes
4 habitat types with fringed sagebrush as a dominant in the
Gunnison and Uncompahgre National Forests. Three of these habitat types occur on
warm, dry, south-facing slopes and 1 on an area "controlled" by grazing.

Fringed sagebrush is a dominant shrub in the ponderosa pine
(Pinus ponderosa)/fringed sagebrush/needle-and-thread grass
(Hesperostipa comata) community type in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado [2]. A community type of fringed
sagebrush/glaucous bluegrass (Poa
glauca) occurs in southeastern Yukon. In the montane
zone of the Alsek River region, southwestern Yukon, a fringed sagebrush/glaucous
bluegrass community type is restricted to extremely dry, well-drained aeolian
deposits along the Alsek and Dezadeash rivers [39]. A blue
grama (Bouteloua gracilis)/ fringed sagebrush community type in Colorado
is described by Moir and Trlica [95]. They suggest that it is a result
of "environmental stress" induced by grazing.

Nadeau and Corns [97] describe a prairie Junegrass (Koeleria
macrantha)/fringed sagebrush/wild blue flax (Linum lewisii) and a
thickspike wildrye (Elymus macrourus)/fringed sagebrush vegetation type in Jasper
National Park in Alberta.


Fringed sagebrush occurs in a wide variety of habitat types encompassing
grasslands, shrublands and dry woodlands. Some of the more common associates of
fringed sagebrush in these ecosystems are:

mixed prairie
-dense clubmoss (Selaginella densa), winterfat
(Krascheninnikovia lanata), needle-and-thread, blue grama, western wheatgrass
(Pascopyrum smithii), prairie Junegrass [38], broom snakeweed
(Gutierrezia sarothrae) [111], and Hood's phlox (Phlox hoodii) [124].

shortgrass prairie
-blue grama, buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides),
western wheatgrass [43,79], needle-and-thread, threadleaf
(Carex filifolia) and needleleaf sedge (C. duriuscula), saltgrass
(Distichlis spicata), alkali sacaton (Sporobolus airoides), scarlet globemallow
(Sphaeralcea coccinea), fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens), winterfat,
rubber rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus), and broom snakeweed [79].

Alaska steppe-bluebunch wheatgrass [42].

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Life Form

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: shrub

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Management considerations

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More info for the term: seed

Wasser [127] recommends using seed stock of fringed sagebrush from
habitats similar to seeding site.

In a clipping experiment designed to simulate grazing in Colorado, Buwai and
Trlica [23] found fringed sagebrush detrimentally affected by any 2
multiple defoliation treatments. Plants were most affected by heavy defoliation
(90% of current year's growth removed) during rapid growth and near maturity.
Effects were least severe when fringed sagebrush plants were moderately
defoliated (60% of current year's growth removed) during the quiescence and
rapid growth phenological stages. Plant vigor and herbage yields were less for
all defoliated plants than for control plants. Root total nonstructural
carbohydrates of fringed sagebrush were reduced by multiple defoliations
except when plants were defoliated at a "moderate" level during quiescence
and rapid growth. The authors conclude "complete rest from grazing
during later phenological stages during some years may be required to maintain
fringed sagebrush vigor, production, and carbohydrate reserve levels."

Hutchings [67] recommends 40% use of annual growth of fringed
sagebrush by domestic sheep.

A 1970 review of herbicidal treatments for fringed sagebrush is provided by Ryerson and
others [110].

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Occurrence in North America

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bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Other uses and values

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Since fringed sagebrush increases in grazed pastures [30,87], it is often considered an indicator of overgrazing [30]. As an example of this, in an early study (1960) of grazing effects in Colorado on short-grass range, average green forage production of fringed sagebrush in heavily grazed (60% by weight of current herbage growth of dominant forage grasses in 6 months) pastures was 26 pounds (11.8 kg); moderately grazed (40%) yielded 21 pounds (9.5 kg); and lightly grazed (20%) only produced 18 pounds (8.2 kg) of forage [79]. However, Reed and Peterson [105] caution against indiscriminate use of fringed sagebrush as a range condition indicator. They feel abundance of fringed sagebrush may be related to weather, and considerable damage to the range from grazing may occur long before increases in fringed sagebrush are apparent.

Lovering and Hedal [88] investigated use of fringed sagebrush as a biogeochemical indicator species for base-metal deposits in Precambrian rocks in west-central Colorado. They concluded that because of its wide distribution, fringed sagebrush could be useful in mineral exploration since the chemical composition of fringed sagebrush may mirror composition of the soil where it grows.

Native Americans used fringed sagebrush in a variety of ways. The northern Cheyenne tribe wove fringed sagebrush into a braid and wore it like a head-band to treat nosebleed [59]. In the Fort Yukon region of northeastern Alaska, native people boil leaves and stems of fringed sagebrush in water for bathing sore or painful feet. The steam is inhaled to relieve congestion and steam baths are used to soothe varicose veins. Leaves of fringed sagebrush are boiled in water to make a strong tea used for relief of colds or mixed with spruce pitch and applied to wounds [63].

Early settlers used fringed sagebrush to make a bitter tea which they believed was a tonic and remedy for typhoid fever [65].

Fringed sagebrush is used for landscaping because of its attractive, fine, silvery-green foliage [68].

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html


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More info for the terms: fruit, seed

Phenology of fringed sagebrush is influenced by geographic location. Generally development begins later in northern areas and earlier in southern locations.

In the mixed-grass prairie of Canada, fringed sagebrush begins growth about mid-April. Flower stalks appear towards the end of July and flower buds are present about the end of the 1st week in August. Fringed sagebrush is in full bloom 2 weeks later. Seed ripens by mid-September and the foliage dries "soon" afterward [30].

A shortgrass prairie in Colorado observed by Dickinson and Dodd [33] showed fringed sagebrush began growth at the beginning of April with flower buds present in mid-July and mature floral buds by the end of the month. Floral buds and open flowers were present by the end of August and ripening fruit by the beginning of September. By the end of September, the plants had buds, flowers, green and ripe fruit and were dispersing seeds. Early November brought winter dormancy but seeds continued to disperse. Flowering of fringed sagebrush was delayed because of a dry autumn during the study and after flowering; the same conditions apparently brought on earlier seed dispersal.

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Plant Response to Fire

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More info for the term: cover

In a discussion of plant response to fire in various ecosystems, Wright and Thompson [133] describe fringed sagebrush as "reduced" by spring burning in a mixed-grass prairie and "seriously harmed" by both spring and fall burning in the Canadian Great Plains.

Kirsch and Kruse [78] state cover of fringed sagebrush was "unchanged" by burning on the mixed-grass prairie of North Dakota. However, their definition of unchanged includes a range of change in cover from plus 99% to minus 49% for the plants studied.

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Post-fire Regeneration

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More info for the terms: adventitious, ground residual colonizer, initial off-site colonizer, shrub

Small shrub, adventitious bud/root crown
Ground residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)
Initial off-site colonizer (off-site, initial community)
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Regeneration Processes

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More info for the terms: competition, cover, layering, litter, prescribed fire, seed

Fringed sagebrush reproduces by seed [30] produced by both ray and disc flowers [90]. Under favorable conditions, fringed sagebrush increases in basal cover by layering [121].

Breeding system: Fringed sagebrush ray and disc flowers are fertile [90].

Pollination: Fringed sagebrush is wind pollinated [101].

Seed production: No seed is produced by fringed sagebrush in dry years; even in favorable years less than half of plants produce seed [30].

Bai and Romo [12] conducted experiments in Saskatchewan to determine effects of disturbance on seed production in fringed sagebrush. They utilized clipping, litter removal, tillage, and clipping plus litter removal as disturbance agents at 2 different sites. Data were collected the 1st and 2nd growing season following disturbance. They concluded disturbance was not a major influence on seed production by fringed sagebrush. Other factors, such as climate, exerted a dominant effect. Tillage had a greater effect in stimulating seed production than clipping or removing litter. The authors attributed this to reduced competition from neighboring plants. Average of results over both years were:




Year following disturbance Site Clipping (C)

Litter removal (L)

Tillage C+L Control Seeds/head 2nd 1&2 9.5a1 2.5a 9a 2.5a 1.0a Heads/inflorescence 2nd 1 49b 123a 93a 51b 28c     2 8c 2c 15c 2c 2c Inflorescences/plant 1st 1 38bc 59b 150a 37bc 39bc     2 8bc 8bc 4c 1c 5c   2nd 1&2 5b 15b 54a 4b 2b Seeds/plant 1st 1 73,100b 66,300bc 250,000a 40,800bc 38,700bc     2 2,800c 3,200c 700c 200c 4,500c 1Means followed by the same letter within a parameter are not significantly different (P>0.05)
2Least significant difference (P≤0.05)

Seed dispersal: Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) seed, in general, has very poor dispersal. It lacks appendages for airborne transport by wind or for attachment to animals. Most seed falls beneath the plants and moves 3 feet (1 m) or less per generation [115]. However, Whisenant and Uresk [130] state the "widely dispersed" seed of fringed sagebrush helps it re-establish after fire.

Iverson [69] studied dispersal distance of fringed sagebrush seeds in western North Dakota. He estimated seeds of fringed sagebrush dispersed 55 inches (140 cm) given hypothetical conditions of 18.6 miles/hour (30 km/hr) wind speed and a seed height of 11.8 inches (30 cm).

Seed banking: Fringed sagebrush produces a large amount of seeds that can remain viable in the soil for "many" years until conditions are favorable for germination [28]. In years with limited seed production, the seed bank is sufficient to maintain populations of fringed sagebrush should established plants perish [12]. In a study of revegetation after surface mining in North Dakota, fringed sagebrush germinated after 3 and 4 years in the seed bank. In a 1-year-old soil stockpile, fringed sagebrush contributed 22% of total vegetation after the soil was spread [70].

Germination: Fringed sagebrush seeds in the soil can germinate anytime during the growing season [11].

Seedling establishment/growth: Environmental conditions during June and early July are critical in the emergence and growth of fringed sagebrush. Most seedlings of fringed sagebrush emerge in spring and early summer, enabling them to temporarily exploit the period for growth when soil water is highest and temperatures are moderate. However, fringed sagebrush seeds in the soil can germinate and seedlings can be recruited anytime during the growing season [11].

Fringed sagebrush seedlings withstand short-term drought "very well" and show moderate competitiveness and vigor. A 3-year establishment period is required for plants to reach flowering under dryland conditions [127].

In a laboratory experiment on emergence of fringed sagebrush seedlings, Harvey [60] determined surface plantings gave highest germination but desiccation severely limited seedling survival. Emergence of fringed sagebrush seedlings from 3 different planting depths was [60]:

Depth (mm) Percentage of seedling emergence 2.5 69 5.0 12 7.5 0

Asexual regeneration: Fringed sagebrush's ability to reproduce asexually is disputed. Fringed sagebrush can be regenerated from cuttings collected from February through May [68]. Under favorable conditions, fringed sagebrush increases in basal cover by layering [121]. Whisenant and Uresk [130] report 38% of fringed sagebrush resprouted after a prescribed fire in a mixed-prairie in South Dakota.

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Regional Distribution in the Western United States

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This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):


5 Columbia Plateau

6 Upper Basin and Range

7 Lower Basin and Range

8 Northern Rocky Mountains

9 Middle Rocky Mountains

10 Wyoming Basin

11 Southern Rocky Mountains

12 Colorado Plateau

13 Rocky Mountain Piedmont

14 Great Plains

15 Black Hills Uplift

16 Upper Missouri Basin and Broken Lands
bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Successional Status

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More info for the terms: climax, cover, frequency, succession

Fringed sagebrush is well represented in all successional stages, depending on location and ecosystems. It is well adapted in northern mixed prairie in a successional continuum from early to late seral stages [11]. It is also part of both seral and climax communities in a ponderosa pine/bunchgrass biogeoclimatic zone in the Junction Wildlife Management Area of British Columbia [46].

Early: In a discussion of winter game range in southern Idaho by Rosentreter and Jorgenson [108], they describe fringed sagebrush as a "good" pioneer species on harsh sites.

Mid-successional: Burgess [21] studied succession in the sandhills of southeastern North Dakota. He found fringed sagebrush to be a "transitional" plant species. Frequency and cover percentages for 60 quadrats were:

Pioneer Transitional Climax Frequency Cover Frequency Cover Frequency Cover 0 0 4.8 .12 0 0

Climax: A community type of fringed sagebrush/glaucous bluegrass in southeastern Yukon is considered an edaphic climax [39]. Coupland [29] describes fringed sagebrush as "...the most abundant species among the herbs and dwarf half-shrubs" in the climax vegetation of northern mixed-grass prairie.

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants

The scientific name of fringed sagebrush is Artemisia frigida Willd.
(Asteraceae) [53,66,71,74,85].

Numerous ecotypes of fringed sagebrush are known over its broad range, but it is
not known to hybridize with other Artemisia spp. [90].

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Value for rehabilitation of disturbed sites

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More info for the terms: presence, seed

Germination of fringed sagebrush differs between field and laboratory conditions with field germination lower than laboratory germination. Fringed sagebrush had an overall field germination rate of 8.9 ± 2.3% after being tested at 3 different sites in Montana for 3 years [60].

In a laboratory study of fringed sagebrush germination [111], heads of the achenes had to be threshed and extra plant material sifted and removed. No other pretreatment was necessary for germination. Cleaned seed of fringed sagebrush averages 3,875,000 per pound (8,545/gm) [90].

The achenes germinated very well over most of a range of temperatures from 63 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (17-24 oC) for 8 hours and 53 to 88 degrees Fahrenheit (11.5- 31 oC) for 16 hours. Temperatures of 93 degrees Fahrenheit (34 oC) or higher strongly depressed germination percentages and lengthened germination times. Optimum germination was at a constant temperature of approximately 63 degrees Fahrenheit (17 oC) with a mean germination time of 5.4 days, and alternating temperatures 56 to 75 degrees (13.5-17 oC) for 8 hours and 74 degrees Fahrenheit (23.5 oC) for 16 hours with a mean germination time of 5.3 days.

Harvey [60] utilized a temperature gradient bar for 14 days to measure percent germination of fringed sagebrush seeds. His results were:

Temperature (oC) Percent germination ± S.D. 6 47 ± 11.7 8 63 ± 17.1 10 79 ± 12.0 12 81 ± 10.0 14 77 ± 6.1 16 68 ± 6.3 18 57 ± 5.8 20 36 ± 9.8 22 33 ± 8.7 24 21 ± 8.9 26 9 ± 4.6 28 5 ± 5.5 30 1 ± 3.5

Germination of fringed sagebrush achenes is "strikingly" affected by increase in moisture stress [111]. Total percentage germination and time required to reach 75% of total germination at 7 levels of moisture stress with a constant temperature of 63 degrees Fahrenheit (17 oC) (n = 2) were:

Water potential (bars) Total germination (%) Time to reach 75% of total germination (days) 0 98a1 5 -2 85b 5 -4 49c 8 -7 41c 10 -10 18d 11 -13 0e -- -16 0e -- 1Numbers not followed by the same letter are significantly different (p = 0.05).

No response to either presence or absence of light was noted in germinating seeds of fringed sagebrush by Sabo and others [111]. However, Wasser [127] states surface seeding of fringed sagebrush is beneficial because light induces greater germination where surface moisture is assured, e.g., with irrigation or where snowmelt extends for a few weeks.

Fringed sagebrush is well adapted to northerly cool climates and is especially useful for stabilization of disturbed soils [91]. It can be used for soil stabilization during erosion control [68], because of its root system [90] (see General Botanical Characteristics).

Fringed sagebrush is 1 of the plants recommended by Rosentreter and Jorgenson [108] for restoring winter game range in southern Idaho. They state it has limited distribution in Idaho but would do well on cold sites and be a good pioneer on harsh sites.

Meier and Weaver [92] discuss use of native plants for roadside vegetation management in the northern Rocky Mountains. They conclude fringed sagebrush would grow best if seeded in Douglas-fir, shortgrass, or foothill bunchgrass types. It would do well in a ponderosa pine type and have least success if seeded in a mixed-grass type.

In North Dakota a study was done to observe number of seedlings emerging from "prairie hay" when used as mulch to provide a seed source for revegetating disturbed sites. Number of established fringed sagebrush seedlings increased significantly (P<0.05) after the hay was stored for a year [106].

bibliographic citation
McWilliams, Jack 2003. Artemisia frigida. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/artfri/all.html

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Artemisia frigida Wilid. Sp. PI. 3: 1838. 1804
Artemisia procumbens Schrad.; DC. Hort. Monsp. 80. 1813.
Artemisia sericea Hutt. Gen. 2: 143. 1818. Not A. 5eri«o Weber. 1775.
Artemisia pumila Link, Enum. 2: 316. as synonym. _1822.
Artemisia virgata Richards, in Frankl. Journey App. 747. 1823.
Artemisia jeniseensis "^'iWA.; S-pren%.. Sys.. 3: 489. 1826.
Absinthium frigidum Besser, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 1: 251. 1829.
A perennial herb, with a cespitose woody caudex, or suffruticose with decumbent or ascending stems, 2-4 dm. high; annual branches erect, rather simple, silkyor viUous-canescent ; leaves 1-3 cm. long, silvery-canescent, twice tematelj' or quinately dissected into Unear or linearoblanceolate divisions, the basal ones crowded, the cauline ones often with fascicles of smaller ones in their axils; heads nodding, subsessile or short-peduncled, heterogamous, in narrow leafy panicles, with erect racemiform branches, or sometimes in simple racemes; involucre hemispheric, 3-4 mm. high, 5-6 mm. or in the racemose form even 7 mm. broad; bracts whitevillous, about 20, in 3 series, sub-equal in length, those of the outermost series linear and herbaceous, the rest lanceolate, acute, with yellow or brown scarious margins; ray-flowers 12-15; corollas 1.5 mm. long; disk-flowers 30-50; coroUas narrowly funnelform, 2-2.5 mm. long; achenes about 1 mm. long, striate.
Type locality: Davuria [Eastern Siberia].
Distribution: Minnesota and Manitoba to Alaska, British Columbia, Arizona, and Texas; introduced in the east from Nova Scotia to Ontario and New Jersev; also native of Siberia.
bibliographic citation
Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Artemisia frigida

provided by wikipedia EN

Artemisia frigida is a widespread species of flowering plant in the aster family, which is known as the sunflower family. It is native to Europe, Asia, and much of North America.[1][2] In parts of the north-central and northeastern United States it is an introduced species.[3][4]


Common names include fringed sagebrush, prairie sagewort, arctic sage and pasture sage. The plant is not, however, closely related to the true sages Salvia.


Artemisia frigida is a perennial plant[1] with a woody base.[3] The stems spread out, generally forming a mat or clump up to 40 centimetres (1.3 ft) tall. The stems are covered in lobed gray-green leaves which are coated in silvery hairs. The inflorescence contains many spherical flower heads each about half a centimeter wide and lined with woolly-haired, gray-green or brownish phyllaries. The flower heads contain several pistillate ray florets and many bisexual disc florets. The plant is aromatic, with a strong scent.[1][3] This plant can make a great many seeds.[5] It can also spread by layering; in some years it produces very few seeds.[3]

Artemisia frigida is common and dominant or codominant in many areas, especially in dry and disturbed habitat types. It is common in the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains in North America, where it occurs in grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands, among others. It has a tendency to increase in areas that have been heavily grazed by livestock. Overgrowth of the plant is sometimes an indicator of overgrazing on rangeland.[3] It sometimes becomes an aggressive weed.[5][6] Ranchers have considered the plant to be both an adequate forage species and a worthless nuisance species. Artemisia frigida's common name is wild sage. Sometimes known as prairie sage and sagewort.


Artemisia frigida is cultivated for its foliage effects, and has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[7] The wildflower cultivation author Claude A. Barr expressed the opinion that it and Artemisia longifolia were the only two species of Artemisia that could be safely taken into a garden. The other species such as Artemisia tridentata, being too aggressive in spreading.[8]

Artemisia frigida is also used in landscaping and for erosion control and revegetation of rangeland.[3] It is drought-resistant.[5][9]

Ecology and uses

A number of wild animals consume the plant, including white-tailed jackrabbits and sage grouse.[3]

Artemisia frigida has a variety of uses for Indigenous peoples of North America.[10] It is used medicinally for coughs, colds, wounds, and heartburn by the Blackfoot. The Cree people use it for headache and fever and the Tewa people took it for gastritis and indigestion. It also has ceremonial and veterinary applications, including for the Blackfoot, who reportedly used the crushed leaves to "revive gophers after children clubbed them while playing a game".[11] Among the Zuni, the whole plant is made into an infusion for colds. Sprigs of this plant and corn ears are attached to decorated tablets and carried by female dancers in a drama. The sprigs are also dipped in water and planted with corn so the corn will grow abundantly.[12]

Mongol herders from the Bairin Right Banner and Bairin Left Banner of Inner Mongolia prepare a water-based decoction using fresh or dried Artemisia frigida with Sabina vulgaris, Sanguisorba officinalis, Rhododendron micranthum, and Ephedra sinica to treat joint pain.[13]


  1. ^ a b c Shultz, Leila M. (2006). "Artemisia frigida". In Flora of North America Editorial Committee (ed.). Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNA). Vol. 19. New York and Oxford – via eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
  2. ^ Lin, Yourun; Humphries, Christopher J.; Gilbert, Michael G. "Artemisia frigida". Flora of China – via eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g McWilliams, Jack (2003). "Artemisia frigida". Fire Effects Information System (FEIS). US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service (USFS), Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Retrieved December 30, 2011.
  4. ^ "Artemisia frigida". County-level distribution map from the North American Plant Atlas (NAPA). Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2014.
  5. ^ a b c Peat, H. C. & G. G. Bowes (1994). "Management of fringed sagebrush (Artemisia frigida) in Saskatchewan". Weed Technology. 8 (3): 553–558. doi:10.1017/S0890037X00039671. JSTOR 3988028.
  6. ^ Wilson, R. G. (1982). "Germination and seedling development of fringed sagebrush (Artemisia frigida)". Weed Science. 30 (1): 102–105. doi:10.1017/S0043174500026266. JSTOR 4043228.
  7. ^ "RHS Plant Selector - Artemisia frigida". Retrieved 21 July 2013.
  8. ^ Barr, Claude A. (1983). Jewels of the plains : wild flowers of the Great Plains grasslands and hills. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 29–30. ISBN 0-8166-1127-0.
  9. ^ "Artemisia frigida" (PDF). US Forest Service. Retrieved December 30, 2011.
  10. ^ "Artemisia frigida" (PDF). USDA NRCS Plant Guide. Retrieved 2011-12-30.
  11. ^ Artemisia frigida. University of Michigan Ethnobotany. Retrieved December 30, 2011.
  12. ^ "BRIT - Native American Ethnobotany Database".
  13. ^ Wurchaih; Huar; Menggenqiqig; Khasbagan (2019). "Medicinal wild plants used by the Mongol herdsmen in Bairin Area of Inner Mongolia and its comparative study between TMM and TCM". Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine. 15 (32). doi:10.1186/s13002-019-0300-9.

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Artemisia frigida: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Artemisia frigida is a widespread species of flowering plant in the aster family, which is known as the sunflower family. It is native to Europe, Asia, and much of North America. In parts of the north-central and northeastern United States it is an introduced species.

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