2011-07-10 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha - Reisenbach (165 msm Quadrant 7965/4).German name: Knoten-LaichkrautThere might be 2 Potamogeton-species in this shot here; those with 'netlike' nerves on the leaves definitely are P. fluitans; I think the other ones too are but they could be from another Potamogeton species growing in the same place.
2011-08-07 Vienna XXII. district - Lobau National Park (155 msm Quadrant 7864/2).German name: Glanz-Laichkraut
2011-07-19 Vienna XXII. district - Danube National Park (Lobau, 150 msm Quadrant 7865/3).German name: Glanz-LaichkrautCommon, and enduring low water oxygen and high nutrient level as well as pollution (to a degree); its mass appearance is a sign that water quality is declining.On this place here water is relatively clear - but there's a thick layer of sludge where organic waste is rotting, which consumes water oxygen and may result in smelly bubbles (of fermentation gas) rising from the sludge when you're walking through it.
Drenthe, Netherlands
2011-08-26 Vienna XXII. district, Lobau - Danube National Park (153 msm Quadrant 7865/3).
Shot taken in this habitat.German name: Glanz-Laichkraut
2011-08-07 Vienna XXII. district - Lobau National Park (155 msm Quadrant 7864/2).German name: Glanz-Laichkraut
Drenthe, Netherlands
Hb. FH 2011/70 - Herbarium Falkner Hermann (2011/No 70) (DIN A3)leg.: Falkner Hermann, 2011-07-19: Wien XXIII., Untere Lobau - Oberes Khwrter Wasser, beim Wildbadeplatz Zainetau; in ca. 1 - 1,5 m tiefem Wasser (langsam durchflossener Altarm): 150 msm Quadrant 7865/3det.: Falkner Hermann, nach Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora A/FL/SdT (2008 3. A.)Dt: Glanz-Laichkraut; English: Shining PondweedSynonyme: Spiegel-LaichkrautSchenkung an Herbarum WU - donated to Herbarium WU (Universitt Wien, Institut fr Botanik, Wien III., Rennweg) 2012-01-11.
Drenthe, Netherlands
Drenthe, Netherlands
2011-07-19 Vienna XXII. district - Danube National Park (Lobau, 150 msm Quadrant 7865/3).German name: Glanz-Laichkraut
See remarks here.
Drenthe, Netherlands
Drenthe, Netherlands
Drenthe, Netherlands
Drenthe, Netherlands
Drenthe, Netherlands
2011-07-20 Vienna X. district - Liesing river (170 msm Quadrant 7864/4).German name: Kraus-LaichkrautCommon.
revised to Potamogeton cf. nodosus by myself (with support of Stefan Lefnaer) in July 2022; I observed the population through all those years and it never produced flowers; it is thus not so easy to be sure about ID but this certainly is not P. coloratus. If it is a native species it could only be P. nodosus; if it is an alien then there might be other options. Strange about the specimen is that they remain short (usually shorter than 50 cm) while typical P. nodosus may grow to lengthsof 100 cm or more.Hb. FH 2011/63 - Herbarium Falkner Hermann (2011/No 63) (DIN A4)leg.: Falkner Hermann, 2011-07-12: Wien XXII., Untere Lobau - Donau-Oder-Kanal, Ostufer im sdlichen Abschnitt (zur Orientierung: knapp sdlich eines aufflligen Vorkommens von rosafarbenen Nymphaea-Hybriden), im Flachwasserbereich ca. 30 cm bis 1 m (2011 keine blhenden Exemplare aufgefunden): 150 msm Quadrant 7865/1det.: Falkner Hermann, nach Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora A/FL/SdT (2008 3. A.): nach mehrmaligem Besuch des Standorts und mehrfachen Bestimmungsversuchen bin ich zum Schluss gekommen, dass es sich nur um diese Art handeln kann, obwohl sie als sehr selten gilt und in der Exkursionsflora von Fischer nicht (!) angegeben ist (mglicherweise angesalbt, oder doch natrliches Vorkommen bzw. durch Wasservgel eingeschleppt?)Dt: Farb-Laichkraut; English (genus): PondweedSynonyme: Gefrbtes LaichkrautSchenkung an Herbarum WU - donated to Herbarium WU (Universitt Wien, Institut fr Botanik, Wien III., Rennweg) 2012-01-11.
2010.07.23 N Gnserndorf (bayou, 150 m AMSL).Flowering from may till september; here with Nuphar lutea.Not uncommon.German name: Schwimm-LaichkrautID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora (2008 3rd)
Drenthe, Netherlands
, Drenthe, Nederland
Drenthe, Netherlands
2010.07.23 N Gnserndorf (bayou, 150 m AMSL).Flowering from may till september; here with Nuphar lutea.Not uncommon.German name: Schwimm-LaichkrautID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora (2008 3rd)
, Drenthe, Nederland