Species: Potamogeton nodosus Poir. Date: 2006-09-24 Location: Small dam in forest off the Woodland Rd, Vumba Habitat: In the water; spikes emergent
Subbæk Vandmølle ved Viborg, Danmark
Soldaterskov ved Tønder, Danmark
Harboslette, Hjardemål Klit, Thy, Danmark
Stenarmen ved Mariager, Danmark
Potamogeton americanus, spray showing attachment of cases of caddis fly (fam. Leptoceridae).
Potamogeton obtusifolius, winter buds. October.
Potamogeton Robbinsii, photo-micrograph of section through old stem, showing arrangement of mechanical tissue.
Potamogeton heterophylius. 12, typical habit of land form; 13, terminal portion of rootstock showing tendency to become tuberous; 14, same, more advanced stage; 15, aquarium specimen
Leafy pondweed (Potamogeton foliosus). Niagra Falls to Michigan and California (After Britton & Brown)
Species: Potamogeton nodosus Poir. Date: 2006-09-24 Location: Small dam in forest off the Woodland Rd, Vumba Habitat: In the water; spikes emergent
Subbæk Vandmølle ved Viborg, Danmark
Soldaterskov ved Tønder, Danmark
Harboslette, Hjardemål Klit, Thy, Danmark
Stenarmen ved Mariager, Danmark
Potamogeton americanus. 1, seed; 2, seedling 5 days old; 3, seedling 14 days old; 4, seedling of four months; A, winter buds; 5, germinating winter bud, natural size; the last two winter buds belated in development. Aquarium specimen, January 24, 1914
Potamogeton obtusifolius, erect axes bearing winter buds. October.
Potamogeton Robbinsii, photo-micrograph of section through old stem, showing arrangement of mechanical tissue--Detail.
Potamogeton heterophyllus (16-17); Potamogeton perfoliatus (18-19). 16, aquarium specimen; 17, aquarium specimen; 18, winter shoot showing elongation of internodes; 19, growing tips of same
Potamogeton amplifolius, leaves, showing characteristic mines of Hydrellia.
Species: Potamogeton nodosus Poir. Date: 2006-09-24 Location: Small dam in forest off the Woodland Rd, Vumba Habitat: In the water; spikes emergent
Subbæk Vandmølle ved Viborg, Danmark
Soldaterskov ved Tønder, Danmark
Harboslette, Hjardemål Klit, Thy, Danmark