Definition: Atlantic Coast Restingas, ecoregion. Vegetation complex ocurring in the seaside lowlands of Brazil, establishing over sea deposits of sandy sediment. It comprises open or scrubby profiles nearer the beaches, while inland it is forms tall forests.
Definition: Open shrubland and savanna in the north of Brazil and in Colombia and Venezuela, with low, sparse vegetation growing on sandy soils mostly within terra firme land in the Amazon. It can be of the ‘forested’ type, similar to a gallery forest, ‘wooded’ where the trees are shorter, and finally ‘grassy-woody’, where it occurs in wet plains near rivers and lakes. Amongst the more frequent plant families are the Arecaceae, Bromeliaceae, Clusiaceae, Humiriaceae, Marantaceae, Meliaceae and Rapateaceae.
Definition: A savanna biome is a woodland biome which has seasonal water availability and includes, across its entire spatial extent, trees spaced sufficiently far apart to allow an unbroken layer of grass, sedge (Cyperaceae) or rush (Juncaceae) communities to live.
Definition: A grassland biome is a terrestrial biome which includes, across its entire spatial extent, an unbroken layer of grasses (Gramineae), sedges (Cyperaceae) or rushes (Juncaceae).
Definition: A montane grassland biome is a grassland biome which occurs in regions elevated above sea level and which has community structure determined by elevation-dependent environmental conditions.
Definition: veins run parallel and equidistant to each other for most of the length of the leaf; they may converge or fuse (anastomose) towards the apex
Definition: veins run parallel and equidistant to each other for most of the length of the leaf; they may converge or fuse (anastomose) towards the apex