plant is at the edge of trail in a wild, natural area within the Jardin Botanico
mid canyon on exposed volcanic tuff cliff face. Flowers all yellow without color change from bud past anthesis
volcanic tuff rubble on ledge of steep cliff face at mid-canyon
Non-native, horticultural plant.
2013 California Academy of Sciences
Lantana camara, also known as Spanish Flag or West Indian Lantana, is a species of flowering plant in the verbena family, Verbenaceae, that is native to the American tropics. It has been introduced into other parts of the world as an ornamental plant and is considered an invasive species in many tropical and sub-tropical areas. L. camara is sometimes known as 'Red (Yellow, Wild) Sage', despite its classification in a separate family from sage (Lamiaceae), and a different order from sagebrush (Asterales).
2013 California Academy of Sciences
Lantana camara, also known as Spanish Flag or West Indian Lantana, is a species of flowering plant in the verbena family, Verbenaceae, that is native to the American tropics. It has been introduced into other parts of the world as an ornamental plant and is considered an invasive species in many tropical and sub-tropical areas. L. camara is sometimes known as 'Red (Yellow, Wild) Sage', despite its classification in a separate family from sage (Lamiaceae), and a different order from sagebrush (Asterales).
2013 California Academy of Sciences
Lantana camara, also known as Spanish Flag or West Indian Lantana, is a species of flowering plant in the verbena family, Verbenaceae, that is native to the American tropics. It has been introduced into other parts of the world as an ornamental plant and is considered an invasive species in many tropical and sub-tropical areas. L. camara is sometimes known as 'Red (Yellow, Wild) Sage', despite its classification in a separate family from sage (Lamiaceae), and a different order from sagebrush (Asterales).
This plant was brought to Israel as an ornamental shrub. Unfortunately its black berries are distributed by birds and it became a terrible weed in agricultural areas as we as in nature. As you can see the flowers are changing colours, thus directing the insects to the ones that have necatar and are ready for pollination. When we were children we use to throw the tiny flowers on the girls hair, making tham angry and beautiful at the same time.
Frutos de Lantana camara. Fotografía: Alexander Rodríguez
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad - INBio, Costa Rica.
Hábito de Lantana camara. Fotografía: Alexander Rodríguez
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad - INBio, Costa Rica.
Detalle de las flores de Lantana camara. Fotografía: Alexander Rodríguez
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Lantana camara L. Date: 2003-12-16 Location: Leopard Rock Game Reserve Habitat:
Species: Lantana camara L. Date: 2004-01-05 Location: Twentydales Extension, Harare Habitat:
Species: Lantana camara L. Date: 2004-08-22 Location: Leopard Rock Game Reserve, Vumba Habitat:
Species: Lantana camara L. Date: 2007-02-17 Location: Nyabamba Bridge, Chimanimani District Habitat: Low altitude evergreen riverine forest
Species: Lantana camara L. Date: 2007-01-23 Location: Chitengo, Gorongosa National Park Habitat: Disturbed area in camp.
Species: Lantana camara L. Date: 2011-12-24 Location: Edge of camp site, Chirinda Forest Habitat: Forest edge
Cerbere Pyrénées-Orientales France