
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Scleroconcha sculpta (Brady)

Philomedes sculpta Brady, 1898:434, pl. 44: figs. 15–20.—Müller, 1912:26 [key], 29.—Thomson and Anderton, 1921:117.

Philomedes (Scleroconcha) sculpta Brady.—Skogsberg, 1920: 380.

Scleroconcha sculpta (Brady).—Poulsen, 1962:395.

Streptoleberis sculpta (Brady).—Eagar, 1971:61 [listed]

HOLOTYPE.—Not designated.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Otago Harbor, New Zealand, collected in surface net, males only.

MATERIAL.—Dr. K. G. McKenzie provided a dried specimen of Philomedes sculpta Brady from the Brady collection at the Hancock Museum. As the specimen was useless in its dried condition, I immersed it in a solution of Aerosol-OT (commercial preparation) for several days. I did not dissect the specimen but was able to determine that the carapace does not have divided hairs as on the male of S. flexilis. I also was able to examine part of the furca projecting from the partly open valves and found it essentially as illustrated by Brady (1897, pl. 44: fig. 19). The valves became sufficiently translucent to verify that the rod-shaped organ of the specimen is divided into many joints in the middle part. Thus, it is possible to refer the species to the genus Sceleroconcha as suggested by Skogsberg (1920:380). The specimen was returned in alcohol to Dr. McKenzie.

DIAGNOSIS.—Surface of carapace with unbranched hairs; length about 2.2–2.6 mm; 2 midribs present.

Furca: Each lamella with 10 claws; 3rd claw about two-thirds length of 4th claw.

SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF ADULT MALE (Figure 205).—Shape and ornamentation essentially similar to male of S. flexilis, but with only single hairs on carapace. Carapace length 2.21 mm, height 1.22 mm (Figure 189). Length of preserved specimen is smaller than the 2.6 mm given by Brady (1898:435).

Furca: 3rd claw about two-thirds length of 4th claw and about same diameter as 5th claw; claws following 4th claw decrease gradually in size posteriorly on lamella.

Lateral eye: Large, similar to eye of male S. flexilis.

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type.
bibliographic citation
Kornicker, Louis S. 1975. "Antarctic Ostracoda (Myodocopina) Parts 1 and 2." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-720. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.163