“Philomedes charcoti Daday
Philomedes charcoti Daday, 1908:9, figs. 11, 12.—Müller, 1912:26 [key], 31 Skogsberg, 1920:418 Kornicker, 1971: 171, figs. 4, 5.
HOLOTYPE.—None selected.
SYNTYPE-LOCALITY.—Islands of Booth and Wandel, Graham Coast, Palmer Peninsula.
MATERIAL.—USNM 127475, adult female; USNM 127476, 5 juveniles and 5 adult females; USNM 127478, adult female without eggs; USNM 127483, adult female without eggs; USNM 127486, 2 juveniles; Yelcho station 70-22, 6 females without eggs (all specimens returned to Chile); Hero station 69-22 (1), 6 adult females without eggs (all specimens returned to Chile).
USNM 127475, 127476 from Hero Cruise 69-1, station 6; USNM 127483 from Hero Cruise 6, station 7; USNM 127483 from Hero Cruise 6, station 27; USNM 127486 from Hero Cruise 6, station 12-B;
DIAGNOSIS OF FEMALE.—Carapace with truncate posterior and rounded posteroventral corner; surface distinctly reticulate; carapace length 1.71 to 1.96 mm.
First antenna: 2nd joint with 2 or 3 bristles, 1 ventral, 1 dorsal, 0 or 1 lateral.
Second antenna: Endopodite 2-jointed: 1st joint with 6 short bare bristles; 2nd joint with 1 long ventral bristle and 1 long terminal bristle.
Mandible: Dorsal margin of basale with 3 bristles, 1 near middle, 2 terminal.
Seventh limb: Each limb with 15 or 16 bristles, 5 distal, 10 or 11 proximal; 2 pegs present opposite terminal comb.
Furca: Each lamella with 10 claws; main claws short, stout, often with rounded tips.
Lateral eye: Elongate, each with 2 ommatidia.
SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE.—Carapace size: USNM 127475, length 1.96 mm, height 1.47 mm; USNM specimen from Yelcho station 70-22, length 1.89 mm, height 1.35 mm; specimen from Hero station 69-22(1), length 1.80 mm, height 1.29 mm; USNM 127483, length 1.71 mm, height 1.31 mm.
Second antenna: Bristles on joints 2-8 and 4 bristles on 9th joint long, with natatory setae; bristles on joints 2-5 short and with ventral spines near middle.
Lateral eye: Small with 2 ommatidia
DESCRIPTION OF N-l MALE.—Carapace size: USNM 127486, length 1.65 mm, height 1.34 mm.
Second antenna: Endopodite 3-jointed with 5 short bristles on short 1st joint, 3 ventral bristles on elongate 2nd joint, 1 long proximal dorsal bristle and 2 short terminal bristles on elongate 3rd joint; bristles on exopodite with short spines.
Lateral eye: Eye larger than that of female and with 15 bifid small scattered ommatidia.
DISTRIBUTION.—This species was only collected in the Scotia subregion of Antarctica at depths of 15 to 112 m.”
(Kornicker 1975A, p.236-238)