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Like many corals, staghorn corals have a special symbiotic relationship with algae, called zooxanthellae. The zooxanthellae live inside the tissues of the coral and provide the coral with food, which it produces through photosynthesis and therefore requires sunlight. In return, the coral provides the algae with protection and access to sunlight. Staghorn corals are reef-building or hermatypic corals, and are incredibly successful at this task for two reasons. Firstly, they have light skeletons which allow them to grow quickly and out-compete their neighbouring corals. Secondly, the skeleton, or corallite, of a new polyp, is built by specialised 'axial' corallites. These axial corallites form the tips of branches, and as a result, all the corallites of a colony are closely interconnected and can grow in a coordinated manner (2). Staghorn corals reproduce sexually or asexually. Sexual reproduction occurs via the release of eggs and sperm into the water. Most staghorn corals on the Great Barrier Reef sexually reproduce simultaneously, an incredible event that occurs soon after the full moon, from October to December. Streams of pinkish eggs are released from corallites on the sides of branches, to be fertilized by sperm released from other polyps at the same time. The water turns milky from all the eggs and sperm released from thousands of colonies. Some of the resulting larvae settle quickly on the same reef, whilst others may drift around for months, finally settling on reefs hundreds of kilometers away (2). Asexual reproduction occurs via fragmentation, when a branch breaks off a colony, reattaches to the substrate and grows (3).
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Staghorn corals are listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), and therefore trade in this coral should be carefully regulated, and a permit is required to bring the coral, or objects made from them, into the countries that have signed the CITES convention (1). Staghorn corals will also form part of the marine community in many marine protected areas, or in areas where management plans are in place to protect the coral community. In some areas, coral reefs restoration attempts are being undertaken; in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, efforts have been made to reattach coral fragments, or culture and settle coral larvae. Both activities have had limited success, and new techniques are being pursued (4).
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Staghorn corals are among the fastest growing corals on reefs, and are excellent reef-builders (2). The name Acropora literally means a porous stem or branch (3), but Acropora species express a much greater variety of growth forms than the name suggests. Colonies can resemble antlers (staghorns) and be up to two meters tall, or can form delicately engineered plates and tables that may be up to three meters across. They can also form bush-like structures, some with short non-dividing branches like the fingers of a hand (2). Staghorn corals often out-compete all other corals in shallow tropical reefs, however, their speed of growth (which can be up to 10 to 20 centimetres a year (4)) is balanced by the fragility of some of the structures, as they are easily damaged in storms allowing other coral species a chance of growth. With 368 Acropora species currently known, and with such an amazing array of shapes, sizes and colours, identifying individual species can be a tricky task (2).
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Staghorn corals occur in tropical reef environments, down to a depth of 30 meters. The upper depth limit is defined by wave action, whilst the lower limit at which Acropora can inhabit is determined by light availability and the amount of suspended sediments. Staghorn corals require normal marine salinity (4).
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This is the most abundant coral of most reefs in the Indo-Pacific (2), and three species also occur in the western Atlantic and Caribbean region (3).
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Listed on Appendix II of CITES (1).
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Staghorn corals face the many threats that are impacting coral reefs globally. At present, around one third of the world's reef-building corals are threatened with extinction. The principal threat to corals is the rise in sea temperature associated with global climate change. This leads to coral bleaching, where the symbiotic algae are expelled, leaving the corals weak and vulnerable to an increasing variety of harmful diseases. Climate change is also expected cause more extreme weather incidents and to increase ocean acidification, which impairs the coral's ability to form a skeleton. These global threats are compounded by localised threats from pollution, destructive fishing practices, invasive species and human development (5). Staghorn corals are considered to be environmentally sensitive corals that require clear, well-circulated water. Unlike other corals, which can obtain nourishment from zooplankton, staghorn corals are almost entirely dependent on the zooxanthellae for food. This means that sunlight is essential, and they are particularly sensitive to any human activities that increase water turbidity, reducing light availability (3). Two of the three Acropora species in the Atlantic were once very abundant, but in recent decades have remained at low levels of abundance, with no signs of recovery and in some areas, continued decline. These species are believed to be most greatly threatened by disease, temperature-induced bleaching, and physical damage from hurricanes. Threats from anthropogenic physical damage (e.g. vessel groundings, anchors, divers, snorkelers), coastal development, competition and predation are deemed to be moderate. The threat from collection or harvest was deemed abated by effective national and international regulations (3). Acropora species constituted 13 percent of the global coral trade between 1985 and 1997. Coral is harvested for building materials, curios, jewellery, and for aquariums. Staghorn corals are more common in the dead coral trade, rather than the live aquarium trade (6).
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One Species at a Time Podcast

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Coral reefs are bustling cities of marine life, until rising ocean temperatures turn them into ghost towns. Can reefs spring back from devastating bleaching events? Ari Daniel Shapiro and researcher Dr.Randi Rotjan of the New England Aquarium, journey to the remote Phoenix Islands to find out.

Listen to the podcast, meet the featured scientist, see images of coral reef research in the Phoenix Islands and find relevant educational resources on the Learning + Education section of EOL.

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Comprehensive Description

provided by EOL Interns LifeDesk

"Branched Acropora colonies are abundant and show infinite variety, even within species. Massive or encrusting colonies are rarely seen. Among the branched forms it is possible to recognize staghorns, clusters, plates and tables, and between them lie many intermediates. The branches of staghorn Acropora are usually 10 cm in length and may be 1.5 cm or more in width. They arise from a single main stem and rarely fuse. Clusters consist of profusely divided branches that form a thicket or branchlets. The latter are usually less than 5 mm in diameter and may interlock. Plates and tables have a short, stout stem attached by a spreading base. Branches arise from the top of the stem and spread in a horizontal rather than vertical direction, often fusing together. The closely set and interlocking branches form a roughly circular plate sometimes two or three meters in diameter. Young colonies do not fall into these categories because virtually all are encrusting or knobby. Acropora species are among the most brightly colored corals on the reef. Often the are blue, green, purple or pink, sometimes cream, yellow, brown or red. The branch tops are usually paler. Each polyp has six or 12 slender tentacles that when extended may be 3 or 4 mm long. They are often white. Acropora is easily recognized by the shape and general characteristics of the corallites. In branched colonies the corallites are of two types. At the branch tip is a symmetrical and usually larger axial corallite, and down the elngth of the branches are many smaller asymmetrical. These radial corallites have been budded off from the axial corallite, and any of the radial poylps have the capacity to take up this reproductive role. Lobed or semi-massive colonies have scattered axial corallites, but they are scarcely more prominent than the other. Corallites are round in cross section and protrude several millimeters from the surface. Radial corallites often protrude only on one side because they lie at an angle to the branch. The size of corallites varies even in a single specimen, but their width is around 1.5 to 2.5 mm. It is common for the corallite wall to be fairly thick and the fossa relatively small. Calices are often crowded with the walls touching." (Dr. Elizabeth M. Wood, 1984).

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Acropora ( German )

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Acropora ist die artenreichste Gattung der Steinkorallen (Scleractinia).

Während es in der Karibik nur drei Arten gibt, und die Acroporen um Hawaii fehlen, gibt der australische Steinkorallenspezialist Veron allein für Ostaustralien 73 Arten an. Die genaue Artenzahl im gesamten Indopazifik ist unbekannt, da es wegen der vernetzten Evolution dieser Gattung eine Vielzahl von Formen gibt, deren Artstatus nicht bestimmt werden kann.


Die Polypen der Acroporen werden nur ein bis drei Millimeter lang. Charakteristisch ist ein größerer Polyp am Ende jedes Zweiges. Die Endpolypen haben oft auch eine besondere Färbung und geben der meist eher bräunlichen Korallenkolonie Farbe. Die axialen Polypen am Ende der Zweige haben sechs, die radialen Polypen zwölf[1] Tentakel, die sie nachts zum Planktonfang herausstrecken.

Im deutschen nennt man die Acroporen je nach Wuchsform oft Geweihkorallen oder Tischkorallen. Wie die meisten anderen Steinkorallen leben sie in einer symbiotischen Beziehung mit kleinen Algen (Zooxanthellen), die die Acroporen mit Nährstoffen versorgen. Die Acroporen sind deshalb auf helle Standorte angewiesen. Die symbiotische Beziehung von A. tenuis mit der Algenspezies Breviolum minutum (Symbiodiniaceae) wurde 2021 in vitro im Detail beschrieben.[2][3]

Acroporen dominieren an vielen Stellen die Riffe und bilden regelrechte Monokulturen. Sie wachsen sehr schnell und haben einen geschätzten Anteil von 25 % an der Riffbildung. Bei Barbados hat man bei Acropora cervicornis einen jährlichen Zuwachs von 26 Zentimeter festgestellt. Während die Blumentiere im flachen Wasser und auf den Riffdächern meist busch- oder geweihförmig wachsen, bilden sie an den Riffabhängen oft tischförmige Stöcke und wachsen, um noch möglichst viel Licht aufzufangen, waagerecht nach außen.


Flug durch einen CT-Bildstapel einer Acropora-Koralle aus drei Ansichten. Es ist sichtbar, dass die „Arme“ aus zahl­reichen hohlen Gängen bestehen. Die Koralle wurde mit Heißkleber in einen Stein eingeklebt und hat ihn an­schließend überwuchert.
Flug um das aus obigen Daten er­zeug­te 3D-Objekt.
(Acropora palmata)
Zellen von A. tenuis 7 Tage nachdem man sie in vitro mit symbiotischen Dinof­lagellaten Breviolum minutum (Sym­bio­diniaceae) gemischt hat. p: Pseudo­podium; v: Vakuole. Balken 10 μm.
Zelle von A. tenuis mit symiotischem Breviolum minutum (gelbgrün), hier außer­halb der Vakuole (in vitro). Balken 20 μm.


"Korallenbleiche": Acropora vor der Pazifikinsel Réunion (Januar 2006)

Wie andere Steinkorallenarten sind auch Acropora von der im Zuge der durch die menschengemachte globale Erwärmung verursachten permanenten Erwärmung und Versauerung der Meere weltweit durch "Korallenbleiche" schwer bedroht.


Acroporen können auch in gut gepflegten Meerwasseraquarien kultiviert werden. Sie erreichen hier bei guten Wasserbedingungen Längenzuwächse von 16 Zentimeter im Jahr. Durch Fragmentation größerer Kolonien können sie leicht künstlich vermehrt werden. Inzwischen gibt es viele Korallenzüchter, die Acroporen vermehren und versuchen möglichst farbige Formen zu erhalten. Es ist heute nicht mehr nötig Acroporen aus Korallenriffen zu importieren.


  • Julian Sprung: Korallen. Dähne Verlag, 2000, ISBN 3-921684-87-0
  • S. A. Fosså, A. J. Nilsen: Korallenriff-Aquarium. Band 4, Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag, Bornheim, ISBN 3-928819-05-4
  • Erhardt/Moosleitner: Mergus Meerwasser-Atlas. Band 2. Mergus-Verlag, Melle, 1997, ISBN 3-88244-112-7
  • Erhardt/Baensch: Mergus Meerwasser-Atlas. Band 4. Mergus-Verlag, Melle, 1998, ISBN 3-88244-023-6
  • Erhardt/Baensch: Mergus Meerwasser-Atlas. Band 5. Mergus-Verlag, Melle, 2000, ISBN 3-88244-115-1


  1. Elizabeth M. Hemond, Stefan T. Kaluziak, Steven V. Vollmer: The genetics of colony form and function in Caribbean Acropora corals. In: BMC Genomics. Band 15, Nr. 1, 17. Dezember 2014, doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1133, PMID 25519925, PMC 4320547 (freier Volltext).
  2. a b Kaz Kawamura, Satoko Sekida, Koki Nishitsuji, Eiichi Shoguchi, Kanako Hisata, Shigeki Fujiwara, Noriyuki Satoh: In vitro Symbiosis of Reef-Building Coral Cells With Photosynthetic Dinoflagellates, in: Front. Mar. Sci., 14. Juli 2021, doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.706308
  3. Nadja Podbregar: So fangen Korallen ihre Symbionten – Forscher beobachten erstmals die Aufnahme von Algen durch Korallenzellen, auf: scinexx.de vom 22. Juli 2021
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Acropora: Brief Summary ( German )

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Acropora ist die artenreichste Gattung der Steinkorallen (Scleractinia).

Während es in der Karibik nur drei Arten gibt, und die Acroporen um Hawaii fehlen, gibt der australische Steinkorallenspezialist Veron allein für Ostaustralien 73 Arten an. Die genaue Artenzahl im gesamten Indopazifik ist unbekannt, da es wegen der vernetzten Evolution dieser Gattung eine Vielzahl von Formen gibt, deren Artstatus nicht bestimmt werden kann.

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Акропора ( Kirghiz; Kyrgyz )

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Acropora pulchra.

акропора (лат. Асгорога) - шурулардын бир уруусу.

Колдонулган адабияттар

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Acropora is a genus of small polyp stony coral in the phylum Cnidaria.[3] Some of its species are known as table coral, elkhorn coral, and staghorn coral. Over 149 species are described.[4] Acropora species are some of the major reef corals responsible for building the immense calcium carbonate substructure that supports the thin living skin of a reef.

Anatomy and distribution

Depending on the species and location, Acropora species may grow as plates or slender or broad branches. Like other corals, Acropora corals are colonies of individual polyps, which are about 2 mm across and share tissue and a nerve net. The polyps can withdraw back into the coral in response to movement or disturbance by potential predators, but when undisturbed, they protrude slightly. The polyps typically extend further at night to help capture plankton and organic matter from the water.

The species are distributed in the Indo-Pacific (over 100 species) and Caribbean (3 species). However, the true number of species is unknown: firstly, the validity of many of these species is questioned as some have been shown to represent hybrids, for example Acropora prolifera;[5] and secondly, some species have been shown to represent cryptic species complexes.[6]


Symbiodinium, symbiotic algae, live in the corals' cells and produce energy for the animals through photosynthesis. Environmental destruction has led to a dwindling of populations of Acropora, along with other coral species. Acropora is especially susceptible to bleaching when stressed. Bleaching is due to the loss of the coral's zooxanthellae, which are a golden-brown color. Bleached corals are stark white and may die if new Symbiodinium cells cannot be assimilated. Common causes of bleaching and coral death include pollution, abnormally warm water temperatures, increased ocean acidification, sedimentation, and eutrophication.

In 2014 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed ten Acropora species as 'threatened'.[7]


Close-up of a network of Acropora polyps

Most Acropora species are brown or green, but a few are brightly colored, and those rare corals are prized by aquarists. Captive propagation of Acropora is widespread in the reef-keeping community. Given the right conditions, many Acropora species grow quickly, and individual colonies can exceed a meter across in the wild. In a well-maintained reef aquarium, finger-sized fragments can grow into medicine ball-sized colonies in one to two years. Captive specimens are steadily undergoing changes due to selection which enable them to thrive in the home aquarium. In some cases, fragments of captive specimens are used to repopulate barren reefs in the wild.[8]

Acropora species are challenging to keep in a home aquarium. They require bright light, stable temperatures, regular addition of calcium and alkalinity supplements, and clean, turbulent water.

Common parasites of colonies in reef aquariums are "Acropora-eating flatworms" Amakusaplana acroporae,[9] and "red bugs" (Tegastes acroporanus).


Acropora (Acroporidae) at French Frigate Shoals, northwestern Hawaiian Islands
A. tenuis cells of the IVB5 line and symbiosis with photosynthetic dino­flagellate Breviolum minutum (Suessiales) — in vitro: Symbiotic inter­actions of coral cells (b and c) and dino­flagellates (x and y). Coral cell b inter­acted with symbiont x, but did not in­cor­porate it, whereas coral cell c endo­cytosed both x and y.

The following species are recognised in the genus Acropora:[10]


  1. ^ Wallace, C. C; Rosen, B. R (2006-04-22). "Diverse staghorn corals (Acropora) in high-latitude Eocene assemblages: implications for the evolution of modern diversity patterns of reef corals". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 273 (1589): 975–982. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3307. ISSN 0962-8452. PMC 1560246. PMID 16627283.
  2. ^ WoRMS (2010). "Acropora Oken, 1815". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 2012-02-10.
  3. ^ "Acropora". Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  4. ^ Acropora at Encyclopedia of Life Archived 2011-08-12 at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^ Vollmer, S.; Palumbi, S. (2002). "Hybridization and the Evolution of Reef Coral Diversity". Science. 296 (5575): 2023–2025. doi:10.1126/science.1069524. PMID 12065836. S2CID 27411642.
  6. ^ Ladner, Jason T.; Palumbi, Stephen R. (2012). "Extensive sympatry, cryptic diversity and introgression throughout the geographic distribution of two coral species complexes". Molecular Ecology. 21 (9): 2224–2238. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05528.x. PMID 22439812. S2CID 14392894.
  7. ^ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Adding 20 Coral Species to the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife" (PDF). Federal Register. 79 (219): 67356–67359.
  8. ^ "Restoration". The Global Coral Repository. 2011. Archived from the original on 2011-12-19. Retrieved 2011-12-08.
  9. ^ Rawlinson, K. A.; Gillis, J. A.; Billings, R. E.; Borneman, E. H. (2011). "Taxonomy and life history of the Acropora-eating flatworm Amakusaplana acroporae nov. sp. (Polycladida: Prosthiostomidae)". Coral Reefs. 30 (3): 693–705. doi:10.1007/s00338-011-0745-3. S2CID 45979645.
  10. ^ "WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Acropora Oken, 1815". www.marinespecies.org. Retrieved 2018-05-28.
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Acropora: Brief Summary

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Acropora is a genus of small polyp stony coral in the phylum Cnidaria. Some of its species are known as table coral, elkhorn coral, and staghorn coral. Over 149 species are described. Acropora species are some of the major reef corals responsible for building the immense calcium carbonate substructure that supports the thin living skin of a reef.

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Acropora ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Colonia mesa de Acropora.
Colonias plato de Acropora.
A. palmata tras 10 años de haber sido trasplantada
Gran colonia foliosa multinivel Acropora en Kingman Reef, islas de la Línea

Acropora es un género de corales de la familia Acroporidae, orden Scleractinia.

Su esqueleto es macizo y está compuesto de carbonato cálcico. Tras la muerte del coral, su esqueleto contribuye a la generación de nuevos arrecifes en la naturaleza, debido a que la acción del CO2 convierte muy lentamente su esqueleto en bicarbonato cálcico, sustancia ésta asimilable directamente por las colonias coralinas. En este sentido, las especies de este género (Acropora spp.) son las principales constructoras de arrecifes del planeta. Entre las especies de Montipora y las de Acropora, suman más del tercio del total de especies coralinas constructoras de arrecifes.[1]


Es el género de corales más grande en términos de especies: ciento treinta y nueve especies nominales, y otras 27 sobre las que todavía existen dudas sobre su reconocimiento, nomen dubium,[2]​ aunque algunos autores hablan de cerca de 400 especies.

El Registro Mundial de Especies Marinas acepta las siguientes especies vivientes, valorando la UICN su estado de conservación:[3]



Pólipos de un Acropora saliendo de los coralitos.
A. millepora con tentáculos expandidos
Coralito y coenosteum, o parte común del esqueleto colonial, de A. humilis
Coralito axial de Acropora humilis
Acropora valida, comúnmente llamada "acropora tricolor"

Cualquier especie de Acropora puede variar su forma de crecimiento por su localización, condiciones ambientales, edad, tamaño, estación, etc. Así pues, la forma de crecimiento de la colonia de Acropora que se pretenda identificar, puede tener o no una forma de crecimiento típica de la especie, lo cual hace muy difícil su identificación, que por lo general solo puede hacerse bajo el microscopio observando el esqueleto. Pueden crecer en alguna de las siguientes formas:

  • Digitada: las colonias tienen ramas cortas, que no se dividen ni anastomosan (como los dedos de una mano).
  • Hispidosa: las colonias tienen numerosas pequeñas ramas laterales que se proyectan hacia afuera de la rama principal.
  • Corimbosa: las colonias consisten en ramas horizontales que se anastomosan y cortas sub-ramas verticales.
  • Plato o mesa: colonias planas con un pie central o ladeado.
  • Arborescente: ramas con forma de árbol.
  • Caespitosa: las colonias son espesas y las ramas se anastomosan semejantemente en tres dimensiones.
  • Masiva: colonias sólidas y similares en todas las dimensiones

Los pólipos de la Acropora son muy pequeños y presentan 12 tentáculos normalmente, aunque pueden tener hasta 24.[4]​ Los tentáculos poseen unas células urticantes denominadas nematocistos, empleadas en la caza de presas microscópicas de plancton.

Su coloración varía según la especie y las condiciones ambientales de ésta. El color de cada espécimen se debe a la combinación del color marrón de las zooxantelas, y los pigmentos contenidos en sus tejidos. En el caso de A. digitifera y A. muricata, por ejemplo, los pigmentos proteínicos azul y rosa que presentan les son característicos.[4][5]

Estos pigmentos azul y rosa, observados también en la familia Pocilloporidae, no son fluorescentes, mientras que otros pigmentos detectados color marrón oscuro o verdoso, van asociados con frecuencia a gránulos fluorescentes. Se han detectado gránulos fluorescentes en las especies A. palifera, A. muricata, A. horrida, A. hyacinthus, A. millepora, A. humilis, A. valida y A. intermedia, habiendo constatado altas concentraciones de estos pigmentos fluorescentes en individuos expuestos a alta intensidad lumínica.[6]

La gama de colores abarca la práctica totalidad, siendo más comunes el marrón, verde, violáceo o azul.

El esqueleto es poroso y ligero, y se compone de las siguientes partes:

  • Coralitos axiales: el coralito central que determina el eje o el crecimiento en un Acropora. Se suelen situar en el extremo final de cada rama, aunque los coralitos axiales, y coralitos axiales incipientes, se pueden formar también a lo largo de las ramas o en la superficie de Acropora, con forma de crecimiento incrustante o plato. Los situados al final de las ramas, en la mayoría de especies, son alargados y obvios.
  • Coralitos radiales: coralitos periféricos a los lados de las ramas, o entre los coralitos axiales de Acroporas con forma de crecimiento incrustante o plato. Los coralitos están distribuidos muy compactos en la superficie de la colonia, tienen entre 2 y 3 mm de ancho, y sobresalen 2-3 mm de la superficie de las ramas.[7]
  • Coenosteum: matriz del esqueleto que se encuentra entre los coralitos pero no forma parte de ellos (aunque habitualmente el límite no se puede distinguir).

Hábitat y distribución

Suelen vivir en arrecifes localizados en los mares tropicales (a una latitud situada entre 30ºN y 20ºS), en zonas poco profundas, 0 a 40 m, bien iluminadas y cercanas a las costas. Aunque también se encuentran en lagunas y zonas protegidas del arrecife, mayoritariamente se dan en zonas de fuertes corrientes.

Se distribuyen en todo el Indo-Pacífico tropical, desde las costas orientales de África hasta las costas americanas del Pacífico. En el océano Atlántico ocurren en la costa americana tropical, y tan sólo 3 especies: A. cervicornis, A. palmata y A. prolifera.


Los pólipos contienen algas simbióticas llamadas zooxantelas. Las algas realizan la fotosíntesis produciendo oxígeno y azúcares, que son aprovechados por los pólipos, y se alimentan de los catabolitos del coral (especialmente fósforo y nitrógeno).[8]​ Esto les proporciona entre el 75 y el 95 % de sus necesidades alimenticias. El resto lo obtienen atrapando plancton microscópico y materia orgánica disuelta en el agua.


En general alcanzan la madurez sexual entre los 3 y 5 años, con un diámetro de sus "ramas" entre 4 y 7 cm.

Se reproducen asexualmente mediante gemación, y sexualmente, lanzando al exterior sus células sexuales. En este tipo de reproducción, la mayoría de los corales liberan óvulos y espermatozoides al agua, siendo por tanto la fecundación externa. No obstante, algunas especies mantienen el óvulo en su interior (cavidad gastrovascular) y es allí donde son fecundados. Los huevos una vez en el exterior, permanecen a la deriva arrastrados por las corrientes varios días, más tarde se forma una larva plánula[9]​ que, tras deambular por la columna de agua marina, y en un porcentaje de supervivencia que oscila entre el 18 y el 25 %, según estudios de biología marina,[10]​ cae al fondo, se adhiere a él, y se metamorfosea a forma pólipo. A continuación comienza su vida sésil, secretando un esqueleto, o coralito, para, posteriormente, formar la colonia mediante la división de los pólipos por gemación.


  1. http://animal-world.com/Aquarium-Coral-Reefs/Keeping-Acropora-Corals
  2. Hoeksema, B. (2015). Acropora Oken, 1815. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=205469. Registro Mundial de Especies Marinas. Consultado el 5 de septiembre de 2015.
  3. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.2. Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas. Consultado el 5 de septiembre de 2015.
  4. a b Wallace, C.C., (1999) (en inglés) Staghorn corals of the world: a revision of the coral genus Acropora (Scleractinia; Astrocoeniina; Acroporidae) worldwide, with emphasis on morphology, phylogeny and biogeography. : i-xviii, 1-421.
  5. Dove, M. Takabayashi, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. (1995) (en inglés) Isolation and partial characterization of the pink and blue pigments of pocilloporid and acroporid corals. Biol. Bull. 189: 288–297
  6. Salih et al. (1998) (en inglés) Photoprotection of Symbiotic Dinoflagellates by Fluorescent Pigments in Reef Corals. Proceedings of the Australian Coral Reef Society 75th Anniversary Conference, Heron Island October 1997. School of Marine Science, The University of Queensland, Brisbane. pp. 217-230.
  7. Richmond, R. H. (1997) (en inglés) Reproduction and recruitment in corals: critical links in the persistence of reefs. Life and death of coral reefs. Chapman & Hall, New York, 175-197.
  8. Debelius, Helmut y Baensch, Hans A. (1998) Atlas Marino. Mergus.
  9. http://es.wiktionary.org/wiki/pl%C3%A1nula
  10. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15846048


  • Wallace, C.C., (1999) (en inglés) Staghorn corals of the world: a revision of the coral genus Acropora (Scleractinia; Astrocoeniina; Acroporidae) worldwide, with emphasis on morphology, phylogeny and biogeography. : i-xviii, 1-421.
  • Sprung,Julian y Delbeek, J.Charles (1997). The Reef Aquarium (en inglés). Ricordea Publishing.
  • Debelius, Helmut y Baensch, Hans A. (1998-2006.). Atlas Marino. Mergus.
  • Borneman, Eric H. (2001-2009). Aquarium corals: selection, husbandry and natural history (en inglés). Microcosm. T.F.H.
  • Gosliner, Behrens & Williams. (1996) (en inglés) Coral Reef Animals of the Indo-Pacific. Sea Challengers Publishers.
  • Veron, J.E.N. (1986) Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific (en inglés). Australian Institute of Marine Science. Angus & Robertson Publishers.

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Acropora: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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 src= Colonia mesa de Acropora.  src= Colonias plato de Acropora.  src= A. palmata tras 10 años de haber sido trasplantada  src= Gran colonia foliosa multinivel Acropora en Kingman Reef, islas de la Línea

Acropora es un género de corales de la familia Acroporidae, orden Scleractinia.

Su esqueleto es macizo y está compuesto de carbonato cálcico. Tras la muerte del coral, su esqueleto contribuye a la generación de nuevos arrecifes en la naturaleza, debido a que la acción del CO2 convierte muy lentamente su esqueleto en bicarbonato cálcico, sustancia ésta asimilable directamente por las colonias coralinas. En este sentido, las especies de este género (Acropora spp.) son las principales constructoras de arrecifes del planeta. Entre las especies de Montipora y las de Acropora, suman más del tercio del total de especies coralinas constructoras de arrecifes.​

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Acropora ( Finnish )

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Acropora on kivikorallien suku, johon kuuluu ainakin 182 lajia.[2] Niitä tavataan indopasifisella merialueella, missä ne muodostavat koralliriuttoja. Monia lajeja pidentään riutta-akvaarioissa. Ne muodostuvat kapeista haaroista, jotka voivat edelleen muodostaa joko levymäisiä tai puumaisia rakenteita.[3] Acropora-korallit elävät symbioosissa zooksantelli-levien kanssa, ja saavat pääosan ravinnostaan yhteyttämällä. Niillä on myös pienet polttiaislonkerot, jolla ne pyydystävät planktonia ravinnokseen.[4]

Tietyt laakamadot syövät Acropora-korallien pehmytkudosta ja voivat tappaa koko koralliyhdyskunnan.[5]


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Acropora: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Acropora on kivikorallien suku, johon kuuluu ainakin 182 lajia. Niitä tavataan indopasifisella merialueella, missä ne muodostavat koralliriuttoja. Monia lajeja pidentään riutta-akvaarioissa. Ne muodostuvat kapeista haaroista, jotka voivat edelleen muodostaa joko levymäisiä tai puumaisia rakenteita. Acropora-korallit elävät symbioosissa zooksantelli-levien kanssa, ja saavat pääosan ravinnostaan yhteyttämällä. Niillä on myös pienet polttiaislonkerot, jolla ne pyydystävät planktonia ravinnokseen.

Tietyt laakamadot syövät Acropora-korallien pehmytkudosta ja voivat tappaa koko koralliyhdyskunnan.

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Acropora ( French )

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Polypes d'une branche d'Acropora.
Acropora sp.

Les Acropora ou coraux corne de cerf sont des animaux appartenant au genre des coraux durs. Ils sont parmi les coraux les plus courants de notre époque. Il y a près de 150 espèces. Ces coraux vivent dans les récifs coralliens des océans Atlantique, Indien et Pacifique.

Les colonies d’acropora atteignent selon les espèces jusqu'à plus d'un mètre de haut pour les colonies buissonnantes et jusqu'à 5m de diamètre pour les espèces se développant en plateau[1].


Les acropores ou Acropora (du latin scientifique et du grec, « pores au sommet ») est un genre d'anthozoaires zooxanthellés coloniaux, ou coraux hermatypiques. Leur forme varie selon le milieu du buissonnant et branchu au tabulaire en plaque horizontale, mais n'est presque jamais réticulée ou massive. Anatomiquement[2], les acropores ne sont pas très différents des autres organismes coralliens, et élaborent leur squelette à partir du même matériau calcaire : l'aragonite. Ce sont des espèces à croissance rapide : jusqu'à 8 cm/an pour Acropora formosa[3]. La plupart des espèces sont rouges, brunes ou vertes, avec des exceptions plus colorées (bleues, jaunes, violettes...) appréciées des aquariophiles.

Les polypes ne sont visibles que la nuit[4].

Les Acropora forment le groupe de coraux le plus important et le plus abondant dans les récifs actuels, dans toutes les mers tropicales du globe.


Les formes des colonies sont très variables, y compris au sein d'une même espèce, mais se caractérisent par une croissance rapide et une extension importante, avec un squelette léger (et donc fragile). Les corallites sont de deux types, radiales et axiales ; elles sont disposées densément, et de forme incurvée[4].

Habitat et répartition

Ce sont des coraux qui ont besoin d'un ensoleillement fort : en conséquence on les trouve principalement entre les tropiques, dans des eaux claires et à faible profondeur (max 50 m, suivant la limpidité de l'eau). Ils craignent la pollution et les variations de salinité, et meurent si la température de l'eau descend en dessous de 20 °C[3]. Ils peuvent vivre dans des eaux très pauvres en nutriments grâce à la photosynthèse[5].

Écologie et comportement

Les Acropora sont des coraux durs, constructeurs de récifs. Ils font partie des espèces responsables de la formation de barrières de corail, qui abritent la plus grande biodiversité de notre planète[3].

Comme tous les coraux durs, les Acropora vivent en endosymbiose avec de minuscules algues appelées zooxanthelles, qui leur fournissent des hydrates de carbone complexes telles que des sucres grâce à la photosynthèse, en échange d'azote organique et de dioxyde de carbone. Outre la photosynthèse, ces coraux se nourrissent aussi selon un régime carnivore. Ils le font la nuit, en attrapant le zooplancton par leurs polypes[6]. Ceux-ci sont rétractés pendant la journée[3].

Les Acropora ont une forme complexe offrant de nombreuses cachettes à un extraordinaire cortège d'espèces associées, comme les poissons des genres Chromis et Dascyllus. Ce sont donc des espèces fondatrices d'une importance capitale pour l'équilibre de l'écosystème[3].

Ces coraux à croissance rapide sont parmi les proies préférées des animaux corallivores, comme les poissons-perroquets et l'étoile de mer corallivore Acanthaster planci[3].

Ces coraux sont particulièrement exposés à l'énigmatique épidémie de blanchissement des coraux (acidification des océans et changement climatique). Ils sont aussi menacés localement par les méthodes de pêche ravageuses comme la pêche à la dynamite et les pêches chimiques, l’introduction de nouvelles espèces (pathogènes, parasites, prédateurs) et les pollutions industrielles et agricoles[7].

Liste des espèces

Selon World Register of Marine Species (23 novembre 2013)[4] :


Références taxinomiques

Notes et références
  1. Aquarium La Rochelle, « Corail corne de cerf », sur aquarium-larochelle.com (consulté le 18 avril 2021)
  2. Biologie des coraux durs hermatypiques sur Acropora-sp.fr
  3. a b c d e et f « Les coraux Acropora », sur Nausicaa (consulté le 23 novembre 2013)
  4. a b et c World Register of Marine Species, consulté le 23 novembre 2013
  5. « Les Acropora », sur Reef Guardian (consulté le 23 novembre 2013)
  6. Aquarium tropical de la porte dorée - Paris, « Acropora », sur aquarium-tropical.fr (consulté le 26 décembre 2020)
  7. Musée Aquarium de Nancy, « Acropora », sur especeaquatique.museumaquarimdenancy.eu (consulté le 11 février 2021)

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Acropora: Brief Summary ( French )

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 src= Polypes d'une branche d'Acropora.  src= Acropora cervicornis  src= Acropora cytherea à La Réunion.  src= Acropora digitifera à La Réunion.  src= Acropora formosa.  src= Acropora gemmifera à La Réunion.  src= Acropora hyacinthus à La Réunion.  src= Acropora muricata à La Réunion.  src= Acropora palmata.  src= Acropora sp.

Les Acropora ou coraux corne de cerf sont des animaux appartenant au genre des coraux durs. Ils sont parmi les coraux les plus courants de notre époque. Il y a près de 150 espèces. Ces coraux vivent dans les récifs coralliens des océans Atlantique, Indien et Pacifique.

Les colonies d’acropora atteignent selon les espèces jusqu'à plus d'un mètre de haut pour les colonies buissonnantes et jusqu'à 5m de diamètre pour les espèces se développant en plateau.

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Acropora ( Indonesian )

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Acropora: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Acropora adalah genus koral dari filum Cnidaria.

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Acropora ( Italian )

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Acropora Oken, 1815 è un genere di madrepore appartenenti alla famiglia Acroporidae[1]. Alcuni di essi sono soprannominati "coralli tavola" per la loro forma, e sono alcuni dei principali coralli che costruiscono l'immensa struttura di carbonato di calcio delle barriere coralline attorno alle scogliere.


Acropora sp.

A seconda della specie e della posizione, questi coralli possono assumere forme molto diverse, che variano da piattaforme vere e proprie a strutture ramificate. Si tratta comunque di strutture, come tutti i coralli, costituite da polipi, che sono di circa 2 mm di diametro. I polipi possono ritirarsi dentro il corallite se disturbati da potenziali predatori, ma quando sono indisturbati sporgono leggermente. I polipi tipicamente si estendono ulteriormente durante la notte per catturare il plancton e le sostanze organiche disciolta nell'acqua.


Come in tutti i coralli ermatipici, in questo caso “a polipi piccoli” (SPS, Small Polyped Scleractinians) la loro biologia è basata sullo strettissimo rapporto simbiotico che li lega a delle alghe unicellulari, le zooxantelle appartenenti al genere Symbiodinium. Alghe inglobate nei tessuti dell'animale, che gli forniscono preziosi elementi per la mineralizzazione del suo scheletro, ricevendone in cambio altrettanto importanti nutrienti sotto forma di prodotti di scarto metabolici.

Distribuzione e habitat

Sono comuni nelle zone poco profonde, con correnti non particolarmente forti e ben illuminate della barriera corallina. Molti piccoli pesci vivono attorno alle loro colonie e si nascondono nel folto dei rami se minacciati.


È il genere tipo della famiglia Acroporidae. Comprende le seguenti specie[1]:


Le zooxanthellae, alghe unicellulari endosimbiotiche, vivono nelle cellule dei coralli e producono energia per i coralli per mezzo della fotosintesi. A causa dell'inquinamento, delle temperature alte, dell'acidificazione degli oceani e dell'eutrofizzazione, i coralli perdono zooxantelle e diventano di colore bianco. I coralli di questo genere sono particolarmente suscettibili allo sbiancamento.


Questi coralli sono solitamente verdi o marroni, ma alcuni hanno colori più vivaci, e per questo sono ricercati negli acquari. È una specie che cresce in fretta, e in alcuni casi, frammenti di esemplari allevati in cattività vengono utilizzati per ripopolare le barriere in natura.


  1. ^ a b (EN) Acropora, in WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species). URL consultato il 26/2/2020.


  • H. Debelius, H. Baensch: “Marine Atlas” (1998). Mergus, Melle, Germany
  • D. Knop: “Coralli duri in acquario. Vol. 1 & 2” (2002) –Nuovi Orizzonti, Roma
  • A. Mancini: “Guida agli invertebrati marini tropicali” (1990) – Editoriale Olimpia, Firenze
  • J. Sprung: “Coralli” (2001) – Corallarium. SerieOceanografica
  • J. E. N. Veron: “Corals of the Word” (2000) – Australian Institute of Marine , ,Australia

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Acropora: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Acropora Oken, 1815 è un genere di madrepore appartenenti alla famiglia Acroporidae. Alcuni di essi sono soprannominati "coralli tavola" per la loro forma, e sono alcuni dei principali coralli che costruiscono l'immensa struttura di carbonato di calcio delle barriere coralline attorno alle scogliere.

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Acropora ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Acropora is een geslacht van koralen uit de klasse van de Anthozoa (bloemdieren).


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Acropora: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Acropora is een geslacht van koralen uit de klasse van de Anthozoa (bloemdieren).

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Acropora ( Vietnamese )

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Acropora là một chi san hô đá trong ngành Cnidaria.[2] Một vài loài trong số này được gọi là san hô tán/bàn, như Acropora palmataAcropora cervicornis. Có hơn 149 loài đã được miêu tả.[3]


Acropora (Acroporidae) ở French Frigate Shoals, tây bắc quần đảo Hawaii

Chú thích

Đọc thêm

  • Shinzato, C., Shoguchi, E., Kawashima, T., Hamada, M., Hisata, K., Tanaka, M., Fujie, M., et al. 2011. Using the Acropora digitifera genome to understand coral responses to environmental change. Nature, advance online publication. doi:10.1038/nature10249

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Acropora: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Acropora là một chi san hô đá trong ngành Cnidaria. Một vài loài trong số này được gọi là san hô tán/bàn, như Acropora palmataAcropora cervicornis. Có hơn 149 loài đã được miêu tả.

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鹿角珊瑚屬: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

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