
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Philomedes levis Müller, 1894

Philomedes levis Müller, 1894:211, pl. 3: figs. 4, 15, 18, 29–31, 36; 1912:26, 30 [diagnosis].—Poulsen, 1962:345 [listed].

LECTOTYPE.—Female without eggs in the Zoological Museum of Berlin (ZMB 9153). I have designated this specimen: 9153:1. The valves of the lectotype and some appendages are preserved in alcohol; the remaining appendages are on slides. An instar that was in the same vial is herein designated 9153:2. The instar which is a paralectotype, is preserved whole in alcohol.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Gulf of Naples, Italy.

MATERIAL.—Two specimens (ZMB 9153) in vial containing label “9153 Philomedes levis n. sp. Müller.” The female in this vial has been selected as the lectotype and designated ZMB 9153:1. It is presently preserved in alcohol except for some appendages on slides. The 2nd specimen, an instar preserved in alcohol, is designated ZMB 9153:2. In addition to the above I had the opportunity to examine briefly about 14 specimens preserved in alcohol GMZ 25010) at the Zoological Museum at Naples. The specimens are in poor condition.

DISTRIBUTION.—Gulf of Naples.

DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE (details of appendages and carapace are obscured by debris and radial crystals; therefore, the description is incomplete).—Carapace oval in lateral view with greatest height and length near middle (Figure 4 a–c); linear anterior margin of rostrum forming acute angle with ventral margin; inferior tip of rostrum with small protuberance; posterior margin of valve with caudal process at border with ventral margin.

Ornamentation: surface smooth without ornamentation; valves translucent with muscle scars visible in lateral view.

Infold (Figure 4d,f): Broad along anterior and posterior parts of valve, narrow ventrally; anteroventral part striate. (Bristles on infold are obscured by debris, but Müller (1894, pl. 3: fig. 36) illustrates 19 on rostrum and 10 below rostrum on anteroventral part of infold.)

Central muscle scars (Figure 4e): 5 large ovoid scars forming slight arc over 6 smaller scars and 2 rows of elongate scars: anterior row with 3 scars, posterior row with 4. (The U-shaped scar shown by Müller (1894, pl. 3: fig. 4) is incorrect; it consists of 2 ovoid scars with 2 smaller scars near their ventral margins.)

Selvage: Wide lamellar prolongation present along rostrum and below incisur; prolongation being subdivided into broad platelets with blunt tips. (The broad platelets are useful for recognizing this species.)

Size: lectotype, length 1.37 mm, height 0.91 mm; instar paralectotype, length 1.21 mm, height 0.81 mm.

First antenna: 2nd joint with 1 dorsal, 1 lateral, and 1 or 2 ventral bristles, about 5 clusters of spines along ventral margin, and numerous clusters on ventral surface; 2nd joint with 1 ventral and 2 dorsal bristles.

Second antenna: Endopodite 2-jointed: 1st joint with 6 bristles, 5 proximal, 1 distal; 2nd joint with 2 bristles, 1 proximal and 1 terminal, latter bristle recurved. Exopodite (Figure 4g): joints 2–8 with basal spines increasing in length on distal joints; bristle of 2nd joint reaching well past joint 9; bristles of joints 2–4 without natatory hairs; 9th joint with 4 long and 2 or 3 short bristles.

Mandible (Figure 4h,i): Coxale endite bifurcate with several teeth near tips; basale with 3 or 4 stout medial spines with secondary teeth; exopodite reaching three-fourths length of 1st joint of endopodite; end-joint of endopodite with 3 claws, 2 curved, 1 almost straight; straight dorsal claw not quite as long as curved ventral claw.

Maxilla: With 3 endites, 1st with about 10 bristles, 2nd about 6; exopodite with 3 bristles, proximal bristle about one-half length of 2 distal bristles (Figure 4m).

Fifth limb (Figure 4k): 1st exopodite joint with 4 or 5 stout teeth; 2nd exopodite joint with usual large triangular tooth.

Seventh limb (Figure 4l): About 5 bristles present in distal group and 12 in proximal group, each with 3–6 bells; 1 main peg present opposite comb (a few smaller pegs also may be present, but are difficult to see because of condition of appendage).

Furca (Figure 4n): Each lamella with 10 claws separated from lamella by suture; claws decreasing in length proximally on lamella except for last 4 claws, which are of about same length; claws 1 to 6 or 7 with teeth along concave margin; claw 1 with large tooth and several smaller proximal teeth on medial side; 1 or more rather long thick hairs present laterally near base of most claws; tuft of hair present laterally at base of claw 1; tips of claws 1–5 with blunt rounded tips.

Eyes (Figure 4j): Medial eye large; lateral eye minute.

Rod-shaped organ (Figure 4j): 2-jointed, elongate, tapering distally.

Upper lip (Figure 4j): Rounded with anterior process.

Euphilomedes Poulsen, 1962

TYPE-SPECIES.—Euphilomedes nodosus Poulsen, 1962, by subsequent designation (Kornicker, 1967a:1). Gender: Masculine.
bibliographic citation
Kornicker, Louis S. 1974. "Revision of the Cypridinacea of the Gulf of Naples (Ostracoda)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-64. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.178