Ventral infraciliature of the haptorid ciliate, Monodinium balbianii (Fabre-Domergue, 1888). The dorsal side is distinguished by the five parallel rows of clavate (club-shaped) cilia (the dorsal brush) just posterior to the anterior wreath of ciliated basal bodies. The longitudinal files of somatic kinetosomes (seen here) are unciliated except for the dorsal brush (not seen in this ventral view) and the obliquely inclined closely spaced ciliated basal bodies that form the ciliary girdle. Darkly stained extrusomes are visible here. Collected from a freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho March 2005. Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991). Brightfield.
Dorsal infraciliature of the haptorid ciliate, Monodinium balbianii (FABRE-DOMERGUE, 1888). The dorsal side is distinguished by the five parallel rows of clavate (club-shaped) cilia (the dorsal brush) just posterior to the anterior wreath of ciliated basal bodies. The longitudinal files of somatic kinetosomes (not seen well here) are unciliated except for the dorsal brush and the obliquely inclined closely spaced ciliated basal bodies that form the ciliary girdle. Darkly stained extrusomes are visible here. Collected from a freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho March 2005. Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991). Brightfield.
Portrait of the haptorid ciliate, Monodinium balbianii (FABRE-DOMERGUE,1888). The body is a stout cup shape, sometimes more narrowly rounded posteriorly. The oral aperture is at the end of a prominent cone-shaped proboscis that protrudes from the center of the truncate anterior end. The proboscis contains many long toxicysts. There are 50-100 rows of basal bodies but only a narrow circumferential band of these forms the single anterior ciliary girdle. The midbody macronucleus is horseshoe-shaped (as seen in section here) or reniform. There is a single spherical micronucleus (not seen here). The contractile vacuole is posterior. Swims very rapidly, rotating on long axis. Feeds on small flagellates and other ciliates. Collected from organically enriched freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho in September 2003. DIC optics.
Portrait of Monodinium balbianii (FABRE-DOMERGUE,1888) in mid-division. Dividers are easily confused with Didinium species but may be distinguished by the furrow associated with the ciliary girdle of the opisthe (posterior daughter cell). Stomatogenesis is telokinetal (i.e. new oral ciliature develops from anterior ciliary rows of opisthe). Collected from organically enriched freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho in September 2003. DIC optics.
Dorsal infraciliature of the haptorid ciliate, Monodinium balbianii (FABRE-DOMERGUE, 1888). The dorsal side is distinguished by the five parallel rows of clavate (club-shaped) cilia (the dorsal brush) just posterior to the anterior wreath of ciliated basal bodies. The longitudinal files of somatic kinetosomes (not seen well here) are unciliated except for the dorsal brush and the obliquely inclined closely spaced ciliated basal bodies that form the ciliary girdle. Darkly stained extrusomes are visible here. Collected from a freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho March 2005. Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991). Brightfield.
Infraciliature of a middle divider of Monodinium balbianii (FABRE_DOMERGUE,1888). The ciliary girdles of the opisthe and proter are visible here. Densely stained extrusomes are also visible.Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991). Brightfield.
Originally described by Schewiakoff under the name Didinium balbianii. An individual with weakly projecting mouth cone, traveling backwards. a--Anus cv--Contractile vacuole ek--Ectoplasm N--Macronucleus ncl--Micronucleus o--Mouth st--Cytopharyngeal basket W--Ciliated ring z -- Zoochlorellae
Originally described by Schewiakoff under the name Didinium balbianii. Shown traveling forward, with mouth cone extended. a--Anus cv--contractile vacuole ek--Ectoplasm N--Macronucleus nk--Food particle o--Mouth st--Cytopharyngeal basket W--Ciliated ring
Originally described by Schewiakoff under the name Didinium balbianii. Schewiakoff describes this as an individual apprehended in division. o--Mouth N--Macronucleus W--Ciliated ring W1--New ciliated ring, prepared for offspring
Originally described by Schewiakoff under the name Didinium balbianii. The ""rear offspring"" (i.e. opisthe) of a recent division. cv--Contractile vacuole N--Macronucleus ncl--Micronucleus o--Mouth W--Ciliated ring