ATCC 50177. This parasite was recently placed within stramenopiles.
Pinguiococcus (ping-wee-cock-us) pyrenoidosus ) pyrenoidosus (pinguiophyte), a small marine phytoplankter, with a deeply bilobed golden chloroplast and a large central pyrenoid (basis for the specific epithet). Name not formally published at the this time. Differential interference microscopy.
Karotomorpha cells are small (12-16 µm) flagellates with four (two pairs) long flagella inserted subapically. Anterior nucleus, body surface ridged. Dictyosomes situated at the base of the flagella. Pinocytic nutrition, occurring in the gut of amphibia. Karotomorpha bufonis from Bufo bufo (Giemsa staining).
Scanning EM showing the corrugated cell surface and the four anterior flagella.
Diagram showing the two pairs of flagella, the rhizoplast, Golgi, nucleus, mitochondrion and the corrugated cell surface
Only two species of Actinophrys have been reported from salty environments. the identification here is tentative because it is not possible to see details of the nucleoli - which is what is needed to distinguish between the species. The other species is A. tauryanini The organism was common on surfaces of immersed slides.
Inside view of lacunate valve. Note the position of the fultoportula on a valve face stria, taking the place of an areola. Specimen from single cell culture from Cleveland Harbor, Cleveland, Ohio, by E. Theriot.
Scanning electron micrograph of interior of scutate valve. Note position of fultoportula in central area of valve face. Specimen from culture of cell isolated from Cleveland Harbor, Cleveland, OH, USA, by E. Theriot.
The coiling of the long anterior flagellum when it retracts (seen in the lowermost cell here) is typical of this genus. There is a daughter cell adherent to the inner surface of the chitinous lorica by its posterior flagellum in this image. DIC.
Material from the Netherlands.
Formerly Brebissonia boeckii, material from the Netherlands.
Filamentous diatom commonly found near the Tvarminne Zoological Station. Previously known as Achnantes taeniata.
Detail showing plastids inside several cells at the end of a filament. Same filament as included in another picture in this collection.
Actinoptychus heliopelta.
Navicula excavata.
Valves are cylindrical terminating in a proboscis. Processes are absent. This is a temprate, coastal species.
Valves are rectangular in girdle view and elliptical in valve view. Each cell has four ribbon like and folded chloroplasts, two along each side of the girdle.