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Heather Family
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Heather Family
Rhododendron facetum I. B. Balf. & Kingdon-Ward
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Rhododendron facetum I. B. Balf. & Kingdon-Ward
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Rhododendron facetum
Species recognized by
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Rhododendron facetum
Balf. fil. & Kingdon-Ward
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
GBIF national node type records UK
Rhododendron facetum
I. B. Balf. & Kingdon-Ward
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Rhododendron facetum
I. B. Balfour & Kingdon Ward
Recognized by
Rhododendron eriogynum
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Rhododendron eriogynum
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Rhododendron eriogynum Balf. fil. & W. W. Sm.
Recognized by
Plant Forms, Habitat and Distribution
Rhododendron facetum
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
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Wikidata Common Names
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Rhododendron facetum Balf. fil. & Kingdon-Ward
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
Rhododendron facetum I. B. Balf. & Kingdon-Ward
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Rhododendron eriogynum I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Rhododendron eriogynum
I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Rhododendron eriogynum Balf. fil. & W. W. Sm.
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Rhododendron eriogynum I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Zh Hans
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Curated hierarchies for Rhododendron facetum I. B. Balf. & Kingdon-Ward
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Rhododendron facetum I. B. Balf. & Kingdon-Ward
(this page)
Rhododendron aberconwayi Cowan
Rhododendron abietifolium Sleum.
Rhododendron acuminatum Hook. fil.
Rhododendron alabamense Rehder
Rhododendron amakusaense (Takada ex Yamazaki) T. Yamazaki
Rhododendron asperulum Hutchinson & F. K. Ward
Rhododendron benhallii Craven
Rhododendron bijiangense T. L. Ming
Rhododendron blackii Sleumer
Rhododendron boothii Nutt.
Rhododendron brookeanum Low ex Lindl.
Rhododendron canescens (Michx.) G. Don
Rhododendron cavaleriei H. Lév.
Rhododendron celebicum (Bl.) DC.
Rhododendron chrysodoron Tagg ex Hutchinson
Rhododendron cockburnii (Argent, A. L. Lamb & Phillipps) Craven
Rhododendron columbianum (Piper) Harmaja
Rhododendron cornu-bovis Sleum.
Rhododendron cuffeanum Craib ex Hutchinson
Rhododendron culminicolum F. Muell.
Rhododendron cyanocarpum (Franch.) W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron cyatheicolum Sleum.
Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Rhododendron edgarianum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron eurysiphon Tagg & Forrest
Rhododendron evelyneae Danet
Rhododendron excelsum A. Cheval.
Rhododendron fletcherianum Davidian
Rhododendron floccigerum Franch.
Rhododendron fortunans J. J. Smith
Rhododendron fuchsiifolia H. Lév.
Rhododendron guizhouense M. Y. Fang
Rhododendron henryi Hance
Rhododendron hirtipes Tagg
Rhododendron huguangense P. C. Tam
Rhododendron hyperythrum Hayata
Rhododendron impeditum I. B. Balf. & W. W. Smith
Rhododendron incommodum Sleum.
Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet
Rhododendron invictum I. B. Balf. & Farrer
Rhododendron keiskei Miq.
Rhododendron kurohimense Arakawa
Rhododendron leptanthum F. Muell.
Rhododendron leptocarpum Nutt.
Rhododendron leucogigas Sleum.
Rhododendron lineare Merr.
Rhododendron longistylum Rehder & Wilson
Rhododendron lungchiense W. P. Fang
Rhododendron mendumiae Argent
Rhododendron microcarpum R. L. Liu & L. M. Gao
Rhododendron mollianum Koord.
Rhododendron montiganum T. L. Ming
Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz.
Rhododendron muscipulum Danet
Rhododendron nervulosum Sleum.
Rhododendron nortoniae Merr.
Rhododendron nymphaeoides W. K. Hu
Rhododendron ochraceum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron oreodoxa Franch.
Rhododendron palawanense (Argent) Craven
Rhododendron praestans I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron praeteritum Hutch.
Rhododendron protandrum Sleum.
Rhododendron pseudomaddenii A. A. Mao & Bhaumik
Rhododendron pseudotrichanthum Sleum.
Rhododendron pumilum Hook. fil.
Rhododendron pusillum J. J. Smith
Rhododendron rarilepidotum J. J. Smith
Rhododendron retrorsipilum Sleum.
Rhododendron rhodanthum M. Y. He
Rhododendron rhodopus Sleum.
Rhododendron ripense Makino
Rhododendron scopulum (G. Z. Li) G. Z. Li
Rhododendron seniavinii Maxim.
Rhododendron setosum D. Don
Rhododendron siderophyllum Franch.
Rhododendron sikayotaizanense Masam.
Rhododendron sinogrande I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron sinonuttallii I. B. Balf & Forrest
Rhododendron spadiceum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron spiciferum Franch.
Rhododendron spilotum I. B. Balf. & Farrer
Rhododendron subcerinum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron taggianum Hutchinson
Rhododendron tanakae (Maxim.) Ohwi
Rhododendron taxoides J. J. Smith
Rhododendron torajaense Craven
Rhododendron trichocladum Franch.
Rhododendron tsariense Cowan
Rhododendron tsoi Merr.
Rhododendron tsurugisanense (Yamaz.) T. Yamazaki
Rhododendron tutcherae Hemsl. & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron vanvuurenii J. J. Smith
Rhododendron vaseyi A. Gray
Rhododendron vesiculiferum Tagg
Rhododendron vinicolor Sleum.
Rhododendron wightii Hook. fil.
Rhododendron wrightianum Koorders
Rhododendron xichangense Z. J. Zhao
Rhododendron yunnanense Franch.
1042 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Ericaceae Juss.
Ericoideae Link
Rhododendron L.
Rhododendron facetum Balf. fil. & Kingdon-Ward
(this page)
Rhododendron aberconwayi Cowan
Rhododendron abietifolium Sleumer
Rhododendron acrophilum Merr. & Quisumb.
Rhododendron acuminatum Hook. fil.
Rhododendron adamsii Rehder
Rhododendron adenanthum M. Y. He
Rhododendron adenobracteum X. F. Gao & Y. L. Peng
Rhododendron adenogynum Diels
Rhododendron adenopodum Franch.
Rhododendron adinophyllum Merr.
Rhododendron aequabile J. J. Sm.
Rhododendron afghanicum Aitch.
Rhododendron aganniphum Balf. fil. & Kingdon-Ward
Rhododendron agastum Balf. fil. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron agathodaemonis J. J. Sm.
Rhododendron alabamense Rehder
Rhododendron albertsenianum Forrest ex Balf. fil.
Rhododendron albiflorum Hook.
Rhododendron alborugosum Argent & J. Dransf.
Rhododendron albrechtii Maxim.
Rhododendron album Blume
Rhododendron alternans Sleumer
Rhododendron alutaceum Balf. fil. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron amabile Sleumer
Rhododendron amagianum (Makino) Makino ex Hara
Rhododendron amandum Cowan
Rhododendron ambiguum Hemsl.
Rhododendron amesiae Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron amundsenianum Hand.-Mazz.
Rhododendron anagalliflorum Wernham
Rhododendron andrineae Danet
Rhododendron angulatum J. J. Sm.
Rhododendron annae Franch.
Rhododendron anthopogon D. Don
Rhododendron anthopogonoides Maxim.
Rhododendron asterochnoum Diels
Rhododendron atjehense Sleumer
Rhododendron atlanticum (Ashe) Rehder
Rhododendron atropunicum H. P. Yang
Rhododendron atropurpureum Sleumer
Rhododendron atrovirens Franch.
Rhododendron augustinii Hemsl.
Rhododendron aureodorsale (W. P. Fang ex J. Q. Fu) Y. P. Ma & J. Nielsen
Rhododendron aureum Georgi
Rhododendron auriculatum Hemsl.
Rhododendron aurigeranum Sleumer
Rhododendron auritum Tagg
Rhododendron austrinum (Small) Rehder
Rhododendron bachii H. Lév.
Rhododendron baconii Argent, A. L. Lamb & Phillipps
Rhododendron baenitzianum Lauterb.
Rhododendron bagobonum H. F. Copel.
Rhododendron baihuaense Y. P. Ma
Rhododendron baileyi I. B. Balf
Rhododendron bailiense Y. P. Ma, C. Q. Zhang & D. F. Chamb.
Rhododendron bainaense Xiang Chen & C. H. Yang
Rhododendron balangense W. P. Fang
Rhododendron bamaense Z. J. Zhao
Rhododendron banghamiorum (J. J. Sm.) Sleumer
Rhododendron barbatum Wall. ex G. Don
Rhododendron basilicum Balf. fil. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron beanianum Cowan
Rhododendron beccarii Sleumer
Rhododendron beesianum Diels
Rhododendron bellissimum D. F. Chamb.
Rhododendron beyerinckianum Koord.
Rhododendron bhutanense D. G. Long & Bowes Lyon
Rhododendron biappendiculatum Craven
Rhododendron bijiangense T. L. Ming
Rhododendron bivelatum Balf. fil.
Rhododendron blackii Sleumer
Rhododendron boninense Nakai
Rhododendron bonvalotii Bureau & Franch.
Rhododendron boothii Nutt.
Rhododendron borneense (J. J. Sm.) Argent, A. L. Lamb & Phillipps
Rhododendron brachyanthum Franch.
Rhododendron brachycarpum D. Don ex G. Don
Rhododendron brachygynum H. F. Copel.
Rhododendron brachypodarium Sleumer
Rhododendron brachypodum W. P. Fang & P. S. Liu
Rhododendron bracteatum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron brassii Sleumer
Rhododendron brevicaudatum R. C. Fang & S. S. Chang
Rhododendron brevinerve Chun & W. P. Fang
Rhododendron breviperulatum Hayata
Rhododendron brevipes Sleumer
Rhododendron brevipetiolatum M. Y. Fang
Rhododendron brevitubum J. J. Sm.
Rhododendron bryophilum Sleumer
Rhododendron bullifolium Sleumer
Rhododendron bulu Hutch.
Rhododendron bureavii Franch.
Rhododendron burmanicum Hutch.
Rhododendron burtii P. Woods
Rhododendron buruense J. J. Sm.
Rhododendron buxifolium H. Low ex Hook. fil.
Rhododendron buxoides Sleumer
Rhododendron caespitosum Sleumer
Rhododendron calendulaceum (Michx.) Torr.
Rhododendron caliginis Kores
1062 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Rhododendron facetum I. B. Balf. & Kingdon-Ward
(this page)
Rhododendron aberconwayi Cowan
Rhododendron abietifolium Sleum.
Rhododendron acuminatum Hook. fil.
Rhododendron alabamense Rehder
Rhododendron amakusaense (Takada ex Yamazaki) T. Yamazaki
Rhododendron asperulum Hutchinson & F. K. Ward
Rhododendron benhallii Craven
Rhododendron bijiangense T. L. Ming
Rhododendron blackii Sleumer
Rhododendron boothii Nutt.
Rhododendron brookeanum Low ex Lindl.
Rhododendron canescens (Michx.) G. Don
Rhododendron cavaleriei H. Lév.
Rhododendron celebicum (Bl.) DC.
Rhododendron chrysodoron Tagg ex Hutchinson
Rhododendron cockburnii (Argent, A. L. Lamb & Phillipps) Craven
Rhododendron columbianum (Piper) Harmaja
Rhododendron cornu-bovis Sleum.
Rhododendron cuffeanum Craib ex Hutchinson
Rhododendron culminicolum F. Muell.
Rhododendron cyanocarpum (Franch.) W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron cyatheicolum Sleum.
Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Rhododendron edgarianum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron eurysiphon Tagg & Forrest
Rhododendron evelyneae Danet
Rhododendron excelsum A. Cheval.
Rhododendron fletcherianum Davidian
Rhododendron floccigerum Franch.
Rhododendron fortunans J. J. Smith
Rhododendron fuchsiifolia H. Lév.
Rhododendron guizhouense M. Y. Fang
Rhododendron henryi Hance
Rhododendron hirtipes Tagg
Rhododendron huguangense P. C. Tam
Rhododendron hyperythrum Hayata
Rhododendron impeditum I. B. Balf. & W. W. Smith
Rhododendron incommodum Sleum.
Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet
Rhododendron invictum I. B. Balf. & Farrer
Rhododendron keiskei Miq.
Rhododendron kurohimense Arakawa
Rhododendron leptanthum F. Muell.
Rhododendron leptocarpum Nutt.
Rhododendron leucogigas Sleum.
Rhododendron lineare Merr.
Rhododendron longistylum Rehder & Wilson
Rhododendron lungchiense W. P. Fang
Rhododendron mendumiae Argent
Rhododendron microcarpum R. L. Liu & L. M. Gao
Rhododendron mollianum Koord.
Rhododendron montiganum T. L. Ming
Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz.
Rhododendron muscipulum Danet
Rhododendron nervulosum Sleum.
Rhododendron nortoniae Merr.
Rhododendron nymphaeoides W. K. Hu
Rhododendron ochraceum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron oreodoxa Franch.
Rhododendron palawanense (Argent) Craven
Rhododendron praestans I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron praeteritum Hutch.
Rhododendron protandrum Sleum.
Rhododendron pseudomaddenii A. A. Mao & Bhaumik
Rhododendron pseudotrichanthum Sleum.
Rhododendron pumilum Hook. fil.
Rhododendron pusillum J. J. Smith
Rhododendron rarilepidotum J. J. Smith
Rhododendron retrorsipilum Sleum.
Rhododendron rhodanthum M. Y. He
Rhododendron rhodopus Sleum.
Rhododendron ripense Makino
Rhododendron scopulum (G. Z. Li) G. Z. Li
Rhododendron seniavinii Maxim.
Rhododendron setosum D. Don
Rhododendron siderophyllum Franch.
Rhododendron sikayotaizanense Masam.
Rhododendron sinogrande I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron sinonuttallii I. B. Balf & Forrest
Rhododendron spadiceum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron spiciferum Franch.
Rhododendron spilotum I. B. Balf. & Farrer
Rhododendron subcerinum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron taggianum Hutchinson
Rhododendron tanakae (Maxim.) Ohwi
Rhododendron taxoides J. J. Smith
Rhododendron torajaense Craven
Rhododendron trichocladum Franch.
Rhododendron tsariense Cowan
Rhododendron tsoi Merr.
Rhododendron tsurugisanense (Yamaz.) T. Yamazaki
Rhododendron tutcherae Hemsl. & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron vanvuurenii J. J. Smith
Rhododendron vaseyi A. Gray
Rhododendron vesiculiferum Tagg
Rhododendron vinicolor Sleum.
Rhododendron wightii Hook. fil.
Rhododendron wrightianum Koorders
Rhododendron xichangense Z. J. Zhao
Rhododendron yunnanense Franch.
1032 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Rhododendron facetum I. B. Balf. & Kingdon-Ward
(this page)
Rhododendron aberconwayi Cowan
Rhododendron abietifolium Sleum.
Rhododendron acuminatum Hook. fil.
Rhododendron alabamense Rehder
Rhododendron amakusaense (Takada ex Yamazaki) T. Yamazaki
Rhododendron asperulum Hutchinson & F. K. Ward
Rhododendron benhallii Craven
Rhododendron bijiangense T. L. Ming
Rhododendron blackii Sleumer
Rhododendron boothii Nutt.
Rhododendron brookeanum Low ex Lindl.
Rhododendron canescens (Michx.) G. Don
Rhododendron cavaleriei H. Lév.
Rhododendron celebicum (Bl.) DC.
Rhododendron chrysodoron Tagg ex Hutchinson
Rhododendron cockburnii (Argent, A. L. Lamb & Phillipps) Craven
Rhododendron columbianum (Piper) Harmaja
Rhododendron cornu-bovis Sleum.
Rhododendron cuffeanum Craib ex Hutchinson
Rhododendron culminicolum F. Muell.
Rhododendron cyanocarpum (Franch.) W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron cyatheicolum Sleum.
Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Rhododendron edgarianum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron eurysiphon Tagg & Forrest
Rhododendron evelyneae Danet
Rhododendron excelsum A. Cheval.
Rhododendron fletcherianum Davidian
Rhododendron floccigerum Franch.
Rhododendron fortunans J. J. Smith
Rhododendron fuchsiifolia H. Lév.
Rhododendron guizhouense M. Y. Fang
Rhododendron henryi Hance
Rhododendron hirtipes Tagg
Rhododendron huguangense P. C. Tam
Rhododendron hyperythrum Hayata
Rhododendron impeditum I. B. Balf. & W. W. Smith
Rhododendron incommodum Sleum.
Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet
Rhododendron invictum I. B. Balf. & Farrer
Rhododendron keiskei Miq.
Rhododendron kurohimense Arakawa
Rhododendron leptanthum F. Muell.
Rhododendron leptocarpum Nutt.
Rhododendron leucogigas Sleum.
Rhododendron lineare Merr.
Rhododendron longistylum Rehder & Wilson
Rhododendron lungchiense W. P. Fang
Rhododendron mendumiae Argent
Rhododendron microcarpum R. L. Liu & L. M. Gao
Rhododendron mollianum Koord.
Rhododendron montiganum T. L. Ming
Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz.
Rhododendron muscipulum Danet
Rhododendron nervulosum Sleum.
Rhododendron nortoniae Merr.
Rhododendron nymphaeoides W. K. Hu
Rhododendron ochraceum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron oreodoxa Franch.
Rhododendron palawanense (Argent) Craven
Rhododendron praestans I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron praeteritum Hutch.
Rhododendron protandrum Sleum.
Rhododendron pseudomaddenii A. A. Mao & Bhaumik
Rhododendron pseudotrichanthum Sleum.
Rhododendron pumilum Hook. fil.
Rhododendron pusillum J. J. Smith
Rhododendron rarilepidotum J. J. Smith
Rhododendron retrorsipilum Sleum.
Rhododendron rhodanthum M. Y. He
Rhododendron rhodopus Sleum.
Rhododendron ripense Makino
Rhododendron scopulum (G. Z. Li) G. Z. Li
Rhododendron seniavinii Maxim.
Rhododendron setosum D. Don
Rhododendron siderophyllum Franch.
Rhododendron sikayotaizanense Masam.
Rhododendron sinogrande I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron sinonuttallii I. B. Balf & Forrest
Rhododendron spadiceum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron spiciferum Franch.
Rhododendron spilotum I. B. Balf. & Farrer
Rhododendron subcerinum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron taggianum Hutchinson
Rhododendron tanakae (Maxim.) Ohwi
Rhododendron taxoides J. J. Smith
Rhododendron torajaense Craven
Rhododendron trichocladum Franch.
Rhododendron tsariense Cowan
Rhododendron tsoi Merr.
Rhododendron tsurugisanense (Yamaz.) T. Yamazaki
Rhododendron tutcherae Hemsl. & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron vanvuurenii J. J. Smith
Rhododendron vaseyi A. Gray
Rhododendron vesiculiferum Tagg
Rhododendron vinicolor Sleum.
Rhododendron wightii Hook. fil.
Rhododendron wrightianum Koorders
Rhododendron xichangense Z. J. Zhao
Rhododendron yunnanense Franch.
1042 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Rhododendron facetum I. B. Balf. & Kingdon-Ward
(this page)
Rhododendron aberconwayi Cowan
Rhododendron abietifolium Sleum.
Rhododendron acuminatum Hook. fil.
Rhododendron alabamense Rehder
Rhododendron amakusaense (Takada ex Yamazaki) T. Yamazaki
Rhododendron asperulum Hutchinson & F. K. Ward
Rhododendron benhallii Craven
Rhododendron bijiangense T. L. Ming
Rhododendron blackii Sleumer
Rhododendron boothii Nutt.
Rhododendron brookeanum Low ex Lindl.
Rhododendron canescens (Michx.) G. Don
Rhododendron cavaleriei H. Lév.
Rhododendron celebicum (Bl.) DC.
Rhododendron chrysodoron Tagg ex Hutchinson
Rhododendron cockburnii (Argent, A. L. Lamb & Phillipps) Craven
Rhododendron columbianum (Piper) Harmaja
Rhododendron cornu-bovis Sleum.
Rhododendron cuffeanum Craib ex Hutchinson
Rhododendron culminicolum F. Muell.
Rhododendron cyanocarpum (Franch.) W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron cyatheicolum Sleum.
Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Rhododendron edgarianum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron eurysiphon Tagg & Forrest
Rhododendron evelyneae Danet
Rhododendron excelsum A. Cheval.
Rhododendron fletcherianum Davidian
Rhododendron floccigerum Franch.
Rhododendron fortunans J. J. Smith
Rhododendron fuchsiifolia H. Lév.
Rhododendron guizhouense M. Y. Fang
Rhododendron henryi Hance
Rhododendron hirtipes Tagg
Rhododendron huguangense P. C. Tam
Rhododendron hyperythrum Hayata
Rhododendron impeditum I. B. Balf. & W. W. Smith
Rhododendron incommodum Sleum.
Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet
Rhododendron invictum I. B. Balf. & Farrer
Rhododendron keiskei Miq.
Rhododendron kurohimense Arakawa
Rhododendron leptanthum F. Muell.
Rhododendron leptocarpum Nutt.
Rhododendron leucogigas Sleum.
Rhododendron lineare Merr.
Rhododendron longistylum Rehder & Wilson
Rhododendron lungchiense W. P. Fang
Rhododendron mendumiae Argent
Rhododendron microcarpum R. L. Liu & L. M. Gao
Rhododendron mollianum Koord.
Rhododendron montiganum T. L. Ming
Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz.
Rhododendron muscipulum Danet
Rhododendron nervulosum Sleum.
Rhododendron nortoniae Merr.
Rhododendron nymphaeoides W. K. Hu
Rhododendron ochraceum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron oreodoxa Franch.
Rhododendron palawanense (Argent) Craven
Rhododendron praestans I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron praeteritum Hutch.
Rhododendron protandrum Sleum.
Rhododendron pseudomaddenii A. A. Mao & Bhaumik
Rhododendron pseudotrichanthum Sleum.
Rhododendron pumilum Hook. fil.
Rhododendron pusillum J. J. Smith
Rhododendron rarilepidotum J. J. Smith
Rhododendron retrorsipilum Sleum.
Rhododendron rhodanthum M. Y. He
Rhododendron rhodopus Sleum.
Rhododendron ripense Makino
Rhododendron scopulum (G. Z. Li) G. Z. Li
Rhododendron seniavinii Maxim.
Rhododendron setosum D. Don
Rhododendron siderophyllum Franch.
Rhododendron sikayotaizanense Masam.
Rhododendron sinogrande I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron sinonuttallii I. B. Balf & Forrest
Rhododendron spadiceum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron spiciferum Franch.
Rhododendron spilotum I. B. Balf. & Farrer
Rhododendron subcerinum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron taggianum Hutchinson
Rhododendron tanakae (Maxim.) Ohwi
Rhododendron taxoides J. J. Smith
Rhododendron torajaense Craven
Rhododendron trichocladum Franch.
Rhododendron tsariense Cowan
Rhododendron tsoi Merr.
Rhododendron tsurugisanense (Yamaz.) T. Yamazaki
Rhododendron tutcherae Hemsl. & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron vanvuurenii J. J. Smith
Rhododendron vaseyi A. Gray
Rhododendron vesiculiferum Tagg
Rhododendron vinicolor Sleum.
Rhododendron wightii Hook. fil.
Rhododendron wrightianum Koorders
Rhododendron xichangense Z. J. Zhao
Rhododendron yunnanense Franch.
1032 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Rhododendron L.
Rhododendron facetum Balf. fil. & Kingdon-Ward
(this page)
Rhododendron alabamense Rehder
Rhododendron albiflorum Hook.
Rhododendron arborescens Torr.
Rhododendron atlanticum Rehder
Rhododendron austrinum Rehder
Rhododendron awatosaense Minamit. & Yonek.
Rhododendron bakeri (Lemmon & Mc Kay) H. H. Hume
Rhododendron calendulaceum Torr.
Rhododendron camtschaticum Pall.
Rhododendron carolinianum Rehder
Rhododendron catawbiense Michx.
Rhododendron catawbiense × Rhododendron maximum
Rhododendron cumberlandense E. L. Braun
Rhododendron eriocarpum Nakai
Rhododendron erosipetalum J. J. Sm.
Rhododendron erosum Cowan
Rhododendron erythrocalyx Balf. fil. & Forrest
Rhododendron esetulosum Balf. fil. & Forrest
Rhododendron euchroum Balf. fil. & Kingdon-Ward
Rhododendron eurysiphon Tagg, Forrest & R
Rhododendron evelyneae Danet
Rhododendron exasperatum Tagg
Rhododendron excellens Hemsl. & E. H. Wilson
Rhododendron excelsum A. Chev.
Rhododendron extrorsum J. J. Sm.
Rhododendron exuberans (Sleumer) Argent
Rhododendron eymae Sleumer
Rhododendron facium D. F. Chamb.
Rhododendron fallacinum Sleumer
Rhododendron fangchengense P. C. Tam
Rhododendron farinosum H. Lév.
Rhododendron farrerae Tate ex Sweet
Rhododendron fastigiatum Franch.
Rhododendron faucium D. F. Chamb.
Rhododendron ferrugineum L.
Rhododendron ferrugineum × Rhododendron hirsutum
Rhododendron filidactylis R. Milne
Rhododendron fittianum Balf. fil.
Rhododendron flammeum (Michx.) Sarg.
Rhododendron flavantherum Hutch. & Kingdon-Ward
Rhododendron flavidum Franch.
Rhododendron flavoflorum T. L. Ming
Rhododendron flavoviride J. J. Sm.
Rhododendron fletcherianum Davidian
Rhododendron fleuryi Dop ex A. Chev.
Rhododendron floribundum Franch.
Rhododendron florulentum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd
Rhododendron japonicum (A. Gray) Suringar
Rhododendron kyushuense Minamit.
Rhododendron lapponicum Wahlenb.
Rhododendron maximum L.
Rhododendron meddianum Forrest ex I. B. Balf.
Rhododendron microcarpum R. L. Liu & L. M. Gao
Rhododendron minus Michx.
Rhododendron oblongifolium Millais
Rhododendron occidentale A. Gray
Rhododendron pennsylvanicum Rehder
Rhododendron periclymenoides (Michx.) Shinners
Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) Millais
Rhododendron prunifolium Millais
Rhododendron subestipitatum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron subflumineum P. C. Tam
Rhododendron subpacificum Sleumer
Rhododendron subsessile Rendle
Rhododendron subulatum (Nakai) Harmaja
Rhododendron subuliferum Sleumer
Rhododendron subulosum J. J. Sm. ex Sleumer
Rhododendron succothii Davidian
Rhododendron sugaui Argent
Rhododendron sulfureum Franch.
Rhododendron sumatranum Merr.
Rhododendron sutchuenense Franch.
Rhododendron syringoideum Sleumer
Rhododendron taggianum Hutch.
Rhododendron taibaiense Ching & H. P. Yang
Rhododendron taichungianum S. S. Ying
Rhododendron taiense Hutch.
Rhododendron taipaoense T. C. Wu & P. C. Tam
Rhododendron taishunense B. Y. Ding & Y. Y. Fang
Rhododendron takanashianum Sugimoto
Rhododendron takeuchii Argent
Rhododendron taliense Franch.
Rhododendron tanakae (Maxim.) Ohwi
Rhododendron tapeinum Balf. fil. & Farrer
Rhododendron tapetiforme Balf. fil. & Kingdon-Ward
Rhododendron taronense Hutch.
Rhododendron taxifolium Merr.
Rhododendron taxoides J. J. Sm.
Rhododendron tebotan Komatsu
Rhododendron telmateium Balf. fil. & W. W. Sm.
Rhododendron tenue Ching ex W. P. Fang & M. Y. He
Rhododendron tenuifolium R. C. Fang & S. H. Huang
Rhododendron tenuilaminare P. C. Tam
Rhododendron tephropeplum Balf. fil. & Forrest
Rhododendron vaseyi A. Gray
Rhododendron viscosum (L.) Torr.
Rhododendron welleslyanum Waterer ex Rehd.
Rhododendron × tectum Koidz.
Rhododendron × wellesleyanum Waterer ex Rehder
1122 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
cellular organisms
Rhododendron facetum
(this page)
Rhododendron adenogynum
Rhododendron amagianum
Rhododendron amakusaense
Rhododendron aperantum
Rhododendron araiophyllum
Rhododendron arizelum
Rhododendron baihuaense
Rhododendron bainbridgeanum
Rhododendron boninense
Rhododendron brachycarpum
Rhododendron breviperulatum
Rhododendron calostrotum
Rhododendron cephalanthum
Rhododendron chilanshanense
Rhododendron cinnabarinum
Rhododendron citriniflorum
Rhododendron clementinae
Rhododendron complexum
Rhododendron decandrum
Rhododendron degronianum
Rhododendron dilatatum
Rhododendron ellipticum
Rhododendron fragariiflorum
Rhododendron fuyuanense
Rhododendron glanduliferum
Rhododendron habrotrichum
Rhododendron haematodes
Rhododendron hanceanum
Rhododendron heliolepis
Rhododendron hemsleyanum
Rhododendron hidakanum
Rhododendron hunanense
Rhododendron hyperythrum
Rhododendron hypoblematosum
Rhododendron hyugaense
Rhododendron kanehirae
Rhododendron keiskei
Rhododendron keleticum
Rhododendron kiangsiense
Rhododendron kiyosumense
Rhododendron lacteum
Rhododendron lagopus
Rhododendron lamprophyllum
Rhododendron lasiostylum
Rhododendron lepidotum
Rhododendron leptopeplum
Rhododendron liliiflorum
Rhododendron longiperulatum
Rhododendron longistylum
Rhododendron mariae
Rhododendron mariesii
Rhododendron mayebarae
Rhododendron micranthum
Rhododendron microphyton
Rhododendron mollicomum
Rhododendron monanthum
Rhododendron mucronulatum
Rhododendron nivale
Rhododendron nudipes
Rhododendron nyingchiense
Rhododendron oldhamii
Rhododendron oreotrephes
Rhododendron osuzuyamense
Rhododendron pachyphyllum
Rhododendron quinquefolium
Rhododendron rhuyuenense
Rhododendron rivulare
Rhododendron rubropilosum
Rhododendron saluenense
Rhododendron sanctum
Rhododendron sanguineum
Rhododendron scabrifolium
Rhododendron seniavinii
Rhododendron serpyllifolium
Rhododendron sikangense
Rhododendron simiarum
Rhododendron simsii
Rhododendron sinonuttallii
Rhododendron spanotrichum
Rhododendron sphaeroblastum
Rhododendron stewartianum
Rhododendron strigosum
Rhododendron tapetiforme
Rhododendron taronense
Rhododendron telmateium
Rhododendron temenium
Rhododendron tephropeplum
Rhododendron traillianum
Rhododendron trichostomum
Rhododendron tsurugisanense
Rhododendron uvariifolium
Rhododendron viscistylum
Rhododendron wallichii
Rhododendron weyrichii
Rhododendron wiltonii
Rhododendron yakumontanum
Rhododendron yunnanense
Rhododendron zaleucum
Rhododendron zhangjiajieense
Rhododendron × fragrans
424 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Embryophyta siphonogama
Rhododendron eriogynum
(this page)
Rhododendron albertsenianum
Rhododendron anthosphaerum
Rhododendron atrovirens
Rhododendron bathyphyllum
Rhododendron beanianum
Rhododendron bivelatum
Rhododendron brentelii
Rhododendron breviperulatum
Rhododendron callimorphum
Rhododendron calvescens
Rhododendron cavaleriei
Rhododendron chamaethomsonii
Rhododendron circinnatum
Rhododendron coryanum
Rhododendron culminicolum
Rhododendron dahuricum
Rhododendron danbaense
Rhododendron dauricum
Rhododendron davidsonianum
Rhododendron discolor
Rhododendron erastum
Rhododendron esetulosum
Rhododendron excellens
Rhododendron faithiae
Rhododendron farrerae
Rhododendron formosanum
Rhododendron glanduliferum
Rhododendron griffithianum
Rhododendron haofui
Rhododendron hejiangense
Rhododendron hirsutipetiolatum
Rhododendron hodgsonii
Rhododendron hookeri
Rhododendron huanum
Rhododendron huianum
Rhododendron huidongense
Rhododendron hyperythrum
Rhododendron japonicum
Rhododendron jingangshanicum
Rhododendron joniense
Rhododendron kailiense
Rhododendron kendrickii
Rhododendron lacteum
Rhododendron lateriflorum
Rhododendron levinei
Rhododendron maculatum
Rhododendron medoense
Rhododendron meridionale
Rhododendron mianningense
Rhododendron microcarpum
Rhododendron microphyton
Rhododendron mimetes
Rhododendron monanthum
Rhododendron montroseanum
Rhododendron naamkwanense
Rhododendron nanjianense
Rhododendron nanpingense
Rhododendron nigroglandulosum
Rhododendron nitidulum
Rhododendron oblancifolium
Rhododendron octandrum
Rhododendron pachyphyllum
Rhododendron pachypodum
Rhododendron pachysanthum
Rhododendron papillatum
Rhododendron pemakoense
Rhododendron pendulum
Rhododendron polylepis
Rhododendron polyraphidoideum
Rhododendron praestans
Rhododendron preptum
Rhododendron pudingense
Rhododendron rhuyuenense
Rhododendron roxieanum
Rhododendron rubropilosum
Rhododendron rupicola
Rhododendron semnoides
Rhododendron ser. Tsutsusi
Rhododendron setiferum
Rhododendron setosum
Rhododendron sinogrande
Rhododendron siobriense
Rhododendron stewartianum
Rhododendron suoilenhense
Rhododendron sutchuenense
Rhododendron taipaoense
Rhododendron taliense
Rhododendron tapetiforme
Rhododendron tashiroi
Rhododendron thayerianum
Rhododendron thymifolium
Rhododendron triflorum
Rhododendron tsoi
Rhododendron unciferum
Rhododendron uniflorum
Rhododendron vernicosum
Rhododendron williamsianum
Rhododendron xishuiense
Rhododendron zhongdianense
Rhododendron × hunsteinii
1776 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Embryophyta siphonogama
Rhododendron facetum
(this page)
Rhododendron albertsenianum
Rhododendron anthosphaerum
Rhododendron atrovirens
Rhododendron bathyphyllum
Rhododendron beanianum
Rhododendron bivelatum
Rhododendron brentelii
Rhododendron breviperulatum
Rhododendron callimorphum
Rhododendron calvescens
Rhododendron cavaleriei
Rhododendron chamaethomsonii
Rhododendron circinnatum
Rhododendron coryanum
Rhododendron culminicolum
Rhododendron dahuricum
Rhododendron danbaense
Rhododendron dauricum
Rhododendron davidsonianum
Rhododendron discolor
Rhododendron erastum
Rhododendron esetulosum
Rhododendron excellens
Rhododendron faithiae
Rhododendron farrerae
Rhododendron formosanum
Rhododendron glanduliferum
Rhododendron griffithianum
Rhododendron haofui
Rhododendron hejiangense
Rhododendron hirsutipetiolatum
Rhododendron hodgsonii
Rhododendron hookeri
Rhododendron huanum
Rhododendron huianum
Rhododendron huidongense
Rhododendron hyperythrum
Rhododendron japonicum
Rhododendron jingangshanicum
Rhododendron joniense
Rhododendron kailiense
Rhododendron kendrickii
Rhododendron lacteum
Rhododendron lateriflorum
Rhododendron levinei
Rhododendron maculatum
Rhododendron medoense
Rhododendron meridionale
Rhododendron mianningense
Rhododendron microcarpum
Rhododendron microphyton
Rhododendron mimetes
Rhododendron monanthum
Rhododendron montroseanum
Rhododendron naamkwanense
Rhododendron nanjianense
Rhododendron nanpingense
Rhododendron nigroglandulosum
Rhododendron nitidulum
Rhododendron oblancifolium
Rhododendron octandrum
Rhododendron pachyphyllum
Rhododendron pachypodum
Rhododendron pachysanthum
Rhododendron papillatum
Rhododendron pemakoense
Rhododendron pendulum
Rhododendron polylepis
Rhododendron polyraphidoideum
Rhododendron praestans
Rhododendron preptum
Rhododendron pudingense
Rhododendron rhuyuenense
Rhododendron roxieanum
Rhododendron rubropilosum
Rhododendron rupicola
Rhododendron semnoides
Rhododendron ser. Tsutsusi
Rhododendron setiferum
Rhododendron setosum
Rhododendron sinogrande
Rhododendron siobriense
Rhododendron stewartianum
Rhododendron suoilenhense
Rhododendron sutchuenense
Rhododendron taipaoense
Rhododendron taliense
Rhododendron tapetiforme
Rhododendron tashiroi
Rhododendron thayerianum
Rhododendron thymifolium
Rhododendron triflorum
Rhododendron tsoi
Rhododendron unciferum
Rhododendron uniflorum
Rhododendron vernicosum
Rhododendron williamsianum
Rhododendron xishuiense
Rhododendron zhongdianense
Rhododendron × hunsteinii
1776 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.