Madera Canyon Road, Pima County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon Road, Pima County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon Road, Pima County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon Road, Pima County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon Road, Pima County, Arizona, US
Collected by Steve Matson #1066
Collected by Steve Matson #1066
Collected by Steve Matson #1066: fruit detail
Collected by Steve Matson #1066: leaf detail
Collected by Steve Matson #1066: leaf detail
Collected by Steve Matson #1066: leaf detail
Wind-blown form
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking southeast. Shows abandoned farm (orchard and vineyard). Note restocking with Baccharis pilularis, Eriodictyon californicum, Toxicodendrondiversilobum (=Rhus diversiloba)., T 8 S R 2 W Sec 23 Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 123.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking northwest at south slopes of Gazos Creek. Note scattered Douglas fir saplings in Baccharis type (Baccharis pilularis, Frangula californica (=Rhamnus californica), Toxicodendrondiversilobum (=Rhus diversiloba) and Pteris with occasional Ceanothus thyrsiflorus). Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 67.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking east of south at a westerly slope of Baccharis type. Note relict Douglas fir and clumps of Ceanothus thyrsiflorus. Grass in foreground on abandoned clearing (formerly cultivated). Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 69.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking southeast across San Pomponio drainage, showing hayland, grazing land, and waste land. The waste land covered by a sage type (Baccharis pilularis, Frangula californica (=Rhamnus californica), Toxicodendrondiversilobum (=Rhus diversiloba), Diplacus aurantiacus) with relict patches of Ceanothus thyrsiflorus. Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 86.