A young hydranth of Ectopleura larynx (Ellis & Solander, 1786)(Anthomedusae, Tubulariidae) next to Coryne muscoides (Linnaeus, 1761) taken near Marseille (Mediterranean). The picture covers about 12 mm. Ectopleura larynx has two whorls of filiform tentacles, but nevertheless belongs to the Capitata The author has granted permission to MarBEF/VLIZ to use this picture in ERMS and related biological databases hosted at VLIZ. Source: http://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/mhng/hydrozoa/hydrozoa-directory.htm
see: Galea, H. R., and Schories, D. 2012b. Some hydrozoans (Cnidaria) from King George Island, Antarctica. Zootaxa 3321: : 1–21.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Millepora_alcicornis_%28Branching_Fire_Coral%29.jpg
Sechelt Inlet, British Columbia
Part of colony of a hydroid of the family Clathrozoidae
Typical polyp with medusa buds
Collected from an Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structure (ARMS) at Close Encounters (Bali Island, Nusa Tenggara, Pemuteran, Indonesia; Jun 25, 2012) as part of the Indonesian Biodiversity Research Center summer workshop on Marine Biodiversity Inventory Methods.
Sechelt Inlet, British Columbia, Canada
Bougainvillia multitentaculata, floating docks of Friday Harbor Marine laboratories, size 7 mm
bell margin showing two types of tentacles