Eudoxoides spiralis
Muggiaea kochii (Will, 1844) (Siphonophorae, Calycophorae, Diphydae), nectophore; size up to 7 mm, quite frequent in the Mediterranean. The author has granted permission to MarBEF/VLIZ to use this picture in ERMS and related biological databases hosted at VLIZ. Source: http://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/mhng/hydrozoa/hydrozoa-directory.htm
16.07.2010 - Beach of Ondres-Plage (Aquitaine, France). This specimen has been stranded on the beach, and will eventually die.
Portugese oorlogsschepen in de vloedlijn op het strand van Wilsons Promontory, Australië (2005)
Another Portuguese man of war colony stranded on a beach; the float is still filled with gas, but the tentacles are disintegrating
Portugees oorlogscchip, Physalia physalis, Portuguese man o' war
Picture by Peter Bryant (University of California at Irvine). Collected by a shallow plankton net trawled off Dana Point, Orange County, CA.
Picture by Peter Bryant (University of California at Irvine). Collected by a shallow plankton net trawled off Dana Point, Orange County, CA.
Picture by Peter Bryant (University of California at Irvine). Collected by a shallow plankton net trawled off Dana Point, Orange County, CA.
Picture by Peter Bryant (University of California at Irvine). Collected by a shallow plankton net trawled off Dana Point, Orange County, CA.
Picture by Peter Bryant (University of California at Irvine). Collected by a shallow plankton net trawled off Dana Point, Orange County, CA.
Sechelt Inlet, British Columbia. Total length 25 cm.
This appears to be the same individual as is shown in the other image by this photographer, but turned sideways (and possibly enhanced?)
Siphonophore photographed in Cala Montgo, Costa Brava, Spain.
Forskalia edwardsii Koelliker, 1853 (Siphonophorae, Forskaliidae) from the Mediterranean (Villefranche-sur-Mer), magnification of siphosome showing two gastrozooids with their branched tentacles (tentillae).
Crete (Greece)
Crete (Greece)
from Lindsay, D.J., Umetsu, M., Grossmann, M.M., Miyake, H. and Yamamoto, H. 2015. The gelatinous macroplankton community at the Hatoma Knoll hydrothermal vent. in Ishibashi, J., Okino, K. and Sunamura, M. Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Global Hydrothermal Systems; TAIGA Concept. Springer, Japan. Chapter 51, 639–666. DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54865-2_51
Coryne eximia Allman, 1859 (Anthomedusae, Corynidae) from Roscoff, Brittany, height about 2 cm. This species produces a medusa and was thus formerly included in the genus Sarsia. The author has granted permission to MarBEF/VLIZ to use this picture in ERMS and related biological databases hosted at VLIZ. Source: http://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/mhng/hydrozoa/hydrozoa-directory.htm