
Distribution ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by INBio
Distribucion en Costa Rica: De 0 a 1800 m en ambas faldas de las cordilleras de Guanacaste, Tilarán, Volcánica Central y Talamanca, tierras bajas del Caribe, llanuras de Sarapiquí, San Carlos, Tortuguero, Zona Norte, bosque tropical seco, Península de Nicoya, Valle Central, Pacífico Central y Sur, Península de Osa.

San José: Bajo de la Hondura (1260 m) 10 04 N 83 59 W, Est. Carrillo (700 m) 10 09 45 N 83 56 15 W, Cerro El Espino (1800 m), Hda. El Rodeo (800) 9 55 N 84 17 W, Santa Rosa de Puriscal (700 m) 9 42 40 N 84 23 10 W, Alajuela: Peñas Blancas (820 m) 10 18 30 N 84 43 10 W, La Garita (450 m) 9 57 N 84 22 W, Caño Negro (20 m) 10 50 10 N 84 50 02 W, Heredia: Quebrada Molinete (400 m) 10 12 N 83 54 W, El Plástico (550 m) 10 18 N 84 04 W, La Virgen (500 m) 10 20 00 N 84 05 00 W, Est. La Selva (50 m) 10 26 N 84 02 W, Puntarenas: Fila Esquinas (200 m) 8 45 11 N 83 19 15 W, Cabo Blanco (10 - 100 m) 9 39 00 N 85 04 40 W, Quebrada Bonita (0 - 100 m) 9 46 25 N 84 36 35 W, Sirena (0 - 100 m) 8 27 50 N 83 35 00 W, Punta Banco (0 m) 8 22 03 N 83 08 53 W, Guanacaste: Hda. Santa María (830 m) 10 46 N 85 18 W, Las Pailas (800 m) 10 47 10 N 85 21 15 W, El Hacha (617 m) 11 00 N 85 33 W, Abangares (100 m) 10 15 N 85 00 W, Maritza (600 m) 10 57 35 N 85 29 35 W, Santa Rosa (300 m) 10 50 11 N 85 36 55 W, Hda Comelco (100m) 10 32 N 85 19 W, Barra Honda (50 m) 10 09 03 N 85 21 30 W, Palo Verde (10 m) 10 21 N 85 21 W, Limón: Hitoy Cerere (100 m) 9 40 30 N 83 01 20 W, Amubri (70 m) 9 30 42 N 82 57 20 W, Río Sardina (20 m) 10 38 38 N 83 44 10 W
Distribucion General: Desde el Sur de los Estados Unidos, Neotrópico.

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Trophic Strategy ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by INBio
Los adultos visitan las flores de Lantana camara y Cissus rhombifolia.
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Associations ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by INBio
Planta hospedera: Passiflora vitifolia Kunth (Passifloraceae).
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Life Cycle ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Huevos: de color amarillo pálido, solitarios.

Larva en quinto estadio: cápsula de la cabeza de color marrón pálido, con puntitos variables de color negro y rojo. Cuerpo multicolor, el cuerpo de color marrón claro con parches en el dorso variables de color rojo y marrón oscuro, con finas líneas negras, el dorso esta cubierto de largas espinas negras y tres pares de espinas blancas.

Pupa: de color marrón oscuro, con el cremaster y los espiráculos marrón oscuro, los parches alares fuertemente arqueados, con una muesca entre el abdomen y el tórax. El cuerpo de la pupa presenta puntos reflexivos de forma redondeada.

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Diagnostic Description ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by INBio
Amplitud alar: de 41 a 45 mm. Sexos similares.

Ala anterior de color anaranjado con línea gruesa transversal de color negro, del extremo de la celda discal al margen costal, margen distal negro. Ala posterior de color anaranjado con borde del margen distal de color negro, en el margen costal una franja de color amarillo paja.

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Diagnostic Description ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by INBio
Localidad del tipo:
Depositario del tipo:
Recolector del tipo:
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Isidro Chacon
Museo Nacional de Costa Rica
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Habitat ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by INBio
Bordes de bosque, bosques secundarios, caminos bordeados de bosques secundarios.
INBio, Costa Rica
Isidro Chacon
Museo Nacional de Costa Rica
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North American Ecology (US and Canada)

provided by North American Butterfly Knowledge Network
Dryas iulia is mostly migratory into North America, rarely as far north as Neb. It is resident in the southern tip of Tex. and Fla. and ranges down to Paraguay and into the Antilles and Bahamas (Scott 1986). Habitats are subtropical open sunny forest clearings. Host plants are usually vines in North America restricted to Passiflora lutea glabrifora (Passifloraceae), but uses other Passiflora species in Latin America. Eggs are laid on the host plant singly. There are multiple flights all year in s. Tex. and s. Fla. (Scott 1986).
Leslie Ries
Leslie Ries


provided by North American Butterfly Knowledge Network
Adults sip flower nectar (esp. blue and red flowers), males also often sip mud. Males patrol for females (Scott, 1986).
Leslie Ries
Leslie Ries

Dryas iulia ( Asturian )

provided by wikipedia AST
Artículu revisáu

Dryas iulia ye una especie de lepidópteru perteneciente a la familia Nymphalidae. Ye l'únicu miembru del xéneru Dryas.[1]


Les sos ales tienen una forma allargada y color anaranxáu con estrechos marxes negros. Les femes tienen un tonu más escuru que los machos. Los güevos son de color mariellu-llimón. N'estáu llarval despide sustancies químiques tóxiques pa los sos predadores. La gata desenvuélvese sobre especies de Passiflora.

Distribúise dende'l sur d'Estaos Xuníos hasta Paraguái. [2][3]




  • Castroviejo, Santiago; Ibáñez, Alicia, eds. (2005). Estudios sobre la biodiversidad de la región de Bahía Honda (Veraguas, Panamá). Editorial CSIC - CSIC Press.
  • Scott, James (1992). The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford University Press. ISBN 9780804720137. The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford University Press. ISBN 9780804720137.
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Dryas iulia: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

provided by wikipedia AST
Artículu revisáu

Dryas iulia ye una especie de lepidópteru perteneciente a la familia Nymphalidae. Ye l'únicu miembru del xéneru Dryas.

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Mantell felyngoch ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Glöyn byw sy'n perthyn i'r genws Dryas yn urdd y Lepidoptera yw mantell felyngoch, sy'n enw benywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy mentyll melyngoch; yr enw Saesneg yw Julia neu The Flame, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Dryas iulia (neu wedi'i gamsillafu weithiau fel: Dryas julia[1]) [2][3]. Fe'i canfyddir ym Mrasil, Texas a Florida ac yn ystod yr haf fe'i welir mewn cynefinodd mor bell i'r de â dwyrain Nebraska.

Glöyn wedi'i fframio.
Chwith: o'r top; dde: gwaelod - MHNT

Ceir dros 15 o isrywogaethau (gweler isod).

Mae'n löyn mawr, gyda lled yr adenydd ar ei eithaf rhwng 82 a 92 mm. Mae'r lliw oren yn fwy llachar yn y gwryw na'r fenyw. Yn wahanol i lawer o loynnod, caiff lonydd gan adar. Gan ei fod yn effro yn ystod y dydd a fod ganddo oes hir, mae'n eitha cyffredin ei wedi mewn adeiladau gloynnod e.e. Pili Palas.


Mae'r Fantell felyngoch yn hoff iawn o ymylon coedwigoedd, llennyrch a llwybrau cerdded. Mae'n chwim iawn ar ei adain. Prif fwyd y siani flewog ydy mathau o Passiflora.


Yn nhrefn yr wyddor:[4]

  • D. i. alcionea (Cramer, 1779)
  • D. i. carteri (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. delila (Fabricius, 1775)
  • D. i. dominicana (Hall, 1917)
  • D. i. framptoni (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. fucatus (Boddaert, 1783)
  • D. i. iulia (Fabricius, 1775)
  • D. i. lucia (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. largo Clench, 1975
  • D. i. martinica Enrico & Pinchon, 1969
  • D. i. moderata (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. nudeola (Bates, 1934)
  • D. i. warneri (Hall, 1936)
  • D. i. zoe Miller & Steinhauser, 1992

Oriel luniau


Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnwys mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd.

Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae'r fantell felyngoch yn lindysyn sy'n bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.

Gweler hefyd

Comin Wikimedia
Mae gan Gomin Wikimedia
gyfryngau sy'n berthnasol i:


  1. 1.0 1.1 Lamas, G. (editor) (2004). Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. ISBN 978-0-945417-28-6
  2. Gwefan Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Adalwyd ar 29 Chwefror 2012.
  3. Geiriadur enwau a thermau ar Wefan Llên Natur. Adalwyd 13/12/2012.
  4. Dryas, funet.fi; adalwyd 18 Hydref
  • Butterflies and Moths of North America (BMNA) [2008]: Julia Heliconian. Retrieved 2008-AUG-14.
  • Miller, L. D. & Miller, J. Y. (2004): The Butterfly Handbook: 115. Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York. ISBN 0-7641-5714-0
Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
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wikipedia CY

Mantell felyngoch: Brief Summary ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Glöyn byw sy'n perthyn i'r genws Dryas yn urdd y Lepidoptera yw mantell felyngoch, sy'n enw benywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy mentyll melyngoch; yr enw Saesneg yw Julia neu The Flame, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Dryas iulia (neu wedi'i gamsillafu weithiau fel: Dryas julia) . Fe'i canfyddir ym Mrasil, Texas a Florida ac yn ystod yr haf fe'i welir mewn cynefinodd mor bell i'r de â dwyrain Nebraska.

 src= Glöyn wedi'i fframio.
Chwith: o'r top; dde: gwaelod - MHNT

Ceir dros 15 o isrywogaethau (gweler isod).

Mae'n löyn mawr, gyda lled yr adenydd ar ei eithaf rhwng 82 a 92 mm. Mae'r lliw oren yn fwy llachar yn y gwryw na'r fenyw. Yn wahanol i lawer o loynnod, caiff lonydd gan adar. Gan ei fod yn effro yn ystod y dydd a fod ganddo oes hir, mae'n eitha cyffredin ei wedi mewn adeiladau gloynnod e.e. Pili Palas.

Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
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wikipedia CY

Dryas iulia ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
Falter schlüpft aus Puppe

Dryas iulia, zuweilen auch als Fackel oder Julia bezeichnet, ist ein Schmetterling (Tagfalter) aus der Familie der Edelfalter (Nymphalidae). Im englischen Sprachgebrauch wird die Art u. a. als Julia Butterfly, The Flame oder Orange Long Wing bezeichnet.



Die Flügelspannweite der Falter beträgt 82 bis 92 Millimeter.[1] Die Vorderflügel sind lang und schmal und haben eine leuchtend orange Farbe, die bei den Weibchen etwas blasser und dunkler ausfällt. Der Apex ist schwarz. Zuweilen quert ein schwarzer Streifen den Vorderflügel. Dieser Streifen kann auch nur teilweise vorhanden sein oder gänzlich fehlen. Die Hinterflügel sind ebenfalls orange gefärbt und im Verhältnis zu den Vorderflügeln deutlich kleiner. Der schwärzliche Flügelrand ist leicht gewellt. Die Flügelunterseiten sind hellbraun bis blass orange gefärbt und mit einigen schwach ausgebildeten dunkleren Flecken versehen.

Ei, Raupe, Puppe

Das Ei ist zunächst zitronengelb und nimmt später eine orange oder bräunlich gesprenkelte Farbe an. Die Eier werden einzeln an Blättern abgelegt.[2]

Ausgewachsene Raupen haben eine grau rosa bis schwärzliche Grundfarbe, von der sich einige helle Flecke und ein unterbrochener weißlicher Seitenstreifen abheben. Sie sind auf der gesamten Körperlänge mit langen, stark verzweigten, dunklen Dornen bestückt. Diese rufen nach einer Berührung beim Menschen Hautreizungen hervor.[2]

Die Puppe ist graubraun gefärbt und mit kleinen silbrig glänzenden Flecken auf dem Sattel versehen.[3] Sie ist als Stürzpuppe ausgebildet und ahmt ein vertrocknetes Blatt nach (Mimese).

Verbreitung und Vorkommen

Das Verbreitungsgebiet der Art erstreckt sich von den US-Bundesstaaten Texas und Florida weiter südlich über Mittelamerika bis nach Bolivien und den Norden Brasiliens. Sie kommt insbesondere auch auf vielen Inseln der Karibik vor, u. a. auf Kuba, den Bahamas, Dominica, St. Lucia und Martinique. Dryas iulia besiedelt bevorzugt tropische und subtropische Wälder.[2]


Die Falter fliegen in fortlaufenden Generationen. Sie saugen gerne an Blüten oder feuchten Stellen am Boden. Die Raupen leben einzeln und ernähren sich von den Blättern verschiedener Passionsblumengewächse (Passifloraceae), insbesondere von Passiflora lutea var. glabriflora.[2]


Es werden 14 Unterarten unterschieden.[4]

  • Dryas iulia iulia (Fabricius, 1775)
  • Dryas iulia fucatus (Boddart, 1783)
  • Dryas iulia delila (Fabricius, 1775)}
  • Dryas iulia alcionea (Cramer, 1779)
  • Dryas iulia dominicana (Hall, 1917)
  • Dryas iulia framptoni (Riley, 1926)
  • Dryas iulia lucia (Riley, 1926)
  • Dryas iulia carteri Riley, 1926
  • Dryas iulia moderata (Riley, 1926)
  • Dryas iulia nudeola (Bates, 1934)
  • Dryas iulia warneri (Hall, 1936)
  • Dryas iulia martinica Enrico & Pinchon, 1969
  • Dryas iulia largo Clench, 1975
  • Dryas iulia zoe Miller & Steinhauser, 1992



  1. Butterflies and Moths of North America
  2. a b c d James A. Scott: The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1986, ISBN 0-8047-2013-4, S. 339/340
  3. Puppe bei Bugguide
  4. Lepidoptera and some other life forms. Markku Savela, abgerufen am 18. Oktober 2015.


  • James A. Scott (1986). The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-2013-4, S. 339/340


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Dryas iulia: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
 src= Flügelunterseite  src= Raupe  src= Falter schlüpft aus Puppe

Dryas iulia, zuweilen auch als Fackel oder Julia bezeichnet, ist ein Schmetterling (Tagfalter) aus der Familie der Edelfalter (Nymphalidae). Im englischen Sprachgebrauch wird die Art u. a. als Julia Butterfly, The Flame oder Orange Long Wing bezeichnet.

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தீச்சுடர் வரியன் ( Tamil )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

தீச்சுடர் வரியன் (Dryas iulia, (பிழையாக "julia" என அழைக்கப்படுவதுண்டு)[1] பொதுவான ஆங்கிலப் பெயர்கள்: Julia Butterfly, Julia Heliconian, The Flame, Flambeau) என்பது வரியன்கள் குடும்ப பட்டாம்பூச்சியாகும். ரையாஸ் பேரினத்தை தனியாக பிரதிநிதித்துவப்படுத்தும் இது பிரேசில் முதல் தென் டெக்சஸ், புளோரிடா வரையான இடங்களுக்குரியது. ஆயினும் கோடையில் இதனை சிலவேளைகளில் வட, கிழக்கு நெப்ராஸ்கா பகுதிகளிலும் காணலாம். 15 இற்கு மேற்பட்ட துணையினங்கள் விபரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Lamas, G. (editor) (2004). Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea – Papilionoidea. ISBN 978-0-945417-28-6
  • Butterflies and Moths of North America (BMNA) (2008). Julia Heliconian. Retrieved 2008-AUG-14.
  • Miller, L. D. & Miller, J. Y. (2004). The Butterfly Handbook: 115. Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York. ISBN 0-7641-5714-0


 src= பொதுவகத்தில் Dryas julia பற்றிய ஊடகங்கள்  src= விக்கியினங்களில் Dryas (Nymphalidae) பற்றிய தரவுகள்

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

தீச்சுடர் வரியன்: Brief Summary ( Tamil )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

தீச்சுடர் வரியன் (Dryas iulia, (பிழையாக "julia" என அழைக்கப்படுவதுண்டு) பொதுவான ஆங்கிலப் பெயர்கள்: Julia Butterfly, Julia Heliconian, The Flame, Flambeau) என்பது வரியன்கள் குடும்ப பட்டாம்பூச்சியாகும். ரையாஸ் பேரினத்தை தனியாக பிரதிநிதித்துவப்படுத்தும் இது பிரேசில் முதல் தென் டெக்சஸ், புளோரிடா வரையான இடங்களுக்குரியது. ஆயினும் கோடையில் இதனை சிலவேளைகளில் வட, கிழக்கு நெப்ராஸ்கா பகுதிகளிலும் காணலாம். 15 இற்கு மேற்பட்ட துணையினங்கள் விபரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

Dryas iulia

provided by wikipedia EN

Dryas iulia (often incorrectly spelled julia),[1] commonly called the Julia butterfly, Julia heliconian, the flame, or flambeau, is a species of brush-footed (or nymphalid) butterfly. The sole representative of its genus Dryas,[2] it is native from Brazil to southern Texas and Florida, and in summer can sometimes be found as far north as eastern Nebraska. Over 15 subspecies have been described.

Its wingspan ranges from 82 to 92 mm, and it is colored orange (brighter in male specimens) with black markings; this species is somewhat unpalatable to birds and belongs to the "orange" Mullerian mimicry complex.[3]

This butterfly is a fast flier and frequents clearings, paths, and margins of forests and woodlands. It feeds on the nectar of flowers, such as lantanas (Lantana) and shepherd's-needle (Scandix pecten-veneris), and the tears of caiman, the eye of which the butterfly irritates to produce tears.[4] Its caterpillar feeds on leaves of passion vines, including Passiflora affinis and yellow passionflower (P. lutea) in Texas.

Its mating behavior is complex and involves a prolonged courtship whose outcome appears to be controlled by the female. This raises questions pertaining to the occurrence of the evolution of sexual conflict.[5]

The species is popular in butterfly houses because it is long-lived and active throughout the day. However, the caterpillars are spiky and may cause a skin rash.[6]


D. iulia is characterized by elongated orange wings with black wing markings that vary by subspecies. Black markings are mainly located near the wing tips. Male Julia butterflies can be identified by their brighter orange color, compared to the duller orange exhibited by females .[6] Images of many Julia butterfly subspecies can be found at the bottom of the page.


D. iulia is common in the tropical and subtropical areas of North, Central, and South America. In South America, throughout countries like Brazil, Ecuador, and Bolivia, the Julia butterfly is commonly distributed. The butterfly is also widespread throughout a number of the Caribbean islands, with endemic subspecies located in Cuba, Dominica, the Bahamas, and Puerto Rico, among others. Moving further north, the species can be commonly witnessed in Central America up into Texas and Florida (and can occasionally be found to move into the Nebraska area during the summer).[6] The geographic distribution of D. iulia overlaps with the ranges of other butterflies which sometimes leads to conflict. For example, the ranges of D. iulia and the gulf fritillary overlap; in some cases, gulf fritillaries can sometimes be subjected to competition and fighting from Dryas iulia moderata when the two species have breeding populations in similar areas and within the same geographic range.[7]


D. iulia prefer open, sunny breaks in the subtropical and tropical forests it inhabits. The butterfly is also common in open areas such as gardens, cattle grazing lands, and forest clearings, due to human impact.[8] D. iulia can be found on a few main hostplants (or shrubs in Latin America) including the passion vine of the family Passifloraceae.[6]


D. iulia flights take place throughout the year in southern Florida and southern Texas, but especially during the fall. The butterfly in its U.S. range has been seen to occasionally migrate as far north as Nebraska. However, south of its United States range, the Julia butterfly generally does not migrate. The butterfly's flight pattern can be fast or slow, and is usually seen around the middle story of their forest habitat.[6]

Food resources

Attribution: amalavida.tv
Two Julia butterflies drinking tears from turtles in Ecuador

D. iulia larvae feed on Passiflora plants almost exclusively, specifically those of subgenuses Astrophea (also known as Passiflora), Polyanthea, Tryphostemmatoides, and Plectostemma.[6]

As adults, male and females feed differently based on their reproductive needs. As mentioned further down, males engage in mud-puddling behavior in order to gain valuable minerals for their spermatophores. They have also been seen to agitate the eyes of caimans and turtles in order to produce tears that the butterflies can drink.[9] [10] Observations of this from points 1500 km apart, were probably the first time scientific observations were coordinated via films broadcast on terrestrial television.

Females, meanwhile, besides visiting certain flower species for their nectar – like Lantana and Eupatorium (as both male and female D. iulia butterflies do) – also use pollen from flowers to gain nutrients needed for egg production.[11]

Hostplant coevolutionary strategies

Passiflora vines and D. iulia (among other Heliconian butterflies) have shown strong evidence of coevolution, as the butterflies attempt to gain better survival for their laid eggs and the plants attempt to stop their destruction from larval feeding. Many members of the genus Passiflora have evolved to produce very tough, thick leaves that are hard to break down by the caterpillars. Some Passiflora vines have gone further by producing small leaves that look like a perfect place for the butterflies to lay eggs, but break off at the stem within a few days, carrying the D. iulia eggs with them. Other Passiflora vines actually mimic eggs of the butterfly species that use it as a hostplant, so that a passing butterfly thinks the plant already has eggs on it and consequently does not oviposit. The butterflies have thus evolved to be more discerning in their egg placement, and better able to detect strategies used by their host plant, the Passiflora[12]

Mud-puddling behavior

Mud-puddling is a peculiar social behavior engaged in by a number of butterfly species, including D. iulia. It involves male butterflies crowding around damp ground in order to drink dissolved minerals through a process of water filtration. During copulation, the male butterfly uses minerals in his spermatophore, which must be replenished before the following mating. When a male finds a suitable spot for the behavior, other males can quickly join and hundreds of butterflies may become attracted to the site. Multiple species may join the group, but the butterflies do not evenly distribute between species. Instead, D. iulia and others usually remain near members of their own species.[13]

Protective coloration

D. iulia butterflies are part of the “orange” Mullerian mimicry complex, one of the similar Heliconian species that employ this protective tactic. Passifloracae, the primary food source of D. iulia caterpillars, contains trace amounts of cyanide. This has led to the development of cyanogenic glycosides that make the butterfly unpalatable to its predators, which come from a mixture of storage from their hostplant and larval synthesis. The mimicry in D. iulia involves other butterfly species having evolved to look similar to the Julia butterfly in order to convey their presumed unpalatability.[14]

D. iulia caterpillar with spikes

Life history


Julia butterfly eggs tend to be a light yellow color when laid, which turns to a darker orange or brown shade before hatching. Each of the butterfly's eggs are separately laid onto new leaf tendrils of its host plant, usually the passionflower vine.[6]

The egg of the butterfly measures about 1.2 mm in height and 1.0 mm in diameter. They have approximately 20 vertical ridges and 13 horizontal ridges.[8]


D. iulia emerging from its pupa

D. iulia caterpillars eat slots into the leaves of their hostplant once they emerge from their egg. However, they do not have nests in their hostplants. They instead use the remaining part of the leaf as a protected area to rest on.

The caterpillars of the Julia butterfly have pink, gray, and black coloration throughout their body with maroon and cream patches. Long, branched, black spines also cover their entire body. A cream-colored, inverted Y-shaped mark can be seen on the front of the caterpillar's head.

Larvae emit noxious chemicals in their larval stage because of the trace cyanide in their hostplant. This makes the larvae unpalatable to certain bird species, especially tanagers.[6]


D. iulia have five larval stages, and at the fifth the larva becomes a pupa. The pupa of the Julia butterfly is grayish white in color, and somewhat resembles a dead leaf.[6]


After emerging from their chrysalis, the male Julia butterfly spends the majority of its time looking for mates. At night, the butterfly roosts close to the ground, either in a small group or alone. D. iulia’s adult lifespan lasts for less than a month.[6]


Courtship behavior

Courtship behavior in D. iulia involves a very specific sequence of steps that can be categorized into three sequential phases: an aerial phase, an air-ground phase, and a ground phase.[5] The observed courtship steps are outlined in detail below:

First, the male D. iulia approaches the female from behind. Then, the female takes flight, with the male flying in front of and above the female. This position is taken by the male so that the female can smell the male's scent scales and become sexually stimulated. Next, the female attempts to fly higher than the male, which can be seen as an anti-copulatory behavior, before landing. After that, the male D. iulia continues to beat his wings above and in front of the female, while both face the same direction. The female butterfly then opens and vibrates her hind wings and front wings. Her hind wings are fully opened while her forewings are only partially so. At the same time, the female emits scent glands from her raised abdomen. The male then beats his wings behind and then in front of the female once again. If the female is satisfied by the courtship, she lowers her abdomen and shuts her wings in preparation for mating.[6]

Mating behavior

Mating can occur within two weeks of the Julia butterfly's exit from the chrysalis. As adults, male D. iulia spend the majority of their time searching for females to mate with. Females of this butterfly species can mate four times in their lifetime, which is unusual for female Heliconius butterflies who generally mate just once.[6]

Many mating behaviors in D. iulia are sex-specific, and can include receptive and non-receptive behaviors by the females of the species. Some female behaviors regarded as showing non-receptiveness include abdomen raising and overflight, in which the female attempts to fly higher than the male during the aerial phase of courtship. On the other hand, a female behavior such as shutting her wings has been found to be a key receptive behavior. For males, persistence did not seem to be a key driver of success, as behaviors performed by persistent males such as hovering over the female did not often lead to copulation.[5]

The inability of persistent males – meaning, those that carried on extended courtship behavior – to increase copulation has led to researchers theorizing female copulation acceptance as the primary determinant of successful copulation in D. iulia. For example, the only male behavioral acts found to be indicative of successful copulation occurred in response to signals of female receptiveness.[5]

Evolutionary basis of sexual selection and conflict

Julia butterfly copulation is always terminated by the males after the ground phase. The female remains at the mating site as the male flies away. This raises the idea of an evolutionary basis for this behavior based on a conflict of interests between males and females of the species. This conflict arises because of a difference in reproductive interests between the male and the female that has its beginnings in anisogamy. Sexual selection studies favor forms of sexual conflict such as this one to be one of the major sources of speciation in certain insects.[5]

The methods of mate selection (by which a female accepts or denies a male suitor) are not completely understood. Some studies have reported the sexual dimorphism (of color and body size) of the butterfly as a key factor that may suggest an evolutionary basis towards understanding sexual selection.[8] D. iulia male butterflies have been seen to chase females of butterfly species with similar visual cues, which has led researchers to believe that these visual recognition strategies form the basis of sexual partner selection in this species. However, more research is needed to identify how different aspects of D. iulia’s physical features factor into mate selection.[5]

Interaction with humans

When D. iulia are caterpillars, they can cause a skin rash on humans if touched. This is likely from the yellow liquid that is produced from the tips of the long, black spines that cover its body, which is emitted as a predator deterrent related to their cyanogenic glycosides[6]

Introduced invasiveness

D. iulia are commonly admired for their coloration. As a diurnal species of butterfly that is quite active during the day, Julia butterfly are often found in butterfly houses. One butterfly house in Phuket, Thailand, obtained Julia butterflies, specifically Dryas iulia moderata from an exporter butterfly farm in Costa Rica and released them during Buddhist ceremonies and weddings. The released butterflies have now colonized areas of Thailand and Malaysia and established a wild population. D. iulia are now too widespread in the region to eradicate.[15] They feed on invasive Passiflora species around its invasive range, usually Passiflora suberosa and sometimes Passiflora foetida.


Listed alphabetically:[16]

  • D. i. alcionea (Cramer, 1779) – (Suriname, Bolivia, Brazil)
  • D. i. carteri (Riley, 1926) – (Bahamas)
  • D. i. delila (Fabricius, 1775) – (Jamaica)
  • D. i. dominicana (Hall, 1917) – (Dominica)
  • D. i. framptoni (Riley, 1926) – (St. Vincent)
  • D. i. fucatus (Boddaert, 1783) – (Dominican Republic)
  • D. i. iulia (Fabricius, 1775) – (Puerto Rico)
  • D. i. lucia (Riley, 1926) – (St. Lucia)
  • D. i. largo Clench, 1975 – (Florida)
  • D. i. martinica Enrico & Pinchon, 1969 – (Martinique)
  • D. i. moderata (Riley, 1926) – (Mexico, Honduras, Ecuador)
  • D. i. nudeola (Bates, 1934) – (Cuba)
  • D. i. warneri (Hall, 1936) – (St. Kitts)
  • D. i. zoe Miller & Steinhauser, 1992 – (Cayman Islands)[17]


  1. ^ a b Lamas, G. (editor) (2004). Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea – Papilionoidea. ISBN 978-0-945417-28-6
  2. ^ JRG Turner 1967 The generic name of Papilio iulia Fabricius, sometimes called the Flambeau (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) Entomologist vol. 100 p. 8
  3. ^ Pinheiro, Carlos E. G. (1996): Palatability and escaping ability in Neotropical butterflies: tests with wild kingbirds (Tyrannus melancholicus, Tyrannidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 59(4): 351–365. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.1996.tb01471.x (HTML abstract)
  4. ^ Barkham, Patrick (6 April 2011). "The real butterfly effect – not chaos, but wonder". the Guardian.
  5. ^ a b c d e f Mega, Nicolás Oliveira; Araújo, Aldo Mellender de (2009). "Analysis of the mating behavior and some possible causes of male copulatory success in Dryas iulia alcionea (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae)". Journal of Ethology. 28 (1): 123–132. doi:10.1007/s10164-009-0163-y. S2CID 31479690.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Scott, James A. (1997). The butterflies of North America : a natural history and field guide. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. ISBN 978-0-8047-2013-7. OCLC 49698782.
  7. ^ Ross, Gary N.; Fales, Henry M.; Lloyd, Helen A.; Jones, Tappey; Sokoloski, Edward A.; Marshall-Batty, Kimberly; Blum, Murray S. (June 2001). "Novel Chemistry of Abdominal Defensive Glands of Nymphalid Butterfly Agraulis vanillae". Journal of Chemical Ecology. 27 (6): 1219–1228. doi:10.1023/A:1010372114144. PMID 11504024. S2CID 2815219.
  8. ^ a b c Brown, K S (1981-01-01). "The Biology of Heliconius and Related Genera". Annual Review of Entomology. 26 (1): 427–457. doi:10.1146/annurev.en.26.010181.002235. ISSN 0066-4170.
  9. ^ de la Rosa, Carlos L (2014-05-01). "Additional observations of lachryphagous butterflies and bees". Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 12 (4): 210. doi:10.1890/14.wb.006. ISSN 1540-9309.
  10. ^ JRG Turner, M Andrews, A McGregor "Drinking crocodile tears: the only use for a butterfly" - Antenna (Royal Entomological Society London) 1986, volume 10 (3) pages 119-120
  11. ^ "Butterflies of Amazonia – Dryas iulia". www.learnaboutbutterflies.com. Retrieved 2017-10-03.
  12. ^ Benson, WW; Brown, S Jr; Gilbert, LE (1975). "Coevolution of plants and herbivores". Evolution. 29 (4): 659–680. doi:10.2307/2407076. JSTOR 2407076. PMID 28563089.
  13. ^ Beck, Jan; Mühlenberg, Eva; Fiedler, Konrad (1999-04-01). "Mud-puddling behavior in tropical butterflies: in search of proteins or minerals?". Oecologia. 119 (1): 140–148. Bibcode:1999Oecol.119..140B. doi:10.1007/s004420050770. ISSN 0029-8549. PMID 28308154. S2CID 20103546.
  14. ^ Benson, Woodruff W. (1971). "Evidence for the Evolution of Unpalatability Through Kin Selection in the Heliconinae (Lepidoptera)". The American Naturalist. 105 (943): 213–226. doi:10.1086/282719. JSTOR 2459551. S2CID 84261089.
  15. ^ Burg, Noah A.; Pradhan, Ashman; Gonzalez, Rebecca M.; Morban, Emely Z.; Zhen, Erica W.; Sakchoowong, Watana; Lohman, David J. (2014-08-13). "Inferring the Provenance of an Alien Species with DNA Barcodes: The Neotropical Butterfly Dryas iulia in Thailand". PLOS ONE. 9 (8): e104076. Bibcode:2014PLoSO...9j4076B. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0104076. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 4132105. PMID 25119899.
  16. ^ Dryas iulia (Fabricius, 1775) at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms
  17. ^ R. R. Askew and P. A. van B. Stafford, Butterflies of the Cayman Islands (Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2008) ISBN 978-87-88757-85-9, pp. 62-65
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Dryas iulia: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Dryas iulia (often incorrectly spelled julia), commonly called the Julia butterfly, Julia heliconian, the flame, or flambeau, is a species of brush-footed (or nymphalid) butterfly. The sole representative of its genus Dryas, it is native from Brazil to southern Texas and Florida, and in summer can sometimes be found as far north as eastern Nebraska. Over 15 subspecies have been described.

Its wingspan ranges from 82 to 92 mm, and it is colored orange (brighter in male specimens) with black markings; this species is somewhat unpalatable to birds and belongs to the "orange" Mullerian mimicry complex.

This butterfly is a fast flier and frequents clearings, paths, and margins of forests and woodlands. It feeds on the nectar of flowers, such as lantanas (Lantana) and shepherd's-needle (Scandix pecten-veneris), and the tears of caiman, the eye of which the butterfly irritates to produce tears. Its caterpillar feeds on leaves of passion vines, including Passiflora affinis and yellow passionflower (P. lutea) in Texas.

Its mating behavior is complex and involves a prolonged courtship whose outcome appears to be controlled by the female. This raises questions pertaining to the occurrence of the evolution of sexual conflict.

The species is popular in butterfly houses because it is long-lived and active throughout the day. However, the caterpillars are spiky and may cause a skin rash.

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Dryas iulia ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

La mariposa flama (Dryas iulia) es una especie de lepidóptero perteneciente a la familia Nymphalidae. Es el único miembro del género Dryas.


Sus alas tienen una forma alargada y color anaranjado con estrechos márgenes negros. Las hembras tienen un tono más oscuro que los machos. Los huevos son de color amarillo-limón.[1]​ En estado larval despide sustancias químicas tóxicas para sus predadores. La oruga se desarrolla sobre especies de Passiflora.[2][3]

Se distribuye desde el sur de Estados Unidos hasta Paraguay.[2][1]



  1. a b Scott, 1992, p. 339.
  2. a b Castroviejo, 2005, p. 523.
  3. Scott, 1992, p. 73.


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Dryas iulia: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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La mariposa flama (Dryas iulia) es una especie de lepidóptero perteneciente a la familia Nymphalidae. Es el único miembro del género Dryas.

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Dryas iulia ( French )

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Dryas iulia, le Flambeau, unique espèce du genre Dryas, est un lépidoptère appartenant à la famille des Nymphalidae et à la sous-famille des Heliconiinae.



C'est un très grand papillon de couleur orange vif aux ailes bordées d'une fine ligne marron chez le mâle, d'une bande marron étroite aux postérieures plus large aux antérieures avec de plus une autre bande délimitant un triangle orange à l'apex chez la femelle.


La chenille est marron avec des marques blanches et rouges et des scolis noirs.


Période de vol et hivernation

Dryas julia vole toute l'année dans sa zone de résidence tropicale, et il peut migrer plus au nord durant l'été[1].

Plantes hôtes

Ses plantes hôtes sont des passiflores (Passiflora), Passiflora platyloba et Passiflora vitifolia, Passiflora lutea au Texas, Passiflora suberosa pour Dryas iulia moderata[2],[1],[3].

Écologie et distribution

Deux papillons flambeaux en train de boire les larmes de tortues.

Il réside dans le sud du Mexique, en Amérique centrale et aux Antilles[2]. Aux États-Unis il est résident en Floride et dans le sud du Texas et migrateur plus au nord (Nebraska)[1].


Son habitat est la forêt claire et les zones ouvertes, bords de rivières comme jardins fleuris[4].



Pour le genre
Alcionea (Rafinesque, 1815)
Colaenis (Hübner, 1819) [6]
Pour l'espèce
Papilio iulia (Fabricius, 1775) Protonyme[7]
Colaenis julia (Dyar, 1903) [8]
Papilio julia (Hemming, 1967) [9]
Dryas julia [10]
Dryas julia juncta Comstock[11]

Noms vernaculaires

Dryas iulia se nomme Flambeau en français, Julia en anglais[2],[12].


Sous-espèces [2],[11]
Synonymie pour cette sous-espèce
Colaenis iulia dominica Hall, 1917

Notes et références

  1. a b et c Butterflies and Moths of North America
  2. a b c et d funet
  3. mariposa mexicana Dryas iulia moderata
  4. Tree of life
  5. Hübner, [1807]; Samml. exot. Schmett. 1 : pl. [43], [44]
  6. Hübner, [1819]; Verz. bek. Schmett. (2): 32
  7. Fabricius, 1775; Syst. Ent.: 509
  8. Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52 : 12
  9. Hemming, 1967, Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.), Suppl.: 152
  10. Lewis, H. L., 1974; Butterflies of the World; (ISBN 0 245 52097 X)
  11. a et b inra : Dryas iulia
  12. learn about butterflies


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Dryas iulia: Brief Summary ( French )

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Dryas iulia, le Flambeau, unique espèce du genre Dryas, est un lépidoptère appartenant à la famille des Nymphalidae et à la sous-famille des Heliconiinae.

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Dryas iulia ( Italian )

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Dryas iulia (Fabricius, 1775)[1] è un lepidottero diurno appartenente alla famiglia Nymphalidae, unico rappresentante del genere Dryas Hübner, [1807], diffuso in America Settentrionale, Centrale e Meridionale.[2]


L'apertura alare va da 82 a 92 mm; le ali sono colorate nella gamma dell'arancione (più brillante nei maschi) con marcature nere. Questa specie, per ragioni non note, non risulta appetibile per gli uccelli e appartiene al mimetismo Batesiano arancione[3].



Questa farfalla può volare velocemente e frequenta foreste e terre boscate.


Si nutre del nettare di fiori come la lantana (Lantana) e l'acicula comune (Scandix pecten-veneris).

Beve le lacrime del caimano, di cui irrita l'occhio per farlo piangere[4]. Il suo bruco si nutre di foglie di passiflora.

Distribuzione e habitat

Si rinviene dal Brasile e dalla Bolivia fino al Texas meridionale e alla Florida; talora in estate raggiunge il Nebraska orientale.[2]


Ne sono state descritte quattordici sottospecie:[2]:

  • D. i. alcionea (Cramer, 1779)
  • D. i. carteri (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. delila (Fabricius, 1775)
  • D. i. dominicana (Hall, 1917)
  • D. i. framptoni (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. fucatus (Boddaert, 1783)
  • D. i. iulia (Fabricius, 1775)
  • D. i. lucia (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. largo (Clench, 1975)
  • D. i. martinica (Enrico & Pinchon, 1969)
  • D. i. moderata (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. nudeola (Bates, 1934)
  • D. i. warneri (Hall, 1936)
  • D. i. zoe (Miller & Steinhauser, 1992)
Due farfalle Iulia bevono le lacrime delle tartarughe in Ecuador


  1. ^ (EN) Lamas, G. (editor) (2004). Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. ISBN 978-0-945417-28-6
  2. ^ a b c (EN) Markku Savela, Dryas iulia, su Funet. URL consultato il 30 marzo 2015.
  3. ^ (EN) Pinheiro, Carlos E. G. (1996): Palatability and escaping ability in Neotropical butterflies: tests with wild kingbirds (Tyrannus melancholicus, Tyrannidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 59(4): 351–365. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.1996.tb01471.x (HTML abstract)
  4. ^ (EN) Patrick Barkham and Camilla Turner guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 6 April 2011, http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/apr/06/sensational-butterflies-natural-history-museum


  • (EN) Capinera, J. L. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Entomology, 4 voll., 2nd Ed., Dordrecht, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2008, pp. lxiii + 4346, ISBN 978-1-4020-6242-1, LCCN 2008930112, OCLC 837039413.
  • (EN) Kükenthal, W. (Ed.), Handbuch der Zoologie / Handbook of Zoology, Band 4: Arthropoda - 2. Hälfte: Insecta - Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies, in Kristensen, N. P. (a cura di), Handbuch der Zoologie, Fischer, M. (Scientific Editor), Teilband/Part 35: Volume 1: Evolution, systematics, and biogeography, Berlino, New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1999 [1998], pp. x + 491, ISBN 978-3-11-015704-8, OCLC 174380917.
  • (EN) Miller, L. D. & Miller, J. Y. (2004). The Butterfly Handbook: 115. Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York. ISBN 0-7641-5714-0
  • (EN) Stehr, F. W. (Ed.), Immature Insects, 2 volumi, seconda edizione, Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 1991 [1987], pp. ix, 754, ISBN 978-0-8403-3702-3, LCCN 85081922, OCLC 13784377.

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Dryas iulia: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Dryas iulia (Fabricius, 1775) è un lepidottero diurno appartenente alla famiglia Nymphalidae, unico rappresentante del genere Dryas Hübner, [1807], diffuso in America Settentrionale, Centrale e Meridionale.

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Oranje passiebloemvlinder ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De oranje passiebloemvlinder (Dryas iulia) is een vlinder uit de onderfamilie van de passiebloemvlinders (Heliconiinae) en de enige soort in geslacht Dryas. Het is een vormenrijke soort waarin meer dan een dozijn ondersoorten werden benoemd.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze soort komt algemeen voor van tropisch Zuid-Amerika en Midden-Amerika tot in het zuiden van de Verenigde Staten (zuiden van Texas en Florida).


De vlinder heeft een spanwijdte van 7,5-9,5 cm. De vlinders hebben lange, smalle voorste vleugels. Mannetjes zijn feloranjebruin van kleur en hebben een zwarte vlek op de voorste rand van de voorste vleugel. Vrouwtjes zijn valer gekleurd en missen de zwarte vlek. Aan de onderkant zijn de vlinders vaal oranjebruin van kleur met twee rode vlekken bij de vleugelbasis. Er zijn een aantal ondersoorten die verschillen in zowel intensiteit van de vleugelkleur als formaat afhankelijk van de biotoop


De vlinders voeden zich onder andere met nectar van Lantana camara. Waardplanten van de stekelige, lichtbruine rupsen zijn onder andere Passiflora biflora, Passiflora caerulea, Passiflora lutea en Passiflora vitifolia.


  • Dryas iulia iulia
    • = Dryas iulia juncta Comstock, 1944
  • Dryas iulia alcionea (Cramer, 1779)
    • = Colaenis iulia titio Stichel, [1908
  • Dryas iulia carteri Riley, 1926
  • Dryas iulia delila (Fabricius, 1775)
    • = Papilio cillene Cramer, 1779
  • Dryas iulia dominicana (Hall, 1917)
  • Dryas iulia framptoni (Riley, 1926)
  • Dryas iulia fucatus (Boddaert, 1783)
    • = Colaenis iulia hispaniola Hall, 1917
  • Dryas iulia juncta Comstock, 1944
  • Dryas iulia largo Clench, 1975
  • Dryas iulia lucia (Riley, 1926)
  • Dryas iulia martinica Enrico & Pinchon, 1969
  • Dryas iulia moderata (Riley, 1926)
  • Dryas iulia nudeola (Bates, 1934)
  • Dryas iulia warneri (Hall, 1936)
  • Dryas iulia zoe Miller & Steinhauser, 1992
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Oranje passiebloemvlinder: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De oranje passiebloemvlinder (Dryas iulia) is een vlinder uit de onderfamilie van de passiebloemvlinders (Heliconiinae) en de enige soort in geslacht Dryas. Het is een vormenrijke soort waarin meer dan een dozijn ondersoorten werden benoemd.

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Dryas iulia ( Norwegian )

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Dryas iulia er en sommerfugl som tilhører gruppen Heliconiini i den store familien flikvinger (Nymphalidae).


Dryas iulia alcionea
Dryas iulia dominicana

En nokså stor, svært smalvinget sommerfugl. Oversiden er oransje, ofte med et svart skråbånd i forvingen og mørke vingeytterkanter. Undersiden er gulbrun. Arten ligner mye på Dione juno og på flere av Eueides-artene, men er større og mer smalvinget enn disse.


Som vanlig for Heliconiini lever larvene på pasjonsblomster (Passiflora spp.).


Arten er utbredt i Mellom-Amerika, Vestindia og i Sør-Amerika øst for Andes, så langt sør som Uruguay.

Systematisk inndeling

Arten blir delt opp i en rekke underarter, listet under.



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Dryas iulia: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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Dryas iulia er en sommerfugl som tilhører gruppen Heliconiini i den store familien flikvinger (Nymphalidae).

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Dryas iulia ( Portuguese )

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Dryas iulia (erroneamente denominada Dryas julia, com "j", e conhecida popularmente por Julia, Flambeau[2] e, em português, Labareda[3] ou Borboleta-fogo-no-ar)[4] é uma borboleta neotropical da família Nymphalidae e subfamília Heliconiinae[1], nativa do sul dos Estados Unidos até o norte do Uruguai e Argentina.[5] É a única espécie do seu gênero (táxon monotípico). Foi classificada por Johan Christian Fabricius, com a denominação de Papilio iulia, em 1775.[1]


Indivíduos desta espécie possuem as asas longas e estreitas, com pouco mais de 80 milímetros de envergadura[4], e são de coloração laranja[6] ou amarelo escuro[7], vistos dorsalmente (por cima), com uma faixa amarronzada, mais ou menos pronunciada[8], cruzando a parte superior das asas anteriores e outra bem menor, formando um triângulo agudo, logo acima.[6] Apresentam leve dimorfismo sexual, com as fêmeas menores e mais escuras que os machos.[9][10] Vistos ventralmente (por baixo), apresentam padrão de folha seca, com ou sem manchas.[11]


Borboletas Dryas iulia geralmente são vistas voando em trilhas de florestas úmidas e decíduas, mas são comumente encontradas em áreas abertas e antrópicas, como clareiras florestais, pastagens, ao longo das margens dos rios e em jardins floridos. Se alimentam, muitas vezes coletivamente, de substâncias mineralizadas retiradas de pedras, do solo[12], de frutos[13], de animais, como jacarés ou crocodilos, e de substâncias retiradas de flores como a Lantana camara.[2][14]

Ovo, lagarta, crisálida e planta-alimento

Os ovos de Dryas iulia são colocados em plantas do gênero Passiflora (Maracujá) e são de coloração amarela a laranja-opaca. As suas larvas ou lagartas passam por cinco estágios.[5] Dryas iulia apresenta um dos padrões de coloração mais complexos e variáveis dentre as larvas de primeiro instar em Heliconiinae (BEEBE et al., 1960). A cápsula cefálica é marrom-amarelada, restante do corpo um pouco mais claro. Conteúdo intestinal, visível por transparência após a alimentação, gerando uma faixa marrom-esverdeada. Manchas brancas e faixas marrom escuras distribuídas pelo tórax e abdome. Cerdas da cápsula cefálica marrom-escuras na base e ápice translúcido. Cerdas do tórax e abdome pretas, com a base marrom-escura e porção terminal hialina.[5]. Em seu último estágio larvar, são de coloração predominantemente branca a creme, com listras negras, manchas avermelhadas na lateral, e com projeções espinescentes sobre a superfície.[15] Segundo Otero, elas são agressivas e canibais.[12] A crisálida não é uniforme em sua coloração, constituída por diversas tonalidades de marrom e cinza.[5] O ovo de Dryas iulia alcionea (Cramer, 1779) apresenta coloração amarela a laranja-opaca, com manchas marrons, próximo à eclosão. Subcilíndrico achatado na porção apical, a base pode ser mais afilada que o ápice. Dimensões (média ± erro padrão, n =10): 1,190 ± 0,018 mm e 0,873 ± 0,012 mm para altura e diâmetro, respectivamente. BEEBE et al. (1960) e BROWN (1981); Paim; Kaminski & Moreira (2004).


D. iulia possui catorze subespécies:[1]

  • Dryas iulia iulia - Descrita por Fabricius em 1775, de exemplar proveniente de Porto Rico ("America", na descrição).
  • Dryas iulia fucatus - Descrita por Boddaert em 1783, de exemplar proveniente da República Dominicana.
  • Dryas iulia delila - Descrita por Fabricius em 1775, de exemplar proveniente da Jamaica ("America", na descrição).
  • Dryas iulia alcionea - Descrita por Cramer em 1779, de exemplar proveniente do Suriname.
  • Dryas iulia dominicana - Descrita por Hall em 1917, de exemplar proveniente da Dominica.
  • Dryas iulia framptoni - Descrita por Riley em 1926, de exemplar proveniente de São Vicente e Granadinas.
  • Dryas iulia lucia - Descrita por Riley em 1926, de exemplar proveniente de Santa Lúcia.
  • Dryas iulia carteri - Descrita por Riley em 1926, de exemplar proveniente das Bahamas.
  • Dryas iulia moderata - Descrita por Riley em 1926, de exemplar proveniente de Honduras.
  • Dryas iulia nudeola - Descrita por Bates em 1934, de exemplar proveniente de Cuba.
  • Dryas iulia warneri - Descrita por Hall em 1936, de exemplar proveniente de São Cristóvão e Nevis.
  • Dryas iulia martinica - Descrita por Enrico & Pinchon em 1969, de exemplar proveniente da Martinica.
  • Dryas iulia largo - Descrita por Clench em 1975, de exemplar proveniente da Flórida (EUA).
  • Dryas iulia zoe - Descrita por Miller & Steinhauser em 1992, de exemplar proveniente das ilhas Cayman.

Diferenciação entre espécies

As borboletas Dryas iulia podem facilmente ser confundidas com a espécie Dione juno[16], da mesma subfamília, diferindo por sua maior envergadura, pelo padrão de manchas escuras das asas anteriores e por não apresentar as manchas em prata que esta última espécie apresenta, em baixo. Também podem ser confundidas com Eueides aliphera, sendo esta última menor e apresentando asas anteriores mais arredondadas, ou com Marpesia petreus, em voo.


  1. a b c d e f g Savela, Markku. «Dryas / Dryas iulia» (em inglês). Lepidoptera and some other life forms. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016
  2. a b c Hoskins, Adrian. «Julia, or Flambeau - Dryas iulia (Fabricius, 1775)» (em inglês). Learn about butterflies. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016
  3. SANTOS, Eurico (1985). Zoologia Brasílica, vol. 10. Os Insetos 2ª ed. [S.l.]: Itatiaia. p. 45. 244 páginas |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)
  4. a b PALO JR., Haroldo (2017). Butterflies of Brazil / Borboletas do Brasil, volume 2. Nymphalidae 1ª ed. São Carlos, Brasil: Vento Verde. p. 910-911. 1.728 páginas. ISBN 978-85-64060-10-4 |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)
  5. a b c d e Paim, Antonio C.; Kaminski, Lucas A.; Moreira, Gilson R. P. (Março de 2004). «Morfologia externa dos estágios imaturos de heliconíneos neotropicais: IV. Dryas iulia alcionea (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae. Iheringia, Sér. Zool. vol.94 no.1. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)
  6. a b MDS, Pablo (15 de julho de 2012). «Julia or Flambeau - Dryas iulia» (em espanhol). Flickr. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016
  7. Warren, Andrew; Stangeland, Mike; Davis, Kim (2009). «Dryas iulia nudeola, macho» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 22 de outubro de 2016 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)
  8. Warren, Andrew; Stangeland, Mike; Davis, Kim (2009). «Dryas iulia moderata, macho» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)
  9. «Dryas iulia alcionea (Cramer, 1779)» (em inglês). Lepidoptera Brasiliensis. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016
  10. Cubero, Rolando (2011). «Dryas iulia moderata» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016. ♀ ♂ COSTA RICA: Barva de Heredia, 1200m, 02-VIII-2011
  11. Warren, Andrew; Stangeland, Mike; Davis, Kim (2011). «Dryas iulia delila, fêmea» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)
  12. a b OTERO, Luiz Soledade; MARIGO, Luiz Claudio (1990). Borboletas. Beleza e comportamento de espécies brasileiras 1ª ed. [S.l.]: Marigo Comunicação Visual. p. 25. 128 páginas. ISBN 85-85352-01-9 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda); |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)
  13. Young, Brandy (21 de abril de 2013). «Julia - Dryas iulia» (em inglês). Flickr. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016
  14. Pustjens, Maartje (23 de junho de 2012). «Dryas iulia» (em inglês). Flickr. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016
  15. Cubero, Rolando (2011). «Dryas iulia moderata, lagarta» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de outubro de 2016. Last instar larva COSTA RICA: Barva de Heredia, 1200m, 05-XI-2011
  16. Hillermann, Wolfgang Walz (5 de janeiro de 2011). «Dryas - Dione juno // Quem não conhece pode confundir». Flickr. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de abril de 2017

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Dryas iulia: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT
 src= Fotografia de borboletas D. iulia retirando substâncias mineralizadas de um crocodilo-de-morelet, no México.

Dryas iulia (erroneamente denominada Dryas julia, com "j", e conhecida popularmente por Julia, Flambeau e, em português, Labareda ou Borboleta-fogo-no-ar) é uma borboleta neotropical da família Nymphalidae e subfamília Heliconiinae, nativa do sul dos Estados Unidos até o norte do Uruguai e Argentina. É a única espécie do seu gênero (táxon monotípico). Foi classificada por Johan Christian Fabricius, com a denominação de Papilio iulia, em 1775.

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Julia kelebeği ( Turkish )

provided by wikipedia TR

Julia kelebeği (Dyas iulia), fırça ayaklı kelebek türüdür. Dryas cinsinin tek temsilcisidir. Brezilya, Güney Teksas ve Florida'da, nadiren Kuzeydoğu Nebraska'da bulunurlar. Şu anda kadar 15 alttürü keşfedilmiştir.


Alfabetik sıraya göre dizilmiştir.[1]

  • D. i. alcionea (Cramer, 1779)
  • D. i. carteri (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. delila (Fabricius, 1775)
  • D. i. dominicana (Hall, 1917)
  • D. i. framptoni (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. fucatus (Boddaert, 1783)
  • D. i. iulia (Fabricius, 1775)
  • D. i. lucia (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. largo Clench, 1975
  • D. i. martinica Enrico & Pinchon, 1969
  • D. i. moderata (Riley, 1926)
  • D. i. nudeola (Bates, 1934)
  • D. i. warneri (Hall, 1936)
  • D. i. zoe Miller & Steinhauser, 1992


  1. ^ Dryas iulia, funet.fi
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Julia kelebeği: Brief Summary ( Turkish )

provided by wikipedia TR

Julia kelebeği (Dyas iulia), fırça ayaklı kelebek türüdür. Dryas cinsinin tek temsilcisidir. Brezilya, Güney Teksas ve Florida'da, nadiren Kuzeydoğu Nebraska'da bulunurlar. Şu anda kadar 15 alttürü keşfedilmiştir.

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Dryas iulia ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Dryas iulia là một loài bướm, đại diện duy nhất của chi bướm Dryas. Loài bướm này có nguồn gốc từ Brazil tới miền nam Texas và Florida, và vào mùa hè đôi khi có thể được tìm thấy xa về phía bắc đông Nebraska. Hơn 15 phân loài đã được miêu tả.

Sải cánh dài của loài bướm này đai khoảng 82–92 mm, và có màu cam (nhạt hơn trong các mẫu bướm đực) với những mảng màu đen; loài này là hơi khó chịu cho các loài chim và thuộc về tổ hợp bắt chước kiểu Bates "màu da cam".

Phân loài

Xếp theo alphabet.[2]

  • D. i. alcionea (Cramer, 1779) – (Surinam, Bolivia, Brazil)
  • D. i. carteri (Riley, 1926) – (Bahamas)
  • D. i. delila (Fabricius, 1775) – (Jamaica)
  • D. i. dominicana (Hall, 1917) – (Dominica)
  • D. i. framptoni (Riley, 1926) – (St. Vincent)
  • D. i. fucatus (Boddaert, 1783) – (Dominican Republic)
  • D. i. iulia (Fabricius, 1775) – (Puerto Rico)
  • D. i. lucia (Riley, 1926) – (St. Lucia)
  • D. i. largo Clench, 1975 – (Florida)
  • D. i. martinica Enrico & Pinchon, 1969 – (Martinique)
  • D. i. moderata (Riley, 1926) – (Mexico, Honduras, Ecuador)
  • D. i. nudeola (Bates, 1934) – (Cuba)
  • D. i. warneri (Hall, 1936) – (St. Kitts)
  • D. i. zoe Miller & Steinhauser, 1992 – (Cayman Islands)[3]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Lamas, G. (editor) (2004). Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. ISBN 978-0-945417-28-6
  2. ^ Dryas iulia, funet.fi
  3. ^ R. R. Askew and P. A. van B. Stafford, Butterflies of the Cayman Islands (Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2008) ISBN 978-87-88757-85-9, pp. 62-65

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Dryas iulia: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Dryas iulia là một loài bướm, đại diện duy nhất của chi bướm Dryas. Loài bướm này có nguồn gốc từ Brazil tới miền nam Texas và Florida, và vào mùa hè đôi khi có thể được tìm thấy xa về phía bắc đông Nebraska. Hơn 15 phân loài đã được miêu tả.

Sải cánh dài của loài bướm này đai khoảng 82–92 mm, và có màu cam (nhạt hơn trong các mẫu bướm đực) với những mảng màu đen; loài này là hơi khó chịu cho các loài chim và thuộc về tổ hợp bắt chước kiểu Bates "màu da cam".

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Dryas iulia ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Dryas.

Латинское название Dryas iulia Fabricius, 1775 Синонимы

Alcionea Rafinesque 1815
Colaenis Hübner 1819

[{{fullurl:wikispecies:{{{wikispecies}}}|uselang=ru}} Систематика
на Викивидах]

на Викискладе

ITIS 777976 NCBI 33453

Dryas iulia — бабочка из подсемейства Геликониды, семейства Нимфалиды. Единственный представитель рода Dryas. Описано более 15 подвидов.


Размах крыльев от 82 до 92 мм. Бабочки окрашены в оранжевый цвет (самцы — более яркие) с чёрными отметинами.

Dryas julia имеет высокую скорость полёта и часто посещает опушки лесов и лесистых местностей. Бабочек часто можно наблюдать на цветках, таких как Lantana и Scandix pecten-veneris. В Техасе гусеница питается на растениях из рода PassifloraPassiflora lutea, Passiflora affinis.

В Коста-Рике отмечено питание слёзами (лакрифагия) у бабочек Dryas iulia и пчёл рода Centris у крокодила Crocodylus acutus[1].


Ареал от Бразилии до южного Техаса и Флориды. Летом может мигрировать в северные регионы США.


  1. Carlos L de la Rosa. Additional observations of lachryphagous butterflies and bees (англ.) // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment : Журнал. — Washington, DC: Ecological Society of America, 2014. — Vol. 12, no. 4. — P. 210. — ISSN 1540-9295.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Dryas iulia: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Dryas iulia — бабочка из подсемейства Геликониды, семейства Нимфалиды. Единственный представитель рода Dryas. Описано более 15 подвидов.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

珠袖蝶 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Dryas iulia
(Fabricius, 1775)

珠袖蝶(学名:Dryas iulia)是珠袖蝶屬中的單型種,原生於由巴西德克薩斯州南部及佛羅里達州等地,且在夏季時,有時最北會至內布拉斯加州的西部。超過15個亞種已被描述。

它的翅展为82毫米至92毫米,顏色為橘色,雄蝶較亮,帶有黑色斑紋;此一物種有點不受鳥類喜愛,屬於貝式擬態的一種。(Pinheiro 1996)





  • Butterflies of North America (undated): Dryas iulia
  • Miller, L. D. & Miller, J. Y. (2004): The Butterfly Handbook: 115. Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; Hauppauge, New York. ISBN 0-7641-5714-0
  • Pinheiro, Carlos E. G. (1996): Palatablility and escaping ability in Neotropical butterflies: tests with wild kingbirds (Tyrannus melancholicus, Tyrannidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 59(4): 351–365. HTML abstract
 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:珠袖蝶  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:珠袖蝶


珠袖蝶: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

珠袖蝶(学名:Dryas iulia)是珠袖蝶屬中的單型種,原生於由巴西德克薩斯州南部及佛羅里達州等地,且在夏季時,有時最北會至內布拉斯加州的西部。超過15個亞種已被描述。

它的翅展为82毫米至92毫米,顏色為橘色,雄蝶較亮,帶有黑色斑紋;此一物種有點不受鳥類喜愛,屬於貝式擬態的一種。(Pinheiro 1996)



 src= 史密森尼國家動物園中的珠袖蝶。