This Asiatic Jackal, Canis aureus, was photographed in Thailand, as part of a research project utilizing motion-activated camera-traps.
You are invited to go WILD on Smithsonian's interactive website, Smithsonian WILD, to learn more about the research and browse photos like this from around the world.
siwild.si.edu/wild.cfm?fid=5176428391 "
This Asiatic Jackal, Canis aureus, was photographed in Thailand, as part of a research project utilizing motion-activated camera-traps.
You are invited to go WILD on Smithsonian's interactive website, Smithsonian WILD, to learn more about the research and browse photos like this from around the world.
siwild.si.edu/wild.cfm?fid=5176428417 "
This Asiatic Jackal, Canis aureus, was photographed in Thailand, as part of a research project utilizing motion-activated camera-traps.
You are invited to go WILD on Smithsonian's interactive website, Smithsonian WILD, to learn more about the research and browse photos like this from around the world.
siwild.si.edu/wild.cfm?fid=5176428445 "
This Asiatic Jackal, Canis aureus, was photographed in Thailand, as part of a research project utilizing motion-activated camera-traps.
You are invited to go WILD on Smithsonian's interactive website, Smithsonian WILD, to learn more about the research and browse photos like this from around the world.
siwild.si.edu/wild.cfm?fid=5177031364 "
Category hierarchy: Animals | MammalsDescription: A golden jackal walking along a dirt road that is surrounded by tall grasses.Capture device: Camera: Nikon Coolpix 8700Capture details: Lens: 8x Zoom NikkorOriginal date: 20041200Locality: Latitude: 2.297340000000000e+001; Longitude: 7.865689999999999e+001
Category hierarchy: Animals | MammalsDescription: Two golden jackals walking through grasses in direct sunlight. One of the golden jackals is leaving his mark.Capture device: Camera: Nikon Coolpix 8700Capture details: Lens: 8x Zoom NikkorOriginal date: 20041200Locality: Latitude: 2.297340000000000e+001; Longitude: 7.865689999999999e+001