Little is known about the lifespan of buffy flower bats, but many phyllostomids regularly live to 10 years in the wild.
Erophylla sezekorni were once considered to be predominantly nectarivorous, although they have cranial characteristics that are not as specialized as are most nectar feeding bats. They do possess characteristics similar to fruit-eating bats. It has been suggested that buffy flower bats are not as reliant on nectar as originally thought, but they do often eat nectar of guava plants. Buffy flower bats seem to eat a combination of nectar, fruit, and insects. They eat the fruits of Panama berry, elder, and turkey berry, with about 85 percent of these bats eating these fruits. Buffy flower bats also eat coleopterans when they can.
Animal Foods: insects
Plant Foods: fruit; nectar; pollen
Primary Diet: herbivore (Frugivore , Nectarivore )
Many plants rely on these bats to pollinate them such as agave, prickly-pear cacti, other cacti, wild calabash, and night-blooming jasmine. Nine species of ectoparasites are found on E. sezekorni. There are no known endoparasites.
Ecosystem Impact: pollinates
Buffy flower bats provide important ecosystem services through pollination. Humans benefit directly from their pollination of important food plants.
Positive Impacts: pollinates crops
There are no known adverse effects of buffy flower bats on humans.
Buffy flower bats are currently regarded as threatened, but habitat loss and roost disturbance are immediate concerns. Habitat loss may be a result of rising sea level and flooding of their roosts.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
Little is known about the communication and perception of buffy flower bats. They use echolocation to navigate at night. Given their food preferences, they are likely to use olfaction to find and identify nectar and fruit sources. Most mammals use chemical cues in communication.
Communication Channels: chemical
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; echolocation ; chemical
Erophylla sezekorni occurs in the Greater Antilles, including Jamaica and Cuba, some parts of the Bahamas, Caicos, and the Cayman Islands.
Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )
Other Geographic Terms: island endemic
Buffy flower bats live in subtropical and tropical forests, including pine woodlands. Their roosts are located in hot caves, where temperatures can range from 25 to 28 degrees Celsius (Soto-Centeno and Kurta, 2003). Roosts have been found to contain a few hundred to a few thousand individuals. These bats hang alone or bunched from cave walls and ceilings. Buffy flower bats have been found both in the inside portions of the hot caves where it is dark, as well as exterior where there is more light. Buffy flower bats tend to choose hot caves with only slight climate changes. It is thought that buffy flower bats may visit numerous caves throughout their home range (Goodwin, 1970). These animals have been detected from low to medium levels of elevation; they have been captured in dry washes from sea level to 100 meters elevation (Baker et al., 1978).
Range elevation: 0 to 100 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: forest
Other Habitat Features: caves
Buffy flower bats are medium-sized bats with a head and body length of 65 to 75 mm, and a tail length of 12 to 17 mm. They have a forearm length of 45 to 55 mm and weigh about 16 to 18 g. The upper body is a yellowish brown or buffy color, and lower body is a paler brown color. These animals have bicolored dorsal hairs, which are colorless near the body with the ends tipped a chestnut brown. The head and face is a paler brown color than the rest of the body, with the hairs shorter and unicolored. They have a long narrow nose with a small, but prominent notched noseleaf, which lies on a hairless nasal pad. They have simple ears that are about as broad as they are long. These ears include a tragus with notched edges. The lower lip of buffy flower bats has a split down the middle. They have a long, protractible tongue covered in papillae. The short tail projects past the interfemoral membrane. They have a calcar, helping distinguish them from other, similar species. The skull is defined by a well developed and complete zygomatic arch. The lower molars are cuspidate and include a distinct cutting edge. The dental formula is 2/2, 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, making a total of 32 teeth. They have an elongated rostrum with the nasal region being concave. Bats that live in hot caves, such as buffy flower bats, tend to have lower basal metabolic rate than other related species living in different environments. Two subspecies of E. sezekorni are recognized.
Range mass: 16 to 18 g.
Range length: 65 to 75 mm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike
Predators of buffy flower bats have not been reported. They are likely to be preyed on by nocturnal raptors, such as owls and climbing snakes, as are most bats. They roost in inaccessible places, are active at night, and are cryptically colored, reducing their overall risk of predation.
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
The mating system of buffy flower bats is most likely harem-polygyny. Single males are found with groups of females in roosts.
Mating System: polygynous
Buffy flower bats have one estrous cycle per year. The breeding season is restricted to between February and June. Most prenatal development takes place during the first months of the year, with parturition occurring in the early summer (Baker et. al.,1978). Females trapped in early and late February were found to bear small embryos, and females with well developed fetuses were trapped in April and May. Birth occurs in May and June. Females gather in maternity colonies to raise their young. The young start approaching adult size near August (Baker et. al., 1978). Like most bats, buffly flower bats bear a single offspring each year.
Breeding interval: Buffy flower bats breed once yearly.
Breeding season: Breeding occurs from late February to June.
Range number of offspring: 1 (low) .
Range gestation period: 3 to 5 months.
Average weaning age: 2 months.
Key Reproductive Features: seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous
Buffy flower bat newborns are born with their eyes open and ears partially erect. They are born naked, although most related phyllostomids possess fur at birth. The newborns have also been recorded to be smaller at birth than other phyllostomids. The small size of neonates is linked to the use of hot caves and lower basal metabolic rates, which slows the rate of development of embryos (Soto- Centeno and Kurta, 2003). Average body mass for newborn buffy flower bats is 4.6 g. They have an average forearm length of 24.0 mm. Newborns are about 23 to 25 percent of the maternal mass and about 44 to 48 percent of the mother’s length (Soto-Centeno and Kurta, 2003). At birth, neonates have pinkish skin and translucent patagia. They are dark brown under the skin on the head and dorsal part of the body. The canine teeth have already erupted at birth (Soto-Centeno and Kurta, 2003). After the young are born the mother licks the young clean and cuts through the umbilical cord. Females nurse their young until they reach independence, within about 2 months after birth.
Parental Investment: pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)
El ratpenat de les flors de Sezekorn (Erophylla sezekorni) és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels fil·lostòmids que viu les Bahames, les illes Cayman, Cuba i Jamaica.[1]
El ratpenat de les flors de Sezekorn (Erophylla sezekorni) és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels fil·lostòmids que viu les Bahames, les illes Cayman, Cuba i Jamaica.
Die Gelbbraune Blütenfledermaus (Erophylla sezekorni) ist eine Fledermausart aus der Familie der Blattnasen, welche auf den Bahamas und den Großen Antillen beheimatet ist. Die Art wurde nach Geheimrat Eduard Sezekorn (1796–1869) benannt, der den Holotypus dieser Art gesammelt hat.
Bis 2003 wurde die Braunstirn-Blütenfledermaus (Erophylla bombifrons) als eine Unterart der Gelbbraunen Blütenfledermaus angesehen, wird jedoch seither als eigene Art geführt.[1]
Die Gelbbraune Blütenfledermaus ist eine mittelgroße neotropische Fledermaus mit einer Kopf-Rumpf-Länge von 70 bis 75 mm und einem Gewicht von 15 bis 18 Gramm. Damit ist sie etwas größer als ihre Schwesterart Erophylla bombifrons. Sie besitzen einen Schwanz und ein rudimentäres Nasenblatt. Das Fell ist zweifarbig, etwa 8 mm lang mit Haaren, welche eine weißen Basis und eine kastanienbraunen Spitze aufweisen.
Über die Lebensweise der Gelbbraunen Blütenfledermaus ist relativ wenig bekannt. Sie ist wie die meisten Fledermäuse nachtaktiv und ernährt sich primär von Nektar und Pollen, jedoch auch von Früchten und Insekten. Diese Ernährungsweise macht sie zu einem wichtigen Samenverbreiter und Bestäuber vieler nachtblühender Pflanzen. Tagsüber hängen die Tiere in kleinen und relativ kühlen Höhlen in Gruppen von bis zu 650 Individuen, wobei die Geschlechter voneinander getrennt sind. Bekannte Fressfeinde von Erophylla sezekorni sind Schlankboas[2] und Schleiereulen[3].
Das Paarungssystem der Gelbbraunen Blütenfledermaus ist promiskuitiv, wobei sich sowohl die Männchen als auch die Weibchen mit mehreren Partnern verpaaren können. Während der Paarungszeit im November bis Januar besetzen die Männchen einzeln oder in kleinen Gruppen innerhalb der Kolonie kleine Territorien (ähnlich Leks) und balzen um die Weibchen. Dabei schlagen sie kopfüber hängend kräftig mit den Flügeln, fliegen kurze standardisierte Schleifen und produzieren spezielle Balzrufe im Ultraschallbereich. Die Männchen produzieren zudem in einer Drüse über dem Auge einen knoblauchartigen Duft, welcher wahrscheinlich ebenso zur Balz eingesetzt wird[4].
Nach einer Tragezeit von 4 bis 5 Monaten gebären die Weibchen meistens im frühen Sommer (Mai/Juni) ein einzelnes Jungtier, welches durchschnittlich 4,6 Gramm wiegt. Die Jungen kommen haarlos zur Welt, jedoch bereits mit sichtbaren Eckzähnen[5]. Im August erreichen die Jungtiere die Größe eines ausgewachsenen Individuums[6]. Wie bei den meisten Fledermäusen kümmern sich nur die Weibchen um die Jungtiere.
Die Gelbbraune Blütenfledermaus kommt auf den Bahamas, den Cayman Islands, sowie auf Kuba und Jamaika vor. Ihr Bestand wird von der IUCN als ungefährdet eingestuft.[7]
Die Gelbbraune Blütenfledermaus (Erophylla sezekorni) ist eine Fledermausart aus der Familie der Blattnasen, welche auf den Bahamas und den Großen Antillen beheimatet ist. Die Art wurde nach Geheimrat Eduard Sezekorn (1796–1869) benannt, der den Holotypus dieser Art gesammelt hat.
Bis 2003 wurde die Braunstirn-Blütenfledermaus (Erophylla bombifrons) als eine Unterart der Gelbbraunen Blütenfledermaus angesehen, wird jedoch seither als eigene Art geführt.
The buffy flower bat (Erophylla sezekorni) is a species of bat in the leaf-nosed bat family, Phyllostomidae. It is found in the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Cuba, and Jamaica.[2]
The buffy flower bat is considered a medium-sized bat, however, compared to those in its genus, it is a generally larger bat. Its hair has two colors on its body; the hairs closer to the body are white, while the distal hairs are brown. The head and face are covered in short, white hairs. Compared to other bats, it has a long snout which sharply rises into its forehead. The buffy flower bat is named after its flowery shaped nose.[3]
Little is known about the mating system of bats in the genus Erophylla; however, many of the ones that have been recorded have a harem mating system (where there is one male to a large number of females in a single roost). The buffy flower bat is considered unusual in that a similar number of males and females roost together. When it comes time for mating, which takes place in December, they create a section of the roost for displaying. The males will spend a few hours displaying. Displays are made while hanging from the ceiling. They flap their wings repeatedly: sometimes one at a time, sometimes together. They also display by doing very tight loops. Not all males display, though males that display have more children than males that do not display.[4] After mating, the gestation period lasts 4–6 months. In June, they give birth to liters of only one pup at a time, whom they breast feed until the end of August.[4][5]
The bats eat a combination of nectar, fruit, and insects, though fruit dominates their diet. Based on fecal droppings, it was found that 50% of the bats tested had eaten all three in a single night while the remaining ate only two of the three types of food. The insects eaten are primarily beetles, but also eat flies, bees and moths.[6]
The buffy flower bat is a primary host to a mite (Periglischrus cubanus), from the subclass Acari and the family Spinturnicidae. These mites are found on the wing membrane and feed on the bat's blood.[7] The parasites are passed from mother bat to baby bat while the pup is nursing. This is done by the parasite unlatching via hooks from the mother's wing membrane and falling onto the baby where it will latch on and feed off of its blood.
The buffy flower bat (Erophylla sezekorni) is a species of bat in the leaf-nosed bat family, Phyllostomidae. It is found in the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Cuba, and Jamaica.
Erophylla sezekorni» es una especie de murciélago de la familia Phyllostomidae. Es la única especie del género Erophylla. Es el único miembro del género monotípico Erophylla.
Se encuentra en Bahamas, Islas Caimán, Cuba y Jamaica.
Erophylla sezekorni» es una especie de murciélago de la familia Phyllostomidae. Es la única especie del género Erophylla. Es el único miembro del género monotípico Erophylla.
Erophylla sezekorni Erophylla generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Phyllonycterinae azpifamilia eta Phyllostomidae familian sailkatuta dago
Erophylla sezekorni Erophylla generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Phyllonycterinae azpifamilia eta Phyllostomidae familian sailkatuta dago
Erophylla sezekorni est une chauve-souris présente aux Bahamas, dans les îles Caïmans, à Cuba et en Jamaïque, la seule du genre Erophylla
Erophylla sezekorni est une chauve-souris présente aux Bahamas, dans les îles Caïmans, à Cuba et en Jamaïque, la seule du genre Erophylla
Erophylla sezekorni (Gundlach, 1860) è un pipistrello della famiglia dei Fillostomidi diffuso nei Caraibi.[1][2]
Pipistrello di medie dimensioni, con la lunghezza dell'avambraccio tra 43 e 51 mm, la lunghezza della coda tra 10 e 19 mm, la lunghezza delle orecchie tra 14 e 18 mm e un peso fino a 21 g.[3]
La pelliccia è corta e setosa. Le parti dorsali sono marroni, mentre le parti ventrali sono bruno-grigiastre chiare. La base dei peli è ovunque bianca. Il muso è allungato, con una foglia nasale piccola, rotonda, leggermente appuntita e con due proiezioni sui lati delle narici. La lingua è lunga, estensibile e fornita di papille setolose sulla punta. Il labbro inferiore è attraversato da un solco longitudinale bordato da file di piccole verruche. Le orecchie sono corte, triangolari e ben separate tra loro. Il trago è corto, triangolare e con degli incavi alla base. Le membrane alari sono prive di peli e attaccate posteriormente sulle caviglie. La coda si estende oltre l'uropatagio, ridotto ad una sottile membrana lungo la parte interna degli arti inferiori e con il margine libero ad U. Il calcar è rudimentale.
Si rifugia in colonie da qualche centinaio a diverse migliaia di individui all'interno di grotte.
Si nutre di insetti, nettare e frutta.
Danno alla luce un piccolo alla volta a giugno. Gli accoppiamenti avvengono a dicembre e gennaio. Femmine gravide sono state osservate a febbraio e giugno.
Questa specie è diffusa a Cuba, Isola della Gioventù, Giamaica, Bahamas, Turks e Caicos e Isole Cayman.
La IUCN Red List, considerato il vasto areale e la popolazione presumibilmente numerosa, classifica E.sezekorni come specie a rischio minimo (LC).[1]
Erophylla sezekorni (Gundlach, 1860) è un pipistrello della famiglia dei Fillostomidi diffuso nei Caraibi.
Erophylla sezekorni is een zoogdier uit de familie van de bladneusvleermuizen van de Nieuwe Wereld (Phyllostomidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Gundlach in 1860.
De soort komt voor in Cuba, Jamaica, de Bahama's en de Kaaimaneilanden.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesErophylla sezekorni is een zoogdier uit de familie van de bladneusvleermuizen van de Nieuwe Wereld (Phyllostomidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Gundlach in 1860.
Erophylla sezekorni é uma espécie de morcego da família Phyllostomidae. Pode ser encontrada nas Bahamas, Cuba, Ilhas Cayman e Jamaica.
Erophylla sezekorni é uma espécie de morcego da família Phyllostomidae. Pode ser encontrada nas Bahamas, Cuba, Ilhas Cayman e Jamaica.
Erophylla sezekorni[2][3][4][5] är en däggdjursart som först beskrevs av Juan Cristóbal Gundlach 1860. Erophylla sezekorni ingår i släktet Erophylla och familjen bladnäsor.[6][7] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.[1]
Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[6] Wilson & Reeder (2005) skiljer mellan 4 underarter.[8]
Denna fladdermus förekommer på Kuba, östra Bahamas, Caymanöarna och Jamaica.[1] Individerna bildar kolonier som har flera hundra till några tusen medlemmar. De vilar vanligen i grottor och letar på natten efter frukter, nektar och pollen eller de jagar insekter. Det finns troligen bara en parningstid per år och ungarna föds under sena våren eller tidiga sommaren. Honor föder vanligen en unge per kull och sällan tvillingar.[1][9] Erophylla sezekorni använder ekolokaliseringen under flyget och den har antagligen ett bra utvecklad luktsinne för att hitta frukter. Nyfödda ungar är nakna med rosa hud och de har en genomskinlig flygmembran. Ungen diar sin mor ungefär två månader och sedan blir den självständig. Livslängden är antagligen lika som hos andra bladnäsor, alltså cirka 10 år.[10]
Erophylla sezekorni nå en kroppslängd (huvud och bål) av 6,5 till 7,5 cm och en svanslängd av 1,2 till 1,7 cm. Främre lemmarnas längd som bestämmer djurens vingspann är 4 till 5,5 cm. Pälsen har på ryggen en gulbrun färg medan buken är något ljusare.[9] Även huvudet och ansiktet är ljusare än ryggen. Den bladformiga hudfliken på näsan som är kännetecknande för hela familjen förekommer likaså. Artens öron är ungefär lika långa som breda. För att slicka nektar har fladdermusen en lång tunga med papiller på spetsen.[10]
Erophylla sezekorni är en däggdjursart som först beskrevs av Juan Cristóbal Gundlach 1860. Erophylla sezekorni ingår i släktet Erophylla och familjen bladnäsor. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.
Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Wilson & Reeder (2005) skiljer mellan 4 underarter.
Denna fladdermus förekommer på Kuba, östra Bahamas, Caymanöarna och Jamaica. Individerna bildar kolonier som har flera hundra till några tusen medlemmar. De vilar vanligen i grottor och letar på natten efter frukter, nektar och pollen eller de jagar insekter. Det finns troligen bara en parningstid per år och ungarna föds under sena våren eller tidiga sommaren. Honor föder vanligen en unge per kull och sällan tvillingar. Erophylla sezekorni använder ekolokaliseringen under flyget och den har antagligen ett bra utvecklad luktsinne för att hitta frukter. Nyfödda ungar är nakna med rosa hud och de har en genomskinlig flygmembran. Ungen diar sin mor ungefär två månader och sedan blir den självständig. Livslängden är antagligen lika som hos andra bladnäsor, alltså cirka 10 år.
Erophylla sezekorni nå en kroppslängd (huvud och bål) av 6,5 till 7,5 cm och en svanslängd av 1,2 till 1,7 cm. Främre lemmarnas längd som bestämmer djurens vingspann är 4 till 5,5 cm. Pälsen har på ryggen en gulbrun färg medan buken är något ljusare. Även huvudet och ansiktet är ljusare än ryggen. Den bladformiga hudfliken på näsan som är kännetecknande för hela familjen förekommer likaså. Artens öron är ungefär lika långa som breda. För att slicka nektar har fladdermusen en lång tunga med papiller på spetsen.
Erophylla sezekorni — вид родини Листконосові (Phyllostomidae), ссавець ряду Лиликоподібні (Vespertilioniformes, seu Chiroptera).
Країни поширення: Кайманові острови, Куба, Багамські острови, Ямайка. Вид зазвичай лаштує сідала великими колоніями. Раціон включає в себе фрукти, нектар і комах. Цей вид покидає печери пізніше багатьох інших кажанів. Самиця народжує одне дитинча, ймовірно, народжує тільки один раз на рік навесні.
Erophylla sezekorni — вид родини Листконосові (Phyllostomidae), ссавець ряду Лиликоподібні (Vespertilioniformes, seu Chiroptera).
Erophylla sezekorni là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Dơi mũi lá, bộ Dơi. Loài này được Gundlach mô tả năm 1860.[1]
Erophylla sezekorni là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Dơi mũi lá, bộ Dơi. Loài này được Gundlach mô tả năm 1860.
담황색꽃박쥐(Erophylla sezekorni)는 주걱박쥐과(신세계잎코박쥐류)에 속하는 박쥐의 일종이다.[2] 바하마와 케이먼 제도, 쿠바 그리고 자메이카에서 발견된다.[1]
보통 크기의 박쥐로 전완장이 43~51mm, 꼬리 길이가 10~19mm이다. 귀 길이는 14~18mm이고 몸무게는 최대 21g이다.[3] 털이 짧고 부드럽다. 등쪽은 갈색을 띠는 반면에 배쪽은 연한 갈색과 회색빛을 띤다. 주둥이는 가늘고 길다. 잎코는 작고 둥글며 약간 뾰족하다.
수백마리부터 수천 마리까지 무리를 지어 동굴 속에서 생활한다. 먹이는 곤충과 꽃꿀, 열매이다. 6월에 한 번 한 마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 짝찟지는 12월과 1월에 이루어지지고 2월과 6월에 새끼를 밴 암컷이 관찰된다.
쿠바와 후벤투드섬, 자메이카, 바하마, 터크스 케이커스 제도, 케이맨 제도에 널리 분포한다.