Imagem de Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.
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Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.

Comments ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Redwood is the only naturally occurring hexaploid conifer. It is one of only a few vegetatively reproducing conifers (from stump sprouts) and possibly the tallest tree species known. Winter buds, though small, are evident.

Redwood, including Sequoia sempervirens and Sequoiadendron giganteum , is the state tree of California.

direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Trees to ca. 110 m; trunk to 9 m diam.; crown conic and monopodial when young, narrowed conic in age. Bark reddish brown, to ca. 35 cm thick, fibrous, ridged and furrowed. Branches downward sweeping to slightly ascending. Leaves 1--30 mm, generally with stomates on both surfaces, the free portion to 30 mm, those on leaders, ascending branchlets, and fertile shoots divergent to strongly appressed, short-lanceolate to deltate, those on horizontally spreading to drooping branchlets mostly linear to linear-lanceolate, divergent and in 2 ranks, with 2 prominent, white abaxial stomatal bands. Pollen cones nearly globose to ovoid, 2--5 mm, borne singly on short terminal or axillary stalks. Seed cones 1.3--3.5 cm. Seeds flattened, 3--6 mm, leathery. 2 n = 66.
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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site do parceiro

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Trees to 100(-110) m, suckering from base in native range; trunk buttressed at base, slightly tapered above, to 5 (-8) m d.b.h.; bark reddish brown or cinnamon colored, 15-25 cm thick, fibrous, exfoliating in broad, dark brown plates;

crown narrow; branches slender on young trees, finally stout, borne horizontally or basal ones deflexed. Leaves bright deep green adaxially, ca. 6 mm on main branchlets, 0.8-2 cm on lateral branchlets, midvein raised abaxially. Pollen cones ovoid, 1.5-2 mm; pollen yellow-green. Seed cones very small at pollination, maturing pale reddish brown, ovoid-elliptic or ovoid, 2-3.5 × 1.2-1.5 cm; cone scales shield-shaped, apically grooved, expanded into a rhomboid disc, occasionally with central mucro. Seeds pale brown, elliptic-oblong, ca. 1.5 mm; wing as wide as seed.

direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of China Vol. 4: 60 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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site do parceiro

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Calif., Oreg.
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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site do parceiro

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Coastal redwood forests; generally below 300 m, occasionally to 1000m.
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Habitat & Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Cultivated. Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangsu (Nanjing Shi), Jiangxi, Taiwan, Zhejiang (Hangzhou Shi) [native to W United States].
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of China Vol. 4: 60 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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site do parceiro

Synonym ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Taxodium sempervirens D. Don in Lambert, Descr. Pinus 2: 24. 1824
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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site do parceiro

Synonym ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Taxodium sempervirens D. Don in Lambert, Descr. Pinus 2: [24]. 1824; Sequoia gigantea Endlicher (1847), not (Lindley) Decaisne (1854).
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of China Vol. 4: 60 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
visite a fonte
site do parceiro

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors
Redwood is a native, evergreen, long-lived (greater than 2,200 years), monoecious tree [38,40] (monoecious = "having reproductive organs typical of both sexes in a single individual"). Redwoods are among the world's tallest trees; trees over 200 feet (61 m) are common, and many are over 300 feet (91 m) [40]. The largest tree thus far was measured at 364 feet (110.3 m) in height and 20 feet (6.1 m) in d.b.h. ("diameter at breast height") [44]. The root system is composed of deep, widespreading lateral roots with no taproot [40,44]. The bark is up to 12 inches (30 cm) thick and quite fibrous [44]. Redwood self-prunes well in dense stands [40]; the base of the bole is strongly buttressed [38]. Redwood is endemic to the coastal area of northern California and southwestern Oregon. The redwoods occupy a narrow strip of land approximately 450 miles (724 km) in length and 5 to 35 miles (8-56 km) in width. The northern boundary of its range is marked by two groves on the Chetco River in the Siskiyou Mountains within 15 miles (25 km) of the California-Oregon border [22,40]. The southern boundary of redwood's range is marked by a grove in Salmon Creek Canyon in the Santa Lucia Mountains of southern Monterey County, California [40]. Redwood occurs in a maritime Mediterranean climate, where the winters are cool and rainy, and the summers are dry. The mean precipitation is 70 inches (180 cm), with 90 percent falling between October and May. The dry summers are mitigated by a heavy fog belt [30]. The fog reduces the drought stress of this hydrophilic plant by reducing evapotranspiration and adding soil moisture. Redwoods beyond the fog belt appear to be limited to areas of high moisture. Currently there is considerable debate over the link between the fog belt and redwood distribution [11].
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EOL authors

The Man Who Planted Trees ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors

Great read, easy to reference, and Mr. Jim Robins does an incredible job of describing many other tree species as well.

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EOL authors

Broad-scale Impacts of Fire ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: top-kill, tree

Young trees originating from stump sprouts have a higher rate of
top-kill after fire than those originating from seedlings (see fire case
study) [16].

Basal wounding provides a vector for heart rot to enter the tree.  Once
this has occurred, recurring fires and basal decay produce large basal
cavities, called goosepens, that weaken the tree [40].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Broad-scale Impacts of Plant Response to Fire ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: prescribed fire, root crown, severity, top-kill, tree

After crown-kill redwood sprouts new foliage from dormant buds along the
bole.  The bole is covered with fine feathery foliage extending 2 to 3
feet (0.6-0.9 m) out from the bole.  This manifestation is called a
fire-column.  Over time the narrowed crown will again develop into a
typical crown.  During the first 4 postfire years the tree will produce
very few strobili [40].

After top-kill, the number of sprouts per root crown depends on the
severity of the fire.  Severe heat influx to the root crown kills more
of the dormant buds, thus reducing the number of sprouts; however, this
allocates more of the carbohydrate reserves to fewer sprouts, which
results in larger and taller sprouts [14].

In northwestern California, Finney and Martin [14,16] found stump sprouts
were less likely to survive prescribed fire than redwood seedlings.  Large
redwoods survived prescribed fire.  For further information, see Fire Case Studies.
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Common Names ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
California redwood
coast redwood
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Cover Value ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: cover, tree

Redwood forests provide hiding and thermal cover for Roosevelt elk,
black-tailed deer, and a variety of small mammals [24,45,48,50].

The pileated woodpecker generally selects broken tree tops or snags with
rot for nesting cover.  The softness of redwood, however, allows the
pileated woodpecker to use green trees of adequate size.  In one study
only half the nests of pileated woodpeckers were in redwoods that had
broken tops with rot, while the other half were in sound green trees
with no sign of decay in the excavation chips [25].

In California, the state-endangered marbled murrelet nests exclusively
in coastal old-growth redwood forests [46].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: monoecious, tree

Redwood is a native, evergreen, long-lived (greater than 2,200 years),
monoecious tree [38,40].  Redwoods are among the world's tallest trees;
trees over 200 feet (61 m) are common, and many are over 300 feet (91 m)
[40].  The largest tree thus far was measured at 364 feet (110.3 m) in
height and 20 feet (6.1 m) in d.b.h. [44].  The root system is composed
of deep, widespreading lateral roots with no taproot [40,44].  The bark
is up to 12 inches (30 cm) thick and quite fibrous [44].  Redwood
self-prunes well in dense stands [40]; the base of the bole is strongly
buttressed [38].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
Redwood is endemic to the coastal area of northern California and
southwestern Oregon.  The redwoods occupy a narrow strip of land
approximately 450 miles (724 km) in length and 5 to 35 miles (8-56 km)
in width.  The northern boundary of its range is marked by two groves on
the Chetco River in the Siskiyou Mountains within 15 miles (25 km) of
the California-Oregon border [22,40].  The southern boundary of
redwood's range is marked by a grove in Salmon Creek Canyon in the Santa
Lucia Mountains of southern Monterey County, California [40].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Ecology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: fire interval, fire regime, forest, mean fire interval, root crown

Fire has had an ecological role in the redwood forest type [53].  The
mean fire interval (MFI) prior to human occupation was approximately 135
to 350 years, and after human influx (about 11,000 years ago) decreased
to approximately 17 to 82 years [21].  Redwood has adapted to this fire
regime, and mature redwoods are considered very resilient to fire.  The
thick bark; great height; and ability to sprout from the root crown or
from dormant buds located under the bark of the bole and branches are
adaptations that allow redwood to survive cool to hot fires [16].

Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this
species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Management Considerations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: duff, fire exclusion, fire interval, fire management, fire regime, fireline intensity, flame length, forest, frequency, fuel, fuel loading, fuel moisture, litter, natural, prescribed fire, reburn, seed, top-kill

A fire regime where prescribed fire substitutes for lightning and
now-absent aboriginal ignitions may have to be implemented to maintain
or reestablish presettlement conditions in old-growth or cutover redwood
forests [15].  McBride and others [34] recommend that both frequency
distributions of fire intervals and an analysis of the pattern of fire
intervals be used as a basis for determining reburn intervals for
prescribed fire.  They evaluated the fire history of redwood forest
stands in Muir Woods National Monument and, because of the highly skewed
frequency distribution observed in this type, suggested that the average
fire interval would be inappropriate to use as a reburn interval.
Instead a combination of shorter than the average and longer than the
average natural fire interval was recommended.  In areas where fire has
been excluded for many decades, a prescribed fire program should start
with two short-interval fires (less than average interval) to reduce
high fuel accumulations.  Once the fuel load has been reduced, a burning
pattern of two short fire intervals followed by a long interval should
be implemented [34].

Person and Hallin [43] reported that regeneration was 5 to 10 times
greater on cuts with moderate to hot slash fires than on those with cool
or no slash fires.  Hallin [23] proposed the following guidelines for
slash fires:

       (1)  burn at night
       (2)  do not burn during the dry season (June thru September)
       (3)  light winds
       (4)  keep the area small (less than 40
acres [16 ha])
       (5)  slash loads pulled away from advance regeneration

If sprouts are to be used as part of stand regeneration, the stumps
should not be debarked or severely burned during slash disposal, as
these actions will result in lowered sprout stocking [10].

Finney [14] has developed equations to estimate the fuel loading of the
forest floor in redwood stands based on forest floor depth.

SPECIES: Sequoia sempervirens
Griffith, Randy Scott., compiler. 1992. Prescribed underburning in young-growth
redwood forests. In: Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information
System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer).
Available: https://www.fs.fed.us
/database/feis/ [
var months = new Array(12);
months[0] = "January";
months[1] = "February";
months[2] = "March";
months[3] = "April";
months[4] = "May";
months[5] = "June";
months[6] = "July";
months[7] = "August";
months[8] = "September";
months[9] = "October";
months[10] = "November";
months[11] = "December";
var date = new Date();
var year = date.getFullYear();
var month = date.getMonth();
var day = date.getDate();
document.write(year+", "+months[month]+" "+day);

Finney, Mark Arnold. 1991. Ecological effects of prescribed and
simulated fire on the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don)
Endl.). Berkeley, CA: University of California. 179 p. Dissertation.

Finney, M. A.; Martin, R. E. 1991. Prescribed underburning and some
initial effects in young-growth coast redwood forests of California.
In: Andrews, Patricia L.; Potts, Donald F., eds. Proceedings, 11th
annual conference on fire and forest meteorology; 1991 April 16-19;
Missoula, MT. SAF Publication 91-04. Bethesda, MD: Society of American
Foresters: 328-334. [16].

May     1989  Low consumption burn
June    1990  Low consumption burn
October 1989  High consumption burn

The study took place in two of California's state parks, Annadel State
Park and Humboldt Redwoods State Park.  Each area had 16 plots.  Annadel
State Park is located approximately 5 kilometers (3 mi) east of Santa
Rosa, California.  The coordinates are 38 degrees 25 minutes North
latitude, 122 degrees 35 minutes West longitude, and the legal
description is T7N R7W SW1/4 of section 25.

Humboldt State Park is located approximately 320 kilometers (192 mi)
north of Annadel State Park near Weott, California.  The coordinates are
39 degrees 16 minutes North latitude, 123 degrees 45 minutes West
longitude, and the legal description is T1S R2E S1/2 NW1/4 of section

At the Annadel site the forest was young growth with diameters between 5
and 40 centimeters (2-16 in).  The age of the stand was between 120 and
140 years.  Evidence on the site suggests that the stand developed from
sprouts after fire exclusion in brush fields began in the mid-1800s.
The fire regime in the area prior to exclusion was every 2 to 6 years.

The Humboldt site was also a young growth forest with diameters between
5 and 40 centimeters (2-16 in).  This stand developed from natural
regeneration after logging approximately 60 to 80 years prior to the
study.  The past fire regime in the Humboldt area was every 5 to 25

The prescribed burns took place when the trees were actively growing;
the burn in October occurred at the onset of seed dispersal.

On the Annadel site the plots were located on a northern aspect with a
slopes ranging from 30 to 40 percent.  The elevation of the plots ranged
from 240 to 350 meters (792-1,155 ft).

On the Humboldt site the plots were located on a southern exposure with
slopes ranging from 10 to 40 percent.  The elevation of the plots ranged
from 350 to 450 meters (1,155-1,485 ft).

To achieve different burn severities on the plots a variety of firing
techniques were used.  To achieve low fireline intensities, backing and
flanking fires were used, and to obtain higher fireline intensities,
strip head fires were used, with the strips ranging from 3 to 6 meters
(10-20 ft) wide to regulate fuel availability and build-up of fireline

On the Annadel site, two plots were burned on May 17, 1989; one plot on
May 25, 1989; five plots were burned on May 30, 1989; and 8 plots were
burned on October 17, 1989.  Conditions were as follows:

                        Annadel Site

Date          Air           Rel.       Wind
              Temp.         Humd.      Speed
              (C)           (%)        (m/s)
5/17/89       16-18         55-70       0-2.2
5/25/89       18            38-45       0-1.3
5/30/89       18-21         40-45       0-2.2
10/17/89      17-24         35-52       0

On the Humboldt site, seven plots were burned on October 10, 1989; one
plot was burned on October 11, 1989; and eight plots were burned on June
27, 1990.  Conditions were as follows:

                         Humboldt Site

Date          Air           Rel.        Wind
              Temp.         Humd.       Speed
              (C)           (%)         (m/s)

10/10/89      13-24         48-75       0-2.4
10/11/89      16-22         60-72       0-1.3
6/27/90       20            56          0-1.3

For more specific information on burn conditions and ignition pattern
for each of the 16 plots on the two sites, see Finney 1990.

The fuel loading on both sites ranged from 29 to 55 tonnes per hectare
(32-61 tn/a) of litter and duff.  The small woody fuels (0-7.62 cm in
diameter) ranged from 9 to 20 tonnes per hectare with the large woody
fuels (> 7.62 cm) being highly variable.

The flame length ranged from 0.27 to 2.07 meters (0.9-6.8 ft) which
relates to a fireline intensity of 40 to 1833 kilowatts per meter

The fuel consumption varied from 15 to 68 tonnes per hectare.  The
percentage of fuel consumed ranged from 23 to 100 percent.  Fuel
consumption was found to be positively related to fuel loading.

Finney provides in-depth information on these parameters.

Most redwoods greater than 15 to 20 centimeters d.b.h. survived the most
severe prescribed fire with 100 percent surface fuel consumption and 100
percent crown scorch.

Redwoods originating from stump sprouts after logging were found to have
higher rates of top-kill than those originating from seedlings.  This
was linked to higher fuel concentrations (2 to 5 times that between
clumps), the stump, and heat convection currents drafting inward and
around the circular clump of trees.

As redwoods achieve greater d.b.h. the probability of top-kill

Flame length and fuel consumption were found to be the most important
parameters in determining top-kill and basal sprouting.  These
parameters can be easily controlled by use of different firing patterns
and fuel moisture to achieve the desired effects from a prescribed fire.

A regime of periodic prescribed fire would elevate the probability of
sprout regeneration being top-killed by preventing large fuel
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Management Implications ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: fuel, fuel moisture, prescribed fire, top-kill

Flame length and fuel consumption were found to be the most important
parameters in determining top-kill and basal sprouting.  These
parameters can be easily controlled by use of different firing patterns
and fuel moisture to achieve the desired effects from a prescribed fire.

A regime of periodic prescribed fire would elevate the probability of
sprout regeneration being top-killed by preventing large fuel

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification) ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the term: phanerophyte

   Phanerophyte (megaphanerophyte)
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat characteristics ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: grassland, vine

Redwood occurs in a maritime Mediterranean climate, where the winters
are cool and rainy, and the summers are dry.  The mean precipitation is
70 inches (180 cm), with 90 percent falling between October and May.
The dry summers are mitigated by a heavy fog belt [30].  The fog reduces
the drought stress of this hydrophilic plant by reducing
evapotranspiration and adding soil moisture.  Redwoods beyond the fog
belt appear to be limited to areas of high moisture.  Currently there is
considerable debate over the link between the fog belt and redwood
distribution [11].

Preferred sites for redwood stands are alluvial fans, coastal plains,
and benches along large streams [40].  The size of a redwood can be site
dependent:  a 400-year-old specimen on a hillside had a d.b.h. of 2 feet
(0.6 m), while a 600-year-old specimen on an alluvial fan had a d.b.h.
of 12 feet (3.6 m) [4].

Elevation:  Redwood occurs at elevations ranging from sea level to 3,000
feet (0-915 m), but most stands occur from 100 to 2,320 feet (100-703 m)
[11,40].  Redwoods are sensitive to salt spray [40], and are usually
separated from the coast by intervening grassland [22]

Soils:  Redwood has a strong affinity for deep, moist soils in the
Inceptisol and Ultisol soil orders [40].  The common parent materials
are graywacke sandstones, shales, and conglomerates [30].

Associates:  In addition to those previously listed under Distribution
and Occurrence, overstory associates include Sitka spruce (Picea
sitchensis), Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia), California torreya (Torreya
californica), Gowen cypress (Cupressus goveniana), bishop pine (Pinus
muricata), Monterey pine (P. radiata), bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum),
Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana), and Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia)

Understory associates include vine maple (Acer circenatum), chittam bark
(Rhamnus purshiana), evergreen huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum), Pacific
rhododendron (Rhododendron macrophyllum), salmon berry (Rubus
spectabilis), and evergreen ceanothus (Ceanothus velutinus) [40].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Cover Types ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

   229  Pacific Douglas-fir
   231  Port-Orford-cedar
   232  Redwood
   234  Douglas-fir - tanoak - Pacific madrone
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Ecosystem ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

   FRES20  Douglas-fir
   FRES27  Redwood
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Plant Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the term: forest

   K002  Cedar - hemlock - Douglas-fir forest
   K006  Redwood forest
   K028  Mosaic of K002 and K026
   K029  California mixed evergreen forest
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Immediate Effect of Fire ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: top-kill, tree

The effect of fire on redwood varies depending on the size of the tree.
The bark of young trees (less than 8 inches [20 cm] d.b.h.) is generally
too thin to protect the cambium from damage, and trees of this size are
usually top-killed by cool to hot fires [16].  The thick bark of mature
redwood insulates the cambium from the heat of the fire [15], and in
many cases, fire may only reduce bark thickness [40].  Under more severe
circumstances, such as stand-replacing fires, basal wounding and
top-kill occurs [40].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
Redwood forests provide habitat for variety of mammals, aviafauna,
reptiles, and amphibians [7,45,48].  Remnant old-growth redwood stands
provide habitat for the federally threatened spotted owl and the
California-endangered marbled murrelet [1,46].

In settlement times fire scar cavities at the base of larger redwood
boles were used as goose pens; hence the name "goosepens" has been used
to denote fire scar cavities [14].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Key Plant Community Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: codominant, forest, natural, series

Redwood is listed as a dominant or codominant overstory species in the
following publications:

Coast redwood ecological types of southern Monterey County, California [11].
Terrestrial natural communities of California [26].
The redwood forest and associated north coast forests [58].
Forest associations of Little Lost Man Creek, Humboldt County,
  California: Reference-level in the hierarchical structure of
  old-growth coastal redwood vegetation [30].
Preliminary plant associations of the Siskiyou Mountain Province [5].
Tanoak series of the Siskiyou Region of southwest Oregon [6].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Life Form ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: tree

citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Management considerations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: competition, forest, natural, selection, shrubs

Wildlife:  The marbled murrelet is dependent on old-growth redwood
forests for nesting habitat.  This bird is listed as endangered in
California and is under consideration for federal protection as a
threatened species in California, Oregon, and Washington [1].
Old-growth redwood forests of northern California also provide critical
habitat for the federally endangered northern spotted owl [1].

Black-tailed deer numbers increase after clearcutting in the redwood
forest type as a result of the sudden increase in available understory
forage.  After canopy closure (20 to 30 years), black-tailed deer
numbers decrease rapidly [50].

        Years after clearcut    Number of deer

         0 to 5                      43
         5 to 10                    142
        10 to 15                     21
        15 to 20                     21
        20 to 25                      8
        25 to 30                      8     

Competition:  Evergreen hardwoods are strong competitors in the redwood
forest type.  Tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) and Pacific madrone
(Arbutus menziesii) often sprout when cut, and reoccupy the site
before redwood.  These competitors can be controlled by trunk injections
of triclopyr (Garlon 3A), with two to three treatments over a 4- to
5-year period giving the best results.  Foliar spraying with triclopyr
can also control hardwoods but has adverse effects on redwood [56].

Mulching and the use of ground covers increase survival of planted
seedlings by reducing water evaporation and reducing competition from
shrubs [35].  Seedling survival can also be enhanced with the use of
shades [2].

Damage:  Damaging agents include insects, branch canker (Coryneum spp.),
and heart rots (Poria sequoiae, P. albipellucida).  The insects
associated with redwood cause no significant damage, but the branch
canker girdles stems and branches, which can be especially harmful in
plantations.  Heart rots cause extensive cull in the redwood forest type

Wood rats girdle and strip the bark of redwood seedlings, and can
seriously limit redwood regeneration.  Where this is a problem, site
preparation should include destroying wood rat nesting areas [49].

Redwood is susceptible to damage from soil compaction in areas of heavy
foot traffic [4].

Silviculture:  The preferred silvicultural system for harvesting
redwoods is small clearcuts (30 to 40 acres) [10,41].  Boe [9] provides
information on the three silvicultural systems used in the redwood
forest type:  clearcut, shelterwood, and selection cut.

Other:  Namkoong and Roberds [39] developed an extinction model for
redwood.  Their findings reveal there is a small probability of
extinction due to natural processes, which can easily be circumvented by
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Occurrence in North America ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
     CA  OR  HI
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Other uses and values ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
The cultivars 'Nana Pendula' and 'Prostrata' are grown extensively as
ornamentals due to their reduced size [28].  Redwood has been planted in
New Zealand, Australia, and Europe [40].

Native Americans used redwood in the construction of canoes and as grave
markers [51].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Phenology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the term: seed

Redwood female strobili become receptive and pollen is shed from late
November to early March.  Female strobili start ripening in September of
the first year.  Mature female strobili can be identified when their
color changes from green to greenish yellow.  Seed dispersal begins in
late October, with most of the seeds being dispersed from November to
February [8].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Plant Response to Fire ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: root crown, seed, top-kill

After fires that destroy all aboveground portions, both mature and young
redwoods will sprout from the root crown [40]; even seedlings have the
ability to sprout after top-kill [30].  After fires that destroy the
crown, redwoods greater than 8 inches (20 cm) will sprout from numerous
dormant buds along the bole and produce new foliage (see fire case
study) [14,16,40].

Redwood can also reestablish after fire via on-site and off-site seed
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Post-fire Regeneration ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: crown residual colonizer, ground residual colonizer, secondary colonizer, seed, tree

   Tree with adventitious-bud root crown/root sucker
   Ground residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)
   Crown residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)
   Secondary colonizer - on-site seed
   Secondary colonizer - off-site seed
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regeneration Processes ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: adventitious, density, epigeal, formation, layering, root crown, seed, top-kill, tree

Redwood reproduces both sexually and asexually.  The male and female
strobili are borne separately on different branches.  Redwood begins
producing seeds at 5 to 15 years of age.  Large seed crops occur
frequently, but viability of the seed is low [8].  A dry period during
pollination allows better pollen dispersal and improves seed viability.
The seeds are small and light, averaging 120,000 seeds per pound
(265,000 seeds/kg).  The wings are not effective for wide dispersal
[19], and seeds are dispersed by wind an average of only 200 to 400 feet
(61-122 m) from the parent tree [40].

Redwood seeds do not require pretreatment to germinate.  Germination is
epigeal [40]; the best seedbed is moist mineral soil with some shade
[17,36].  Germination rates are generally low due to low viability
rather than to dormancy.  Germination rates with a mean of 10 percent
are the norm [8].

Seedlings require adequate moisture to survive.  The roots of redwood
seedlings do not have root hairs and are thus inefficient at extracting
soil moisture.  Once established seedlings can obtain remarkable growth
rates in the first season.  Growth of 18 inches (46 cm) is not uncommon.
Older saplings (4 to 10 years old) can grow 6.5 feet (2.0 m) in one
growing season [40].

Redwoods can reproduce asexually by layering or sprouting from the root
crown or stump.  Sprouts from the root crown are generally favored for
tree crops [10]; sprouts originating from the stump are generally not as
vigorous as root-crown sprouts, and are very susceptible to wind throw
[40].  Sprouts originate from dormant or adventitious buds at or under
the surface of the bark [17,40].  The formation of these buds occurs at
a young age, as even seedlings have been observed to sprout after
top-kill [30].  The sprouting capacity of redwood decreases with size
and age [17].  Sprouting appears to be the greatest on the downhill side
of the tree [14].  Within a short period after sprouting each sprout
will develop its own root system, with the dominant sprouts forming a
ring of trees around the parent root crown [40].  The mean crop tree
sprouting potential per root crown is five, which adds many crop trees
to a given site [10].

Sprouts can achieve heights of 7 feet (2.1 m) in a single growing
season.  Shading does not decrease sprout height, but it does reduce the
number and weight of sprouts [14].  Density of sprouts also affects
sprout vigor; the higher the density, the less vigorous the sprouts
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regional Distribution in the Western United States ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):

    1  Northern Pacific Border
    3  Southern Pacific Border
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Season/Severity Classification ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
May     1989  Low consumption burn
June    1990  Low consumption burn
October 1989  High consumption burn

Site Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
On the Annadel site the plots were located on a northern aspect with a
slopes ranging from 30 to 40 percent.  The elevation of the plots ranged
from 240 to 350 meters (792-1,155 ft).

On the Humboldt site the plots were located on a southern exposure with
slopes ranging from 10 to 40 percent.  The elevation of the plots ranged
from 350 to 450 meters (1,155-1,485 ft).

Successional Status ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the terms: climax, tree

Facultative Seral Species
Obligate Climax Species

Redwood is classified as a shade-tolerant to very shade-tolerant species
due to its high photosynthetic capacity at low light levels [40].
Redwood releases well even at quite an old age.  One specimen after
1,000 years released from 30 to 6 rings per inch (12-2.4 rings/cm) [19].

There is some debate over the classification of redwood as a climax
species.  Some consider redwood a climax species, while others consider
it a fire-dependent seral species [15,41,54,55].  Osburn and Lowell [41]
reported that if fire is excluded from Redwood National Park over the
next 2,000 years redwood will disappear, and Sitka spruce, western
hemlock (Tsuga heterphylla), and western redcedar (Thuja plicata) will
dominate.  Viers [55] on the other hand reported that redwood is a
climax species in the vicinity of Redwood National Park because it
maintains uneven age distributions with or without fire.

After disturbance redwood dominates in early seres due to its ability to
sprout [27,58].

In the floodplain environment redwood deploys what has been called "the
endurer strategy."  After flooding and stem burial, redwood will develop
a new and higher lateral root system from buried buds on the bole of the
tree.  While the repeated flooding and deposition of soil (often to
depths of 30 inches [76 cm]) kills competing vegetation, redwood endures
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Synonyms ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
Taxodium sempervirens (D. Don) Lamb.
Steinhauera sempervirens (Voss. S.) Presl.
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Taxonomy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
The currently accepted scientific name of redwood is Sequoia
sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. Redwood is a member of the Taxodium
(Taxodiaceae) family [44]. There are no recognized subspecies,
varieties, or forms.
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Value for rehabilitation of disturbed sites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: natural, restoration, seed, tree

In a large cutover area acquired by Redwood National Park, both
plantings and natural colonization of redwood on outsloped (recontoured
into the hillside) logging roads were used with good success.  This
treatment curtailed erosion in the park by an estimated 6.6 million
cubic feet (0.2 mil m3) [33].

Redwood was one of a number of native species used successfully to
reclaim a riparian ecosystem in a city park in Berkeley; redwoods on the
site had a high survival rate [57].

Redwood can be propagated via seed or cuttings.  Seeds should be sown
from December to April.  If planting with a seed drill, the recommended
depth is 0.125 inch (0.32 cm), with a seeding rate that will yield 30
seedlings per square foot (333 seedlings/sq m) [8].  Cuttings from 2- to
3-year-old seedlings produce the highest percentage of rooted cuttings
(up to 90 percent); cuttings from older trees are more difficult to root
[36,40].  Hedging (close-cropping) can maintain the rooting capabilities
of the donor tree.  By repeated hedging a single donor seedling and its
clones can produce a million cuttings in 3 years [40].  Redwood can also
be successfully propagated in plant tissue culture.  The callus can be
induced to generate cultured plantlets.  The cultured plantlets are
usually twice the size of seedlings the same age [40].

Millar and Libby [37] have developed guidelines for redwood seed
collection and for the use of redwood in the restoration of disturbed
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Wood Products Value ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
Redwood is one of California's most valuable timber species [36].  The
wood is soft, weak, easily split, and very resistant to decay
[38,40,44].  The clear wood is used for dimension stock and shingles
[44].  Redwood burls are used in the production of table tops, veneers,
and turned goods [40].
citação bibliográfica
Griffith, Randy Scott. 1992. Sequoia sempervirens. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Distribution ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por IABIN
Chile Central
direitos autorais
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
site do parceiro

Associated Forest Cover ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Redwood is a principal species in only one forest cover type, Redwood (Society of American Foresters Type 232) (42), but is found in three other Pacific Coast types, Pacific Douglas-Fir (Type 229), Port-Orford-Cedar (Type 231), and Douglas-Fir-Tanoak-Pacific Madrone (Type 234).

Pure stands of redwood are found only on some of the best sites, usually the moist river flats and gentle slopes below 305 m (1,000 ft). Although redwood is a dominant tree throughout its range, generally it is mixed with other conifers and broad-leaf trees.

Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is well distributed throughout most of the redwood type. Distributions of other conifer associates are more limited. Significant species on the coastal side of the redwood type are grand fir (Abies grandis) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) north from northern Sonoma County, CA, and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) north from the vicinity of Humboldt Bay, CA.

Conifers associated less commonly on the coastal side of the redwood type are Port-Orford-cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana), Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia), western redcedar (Thuja plicata), and California torreya (Torreya californica). Other conifers found with redwood include Gowen cypress (Cupressus goveniana) and several species of pine, including bishop pine (Pinus muricata), knobcone pine (P. attenuata), lodgepole pine (P. contorta), Monterey pine (P. radiata), and sugar pine (P. lambertiana).

The two hardwoods most abundant and generally distributed in the redwood region are tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) and Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii). Other hardwoods found with redwood include vine maple (Acer circinatum), bigleaf maple (A. macrophyllum), red alder (Alnus rubra), giant chinkapin (Castanopsis chrysophylla), Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia), Pacific bayberry (Myrica californica), Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana), cascara buckthorn (Rhamnus purshiana), willows (Salix spp.), and California-laurel (Umbellularia californica).

Of the great variety of lesser vegetation found in association with redwood, these species are especially common: bracken (Pteridium aquilinum var. lanuginosum), sword fern (Polystichum munitum), salal (Gaultheria shallon), blueblossom (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus), California huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum), Pacific rhododendron (Rhododendron macrophyllum), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), coyote-brush (Baccharis pilularis), and snowbrush (Ceanothus velutinus).

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Climate ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
The mild climate of the redwood forest region can be classed broadly as super-humid or humid. Mean annual temperatures vary between 10° and 16° C (50° and 60° F). Differences between mean annual maximum and mean annual minimum temperatures vary from -12° C (10° F) for coastal points to -1° C (30° F) for the eastern edge of the redwood type. Temperatures rarely drop below -9° C (15° F) or rise above 38° C (100° F). The frost-free period varies from 6 to 11 months (34).

Annual precipitation varies between 640 and 3100 mm (25 and 122 in) and is mostly winter rain, although snow sometimes covers the highest ridges. Generally, January is the wettest month and July is the driest. With substantial precipitation in all months except summer, only slight summer drought on deep soils, and mild winters, the climate is productive, and some of the world's grandest forests are indigenous to it (34).

The frequent summer fogs that blanket the redwood region seem to be more significant than the amount of precipitation in delineating the redwood type. The major effect of fog is to decrease water loss from evaporation and transpiration. An additional effect of condensation and fog drip from tree crowns is an increased soil moisture supply during the dry summers (1). The natural range of redwood is limited to areas where heavy summer fogs from the ocean provide a humid atmosphere, although its successful growth in plantations or amenity plantings is not as limited. Redwood is among the most successful trees in the Central Valley of California, and at low elevations in the Sierra Nevada. It grows well at considerable distance from the ocean in New Zealand, France, Spain, and elsewhere (26,27).

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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site do parceiro
Silvics of North America

Damaging Agents ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Fire is the principal damaging agent in both young-growth and old-growth stands. The above-ground portions of young stands may be killed outright by a single ground fire, but the stands sprout and reoccupy the site. Fires are especially damaging to trees less than 20 years old because their thin bark does not protect them. Also, more flammable litter lies on the ground, and the microclimate is drier than under old-growth forest.

Old-growth redwood stands show evidence of three or more severe fires each century (23,44). In many instances, fires may only reduce the thickness of the protective bark, which may be more than 30 cm (12 in) thick. In other instances, fires cause basal wounds through which heart rots enter. The combination of recurring fires and advancing decay produces large basal cavities called "goose pens." In extreme instances, mature trees may be so weakened mechanically that they fall.

In its northern range, in and around Redwood National Park, CA, fire has a moderate ecological role in redwood stands. Light ground fires that do not open the canopy favor western hemlock regeneration but usually eliminate older hemlock from the stand. Douglas-fir establishment is infrequent and unsuccessful under a full overstory canopy, even following light ground fires on mesic sites. Relatively hot fires appear essential for the establishment of Douglas-fir trees in discrete age classes. Redwood, grand fir, and tanoak maintain their status in redwood stands with and without the influence of fire (47,48).

Frequency distributions of fires indicate a natural pattern of several short intervals between fires followed by one or more long interval. This suggests that prescribed burning to maintain ecosystems should also be done on a short-short-long interval pattern (23).

Redwood has no tree-killing diseases other than seedling diseases previously listed, but heart rots cause extensive cull. Most common heart rot in the southern part of the range of redwood is a brown cubical rot, caused by Poria sequoiae. Most significant farther north is a white ring rot caused by P. albipellucida (5,22).

A twig branch canker (Coryneum spp.) has been observed on sprouts and plantation trees of seedling and sapling size. This canker, which girdles stems and branches, could become damaging in plantations (5,22).

Several insects are found on redwood but none cause significant damage. These include a flatheaded twig borer and girdler (Anthaxia aeneogaster), two redwood bark beetles (Phloeosinus sequoiae and P. cristatus), and the sequoia pitch moth (Vespamima sequoiae) (21).

Bark stripping by the American black bear has caused serious damage in some parts of the redwood region. Wide strips of bark are ripped from the tree, often from the top to the ground, during April to August. Trees 10 to 30 years old and 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 in) in diameter are damaged most and many may be girdled. Woodrats often injure planted trees on cutover land and occasionally attack sprouts and larger trees.

In a few instances, redwood is deformed by fasciation, a flattening of the normally cylindrical stem by formation of a row of linked meristems. The causes of most fasciations are unknown (40).

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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site do parceiro
Silvics of North America

Flowering and Fruiting ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Redwood is monoecious; inconspicuous male and female flowers are borne separately on different branches of the same tree. The ovulate conelets grow into broadly oblong cones (10). Redwood female strobili become receptive and pollen sheds between late November and early March, although flowering usually is over by the end of January. Weather conditions during pollination may directly affect seed quality. Continuous rains during flowering wash pollen from the male strobili and little pollen may reach the receptive female strobili. Dry periods during pollination permit better pollen dispersal and improve seed viability.

Redwood cones are terminal and are 13 to 29 mm (0.5 to 1.1 in) long. They mature in autumn of the first year after flowering and are open from early September until late December. Although cones persist for several months, they open and shed seeds soon after ripening.

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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site do parceiro
Silvics of North America

Genetics ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Sequoia is unique within Coniferales, being of a hexaploid nature (41). It was thought that redwood originated as an allopolyploid from hybrids between early Tertiary or Mesozoic species of Metasequoia and some extinct Taxodiaceous plant such as the modern giant sequoia. However, the types and numbers of marker chromosomes found in Metasequoia and Taxodium distichum are different than those present in Sequoia, making it unlikely that these species contributed to the polyploidy of Sequoia. Comparisons between the marker chromosomes in Sequoia and those in Sequoiadendron indicate that genomic contribution by Sequoiadendron to Sequoia is not probable (41).

Races of redwood are not known, but the following cultivars (cultivated varieties) have been recognized (16):

cv. 'Adpressa'  Tips of shoots creamy white. Awl-like leaves.
cv. 'Glauca'  Leaves 6 mm (0.25 in) long, glaucous, bluish.
cv. 'Nana Pendula'  Leaves glaucous, branches pendulous.
cv. 'Pendula'  Branches pendulous.
cv. 'Prostrata'  Prostrate at first; leaves green, glaucous beneath.

Four varieties of redwood now available in nurseries show a range of growth habits, texture, color, and form. They are named Aptos Blue, Los Altos, Soquel, and Santa Cruz (6).

An uncommon form of redwood, the albino redwood, has been described in a few locations within the redwood region (17). These albinos result from a genetic disorder and exist by attachment to a normal green tree, generally at the roots. The tallest albino observed was 19.8 m (65 ft) tall. Albinism is often a useful trait in genetics research to determine mutation rate, and for other purposes.

Preliminary results from studies of self and related outcross families indicate that, compared with outcrosses, selfing produced no additional cone abortion or variable effects on germination. Under stress conditions in nurseries and outplantings, some inbreeding depression becomes evident, and restricting inbreeding in redwood seed-orchards seems prudent (30).

The tissue culture techniques described earlier also allow genetic manipulation of redwood at the cellular level. Possibilities being explored include the production of di-haploid redwood from female gametophyte cultures (2).

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Silvics of North America

Growth and Yield ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Redwood is long lived, grows taller than any other tree species in the world, and is exceeded in bulk only by the giant sequoia. Redwoods are sexually mature at 10 years or less but continue to increase in volume for centuries. The oldest redwood found so far, determined by growth ring counts, is nearly 2,200 years old. Old-growth redwood forests sometimes are incorrectly called even-aged and overmature when, in fact, few forests in the world can match many redwood stands in range of ages and mixture of vigorously growing and decadent trees.

Redwood probably is best known for its great size, although the average redwood is smaller than commonly believed. Trees larger than 30 cm (12 in) in d.b.h. on a 12-ha (30-acre) old-growth tract in Humboldt County, CA, fell approximately into these divisions: 30 to 77 cm (12 to 30 in) in d.b.h., 50 percent; 78 to 153 cm (31 to 60 in), 32 percent; 155 cm (61 in) and larger, 18 percent. Redwoods 366 to 488 cm. (144 to 192 in) in d.b.h., found scattered over the entire range, are considered large. Trees 610 cm (240 in) or more in diameter at a point 1.5 m (5 ft) above the ground are rare.

Redwoods more than 61 m (200 ft) tall are common, and many trees growing on riverside benches, where soils are deep and moist, are taller than 91 m (300 ft). The tallest measured redwood was 112.1 m (367.8 ft) in 1964 (50).

Large trees and dense stocking combine to produce high yields. More than 81 percent of the commercial redwood forest land is classified as highly productive, and only 2 percent is poor for growing trees. Flats along rivers have yielded approximately 10,500 to 14,000 m³/ha (about 750,000 to 1,000,000 fbm/acre) in scaled logs. Harvest cuttings in Del Norte County, CA, on units of 5.3 ha (13 acres) and larger, produced gross volumes ranging from 1330 to 3921 m³/ha (95,000 to 280,000 fbm/acre, Scribner).

Biomass accumulates to record levels. A redwood stand in Humboldt State Park in California provides the greatest biomass ever recorded, with a stem biomass of 3461 t/ha (1,544 tons/acre) (20).

Economical conversion of old-growth redwood to young managed stands by shelterwood or selection cutting is difficult because net growth is negative during the decade after logging. Windthrow, slow growth of residual trees, and damage to established reproduction when residual trees are removed contribute to economic losses. Considering effect on growth, small clearcuttings seem to be a good method for converting old-growth redwood to young managed stands (9).

Young-growth redwood is often nearly as spectacular in size and yield as old growth. Dominant young-growth trees on good sites are 30.5 to 45.7 m (100 to 150 ft) tall at 50 years, and 50.3 to 67.1 m (165 to 220 ft) at 100 years. Height growth is most rapid up to the 35th year. On the best sites, however, height growth continues to be rapid well past 100 years (24,33).

Diameter growth of individual young trees can be rapid or extremely slow. In dense stands where competition is severe, annual diameter increment is commonly less than 1 mm (0.03 in). Occasionally, 40 or more rings per centimeter (more than 100/in) can be counted. At the other extreme, diameter growth sometimes exceeds 2.5 cm (1 in) a year. One redwood growing with little competition was 213 cm (84 in) in d.b.h. when 108 years old.

The yield of young-growth redwood stands at 100 years is expected to range from 742 m³/ha (10,600 ft³/acre) on low sites to 3576 m³/ha (51,080 ft³/acre) on high sites (32). The same stands yield 781 to 4998 m³/ha (55,760 to 357,000 fbm/acre International quarter-inch rule), and yields of more than 2800 m³/ha (about 200,000 fbm/acre International quarter-inch rule) are common in young-growth redwood stands. At earlier ages, however, the greatest yields are in stands that contain a mixture of redwood and Douglas-fir (25).

Natural pruning in young redwood stands often is not good. Although live crowns may be limited to the upper third of the trunk, dead limbs are persistent. Branch stubs, although decayed, may remain more than 50 years. In old trees, some branch stubs have affected the quality of the timber over a 200-year period. Trees in the intermediate crown class, however, often prune well naturally, and some trees in a heavily stocked stand have clean trunks for 23 to 30 m (75 to 100 ft) at 85 years.

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Reaction to Competition ( Inglês )

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The redwood forest is a climax type. When growing with other species, redwood usually is a dominant tree. Douglas-fir can keep pace with redwood on many sites and occupy dominant and codominant crown positions along with redwood. Redwood has been classed as tolerant or very tolerant, the two highest categories in a scale of five shade tolerance classes. It is probably most accurately classed as very tolerant of shade in most situations.

Redwood stands are dense. At 60 years, redwood may have a basal area of more than 126 m²/ha (550 ft²/acre) on the best sites (32). Heavy stocking is desirable because the relatively high tolerance permits land to support a large number of dominant and codominant trees per unit area.

Under some conditions, redwood can endure suppression almost indefinitely. A 25-cm (10-in) suppressed tree might be more than 100 years old. Small trees may be suppressed for more than 400 years but still maintain a remarkable capacity to accelerate growth rates when released if they have not been crowded too closely and are not injured seriously during logging or slash burning. Large trees also can accelerate growth when released from competition.

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Rooting Habit ( Inglês )

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Redwoods have no taproots, but lateral roots are large and wide-spreading. Small trees have better-than-average windfirmness, and large redwoods are windfirm under most conditions.

A study in extreme northwestern California indicated that a combination of wet soil and strong winds is necessary for significant windfall damage. Consequently, windfall is caused by only a few of the many winter storms. Storms that cause windfall come mainly from the south. Uprooting accounted for 80 percent of the redwood windfall in this study (7).

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Seed Production and Dissemination ( Inglês )

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Redwoods start to bear seeds when 5 to 15 years old (8). One study showed that seed viability increased with the age of parent trees (38,39). Maximum seed viability was reached when trees were more than 250 years old. Seeds produced by trees younger than 20 years generally were less than 1 percent viable, and seeds from trees more than 1,200 years old were not more than 3 percent viable. Redwoods produce abundant seeds almost every year. Even trees in the intermediate crown class often produce seed crops. Fair to abundant crops were produced in 5 consecutive years in north coastal California (8). Cones often are rare, however, or nonexistent on large areas for many years in stands in Mendocino County, CA (central part of the range). Large mature stands on Maui, HI, have few or no cones or pollen (27).

Trees with new, narrow crowns resulting from sprouting of dormant buds after fire has killed the crown produce few cones during the first 4 years after the fire. About one-half such narrow-crowned trees, locally called fire-columns, bear cones in the fifth year, and almost all produce cones by the seventh or eighth year.

The germination rate of redwood seeds is usually low. Poor germination often results from a low percentage of sound seeds (less than 15 percent) rather than from dormancy. When obviously defective seeds are removed, germination rarely is below 80 percent, and is sometimes 100 percent (27). Identification of defective seeds often is difficult, however, because many seeds appearing sound are filled with tannin. In one seed study, soundness varied significantly with seed size. Seeds passing 12, 10, and 8 mesh screens were 2, 8, and 15 percent sound, respectively. Seeds from seven populations were photographed by X-ray. The distribution in categories was as follows: seeds empty or tannin filled, 58 to 97 percent; seeds from embryos damaged by fungi, 0 to 11 percent; and sound seeds, 1 to 32 percent (38,39).

Although only scant evidence is recorded on storage of redwood seeds, they do not seem to store well. One seed lot was stored successfully for 3 years but lost its viability completely after 5 years (19).

Redwood cones dry readily under conditions of low humidity and quickly release their seeds with slight shaking. But because weather conditions at cone ripening in nature usually are unfavorable for rapid drying, seed dispersal may be spread over periods that vary considerably in length. Rains, however, may hasten seed dissemination. One observer found in many instances that redwood seeds remained in the open cones until a drenching rain dissolved the tannic crystals in the cones (38,39). Seed dissemination during the winter months seems characteristic of redwood in the northern stands. More than four-fifths of the sound seeds in one study were shed during December and January.

Redwood seeds are small and light, number about 265,000/kg (120,000/lb), but lack efficient wings to slow them in falling (10). They fall at rates between 1.5 and 6.2 m/s (4.9 and 20.5 ft/s), averaging 2.6 m/s (8.6 ft/s). These rates are faster than for most other wind-disseminated forest seeds and limit seed dispersal considerably.

Timbered edges of clearcut units have effective seeding distances of only 61 m (200 ft) uphill and 122 m (400 ft) downhill under average redwood stand conditions. A recent study in Del Norte County, CA, showed that the largest clearcut units should not be more than 12 to 16 ha (30 to 40 acres) if regeneration will be completed by natural seeding (38,39). No silvicultural reasons exist for restricting the size of clearcuts, if areas are regenerated by artificial methods. Maximum size of clearcuttings is specified in Forest Practice Rules, based on erosion hazard, or other criteria.

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Seedling Development ( Inglês )

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Redwood seeds, generally, are ready to germinate soon after they fall to the ground if seedbeds are moist and the weather is warm enough. Redwood seeds do not require pretreatment to germinate, but germination speed is increased by an overnight soak in aerated water (27). Mineral soil is the best seedbed, but seeds will germinate readily in duff, on logs, in debris, or under other vegetation, and in either shade or full sunlight if adequate soil moisture is available. Redwood seed germination is epigeal.

New redwood seedlings require a greater supply of soil moisture for survival than that needed by seedlings of most associated trees (19). Late spring and early fall rains can be critical survival factors. Apparently, redwoods have no root hairs. Consequently, redwood roots do not seem to function efficiently in extracting soil moisture. This fact may limit natural distribution to sites where favorable water relations result from high rainfall, humid air, moist soil, or low summer temperatures, or from various combinations of these conditions. Redwood seedlings on fully exposed soil can withstand considerable surface heat if their roots have reached a permanent moisture supply. Otherwise, they die before soil surface temperatures reach 60° C (140° F). Redwood seedlings are extremely vulnerable to infection by damping-off and Botrytis fungi during their first year (22).

In its early stages, redwood grows rapidly in height. Seedlings often grow about 46 cm (18 in) in the first season and trees 4 to 10 years old sometimes grow 0.6 to 2.0 m (2 to 6.5 ft) in a year. In many instances, however, rapid height growth of trees that originate from seed does not commence until the trees are more than 10 years old.

Juvenile growth of redwood is best in full sunlight. Although redwood seedlings can endure heavy shade, growth there is slow. Photosynthetic capacity in redwood is remarkably high at low light intensities and keeps increasing as light intensity increases, much like more intolerant species. Redwood grew vigorously in much weaker light than 12 other tree species studied (38,39). For example, it increased its size 8.8 times in 10 percent of full sunlight in a 9-month period, more than twice the growth of any of the other species in the test. For appreciable growth, Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and Douglas-fir require twice as much light as redwood. Pine requires three to four times as much.

Radial growth of redwood in Mendocino County, CA, at points 6, 14, and 32 km (4, 9, and 20 mi) from the coast did not vary markedly in growth pattern. Radial growth began after mid-March, increased to a maximum in late May, and then declined at a fairly uniform rate to a minimum at the end of September. Radial growth was negligible from October 1 to March 15.

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Silvics of North America

Soils and Topography ( Inglês )

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The parent rock material of the redwood region is largely massive marine sandstone formed in the Tertiary and Upper Mesozoic periods. Considerable shale and lesser amounts of Mesozoic limestones and Franciscan slates, cherts, limestones, and sandstones also are present, and schists are fairly common in some localities.

High-site soils for redwood consist of Xerochrepts, Haploxerults, and Haplohumults of the Hugo, Josephine, Melbourne, Empire, Sites, and Larabee series (orders Inceptisols and Ultisols) and associated alluvial soils. The high-site residual soils have been derived from either consolidated or soft sedimentary rocks. In the Coastal Forest Practice Act District of California, which encompasses the natural range of redwood, the Hugo soil series predominates. In current soil taxonomic terms, the Hugo series is a Typic Distrochrept of the order Inceptisols (45,46). It is a member of a loamy-skeletal, mixed, mesic family, typically pale brown, moderately acid, gravelly (sandy) clay loam A horizons, and pale brown, strongly acid gravelly (sandy) clay loam B horizons. Limits of redwood forests sometimes are determined by soil types. For example, redwood does not grow on soils having high amounts of magnesium and sodium.

Fertility of soils under redwood stands has been studied by measuring the replaceable calcium concentration, expressed in equivalents, present in a square meter (10.76 ft²) to a depth of 30 cm (12 in). This measure indicates fertility best because it separates nutritional properties from other environmental effects. Equivalents ranged from 4 to more than 80, with 63 appearing to be optimum (49).

Soil nutrient levels that were observed to change during harvest of old-growth or second-growth redwood recovered to nearly original values during regrowth. In the one-meter soil profile, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and exchangeable potassium and sodium increased in amount, while calcium decreased (52). Soil organic matter showed a small decline and recovery after logging (18).

The lowest amount of soil moisture available during the year has been related to minimum basal area growth of redwood stands. Basal area is used as an index of stand development. This minimum available soil moisture, expressed as a percentage of storage capacity, ranged between 18 and 86, with 62 correlated with maximum basal area (49).

The redwood region, generally, is characterized by irregular ridges oriented northwest to southeast with deep narrow valleys. Consequently, the principal streams drain to the northwest. Much of the terrain is rough, steep, and extremely dissected both by major streams and smaller drainages. Redwoods grow from sea level to about 915 m (3,000 ft) elevation, but most are found between 30 and 760 m (100 and 2,500 ft). The best stands have developed on flats and benches along the larger streams, on moist coastal plains, river deltas, moderate westerly slopes, and valleys opening toward the sea.

Although most redwood stands are close to the ocean, redwood does not tolerate ocean winds, and considerable evidence suggests that it is sensitive to ocean salts carried inland during storms. Usually redwoods do not grow on hillsides that face the ocean. The absence of redwood near the ocean also may be caused by the absence of forest soils of sufficient depth and fertility to support redwood.

Redwoods are smaller and give way to other species as altitude, dryness, and slope increase. In the north, redwoods clothe all exposures and reach their maximum development as forest trees. In the southern part of the range, redwoods are restricted to western or northern exposures, and at the extreme southern extension they are restricted almost entirely to the bottoms of narrow canyons that cut through steep foothills abutting the ocean. Trees near the mouths of these canyons often are exposed to onshore winds and frequently have flat tops with dead limbs on the windward side. This effect has been attributed to the trees' inability to replace moisture lost through desiccation by winds.

On alluvial flats, where redwoods reach their maximum development, soils have been built up by deposits of sediment from successive floods. In one area the ground level has been raised 3.4 m (11 ft) in 700 years. In another, repeated flooding in the past 1,000 years deposited nearly 9.1 m (30 ft) of silt and gravel around the bases of many large redwood trees. Deposits from a single flood have been as deep as 76 cm (30 in). Redwoods adapt to the new ground levels by originating new and higher root systems (43,51). This flooding generally kills competing species and thereby allows redwood to maintain nearly pure stands on such plains.

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Special Uses ( Inglês )

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Redwood is used where decay resistance is important. Clark and Scheffer (14) found that decay resistance varied among trees or within the heartwood of individual trees. Decay resistance decreased from outer to inner hardwood. Wood classified as very decay resistant was about five times more prevalent in old-growth than in young-growth trees.

A prominent special feature of the redwood is its production of burls from which beautifully figured table tops, veneers, bowls, and other turned products are cut. These burls are found on any part of the trunk and in sizes varying from an inch to many feet in diameter. Their cause is unknown. Small burls containing hundreds of dormant buds often are cut and placed in shallow containers, kept moist, and allowed to sprout. These live burls serve as attractive house plants.

Another feature of redwood is its extremely tough and fibrous bark. The bark must be removed before logs reach the head saws so that sawing uniform lumber will be possible. The bark is used as hog fuel, insulation, or garden mulch.

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Silvics of North America

Vegetative Reproduction ( Inglês )

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Redwood can be propagated by cuttings, but few large-scale attempts of this kind have been reported. In an early study in California, 40 percent of the cuttings from the tops of fast-growing seedlings that had been pushed into forest nursery soil with no special treatment developed root systems (38,39). Currently, rooting in excess of 90 percent is obtained routinely, with mist in a favorable medium, using juvenile cuttings from seedlings (27). Cuttings from older trees are more difficult to root.

Studies in the past 10 years have improved the cutting procedure by hedging-a technique that seems to maintain the juvenility of the donor tree. A single seedling and its clonal descendants can produce about 1 million cuttings in 3 years by repeated hedging of seedlings and their descendants (29).

Modern methods of plant tissue culture also have propagated redwood successfully (3). Tissues from outstanding mature trees may be cultured in nutrient medium, becoming undifferentiated masses of cells or callus. In different nutrient media, fragments of the callus can be induced to differentiate into small plants. When these plants become large enough, juvenile cuttings can be taken from them (30). In France, scientists have found that shoots of redwood 10 to 20 mm (0.4 to 0.8 in) long are the best reactive material for producing explants, with fragments of the annual shoots being more reactive than the annual sprouts of 2-year-old shoots (13). Tissue cultured plantlets are generally twice the size of seedlings of the same age (2).

Redwood can sprout from stumps and root crowns anytime of the year. Numerous and vigorous sprouts originate from both dormant and adventitious buds within 2 to 3 weeks after logging. Sprouting capacity is related to variables associated with tree size or age. Stumps of small young trees sprout more readily than those of large old trees (35). Stumps often are circled by more than 100 sprouts. Many sprouts may be necessary to sustain a healthy stump-root system (4,15). Powers and Wiant (37) found that sprout vigor was related to sprout density. Sprout vigor was reduced at densities less than one sprout per 2 feet of stump circumference. Each sprout soon develops its own root system, and in a remarkably short time the dominant sprouts create circles of new trees around the old stumps.

Depending on the intensity of thinning or partial cutting in redwood, sprouts grow and develop successfully in openings (11,31). A recent study showed that more than 90 percent of all redwood stumps sprouted in a 40-year-old redwood stand thinned to 25, 50, and 75 percent of the initial basal area. Consequently, all thinned stands contained several hundred redwood sprout clumps per acre, and several thousand individual sprouts. The heavier the thinning, the more sprouts developed into vigorous young crop trees (31).

Sprouting by redwood is principally from root crowns, but sprouts sometimes grow from the sides and tops of stumps. These high sprouts are less desirable because they are mechanically weak and not as vigorous as root-crown sprouts. Sprouts originating from the sides and top of stumps often are destroyed by strong wind.

Sprouts are commonly about 60 to 90 cm (24 to 36 in) tall at the end of the first year but may be more than 1.8 m (6 ft) tall. In one instance, a fire killed all sprouts around a stump. About 300 new sprouts appeared within a few days, and at the end of one growing season many reached 2.1 m (7 ft). Sprouts grow more rapidly than seedlings and the initial impetus lasts many years. However, the best phenotypes at age 40 to 80 in stands originating from both sprouts and seedlings often are found to be of seedling origin (27).

Early estimates of stocking from root crown sprouts varied from 20 to 35 percent of full stocking. A later study showed that redwood sprouts on old growth cutover redwood land in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties, CA, provided only 8 percent of full stocking. This finding is low compared to more recent stand examinations where the majority of redwood stems in 163 moderately to fully stocked young growth stands originated from sprouts (33).

Redwood can also sprout along almost the entire length of its trunk. If the crown of a tree is destroyed by fire or mechanically damaged, or the stem is suddenly exposed to light, numerous dormant buds along the trunk are stimulated and produce new foliage. Most of the trunk is then covered by feathery foliage extending 0.6 to 0.9 m (2 to 3 ft) from the trunk. Eventually, normal crowns develop again.

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Silvics of North America

Distribution ( Inglês )

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The range of redwood extends southward from two groves on the Chetco River in the extreme southwest corner of Oregon (lat. 42° 09' N.), to Salmon Creek Canyon in the Santa Lucia Mountains of southern Monterey County, CA (lat. 35° 41' N.). This redwood belt is an irregular coastal strip about 724 km (450 mi) long and generally 8 to 56 km (5 to 35 mi) wide (39). Within this region, redwood trees grow now, or could grow, on an estimated 647 500 ha (1.6 million acres). Of this area, 260 200 ha (643,000 acres) comprise the commercial coast redwood forest type (more than 50 percent redwood stocking). The remainder of the area contains parks, other forest types containing redwood, and recently logged redwood type (12). The old-growth redwood, much of which is in State and National Parks, occupies less than 80 940 ha (200,000 acres) (36). The old-growth in commercial forests will be harvested within the next few decades. A major discontinuity splits the type in southern Humboldt County, CA. South of Sonoma County, CA, redwoods grow in detached and irregular areas to the southern extremity of the range (38,39).

- The native range of redwood.

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Brief Summary ( Inglês )

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Taxodiaceae -- Redwood family

David F. Olson, Jr., Douglass F. Roy, and Gerald A. Walters

Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), also called coast redwood and California redwood, is native to the central and northern California coast, a region of moderate to heavy winter rain and summer fog so vital to this tree. It is one of three important North American trees of the family Taxodiaceae. Close relatives are the giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) of the Sierra Nevada in California and the baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) of the southeastern states.

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Physical Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por USDA PLANTS text
Tree, Very large tree more than 75 m tall, Evergreen, Monoecious, Habit erect, Trees without or rarely having knees, Tree with bark rough or scaly, Young shoots in flat sprays, Buds not resinous, Leaves needle-like, Leaves scale-like, Leaves of two kinds, Leaves alternate, Needle-like leaf margins entire (use magnification), Leaf apex acute, Leaves < 5 cm long, Leaves < 10 cm long, Leaves not blue-green, Leaves white-striped, Scale leaves without raised glands, Needle-like leaves flat, Needle-like leaves not twisted, Needle-like leaf habit erect, Needle-like leaf habit drooping, Needle-like leaves per fascicle mostly 1, Needle-like leaf sheath early deciduous, Needle-like leaf sheath persistent, Twigs glabrous, Twigs not viscid, Twigs without peg-like projections or large fascicles after needles fall, Berry-like cones orange, Woody seed cones < 5 cm long, Bracts of seed cone included, Seeds tan, Seeds brown, Seeds winged, Seeds equally winged, Seed wings narrower than body.
Stephen C. Meyers
Aaron Liston
Steffi Ickert-Bond
Damon Little
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Rooihoutboom ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die rooihoutboom of Kaliforniese rooihout (Sequoia sempervirens) is inheems aan die kusstrook van Kalifornië in die Verenigde State van Amerika. Dit is ook in vier plantasies in Suid-Afrika aangeplant, naamlik Grootvadersbosch Plantasies, Tokai Staatsplantasies op die hange van Tafelberg, Woodbush Plantasies in Haenertsburg, Limpopo en aan die suidkus van die Wes-Kaap naby Knysna.

Die Kaliforniese rooihout kan 'n hoogte van tot 115 meter bereik. Die reuserooihout (Sequoiadendron giganteum) is 'n aanverwante spesie wat tot die Sierra Nevada beperk is.


Sien ook


  1. Farjon, A. & Schmid, R. (2011). "Sequoia sempervirens". IUCN Rooilys van Bedreigde Spesies. Weergawe 2013.2. Internasionale Unie vir die Bewaring van die Natuur. Besoek op 2 Januarie 2014.AS1-onderhoud: Veelvoudige name: authors list (link)

Eksterne skakels

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Rooihoutboom: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die rooihoutboom of Kaliforniese rooihout (Sequoia sempervirens) is inheems aan die kusstrook van Kalifornië in die Verenigde State van Amerika. Dit is ook in vier plantasies in Suid-Afrika aangeplant, naamlik Grootvadersbosch Plantasies, Tokai Staatsplantasies op die hange van Tafelberg, Woodbush Plantasies in Haenertsburg, Limpopo en aan die suidkus van die Wes-Kaap naby Knysna.

Die Kaliforniese rooihout kan 'n hoogte van tot 115 meter bereik. Die reuserooihout (Sequoiadendron giganteum) is 'n aanverwante spesie wat tot die Sierra Nevada beperk is.

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Sequoia sempervirens ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST

Sequoia sempervirens ye la única especie de Sequoia, un xéneru monotípicu de plantes perteneciente a la familia de les Cupressaceae, subfamilia Sequoioideae. Ye conocida vulgarmente como secuoya colorada[1] o secuoya de California. Ye un árbol perennifolio bien vieyu (ente 2000 y 3000 años) y la conífera más alta qu'esiste, llegando a algamar 115,61 m d'altor (ensin incluyir los raigaños) y 7,9 m de diámetru na so base. Nun hai que confundila con otros dos especies a les que tamién se llamen secuoya o secuoyes, y coles qu'integra la subfamilia Sequoioideae: la secoya xigante (Sequoiadendron giganteum) qu'algama altores d'hasta 85 m y la metasecoya (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), de menor altor (hasta 105 m). El nome pol cual anguaño son internacionalmente apelaes estes coníferes típiques de l'Alta California y del Oregón foi-yos dáu n'homenaxe al xefe cheroqui llamáu Sequoyah, magar cabo conseñar que los cheroqui y la so confederación habitaben nel centru-esti d'América del Norte y nunca nos llugares onde crecen estos árboles.

Vista del árbol.


Detalle de la corteza.

El tueru ye rectu, cilíndricu, con cañes horizontales llixeramente agazupaes escontra baxo, y tien una corteza bien gruesa, nidia y de un brillosu color pardorrojizo que se va escureciendo espuesta albentestate. Les fueyes son de tamaños variables: ente 15-25 mm, llargues y esplanaes n'árboles nuevos, y biltos a la solombra na zona inferior de la copa de los exemplares vieyos, hasta 5-10 mm de llongura en biltos espuestos a plenu sol na parte cimera de la copa d'árboles más vieyos; ente dambos estremos hai una amplia transición de tamaños. Son de color verde escuru nes partes cimeres y na parte inferior tienen dos bandes con estomas blancu azulaes. La disposición de la fueya ye espiral, anque les más grandes y avisiegues tán xiraes escontra la base pa caltener una posición plana y llograr la máxima lluz posible. Los conos son ovoides, de 15-32 mm de llongura con 15-25 escames dispuestes n'espiral; maurecen ente 8-9 meses dempués de la polinización a finales d'iviernu. #Cada escama d'estos conos contién ente 3 a 7 granes, caúna de 3-4 mm de llargu y 0,5 d'anchu, con dos ales de 1 mm. Estes granes son lliberaes cuando les escames maurecen y ábrense al ensugase.


  1. Nombre vulgar preferido en castellano, en Árboles: guía de campo; Johnson, Owen y More, David; traductor: Pijoan Rotger, Manuel, ed.
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Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST

Sequoia sempervirens ye la única especie de Sequoia, un xéneru monotípicu de plantes perteneciente a la familia de les Cupressaceae, subfamilia Sequoioideae. Ye conocida vulgarmente como secuoya colorada o secuoya de California. Ye un árbol perennifolio bien vieyu (ente 2000 y 3000 años) y la conífera más alta qu'esiste, llegando a algamar 115,61 m d'altor (ensin incluyir los raigaños) y 7,9 m de diámetru na so base. Nun hai que confundila con otros dos especies a les que tamién se llamen secuoya o secuoyes, y coles qu'integra la subfamilia Sequoioideae: la secoya xigante (Sequoiadendron giganteum) qu'algama altores d'hasta 85 m y la metasecoya (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), de menor altor (hasta 105 m). El nome pol cual anguaño son internacionalmente apelaes estes coníferes típiques de l'Alta California y del Oregón foi-yos dáu n'homenaxe al xefe cheroqui llamáu Sequoyah, magar cabo conseñar que los cheroqui y la so confederación habitaben nel centru-esti d'América del Norte y nunca nos llugares onde crecen estos árboles.

 src= Vista del árbol.
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Sekvoya ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Sekvoya (lat. Sequoia) — iynəyarpaqlılar sırasının sərvkimilər fəsiləsinin sequoioideae yarımfəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.

Təbii yayılması

Şimali Amerikanın dağlıq rayonlarında, Sakit okean sahili boyu ərazilərdə yayılmışdır.

Botaniki təsviri

Hündürlüyü 100 m-ə və çətirinin diamteri 8–10 m-ə çatan uzunömürlü (2000 ilə qədər) ağacdır. Sistematik baxımdan bu növ sekvoyadendrona yaxındır. Çətiri ensizdir və budaqlanması gövdənin yuxarısından başlayır. İynəyarpaqları neştərvarıdır, yumşaqdır, budaq üzərində iki cərgədə düzülür. Qozaları kiçik ölçüdədir, ovaldır 2-2,5 sm uzunluqdadır. Hamar, mavi-boz iynəyarpaqlı qısa zoğları sekvoyaya dekorativ görünüş verir. Ağacın qabığı qalın, qırmızımtıl, dərin şırımlıdır. Sekvoya birevli bitkidir, mikrostrobillər və meqa-strobillər bir ağacda inkişaf edir. Sekvoya tez boy atması ilə fərqlənir. Kölgəyədavamlı, torpaq və havanın rütubətinə tələbkardır. Sekvoya istisevəndir, lakin qısamüddətli şaxtalara da davam gətirir. Yüksək dərəcədə budaq və zoğ əmələgətirmə qabiliyyətinə mali olduğundan, kəsildikdə kök və gövdə pöhrələri ilə çətirini tez bir vaxtda bərpa edə bilir. Qələmlə çoxaldılır.


Azərbaycanda yayılması

Azərbaycan da Mərkəzi Nəbatat Bağına introduksiya edilmişdir. Bakı şəhərinə yeni salınan yaşıllıqlarda rast gəlinir.


Oduncağı çürüməyə davamlıdır, mebel və kağız istehsalında geniş istifadə edilir.


  • Tofiq Məmmədov, Elman İsgəndər, Tariyel Talıbov. Azərbaycanın nadir ağac və kol bitkiləri. Bakı: Elm, 2014, 380 səh.
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Sekvoya: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Sekvoya (lat. Sequoia) — iynəyarpaqlılar sırasının sərvkimilər fəsiləsinin sequoioideae yarımfəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.

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wikipedia AZ

Sequoia sempervirens ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA
Sequoia sempervirens

La sequoia (Sequoia sempervirens) és una espècie d'arbre, únic representant actual del gènere monotípic Sequoia inclòs a la família de les cupressàcies. Amb el nom de sequoia també es coneixen popularment altres arbres de la subfamília sequoioideae, com les del gènere Sequoiadendron i Metasequoia. Aquests arbres prenen dimensions gegantines, i arriben a fer més de 100 metres d'alçada i a viure entre 1.200 i 1.800 anys.[1]


Aquesta espècie, en concret, és un arbre amb molta longevitat, que pot viure entre 2.000 i 3.000 anys i, a més, és la conífera més alta que existeix. Té un tronc recte i cilíndric, amb les arrels horitzontals i amb una escorça grossa i brillant, de color rogenc. A partir de la mateixa arrel, hi creixen troncs independents molt pròxims entre si, de manera que si un és malmès els altres es desenvolupen independentment, aportant saba al tronc que la necessita.

Distribució i hàbitat

És endèmica de la costa nord de Califòrnia i del sud-oest d'Oregon, i ocupa una banda de terra que s'estén 750 km de nord a sud i de 8 a 56 km d'est a oest. Es troba des del nivell del mar fins als 915 m d'altitud, però normalment apareix entre els 100 i els 700. Es desenvolupa en climes de tipus mediterrani marítim, en què els hiverns són frescos i plujosos, i els estius, secs, però atenuats per una boira densa, que aporta humitat al sòl i redueix l'estrès hídric, ja pot representar d'un 30 a un 40% de l'aigua que absorbeix la sequoia. Pot créixer formant grups amb més sequoies o amb altres arbres, com el pi d'Oregon, el vern vermell o el roure de Califòrnia. Prefereix sòls prop de rierols, profunds i humits.

Interès i usos

L'espècie Sequoia sempervirens es va descobrir durant la famosa expedició Gaspar de Portolà a la Califòrnia del nord. Com que ningú de l'expedició no havia vist mai aquesta mena d'arbre, l'explorador d'Os de Balaguer va batejar l'arbre com a "palo colorado" .

Actualment, els únics arbres vius que superen els 100 m són els representants d'aquesta espècie i, a més, no pas de manera puntual, sinó formant boscos als Estats Units, amb alçades superiors als 105 m. Però la sequoia va ser sotmesa a una intensa activitat forestal a causa de la qualitat de la seva fusta vermella i pel seu ràpid creixement, ja que entre els 4 i els 10 anys pot créixer 1,80 m a l'any. Cal destacar que els boscos de sequoies també han cridat l'atenció a la indústria de Hollywood. Per la seva aparença arcaica i per l'aire de misteri que els envolta han estat escenari de Star Wars episodi VI: El retorn del Jedi o Parc Juràssic.

Al nord de la ciutat de San Francisco, a Califòrnia, hi ha el Muir Woods National Monument, un parc natural amb un gran nombre d'arbres d'aquesta espècie.


  1. «Sequoia gigantea is of an ancient and distinguished family» (en anglès). Nps.gov, 02-02-2007. [Consulta: 27 novembre 2013].

Enllaços externs

 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Sequoia sempervirens Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata  src= Podeu veure l'entrada corresponent a aquest tàxon, clade o naturalista dins el projecte Wikispecies.
  • «Sequoia sempervirens» (en anglès). The Gymnosperm Database. [Consulta: 17 abril 2013]. «Succinta monografia sobre S. sempervirens (inclou una llista d'articles en publicacions revisades)».
  • «More Than Tall Trees» (en anglès). Redwood - National Parks Services. [Consulta: 26 juny 2013].
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wikipedia CA

Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA
 src= Sequoia sempervirens

La sequoia (Sequoia sempervirens) és una espècie d'arbre, únic representant actual del gènere monotípic Sequoia inclòs a la família de les cupressàcies. Amb el nom de sequoia també es coneixen popularment altres arbres de la subfamília sequoioideae, com les del gènere Sequoiadendron i Metasequoia. Aquests arbres prenen dimensions gegantines, i arriben a fer més de 100 metres d'alçada i a viure entre 1.200 i 1.800 anys.

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wikipedia CA

Sekvoj vždyzelená ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ
Sekvoj vždyzelená, Redwood National Park
Sequoia sempervirens

Sekvoj vždyzelená (Sequoia sempervirens D. Don) (české jazykové slovníky uvádějí v prvním pádu jako přípustný pouze tvar sekvoje, v botanických slovnících se objevuje i název sekvoja) je stálezelený jehličnatý strom s úzce kuželovitou korunou dosahující výšky až 116 m a stáří až 2200 let. Je to jediný recentní druh z rodu sekvoj (Sequoia).

Výška některých stromů poražených v 19. století byla odhadnuta na 144 m. Nejvyšším žijícím stromem na světě je právě sekvoj vždyzelená s výškou 115,5 m a jménem Hyperion.


  • Průměr kmene může dosáhnout i 6,5 metru.
  • Jehlice jsou čárkovité, až 2 cm dlouhé, na konci špičaté, na líci tmavozelené, na rubu se dvěma bílými pásy, roztroušené po obou stranách větévky.
  • Borka je červenohnědá, měkká a vláknitá se širokými hřebeny, může dosahovat tloušťky až 120 cm, což strom činí odolným proti požárům.
  • Strom produkuje tanin, který se ukládá do kůry a chrání ho tak proti hmyzu.
  • Květy - samčí mají barvu žlutohnědou, samičí jsou zelené, chomáče jsou oddělené, ale na téže rostlině.
  • Sekvoj kvete od konce zimy do počátku jara.
  • Plodem je sudovitá až kulovitá červenohnědá šiška, dlouhá až 3 cm, která zraje po dobu jednoho roku.

Místa rozšíření

Výskyt sekvojí je omezen na Spojené státy americké – pobřeží jižního Oregonu a Kalifornie. Červeně rezavě hnědá barva mladých výhonků dala název obecnému označení sekvojí – redwood („červené dřevo“) – i Národnímu parku Redwood. Sekvoj je národním stromem Kalifornie.

Související články


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]

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Sekvoj vždyzelená: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ
 src= Sekvoj vždyzelená, Redwood National Park  src= Sequoia sempervirens

Sekvoj vždyzelená (Sequoia sempervirens D. Don) (české jazykové slovníky uvádějí v prvním pádu jako přípustný pouze tvar sekvoje, v botanických slovnících se objevuje i název sekvoja) je stálezelený jehličnatý strom s úzce kuželovitou korunou dosahující výšky až 116 m a stáří až 2200 let. Je to jediný recentní druh z rodu sekvoj (Sequoia).

Výška některých stromů poražených v 19. století byla odhadnuta na 144 m. Nejvyšším žijícím stromem na světě je právě sekvoj vždyzelená s výškou 115,5 m a jménem Hyperion.

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wikipedia CZ

Rødtræ ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA
Sequoia sempervirens

Rødtræ (Sequoia sempervirens) er et stort, stedsegrønt nåletræ med brede lidt skælagtige nåle og en trævlet bark.


Rødtræ er et stedsegrønt nåletræ med en opret og smalt kegleformet (senere næsten cylindrisk) krone. Barken er først lysegrøn, men snart bliver den rødlig. Ældre grene og unge stammer får efterhånden en rødbrun bark med smalle furer. Gamle stammer får med tiden en mørkebrun, dybt furet bark. Knopperne er små og lysegrønne, næsten skjult ved basis af nålene. Nålene på langskud er græsgrønne og skælagtige, mens sideskuddenes nåle er mørkegrønne og linjeformede med langt udtrukket spids. Blomstringen foregår i februar, hvor blomsterne sidder i adskilte stande med henholdsvis rent hanlige og rent hunlige blomster. De hanlige blomster er små og ægformede, siddende ved spidsen af sideskud, mens de hunlige er kuglerunde og sidder på kraftige skud. Frugtrne er runde og rødbrune Kogler, som er 11–17 mm lange med en 5 mm lang, skællet stilk.

Rødtræ forveksles ofte med mammuttræet, der også er et stort træ, som ligeledes vokser i Californien, men har en anden biotop, nemlig Sierra Nevada-bjergene. Arten tilhører Cypres-familien. Tidligere blev den henregnet til Taxodiaceae, men denne plantefamilie er nu lagt sammen med Cypres-familien.

Rodnettet er meget højtliggende og når sjældent dybere ned end 2-2,5 m. Træet er meget hårdført overfor skovbrand og synes at have en konkurrencemæssig fordel af, at nålene er hævet så højt over skovbunden og de brandbare urter og buske dér.

Rødtræ er blandt de største træer i verden. Det opnår ofte en højde på over 100 m. Verdens største træ (og muligvis det største, levende væsen) er rødtræet "Hyperion", der er 115,60 m i højden.

Navnets oprindelse

Det danske navn kommer via engelsk redwood fra det spanske navn for skovfyr (Pino rojo). Navnet passer meget godt til den rødlige bark, træet har her i landet. Det har dog grå bark i naturen, fordi det stærke sollys i Californien bleger barken. Slægtsnavnet Sequoia stammer fra Sequoyah (George Guess), som var den Cherokee-høvding, der har æren af at have givet folket dets eget skriftsprog.


Rødtræ hører hjemme i bjergene på en 724 km strækning langs Californiens og det sydligste Oregons kyst. De har tidligere, dvs. i Tertiærtiden, været meget mere udbredte, og de fandtes bl.a. i Europa. Kun i det stabile, milde og fugtige klima på de kystvendte bjerge i det vestlige Nordamerika har arten kunnet klare sig. I Redwood National Park, som mestendels ligger i det nordlige Californien, er vegetationen ret ensartet og består – foruden af unge og gamle eksemplarer af Rødtræ – bl.a. af følgende arter: almindelig engelsød, fjerbregne, amerikansk tørst, blåbær (flere arter), busket bjergte, grøn douglasgran, Lithocarpus densiflorus (en art af garvebarkeg), Oxalis oregana (en art af surkløver), Ribs-slægten (flere arter), Sambucus callicarpa (en underart af druehyld), sitkagran, sværdbregne, Umbellularia californica en art i Laurbær-familien), vestamerikansk hemlock og vestamerikansk mahonie[1]


  1. ^ Ecology.info: Redwood - en grundig gennemgang af økologien i rødtræskovene (på (engelsk))

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Rødtræ: Brief Summary ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA
 src= Sequoia sempervirens

Rødtræ (Sequoia sempervirens) er et stort, stedsegrønt nåletræ med brede lidt skælagtige nåle og en trævlet bark.

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wikipedia DA

Küstenmammutbaum ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE
Junge Zweige

Der Küstenmammutbaum (Sequoia sempervirens) ist ein immergrüner Nadelbaum. Er ist die einzige Art der monotypischen Gattung Sequoia aus der Unterfamilie der Mammutbäume (Sequoioideae) in der Familie der Zypressengewächse (Cupressaceae). Der Küstenmammutbaum ist der Staatsbaum des US-Bundesstaates Kalifornien. Zu dieser Art gehören die höchsten lebenden Bäume der Welt.

Der Küstenmammutbaum wird auch Küsten-Sequoie genannt. Die im englischen Sprachraum häufig anzutreffende Bezeichnung California redwood ist nicht eindeutig, da der nahe verwandte Riesenmammutbaum ebenfalls ein „Kalifornisches Rotholz“ ist. Die Gattung Sequoia wurde von ihrem Erstbeschreiber Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher 1847 wahrscheinlich nach Sequoyah (ca. 1770–1843) benannt, dem Erfinder des Cherokee-Alphabets.[1]


Habitus und Wuchs

Küstenmammutbäume können über 110 m hoch werden und einen Stammdurchmesser (BHD) von über 7 m erreichen. Das höchste bekannte, lebende Exemplar mit einer Stammlänge von 115,85 m ist der „Hyperion“ im Redwood-Nationalpark im Nordwesten Kaliforniens, womit er der höchste bekannte Baum der Welt ist.[2] Bei erwachsenen Exemplaren im Bestand sind die Stämme bis in rund 30 m Höhe astfrei.

In der Jugend bilden die Bäume schmale, pyramidenförmige Kronen mit schlanken Ästen aus. Alte Bäume haben eine kompakte, unregelmäßige, relativ kleine, aber dennoch schlanke Krone; die Äste sind kräftig und waagerecht.

Nadeln, Zweige, Knospen

Der Küstenmammutbaum bildet zwei Blattformen aus.

Die erste Form sind 10 bis 20 mm lange, nadelförmige Blätter, die spiralig an Langtrieben oder zweizeilig an Kurztrieben stehen. Diese Nadeln sind an der Oberseite dunkelgrün, an der Unterseite graugrün und besitzen zwei Stomastreifen. Sie sind im Querschnitt flach und ähneln Eibenblättern. Die Nadeln werden drei bis vier Jahre alt, sind also immergrün. Die Spaltöffnungen sitzen auf beiden Seiten der Nadeln. Im Querschnitt sind drei Harzkanäle zu erkennen, von denen sich einer direkt unter dem Leitbündel befindet und zwei nahe der unteren Epidermis liegen. Die langen Nadeln treten vor allem an Schattentrieben auf.

Die zweite Form sind Schuppenblätter, die spiralig an Langtrieben stehen. Sie sind rund 6 mm lang, liegen dem Zweig an und sind unterseits gekielt. Sie treten vor allem im stark besonnten oberen Teil der Krone auf.

Junge Zweige sind schlank und dunkelgrün und haben einen runden Querschnitt. Die Knospen sind kugelig und grün. Sie bestehen aus 10 bis 12 eiförmigen Knospenschuppen, die auch nach dem Austreiben an der Basis des Zweiges verbleiben.

Zapfen, Blüten und Samen

Sequoia sempervirens, Zweige mit reifen Zapfen, Samen

Der Küstenmammutbaum ist einhäusig (monözisch), das heißt, weibliche und männliche Zapfen befinden sich auf demselben Baum. Die Samenproduktion beginnt, wenn die Bäume 10 bis 15 Jahre alt sind. Die Zapfen erscheinen im Winter (Dezember/Januar) und stehen am terminalen Ende der Kurztriebe. Die länglichen, 4 bis 6 mm langen männlichen Zapfen stehen auch in Achseln von Nadeln. Brakteen umgeben zahlreiche Staubblätter mit je drei Pollensäcken. Die Pollen sind 28 bis 34 µm groß.

Die weiblichen Zapfen sind zur Blütezeit langgestreckt, aufrecht und grün. Sie bestehen aus 15 bis 25 zugespitzten Zapfenschuppen, die spiralig angeordnet sind. Die Samenschuppe ist mit der Deckschuppe verwachsen und trägt meist drei bis acht Samenanlagen, die in zwei Reihen stehen.[3] Die zur Reife eiförmigen Zapfen sind 1,8 bis 2,5 cm lang, 1,2 cm breit und hängend herab. Sie werden am Ende der gleichen Vegetationsperiode reif. Zur Zapfenreife färbt sich der Zapfen gelblich grün, dann braun. Die reifen Zapfen verbleiben am Baum und streuen die Samen aus. Jeder Zapfen enthält 50 bis 60 Samen. Pro Baum und Jahr werden bis zu fünf Millionen Samen gebildet.

Die Samen sind 3,0 bis 4,5 mm lang, rund 0,5 mm breit und haben einen 1 mm breiten Flügel. Das Tausendkorngewicht beträgt 3,8 bis 4,4 g. Die Samen werden mit dem Wind ausgebreitet, jedoch meist nur 60 bis 120 m weit vom Mutterbaum. Nur rund 20 % der Samen sind keimfähig, der Rest taub. Dies wird als Anpassung an Fressfeinde gedeutet, die durch das mühsame Aussortieren der essbaren aus den leeren Samen abgeschreckt werden sollen. Röntgenuntersuchungen zeigten, dass 1 bis 32 % der Samen gesund sind, 0 bis 11 % sind verpilzt und 58 bis 97 % sind hohl oder mit Tannin gefüllt.

Holz und Borke

Dicht stehende Sequoien im Humboldt Redwoods State Park (Kalifornien)

Der Küstenmammutbaum zählt zu den besten Nutzhölzern. Die Gründe sind die außergewöhnlichen Dimensionen, die Dauerhaftigkeit, die Astreinheit und die technischen Eigenschaften. Der weißliche Splint ist schmal und hebt sich deutlich vom Kernholz ab. Dieses ist hellrot bis bräunlich-rot (manchmal violett). Hiervon leitet sich der im Holzhandel häufig benutzte Name „Redwood“ für das Holz des Küstenmammutbaums ab. Im Licht dunkelt das Holz nach.

Deutlich zu erkennen sind die Jahresringgrenzen sowie der Wechsel von Früh- zu Spätholz. Das Holz enthält keine Harzkanäle und besteht zu 90 % aus Tracheiden. Diese sind 2,9 bis 9,3 mm lang. Die Holzstrahlen sind nur mit der Lupe zu erkennen.

Die Borke wird bis 30 cm dick. Sie ist graubraun bis braun und oft tief längsrissig. Sie löst sich in langen Streifen vom Baum.


Schnitt durch einen Küstenmammutbaum mit typischem Knoten

Charakteristisch für ältere Bäume sind Knoten (engl. burls), unregelmäßige, knollige, verholzte Stammauswüchse nahe der Bodenoberfläche. Die Entstehung dieser Knoten ist nicht vollständig geklärt, als Ursachen werden Verletzungen wie auch Bakterien (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) und Pilze vermutet. Es gibt keine Hinweise, dass die Knoten die Vitalität des Baumes vermindern. Selbst kleine Knoten enthalten hunderte Knospen. Diese kann man vom Stamm lösen und zum Austreiben bringen.

Siehe auch → Maserknolle


Der Küstenmammutbaum ist ein Flachwurzler mit zahlreichen kräftigen Wurzeln, die dicht unter der Bodenoberfläche verlaufen und eine große Fläche umfassen. Es werden Mykorrhiza-Symbiosen gebildet, so z. B. mit Glomus mosseae.

Vegetative Vermehrung

Morscher Stock umgeben von Stämmen, die aus vegetativer Vermehrung hervorgegangen sind

Die Art bildet häufig Stockausschläge und Wurzelbrut und kann sich so natürlich verjüngen. Die Stockausschläge entstehen aus schlafenden Augen und bilden umgehend ein eigenes Wurzelsystem. Alte Stöcke sind oft von einem Ring von Stockausschlägen umgeben. Auch aus einem umgestürzten Baum können durch Stockausschläge mehrere neue Bäume hervorgehen. Auch aus den oben erwähnten burls bilden sich neue Sprosse.

Aus Wurzelausschlägen können auch ‚weiße Redwoods‘ hervorgehen, Bäume, die über kein Chlorophyll verfügen und vollständig vom Mutterbaum versorgt werden. Sie werden selten über 3 m hoch, können jedoch 20 m erreichen.


Die Samen keimen epigäisch, die Keimlinge haben meist zwei Keimblätter und bilden keine Wurzelhaare aus. Die Keimblätter sind kräftig mittelgrün und sind breiter und länger als die kleinen, spiralig stehenden Folgeblätter. Das beste Keimsubstrat ist Mineralboden, wie er nach Waldbränden vorliegt. Die Samen keimen aber auch auf Stämmen und unter der Vegetation.

Das Jugendwachstum ist sehr rasch, einjährige Sämlinge können 46 Zentimeter hoch sein, vier- bis zehnjährige Bäume haben einen Jahreszuwachs von 60 bis 200 Zentimetern. Die Bäume blühen mit 10 bis 15 Jahren zum ersten Mal, die höchste Produktion von Samen tritt erst bei über 200-jährigen Bäumen auf. Das größte Höhenwachstum wird mit rund 35 Jahren erreicht. Ein erwachsenes Exemplar ist rund 90 Meter hoch. Das höchste bekannte Exemplar und gleichzeitig der höchste bekannte lebende Baum ist, wie oben erwähnt, der Hyperion mit 115,5 Metern. Zurzeit (2006) sind zwölf Exemplare mit über 110 Metern Höhe bekannt. Der Küstenmammutbaum mit dem größten Volumen ist der Del Norte Titan im Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, einem Teil des Redwood-Nationalparks, mit einem Volumen von 1044,7 Kubikmetern bei einer Höhe von 93,6 Metern.

Die Art ist selbstfertil, Selbstbefruchtungsnachkommen sind jedoch in ihrer Wuchskraft schwächer.

Ein Alter von 600 Jahren ist keine Seltenheit. Das höchste Alter wurde durch Jahresringzählung mit rund 2200 Jahren bestimmt.

Genetische Untersuchungen

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 66. Entsprechend der durchgehenden Chromosomen-Grundzahl von n = 11 in der Familie der Zypressengewächse ist der Küstenmammutbaum hexaploid. Nach Yang u. a. (2012)[4] sprechen die Ergebnisse genetischer Vergleiche dafür, dass an der Entstehung zwei verschiedene Ausgangsarten, genauer sogar verschiedene Gattungen beteiligt gewesen sein könnten. In diesem Fall wäre die Konifere als allopolyploid zu bezeichnen, mit der Chromosomen-Konstellation: AAAABB, wobei die Buchstaben die erblichen Anteile der Ursprungsarten symbolisieren. Die genaue Entstehung der Gattung Sequoia ist damit aber noch nicht geklärt, das angenommene hohe phylogenetische Alter, und der Mangel an fossilen Belegen machen die Klärung unwahrscheinlich. Das Mitochondrien-Genom wird paternal (über den Vater) vererbt (Neale u. a. 1989), eine Besonderheit unter Koniferen.


Natürliches Areal

Der Küstenmammutbaum ist in den Küstengebieten Nordkaliforniens und im Süden Oregons heimisch. Die Angaben über das verbleibende natürliche Areal schwanken zwischen 6475[5] und rund 8000 km². Es besteht aus einem rund 750 km langen und zwischen 8 und 56 km breiten Streifen an der Pazifikküste.

Die Nordgrenze liegt am Chetco River im äußersten Südwesten von Oregon in den Klamath Mountains (42° 09′ nördliche Breite), rund 25 km nördlich der Grenze zu Kalifornien. Die südlichsten Vorkommen gibt es im Salmon Creek Canyon in den Santa Lucia Mountains, Monterey County (35° 41′ nördliche Breite). Vertikal kommt die Art von Meereshöhe bis in 900 m ü. NN. Im südlichen Arealteil ist die Art auf West- und Nordhänge beschränkt, nahe der südlichen Arealgrenze wächst sie nur am Grund der Canyons. Der küstenfernste Punkt des Areals liegt im Napa County, 75 km landeinwärts.

Die größten Populationen finden sich im Redwood-Nationalpark sowie im Humboldt Redwoods State Park in den Countys Humboldt County und Del Norte County.

Außerhalb des natürlichen Areals wird die Art vornehmlich als Parkbaum kultiviert, so in Südeuropa, auf den britischen Inseln (wo es 50 m hohe Exemplare gibt) oder in Australien und Neuseeland. In den meisten Gebieten Mitteleuropas ist der Küstenmammutbaum nicht zuverlässig winterhart; besonders junge Bäume sind frostempfindlich. Die Frostresistenz wird für erwachsene Bäume mit −10 °C für die Blätter, −15 °C für die Knospen und −20 °C für die Zweige angegeben. Forstkulturen gibt es unter anderem in Großbritannien, Versuche dazu auch in Portugal und der Ukraine (Krim). In Deutschland waren 1952 Anzuchtversuche am Niederrhein in der Sequoiafarm Kaldenkirchen des Dendrologen-Ehepaars Illa und Ernst J. Martin erfolgreich; der dort 1953 angelegte kleine Redwood-Hain mit einer Baumhöhe von 35 m (2011)[6] gehört heute neben einem Bestand im Staatsforst Burgholz zu den wenigen größeren Küstenmammutbaum-Beständen nördlich der Alpen. Diese Bäume erwiesen sich als winterhart in Deutschland und zeigen keine Blattschäden.[7]


Typischer Nebel im Redwood-Nationalpark

Das Habitat des Küstenmammutbaumes sind Regenwälder der gemäßigten Breiten mit mild-humidem Klima. Am natürlichen Standort liegt die mittlere Jahrestemperatur zwischen 10 und 16 °C, die Extreme liegen bei −9 °C und +38 °C. Sechs bis acht Monate sind frostfrei. Die Niederschläge fallen hauptsächlich im Winter, jedoch selten als Schnee, die Werte liegen zwischen 640 und 3100 mm, vielfach um 2500 mm. Die niederschlagsarmen Sommer werden durch die typischen Sommernebel ausgeglichen, da sie die Sonneneinstrahlung und damit die Verdunstung reduzieren und gleichzeitig Wasser zuführen.

Im Redwood-Nationalpark

Die Bäume wachsen auf unterschiedlichen Böden. In Küstennähe wachsen sie auf alluvialen Schwemmböden, Flussterrassen und Delta-Landschaften mit teilweise sehr mächtigen Sedimenten. In den Bergen wachsen sie über marinen Sandsteinen, Kalksteinen und Schiefern, häufig auf lehmigen, hellbraunen Böden mittlerer Azidität. Hohe Gehalte an Magnesium und Natrium wirken begrenzend.

Die Art toleriert Überflutung und Sedimentablagerungen. Bei hohen Schlammablagerungen werden im unteren Stammbereich neue Wurzeln gebildet, die den neuen, meterhohen Boden durchwurzeln. So können sich die Bäume dem neuen Bodenniveau anpassen. Dadurch sind sie konkurrierenden Baumarten überlegen und bilden an solchen Standorten Reinbestände.

Die besten Standorte sind Flussniederungen und flache Hänge unterhalb von 300 m ü. NN. Hier werden Derbholzmassen von 10.000 bis 14.000 Kubikmeter pro Hektar gebildet.

Die Art ist vielfach mit anderen Nadelbäumen wie Douglasie, Küsten-Tanne, Westamerikanische Hemlocktanne und Sitka-Fichte vergesellschaftet. In höheren, trockeneren Bereichen wächst sie zusammen mit Acer macrophyllum, Arbutus menziesii und Umbellularia californica.

Diese Wälder sind wichtige Habitate für die gefährdeten Arten Marmelalk und Fleckenkauz. Weitere vorkommende Arten sind der Maultierhirsch (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) und der Helmspecht (Dryocopus pileatus) sowie die Wapiti-Unterart Cervus canadensis roosevelti, deutsch Roosevelt-Wapiti, die eng mit dem Rothirsch verwandt ist.

Biotische Einflüsse und Feuer

Der Küstenmammutbaum ist generell wenig anfällig für Krankheiten. Als Keimling jedoch ist er recht anfällig für die Grauschimmelfäule (Botrytis cinerea). Die Stammfäule-Erreger Poria sequoiae Bonar (im Süden des Areals) und Poria albipellucida Baxt. (im Norden des Areals) befallen alte Stämme in Bodennähe. Sie dringen durch Brandwunden oder Astbrüche in das Kernholz ein und verursachen Braunfäule oder Weißfäule und erhöhen dadurch die Gefahr von Stammbrüchen und vermindern den forstwirtschaftlichen Wert des Holzes. Seiridium juniperi löst Krebs an Ästen aus.

Insekten spielen mit Ausnahme der Borkenkäfer Phloeosinus sequoiae und Phloeosinus cristatus keine Rolle.

Wapitis können starke Verbissschäden verursachen. Schwarzbären schälen die Rinde von jungen Bäumen, wohl um an den Phloemsaft zu gelangen.

Unter den abiotischen Einflüssen ist das Feuer von großer Bedeutung. Jungbestände sind wegen ihrer dünnen Borke besonders empfindlich, regenerieren sich jedoch über Wurzelbrut. Erwachsene Exemplare sind aufgrund ihrer dicken Borke und des sehr hoch liegenden Astansatzes recht unempfindlich gegenüber Bränden. Vor dem Eingreifen des Menschen gab es in den Küstenmammutbaum-Wäldern alle 20 bis 50 Jahre Feuer, die auch die Konkurrenz der Mammutbäume durch andere Bäume verringerten. Deshalb werden sie zu den Pyrophyten gezählt, die durch Feuer gefördert werden.

Auch wenn etliche Bestände nahe der Meeresküste wachsen, sind die Bäume nicht windfest und auch nicht salzresistent.


Das rote Holz führte zum englischen Namen Redwood

„Redwood“ ist eines der wertvollsten und dauerhaftesten Nutzhölzer auf dem Weltmarkt. Obwohl die Baumbestände rasch abnehmen, wird die Art weiter genutzt. Das Holz wird für Möbel, Täfelungen, Fenster, Türen und Fußböden verwendet. Aufgrund der guten Spaltbarkeit und Dauerhaftigkeit wurde es auch für Dachschindeln genutzt. Da es kein Harz enthält und geruchsfrei ist, wurden aus dem Holz auch Gefäße zur Aufbewahrung von Lebensmitteln hergestellt.

Das Kernholz ist weitgehend resistent gegen Bohrmuscheln, Insekten, Fäulnis und holzzerstörende Pilze; zudem ist es schwer entflammbar. Es ist leicht bearbeitbar und trocknet gut bei geringem Volumenverlust (rund sieben Prozent). Die Neigung zum Reißen und Verwerfen ist gering. Aufgrund seiner Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Pilz- und Termitenbefall wird „Redwood“ auch in tropische Länder exportiert.

Die Knospen der Knoten sind in den Redwood-Parks ein beliebtes Souvenir. Die Knoten selbst werden zu Tischplatten und Furnieren verarbeitet, wobei das Holz als Vavona Maser bezeichnet wird.[8] Die Borke wird als Isoliermaterial und auch als Gartenmulch verwendet.

Gefährdung und Schutz

Altbestand im Redwood-Nationalpark. Deutlich zu sehen ist die Borke.

Zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Entdeckung für die europäische Welt 1769 umfasste das Areal der Küstenmammutbaum-Wälder je nach Quelle 6500 bis 8000 Quadratkilometer. Im Verbreitungsgebiet der Art lebten zahlreiche Indianerstämme, so die Sinyone, Kashaya Pomo, die südwestlichen Pomo, die Wappo (Ashochimi), Yurok und die Tolowa. Die heute ausgestorbenen Sinyone sahen in den Mammutbäumen heilige Hüter des Waldes. Redwoodhaine bewachten die Geister der Ahnen, deren Grabstätten sich zwischen den Bäumen befanden. Die Indianer nutzten das Holz zum Bau von Häusern und Booten, andere Teile dienten als Heilmittel.

Die kommerzielle Nutzung setzte um 1850 ein. Bereits ab den 1860er Jahren wurden die Redwood-Wälder großflächig eingeschlagen, das Holz wurde vor allem für Häuser, aber auch für Eisenbahnschwellen, Schiffsplanken und im Bergbau verwendet. Bis zu den 1960er Jahren wurden rund 90 Prozent der Bestände abgeholzt, auch danach ging die Nutzung weiter.

Erste Bemühungen zum Schutz der Wälder setzten 1879 im Gefolge der Errichtung des ersten Nationalparks (Yellowstone) ein. 1918 wurde die Save the Redwoods League gegründet, die mit Spendengeldern Wälder aufkaufte, die in den Jahren darauf zusammen mit Land des Bundesstaates Kalifornien zur Gründung der State Parks Jedediah Smith, Del Norte Coast und Prairie Creek dienten. Die wichtigsten State und National Parks sind: Redwood-Nationalpark, gegründet 1968 mit rund 50 Prozent des gesamten verbliebenen Bestandes (mit den integrierten State Parks Jedediah Smith Redwoods, Prairie Creek Redwoods und Del Norte Coast Redwoods), Muir Woods National Monument, Humboldt Redwoods State Park und Big Basin Redwoods State Park.

Nach 15-jährigem Bemühen von Naturschützern und einer 738-tägigen Baumbesetzung durch die Aktivistin Julia Hill bot die US-Regierung 1999 ein Kompensationsgeschäft in Höhe von 480 Millionen US-Dollar für den größten kommerziell genutzten Redwood-Wald nahe Eureka, erwarb das Gebiet von zwei Holzkonzernen und stellte es am 1. März 1999 als Headwaters Forest Reserve unter Schutz.[9]

Knapp 10 Prozent des ursprünglichen Areals der Art steht heute unter Schutz. Nur rund drei Prozent der heutigen Fläche sind noch Urwald. Aufgrund der geringen Fläche an Urwald werden auch Aufforstungsflächen vermehrt unter Schutz gestellt, um den Bestand der Art zu sichern. Die nicht unter Schutz stehenden Wälder werden nach wie vor kommerziell genutzt.



  1. Lotte Burkhardt: Verzeichnis eponymischer Pflanzennamen. Erweiterte Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]
  2. Mario D. Vaden: Hyperion Coast Redwood (abgerufen am 17. September 2021)
  3. Armin Jagel, Veit Martin Dörken: Die Zapfen der Zypressengewächse (Cupressaceae) – Teil 1: Unterfamilien Cunninghamioideae, Athrotaxoideae, Taiwanioideae, Sequoioideae, Taxodioideae. In: Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft. Band 100, 2015, S. 161–176.
  4. Z. Y. Yang, J. H. Ran, X. Q. Wang: Three Genome-based Phylogeny of Cupressaceae s.l: Further Evidence for the Evolution of Gymnosperms and Southern Hemisphere Biogeography. In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 64, 2012, S. 452–470.
  5. Washington Post: Decoding the Redwoods, 7. Februar 2018
  6. Michael Geller, Volker André Bouffier: Küstenmammutbäume in Deutschland – eine Bestandsaufnahme. In: Beiträge zur Gehölzkunde 2011. Gesellschaft Deutsches Arboretum, 2011, ISBN 978-3-9804283-4-7.
  7. Illa Martin: Der Küstenmammutbaum (Sequoia sempervirens) und seine Anzucht in Deutschland. In: Jahrbuch der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft. Band 77. Ulmer, Stuttgart 1987, ISBN 3-8001-8310-2, S. 57–104.
  8. Gesamtverband Deutscher Holzhandel: Redwood
  9. Bureau of Land Management: Headwaters Forest Reserve (abgerufen am 17. Juni 2019)


  • Anna Lewington, Edward Parker: Unsere ältesten Bäume. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-440-10382-X, S. 22–28.
  • D. B. Neale, K. A. Marshall, R. R. Sederoff: Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA are Paternally Inherited in Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 86 (23), 1989, S. 9347–9349. (Volltext)
  • Peter Schütt, Ulla M. Lang: Sequoia sempervirens. In: Schütt, Weisgerber, Schuck, Lang, Stimm, Roloff: Lexikon der Nadelbäume. Nikol, Hamburg 2004, ISBN 3-933203-80-5, S. 531–543.

Weiterführende Literatur

  • M. G. Barbour, S. Lydon, M. Borchert, M. Popper, V. Whitworth, J. Evarts: Coast Redwood: A Natural and Cultural History. Cachuma Press, Los Olivos, CA, 2001, ISBN 0-9628505-5-1.
  • Joan Dunning: From the Redwood Forest: Ancient Trees and the Bottom Line. A Headwaters Journey. With photographs by Doug Thron. Chelsea Green Pub. Co, White River Junction, Vt, 1998, ISBN 1-890132-11-X.
  • Read F. Noss (Hrsg.): The Redwood Forest: History, Ecology and Conservation of the Coast Redwood. Island Press, 1997, ISBN 1-55963-726-9.


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Küstenmammutbaum: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

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 src= Junge Zweige

Der Küstenmammutbaum (Sequoia sempervirens) ist ein immergrüner Nadelbaum. Er ist die einzige Art der monotypischen Gattung Sequoia aus der Unterfamilie der Mammutbäume (Sequoioideae) in der Familie der Zypressengewächse (Cupressaceae). Der Küstenmammutbaum ist der Staatsbaum des US-Bundesstaates Kalifornien. Zu dieser Art gehören die höchsten lebenden Bäume der Welt.

Der Küstenmammutbaum wird auch Küsten-Sequoie genannt. Die im englischen Sprachraum häufig anzutreffende Bezeichnung California redwood ist nicht eindeutig, da der nahe verwandte Riesenmammutbaum ebenfalls ein „Kalifornisches Rotholz“ ist. Die Gattung Sequoia wurde von ihrem Erstbeschreiber Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher 1847 wahrscheinlich nach Sequoyah (ca. 1770–1843) benannt, dem Erfinder des Cherokee-Alphabets.

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Pśimórski mamutowy bom ( Baixo Sorábio )

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Sequoia sempervirens

Pśimórski mamutowy bom (Sequoia sempervirens) jo bom ze swójźby cypresowych rostlinow (Cupressaceae). Wóna jo jadnučka družyna w roźe (Sequoia).

Pó někotarych žrědłach se do swójźby bagnocypresowych rostlinow (Taxodiaceae) pśirědujo.


Pśimórski mamutowy bom jo pśecej zeleny bom, kótaryž dośěgnjo wusokosć wót 20 až do 30 m, wótergi wěcej ako 100 m. Rostlina jo wjelgin dłujko žywa, pśi comž móžo starstwo wót až do 3500 lět dośěgnuś. Kjagelojta krona jo šwižna. Zdonk jo dłujki. Škóra jo śamnobruna až cerwjenobruna, dłymoko brozdźona a kaž gubica měka. Wóna ma dłymoke, paralelne a wertikalne rozpukliny. Krotke pšuśiki cesto kaž promjenja stoje na dłujkich pšuśikach. Gałuzy stoje w njepšawidłownych mutwjach.

Bom a pśedewšym jogo škóra wuchada wóń, kótaraž jo tej wót chójcowego drjewa pódobna. Wóna jo jadna z małko koniferow, kótarež z wótrězanego pjeńka znowa wubija.


Měke, špicne jegły su wopłonjone, śamnozelene až namódrje zelene dośěgnu dłujkosć wót 0,5 až 2 (2,5) cm. Wóni su njejadnak dłujke a na dłujkich pšuśikach šrubikojśe stoje, ale na krotkich pšuśikach dwójosmužkowje wjerškaśe.

Kwiśonki a šyški

Kwiśo wót februara až do měrca. Rostlina jo jadnodomna. Kwiśonkowe stołki su njenadpadne. Muske kwiśonki su žołte a stoje pó wšakich na młodych pšutowych kóńcykach. Žeńske kwiśonki zwětšego stoje na staršych gałuzach.

Šyški su jajojte a dośěgnu dłujkosć wót 2 až do 2,5 (3) cm. Wóni rowno stoje abo pśewisuju. Šyški wót septembra až do nowembra dozdrjaju. Pśi wuzdrjatych šyškach se spjerchliny rozdoraju.


Rosćo jano w regionach z miłych zymach. Ma lubjej wutkate, włožne, dłymoke, pśepušćate zemje. Spěšnje rosćece młode bomy pótrjebuju wjele wódy.


Póchada ze pódpołnocneje Ameriki, pśi comž tam jano w źěratym arealu wót pódpołdnjowego Oregona až do srjejźneje Kaliforniskeje źiwje wustupujo.


Bom se w Europje w arboretach a parkach sajźa. Cerwjenobrune drjewo bu ako twarske drjewo a za zgótowanje meblow wužywane. Togodla pśirodne wustupowanja buchu dla pušćenja drjewa wjelgin deciměrowane. Źinsa zbytkowe wustupowanja stoje w pśirodnych rezerwatach.


  • Sorta 'Adpressa' je małorostna forma, kótaraž ma za cas wjele lětach jano wusokosć wót 1 m a šyrokosć wót 2 m, pózdźej dośěgnjo wusokosć wót až do 6 m.
  • Sorta 'Aptos Blue' njaso módrozeleny list. Jeje kóńcyki gałuzow pśewisuju.
  • Sorta 'Los Altos' njaso śamnozelene, twardy list.
  • Sorta 'Santa Cruz' njaso blěźozeleny, něžny list, kótaryž lažko wisy.


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Pśimórski mamutowy bom: Brief Summary ( Baixo Sorábio )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Sequoia sempervirens

Pśimórski mamutowy bom (Sequoia sempervirens) jo bom ze swójźby cypresowych rostlinow (Cupressaceae). Wóna jo jadnučka družyna w roźe (Sequoia).

Pó někotarych žrědłach se do swójźby bagnocypresowych rostlinow (Taxodiaceae) pśirědujo.

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Quināmehtlatzcan ( Nahuatl )

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Sequoia sempervirens

Quināmehtlatzcan (Sequoia sempervivens) cē cuahuitl.

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Secoya ( Valão )

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secoya d' Esneu
Sequoia sempervirens

Esneu, li pus gros adjeyant secoya do payis|175px]] On secoya, c' est des åbes sapinreces ki vnèt naturelmint e l' Amerike bijhrece.

C' est les pus gros et pus hôts åbes del Daegne.

El Walonreye

End a sacwants dins des djårdéns ås åbes el Walonreye. Li pus gros est a Esneu.

End a onk del sôre Dendron giganteum dins l' cinse do tchestea di Hermåle-dizo-Hu.[1]


  1. Nicole Hanot, Ene plaece di culteure po les tourisses et les glots : li « Cinse tchestelrece (cinse do tchestea) di Hermåle-dizo-Hu »
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Secoya: Brief Summary ( Valão )

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 src= secoya d' Esneu  src= Sequoia sempervirens

Esneu, li pus gros adjeyant secoya do payis|175px]] On secoya, c' est des åbes sapinreces ki vnèt naturelmint e l' Amerike bijhrece.

C' est les pus gros et pus hôts åbes del Daegne.

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Sequoia sempervirens ( Escoceses )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
Sequoia sempervirens

Sequoia sempervirens /sˈkɔɪ.ə sɛmpərˈvaɪərənz/[2] is the sole livin species o the genus Sequoia in the cypress faimily Cupressaceae (formerly treatit in Taxodiaceae). Common names include coast reidwid, Californie reidwid, an giant reidwid. It is an evergreen, lang-lived, monoecious tree livin 1200–1800 years or mair.[3] This species includes the tawest trees livin nou on Yird, reachin up tae 379 feet (115.5 m) in hicht (wioot the ruits) an up tae 26 feet (7.9 m) in diameter at breast hicht. Afore commercial loggin an clearin began bi the 1850s, this massive tree occurred naiturally in an estimatit 2,100,000 acres (8,500 km2) alang much o coastal Californie (excludin soothren Californie whaur rainfaw is nae sufficient) an the soothwastren corner o coastal Oregon within the Unitit States. An estimatit 95% or mair o the oreeginal auld-growth reidwid forest haes been cut doun,[4] due tae its excellent properties for uise as lumber in construction.

The name sequoia sometimes refers tae the subfaimily Sequoioideae, which includes S. sempervirens alang wi Sequoiadendron (giant sequoia) an Metasequoia (dawn reidwid). On its awn, the term reidwid usually refers tae the coast reidwid, which is covered in this airticle, an nae tae the ither twa species.


  1. Farjon, A. & Schmid, R. 2013. Sequoia sempervirens. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. . Downloaded on 13 July 2013.
  2. Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
    "sempervirent". Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. September 2005. (Subscription or UK public leebrar membership required.)
  3. "Sequoia gigantea is of an ancient and distinguished family". Nps.gov. 2007-02-02. Retrieved 2012-08-07.
  4. Kelly, D. and G. Braasch. 1988. Secrets of the old growth forest. Gibbs Smith, Layton, Utah: 1–99.

Freemit airtins

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wikipedia emerging languages

Sequoia sempervirens ( Occitano (desde 1500) )

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Lo sequòia (Sequoia sempervirens) es la sola espècia viventa d'arbre del genre Sequoia dins la familha dels cipressièrs: Cupressaceae (ancianament Taxodiaceae), comunament nomenat coast redwood, coastal redwood[1] ("sequòia costièr"), California redwood, redwood o sequoia en anglés. Los mots red (roge) e wood (fusta) fan referéncia a sa color rogenca. Es un arbre sempre verd, monoïc que pòt viure fins a 1200–1800 ans o mai.[2] L'espècia inclutz l'arbre vivent mai naut sus Tèrra, que s'enauça a 115,5 mètres (sens las raices) e mesura 8,9 mètres de diamètre a nautor d'òme. Aqueles arbres son tanben demest los mai vièlhs vivents sus Tèrra. Abans l'espleitacion comerciala de la fusta que comencèt dins los ans 1850, aqueles arbres massises s'espandissián naturalament sus la mai granda part de la còsta californiana (levat al sud ont las pluèjas son pas sufisentas) e al canton sud-oèst de la còsta d'Oregon.

Lo nom sequòia es un tèrme ambigu que designa los arbres de la sosfamilha de las Sequoioideae. Aicí, lo tèrme sequòia sol fach referéncia a l'espècia cobèrta dins aquel article, e non a las doas autras espècias.


Selva de sequòias costièras al Pargue d'Estat de Big Basin Redwoods, prèp de Santa Cruz a l'oèst dels Monts de Santa Cruz.
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Lo sequòia pòt aténher 115 m (377 pi) de nautor amb un diamètre de tronc de 9 m (30 pi).[3] A una corona conica, amb de brancas orizontalas a leugièrament penjantas. L'escorça pòt èsser fòrça espessa, fins a 1 pè (30 cm), pro mòla e fibrosa, amb una color roja-brun viu quand es frescament expausada (d'ont lo nom de sequòia), mai escura. Lo sistèma racinari es compausat de raices lateralas pauc prigondas e fòrça largas.

Las fuèlhas son variablas e mesuran 15–25 mm de long. Son platas suls jovents arbres e butan a l'ombra sus la part inferiora de la cima dels vièlhs arbres. Per contra, an la forma d'una escata e mesuran 5–10 mm (14–3⁄8 po) de long en plen solelh dins la cima superiora dels arbres mai vièlhs, amb una gamma completa de transicion entre las doas extrèmas. Son verd escurzit dessús e an doas bendas *estomalas blau-blanc enjós. La disposicion de las fuèlhas es en espirala, mas las fuèlhas mai grandas son torçudas a la basa per se situar dins un plan plat per tal de captar al maximum lo lum.

L'espècia es monoïca, amb de còns de pollèn e còns de granas sus la meteissa planta. Los còns de grana son ovoïdas, longs de 15 a 32 mm e longs, amb 15 a 25 escatas dispausadas en espirala; la pollinizacion es en fin d'ivèrn amb una madurason mai o mens 8 a 9 meses après. Cada escala de còn pòrta tres a sèt granas, cada grana mesurant 3–4 mm (1⁄8–3⁄16 po) de long e 0,5 mm (0,02 po) de larg, amb doas alas de 1 mm (0,04 po) de larg. Las granas son liberadas quand lo còn se desseca e se dobrís a maturitat. Los còns de pollèn son ovulars e mesuran 4–6 mm (3⁄16–1⁄4 in) de long.

Sa constitucion genetica es inabituala en çò dels conifèrs, essent un hexaploïde (6n) e eventualament un alopoliploïde (AAAABB).[4] Los genòmas mitocondrial e cloroplastic del sequòia son eiretats paternalament.[5]

Distribucion e abitat

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L'escorça d'un sequòia

La region d'origina dels Sequoia sempervirens ofrís un environament unic amb de fòrtas pluèjas sasonièras que pòdon aténher 2 500 mm per an. L'aire freg del litoral e l'esgotament de nebla mantenon aquela selva umida tot al long de l'annada. Mantuns factors, i comprés las fòrtas precipitacions, crean un sòl contenent mens d'elements nutritius que los arbres n'an besonh. Aquò los fa venir fortament dependents de l'ensemble de la comunautat biotica de la selva, en particular del reciclatge complèt dels arbres mòrts. Aquela comunautat boscassièra compren d'avets de Douglas costièrs, d'arboces del Pacific, de garrics de tan, de tsugas de l'oèst e d'autres arbres, aital qu'una granda varietat de falguièras, de mossas, de bolets e d'agretas del sequòia. Los bòsques de sequòias provesisson un abitat a una varietat d'anfibians, d'aucèls, de mamifèrs e de reptils. Los bòsques primaris de sequòias provesisson un abitat per la cavèca pigalhada menaçada e lo guilhaumet marbrat, una espècia en dangièr de disparicion en Califòrnia.

Los sequòias son resistents als atacs d'insèctes, als infeccions fongicas e a la poiridura. Aquelas proprietats son conferidas de terpenoïdes e d'acid tanic dins las fuèlhas, las racinas, l'escòrça e la fusta.[7] En despièch d'aquelas defensas quimicas, los sequòias son totjorn subjèctes als enfeciments d'insèctes; cap de, pasmens, es capable de tuar un arbre en bona santat.[7] Los sequòias son egalament menaçats pels mamifèrs: los orses negres consumisson l'escòrça intèrna de pichons sequòias e lo cèrvi de coa negra es reputat per manjar de brots de sequòias.[7]

Lo mai vièlh sequòia conegut a mai o mens 2 200 ans;[8] fòrça d'autres a l'estat salvatge depassan los 600 ans. Las nombrosas revindicacions de sequòias mai annadits son incorrèctas.[8] En rason de lor durada de vida aparentament intemporala, los sequòias costièrs son estats qualificats de "sequòias etèrns" a la debuta del sègle XX; en latin, sempervirens significa "totjorn verd" o "etèrn". Los sequòias devon suportar divèrsas perturbacions environamentalas per aténher de talas edats. En responsa als incendis de bòsc, los arbres an espandit divèrsas adaptacions. L'escorça espessa e fibrosa dels sequòias de la còsta es extrèmament resistenta al fuòc; atenh almens un pè d'espessor e protegís los arbres maturs dels damatges causats pel fuòc.[9][10] De mai, los sequòias contenon pauc de pega o de resina inflamabla.[10] S'es damatjat per un incendi, un sequòia fach aisidament germenar de nòvas brancas o autanplan una corona entièrament nòva.[9][7] Se l'arbre parent es tuat, de nòus borrons gisclan de sa basa.[7] De mai, los incendis semblan en realitat profechar als sequòias en provocant una mortalitat substanciala en çò de las espècias concurrentas tot en avent sonque d'efièches menors sul sequòia. Las zònas cremadas son favorablas a la germinacion capitada de granas de sequòias.[9] Un estudi publicat en 2010, la primièra a comparar la subrevida e la regeneracion dels sequòias e de las espècias associadas après un incendi, a conclusit que los incendis de tota gravetat aumentavan l'abondància relativa dels sequòias e que los incendis de gravitat mai elevada estançonen los mai benefics.[11]

Los sequòias butan sovent dins las zònas inondablas. Los depauses de sediments pòdon formar de barrièras impermeablas qu'aufegan los raices dels arbres, e los sòls instables dins las zònas inondadas fan sovent clinar los arbres d'un costat, aumentant aital lo risc que lo vent los vèssa. Sulcòp après una inondacion, los sequòias butan lors raices existentas dins de jaces de sediments recentament depausadas.[12] Un segond sistèma racinari s'espandís puèi a partir de borrons fortuits sul tronc nòvament enterrat e l'ancian sistèma racinari morís.[12] Per contrar la magror, los sequòias aumentan la produccion de bana del costat vulnerable, creant aital un contrafòrt.[12] Aquelas adaptacions crèan dels bòsques compausats gaireben exclusivament de sequòias dins las regions subjèctas a las inondacions.[7][12]

La nautor de S. sempervirens es estrechament ligada a la disponibilitat de la nèbla; los grands arbres venon mens frequents a mesura que la nèbla demesís.[13] A mesura que la nautor de S. sempervirens aumenta, ven de mai en mai dificil d'encaminar de l'aiga via lo potencial idric fins a las fuèlhas en rason de la gravetat.[14][15][16] Malgrat las fòrtas precipitacions que la region recep (fins a 100 cm), las fuèlhas de la canopèa superiora son constantament somesas a un estrès idric.[17][18] Aquel estrès idric es exacerbat per las longas secadas estivalas.[19] Òm pensa que lo estrès idric provòca los cambiaments morfologics dins las fuèlhas, impulsant la reduccion de la longada de las fuèlhas e l'aumentacion de la succuléncia de las fuèlhas.[15][20] Per respondre a lors besonhs en aiga, los sequòias utilizan frequentament la nèbla estivala. L'aiga de nèbla es absorbida per de multiplas vias. Las fuèlhas absorbisson dirèctament la nèbla de l'aire ambient a travèrs del teissut epidermic en entornejant la xilèma.[21][22] Los sequòias costièrs absorbisson egalament l'aiga dirèctament a travèrs de lor escorça.[23] L'absorcion d'aiga per las fuèlhas e l'escorça repara e reduch la gravetat de las embolias de xilèma,[24][23] que se produsisson quand de cavitacions se forman dins la xilèma, empedissent aital lo transpòrt de l'aiga e dels nutriments.[23] La nèbla pòt tanben s'acumular sus las fuèlhas de sequòias, se esgotar sul sòl del bòsc e èsser absorbit per los raices de l'arbre. Aquel esgotament de nebla pòt formar 30% de l'aiga totala utilizada per un arbre al cors d'una annada.[19]


Lo sequòia se reprodusit sexualament per granas e de manièra asexuada per la germinacion de borrons, d'estratificacions o de *lignotubèrs. La produccion de semenças comença a l'edat de 10-15 ans. Los còns s'espandisson en ivèrn e madurèsson a la davalada. Al començament, los còns semblan a de flors e son correntament cridats "flors" pels forestièrs professionals, malgrat qu'aquò siá pas estrictament corrècte. Los sequòias costièrs produsisson de nombroses còns, amb de sequòias dins los nòus bòsques produsissent dels milièrs per an.[9] Los còns esperels contenon de 90 a 150 granas, mas la viabilitat de las granas es febla, generalament ben enjós de 15%, amb una estimacion dels tausses mejans anant de 3 a 10%.[25][9] La febla viabilitat pòt descoratjar los predadors de semenças, que vòlon pas pèrdre de tempses a triar la balòfa (granas vuèjas) de las granas comestiblas. Una germinacion capitada necessita sovent un incendi o una inondacion, redusent aital la competicion pels plantolièrs. Las granas aladas son petitas e leugièras, pesant de 3,3 a 5,0 mg (200 a 300 granas / g; 5 600 a 8 500 / onça). Las alas son pas eficaças per una larga dispersion e las granas son dispersadas pel vent a una mejana de sonque 60–120 m (200–390 ft) de l'arbre parent. Las plantulas son sensibles a las infeccions fongicas e a la predacion pels limaques de banana, los conilhs de Bachman e los nematòdes.[7] La màger part dels plantolièrs subrevivon pas pendent las tres primièras annadas.[9] Pasmens, los que s'establiguèsson cresquèsson fòrça aviat, e òm sap que los jovents arbres atengan 20 m de naut en 20 ans.

Los sequòias pòdon egalament se reprodusir de manièra asexuada en se superpausant o en butant a partir de la corona, de la soca o autanplan de las brancas tombadas; S'un arbre tomba, genèra una recaptada de nòus arbres long del tronc, de sòrta que de nombroses arbres butan naturalament en linha drecha. Los brots provenon de borrons dorments o fortuits situats a la susfàcia de la escorça o jos aquesta. Los brots dorments son impulsadas quand la tija adulta principala es damatjada o comença a morir. De nombroses brots apareisson e s'espandisson espontanèament a l'entorn del tronc de l'arbre. Pauc de temps après la germinacion, cada brot espandís son pròpri sistèma racinari, los brots dominants formant un anèl d'arbres a l'entorn de la corona o de la soca del raiç maire. Aquel anèl d'arbres se sona un "anèl de fada" (fairy ring en anglés. Possiblament una "cercle de fadas"). Los brots pòdon aténher una nautor de 2,3 m (7,5 pi) en una sola sason de creissença.

Los sequòias pòdon tanben se reprodusir en utilizant de *broussins/loupes. Una *broussin/loupe es un *lignotubèr lenhós qu'apareis generalament sus un sequòia enjós del limit del sòl, malgrat qu'en general a mens de 3 mètres (10 pi) de la susfàcia del sòl. Los sequòias espandisson de las *broussins/loupes/lambeaux jos forma de plantulas a l'aissèla de lor cotiledòn, un trach extrèmament rar en çò dels conifèrs.[9] Quand son provocats per de deterioraments, los borrons dorments dins los romecs butan de nòus brots e raices. Las *broussins/loupes/lambeaux son egalament capablas de germenar dins de nòus arbres quand son destacats de l'arbre parent, malgrat que la faiçon dont aquò se produsís rèsta a estudiar. Las clonas de brots gisclan generalament dels *broussins/loups e son sovent transformats en barradissas decorativas quand se tròban en banlèga.

Cultivacion e usatges

La fusta d'un sequòia amb sa color rogenca caracteristica.
Un exemple d'un sequòia en bonsai, del Musèu de Bonsai del Pacific.
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Un sequòia amb albinisme.
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Nòtas e referéncias

  • (en) Aqueste article es parcialament o en totalitat eissit d’una traduccion de l’article de Wikipèdia en anglés intitolat « ».
  • (fr) Aqueste article es parcialament o en totalitat eissit d’una traduccion de l’article de Wikipèdia en francés intitolat « ».
  1. « BSBI List 2007 » [xls], Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (consultat lo 17 octobre 2014)
  2. « Sequoia gigantea is of an ancient and distinguished family », Nps.gov,‎ febrièr 2007 (consultat lo 7 agost 2012)
  3. Referéncia Modèl:EFloras/labèl : Sequoia sempervirens (en)
  4. Ahuja, MR (2002). Origins of Polyploidy in Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and Relationship of Coast Redwood to other Genera of Taxodiaceae 51, 93–100.
  5. Neale, DB (1989). Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA are Paternally Inherited in Sequoia sempervirens 86, 9347–9. DOI:10.1073/pnas.86.23.9347.
  6. Especimèn del Musèu d'istòria naturala de Tolosa
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 et 7,6 (en) Reed Noss, The Redwood Forest: History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Coast Redwoods, Island Press, 2000 (ISBN 978-1559637268, OCLC )
  8. 8,0 et 8,1
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 9,3 9,4 9,5 et 9,6 (en) Becking, Rudolf Willem 1922-, Pocket flora of the redwood forest, Island Press, genièr 1982 (ISBN 978-0933280021, OCLC , legir en linha)
  10. 10,0 et 10,1 Shirely, James Clifford. 1940. The Redwoods of Coast and Sierra. University of California Press.
  11. (2010) The role of fire in the competitive dynamics of coast redwood forests 1. DOI:10.1890/ES10-00134.1.
  12. 12,0 12,1 12,2 et 12,3 Stone, Edward C. (January 12, 1968). Preservation of Coast Redwoods on Alluvial Flats 159, 157–161. DOI:10.1126/science.159.3811.157.
  13. Harris, S. A. (1989). Relationship of convection fog to characteristics of the vegetation of Redwood National Park.
  14. 15,0 et 15,1 Ishii, H. T. (July 2008). Hydrostatic constraints on morphological exploitation of light in tall Sequoia sempervirens trees 156, 751–63. DOI:10.1007/s00442-008-1032-z.
  15. Sperry, J. S. (May 2008). Safety and efficiency conflicts in hydraulic architecture: scaling from tissues to trees. Plant.
  16. Mullen, L. P. (May 29, 2009). Physiological consequences of height-related morphological variation in Sequoia sempervirens foliage 29, 999–1010. DOI:10.1093/treephys/tpp037.
  17. Ishii, H. T. (May 26, 2014). Pushing the limits to tree height: Could foliar water storage compensate for hydraulic constraints in sequoia sempervirens? 28, 1087–1093. DOI:10.1111/1365-2435.12284.
  18. 19,0 et 19,1 Burgess, S. S. O. (2004). The contribution of fog to the water relations of Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don): foliar uptake and prevention of dehydration 27, 1023–1034. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2004.01207.x.
  19. Oldham, A. R. (July 2010). The hydrostatic gradient, not light availability drives height-related variation in Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae) leaf anatomy 97, 1087–97. DOI:10.3732/ajb.0900214.
  20. Dawson, T. E. (1 September 1998). Fog in the California redwood forest: Ecosystem inputs and used by plants 117, 476–485. DOI:10.1007/s004420050683.
  21. Simonin, K. A. (July 2009). Fog interception by Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) crowns decouples physiology from soil water deficit 32, 882–892. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2009.01967.x.
  22. 23,0 23,1 et 23,2 Earles, J. M. (2015). Bark water uptake promotes localized hydraulic recovery in coastal redwood crown 39, 320–328. DOI:10.1111/pce.12612.
  23. Tognetti, R. A. (2001). Stem hydraulic properties and xylem vulnerability to embolism in three co-occurring Mediterranean shrubs at a natural CO2 spring 28, 257. DOI:10.1071/PP00125.
  24. « Botanical Garden Logistics », UC Berkeley – Biology 1B – Plants & Their Environments (p. 13), Berkeley, California, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California-Berkeley (consultat lo 2 genièr 2014)
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wikipedia emerging languages

Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Occitano (desde 1500) )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Lo sequòia (Sequoia sempervirens) es la sola espècia viventa d'arbre del genre Sequoia dins la familha dels cipressièrs: Cupressaceae (ancianament Taxodiaceae), comunament nomenat coast redwood, coastal redwood ("sequòia costièr"), California redwood, redwood o sequoia en anglés. Los mots red (roge) e wood (fusta) fan referéncia a sa color rogenca. Es un arbre sempre verd, monoïc que pòt viure fins a 1200–1800 ans o mai. L'espècia inclutz l'arbre vivent mai naut sus Tèrra, que s'enauça a 115,5 mètres (sens las raices) e mesura 8,9 mètres de diamètre a nautor d'òme. Aqueles arbres son tanben demest los mai vièlhs vivents sus Tèrra. Abans l'espleitacion comerciala de la fusta que comencèt dins los ans 1850, aqueles arbres massises s'espandissián naturalament sus la mai granda part de la còsta californiana (levat al sud ont las pluèjas son pas sufisentas) e al canton sud-oèst de la còsta d'Oregon.

Lo nom sequòia es un tèrme ambigu que designa los arbres de la sosfamilha de las Sequoioideae. Aicí, lo tèrme sequòia sol fach referéncia a l'espècia cobèrta dins aquel article, e non a las doas autras espècias.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia emerging languages

Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Escoceses )

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 src= Sequoia sempervirens

Sequoia sempervirens /sᵻˈkɔɪ.ə sɛmpərˈvaɪərənz/ is the sole livin species o the genus Sequoia in the cypress faimily Cupressaceae (formerly treatit in Taxodiaceae). Common names include coast reidwid, Californie reidwid, an giant reidwid. It is an evergreen, lang-lived, monoecious tree livin 1200–1800 years or mair. This species includes the tawest trees livin nou on Yird, reachin up tae 379 feet (115.5 m) in hicht (wioot the ruits) an up tae 26 feet (7.9 m) in diameter at breast hicht. Afore commercial loggin an clearin began bi the 1850s, this massive tree occurred naiturally in an estimatit 2,100,000 acres (8,500 km2) alang much o coastal Californie (excludin soothren Californie whaur rainfaw is nae sufficient) an the soothwastren corner o coastal Oregon within the Unitit States. An estimatit 95% or mair o the oreeginal auld-growth reidwid forest haes been cut doun, due tae its excellent properties for uise as lumber in construction.

The name sequoia sometimes refers tae the subfaimily Sequoioideae, which includes S. sempervirens alang wi Sequoiadendron (giant sequoia) an Metasequoia (dawn reidwid). On its awn, the term reidwid usually refers tae the coast reidwid, which is covered in this airticle, an nae tae the ither twa species.

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wikipedia emerging languages

Σεκόγια ( Grego, Moderno (1453-) )

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Sequoia sempervirens

Η σεκόια (επιστημονική ονομασία σεκόγια η αειθαλής, Sequoia sempervirens) είναι μεγάλο κωνοφόρο δέντρο. Είναι το μόνο υπάρχον είδος του γένους Σεκόια, στην οικογένεια Κυπαρισσοειδή. Είναι αειθαλής, μονόοικη και μακρόβια, αφού ζει 1.200 με 1.800 χρόνια ή και περισσότερο. Είναι το ψηλότερο δέντρο στη Γη, αφού μια σεκόγια (ο Υπερίων) έχει μετρηθεί ότι έχει ύψος 115,61 μέτρα, ενώ μια άλλη είχε διάμετρο στο ύψος του στήθους 7,9 μέτρα. Υπάρχουν αναφορές για ευκάλυπτους και ψευδοτσούγκες που έφταναν σε ύψος τα 120 m αλλά κόπηκαν, αλλά το ίδιο μπορεί να υποτεθεί και γι'αυτό το είδος, όποτε δεν υπάρχει σιγουριά. Πριν την υλοτόμηση, δάση σεκόγιας κάλυπταν περίπου 8.500 km² στην παράκτια Καλιφόρνια και το νοτιοδυτικό Όρεγκον.


Οι σεκόιες έχουν κωνική κόμη, με τα κλαδιά να είναι οριζόντια ή να γέρνουν ελαφρώς προς τα κάτω. Ο φλοιός είναι πολύ παχύς, έως 30 εκ. και αρκετά μαλακός, ινώδης και έχει λαμπερό κόκκινο-καφέ χρώμα όταν εκτεθεί (εξ ου και το όνομα Redwood= κόκκινο ξύλο στα αγγλικά), και με την έκθεση στις καιρικές συνθήκες γίνεται πιο σκούρο. Το ριζικό σύστημα αποτελείται από επιφανειακές, απλωμένες πλάγιες ρίζες.

Τα φύλλα έχουν μεταβλητά χαρακτηριστικά. Επίπεδα φύλλα μήκους 15-25 χιλιοστών βρίσκονται σε νεαρά δέντρα και βλαστούς στη σκιά, στο κάτω μέρος της κόμης των αιωνόβιων δέντρων, ενώ λεπιδόμορφα φύλλα μήκους 5-10 χιλιοστών απαντώνται σε μεγάλους βλαστούς με καλό φωτισμό στο πάνω μέρος της κόμης των ηλικιωμένων δέντρων. Υπάρχει ένα πλήρες φάσμα ενδιάμεσων μορφών από τη μία μέχρι την άλλη ακραία μορφή. Η πάνω επιφάνεια είναι σκούρα πράσινη και έχει δύο μπλε-λευκές στοματικές ζώνες κάτω. Η διάταξη των φύλλων είναι σπειροειδής, αλλά τα μεγαλύτερα φύλλα στη σκιά είναι περιστραμμένα στη βάση για να βρεθούν σε ένα οριζόντιο επίπεδο για τη μέγιστη σύλληψη φωτός.

Το είδος είναι μονόοικο, με τη γύρη και τους κώνους στο ίδιο φυτό. Οι κώνοι είναι ωοειδείς, μήκους 15-32 χιλιοστών, με 15-25 σπειροειδώς διατεταγμένες φολίδες. Η επικονίαση είναι στα τέλη του χειμώνα και η ωρίμανση περίπου 8-9 μήνες μετά. Κάθε φολίδα κώνου φέρει 3-7 σπόρους και κάθε σπόρος έχει μήκος 3-4 χιλιοστά και 0,5 χιλιοστά πλάτος, με δύο φτερά ενός χιλιοστού. Οι σπόροι απελευθερώνονται όταν οι φολίδες στεγνώσουν και ανοίξουν κατά την ωρίμανση. Οι κώνοι γύρης είναι ωοειδείς, μήκους 4-6 χιλιοστών.

Το γενετικό υλικό της σεκόγιας είναι ασυνήθιστο μεταξύ των κωνοφόρων, επειδή είναι εξαπλοειδές και ενδεχομένως αλλοπολυπλοειδές (AAAABB). Η καρυοτυπική ανάλυση των χρωμοσωμάτων έχει δείξει ότι τα περισσότερα από τα συνολικά 66 χρωμοσώματα του κάθε κυττάρου είναι μετακεντρικά.[1] Το μιτοχονδριακό γονιδίωμα είναι πατρικής προέλευσης (σε αντίθεση με τα άλλα κωνοφόρα).[2]

Εξάπλωση και ενδιαίτημα

Οι σεκόιες καταλαμβάνουν μια στενή λωρίδα γης περίπου 750 χιλιόμετρα σε μήκος και 8 έως 75 χιλιόμετρα σε πλάτος κατά μήκος της ακτής του Ειρηνικού της Βόρειας Αμερικής, από το νοτιότερο άλσος στην κομητεία Μοντερέι, Καλιφόρνια μέχρι το νοτιοανατολικό άκρο του Όρεγκον. Φύονται σε υψόμετρο από 30 έως 750 μέτρα, περιστασιακά από το επίπεδο της θάλασσας έως και τα 920 μ. (Farjon 2005). Συνήθως αναπτύσσονται στα βουνά όπου υπάρχουν περισσότερες βροχοπτώσεις από την προερχόμενη από τον ωκεανό υγρασία. Τα ψηλότερα και γηραιότερα δέντρα βρίσκονται σε βαθιές κοιλάδες και ρεματιές, όπου όλο το χρόνο το ρέμα μπορεί να ρέει και η ομίχλη είναι τακτική. Τα δέντρα πάνω από το επίπεδο ομίχλης, πάνω από περίπου τα 700 μέτρα, είναι νεαρότερα και μικρότερα, λόγω των ξηρότερων και ψυχρότερων συνθηκών. Επιπλέον, δέντρα όπως ο νοθολιθόκαρπος, το πεύκο και το έλατο του Ντάγκλας είναι αφθονότερα σε αυτά τα υψόμετρα. Λίγες σεκόγιες αναπτύσσονται κοντά στον ωκεανό, λόγω της έντονης αλατονέφωσης, της άμμου και του ανέμου. Συμπύκνωση από τις παράκτιες ομίχλες ικανοποιεί ένα σημαντικό μέρος των αναγκών για νερό των δέντρων.[3]


  1. Ahuja, MR; Neale, DB (2002). «Origins of Polyploidy in Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and Relationship of Coast Redwood to other Genera of Taxodiaceae». Silvae Genetica 51 (2–3): 93–100. Αρχειοθετήθηκε από το πρωτότυπο στις 2014-01-02. https://web.archive.org/web/20140102194158/http://www.rheinischesmuseumfuerphilologie.com/fileadmin/content/dokument/archiv/silvaegenetica/51_2002/51-2-3-93.pdf. Ανακτήθηκε στις 2012-05-05.
  2. Neale, DB; Marshall, KA; Sederoff, RR (1989). «Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA are Paternally Inherited in Sequoia sempervirens». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 86 (23): 9347–9. doi:10.1073/pnas.86.23.9347. PMID 16594091. PMC 298492. http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/86/23/9347.
  3. http://www.bio.net/bionet/mm/ag-forst/1998-December/012213.html

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Σεκόγια: Brief Summary ( Grego, Moderno (1453-) )

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 src= Sequoia sempervirens

Η σεκόια (επιστημονική ονομασία σεκόγια η αειθαλής, Sequoia sempervirens) είναι μεγάλο κωνοφόρο δέντρο. Είναι το μόνο υπάρχον είδος του γένους Σεκόια, στην οικογένεια Κυπαρισσοειδή. Είναι αειθαλής, μονόοικη και μακρόβια, αφού ζει 1.200 με 1.800 χρόνια ή και περισσότερο. Είναι το ψηλότερο δέντρο στη Γη, αφού μια σεκόγια (ο Υπερίων) έχει μετρηθεί ότι έχει ύψος 115,61 μέτρα, ενώ μια άλλη είχε διάμετρο στο ύψος του στήθους 7,9 μέτρα. Υπάρχουν αναφορές για ευκάλυπτους και ψευδοτσούγκες που έφταναν σε ύψος τα 120 m αλλά κόπηκαν, αλλά το ίδιο μπορεί να υποτεθεί και γι'αυτό το είδος, όποτε δεν υπάρχει σιγουριά. Πριν την υλοτόμηση, δάση σεκόγιας κάλυπταν περίπου 8.500 km² στην παράκτια Καλιφόρνια και το νοτιοδυτικό Όρεγκον.

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Секвойя ( Udmurt )

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Sequoia sempervirens

Секвойя ( лат. Sequoia sempervirens ) — Cupressaceae семьяысь Уйпал Америкалэн лысо писпу.

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கலிபோர்னியா செம்மரம் ( Tâmil )

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Sequoia sempervirens

கலிபோர்னியா செம்மரம் (அறியவில் பெயர்: செக்கோயா செம்பெர்வைரன்சு, ஆங்கிலத்தில் Sequoia sempervirens) என்பது நீண்ட நாள் வாழக்கூடியதும் மிகப்பெரிதாகவும் மிக உயரமாகவும் வளரக்கூடிய ஒரு மரவகை. இது செம்மரம் என்றழைக்கப்படும் மூன்று இனங்களுள் ஒன்று. இது ஒரு பசுமை மாறா மரம். இவ் இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த மரங்கள் 1200 - 1800ஆண்டுகள் வரையோ அல்லது அதற்கு மேலே கூட வாழும். [1] அதிக (பெரும) அளவாக 115 மீட்டர் உயரமும், 8 மீட்டர் சுற்றளவும் கொண்டதாக வளரக் கூடியது. இம்மரம் கலிபோர்னியாவின் கடற்கரைப் பகுதி, ஓரிகன் மாநிலத்தின் தென்மேற்கு முனைப் பகுதி ஆகியவற்றைத் தாயகமாகக் கொண்டது.


  • இவ் இனத்திலேயே உயரமான மரம் ஐப்பரியான் என்பது. இதன் உயரம் 115.55 மீட்டர்கள்
  • 110 மீட்டருக்கும் அதிகமான 33 மரங்கள் உயிருடன் உள்ளன.


  1. "Sequoia gigantea is of an ancient and distinguished family". Nps.gov (2007-02-02). பார்த்த நாள் 2012-08-07.
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கலிபோர்னியா செம்மரம்: Brief Summary ( Tâmil )

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 src= Sequoia sempervirens

கலிபோர்னியா செம்மரம் (அறியவில் பெயர்: செக்கோயா செம்பெர்வைரன்சு, ஆங்கிலத்தில் Sequoia sempervirens) என்பது நீண்ட நாள் வாழக்கூடியதும் மிகப்பெரிதாகவும் மிக உயரமாகவும் வளரக்கூடிய ஒரு மரவகை. இது செம்மரம் என்றழைக்கப்படும் மூன்று இனங்களுள் ஒன்று. இது ஒரு பசுமை மாறா மரம். இவ் இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த மரங்கள் 1200 - 1800ஆண்டுகள் வரையோ அல்லது அதற்கு மேலே கூட வாழும். அதிக (பெரும) அளவாக 115 மீட்டர் உயரமும், 8 மீட்டர் சுற்றளவும் கொண்டதாக வளரக் கூடியது. இம்மரம் கலிபோர்னியாவின் கடற்கரைப் பகுதி, ஓரிகன் மாநிலத்தின் தென்மேற்கு முனைப் பகுதி ஆகியவற்றைத் தாயகமாகக் கொண்டது.

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Sequoia sempervirens ( Inglês )

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Trunk in sectional view
Sequoia sempervirensMHNT

Sequoia sempervirens (/səˈkwɔɪ.ə ˌsɛmpərˈvrənz/)[3] is the sole living species of the genus Sequoia in the cypress family Cupressaceae (formerly treated in Taxodiaceae). Common names include coast redwood, coastal redwood,[4] and California redwood.[5] It is an evergreen, long-lived, monoecious tree living 1,200–2,200 years or more.[6] This species includes the tallest living trees on Earth, reaching up to 115.9 m (380.1 ft) in height (without the roots) and up to 8.9 m (29 ft) in diameter at breast height. These trees are also among the longest-living organisms on Earth. Before commercial logging and clearing began by the 1850s, this massive tree occurred naturally in an estimated 810,000 ha (2,000,000 acres)[7][8][9] along much of coastal California (excluding southern California where rainfall is not sufficient) and the southwestern corner of coastal Oregon within the United States.

The name sequoia sometimes refers to the subfamily Sequoioideae, which includes S. sempervirens along with Sequoiadendron (giant sequoia) and Metasequoia (dawn redwood). Here, the term redwood on its own refers to the species covered in this article but not to the other two species.


The coast redwood is known to have reached 115.5 m (379 ft) tall, with a trunk diameter of 9 m (30 ft).[10] It has a conical crown, with horizontal to slightly drooping branches. The trunk is remarkably straight. The bark can be very thick, up to 30 cm (1 ft), and quite soft and fibrous, with a bright red-brown color when freshly exposed (hence the name redwood), weathering darker. The root system is composed of shallow, wide-spreading lateral roots.

The leaves are variable, being 15–25 mm (58–1 in) long and flat on young trees and shaded lower branches in older trees. The leaves are scalelike, 5–10 mm (1438 in) long on shoots in full sun in the upper crown of older trees, with a full range of transition between the two extremes. They are dark green above and have two blue-white stomatal bands below. Leaf arrangement is spiral, but the larger shade leaves are twisted at the base to lie in a flat plane for maximum light capture.

The species is monoecious, with pollen and seed cones on the same plant. The seed cones are ovoid, 15–32 mm (9161+14 in) long, with 15–25 spirally arranged scales; pollination is in late winter with maturation about 8–9 months after. Each cone scale bears three to seven seeds, each seed 3–4 mm (18316 in) long and 0.5 mm (132 in) broad, with two wings 1 mm (116 in) wide. The seeds are released when the cone scales dry and open at maturity. The pollen cones are ovular and 4–6 mm (31614 in) long.

Its genetic makeup is unusual among conifers, being a hexaploid (6n) and possibly allopolyploid (AAAABB).[11] Both the mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of the redwood are paternally inherited.[12]


Scottish botanist David Don described the redwood as the evergreen taxodium (Taxodium sempervirens) in his colleague Aylmer Bourke Lambert's 1824 work A description of the genus Pinus.[13] Austrian botanist Stephan Endlicher erected the genus Sequoia in his 1847 work Synopsis coniferarum, giving the redwood its current binomial name of Sequoia sempervirens.[14] Endlicher probably derived the name Sequoia from the Cherokee name of George Gist, usually spelled Sequoyah, who developed the still-used Cherokee syllabary.[15] The redwood is one of three living species, each in its own genus, in the subfamily Sequoioideae. Molecular studies have shown that the three are each other's closest relatives, generally with the redwood and giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) as each other's closest relatives.

However, Yang and colleagues in 2010 queried the polyploid state of the redwood and speculate that it may have arisen as an ancient hybrid between ancestors of the giant sequoia and dawn redwood (Metasequoia). Using two different single copy nuclear genes, LFY and NLY, to generate phylogenetic trees, they found that Sequoia was clustered with Metasequoia in the tree generated using the LFY gene, but with Sequoiadendron in the tree generated with the NLY gene. Further analysis strongly supported the hypothesis that Sequoia was the result of a hybridization event involving Metasequoia and Sequoiadendron. Thus, Yang and colleagues hypothesize that the inconsistent relationships among Metasequoia, Sequoia, and Sequoiadendron could be a sign of reticulate evolution (in which two species hybridize and give rise to a third) among the three genera. However, the long evolutionary history of the three genera (the earliest fossil remains being from the Jurassic) make resolving the specifics of when and how Sequoia originated once and for all a difficult matter—especially since it in part depends on an incomplete fossil record.[16]

Distribution and habitat

Coast redwoods occupy a narrow strip of land approximately 750 km (470 mi) in length and 8–75 km (5–47 mi) in width along the Pacific coast of North America; the most southerly grove is in Monterey County, California, and the most northerly groves are in extreme southwestern Oregon. The prevailing elevation range is 30–750 m (100–2,460 ft) above sea level, occasionally down to 0 and up to about 900 m (3,000 ft).[17] They usually grow in the mountains where precipitation from the incoming moisture off the ocean is greater. The tallest and oldest trees are found in deep valleys and gullies, where year-round streams can flow, and fog drip is regular. The terrain also made it harder for loggers to get to the trees and to get them out after felling. The trees above the fog layer, above about 700 m (2,300 ft), are shorter and smaller due to the drier, windier, and colder conditions. In addition, Douglas-fir, pine, and tanoak often crowd out redwoods at these elevations. Few redwoods grow close to the ocean, due to intense salt spray, sand, and wind. Coalescence of coastal fog accounts for a considerable part of the trees' water needs.[18] Fog in the 21st century is, however, reduced from what it was in the prior century, which is a problem that may be compounded by climate change.[19]

The northern boundary of its range is marked by two groves on mountain slopes along the north side of the Chetco River,[20] which is on the western fringe of the Klamath Mountains, near the California–Oregon border.[21][22] The northernmost grove is located within Alfred A. Loeb State Park and Siskiyou National Forest at the approximate coordinates 42°07'36"N 124°12'17"W. The southern boundary of its range is the Los Padres National Forest's Silver Peak Wilderness in the Santa Lucia Mountains of the Big Sur area of Monterey County, California. The southernmost grove is in the Southern Redwood Botanical Area, just north of the national forest's Salmon Creek trailhead and near the San Luis Obispo County line.[23][24]

The largest and tallest populations are in California's Redwood National and State Parks (Del Norte and Humboldt counties) and Humboldt Redwoods State Park, with the overall majority located in the large Humboldt County.

The prehistoric fossil range of the genus is considerably greater, with a subcosmopolitan distribution including Europe and Asia until about 5 million years ago. During the last ice age, perhaps as recently as 10,000 years ago, redwood trees grew as far south as the Los Angeles area (coast redwood bark found in subway excavations and at the La Brea Tar Pits).


Fog is of major importance in coast redwood ecology. Redwood National Park.

The native area provides a unique environment with heavy seasonal rains up to 2,500 mm (100 in) annually. Cool coastal air and fog drip keep the forest consistently damp year round. Several factors, including the heavy rainfall, create a soil with fewer nutrients than the trees need, causing them to depend heavily on the entire biotic community of the forest, and making efficient recycling of dead trees especially important. This forest community includes coast Douglas-fir, Pacific madrone, tanoak, western hemlock, and other trees, along with a wide variety of ferns, mosses, mushrooms, and redwood sorrel. Redwood forests provide habitat for a variety of amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles. Old-growth redwood stands provide habitat for the federally threatened spotted owl and the California-endangered marbled murrelet.

Coast redwoods are resistant to insect attack, fungal infection, and rot. These properties are conferred by concentrations of terpenoids and tannic acid in redwood leaves, roots, bark, and wood.[25] Despite these chemical defenses, redwoods are still subject to insect infestations; none, however, are capable of killing a healthy tree.[25] Redwoods also face herbivory from mammals: black bears are reported to consume the inner bark of small redwoods, and black-tailed deer are known to eat redwood sprouts.[25]

The oldest known coast redwood is about 2,200 years old;[26] many others in the wild exceed 600 years. The numerous claims of older redwoods are incorrect.[26] Because of their seemingly timeless lifespans, coast redwoods were deemed the "everlasting redwood" at the turn of the century; in Latin, sempervirens means "ever green" or "everlasting". Redwoods must endure various environmental disturbances to attain such great ages.

In response to forest fires, the trees have developed various adaptations. The thick, fibrous bark of coast redwoods is extremely fire-resistant; it grows to at least a foot thick and protects mature trees from fire damage.[27][28] In addition, the redwoods contain little flammable pitch or resin.[28] If damaged by fire, a redwood readily sprouts new branches or even an entirely new crown,[27][25] and if the parent tree is killed, new buds sprout from its base.[25] Fires, moreover, appear to actually benefit redwoods by causing substantial mortality in competing species while having only minor effects on redwood. Burned areas are favorable to the successful germination of redwood seeds.[27] A study published in 2010, the first to compare post-wildfire survival and regeneration of redwood and associated species, concluded fires of all severity increase the relative abundance of redwood and higher-severity fires provide the greatest benefit.[29]

Redwoods often grow in flood-prone areas. Sediment deposits can form impermeable barriers that suffocate tree roots, and unstable soil in flooded areas often causes trees to lean to one side, increasing the risk of the wind toppling them. Immediately after a flood, redwoods grow their existing roots upwards into recently deposited sediment layers.[30] A second root system then develops from adventitious buds on the newly buried trunk and the old root system dies.[30] To counter lean, redwoods increase wood production on the vulnerable side, creating a supporting buttress.[30] These adaptations create forests of almost exclusively redwood trees in flood-prone regions.[25][30]

The height of S. sempervirens is closely tied to fog availability; taller trees become less frequent as fog becomes less frequent.[31] As S. sempervirens' height increases, transporting water via water potential to the leaves becomes increasingly difficult due to gravity.[32][33][34] Despite the high rainfall that the region receives (up to 100 cm), the leaves in the upper canopy are perpetually stressed for water.[35][36] This water stress is exacerbated by long droughts in the summer.[37] Water stress is believed to cause the morphological changes in the leaves, stimulating reduced leaf length and increased leaf succulence.[33][38] To supplement their water needs, redwoods use frequent summer fog events. Fog water is absorbed through multiple pathways. Leaves directly take in fog from the surrounding air through the epidermal tissue, bypassing the xylem.[39][40] Coast redwoods also absorb water directly through their bark.[41] The uptake of water through leaves and bark repairs and reduces the severity of xylem embolisms,[42][41] which occur when cavitations form in the xylem preventing the transport of water and nutrients.[41] Fog may also collect on redwood leaves, drip to the forest floor, and be absorbed by the tree's roots. This fog drip may form 30% of the total water used by a tree in a year.[37]


Redwood cone scales begin to open mid November, with seeds dispersing by the wind.
Basal regrowth after logging, Freshwater Creek (east of Eureka, California). While standing in the creek, a portion of the old stump can be seen.
View upward from the center of an old, logged stump (Freshwater Creek).

Coast redwood reproduces both sexually by seed and asexually by sprouting of buds, layering, or lignotubers. Seed production begins at 10–15 years of age. Cones develop in the winter and mature by fall. In the early stages, the cones look like flowers, and are commonly called "flowers" by professional foresters, although this is not strictly correct. Coast redwoods produce many cones, with redwoods in new forests producing thousands per year.[27] The cones themselves hold 90–150 seeds, but viability of seed is low, typically well below 15% with one estimate of average rates being 3 to 10 percent.[43][27] The low viability may discourage seed predators, which do not want to waste time sorting chaff (empty seeds) from edible seeds. Successful germination often requires a fire or flood, reducing competition for seedlings. The winged seeds are small and light, weighing 3.3–5.0 mg (200–300 seeds/g; 5,600–8,500/ounce). The wings are not effective for wide dispersal, and seeds are dispersed by wind an average of only 60–120 m (200–390 ft) from the parent tree. Seedlings are susceptible to fungal infection and predation by banana slugs, brush rabbits, and nematodes.[25] Most seedlings do not survive their first three years.[27] However, those that become established grow rapidly, with young trees known to reach 20 m (66 ft) tall in 20 years.

Coast redwoods can also reproduce asexually by layering or sprouting from the root crown, stump, or even fallen branches; if a tree falls over, it generates a row of new trees along the trunk, so many trees naturally grow in a straight line. Sprouts originate from dormant or adventitious buds at or under the surface of the bark. The dormant sprouts are stimulated when the main adult stem gets damaged or starts to die. Many sprouts spontaneously erupt and develop around the circumference of the tree trunk. Within a short period after sprouting, each sprout develops its own root system, with the dominant sprouts forming a ring of trees around the parent root crown or stump. This ring of trees is called a "fairy ring". Sprouts can achieve heights of 2.3 m (7 ft 7 in) in a single growing season.

Redwoods may also reproduce using burls. A burl is a woody lignotuber that commonly appears on a redwood tree below the soil line, though usually within 3 m (10 ft) in depth from the soil surface. Coast redwoods develop burls as seedlings from the axils of their cotyledon, a trait that is extremely rare in conifers.[27] When provoked by damage, dormant buds in the burls sprout new shoots and roots. Burls are also capable of sprouting into new trees when detached from the parent tree, though exactly how this happens is yet to be studied. Shoot clones commonly sprout from burls and are often turned into decorative hedges when found in suburbia.

Cultivation and uses

An example of a bonsai redwood, from the Pacific Bonsai Museum

Coast redwood is one of the most valuable timber species in the lumbering industry. In California, 3,640 km2 (899,000 acres) of redwood forest are logged, virtually all of it second growth.[1] Though many entities have existed in the cutting and management of redwoods, perhaps none has had a more storied role than the Pacific Lumber Company (1863–2008) of Humboldt County, California, where it owned and managed over 810 km2 (200,000 acres) of forests, primarily redwood. Coast redwood lumber is highly valued for its beauty, light weight, and resistance to decay. Its lack of resin makes it absorb water[44] and resist fire.

P.H. Shaughnessy, Chief Engineer of the San Francisco Fire Department wrote:

In the recent great fire of San Francisco, that began April 18th, 1906, we succeeded in finally stopping it in nearly all directions where the unburned buildings were almost entirely of frame construction, and if the exterior finish of these buildings had not been of redwood lumber, I am satisfied that the area of the burned district would have been greatly extended.

Because of its impressive resistance to decay, redwood was extensively used for railroad ties and trestles throughout California. Many of the old ties have been recycled for use in gardens as borders, steps, house beams, etc. Redwood burls are used in the production of table tops, veneers, and turned goods.

The Skyline-to-the-Sea Trail passing through a cut-out in a fallen California redwood tree

The Yurok people, who occupied the region before European settlement, regularly burned ground cover in redwood forests to bolster tanoak populations from which they harvested acorns, to maintain forest openings, and to boost populations of useful plant species such as those for medicine or basketmaking.[25]

Extensive logging of redwoods began in the early nineteenth century. The trees were felled by ax and saw onto beds of tree limbs and shrubs to cushion their fall.[25] Stripped of their bark, the logs were transported to mills or waterways by oxen or horse.[25] Loggers then burned the accumulated tree limbs, shrubs, and bark. The repeated fires favored secondary forests of primarily redwoods as redwood seedlings sprout readily in burned areas.[25][45] The introduction of steam engines let crews drag logs through long skid trails to nearby railroads,[25] furthering the reach of loggers beyond the land nearby rivers previously used to transport trees.[45] This method of harvesting, however, disturbed large amounts of soil, producing secondary-growth forests of species other than redwood such as Douglas-fir, grand fir, and western hemlock.[25] After World War II, trucks and tractors gradually replaced steam engines, giving rise to two harvesting approaches: clearcutting and selection harvesting. Clearcutting involved felling all the trees in a particular area. It was encouraged by tax laws that exempted all standing timber from taxation if 70% of trees in the area were harvested.[25] Selection logging, by contrast, called for the removal 25% to 50% of mature trees in the hopes that the remaining trees would allow for future growth and reseeding.[45] This method, however, encouraged growth of other tree species, converting redwood forests into mixed forests of redwood, grand fir, Sitka spruce, and western hemlock.[45][25] Moreover, the trees left standing were often felled by windthrow; that is, they were often blown over by the wind.

The coast redwood is naturalized in New Zealand, notably at Whakarewarewa Forest, Rotorua.[46] Redwood has been grown in New Zealand plantations for more than 100 years, and those planted in New Zealand have higher growth rates than those in California, mainly because of even rainfall distribution through the year.[47]

Other areas of successful cultivation outside of the native range include Great Britain, Italy, Portugal,[48] Haida Gwaii, middle elevations of Hawaii, Hogsback in South Africa, the Knysna Afromontane forests in the Western Cape, Grootvadersbosch Forest Reserve near Swellendam, South Africa and the Tokai Arboretum on the slopes of Table Mountain above Cape Town, a small area in central Mexico (Jilotepec), and the southeastern United States from eastern Texas to Maryland. It also does well in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia), far north of its northernmost native range in southwestern Oregon. Coast redwood trees were used in a display at Rockefeller Center and then given to Longhouse Reserve in East Hampton, Long Island, New York, and these have now been living there for over twenty years and have survived at 2 °F (−17 °C).[49]

This fast-growing tree can be grown as an ornamental specimen in those large parks and gardens that can accommodate its massive size. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[50][51]


Dried resin

Fairly solid evidence indicates that coast redwoods were the world's largest trees before logging, with numerous historical specimens reportedly over 122 m (400 ft).[52]: 16, 42  The theoretical maximum potential height of coast redwoods is thought to be limited to between 122 and 130 m (400 and 427 ft), as evapotranspiration is insufficient to transport water to leaves beyond this range.[32] Further studies have indicated that this maximum requires fog, which is prevalent in these trees' natural environment.[53]

A tree reportedly 114.3 m (375 ft) in length was felled in Sonoma County by the Murphy Brothers saw mill in the 1870s,[54] another claimed to be 115.8 m (380 ft) and 7.9 m (26 ft) in diameter was cut down near Eureka in 1914,[55][56] and the Lindsey Creek tree was documented to have a height of 120 m (390 ft) when it was uprooted and felled by a storm in 1905. A tree reportedly 129.2 m (424 ft) tall was felled in November 1886 by the Elk River Mill and Lumber Co. in Humboldt County, yielding 79,736 marketable board feet from 21 cuts.[57][58][59] In 1893, a Redwood cut at the Eel River, near Scotia, reportedly measured 130.1 m (427 ft) in length, and 23.5 m (77 ft) in girth.[60][61][62] However, limited evidence corroborates these historical measurements.

Today, trees over 60 m (200 ft) are common, and many are over 90 m (300 ft). The current tallest tree is the Hyperion tree, measuring 115.61 m (379.3 ft).[26] The tree was discovered in Redwood National Park during mid-2006 by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor, and is thought to be the world's tallest living organism. The previous record holder was the Stratosphere Giant in Humboldt Redwoods State Park at 112.84 m (370.2 ft) (as measured in 2004). Until it fell in March 1991, the "Dyerville Giant" was the record holder. It, too, stood in Humboldt Redwoods State Park and was 113.4 m (372 ft) high and estimated to be 1,600 years old. This fallen giant has been preserved in the park.

As of 2016, no living specimen of other tree species exceeds 100 m (330 ft).

The largest known living coast redwood is Grogan's Fault, discovered in 2014 by Chris Atkins and Mario Vaden in Redwood National Park,[26] with a main trunk volume of at least 1,084.5 cubic meters (38,299 cu ft)[26] Other high-volume coast redwoods include Iluvatar, with a main trunk volume of 1,033 m3 (36,470 cu ft),[52]: 160  and the Lost Monarch, with a main trunk volume of 988.7 m3 (34,914 cu ft).[63]

Albino redwoods are mutants that cannot manufacture chlorophyll. About 230 examples (including growths and sprouts) are known to exist,[64] reaching heights of up to 20 m (66 ft).[65] These trees survive like parasites, obtaining food from green parent trees. While similar mutations occur sporadically in other conifers, no cases are known of such individuals surviving to maturity in any other conifer species. Recent research news reports that albino redwoods can store higher concentrations of toxic metals, going so far as comparing them to organs or "waste dumps".[66][67]

List of tallest trees

Heights of the tallest coast redwoods are measured yearly by experts.[26] Even with recent discoveries of tall coast redwoods above 100 m (330 ft), it is likely that no taller trees will be discovered.[26]

Diameter is measured at 1.4 m (4 ft 7 in) above average ground level (at breast height). Details of the precise locations for most of the tallest trees were not announced to the general public for fear of causing damage to the trees and the surrounding habitat.[26] The tallest coast redwood easily accessible to the public is the National Geographic Tree, immediately trailside in the Tall Trees Grove of Redwood National Park.[68]

List of largest trees

The following list shows the largest S. sempervirens by volume known as of 2001.[52]: 186–7 

Calculating the volume of a standing tree is the practical equivalent of calculating the volume of an irregular cone,[69] and is subject to error for various reasons. This is partly due to technical difficulties in measurement, and variations in the shape of trees and their trunks. Measurements of trunk circumference are taken at only a few predetermined heights up the trunk, and assume that the trunk is circular in cross-section, and that taper between measurement points is even. Also, only the volume of the trunk (including the restored volume of basal fire scars) is taken into account, and not the volume of wood in the branches or roots.[69] The volume measurements also do not take cavities into account. Most coast redwoods with volumes greater than 850 m3 (30,000 cu ft) represent ancient fusions of two or more separate trees, which makes determining whether a coast redwood has a single stem or multiple stems difficult.[70] Starting in 2014, more record-breaking coast redwood trees were discovered. The largest disclosed was a massive redwood called Grogan's Fault/Spartan,[71] which has been measured to have a volume of 38,300 cubic feet.

Details of the precise locations for most of the tallest trees were not announced to the general public for fear of causing damage to the trees and the surrounding habitat.[26] The largest coast redwood easily accessible to the public is Iluvatar, which stands prominently about 5 meters (16 ft) to the southeast of the Foothill Trail of Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.

Other notable examples

See also


  1. ^ a b Farjon, A.; Schmid, R. (2013). "Sequoia sempervirens". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2013: e.T34051A2841558. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-1.RLTS.T34051A2841558.en. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  2. ^ NatureServe. 2020. Sequoia sempervirens, Redwood. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available https://explorer.natureserve.org/Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.140518/Sequoia_sempervirens. Accessed 11 November 2021.
  3. ^ Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
    "sempervirent". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
  4. ^ BSBI List 2007 (xls). Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original (xls) on 2015-06-26. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  5. ^ The related Sequoiadendron giganteum is commonly referred to as "giant redwood".
  6. ^ "Sequoia gigantea is of an ancient and distinguished family". Nps.gov. 2007-02-02. Retrieved 2012-08-07.
  7. ^ "Redwood National & State Parks Redwood burl poaching background and update" (PDF). www.nps.gov. Retrieved 8 June 2020.
  8. ^ Kreissman, Bern; Lekisch, Barbara (1991). California, an Environmental Atlas & Guide. Bear Klaw Press. p. 104. ISBN 978-0962748998. Retrieved 8 June 2020.
  9. ^ Hearings, Reports and Prints of the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. 31 January 1978. p. 266. Retrieved 8 June 2020.
  10. ^ Watson, Frank D. (1993). "Sequoia sempervirens". In Flora of North America Editorial Committee (ed.). Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNA). Vol. 2. New York and Oxford. Retrieved 1 February 2015 – via eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
  11. ^ Ahuja, MR; Neale, DB (2002). "Origins of Polyploidy in Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and Relationship of Coast Redwood to other Genera of Taxodiaceae". Silvae Genetica. 51 (2–3): 93–100.
  12. ^ Neale, DB; Marshall, KA; Sederoff, RR (1989). "Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA are Paternally Inherited in Sequoia sempervirens". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 86 (23): 9347–9349. Bibcode:1989PNAS...86.9347N. doi:10.1073/pnas.86.23.9347. PMC 298492. PMID 16594091.
  13. ^ Don, David (1824). Lambert, Aylmer Bourke (ed.). A description of the genus Pinus :illustrated with figures, directions relative to the cultivation, and remarks on the uses of the several species. Vol. 2. London, United Kingdom: J. White. p. 24.
  14. ^ Endlicher, Stephan (1847). Synopsis Coniferarum. Vol. 1847. St. Gallen: Scheitlin & Zollikofer.
  15. ^ Muleady-Mecham, Nancy E. (August 2017). "Endlicher and Sequoia: Determination of the Etymological Origin of the Taxon". Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences. 116 (2): 137–146. doi:10.3160/soca-116-02-137-146.1. S2CID 89925020.
  16. ^ Yang, Z.Y.; Ran, J.H.; Wang, X.Q. (2012). "Three Genome-based Phylogeny of Cupressaceae s.l: Further Evidence for the Evolution of Gymnosperms and Southern Hemisphere Biogeography". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 64 (3): 452–470. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2012.05.004. PMID 22609823.
  17. ^ Farjon, A. (2005). Monograph of Cupressaceae and Sciadopitys. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ISBN 1-84246-068-4.
  18. ^ "Redwood fog drip". Bio.net. 1998-12-02. Retrieved 2012-08-07.
  19. ^ Johnstone, James A; Dawson, Todd E (9 March 2010). "Climatic context and ecological implications of summer fog decline in the coast redwood region". PNAS. 107 (10): 4533–4538. Bibcode:2010PNAS..107.4533J. doi:10.1073/pnas.0915062107. PMC 2822705. PMID 20160112.
  20. ^ Barlow, Connie. "CTL 9G - Coast Redwoods at Chetco River Oregon (VIDEO of 2019 site visit)". Youtube. Retrieved 17 September 2022.
  21. ^ "SPECIES: Sequoia sempervirens". Fire Effects Information System (FEIS). U.S. Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 17 September 2022.
  22. ^ "The Redwood Nature Trail, Siskiyou National Forest". www.redwoodhikes.com. Retrieved 2019-11-26.
  23. ^ "Coast Redwood : Los Padres ForestWatch". www.lpfw.org. Archived from the original on 29 May 2017. Retrieved 17 April 2020.
  24. ^ "Photography on the Run: Calflora/Google Maps image of coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) distribution in California. The southernmost naturally-occurring coast redwoods are in Monterey County, in the Southern Redwood Botanical Area of Los Padres National Forest". photographyontherun.com. Retrieved 17 April 2020.
  25. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Noss, Reed (2000). The Redwood Forest: History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Coast Redwoods. Island Press. ISBN 978-1559637268. OCLC 925183647.
  26. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Earle, Christopher J., ed. (2018). "Sequoia sempervirens". The Gymnosperm Database. Retrieved 2017-12-30.
  27. ^ a b c d e f g Becking, Rudolf Willem (1982-01-01). Pocket flora of the redwood forest. Island Press. ISBN 978-0933280021. OCLC 904189212.
  28. ^ a b "The Redwoods of Coast and Sierra". www.nps.gov. Retrieved 2023-04-30.
  29. ^ Ramage, B.S.; OʼHara, K.L.; Caldwell, B.T. (2010). "The role of fire in the competitive dynamics of coast redwood forests". Ecosphere. 1 (6). article 20. doi:10.1890/ES10-00134.1.
  30. ^ a b c d Stone, Edward C.; Vasey, Richard B. (January 12, 1968). "Preservation of Coast Redwoods on Alluvial Flats". Science. 159 (3811): 157–161. Bibcode:1968Sci...159..157S. doi:10.1126/science.159.3811.157. JSTOR 1723263. PMID 17792349.
  31. ^ Harris, S. A. (1989). "Relationship of convection fog to characteristics of the vegetation of Redwood National Park". MSC Thesis.
  32. ^ a b Koch, G.W.; Sillett, S.C.; Jennings, G.M.; Davis, S.D. (2004). "The limits to tree height". Nature. 428 (6985): 851–854. Bibcode:2004Natur.428..851K. doi:10.1038/nature02417. PMID 15103376. S2CID 11846291.
  33. ^ a b Ishii, H. T.; Jennings, Gregory M.; Sillett, Stephen C.; Koch, George W. (July 2008). "Hydrostatic constraints on morphological exploitation of light in tall Sequoia sempervirens trees". Oecologia. 156 (4): 751–763. Bibcode:2008Oecol.156..751I. doi:10.1007/s00442-008-1032-z. PMID 18392856. S2CID 20868469.
  34. ^ Sperry, J. S.; Meinzer; McCulloh (May 2008). "Safety and efficiency conflicts in hydraulic architecture: scaling from tissues to trees. Plant". Plant, Cell & Environment. 31 (5): 632–645. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2007.01765.x. PMID 18088335.
  35. ^ Mullen, L. P.; Sillett, S. C.; Koch, G. W.; Antonie, K. P.; Antoine, M. E. (May 29, 2009). "Physiological consequences of height-related morphological variation in Sequoia sempervirens foliage" (PDF). Tree Physiology. 29 (8): 999–1010. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpp037. PMID 19483187. Archived from the original (PDF) on January 9, 2012.
  36. ^ Ishii, H. T.; Azuma, Wakana; Kuroda, Keiko; Sillett, Stephen C. (May 26, 2014). "Pushing the limits to tree height: Could foliar water storage compensate for hydraulic constraints in sequoia sempervirens?". Functional Ecology. 28 (5): 1087–1093. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12284.
  37. ^ a b Burgess, S. S. O.; Dawson, T. E. (2004). "The contribution of fog to the water relations of Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don): foliar uptake and prevention of dehydration". Plant, Cell and Environment. 27 (8): 1023–1034. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2004.01207.x.
  38. ^ Oldham, A. R.; Sillett, S. C.; Tomescu, A. M. F.; Koch, G. W. (July 2010). "The hydrostatic gradient, not light availability drives height-related variation in Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae) leaf anatomy". American Journal of Botany. 97 (7): 1087–1097. doi:10.3732/ajb.0900214. PMID 21616861.
  39. ^ Dawson, T. E. (1 September 1998). "Fog in the California redwood forest: Ecosystem inputs and used by plants" (PDF). Oecologia. 117 (4): 476–485. Bibcode:1998Oecol.117..476D. doi:10.1007/s004420050683. PMID 28307672. S2CID 26820268.
  40. ^ Simonin, K. A.; Santiago, Louis S.; Dawson, Todd E. (July 2009). "Fog interception by Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) crowns decouples physiology from soil water deficit". Plant, Cell and Environment. 32 (7): 882–892. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2009.01967.x. PMID 19302173.
  41. ^ a b c Earles, J. M.; Sperling, O.; Silva, L. C. R.; McElrone, A. J.; Brodersen, C. R.; North, M. P.; Zwieniecki, M. A. (2015). "Bark water uptake promotes localized hydraulic recovery in coastal redwood crown". Plant, Cell & Environment. 39 (2): 320–328. doi:10.1111/pce.12612. PMID 26178179.
  42. ^ Tognetti, R. A.; Longobucco, Anna; Rashi, Antonio; Jones, Mike B. (2001). "Stem hydraulic properties and xylem vulnerability to embolism in three co-occurring Mediterranean shrubs at a natural CO2 spring". Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 28 (4): 257. doi:10.1071/PP00125.
  43. ^ "Botanical Garden Logistics" (PDF). UC Berkeley – Biology 1B – Plants & Their Environments (p. 13). Berkeley, California: Department of Integrative Biology, University of California-Berkeley. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-05-13. Retrieved 2014-01-02.
  44. ^ Peattie, Donald Culross (1953). A Natural History of Western Trees. New York: Bonanza Books. p. 22.
  45. ^ a b c d Lowell, Phillip G. (1990). A Review of Redwood Harvesting: Another Look — 1990. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
  46. ^ "Kia Ora - Welcome to The Redwoods Whakarewarewa Forest". Rotorua District Council. Retrieved November 10, 2011.
  47. ^ "Redwood History". The New Zealand Redwood Company. Retrieved November 11, 2017.
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  49. ^ "Longhouse". Retrieved 2011-08-14.
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  53. ^ "Climate explains why West Coast trees are much taller than those in the East". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2015-03-10.
  54. ^ Scientific American: Supplement. Munn and Company. 1877-01-01.
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  57. ^ Redwood Lumber Industry, Lynwood Carranco. Golden West Books, 1982. p. 21.
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  64. ^ "Cotati residents, scientists scramble to save albino redwood". SFGate. 2014-03-19.
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  67. ^ "Mystery Of White Trees Among California's Redwoods May Be Solved". NPR.
  68. ^ "text report and photograph of premier redwood canopy scientist Dr. Stephen C. Sillett from Humboldt State University while measuring the National Geographic Tree ("Nugget") immediately adjacent to the Tall Trees Trail". 27 September 2014.
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  76. ^ Fimrite, Peter (May 8, 2013). "Hidden Redwood is Remnant of Forest Giants". San Francisco Chronicle.
  77. ^ Slack, Gordy (July 1, 2004). "In the Shadow of Giants". BayNature.
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Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

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Trunk in sectional view Sequoia sempervirens – MHNT

Sequoia sempervirens (/səˈkwɔɪ.ə ˌsɛmpərˈvaɪrənz/) is the sole living species of the genus Sequoia in the cypress family Cupressaceae (formerly treated in Taxodiaceae). Common names include coast redwood, coastal redwood, and California redwood. It is an evergreen, long-lived, monoecious tree living 1,200–2,200 years or more. This species includes the tallest living trees on Earth, reaching up to 115.9 m (380.1 ft) in height (without the roots) and up to 8.9 m (29 ft) in diameter at breast height. These trees are also among the longest-living organisms on Earth. Before commercial logging and clearing began by the 1850s, this massive tree occurred naturally in an estimated 810,000 ha (2,000,000 acres) along much of coastal California (excluding southern California where rainfall is not sufficient) and the southwestern corner of coastal Oregon within the United States.

The name sequoia sometimes refers to the subfamily Sequoioideae, which includes S. sempervirens along with Sequoiadendron (giant sequoia) and Metasequoia (dawn redwood). Here, the term redwood on its own refers to the species covered in this article but not to the other two species.

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Sekvojo ( Esperanto )

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Sekvojo (Sequoia) estas genro de la arbofamilio de cipresacoj, kun nur unu specio (Sequoia sempervirens) de konifera arbego, hejma en okcidenta Usono. La arbego estas tre longviva kaj povas iĝi pli ol 1 000-jara – la plej maljuna aĝas ĉirkaŭ 2 200 jarojn. La branĉoj havas pinglojn kvazaŭ en du plataj vicoj sur branĉoj, preskaŭ kiel ĉe taksuso. La arbo estas hejma en Usono, en Kalifornio kaj Oregono, kaj povas kreski ĝis 104 m alta kaj 8,5 m de diametro. Ĝi estas kultivata por lignaĵarto kaj ornamo.[1]

La nomo sekvojo estis donita omaĝe al la ĉeroko Sequoyah. La latina sempervirens signifas «ĉiamverda», malprecize.

La Sekvoja Nacia Parko estas apud la kalifornia pacifika marbordo proksime al la limo al Oregono. En la protektejo kreskas preskaŭ 50 procentoj de la naturaj arboj de la specio sekvojo aŭ Sequoia sempervirens, la plej alte kreskanta arbo de la mondo.



  1. PIV2, p. 1019.

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Sekvojo: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

fornecido por wikipedia EO

Sekvojo (Sequoia) estas genro de la arbofamilio de cipresacoj, kun nur unu specio (Sequoia sempervirens) de konifera arbego, hejma en okcidenta Usono. La arbego estas tre longviva kaj povas iĝi pli ol 1 000-jara – la plej maljuna aĝas ĉirkaŭ 2 200 jarojn. La branĉoj havas pinglojn kvazaŭ en du plataj vicoj sur branĉoj, preskaŭ kiel ĉe taksuso. La arbo estas hejma en Usono, en Kalifornio kaj Oregono, kaj povas kreski ĝis 104 m alta kaj 8,5 m de diametro. Ĝi estas kultivata por lignaĵarto kaj ornamo.

La nomo sekvojo estis donita omaĝe al la ĉeroko Sequoyah. La latina sempervirens signifas «ĉiamverda», malprecize.

La Sekvoja Nacia Parko estas apud la kalifornia pacifika marbordo proksime al la limo al Oregono. En la protektejo kreskas preskaŭ 50 procentoj de la naturaj arboj de la specio sekvojo aŭ Sequoia sempervirens, la plej alte kreskanta arbo de la mondo.

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wikipedia EO

Sequoia sempervirens ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Sequoia sempervirens es la única especie de Sequoia, un género monotípico de plantas perteneciente a la familia de las cupresáceas, subfamilia Sequoioideae. Es conocida popularmente como secuoya roja[2]​ o secuoya de California. Es un árbol perennifolio muy longevo (entre 1200 y 1800 años)[3]​ y la conífera más alta que existe, pues llegan a alcanzar 115,61 m de altura (sin incluir las raíces) y 7,9 m de diámetro en su base. No hay que confundirla con otras dos especies a las que también se llaman secuoyas o secoyas, y con las que integra la subfamilia Sequoioideae: la secuoya gigante (Sequoiadendron giganteum) que alcanza alturas de hasta 85 m y la metasecuoya (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), de menor altura, hasta 45 m. El nombre con el que actualmente son internacionalmente conocidas estas coníferas típicas de la Alta California y del Oregón les fue dado en homenaje al jefe cheroqui llamado Sequoyah, si bien cabe consignar que los cheroqui y su confederación habitaban en el centro-este de América del Norte y nunca en los lugares donde crecen estos árboles.

Vista del árbol.


Detalle de la corteza.
Sequoia sempervirens

El tronco es recto, cilíndrico, con ramas horizontales ligeramente curvadas hacia abajo, su corteza es muy gruesa, suave y de un brillante color pardorrojizo que se va oscureciendo expuesta a la intemperie. Las hojas son de tamaño variable: entre 15-25 mm, largas y aplanadas en árboles jóvenes, y brotes a la sombra en la zona inferior de la copa de los ejemplares viejos, hasta 5-10 mm de largo en brotes expuestos a pleno sol en la parte superior de la copa de árboles más viejos; entre ambos extremos hay una amplia transición de tamaños. Son de color verde oscuro en las partes superiores y en la parte inferior poseen dos bandas con estomas blanco azulados. La disposición de la hoja es espiral, aunque las más grandes y sombreadas están giradas hacia la base para conservar una posición plana y obtener la máxima luz posible. Los conos son ovoides, de 15-32 mm de largo con 15-25 escamas dispuestas en espiral; maduran entre 8-9 meses después de la polinización a finales de invierno. Cada escama de estos conos contiene entre 3 a 7 semillas, cada una de 3-4 mm de largo y 0,5 de ancho, con dos alas de 1 mm. Estas semillas son liberadas cuando las escamas maduran y se abren al secarse.

La secuoya roja más vieja tiene alrededor de 3200 años; muchas otras exceden los 600 años. Es una de las tres especies de árboles de madera roja. Esta, utilizada antiguamente en la construcción, se emplea en la ebanistería por su alta calidad y su llamativo color.

Su hábitat natural, que se encuentra en sistemas montañosos bastante húmedos y crecen en grupo, resguardándose de fuertes vientos y heladas, se circunscribe a una estrecha franja del oeste de Estados Unidos que abarca desde la zona meridional de Oregón hasta California central donde se la encuentra tanto en zonas llanas como en las húmedas de las colinas costeras.

De las secuoyas es conocida su longevidad (computada en miles de años) y aunque hoy en día es el ser vivo más alto del planeta, en el pasado fue superado por eucaliptos y abetos gigantes hoy en día desaparecidos. La forma en que está diseñada su estructura es llamativa: a partir de la misma raíz crecen troncos independientes pero muy próximos unos de otros, de forma que si uno fuera dañado, los demás se desarrollarían independientemente, aunque aportando savia al tronco que la necesita.

Localización y ecología

Las secuoyas de la costa ocupan una franja estrecha de tierra de aproximadamente 750 km de longitud y 8-75 km de anchura a lo largo de Costa Pacífica de Norteamérica. La elevación del terreno varía de 30 a 750 metros, de vez en cuando, bajando hasta el nivel del mar y culminando los 920 metros (Farjon, 2005). Suelen crecer en las montañas donde hay más precipitación debido a la humedad que despide el océano. Los árboles más altos y más viejos se encuentran en valles y barrancos profundos donde fluyen arroyos durante todo el año y la precipitación de la niebla es constante. Por su parte, las secuoyas que se sitúan por encima del nivel de la niebla, es decir, por encima de unos 700 metros, son más bajas y pequeñas debido a las condiciones meteorológicas: ambientes secos, fríos y excesivo viento. Además, el roble “tan”, pinos y los abetos “Douglas” a menudo comen el terreno de los secuoyas en estas elevaciones. Pocos redwood trees crecen cerca del mar, debido al intenso ambiente salino y al viento. La niebla es de mayor importancia en la ecología del secuoya de la costa (Redwood National Park).

La frontera norte de su extensión se delimita por dos arboledas en el Chetco River en la periferia del oeste de las Klamath Mountains, 25 kilómetros al norte de la frontera entre California-Oregón. Las poblaciones más grandes y más altas están en Redwood National and State Parks (condades Del Norte y Humboldt) y Humboldt Redwoods State Park (Humboldt County, California).

Esta zona nativa proporcionan ambiente único con lluvias estacionales fuertes(hasta 2500 mm o 100 pulgadas anualmente). El aire fresco costero y la niebla mantienen una humedad constante durante todo el año en este bosque. Varios factores, incluyendo las precipitaciones fuertes, crean una tierra con menos nutrientes de los necesarios, causando que las secuoyas dependan mucho de toda la comunidad biótica del bosque, con un reciclaje completo de los árboles muertos. Esta comunidad biótica incluye las siguientes especies: Coast Douglas-fir, Western Hemlock, Tanoak, Pacific Madrone, y otros árboles además de una gran variedad de helechos Redwood sorrel, musgos y setas. Las secuoyas proveen un hábitat para una gran variedad de mamíferos, pájaros, reptiles y anfibios. Los troncos viejos de secuoya proveen un hábitat para el búho Spotted y amenazado a nivel federal y para el Marbled-Murrelet, especie de California en peligro de extinción.

La corteza gruesa, rica en taninos, combinada con follaje que empieza en las alturas por encima del suelo, suministran una buena protección de los daños causados tanto por fuego como por insectos, lo cual contribuye a la longevidad de las secuoyas de la costa. La secuoya costera más vieja conocida tiene alrededor de 2200 años;[4]​ muchas otras en zonas silvestres pasan los 600 años. Las numerosas declaraciones de la existencia de árboles aún más viejos, son incorrectas. Curiosamente, y debido al aparente período de vida eterna de las mismas, las secuoyas costeras se denominaron “las secuoyas eternas” a principios del siglo XIX; en latín sempervirens significa ‘siempre verde o eterno’, una coincidencia desconocida a todo aquel que nombró a esos gigantes.

La ubicación prehistórica de los fósiles del genus es considerablemente mayor con una distribución cosmopolita que incluye Europa y Asia hasta hace 5 millones de años.

Introducción artificial

Fue introducida en Europa en 1843 y hoy en día es popular en parques europeos dado su alto valor ornamental. En España pueden encontrarse en la provincia de Granada, cerca de la localidad de Puebla de Don Fadrique, concretamente en el Cortijo de la Losa (hoy propiedad de Alfonso de Bustos, Barón de Bellpuit). Estas secuoyas fueron un regalo del duque de Wellington al Marqués de Corvera en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Las especies que hay son la Sequoiadendron giganteum y Sequoia sempervirens. Los lugareños las llaman mariantonias, posiblemente debido a que también se conocen estos árboles como velintonia o por ser un regalo del duque de Wellington.

En Cantabria disfrutan de un singular bosquete de Secuoyas, declarado monumento natural en 2003, monumento natural de las Secuoyas del Monte Cabezón. La superficie de la citada formación es de 2,467 ha, compuesta por 848 pies de Sequoia sempervirens y 25 pies de Pinus radiata. Fue plantada a finales de los años 1940 y presenta un aspecto espectacular tanto por las dimensiones de los pies, con diámetros superiores al metro y alturas próximas a los 40 metros, como por el aspecto denso y cerrado de la masa provocando que apenas llegue luz al suelo.

En Galicia, la plantación más importante se encuentra en Poyo en las proximidades del Monte Castrove, donde en 1992 se plantaron 500 sequoyas rojas para conmemorar el quinto centenario del descubrimiento de América.[5][6]

En México también se encuentran ejemplares de Secuoyas, localizadas en el municipio de Jilotepec. La más antigua plantada en 1971 fue traída desde California mide más de 30 metros de altura. El parque Las Secuoyas contiene más de 300 Secuoyas rojas plantadas, la mayoría de 15 metros de altura y continúan creciendo sin ningún problema.


Su reproducción es asexual y sexual. Así los brotes son clones idénticos con la misma materia genómica. La producción de semillas empieza entre los 10 y 15 años de edad y frecuentemente ocurren cosechas grandes cantidades de semillas, pero la viabilidad de la semilla es baja, típicamente por debajo del 15 %.[7]​ Puede que la baja viabilidad sea una adaptación para desanimar a los depredadores de semillas, los cuales no quieren gastarse el tiempo buscando entre semillas barcias y comestibles. Las semillas que presentan una especie de alas en su periferia, son pequeñas y ligeras, llegando a pesar entre 3,3 y 5 mg (200-300 semilla/gramo). Las "alas" no son efectivas para una dispersión amplia, y el viento esparce las semillas entre 60-120 metros promedio de distancia del árbol madre. El crecimiento de las plantas de semillero es muy rápido, se conocen casos de árboles jóvenes que alcanzan los 20 metros de altura en 20 años.

La secuoya más alta

Hiperion es el nombre que el equipo de Chris Antkins ha dado al árbol que ahora es el ser vivo más alto del mundo: una secuoya roja que mide 115,55 m de altura.

Este árbol, junto con otros tres que batieron la marca del Gigante Estratosférico (112,9 m), se encuentran en el Parque nacional Redwood, al norte de San Francisco, California.[8]

Los ejemplares más gruesos

A continuación se provee un listado de los ejemplares más gruesos de esta especie:

El orden y la altura pueden cambiar debido a nuevos descubrimientos, pérdidas de tallo y de follaje, mayor crecimiento y nuevas mediciones. Una de las más conocidas bases de datos para grandes coníferas es "The gymnosperm database",[4]​ pero sus datos pueden diferir de otras fuentes.

Los ejemplares más altos


Sequoia sempervirens fue descrita por (D.Don) Endl. y publicado en Synopsis Coniferarum 198. 1847. [11]

  • Condylocarpus sempervirens Salisb. ex Carrière
  • Gigantabies taxifolia J. Nelson
  • Schubertia sempervirens (Lamb.) Spach
  • Sequoia pyramidata Carrière
  • Sequoia religiosa C.Presl
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. nana-pendula Hornibr.
  • Sequoia taxifolia K.Koch
  • Steinhauera sempervirens (D.Don) Voss
  • Taxodium nutkaense Lamb. ex Endl.
  • Taxodium sempervirens D.Don[12]

Véase también


  1. Farjon, A. & Schmid, R. (2013). «Sequoia sempervirens». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2014.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 4 de octubre de 2014.
  2. Nombre popular preferido en castellano, en Árboles: guía de campo; Johnson, Owen y More, David; traductor: Pijoan Rotger, Manuel, ed. Omega, 2006. ISBN 978-84-282-1400-1. Versión en español de la Collins Tree Guide.
  3. «Sequoia gigantea is of an ancient and distinguished family». Nps.gov. 2 de febrero de 2007. Consultado el 7 de agosto de 2012.
  4. a b «Sequoia sempervirens». The Gymnosperm Database. Consultado el 23 de agosto de 2008.
  5. https://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/house-joint-resolution/529
  6. http://galego.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/pontevedra/poio/2015/05/17/bosque-secuoyas-poio/0003_201505P17C7991.htm
  7. «Botanical Garden Logistics» (PDF). UC Berkeley – Biology 1B – Plants & Their Environments (p. 13). Department of Integrative Biology, University of California-Berkeley. Archivado desde el original el 10 de septiembre de 2008. Consultado el 23 de agosto de 2008.
  8. a b c d e f Prof Stephen Sillett's webpage
  9. Vaden, M. D. (2008). Grove of Titans & Atlas Grove. Website Documentary Page.
  10. a b Van Pelt, R. (2001). Forest Giants of the Pacific Coast. Global Forest. ISBN 0-295-98140-7.
  11. «Sequoia sempervirens». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 12 de diciembre de 2013.
  12. Sequoia sempervirens en PlantList


  1. Flora of China Editorial Committee. 1999. Flora of China (Cycadaceae through Fagaceae). 4: 1–453. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.
  2. Idárraga-Piedrahíta, A., R. D. C. Ortiz, R. Callejas Posada & M. Merello. (eds.) 2011. Fl. Antioquia: Cat. 2: 9–939. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín.

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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site do parceiro
wikipedia ES

Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Sequoia sempervirens es la única especie de Sequoia, un género monotípico de plantas perteneciente a la familia de las cupresáceas, subfamilia Sequoioideae. Es conocida popularmente como secuoya roja​ o secuoya de California. Es un árbol perennifolio muy longevo (entre 1200 y 1800 años)​ y la conífera más alta que existe, pues llegan a alcanzar 115,61 m de altura (sin incluir las raíces) y 7,9 m de diámetro en su base. No hay que confundirla con otras dos especies a las que también se llaman secuoyas o secoyas, y con las que integra la subfamilia Sequoioideae: la secuoya gigante (Sequoiadendron giganteum) que alcanza alturas de hasta 85 m y la metasecuoya (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), de menor altura, hasta 45 m. El nombre con el que actualmente son internacionalmente conocidas estas coníferas típicas de la Alta California y del Oregón les fue dado en homenaje al jefe cheroqui llamado Sequoyah, si bien cabe consignar que los cheroqui y su confederación habitaban en el centro-este de América del Norte y nunca en los lugares donde crecen estos árboles.

 src= Vista del árbol.
direitos autorais
Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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site do parceiro
wikipedia ES

Ranniksekvoia ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Ranniksekvoia (Sequoia sempervirens) on igihaljas okaspuuliik sekvoia perekonnast, selle perekonna ainuke liik. Koos mammutipuu (Sequoiadendron giganteum) ja metasekvoiaga (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) kuulub ta küpressiliste sugukonna alamsugukonda sooküpressilised.

Väidetavalt said kõik kolm liiki oma nime tšerokii silptähestiku looja Sequoyah' järgi.


Ranniksekvoia on maailma kõrgeim puu, mille üksikud isendid võivad kasvada kõrgemaks kui 110 meetrit. Puu on erakordselt pikaealine, tule- ja haiguskindel. Teadaolevalt kõrgeim elus sekvoia on 2006. aastal mõõdetud Hyperion, mille kõrgus on 115,55 meetrit.

Puu võra on koonilise kujuga, oksad sirutuvad horisontaalselt või veidi allapoole. Tüve läbimõõt võib ületada 4,5 meetrit.

Koor on kuni 30 sentimeetri paksune, pehme ja kiuline. Koorele annab tema punase värvuse parkhape. Paksu koore happelisus kaitseb puud putukate, haiguste, seente ja tule vastu. Intensiivne tuli võib koore siiski läbida ja puu seest õõnsaks põletada. Kui vähegi elusat kudet säilib, taastab puu oma jõuvarud ja põlemishaavad armistuvad.

Võra ülaosas ja päikese käes on okaste pikkus 5–10 millimeetrit; noorematel puudel ja varjulistel okstel aga 15–25 millimeetrit. Albiino-puudel puudub klorofüll ning need toituvad, jagades juuresüsteemi roheliste puudega. Käbid on 15–32 millimeetri pikkused. Puu tolmleb hilistalvel.

Puud kasvavad sageli ringikujuliselt. Puu võib anda juurevõsusid igas suunas ning noored puud kasvavadki tavaliselt ringis emapuu ümber. Vahel ei ole nende okastik piisava valguse ning klorofülli puudumise tõttu roheline, kuid emapuu toidab ja kasvatab oma juurestiku kaudu noori puid sellisena palju aastaid ning üsna suurte mõõtmeteni. Ranniksekvoia on ainuke okaspuu, mis ajab juurevõsusid, kui puu maha raiuda. Lähestikku kasvavate puude juured põimuvad tihedalt omavahel läbi, pakkudes üksteisele tugeva kaitse tuulte vastu.

Seemned satuvad harva viljakale pinnasele, sest maapind on kaetud okaste ja lehtedega; ainult tulekahjud ja üleujutused loovad neile soodsad tingimused.

Pahkjate moodustiste all on uinunud pungad, mis vajadusel võrseid ajama hakkavad.


Ranniksekvoia kasvab uduses ja niiskes kliimas, kitsal umbes 750 kilomeetri pikkusel ribal 30–65 kilomeetri kaugusel Vaikse ookeani rannikust, California keskosast kuni Oregoni piirini. Vahetu ookeani rannik on puu jaoks liiga liivane, tuuline ja soolane.

Suurem osa levilast jääb merepinnast kõrgusele 30–750 meetrit, kuid harvemini kasvab ranniksekvoia ka meretasapinnal või kuni 920 meetri kõrgusel. Eelistatav kasvuala on mägedes, eriti aga nendevahelistes sügavates orgudes, kus tänu sagedasele udule võib leida kõige kõrgemaid ja vanemaid sekvoiasid.

Paljude isendite vanus ulatub üle 600 aasta, vanim teadaolev sekvoia on umbes 2200-aastane. Noored puud kasvavad väga kiiresti; esimese 20 aastaga võib puu kasvada kuni 20 meetri kõrguseks.

Ranniksekvoia kasvab tavaliselt koos erinevate ebatsuugade, kiviviljakute, läänetsuuga ja hariliku maasikapuuga, alustaimestikus on mitmesugused sõnajalgtaimed, oregoni jänesekapsas, roniv mürgipuu. Loomariiki esindavad erinevad hirved, oravlased, rähnid ja värvulised.


Ranniksekvoia puit on väga väärtuslik. Et sekvoia tüvi on tavaliselt väga sirge, saadakse sellest kvaliteetset ja sirgekiulist puitu, mis on küll suhteliselt pehme, kuid mädanemiskindel. Puit on ilusa tekstuuriga, kerge ja vaiguvaba. Raudteede rajamise ajastul valmistati sekvoiapuidust liipreid ja ehitati raudteesildu. Nii tüvepuitu kui ka pahkasid kasutati mööbli ja treitud tarbeesemete valmistamisel. Tänapäeval rajatakse puidu saamiseks ranniksekvoia kultuurpuistuid.



  1. "Conifer database: Sequoia sempervirens.". Catalogue of Life: 2010 Annual Checklist. Vaadatud 09.04.2010. Inglise.
  2. "Conifer Specialist Group 2006. Sequoia sempervirens.". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. .. Vaadatud 09.04.2010. Inglise.


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Vikipeedia autorid ja toimetajad
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wikipedia ET

Ranniksekvoia: Brief Summary ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Ranniksekvoia (Sequoia sempervirens) on igihaljas okaspuuliik sekvoia perekonnast, selle perekonna ainuke liik. Koos mammutipuu (Sequoiadendron giganteum) ja metasekvoiaga (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) kuulub ta küpressiliste sugukonna alamsugukonda sooküpressilised.

Väidetavalt said kõik kolm liiki oma nime tšerokii silptähestiku looja Sequoyah' järgi.

direitos autorais
Vikipeedia autorid ja toimetajad
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia ET

Sekuoia luze ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Sequoia generoa egun espezie bakarraz osatuta dago, sekuoia luze edo sekuoia gorri (Sequoia sempervirens) delakoa, Cupressaceae familiakoa dena. Urtean zehar hostoak ditu eta oso bizi luzea du, 2.000 eta 3.000 urte ingurukoa. Zuhaitzetan handiena da (halere, eukalipto zuhaitzen aleren batekin parekatu beharko litzateke), 125 metroko luzeera duelako eta oinarrian 7 metroko diametrora irits daitekeelako.

Sekuoia izen arrunta Sequoia sempervirens duen Sequoioideae azpifamiliako kideak izendatzeko erabiltzen dugu, sekuoia erraldoia (Sequoiadendron) eta Metasequoia ere espezieak barnean dituena.

2016an, ezagutzen den zuhaitz luzeena mota horretakoa da, Hyperion (115,55 metroko altuera).

Ikus, gainera

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direitos autorais
Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
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wikipedia EU

Sekuoia luze: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Sequoia generoa egun espezie bakarraz osatuta dago, sekuoia luze edo sekuoia gorri (Sequoia sempervirens) delakoa, Cupressaceae familiakoa dena. Urtean zehar hostoak ditu eta oso bizi luzea du, 2.000 eta 3.000 urte ingurukoa. Zuhaitzetan handiena da (halere, eukalipto zuhaitzen aleren batekin parekatu beharko litzateke), 125 metroko luzeera duelako eta oinarrian 7 metroko diametrora irits daitekeelako.

Sekuoia izen arrunta Sequoia sempervirens duen Sequoioideae azpifamiliako kideak izendatzeko erabiltzen dugu, sekuoia erraldoia (Sequoiadendron) eta Metasequoia ere espezieak barnean dituena.

2016an, ezagutzen den zuhaitz luzeena mota horretakoa da, Hyperion (115,55 metroko altuera).

direitos autorais
Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
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wikipedia EU

Punapuu ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Punapuu (Sequoia sempervirens) on sypressikasvien heimoon kuuluva havupuulaji. Se on suurikokoinen ainavihanta puu, joka voi kasvaa pitkälti yli sata metriä korkeaksi ja elää yli 2 000 vuotta vanhaksi. Lajia kasvaa ainoastaan suppealla alueella Pohjois-Amerikassa Yhdysvaltain länsirannikon Kalifornian ja Oregonin osavaltioissa. Punapuu on miljoonia vuosia vanhan punapuiden suvun ainoa nykyisin elävä edustaja. Sen lähimmät elävät sukulaislajit ovat mammuttipetäjä ja kiinanpunapuu.[2]

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Punapuu on ainavihanta, suurikokoiseksi kasvava ja pitkäikäinen havupuu. Se voi elää yli 2 000 vuoden ikäiseksi. Rungon paksuus rinnankorkeudelta on yleensä 3–4,6 metriä, mutta voi olla suurimmillaan 8 metriä. Punapuuta pidetään maailman korkeimmaksi kasvavana puuna. Pituus on yleensä 60–100 metriä. Korkein luotettavasti mitattu yksilö on Redwoodin kansallispuistossa kasvava "Hyperion", jonka pituudeksi on mitattu 115,55 metriä (2006). Tilavuudeltaan suurin on "Lost Monarch", jonka puumääräksi on mitattu 1 200 m³.[3] Nykyisin elävistä puista vain suurimmat mammuttipetäjät ovat tätä tilavampia.

Levinneisyys ja kasvupaikat

Punapuu kasvaa Yhdysvalloissa Tyynenmeren rannikon läheisyydessä Lounais-Oregonissa ja Luoteis-Kaliforniassa. Ilmasto on siellä subtrooppinen tai lähes subtrooppinen. Levinneisyysalue on kapea kaistale, jonka pituus on noin 750 kilometriä ja leveys 8–75 kilometriä. Kasvupaikat ovat korkeudeltaan yleensä välillä 30–750 metriä, mutta satunnaisesti meren pinnan tasolta 920 metriin saakka. Punapuut kasvavat yleensä vuoristossa, koska niissä on enemmän valtameren tuomaa kosteutta kuin muualla. Suurimmat ja vanhimmat yksilöt kasvavat syvissä laaksoissa ja rotkoissa, missä virtaavaa vettä on ympäri vuoden ja missä sumu tiivistyy kosteudeksi säännöllisin väliajoin. Korkeammalla kasvavat puut ovat pienempiä johtuen kuivemmista, tuulisemmista ja kylmemmistä kasvuolosuhteista. Vain harvat punapuut kasvavat meren rannalla, johtuen suolaisesta, tuulisesta ja hiekkaisesta elinympäristöstä. Punapuut muodostavat metsiä yhdessä douglaskuusen, lännenhemlokin, lawsoninsypressin ja muiden paikallisten havupuiden kanssa.



  1. Sequoia sempervirens IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. (englanniksi)
  2. Earle, Cristopher J.: Sequoia The Gymnosperm Database. 10.1.2016. Viitattu 21.1.2016. (englanniksi)
  3. California Redwood Trees. Jedediah Smith Redwoods Park.

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Punapuu: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Punapuu (Sequoia sempervirens) on sypressikasvien heimoon kuuluva havupuulaji. Se on suurikokoinen ainavihanta puu, joka voi kasvaa pitkälti yli sata metriä korkeaksi ja elää yli 2 000 vuotta vanhaksi. Lajia kasvaa ainoastaan suppealla alueella Pohjois-Amerikassa Yhdysvaltain länsirannikon Kalifornian ja Oregonin osavaltioissa. Punapuu on miljoonia vuosia vanhan punapuiden suvun ainoa nykyisin elävä edustaja. Sen lähimmät elävät sukulaislajit ovat mammuttipetäjä ja kiinanpunapuu.

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wikipedia FI

Sequoia sempervirens ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Le Séquoia à feuilles d'if, Séquoia toujours vert ou Séquoia sempervirent (Sequoia sempervirens) est une espèce de conifères de la famille des Taxodiaceae (classification classique) ou des Cupressaceae (classification phylogénétique). Il est l'unique représentant actuel du genre Sequoia. Originaire de la côte Pacifique des États-Unis (Californie et Sud de l'Oregon), il comprend les arbres les plus hauts du monde.

Dénomination et étymologie

Sous bois de séquoias à Feuilles d'if, près de la côte Ouest des États-Unis en Californie.

Cette espèce porte en français les noms de « Séquoia à feuilles d'if » du fait de la forme de ses feuilles rappelant celles des Taxus, et de « Séquoia toujours vert » ou « Séquoia sempervirent » du fait de la persistance de ses feuilles en hiver, qui a aussi conduit au nom scientifique Sequoia sempervirens.


Appareil végétatif

Le Séquoias à feuilles d'if est un arbre de très grande taille, à port conique et à cime arrondie. À l'âge adulte, l'arbre est dépourvu de branches sur un tiers ou la moitié de sa hauteur. Son écorce épaisse et crevassée est rouge orangé et d’une texture souple et fibreuse. Il est plus fin et plus élancé que le Séquoia géant.

Les feuilles persistantes sont disposées sur les rameaux secondaires en deux rangs d’aiguilles aplaties, longues, vertes dessus, blanchâtres dessous. Les feuilles placées sur les rameaux principaux sont des écailles appliquées.

Il existe dans le monde environ 25 séquoias albinos[1]. Ce sont des sujets mutants sans chlorophylle. Ils poussent comme parasites, en croisant leurs racines avec celles d'arbres normaux. Ils peuvent atteindre 20 m de haut. C'est le seul cas connu de conifère albinos[réf. nécessaire].

Fait remarquable, Sequoia sempervirens est le seul conifère à produire des lignotubers, dont certains peuvent devenir gigantesques (le plus gros jamais trouvé faisait 14 mètres de diamètre et pesait plus de 500 tonnes, soit environ la masse de quatre baleines bleues, et portait sept gros troncs).

La vitesse de croissance moyenne en hauteur d'un séquoia à feuilles d'if est de 0,8 à 0,9 mètre par an. L'accroissement moyen sur la circonférence est de 5 cm par an[2].

Appareil reproducteur

L’arbre est monoïque. Les cônes mâles mesurent environ 2 mm et sont en forme de gouttelettes jaunâtres. Ils sont situés en position terminale sur les rameaux. Les cônes femelles sont verdâtres et mesurent environ 4 mm avant fécondation. Au cours de la maturation, les cônes femelles fécondés deviennent ligneux et bruns, et mesurent à maturité environ 1,8 cm de long[réf. nécessaire]. Ils atteignent leur maturité au bout d’un an. Ces cônes sont constitués de 12 à 20 écailles ligneuses[réf. nécessaire], à écusson losangiques et terminés en pointe.

Répartition et habitat

Une forêt de séquoias à feuilles d'if dans le brouillard du parc national de Redwood, en Californie.

L'habitat naturel actuel de Sequoia sempervirens est une bande étroite de 750 km de long et 75 km de large le long de la côte Pacifique des États-Unis, de 0 à 900 m d'altitude. Les arbres les plus imposants poussent dans des vallées très arrosées avec de nombreuses périodes de brouillard. Un arbre jeune dans ces conditions favorables peut s'accroître en hauteur d'un mètre par an.

Ailleurs, des fossiles de S. sempervirens ont notamment été trouvés en Europe dans des argiles datant du Miocène[3]. De nos jours, cette espèce a été plantée un peu partout dans le monde à des fins ornementales.

Principaux ennemis et défauts

L'arbre peut avant tout souffrir du gel. Les sols tassés ou asphyxiants lui sont très défavorables.

Ses dimensions lui valent d'attirer la foudre, ce qui semble d'ailleurs faire partie de son écologie. Dans son aire d'origine, les incendies provoqués par les orages lui permettent de se régénérer par rejets ou par semis sur les cendres du sous-bois brûlés. Son écorce ignifuge lui permet de survivre aux feux de forêt[4].

Arbre des records

Le Séquoia à feuilles d'if est l'espèce d'arbres la plus grande du monde en termes de hauteur. En termes de largeur et de volume, il n'est dépassé que par le Séquoia géant (Sequoiadendron giganteum), une autre espèce californienne qui pousse dans des habitats différents.


Le spécimen le plus haut, Hyperion, mesure 116 mètres[5]. Il a été découvert à l'été 2006 par Chris Atkins et Michael Taylor[Lequel ?] dans le parc national de Redwood. Il détient le record de l'arbre le plus haut du monde.

On connaît quinze séquoias à feuilles d'if de plus de 110 m et 47 de plus de 105 m. À titre de comparaison, l'arbre le plus haut du monde autre qu'un séquoia à feuilles d'if est un Shorea faguetiana de 101 m de haut situé en Malaisie.

Largeur et volume

Le séquoia à feuilles d'if le plus large, Grogan's Fault, atteint 8,35 m de diamètre, et son tronc a un volume de tronc d'environ 1 170 m3 (plusieurs séquoias géants le surpassent cependant sur ces critères). Également situé dans le parc national de Redwood, il n'a été découvert qu'en 2014[6].


Un séquoia en bonsaï.

Le bois du Séquoia à feuilles d'if est d'excellente qualité, assez léger et esthétique. Il est imputrescible, résiste bien aux insectes, et comme il est dépourvu de canaux résinifères, il résiste également bien aux incendies. En raison de sa bonne résistance à la pourriture, il a beaucoup été utilisé aux États-Unis pour les traverses de chemin de fer. Il est aussi utilisé en menuiserie.

L'espèce est parfois cultivée en bonsaï.

Le Séquoia à feuilles d'if dans la culture

On peut observer dans le film Star Wars, épisode VI : Le Retour du Jedi sur la planète des Ewoks, que le décor choisi est une forêt de séquoias à feuilles d'if dans le parc naturel de Redwood.

Notes et références

  1. (en) « The Mysterious World of Albino Redwood Trees », sur Treehugger (consulté le 22 septembre 2020).
  2. pdf du CRPF de Bretagne
  3. Gaston de Saporta, Antoine-Fortuné Marion, Albert Falsan, Recherches sur les végétaux fossiles de Meximieux, précédées d'une introduction stratigraphique, Archives du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon (lire en ligne), p. 175.
  4. « le séquoia toujours vert », sur crpf bretagne
  5. [1]
  6. Grogan's Fault, aka "Spartan"

Voir aussi


  • Susan R. Schrepfer The Fight to Save the Redwoods - A History of the Environmental Reform, 1917--1978 - University of Wisconsin Press; First Edition edition (May 1983)

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wikipedia FR

Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Le Séquoia à feuilles d'if, Séquoia toujours vert ou Séquoia sempervirent (Sequoia sempervirens) est une espèce de conifères de la famille des Taxodiaceae (classification classique) ou des Cupressaceae (classification phylogénétique). Il est l'unique représentant actuel du genre Sequoia. Originaire de la côte Pacifique des États-Unis (Californie et Sud de l'Oregon), il comprend les arbres les plus hauts du monde.

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wikipedia FR

Sequoia ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician
Sequoias novas a medrar nas Cernadas, Lira, Salvaterra de Miño
Toro de sequoia sempervirens 22 anos. Plantación de Fontao, Foz.
Plantación experimental de sequoia sempervirens de Fontao, Foz
Secuoia nova entre secuoias máis grandes na plantación experimental de Fontao, Foz. Bosque de ribeira do río Ouro ao fondo. Vaca e cuxo do país á esquerda serven de referencia.
Plantación experimental de sequoia sempervirens en Fontao, Foz. Vese a tona avermellada característica.
Plantación experimental de sequoia sempervirens en Fontao, Foz. Ser humano de 1,65 metros de altura.
Sequoia sempervirens

A sequoia común[3] é unha árbore do xénero Sequoia, que consta dunha única especie, Sequoia sempervirens, comunmente chamada sequoia común ou sequoia vermella de California, da familia dos alciprestes (Cupressaceae). É unha árbore perennifolia moi lonxeva (entre 2 000 e 3 000 anos) e a máis alta do mundo, chegando a atinxir máis de 112 m de altura e 7 m de diámetro na súa base.

Atopámolas nalgúns parques urbanos e arboredos de Galicia. Salientan os exemplares do Castelo de Soutomaior, en Pontevedra. A plantación máis importante atópase en Poio nas proximidades do Monte Castrove, onde en 1992 se plantaron 500 sequoias vermellas para conmemorar o quinto centenario do descubrimento de América[4][5]. Ademais hai varias plantacións experimentais.


O nome galego sequoia, que coincide co normalmente empregado internacionalmente para apelar a estas coníferas típicas da Alta California e do Oregón, vén da homenaxe ao xefe cherokee chamado Sequoyah, se ben cabe consignar que os cherokees e a súa confederación moraban no centro-leste de América do Norte e nunca nos lugares onde medran estas árbores.


Detalle da casca.

O tronco é recto, cilíndrico, con pólas horizontais lixeiramente curvas para abaixo e posúe unha casca moi grosa, suave e dunha brillante cor parda-avermellada que vai escurecendo exposta á intemperie. As follas son de tamaños variábeis: entre 15–25 mm, longas e aplanadas en árbores novas e gromos á sombra na zona inferior da copa dos exemplares vellos, até 5–10 mm de longo en gromos expostos a pleno sol na parte superior da copa de árbores máis vellas; entre ambos os extremos hai unha ampla transición de tamaños. Son de cor verde escura nas partes superiores e inferiormente posúen dúas bandas con estomas branco azuladas. A disposición da folla é espiral, aínda que as máis grandes e sombreadas están xiradas para a base para conservar unha posición plana e obter a máxima luz posíbel. Os conos son ovoides, de 15–32 mm de longo e con 15-25 escamas dispostas en espiral; maduran entre 8-9 meses despois da polinización a finais do inverno. Cada escama destes conos contén entre 3 a 7 sementes, cada unha de 3–4 mm de longo e 0,5 de ancho, con dúas alas de 1 mm. Estas sementes son liberadas cando as escamas maduran e se abren ao secar.


É unha das tres especies de árbores de madeira vermella. Esta, utilizada antigamente na construción, emprégase hoxe en día na ebanistería pola súa alta calidade e a súa rechamante cor. Empréganse tamén coma especie ornamental.

Hábitat e distribución

O seu hábitat natural, que se encontra en sistemas montañosos bastante húmidos onde medran en grupos, resgardándose de fortes ventos e xeadas, encóntrase nunha estreita faixa do oeste de Estados Unidos que abrangue desde a zona meridional de Oregon até a California central, e dáse tanto en zonas chás coma nas húmidas dos outeiros costeiros. Foi introducida en Europa en 1843 e hoxe en día é popular en parques europeos dado o seu alto valor ornamental.

En Galicia plantouse en xardíns urbanos e palaciegos. Hai bos exemplares no Parque de Castrelos en Vigo, na Carballeira de Santa Susana en Santiago de Compostela, nos xardíns de Padrón, en Beluso (Bueu), ou no arboredo do Pazo de Lourizán, en Marín. Por riba destas plantacións sobrancea o bosque de 500 sequoias vermellas de Poio, en Aris preto do monte Castrove.[5]. Ademais existen varias plantacións experimentais, como a de Fontao en Foz, a carón do río Ouro.

En Cantabria existe un arboredo de sequoias, declarado monumento natural en 2003, "Monumento Natural de las Secuoyas del Monte Cabezón", con 848 pés de Sequoia sempervirens e 25 de piñeiro de Monterrei (Pinus radiata), plantados a finais dos anos 40.


As sequoias da costa americana ocupan unha estreita faixa duns 750 km de lonxitude e 8–75 km de largura ao longo da beiramar pacífica de América do Norte. A elevación do terreo varía dos 30 até os 750 metros, de cando en vez , baixando até o nivel do mar e culminando os 920 metros (Farjon, 2005). Adoitan medrar nas montañas onde hai máis precipitacións debido á humidade do océano. As árbores máis altas e vellas atópanse en vales e cavorcos fondos onde flúen regueiros todo o ano e as brétemas son habituais. Non medran ben na beiramar, pois non aturan nin o sal nin os ventos excesivos. Os neboeiros si son de importancia na ecoloxía da sequoia costeira do parque nacional Redwood National Park.

A fronteira norte da súa extensión, delimítase por dous arboredos no Chetco River na periferia do oeste das Klamath Mountains, 25 quilómetros ao norte da liña entre California e Oregón. As poboacións máis grandes e máis altas están en Redwood National and State Parks (condados Del Norte e Humboldt) e Humboldt Redwoods State Park (Humboldt County, California). Esta zona nativa fornece un ambiente único con choivas estacionais fortes (até 2.500 mm ou 100 polgadas anualmente). O ar fresco mariñán e mais a brétema manteñen unha humidade constante durante todo o ano nestas fragas. Varios factores, incluíndo as precipitacións fortes, crean un solo con menos nutrientes dos necesarios, causando que as sequoias dependan moito de toda a comunidade biótica do bosque, cunha reciclaxe completa das árbores mortas. Esta comunidade biótica inclúe as especies a seguir: Abeto de Douglas, Tsuga heterophylla (tsuga de Alberta), Lithocarpus densiflorus, Arbutus menziesii (érbedo do Pacífico), e outras árbores ademais dunha gran variedade de fentos, musgos e cogomelos. As sequoias fornecen un hábitat para una gran variedade de mamíferos, paxaros, réptiles e anfibios. Os troncos vellos e podres de subministran un hábitat axeitado para especies ameazadas coma a curuxa pintada (Strix occidentalis) ou o paxaro mariño californiano Brachyramphus marmoratus.

A grosa casca, rica en taninos, combinada coa follaxe que comeza a se desenvolver a grande altura, subministran unha boa protección fronte as frecuentes vagas de lumes ou os danos que causan as pragas de insectos, o que contribúe á lonxevidade das sequoias. A sequoia costeira máis vella coñecida ten arredor dos 2.200 anos;[6] mais é normal que moitos exemplares pasen dos 600 anos en fragas primarias. As numerosas declaracións da existencia de árbores aínda máis vellas, son incorrectas. Curiosamente, e por mor do aparente período de vida eterna das mesmas, as sequoias costeiras denomináronse “Sequoias eternas” a principios do século XIX; en latín “sempervirens” significa sempre verde ou eterno, unha coincidencia descoñecida a todo aquel que nomeou a eses xigantes. A localización prehistórica dos fósiles do “genus” é considerabelmente maior cunha distribución cosmopolita que inclúe Europa e Asia até hai uns 5 millóns de anos.


A súa reprodución é asexual e sexual. Así os gomos son clons idénticos coa mesma materia xenómica. A produción de sementes comeza contra os 10 ou 15 anos de idade e frecuentemente ocorren colleitas grandes de sementes, porén a viabilidade da semente é baixa, tipicamente por baixo do 15%.[7] Pode ser que a baixa viabilidade sexa unha adaptación para desanimar aos depredadores de sementes, os cales non queren gastar o tempo a buscar entre as sementes comestíbeis. As sementes que presentan unha especie de ás na súa periferia, son miúdas e lixeiras, chegando a pesar entre 3,3 e 5 mg (200-300 semente/gramo). As "ás" non son efectivas para un espallamento amplo, e o vento espállaas entre 60 e 120 metros de media da distancia da árbore orixinaria. O crecemento das plantas de pebideiro é moi rápido, e coñécense casos de árbores novas que acadaron os 20 metros de altura en 20 anos.

Lonxevidade e tamaño

A sequoia vermella máis vella ten uns 2.200 anos; moitas outras exceden os 600 anos. Aínda que das sequoias é moi coñecida a súa lonxevidade, hoxe en día é o ser vivo máis grande do planeta. No pasado foi superado por eucaliptos e abetos agora xa extintos. A forma da súa estrutura é rechamangueira: a partir da mesma raíz medran troncos independentes mais moi próximos uns dos outros, de xeito que se un fora danado, os demais desenvolveranse independentemente, aínda que achegando zume ao tronco que a necesita.

As sequoias máis grandes

Hyperion é o nome que o equipo de Chris Antkins deu á árbore que polo de agora é o ser vivo máis alto do mundo, unha sequoia vermella que mide 115,55 m de alto.

Esta árbore, xunta outras tres que bateron a marca da Stratosphere giant (112,9 m), atópanse no Parque Nacional de Redwood, no norte de San Francisco, California.[8]

A seguir subminístrase unha listaxe dos exemplares máis grandes desta especie:

A orde e mais a altura poden cambiar por mor a novos descubrimentos, perdas de talo e de follaxe, maior crecemento e novas medicións. Unha das máis coñecidas bases de datos para grandes coníferas é "The gymnosperm database",[6] mais os seus datos poden diferir doutras fontes.

Os exemplares máis altos


Bosque de sequoias de Poio

En Galiza plántanse coma ornamental en arboredos e pazos dende hai anos. Algúns exemplares de sequoias figuran no Catálogo de Árbores Senlleiras de Galicia:

Ademais hai algunhas plantacións experimentais e bosques:

Máis sobre secuoias en Galicia: Presentación sobre as secuoias

Véxase tamén


  1. Farjon, A. & members of the Conifer Specialist Group. "Sequoia sempervirens". Lista Vermella de especies ameazadas. (en inglés). Unión Internacional para a Conservación da Natureza.
  2. "Sequoia". Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado o 8 de junio de 2010.
  3. Nome común da especie en galego en Guía das árbores de Galicia, A Coruña, Baía Edicións, 1997; e Termos esenciais de botánica, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2004; a través de Buscatermos da USC
  4. https://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/house-joint-resolution/529
  5. 5,0 5,1 http://galego.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/pontevedra/poio/2015/05/17/bosque-secuoyas-poio/0003_201505P17C7991.htm
  6. 6,0 6,1 "Sequoia sempervirens". The Gymnosperm Database. Consultado o 23 de agosto de 2008.
  7. "Botanical Garden Logistics" (PDF). UC Berkeley – Biology 1B – Plants & Their Environments (p. 13). Department of Integrative Biology, University of California-Berkeley. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 10 de setembro de 2008. Consultado o 23 de agosto de 2008.
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 8,4 8,5 "Prof Stephen Sillett's webpage". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 09 de maio de 2008. Consultado o 11 de decembro de 2012.
  9. Vaden, M. D. (2008). Grove of Titans & Atlas Grove. Website Documentary Page.
  10. 10,0 10,1 Van Pelt, R. (2001). Forest Giants of the Pacific Coast. Global Forest. ISBN 0-295-98140-7.
direitos autorais
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia gl Galician

Sequoia: Brief Summary ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician
 src= Sequoias novas a medrar nas Cernadas, Lira, Salvaterra de Miño  src= Toro de sequoia sempervirens 22 anos. Plantación de Fontao, Foz.  src= Plantación experimental de sequoia sempervirens de Fontao, Foz  src= Secuoia nova entre secuoias máis grandes na plantación experimental de Fontao, Foz. Bosque de ribeira do río Ouro ao fondo. Vaca e cuxo do país á esquerda serven de referencia.  src= Plantación experimental de sequoia sempervirens en Fontao, Foz. Vese a tona avermellada característica.  src= Plantación experimental de sequoia sempervirens en Fontao, Foz. Ser humano de 1,65 metros de altura.  src= Sequoia sempervirens

A sequoia común é unha árbore do xénero Sequoia, que consta dunha única especie, Sequoia sempervirens, comunmente chamada sequoia común ou sequoia vermella de California, da familia dos alciprestes (Cupressaceae). É unha árbore perennifolia moi lonxeva (entre 2 000 e 3 000 anos) e a máis alta do mundo, chegando a atinxir máis de 112 m de altura e 7 m de diámetro na súa base.

Atopámolas nalgúns parques urbanos e arboredos de Galicia. Salientan os exemplares do Castelo de Soutomaior, en Pontevedra. A plantación máis importante atópase en Poio nas proximidades do Monte Castrove, onde en 1992 se plantaron 500 sequoias vermellas para conmemorar o quinto centenario do descubrimento de América. Ademais hai varias plantacións experimentais.

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wikipedia gl Galician

Obalna sekvoja ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Obalna sekvoja (lat. Sequoia sempervirens) vrsta je drveća iz porodice Cupressaceae (neki autori još uvijek je svrstavaju u porodicu Taxodiaceae, koja je međutim, znatno izmijenjena nakon novih filogenetičkih istraživanja). Jedina je živa vrsta iz roda Sequoia.

To je četinjača porijeklom iz Sjeverne Amerike, raste naročito u zapadnom dijelu Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.

Ime Sequoia također se koristi kao zajednički naziv za potporodicu Sequoioideae u kojem je ovaj rod klasificiran zajedno s golemim mamutovcem (lat. Sequoiadendron giganteum i s kineskom metasekvojom (lat. Metasequoia glyptostoboides).

Kora je debela do 30 cm i prilično mekana, vlaknasta jarko crveno-smeđe boje, kada je starija tamni. Korijenski sustav sastoji se od plitkog i širokog bočno korijenja. Listovi su igličasti, dugi 15-25 mm i tamnozelene boje. Češer je jajolik, dug 15 - 32 mm. Oprašivanje se događa zimi, a češeri sazrijevaju oko 8-9 mjeseci poslije. Sjemenka je s dva krilca. Jednodomna je biljka. Kod obalne sekvoje zabilježeno je da se mitohondrijska DNK prenosi s muške strane.

Obalna sekvoja najpoznatija je zbog svoje visine i starosti. Stablo obalne sekvoje iz Nacionalnog parka Sequoia u Kaliforniji visoko je 115 m i najviše je stablo na svijetu.[2] U istom nacionalnom parku raste i stablo obalne sekvoje opsega 7.9 metara, čime je obalna sekvoja na četvrtom mjestu liste drveća s najvećim opsegom stabala. Stablo "Posljednji monarh" koje raste u Kaliforniji ima volumen 1.203 m³, po čemu je obalna sekvoja druga vrsta drveća iza golemog mamutovca po najvećem volumenu stabla. Može doživjeti tisuću godina. Pojedina stabla tako su velika i snažna, da se kroz njih kopaju rupe, kroz koje mogu proći automobili. Deblo ima grane uglavnom sama pri vrhu.

Sadi se u u mnogim zemljama za ukrasne svrhe.



  • Condylocarpus sempervirens Salisb. ex Carrière
  • Gigantabies taxifolia J.Nelson
  • Schubertia sempervirens (Lamb.) Spach
  • Sequoia pyramidata Carrière
  • Sequoia religiosa C.Presl
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. adpressa Carrière
  • Sequoia sempervirens f. adpressa (Carrière) Beissn.
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. albospica G.Nicholson
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. glauca R.Sm.
  • Sequoia sempervirens f. glauca (R.Sm.) Rehder
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. nana-pendula Hornibr.
  • Sequoia sempervirens f. pendula (Rovelli) Rehder
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. pendula (Rovelli) C.K.Schneid.
  • Sequoia taxifolia K.Koch
  • Steinhauera sempervirens (D.Don) Voss
  • Taxodium nutkaense Lamb. ex Endl.
  • Taxodium sempervirens D.Don[3]



  1. IUCN
  2. "Gymnosperm Database: Sequoia sempervirens". http://www.conifers.org/cu/se/index.htm. "Hyperion, Redwood National Park, CA, 115.55 m"
  3. The Plant List Sequoia sempervirens
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Obalna sekvoja: Brief Summary ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Obalna sekvoja (lat. Sequoia sempervirens) vrsta je drveća iz porodice Cupressaceae (neki autori još uvijek je svrstavaju u porodicu Taxodiaceae, koja je međutim, znatno izmijenjena nakon novih filogenetičkih istraživanja). Jedina je živa vrsta iz roda Sequoia.

To je četinjača porijeklom iz Sjeverne Amerike, raste naročito u zapadnom dijelu Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.

Ime Sequoia također se koristi kao zajednički naziv za potporodicu Sequoioideae u kojem je ovaj rod klasificiran zajedno s golemim mamutovcem (lat. Sequoiadendron giganteum i s kineskom metasekvojom (lat. Metasequoia glyptostoboides).

Kora je debela do 30 cm i prilično mekana, vlaknasta jarko crveno-smeđe boje, kada je starija tamni. Korijenski sustav sastoji se od plitkog i širokog bočno korijenja. Listovi su igličasti, dugi 15-25 mm i tamnozelene boje. Češer je jajolik, dug 15 - 32 mm. Oprašivanje se događa zimi, a češeri sazrijevaju oko 8-9 mjeseci poslije. Sjemenka je s dva krilca. Jednodomna je biljka. Kod obalne sekvoje zabilježeno je da se mitohondrijska DNK prenosi s muške strane.

Obalna sekvoja najpoznatija je zbog svoje visine i starosti. Stablo obalne sekvoje iz Nacionalnog parka Sequoia u Kaliforniji visoko je 115 m i najviše je stablo na svijetu. U istom nacionalnom parku raste i stablo obalne sekvoje opsega 7.9 metara, čime je obalna sekvoja na četvrtom mjestu liste drveća s najvećim opsegom stabala. Stablo "Posljednji monarh" koje raste u Kaliforniji ima volumen 1.203 m³, po čemu je obalna sekvoja druga vrsta drveća iza golemog mamutovca po najvećem volumenu stabla. Može doživjeti tisuću godina. Pojedina stabla tako su velika i snažna, da se kroz njih kopaju rupe, kroz koje mogu proći automobili. Deblo ima grane uglavnom sama pri vrhu.

Sadi se u u mnogim zemljama za ukrasne svrhe.

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Přimórski žerowc ( Sorábio superior )

fornecido por wikipedia HSB

Přimórski žerowc (Sequoia sempervirens) je rostlina ze swójby cypresowych rostlinow (Cupressaceae). Wona je jenička družina w rodźe (Sequoia).

Po někotrych žórłach so do swójby ćisowcowych rostlinow (Taxodiaceae) přirjaduje.


Přimórski žerowc je přeco zeleny štom, kotryž docpěje wysokosć wot 20 hač do 30 m, druhdy wjace hač 100 m. Rostlina je jara dołho žiwa, při čimž móže starobu wot hač do 3500 lět docpěć. Kehelojta króna je šwižna. Zdónk je dołhi. Skora je ćmowobruna hač čerwjenobruna, hłuboko brózdźena a kaž hubica mjechka. Wona ma hłuboke, paralelne a wertikalne rozpukliny. Krótke wurostki často kaž promješki steja na dołhich wurostkach. Hałuzy steja w njeprawidłownych mutličkach.

Štom a předewšěm jeho skora wuchadźa wóń, kotraž je tej wot chójnoweho drjewa podobna. Wona je jedna z małko koniferow, kotrež z wotrězaneho pjenka znowa wubiwa.


Mjechke, kónčkojte jehły su wopłonjene, ćmowozelene hač namódreń zelene docpěja dołhosć wot 0,5 hač 2 (2,5) cm. Wone su njejenak dołhe a na dołhich wurostkach šrubikojće steja, ale na krótkich wurostkach dwulinkojće wjerškaće.

Kćenja a hable

Kćěje wot februara hač do měrca. Rostlina je jednodomna. Kwětnistwa su njenapadne. Muske kćenja su žołte a steja po wjacorych na młodych wurostkowych kónčkach. Žónske kćenja zwjetša steja na staršich hałuzach.

Hable su jejkojte a docpěja dołhosć wot 2 hač do 2,5 (3) cm. Wone zruna steja abo přewisuja. Hable wot septembra hač do nowembra dozrawja. Při dozrawjenych hablach so šupizny rózno rozdźěraja.


Rosće jenož regionach z miłych zymach. Ma radšo wutkate, włóžne, hłuboke, přesakliwe pódy. Spěšnje rosćace młode štomy potrjebuja wjele wody.


Pochadźa ze sewjerneje Ameriki, při čimž tam jenož w mjezowanym arealu wot južneho Oregona hač do srjedźneje Kaliforniskeje dźiwje wustupuje.


Štom so w Europje w arboretach a parkach plahuje. Čerwjenobrune drjewo bu jako twarske drjewo a za zhotowjenje meblow wužiwane. Tohodla přirodne wustupowanja buchu dla pušćenja drjewa jara deciměrowane. Dźensa zbytkowe wustupowanja steja w přirodnych rezerwatach.


  • Sorta 'Adpressa' je małoróstna forma, kotraž ma za čas wjele lětach jenož wysokosć wot 1 m a šěrokosć wot 2 m, pozdźišo docpěje wysokosć wot hač do 6 m.
  • Sorta 'Aptos Blue' njese módrozelene lisćo. Jeje kónčki hałuzow přewisuja.
  • Sorta 'Los Altos' njese ćmowozelene, twjerde lisćo.
  • Sorta 'Santa Cruz' njese blědźozelene, něžne lisćo, kotrež lochko wisa.


  • Botanica, Bäume und Sträucher, Über 2000 Pflanzenporträts, ISBN 978-3-8331-4467-7, strona 856 (němsce)
  • Bruno P. Kremer: Steinbachs Naturführer Bäume & Sträucher, ISBN 978-3-8001-5934-5, strona 80 (němsce)
  • Mayer, Schwegler: Welcher Baum ist das?, Bäume, Sträucher, Ziergehölze, ISBN 978-3-440-11273-1, strona 254 (němsce)
  • Brankačk, Jurij: Wobrazowy słownik hornjoserbskich rostlinskich mjenow na CD ROM. Rěčny centrum WITAJ, wudaće za serbske šule. Budyšin 2005.
  • Kubát, K. (Hlavní editor): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha (2002)
  • Lajnert, Jan: Rostlinske mjena. Serbske. Němske. Łaćanske. Rjadowane po přirodnym systemje. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin (1954)
  • Rězak, Filip: Němsko-serbski wšowědny słownik hornjołužiskeje rěče. Donnerhak, Budyšin (1920)

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Přimórski žerowc: Brief Summary ( Sorábio superior )

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Přimórski žerowc (Sequoia sempervirens) je rostlina ze swójby cypresowych rostlinow (Cupressaceae). Wona je jenička družina w rodźe (Sequoia).

Po někotrych žórłach so do swójby ćisowcowych rostlinow (Taxodiaceae) přirjaduje.

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Strandrauðviður ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Strandrauðviður (eða strandrisafura) (fræðiheiti: Sequoia sempervirens) er barrtré af fenjasýprusætt og er hæsta núlifandi trjátegund heims og eina tegund sinnar ættkvíslar. Strandrauðviður vex á litlu svæði með strönd Kyrrahafs í Oregon og Kaliforníu. Í síðarnefnda ríkinu hafa fundist tré sem eru allt að 112 m á hæð og 2000 ára gömul. Þótt gamla íslenska heitið vísi til furu er tréð ekki af furuætt.

Skyld tegund er fjallarauðviður

 src= Þessi líffræðigrein er stubbur. Þú getur hjálpað til með því að bæta við greinina.
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Sequoia sempervirens ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

La sequoia[1] o sequoia di California[3] (Sequoia sempervirens [Don, Endlicher, 1847]) è un albero della famiglia delle Taxodiacee (più recentemente passato alle Cupressacee); il nome è un omaggio a Sequoyah, nativo americano Cherokee che inventò nel 1821 il sillabario Cherokee[4].

Originaria della parte occidentale del Nord America, cresce spontaneamente lungo una ristretta fascia costiera tra la California e l'Oregon. La maggior parte delle sequoie è situata all'interno del Parco nazionale di Redwood e in quello di Yosemite. Si tratta della specie vegetale più alta del mondo (può superare i 100 m d'altezza), ed è anche una tra le più longeve, potendo vivere oltre 2.000 anni.

Prima delle glaciazioni esistevano sequoie, o alberi molto affini, anche in Europa. È stata reintrodotta in Europa nella prima metà del XIX secolo per scopi ornamentali, ma in questo breve lasso di tempo le sequoie introdotte in Europa, con non più di 100-150 anni di vita, hanno raggiunto al massimo altezze di 40-50 m.



Foglie, fiori e semi della sequoia sempreverde

Ha un aspetto conico-piramidale, quasi colonnare ad apice talvolta appiattito. Possiede un tronco aromatico e profumato, con corteccia arancione-rossiccia (da cui il nome redwood in inglese) o rosso-marrone scuro, fibrosa, con il passare dell'età si screpola profondamente.

Può superare i 100 metri d'altezza e raggiungere un diametro alla base del tronco di oltre 7 metri. Un esemplare chiamato Hyperion, situato nel Parco nazionale di Redwood, raggiunge i 115,55 metri, ed è l'albero più alto del mondo, mentre un altro esemplare chiamato Lost Monarch è il più grande di questa specie per volume: presenta un tronco del diametro di 7,9 metri, un'altezza di 97,8 metri e un volume stimato di 1 200 m³ di legno.

Tra gli alberi il primato in termini di volume massimo spetta invece agli esemplari più grossi di sequoia gigante (Sequoiadendron giganteum), diffusa esclusivamente sulle montagne della Sierra Nevada della California, nonostante raggiunga altezze generalmente inferiori ai 90 m, ha un tronco dalla conformazione più massiccia.


Ha foglie persistenti, aghiformi, piatte e appuntite. Le foglie sono verde scuro nella parte superiore e bianco-grigio in quella inferiore. Gli aghi al centro del rametto sono più lunghi rispetto a quelli alle estremità. Le gemme sono tondeggianti, hanno squame coriacee, raggrinzite. Le branche superiori sono orizzontali, mentre quelle inferiori sono rivolte verso il basso.


Sequoia sempervirens

I coni femminili sono strobili ovoidali, allungati e legnosi a maturità, rilasciano semi alati. Non si sfaldano a maturità e cadono dall'albero interi. I fiori maschili, piccoli, gialli, si formano all'apice dei germogli giovani.

Distribuzione e habitat

In natura cresce in modo spontaneo lungo la fascia costiera che va dalla California all'Oregon, nel raggio di 60 km dall'oceano Pacifico; la pianta predilige infatti un tipo di clima oceanico temperato ricco di umidità, non tollera invece climi continentali e temperature troppo rigide. È diffusa fino ad altitudini di 1.000 m sul livello del mare, ma generalmente cresce ad altitudini inferiori ai 300 m. Le sequoie prediligono terreni di origine alluvionale dove formano foreste pure o miste con altre specie di conifere locali come la Pseudotsuga menziesii e la Picea sitchensis.


Le sequoie crescono bene nei terreni profondi, umidi e ben drenati, in posizioni riparate. La Sequoia sempervirens tollera più dell'altra specie le posizioni completamente ombreggiate, ma cresce più rapidamente al sole. Si piantano in autunno o in primavera. Si mantiene il terreno umido; nei primi anni dopo la "messa a dimora", in marzo-aprile si distribuisce uno strato di terriccio di foglie, per favorire l'umidità del terreno.


Le sequoie sono state piantate sia per ornamento sia per fini forestali in diverse parti del mondo, Italia[5] compresa, e sono inselvatichite in Nuova Zelanda.


  1. ^ a b Alan Toogood, Guida agli alberi ornamentali, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1992, p. 201, ISBN 88-08-11372-8. 1ª ed. originale: (EN) Garden Trees Handbook. A complete guide to choosing, planting and caring for garden trees, London, Swallow Publishing, 1990.
  2. ^ (EN) Farjon, A. & Schmid, R. 2013, Sequoia sempervirens, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  3. ^ Oleg Polunin, Guida agli alberi e arbusti d'Europa, traduzione di Piero Brunelli, illustrazioni di Barbara Everard, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1977, p. 21, SBN ITICCUIEI069608. 1ª ed. originale: (EN) Trees and Bushes of Europe, London, Oxford University Press, 1976.
  4. ^ (EN) AA.VV., Oxford Concise Dictionary of English Etimology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1986.
  5. ^ Sequoie del parco Burcina, in Piemonte

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Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

La sequoia o sequoia di California (Sequoia sempervirens [Don, Endlicher, 1847]) è un albero della famiglia delle Taxodiacee (più recentemente passato alle Cupressacee); il nome è un omaggio a Sequoyah, nativo americano Cherokee che inventò nel 1821 il sillabario Cherokee.

Originaria della parte occidentale del Nord America, cresce spontaneamente lungo una ristretta fascia costiera tra la California e l'Oregon. La maggior parte delle sequoie è situata all'interno del Parco nazionale di Redwood e in quello di Yosemite. Si tratta della specie vegetale più alta del mondo (può superare i 100 m d'altezza), ed è anche una tra le più longeve, potendo vivere oltre 2.000 anni.

Prima delle glaciazioni esistevano sequoie, o alberi molto affini, anche in Europa. È stata reintrodotta in Europa nella prima metà del XIX secolo per scopi ornamentali, ma in questo breve lasso di tempo le sequoie introdotte in Europa, con non più di 100-150 anni di vita, hanno raggiunto al massimo altezze di 40-50 m.

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Visžalė sekvoja ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT
Binomas Sequoia sempervirens

Visžalė sekvoja (lot. Sequoia sempervirens, angl. Coast Redwood) – pušūnų (Pinophyta) skyriaus, kiparisinių (Cupressaceae) šeimos medžių rūšis. Tai vienintelė išlikusi sekvojų (Sequoia) genties rūšis.

Visžalių sekvojų lapeliai
Visžalių sekvojų rūšies „Del Norte Titan“ medis ir žmogus
Rūkas visžalių sekvojų miške
Visžalės sekvojos savaiminio paplitimo arealas – žalia spalva.
Didžiojo mamutmedžio paplitimo arealas – raudona spalva.


Savaime auga Šiaurės Amerikos žemyno vakaruose (JAV vakarai). Savaiminio paplitimo arealas nedidelis – šiaurinė arealo dalis yra p.v. Oregono valstijos Kario apygardoje ir palei Didžiojo vandenyno pakrantę siauru ruožu per vakarinę Kalifornijos valstijos dalį tęsiasi iki p.v. Kalifornijoje esančios San Lujis Obispo apygardos.

Auginimas Lietuvoje

Visžalės sekvojos dėl joms nepalankių klimatinių sąlygų, kaip dekoratyvinis augalas Lietuvoje neauginamos.


Visžalės sekvojos išplitusios virš jūros lygio (1-)30–750(-920) m aukščiuose.


Visžalė sekvoja nemaišytina su gimininga ir kitur Kalifornijoje augančia mamutmedžių (Sequoiadendron) gentimi.[1] Jos žievė stora (30 cm), bet gan minkšta. Spygliai plokšti, 15–25 mm ilgio. Kankorėžiai 15–32 mm ilgio, turi 15–25 sėklalizdes, kurių kiekvienoje yra 3–7 sėklos. Visžalės sekvojos – ilgaamžiai medžiai, jų amžius gali siekti 2200 metų.


Visžalės sekvojos yra vienanamiai augalai. Natūraliai dauginasi keliais būdais:

  • Iš kankorėžio iškritusiomis sėklomis. Jos apie 3–4 mm ilgio.
  • Esant gyvam medžiui iš šaknų sistemos išdygstant daigeliams.
  • Atlankomis, kada nukritusios ar nusvirusios šakos ar šakelės turi kontaktą su dirvožemiu.
  • Ima leisti daigelius iš nuvirtusio ar nukirsto medžio kelmo ar ant kamieno esančios ruplės.


Visžalės sekvojos ilgaamžiai medžiai. Jos augdamos savo arealo natūralioje aplinkoje gyvena 1200–1800 metų. Žinomiems seniausiems šios rūšies individams buvo nustatyta atitinkamai 2200 ir 2267 metai[2].


Visžalės sekvojos itin aukšti, masyvūs medžiai. Vidutiniškai visžalės sekvojos perauga 60 metrų ribą ir dažnai pasitaiko 90 m aukščio medžių. Kaip teigia istoriniai šaltiniai, 1886 metų lapkričio mėnesį, Humboldt apygardoje (š. Kalifornija), buvo nukirsta 129,26 m aukščio visžalė sekvoja. Teoriškai manoma kad jos gali užaugti iki 122–130 m aukščio.

Aukščiausios visžalės sekvojos

Aukštesnių kaip 110 m aukštį siekiančių visžalių sekvojų yra 41:

  1. Hyperion medžio aukštis 115,92 m, kamieno skersmuo 4,84 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke. Šiuo metu tai aukščiausias planetos medis. 2006 metų vasarą šį medį rado Chris Atkins ir Michael Taylor.
  2. „Helios“ aukštis 114,58 m, kamieno skersmuo 4,96 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke. Aukščiausiu tituluota buvo 2006/01/07 – 2006/08/25.
  3. „Icarus“ aukštis 113,14 m, kamieno skersmuo 3,78 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke. Surasta 2006/07/01. Dabar nudžiuvusi jo viršūnė.
  4. „Stratosphere Giant“ aukštis 113,11 m, kamieno skersmuo 5,18 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke. Aukščiausiu tituluotas buvo 2000–2006 m.
  5. „Orion“ aukštis 112,83 m, kamieno skersmuo 4,33 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  6. „National Geographic Society“ aukštis 112,71 m, kamieno skersmuo 4,39 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke. Aukščiausiu titulavo 1994–1995 m.
  7. „Lauralyn“ aukštis 112,62 m, kamieno skersmuo 4,54 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  8. „Rockefeller“ aukštis 112,01 m, kamieno skersmuo 4,84 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke. Anksčiau titulavo aukščiausiu medžiu.
  9. „Paradox“ aukštis 112,56 m, kamieno skersmuo 3,90 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke. Aukščiausiu tituluotas 1995–1996 m.
  10. „Mendocino“ aukštis 112,20 m, kamieno skersmuo 4,19 m. Auga Montgomery Woods valstybiniame draustinyje (Mendocino apygarda). Aukščiausiu tituluotas 1996–2000 m.

Masyviausios visžalės sekvojos

Išskyrus didžiuosius mamutmedžius (Sequoiadendron giganteum), tai dabar augančių masyviausių medžių rūšis Žemėječia sąrašas. Bet anot senų istorinių šaltinių, 1926 metais buvo nupjautas 1794 m³ tūrio visžalės sekvojos medis. Kitas visžalės sekvojos medis žinomas kaip „Crannell Creek Giant“ buvo apie 1700-1980 m³ tūrio (archyve yra ir nuotrauka). Pati masyviausia visžalė sekvoja tik be archyvinių nuotraukų, žinoma kaip Lindsey Creek tree buvo 2548 m³ tūrio, ir tai gerokai masyvesnis medis už dabar masyviausiu pasaulyje medžiu laikomą didžiojo mamutmedžio vieną individą žinomą kaip General Sherman, kurio tūris yra 1,487 m³[3].

Dabar masyviausi visžalės sekvojos individai auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke, kai kurie medžių duomenys, įskaitant tūrį žemiau:

  1. „Lost Monarch“ medžio tūris 1206 m³, aukštis 97,8 m, kamieno skersmuo 7,92 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  2. „Melkor“ medžio tūris 1109 m³, aukštis 106,3 m, kamieno skersmuo 6,82 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  3. „Iluvatar“ medžio tūris 1064 m³, aukštis 91,4 m, kamieno skersmuo 6,25 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  4. „Del Norte Titan“ medžio tūris 1055 m³, aukštis 93,6 m, kamieno skersmuo 7,22 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  5. „El Viejo Del Norte“ medžio tūris 1002 m³, aukštis 98,7 m, kamieno skersmuo 7,01 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  6. „Howland Hill Giant“ medžio tūris 953 m³, aukštis 100,6 m, kamieno skersmuo 6,02 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  7. „Sir Isaac Newton“ medžio tūris 942 m³, aukštis 91,1 m, kamieno skersmuo 6,85 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  8. „Terex Titan“ medžio tūris 919 m³, aukštis 82,3 m, kamieno skersmuo 6,49 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  9. „Adventure Tree“ medžio tūris 912 m³, aukštis 101,8 m, kamieno skersmuo 4,95 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.
  10. „Bull Creek Giant“ medžio tūris 882 m³, aukštis 102,7 m, kamieno skersmuo 6,79 m. Auga Redvudo nacionaliniame parke.


Nors visžalių sekvojų populiacija yra gana didelė, bet dėl neteisingai tvarkomos miškininkystės, pastebimas brandžių medžių mažėjimas. Populiacijos fragmentiškos[4].

Pavadinimas ir sinonimai

Sekvojų (Sequoia) genčiai lotynų kalba pavadinimas buvo suteiktas pagerbiant čerokių rašto kūrėjo indėnų kilmės Sekvojos atminimą. Visžalės sekvojos antras lotyniškas žodis sempervirens yra sudurtinis žodis – „semper“ reiškia visada, o „virens“ reiškia žalias.

Žemiau naudotų lotyniškų sinonimų sąrašas[5]:

  • Condylocarpus sempervirens Salisb. ex Carrière
  • Gigantabies taxifolia J.Nelson
  • Schubertia sempervirens (Lamb.) Spach
  • Sequoia pyramidata Carrière
  • Sequoia religiosa C.Presl
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. adpressa Carrière
  • Sequoia sempervirens f. adpressa (Carrière) Beissn.
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. albospica G.Nicholson
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. glauca R.Sm.
  • Sequoia sempervirens f. glauca (R.Sm.) Rehder
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. nana-pendula Hornibr.
  • Sequoia sempervirens f. pendula (Rovelli) Rehder
  • Sequoia sempervirens var. pendula (Rovelli) C.K.Schneid.
  • Sequoia taxifolia K.Koch
  • Steinhauera sempervirens (D.Don) Voss
  • Taxodium nutkaense Lamb. ex Endl.
  • Taxodium sempervirens D.Don

Anglų kalboje be įprasto pavadinimo Coast redwood, dažnai vadinama Coastal redwood, California redwood.

Taip pat skaityti





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wikipedia LT

Visžalė sekvoja: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Visžalė sekvoja (lot. Sequoia sempervirens, angl. Coast Redwood) – pušūnų (Pinophyta) skyriaus, kiparisinių (Cupressaceae) šeimos medžių rūšis. Tai vienintelė išlikusi sekvojų (Sequoia) genties rūšis.

 src= Visžalių sekvojų lapeliai  src= Visžalių sekvojų rūšies „Del Norte Titan“ medis ir žmogus  src= Rūkas visžalių sekvojų miške  src= Visžalės sekvojos savaiminio paplitimo arealas – žalia spalva.
Didžiojo mamutmedžio paplitimo arealas – raudona spalva.
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wikipedia LT

Mūžzaļā sekvoja ( Letão )

fornecido por wikipedia LV

Mūžzaļā sekvoja jeb krasta sekvoja (Sequoia sempervirens) ir vienīgā saglabājusies ciprešu dzimtas sekvoju ģints suga. Tas ir mūžzaļš, vienmājas skuju koks. Mūžzaļās sekvojas parasti sasniedz 1200—1800 gadu vecumu, bet var arī dzīvot vēl ilgāk.[1] Mūžzaļās sekvojas ir vieni no pasaulē garākajiem kokiem. Ziemeļkalifornijā augošs šīs sugas pārstāvis (Hyperion) ir 115,61 metru augsts (bez saknēm); šis ir pasaulē garākais zināmais dzīvais koks.[2]

Aptuveni 95% mūžzaļo sekvoju ir tikuši nocirsti to augstvērtīgās koksnes dēļ.


  1. «Sequoia gigantea is of an ancient and distinguished family». Nps.gov. 2007-02-02. Skatīts: 2012-08-07.
  2. «Tallest tree in the world: coast redwood». Monumentaltrees.com. Skatīts: 2014. gada 20. maijā.

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wikipedia LV

Mūžzaļā sekvoja: Brief Summary ( Letão )

fornecido por wikipedia LV

Mūžzaļā sekvoja jeb krasta sekvoja (Sequoia sempervirens) ir vienīgā saglabājusies ciprešu dzimtas sekvoju ģints suga. Tas ir mūžzaļš, vienmājas skuju koks. Mūžzaļās sekvojas parasti sasniedz 1200—1800 gadu vecumu, bet var arī dzīvot vēl ilgāk. Mūžzaļās sekvojas ir vieni no pasaulē garākajiem kokiem. Ziemeļkalifornijā augošs šīs sugas pārstāvis (Hyperion) ir 115,61 metru augsts (bez saknēm); šis ir pasaulē garākais zināmais dzīvais koks.

Aptuveni 95% mūžzaļo sekvoju ir tikuši nocirsti to augstvērtīgās koksnes dēļ.

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wikipedia LV

Kustmammoetboom ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De kustmammoetboom (Sequoia sempervirens) is een boom uit de cipresfamilie (Cupressaceae). Het is de hoogste boom ter wereld. De plant staat ook wel bekend als kustsequoia. De Engelse naam is 'Coast Redwood'.



Voor de ijstijden kwam de boom in de vochtige gematigde gebieden over het hele noordelijke halfrond voor. De bruinkoolafzettingen van Europa bestaan voor een groot deel uit de stammen van de Sequoia. De boom verdraagt geen langdurige strenge vorst en heeft een hoge relatieve luchtvochtigheid nodig om goed te groeien. Door het poolklimaat in het Weichselien is de boom in Europa uitgestorven.

De soort komt nu alleen nog van nature voor in het westen van Noord-Amerika in een strook langs de kust van San Francisco, Californië tot het zuiden van Oregon waar ideale omstandigheden voor de boom zijn door de dagelijkse mist die van de oceaan het land in drijft. Aan de vochtige westkust van Europa groeit de boom, aangeplant sinds het midden van de 19e eeuw met ingevoerde exemplaren, echter ook goed omdat het tegenwoordige Europese klimaat weer vergelijkbaar is met dat van voor de ijstijden toen de kustmammoetboom hier van nature voorkwam. In Ierland, Groot-Brittannië en West-Frankrijk, waar geregeld regen valt en langdurige koudeperioden zeldzaam zijn, is de groeisnelheid meestal net zo groot als in Californië. In Rotorua op het Noordereiland van Nieuw-Zeeland, waar een proefstation voor kustmammoetbomen is aangelegd,[2] wordt de Californische groeisnelheid zelfs overtroffen. In Europa wordt tot nu toe, na ongeveer 150 jaar van groei, een hoogte gehaald van 40 meter. De hoogste Amerikaanse kustmammoetboom is Hyperion, verschillende eeuwen oud en 115½ meter hoog.

In Europa wordt de kustmammoetboom in parken en tuinen aangeplant om de sierwaarde, maar de winterhardheid van jonge exemplaren laat te wensen over. Grote en oudere bomen kunnen een temperatuur van onder de -10°C wel een korte tijd verdragen, maar als dit te lang aanhoudt treedt er vorstschade op waarbij jonge takken doodvriezen of, bij langdurige zeer strenge vorst, zelfs de hele boom afsterft tot op de grond. In Nederland en België is de boom zo nu en dan aangeplant in parken, grote particuliere tuinen, oude buitenplaatsen en verder in botanische tuinen en arboreta.

In Duitsland is bij Kaldenkirchen, net over de grens bij het Limburse Tegelen, na de oorlog een proeftuin aangelegd met onder meer kustmammoetbomen om te onderzoeken of er grootschalige bosbouw mee kan worden bedreven. De resultaten zijn nog te bezichtigen in de Sequoiafarm Kaldenkirchen, waar men een goed beeld kan krijgen van de 'redwood'-bossen in Californië. Op een relatief klein gebied staan hier tientallen kustmammoetbomen bij elkaar die vaak al een hoogte hebben van bijna 40 meter.


De kustmammoetboom heeft een zuilvormige kroon met horizontale of hangende takken. De boomschors is roestkleurig rood, zacht en vezelig. Later wordt de schors donkerder, dikker en diep gegroefd. Aan de voet van de stam vormt de boom vaak uitlopers.

De boom heeft harde, vlakke bladeren van 1,5-2 cm lang. Ze lijken wel wat op de naalden van Taxus. Van boven zijn ze donkergroen en van onder met een witte streep gemarkeerd.

Aan de hoofdtakken zijn de bladeren kleiner en priemvormig. De grootte van de bladeren neemt nabij de top van de boom af; experimenten hebben aangetoond dat dit komt doordat de druk van het water in de transportkanaaltjes in de boom afneemt met de hoogte: kustmammoetbomen benaderen de theoretisch maximaal haalbare hoogte voor een plant die geen actief transportmechanisme voor water heeft tegen de zwaartekracht in.

Mannelijke kegels zijn klein, rond en geelachtig. Ze vormen groepjes aan de top van kleine zijtwijgen. Vrouwelijke kegels zijn houtig en bolrond, 2-2,5 cm lang en hebben gerimpelde roodbruine schubben. De zaden zijn gevleugeld.

De boom kan tot meer dan tweeduizend jaar leven. Na het omzagen van de boom of na bevriezing kan de stomp nieuwe scheuten vormen, die kunnen uitgroeien tot nieuwe stammen. Op de natuurlijke groeiplaatsen in Amerika kan men een groepje mammoetbomen vaak in een cirkel zien staan. De cirkel geeft de oude 'moederstam' aan, die meestal helemaal is vergaan en humus heeft geleverd voor haar 'nakomelingen'. Deze vorm van regeneratie is bij coniferen niet gebruikelijk.


De kustmammoetboom levert zacht, maar duurzaam hout met bleekgeel spinthout en roodbruin kernhout. Dit hout wordt ook wel Californian Redwood genoemd. Veel planken van redwood hebben een karakteristiek roze/geel kleurenpatroon. Het wordt gebruikt voor tuinmeubels, schuttingen, houten terrassen en dergelijke. Vroeger werd het hout veel gebruikt om er spoorbielzen van te maken en broeikassen wegens de praktische onaantastbaarheid door vocht. In het verleden is door de grote vraag naar redwoodhout naar schatting 95% van het oorspronkelijke areaal gekapt. Het merendeel van de resterende bomen is ondergebracht in het Redwood National Park waar houtkap verboden is. Op commerciële basis zijn er grote oppervlakten in Californië aangeplant met gekweekte kustmammoetbomen, die onder gunstige omstandigheden zeer snel groeien, om ook in de toekomst te kunnen voorzien in de vraag naar redwoodhout.

  • Duurzaamheidsklasse: II kern, V spint
  • Soortelijke massa: 400 kg/m³
  • Radiale krimp: 0,3%
  • Tangentiale krimp: 0,6% - 0,8%
  • Werken: 0,9% - 1,1%


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wikipedia NL

Kustmammoetboom: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De kustmammoetboom (Sequoia sempervirens) is een boom uit de cipresfamilie (Cupressaceae). Het is de hoogste boom ter wereld. De plant staat ook wel bekend als kustsequoia. De Engelse naam is 'Coast Redwood'.

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wikipedia NL

Kystsequoia ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Kystsequoia eller redwoodtreet (Sequoia sempervirens) er et bartre i sypressfamilien. Det er den eneste nålevende arten i slekten Sequoia. Tidligere henførte man arten til en nå forsvunnet familiebetegnelse, Taxodiaceae.

Treet kan bli over 115 m høyt og ha et stammetverrmål på åtte meter med volum inntil 1200 m³. Voksestedet er langs kysten i nordlige og sentrale California og lengst sørvest i Oregon. Plantet i Europa blir treet opp til 50 meter høyt. I New Zealand er treet naturalisert rundt byen Rotorua. Kystsequoia har både kjønnet og ukjønnet formering. Veksten i starten kan nå opp til 20 meter på 20 år.

Kystsequoia er lite hardført, det vokser nær kysten i California, og tåler frost dårlig. Forsøk på å plante treet i Norge har vært lite vellykket på grunn av klimautfordringer, men i for eksempel England vokser den raskt.

Treet likner svært på urtreet (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), som i 1948 ble funnet i levende eksemplar i Kina. Hovedforskjellen er at urtreet feller nålene om høsten, slik også lerketrær gjør.

Kronen har en lett konisk form, og greinene er vannrette eller litt hengende. Greinenes form og den slankere formen skiller dette treet fra mammuttre (Sequoiadendron giganteum).

Barken er rød eller rødbrun, og opp til 30 cm tykk. Nålene er sjelden mer enn 2 cm lange, og sitter tett parallelt som tennene på en kam. De er mørk grønne med en hvit stripe under. I sjeldne tilfeller er nålene albino (hvite), og disse trærne er det observert ca. 50 individer av. De frøbærende konglene er vanligvis 2-3 cm lange og rødbrune. De modnes på bare én sesong.

Utbredelse og økologi

Treet kan bli 2200 år gammelt, barken er rik på tanniner som beskytter mot forråtnelse, skogbrann og insekter. Trærne gir habitater for noen truede fuglearter i USA. Treet liker dype, fuktige og nedbørrike dalbunner. Det vanligste bartreet som vokser sammen med den er douglasgran. Avhengig av voksested kan også kjempeedelgran, vestamerikansk hemlokk og sitkagran være vanlig. De vanligste løvtrærne er madrona og Notholithocarpus densiflorus. Andre løvtrær som kan vokse her, er oregonlønn, rødor, Chrysolepis chrysophylla, oregonask, Frangula purshiana, pil og californialaurbær.

Treet vokser på 30-900 meters høyde, og er en art som er sårbar for hogst og utryddelse. Habitatene utgjør over 360 000 hektar, og treet er svært verdifullt i tømmerhogst.


Eksterne lenker

Treet Del Norte Titan, 93,6 meter høyt.
Detaljbilde av barken.
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wikipedia NO

Kystsequoia: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Kystsequoia eller redwoodtreet (Sequoia sempervirens) er et bartre i sypressfamilien. Det er den eneste nålevende arten i slekten Sequoia. Tidligere henførte man arten til en nå forsvunnet familiebetegnelse, Taxodiaceae.

Treet kan bli over 115 m høyt og ha et stammetverrmål på åtte meter med volum inntil 1200 m³. Voksestedet er langs kysten i nordlige og sentrale California og lengst sørvest i Oregon. Plantet i Europa blir treet opp til 50 meter høyt. I New Zealand er treet naturalisert rundt byen Rotorua. Kystsequoia har både kjønnet og ukjønnet formering. Veksten i starten kan nå opp til 20 meter på 20 år.

Kystsequoia er lite hardført, det vokser nær kysten i California, og tåler frost dårlig. Forsøk på å plante treet i Norge har vært lite vellykket på grunn av klimautfordringer, men i for eksempel England vokser den raskt.

Treet likner svært på urtreet (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), som i 1948 ble funnet i levende eksemplar i Kina. Hovedforskjellen er at urtreet feller nålene om høsten, slik også lerketrær gjør.

Kronen har en lett konisk form, og greinene er vannrette eller litt hengende. Greinenes form og den slankere formen skiller dette treet fra mammuttre (Sequoiadendron giganteum).

Barken er rød eller rødbrun, og opp til 30 cm tykk. Nålene er sjelden mer enn 2 cm lange, og sitter tett parallelt som tennene på en kam. De er mørk grønne med en hvit stripe under. I sjeldne tilfeller er nålene albino (hvite), og disse trærne er det observert ca. 50 individer av. De frøbærende konglene er vanligvis 2-3 cm lange og rødbrune. De modnes på bare én sesong.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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wikipedia NO

Sequoia sempervirens ( Pms )

fornecido por wikipedia PMS
Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Costo artìcol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.


Da finì.


Da finì.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

  • Sequoiadendron sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.
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wikipedia PMS

Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Pms )

fornecido por wikipedia PMS

Costo artìcol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.


Da finì.


Da finì.

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wikipedia PMS

Sekwoja wieczniezielona ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons
Gałązki sekwoi
Szyszki i nasiona

Sekwoja wieczniezielona[4][5][6], sekwoja wiecznie zielona[7][8] (Sequoia sempervirens (Lamb. ex D. Don) Endl.) – gatunek drzewa iglastego z rodziny cyprysowatych (Cupressaceae). Pochodzi z nadbrzeżnych gór Oregonu i Kalifornii. Drzewa tego gatunku osiągają ogromne rozmiary i dożywają do około 2 tysięcy lat. Są to najwyższe obecnie żyjące drzewa[9].

Rozmieszczenie geograficzne

Sekwoja wieczniezielona jest endemitem na wybrzeżu północnej Kalifornii i południowo zachodniej części Oregonu. Drzewa rosną w wąskim pasie o długości 724 km i szerokości od 8 do 56 km. Północną granicą są dwa stanowiska w pobliżu rzeki Chetco w górach Siskiyou leżące około 25 km od granicy Oregon - Kalifornia (hrabstwo Curry). Południową granicą jest stanowisko w pobliżu kanionu Salmon Creek w górach Santa Lucia w południowej części hrabstwa Monterey[10].

Rośnie najczęściej poniżej 300 m n.p.m., sporadycznie do 1000 m n.p.m. Tworzy lasy jednogatunkowe lub iglaste mieszane, występując np. z jedlicą zieloną czy cyprysikiem Lawsona[11].

Ochrona naturalnych stanowisk gatunku przed wyeksploatowaniem była główną przyczyną utworzenia Parku Narodowego Redwood, wraz z wchodzącymi w jego skład stanowymi parkami Prairie Creek Redwood State Park, Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park i Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park[12] oraz wielu mniejszych parków stanowych i rezerwatów.


Korona luźna, wąska i stożkowata, początkowo gęsto i regularnie ugałęziona, z wiekiem traci część gałęzi (głównie w dolnych partiach) i staje się nieregularna[13]. Konary zwisają, lecz końce są skierowane w górę, szczególnie w środkowej i wyższej części korony[14].
W ojczyźnie dorasta do 60–100, rzadko ok. 110 m. Średnica pnia przeważnie 3-4,6 m, maksymalnie do 9 m. Najwyższy okaz, nazwany Hyperion, osiągnął 115,85 m wysokości i 4,84 m średnicy pnia[11]. Kora czerwonobrązowa, o bogatej strukturze na powierzchni, włóknista i o grubości do 35 cm[13].
Z zasady płaskie i bardzo miękkie, przypominające liście cisa[14], różne na różnych wysokościach: w dolnych partiach drzewa rozłożyste, w szczytowych partiach ściśnięte, łuskowate i przytulone do gałązki przypominające liście mamutowca. Gubi najstarsze liście wraz z przymrozkami. Liście najczęściej żyją 3 do 5 lat. Długość 15 - 25 mm, szerokość 2 - 3 mm. Barwa na wierzchu ciemnozielona. Na spodzie są jaśniejsze, z szarym odcieniem[14], z dwoma białawymi paskami po obu stronach nerwu głównego[13].
Rozdzielnopłciowe, wiatropylne.
Owalne do kulistych, małe, brązowe, zwisające na długich ok. 2 cm trzonkach. Nasiona długości 2-4 mm, małe lekkie, około 265000 nasion/kg[10].
Ma bardzo rozległy system korzeniowy. Główny system przebiega tuż pod powierzchnią ziemi.
Czerwonawe, trwałe, odporne na gnicie.



Gatunek jednopienny. Pierwsze kwitnienie i owocowanie ma miejsce pomiędzy 5 a 15 rokiem życia. Szyszki męskie i żeńskie występują na tym samym drzewie, jednak w różnych jego częściach[10]. Pyłek roznoszony jest przez wiatr (anemogamia).

Produkcja nasion

Obfite plonowanie zdarza się często, lecz nasiona zwykle cechuje niska żywotność. Okres posuchy w czasie kwitnienia poprawia rozprzestrzenianie się pyłku i zwiększa żywotność nasion[10]. Żywotność nasion i zdolność kiełkowania zwiększa się wraz z wiekiem drzew. Maksymalną zdolność kiełkowania osiągają w wieku około 250 lat. Nasiona z drzew młodszych niż 20 lat kiełkują w mniej niż 1% a nasiona z drzew starszych niż 1200 lat kiełkują w ponad 3%[15]. Wiatr jest mało efektywny w roznoszeniu nasion i rozsiewanie następuje nie dalej niż 120 m od rośliny matecznej[10].

Kiełkowanie i wzrost

Nasiona sekwoi nie wymagają stratyfikacji do kiełkowania. Kiełkowanie jest epigeiczne a najlepszym podłożem jest wilgotna gleba mineralna. Ze względu na małą żywotność kiełkowanie zwykle nie przewyższa 10%[10]. Młode rośliny do wzrostu wymagają wysokiej wilgotności. Korzenie siewek sekwoi nie posiadają włośników i dlatego są bardzo nieefektywne w pobieraniu wody. W dobrych warunkach wzrost siewek jest szybki i w pierwszym roku powszechne jest wyrastanie nawet do 50 cm. Nieco starsze rośliny (4-10 lat) mogą w jednym sezonie przyrosnąć nawet o 2 metry.

Rozmnażanie wegetatywne
Odrosty pienne z wyrastające z pąków śpiących

Sekwoje mogą rozmnażać się wegetatywnie poprzez ukorzenianie się części roślin lub odrosty pienne bądź korzeniowe. Mogą także licznie wybijać na ściętych lub powalonych drzewach. Odrosty po wybiciu szybko tworzą niezależny system korzeniowy. Odrosty korzeniowe są bardziej żywotne od piennych, które dodatkowo łatwo ulegają uszkodzeniu przez wiatry. Odrosty powstają z podkorowych pąków śpiących. Pąki te powstają głównie u młodych roślin, a ich rozwój widać po zniszczeniu wierzchołka. Liczba odrostów spada wraz z wiekiem roślin. Pojawiają się najczęściej po stronie drzewa niżej położonej na zboczu. Sekwoja średnio tworzy po pięć roślin z odrostów co sprawia, że drzewa rosną w kępach. Podczas jednego sezonu wegetacyjnego odrosty przyrastają o 2,1 m wysokości. Zacienienie nie redukuje wysokości odrostów lecz może ograniczać ich wagę i liczbę. Duża gęstość odrostów może ograniczać ich żywotność i wigor[10].


Sekwoja wieczniezielona jako heksaploid jest unikalna w rzędzie sosnowców[16][15]. Liczba chromosomów wynosi 66 (2n=6x=66)[16]. Do niedawna panowało przekonanie, że jest ona alloploidem pomiędzy paleogeńskim lub mezozoicznym gatunkiem metasekwoi oraz przodkiem gatunku z rodziny cyprysowatych, podobnie jak współczesna sekwoja olbrzymia. Jednak typ i liczba markerów chromosomowych znalezionych w metasekwoi i w cypryśniku błotnym są tak odmienne, że wykluczają takie pochodzenie sekwoi wieczniezielonej. Wyklucza to także pokrewieństwo pomiędzy mamutowcem olbrzymim a sekwoją wieczniezieloną[15].


Nie są znane rasy sekwoi wieczniezielonej, jednak znane jest wiele kultywarów. Do najpopularniejszych należą:

  • cv. 'Adpressa' - wierzchołki pędów białokremowe. Liście szydłowate.
  • cv. 'Glauca' - liście długości 6 mm (0.25 in), omszone, niebieskawe.
  • cv. 'Nana Pendula' - liście omszone, gałęzie zwisające.
  • cv. 'Pendula' - gałęzie maja zwisający charakter wzrostu.
  • cv. 'Prostrata' płożący wzrost, liście zielone, spód omszony[15].

Ponadto znane są takie odmiany jak 'Alba', 'Albospica', 'Aptos Blue', 'Big Bonsai', 'Cantab', 'Don’s Gold Strike', 'Elegans', 'Goldie', 'Gracilis', 'Henderson Blue', 'Latifolia', 'Martin', 'Santa Cruz', 'Taxifolia', 'Variegata', 'Winter Blue', 'Woodside Blue' i inne[17].



Sekwoje występują w warunkach klimatu śródziemnomorskiego, w którym zimy są chłodne i wilgotne a lata suche. Średnie opady wynoszą 1800 mm, a 90% występuje w okresie zimnym pomiędzy październikiem a majem. Suche lato jest łagodzone przez gęste pasy mgły napływające znad Oceanu Spokojnego. Mgły redukują stres suszy poprzez zmniejszenie ewapotranspiracji i zwiększenie wilgotności gleby. Poza rejonem występowania mgieł adwekcyjnych stanowiska sekwoi są ograniczone do terenów o wysokiej wilgotności[10].


Preferowanymi stanowiskami są stożki napływowe, równiny nadbrzeżne oraz brzegi wzdłuż większych strumieni. Wielkość drzewa jest często odzwierciedlona przez stanowisko: 400 letnie drzewa na zboczu mają pierśnicę około 0,6 m, podczas gdy 600 letnie drzewa rosnące na stożku napływowym mają 3,6 m pierśnicy[10].

Wyniesienie nad poziom morza

Drzewa rosną na wysokości do 915 m n.p.m. jednak większość stanowisk spotyka się na wysokości od 100 do 700 m n.p.m. Sekwoje są wrażliwe na sól morską i dlatego są zwykle oddzielone od wybrzeża pasami łąk[10].


Sekwoje zdecydowanie preferują głębokie i wilgotne gleby; najczęściej są to gleby brunatne oraz czerwone gliniaste uwodnione. Są to gleby powstałe z piaskowcowego szarogłazu, łupków ilastych i zlepieńców[10].

Sąsiedztwo gatunkowe

Sekwoje najczęściej rosną w lasach mieszanych cedrzyńcowo - choinowo - daglezjowych. Ponadto często w sąsiedztwie występują takie drzewa jak Notholithocarpus densiflorus, Arbutus menziesii a w górnym piętrze lasu często są spotykane świerk sitkajski (Picea sitchensis Bong.), cis krótkolistny (Taxus brevifolia Nutt.), torreja kalifornijska (Torreya californica Torr.) , Cupressus goveniana, Pinus muricata, sosna kalifornijska (Pinus radiata D.Don), klon wielkolistny (Acer macrophyllum Pursh.) , Quercus garryana, i jesion szerokolistny (Fraxinus latifolia Benth.)[10].


Gatunek sadzony jest jako roślina ozdobna.


  1. P. F. Stevens: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website – Seed Plant Evolution. 2001–.
  2. Christenhusz, M.J.M., J.L. Reveal, A. Farjon, M.F. Gardner, R.R. Mill, and M.W. Chase (2011). A new classification and linear sequence of extant gymnosperms. Phytotaxa 19: 55-70.
  3. Sequoia sempervirens (ang.). W: The Plant List [on-line]. [dostęp 2011-12-20].
  4. Nowy Leksykon PWN. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1998. ISBN 83-01-12490-3.
  5. Włodzimierz Seneta, Jakub Dolatowski: Dendrologia. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Naukowe PWN, 2006. ISBN 83-01-12099-1.
  6. Sekwoja wieczniezielona. WIEM, darmowa encyklopedia. [dostęp 2009-11-20].
  7. Bogdan Zemanek: Sekwoja wiecznie zielona. W: Encyklopedia biologiczna. Czesław Jura (red.). Kraków: Agencja Publicystyczno-Wydawnicza Opres, 2000. ISBN 83-85909-35-4.
  8. Alicja Szweykowska, Jerzy Szweykowski: Botanika Systematyka. Wyd. t. 2, wydanie 10. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2007. ISBN 83-01-10951-3.
  9. Sequoia sempervirens description (ang.). [dostęp 2008-11-11].
  10. a b c d e f g h i j k l Index of Species Information, SPECIES: Sequoia sempervirens (ang.). USDA Forrest Service. [dostęp 13 maja 2012].
  11. a b The Gymnosperm Databese. Sequoia sempervivens. (ang.). [dostęp 7 października 2007].
  12. Redwood area-history (ang.). National Park Service. [dostęp 13 maja 2012].
  13. a b c Michael A. Dirr: Dirr's Trees and Shrubs for Warm Climates. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, 2002. ISBN 0-88192-525-X.
  14. a b c David A. Sibley: The Sibley – Guide to trees. New York: A. A. Knopf, 2009. ISBN 978-0-375-41519-7.
  15. a b c d Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.- Redwood (ang.). USDA Forrest service - Silvics of North America. [dostęp 14 maja 2012].
  16. a b Manuel Toral Ibañez,†1 Margarita Caru,2 Miguel A. Herrera,3 Luis Gonzalez,1 Luis M. Martin,4 Jorge Miranda,1 and Rafael M. Navarro-Cerrillo: Clones identification of Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. in Chile by using PCR-RAPDs technique. (ang.). Journal of Zhejiang University Science. [dostęp 14 maja 2012].
  17. Encyclopedia of conifers - Cultivar list (ang.). [dostęp 16 maja 2012].
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wikipedia POL

Sekwoja wieczniezielona: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
 src= Gałązki sekwoi  src= Szyszki i nasiona

Sekwoja wieczniezielona, sekwoja wiecznie zielona (Sequoia sempervirens (Lamb. ex D. Don) Endl.) – gatunek drzewa iglastego z rodziny cyprysowatych (Cupressaceae). Pochodzi z nadbrzeżnych gór Oregonu i Kalifornii. Drzewa tego gatunku osiągają ogromne rozmiary i dożywają do około 2 tysięcy lat. Są to najwyższe obecnie żyjące drzewa.

direitos autorais
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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site do parceiro
wikipedia POL

Sequoia sempervirens ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
Sequoia sempervirens próximo da estrada US 199.
Secção do tronco de S. sempervirens.
Estróbilos e sementes de Sequoia sempervirens - MHNT.
O nevoeiro é um factor importante na ecologia de Sequoia sempervirens (Redwood National Park).
Resina seca de uma sequoia.
Anel de sequoias visto a partir do solo.
O trilho Skyline-to-the-Sea Trail a passar através do tronco caído de uma sequoia.
Uma sequoia bonsai em exposição no Pacific Bonsai Museum.
A árvore conhecida por Del Norte Titan.

Sequoia sempervirens é a única espécie extante do género Sequoia da família Cupressaceae (anteriormente incluído em Taxodiaceae), conhecida pelos nomes comuns de sequoia-costeira e sequoia-vermelha.[2][3][4] É um megafanerófito perenifólio trioico, de longa duração, capaz de viver de 1200 a 2200 anos ou mais.[5] A espécie inclui os seres vivos mais altos e mais massivos da Terra, atingindo até 115 m de altura[6] (sem as raízes) e até 9 m de diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP), estando também estão entre os macrorganismos mais antigos do planeta. Antes do início da extração comercial e do abate generalizado das florestas californianas que se iniciou na década de 1850, esta enorme árvore ocorria naturalmente numa área estimada de 810 000 ao longo de grande parte da costa da Califórnia (exceto no sul, onde as chuvas não são suficientes) e no sudoeste da costa do Oregon.[7][8][9]


O nome sequoia também é usado como um termo comum para a subfamília Sequoioideae na qual este género é classificado junto com Sequoiadendron (sequoia-gigante) e Metasequoia.


A espécie destaca-se pelo seu grande porte e longevidade. Pode viver por milénios e é conhecida por ter atingido 115 m de altura com um diâmetro de tronco de 9 m.[10] Alguns exemplares possuem tão robustos que num deles foi possível escavar um túnel para a passagem de automóveis através da sua base. Apresenta uma copa cónica, com ramos horizontais a levemente inclinados, relativamente curtos e concentrados na região apical da árvore. A casca, macia e fibrosa, pode ser muito engrossada, com até 30 cm de espessura, com uma coloração castanho-avermelhada brilhante quando recém-exposta (daí o nome de sequoia-vermelha), escurecendo com o tempo. O sistema radicular é composto de raízes laterais pouco profundas e amplamente distribuídas.

As folhas estreitas estão distribuídas disticamente no ápice dos ramos. As folhas são variáveis, achatadas e com 15–25 mm de comprimento em árvores jovens e nas ramagens mais baixas e sombreadas das árvores mais velhas, mas semelhantes a escamas com 5–10 mm de comprimento em brotos em pleno sol na copa superior das árvores mais velhas. Entre essas formas ocorre um gama completa de transição entre os dois extremos. As folhas são verde-escuras na face superior e apresentam duas faixas azul-esbranquiçadas de estômatos na face inferior. O arranjo das folhas é em espiral, mas as folhas maiores das zonas de sombra sofrem torsão na base para ficarem num plano horizontal para maximizar a captura de luz.

Genética e reprodução

A espécie apresenta subdioecia, sendo a maioria dos espécimes hermafroditas, com estróbilos masculinos (cones de pólen) e femininos (cones de sementes) na mesma planta. Os cones de sementes são ovóides, com 15–32 mm de comprimento, com 15–25 escamas dispostas em espiral. A polinização ocorre no final do inverno, com maturação cerca de 8–9 meses depois. Cada escama cónica carrega de três a sete sementes, cada semente com 3–4 mm de comprimento e 0,5 mm de largura, com duas asas com 1 mm de largura. As sementes são liberadas quando as escamas do cone secam e se abrem na maturidade. Os cones de pólen são ovulares, com 4–6 mm de comprimento.

A composição genética da espécie é incomum entre as coníferas, sendo um poliploide hexaploide (6n) e possivelmente alopoliploide (AAAABB). Tanto o genoma mitocondrial como o genoma cloroplástico da sequoia-costeira são de transmissão paterna.[11]

A sequoia-costeira reproduz-se principalmente pela via sexual por produção de sementes. Contudo, a espécie também recorre frequentemente à reprodução assexual, seja pelo desenvolvimento de gomos em troncos que originam rebentos adventícios, seja por mergulhia nas zonas de contacto com o solo de troncos tombados ou de ramos que toquem o solo ou pelo desenvolvimento a partir do lignotúber.

A produção de sementes começa aos 10-15 anos de idade. Os cones desenvolvem-se no inverno e amadurecem no outono. Nos estágios iniciais, os cones são semelhantes a flores e são comumente designados por "flores" pelos engenheiros florestais profissionais, embora isso não seja estritamente correto. As sequoias costeiras produzem muitos cones, com cada exemplar adulto em novas florestas a produzir alguns milhares de cones por ano.[12] Cada cone feminino contém 90-150 sementes, mas a viabilidade da semente é baixa, normalmente abaixo dos 15 por cento, com uma estimativa de taxas médias de 3 a 10 por cento.[12][13] Esta baixa viabilidade pode desencorajar os predadores de sementes, que não são desincentivados face à perda de tempo e esforço que resulta da necessidade de separar grandes quantidades de sementes vazias das poucas sementes comestíveis.

A germinação bem-sucedida geralmente requer um incêndio ou inundação, reduzindo a competição por juvenis. As sementes aladas são pequenas e leves, pesando 3,3–5,0 mg (200–300 sementes/g). Apesar da aparente anemocoria, as asas não são eficazes para uma ampla dispersão e as sementes são dispersas pelo vento em média num raio de apenas 60–120 m em torno da árvore progenitora. As plântulas e os primeiros estágios de crescimento são suscetíveis à infecção fúngica e à predação por lesmas (nomeadamente as do género Ariolimax), coelhos da espécie Sylvilagus bachmani e diversos nemátodos.[14] A maioria das plântulas não sobrevive aos primeiros três anos.[12] No entanto, aquelas que se estabelecem crescem rapidamente, com árvores jovens a atingirem 20 m de altura em 20 anos.

As sequoias-costeiras também se podem reproduzir assexuadamente por mergulhia, especialmente a partir de troncos tombados, ou brotando da coroa da raiz (o lignotúber), de cepos ou mesmo de ramos caídos. Quando uma árvore cai e assenta sobre o solo, gera uma fileira de novas árvores ao longo do tronco, razão que justifica o aparecimento de árvores naturalmente dispostas em linha reta. Os brotos originam-se de gomos dormentes ou adventícios na casca ou sob a superfície da casca. Os gomos dormentes são estimulados quando o tronco adulto principal é danificado ou começa a morrer. Muitos rebentos irrompem e se desenvolvem espontaneamente em torno da circunferência do tronco da árvore. Dentro de um curto período após a brotação, cada broto desenvolve o seu próprio sistema de raízes, com os brotos dominantes formando um anel de árvores ao redor da coroa ou cepo da raiz-mãe. Este anel de árvores é denominado "anel de fadas". Os rebentos podem atingir alturas de 2,5 m numa única estação de crescimento.

As sequoias também se podem reproduzir usando burls. Um burl é um lignotúber lenhoso que em geral se forma abaixo da linha do solo, embora geralmente dentro dos primeiros 3 m de profundidade. Quando provocados por danos, os gomos dormentes nos burls geram novos rebentos e raízes. Os burls também são capazes de produzir novas árvores quando separados da árvore-mãe, embora exatamente como isso acontece ainda deva ser estudado. Os rebentos que brotam de burls apresentam formas interessantes e costumam ser transformados em sebes decorativas quando encontrados nos subúrbios.

As sequoias-costeiras também desenvolvem nódulos como mudas a partir das axilas de seus cotilédones, uma característica extremamente rara em coníferas.[12]


O botânico escocês David Don descreveu a sequoia-costeira como sendo um taxódio perene (Taxodium sempervirens) na obra publicada em 1824 pelo seu colega Aylmer Bourke Lambert intitulada A description of the genus Pinus.[15]

O botânico austríaco Stephan Endlicher erigiu o género Sequoia na sua obra publicada em 1847 intitulada Synopsis coniferarum, dando à espécie seu presente nome binomial de Sequoia sempervirens.[16] Embora a etimologia do nome genérico seja incerta, Endlicher provavelmente derivou o nome Sequoia do nome cherokee de George Gist, geralmente escrito Sequoyah, nome pelo qual ficou conhecido o autor do ainda usado silabário cherokee.[17]

A sequoia-costeira é uma das três espécies extantes, cada uma em seu próprio género, que compõem a subfamília Sequoioideae na sua presente circunscrição taxonómica. Estudos de genética molecular mostraram que os três géneros são parentes filogenéticamente muito próximos, geralmente com a sequoia-costeira e sequoia-gigante (Sequoiadendron giganteum) como parentes mais próximos entre si. No entanto, o estado poliploide da sequoia-costeira tem sido questionado, especulando-se que possa ter surgido como um antigo híbrido entre ancestrais dos actuais géneros Sequoiadendron e Metasequoia.[18]

Usando dois genes nucleares diferentes de cópia única, os genes conhecidos por LFY e NLY, para gerar árvores filogenéticas, concluiu-se que Sequoia estava agrupada com Metasequoia na árvore gerada usando o gene LFY, mas com Sequoiadendron na árvore gerada com o gene NLY.[18] Uma análise posterior apoiou fortemente a hipótese de que Sequoia foi o resultado de um evento de hibridização envolvendo Metasequoia e Sequoiadendron, o que apoia a hipótese de que as relações inconsistentes entre Metasequoia, Sequoia e Sequoiadendron poderiam ser um sinal de evolução reticulada (em que duas espécies hibridizam e dão origem a uma terceira) entre os três géneros. No entanto, a longa história evolutiva dos três géneros (o fóssil mais antigo conhecido é do Jurássico) torna difícil resolver os detalhes de quando e como Sequoia se originou, especialmente por em parte depender de um registo fóssil incompleto.[18]

Distribuição e habitat

Distribuição natural

A distribuição natural de Sequoia sempervirens está restrita a uma estreita faixa de terra com aproximadamente 750 km de comprimento e 8–75 km de largura ao longo da costa do Pacífico da América do Norte. O bosque mais ao sul está no condado de Monterey, Califórnia, e os bosques mais ao norte estão no extremo sudoeste do estado de Oregon. O intervalo de elevação predominante é 30–750 m acima do nível do mar, ocasionalmente até 0 e até cerca de 1000 m de altitude.[19]

Estes bosques geralmente crescem nas encostas de montanhas, onde a precipitação da humidade atmosférica vinda do oceano é maior. As árvores mais altas e mais antigas são encontradas em vales profundos e ravinas, onde riachos podem fluir todo o ano e o gotejamento da névoa é regular, pois a coalescência da névoa costeira é responsável por uma parte considerável das necessidades de água destas árvores.[20] A sobrevivência destes espécimes mais antigos também foi facilitada por o terreno acidentado tornar mais difícil para os madeireiros chegarem às árvores e retirá-las após o corte.

As árvores localizadas acima da camada de nevoeiros, cujo limite na região se situa a cerca de 700 m de altitude, são mais curtas e menores devido às condições mais secas, ventosas e frias. Além disso, espécies como Pseudotsuga menziesii, vários Pinus e Notholithocarpus densiflorus frequentemente competem com as sequoias nessas altitudes, não permitindo o seu desenvolvimento. Poucas sequoias crescem perto do oceano, devido à acção dos ventos e à intensa névoa de sal e areia que aí se forma.

O limite norte zona de distribuição é marcado por bosques nas margens do rio Chetco no contraforte oeste das montanhas Klamath, perto da fronteira Califórnia-Oregon.[21] O extremo norte do bosque está localizado dentro de Alfred A. Loeb State Park e Siskiyou National Forest, nas coordenadas aproximadas 42° 07' 36" N; 124° 12' 17" W. O limite sul de sua faixa é o Los Padres National Forest do Silver Peak Wilderness nas montanhas Santa Lucia da área do Big Sur do condado de Monterey. O bosque mais ao sul está na Southern Redwood Botanical Area, ao norte do trilho da floresta nacional de Salmon Creek e perto da linha do condado de San Luis Obispo.[22][23]

As maiores (e mais altas) populações de Sequoia sempervirens estão no Redwood National and State Parks (condados de Del Norte e de Humboldt) e no Humboldt Redwoods State Park (condado de Humboldt), com a maioria localizada no muito maior condado de Humboldt.

A extensão pré-histórica do género, atestada pelo registo fóssil, é consideravelmente maior, com uma distribuição subcosmopolita que incluía a Europa e a Ásia até há cerca de 5 milhões de anos atrás. Durante a última idade do gelo, talvez tão recentemente quanto 10 000 anos atrás, as sequoias cresciam tão ao sul quanto a área de Los Angeles, onde casca de sequoia-costeira foi encontrada em escavações do metro e nos La Brea Tar Pits.

Cultivo e usos

A sequoia-costeira é uma das espécies madeireiras mais valiosas na indústria silvícola. Na Califórnia, cerca de 3 600 km2 de floresta de sequoias são explorados para madeira, virtualmente todos em florestas de crescimento secundário.[24] Embora muitas entidades tenham existido no corte e gestão das florestas de sequoias, nenhuma teve um papel histórico mais relevante do que a Pacific Lumber Company (1863–2008), uma empresa do condado de Humboldt, Califórnia, onde possuía e administrava mais de 800 km2 de florestas, principalmente de sequoias. A madeira serrada de sequoia-costeira é altamente valorizada pela sua beleza, leveza e resistência à podridão.

Por ser pobre em resina, é uma madeira que absorva água[25] e é resistente ao fogo. Essas características levara a que Patrick Henry Shaughnessy, nomeado engenheiro-chefe do departamento de bombeiros de San Francisco poucos meses após o grande incêndio que devastou aquela cidade aquando do sismo de São Francisco de 1906, afirmasse:

«No recente grande incêndio em São Francisco, que começou em 18 de abril de 1906, conseguimos finalmente detê-lo em quase todas as direcções onde os edifícios não queimados eram quase inteiramente de estrutura em madeira, mas se o acabamento exterior desses prédios não fosse de madeira de sequoia, estou convencido de que a área queimada teria sido muito ampliada».

Por causa de sua impressionante resistência à decomposição, a sequoia foi amplamente usada para dormentes de caminho-de-ferro e cavaletes em toda a Califórnia. Muitos dos antigos dormentes foram reciclados para uso em jardins como bordaduras, degraus, vigas de casa, e usos similares. Nós de sequoia são usados na produção de tampos de mesa, folheados e produtos torneados.

O povo Yurok, que ocupou a região antes da colonização europeia, queimava regularmente a cobertura do solo nas florestas de sequoias para fortalecer as populações de Notholithocarpus, das quais colhiam bolotas, para manter as clareiras florestais e aumentar as populações de espécies de plantas úteis, especialmente as que usavam para fins medicinais e para cestaria.[14]

O abate intensivo de sequoias para a indústria madeireira começou no início do século XIX. As árvores eram derrubadas com machado e abatidas para sobre estruturas feitas de ramos e arbustos para amortecer a sua queda.[14] Despidos de sua casca, os troncos eram transportadas para as serrações ou para os rios onde eram flutuados por bois ou cavalos.[14] Os madeireiros queimavam os ramos, arbustos e cascas de árvore acumulados. Os incêndios repetidos favoreceram a floresta secundária, principalmente de sequoias, pois as plântulas de sequoia brotam prontamente em áreas queimadas.[14][26] A introdução de máquinas a vapor permitiu que os madeireiros arrastassem os toros por longas trilhos até as ferrovias mais próximas,[14] ampliando o alcance das operações de corte raso para além dos terrenos próximos dos rios anteriormente usados para transportar árvores.[26] Este método de colheita, no entanto, disturbou grandes quantidades de solo, produzindo florestas de crescimento secundário de outras espécies além da sequoia, como Abies grandis e Tsuga heterophylla.[14]

Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, camiões e tractores substituíram gradualmente os motores a vapor, dando origem a duas abordagens de colheita: o corte raso e o abate selectivo. O corte raso envolve o abate de todas as árvores de uma determinada área. Foi incentivado por leis fiscais que isentavam de tributação toda a madeira em pé se 70% das árvores na área fossem cortadas.[14] A exploração madeireira por abate selectivo, por outro lado, exigia a remoção de 25% a 50% de árvores maduras na esperança de que as árvores remanescentes permitiriam o crescimento futuro e uma nova semeadura natural.[26] Este método, no entanto, encorajou o crescimento de outras espécies de árvores, convertendo florestas de sequoias em florestas mistas de sequoia, Picea sitchensis e Tsuga heterophylla.[26] Além disso, as árvores deixadas em pé eram frequentemente derrubadas pelo vento.

A sequoia-costeira está naturalizada na Nova Zelândia, notavelmente na Redwoods Forest de Whakarewarewa, Rotorua.[27] As sequoias têm sido cultivada em florestas da Nova Zelândia desde há mais de 100 anos, atingindo taxas de crescimento mais altas do que as obtidas na Califórnia, principalmente devido à distribuição uniforme das chuvas ao longo do ano.[28]

Outras áreas de cultivo bem-sucedido fora da área nativa incluem a Grã-Bretanha, Itália, Portugal,[29] Haida Gwaii, elevações intermédias no Havai, Hogsback, no Cabo Ocidental (África do Sul), nas florestas de Knysna na região afromontana do Cabo Ocidental, na Reserva Florestal Grootvadersbosch perto de Swellendam (África do Sul) e no Tokai Arboretum nas encostas da Table Mountain acima da Cidade do Cabo, numa pequena área no centro do México (Jilotepec) e no sudeste dos Estados Unidos, do leste do Texas a Maryland. A espécie também se dá bem no noroeste do Pacífico (Oregon, Washington e Colúmbia Britânica), bem ao norte de sua faixa nativa que termina no sudoeste do Oregon. Algumas sequoias-costeiras foram usadas numa exibição no Rockefeller Center de New York e, em seguida, entregues à Longhouse Reserve em East Hampton (Long Island, Nova York), e agora vivem lá há mais de vinte anos e já sobreviveram a temperaturas de -17 °C.[30]

Sendo uma árvore de crescimento rápido, S. sempervirens pode ser cultivada como espécime ornamental em grandes parques e jardins que possam acomodar o seu enorme tamanho. A espécie ganhou o Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[31][32]

Tem sido plantada em Portugal e na região Sul do Brasil, principalmente para fins ornamentais.


A área de distribuição natural da espécie oferece um ambiente único, com fortes chuvas sazonais de até 2 500 mm anuais. O ar fresco da costa e as neblinas mantêm esta floresta consistentemente húmida durante todo o ano. Vários factores, incluindo as chuvas fortes, criam um solo com menos nutrientes do que as árvores precisam, fazendo com que dependam fortemente de toda a comunidade biótica da floresta e tornando a reciclagem eficiente de árvores mortas especialmente importante. Esta comunidade florestal inclui Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii, Arbutus menziesii, Notholithocarpus densiflorus, Tsuga heterophylla e várias outras árvores, junto com uma grande variedade de pteridófitos, musgos, cogumelos e múltiplas herbáceas, com destaque para Oxalis oregana. As florestas de sequoias fornecem habitat para uma grande variedade de anfíbios, pássaros, mamíferos e répteis. Os talhões de sequoias antigas fornecem habitat para espécies ameaçadas de extinção, como a coruja-pintada (Strix occidentalis) e a torda-miúda-marmorada (Brachyramphus marmoratus).

As sequoias-costeiras são resistentes ao ataque de insetos, infecções fúngicas e apodrecimento. Essas propriedades são conferidas pelas elevadas concentrações de terpenóides e de ácido tânico nas folhas, raízes, cascas e madeira.[14] Apesar dessas defesas químicas, as sequoias ainda assim estão sujeitas a infestações por insectos, mas nenhum, no entanto, é capaz de matar uma árvore saudável.[14] As árvores também enfrentam herbivoria por mamíferos: o urso-negro (Ursus americanus) consome a casca interna de sequoias juvenis, e o veado-de-cauda-preta (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) é conhecido por comer brotos de sequoia, afectando as plântulas e os espécimes juvenis.[14]

O espécime vivo mais velho que se conhece tem cerca de 2 200 anos de idade,[33] mas é comum encontrarem-se árvores na natureza que já ultrapassaram os 600 anos de vida. As numerosas reivindicações apontando com idades superiores estão provavelmente incorrectas.[33] Por causa de sua expectativa de vida aparentemente atemporal, estas árvores foram consideradas sequoias eternas nos anos finais do século XIX, ainda mais que, em latim, sempervirens significa tanto "sempre verde" como "eterno".

Para atingir tais idades, as sequoias devem suportar vários distúrbios ambientais, em particular os incêndios florestais, para o que a espécie desenvolveu diversas adaptações. Por causa dos incêndios, a casca espessa e fibrosa das sequoias-costeiras é extremamente resistente ao fogo, atingindo pelo menos 30 centímetros de espessura, o que permite proteger as árvores maduras dos danos provocados pelo fogo.[12][34] Além disso, comparativamente com outras coníferas, as sequoias contêm pouca resina inflamável.[34] Se danificada pelo fogo, uma sequoia brota prontamente novos ramos ou mesmo uma copa inteiramente nova,[12][14] e se a árvore-mãe for morta, novos rebentos brotam de sua base.[14] Os incêndios, além disso, parecem realmente beneficiar as sequoias, causando mortalidade substancial em espécies concorrentes, embora tendo apenas efeitos menores sobre a espécie. As áreas queimadas são favoráveis à germinação bem-sucedida de sementes de sequoia.[12] Um estudo publicado em 2010, o primeiro a comparar a sobrevivência e regeneração de sequoias e espécies associadas após um fogo florestal, concluiu que incêndios de todas os graus de severidade aumentam a abundância relativa de sequoias, sendo que os incêndios de maior gravidade fornecem os maiores benefícios.[35]

As sequoias costumam crescer em áreas propensas a inundações. Os depósitos de sedimentos podem formar barreiras impermeáveis que sufocam as raízes das árvores, e o solo instável em áreas inundadas muitas vezes faz com que as árvores se inclinem para um lado, aumentando o risco de o vento as derrubar. Imediatamente após uma inundação, as sequoias estendem as raízes existentes para cima por forma a explorar as camadas de sedimento recentemente depositadas,[36] o que leva à formação de um segundo sistema de raízes a partir de botões adventícios no tronco recém-enterrado, com a consequente morte das antigas raízes.[36] Para conter os efeitos da enxurrada e reduzir os risco de tombarem, as sequoias aumentam a produção de madeira no lado vulnerável, criando um contraforte de apoio.[36] Essas adaptações permitem a formação de florestas quase exclusivamente compostas por sequoias nos terrenos mais sujeitas a inundações periódicas.[14][36]

Pluviosidade, névoas e necessidades hídricas

A altura de S. sempervirens está intimamente ligada à disponibilidade de névoa. As árvores mais altas tornam-se menos frequentes à medida que a névoa se torna menos frequente.[37] À medida que a altura de S. sempervirens aumenta, o transporte de água via potencial hídrico para as folhas torna-se cada vez mais difícil devido à crescente resistência causada pelo efeito da gravidade sobre a cada vez mais longa coluna de água.[38][39][40]

Apesar da alta pluviosidade que a região recebe, até 1 000 mm por ano, as folhas situadas na parte mais alta da copa sofrem de perpétuo stress hídrico.[41][42] Esta dificuldade em satisfazer plenamente as necessidade e hidratação foliar é agravado pelas longas secas que com frequências ocorrem no verão.[43] Acredita-se que a quase permanente penúria hídrica cause as mudanças morfológicas que se observam nas folhas da parte superior da copa, estimulando a redução do comprimento da folha e o aumento da suculência foliar.[39][44] Para complementar as suas necessidades de água, as sequoias utilizam as frequentes neblinas que ocorrem no verão, sendo a água da névoa absorvida por vários caminhos: (1) as folhas absorvem a névoa diretamente do ar circundante através do tecido epidérmico, contornando o xilema;[45][46] (2) absorvem água diretamente através do ritidoma (a casca), cuja estrutura esponjosa permite a sua retenção a partir da escorrência da água de coalesce na ramagem;[47] e (3) as raízes superficiais absorvem rapidamente a água que tombe sobre o solo em resultado da precipitação horizontal induzida pela árvore e pela vegetação circundante.[43]

A absorção de água pelas folhas e casca permite reduz a severidade e reparar as embolias do xilema que tendem a ocorrer dado comprimento do sistema vascular da árvore[47][48] e a sua consequente vulnerabilidade a fenómenos de cavitação no xilema, impedindo o transporte de água e nutrientes.[47]

As gotículas do nevoeiro também se acumulam nas folhas, pingando para o solo da floresta, onde são absorvidos pelas raízes da árvore. Esta precipitação horizontal pode representar 30% do total de água usada por uma árvore durante um ciclo anual.[43]


Folhagem de um exemplar albino de Sequoia sempervirens exibindo a falta de clorofila.

Sabe-se da existência de cerca de 230 sequoias com albinismo, indivíduos mutantes que não podem fabricar clorofila e que por isso apresentam folhas esbranquiçadas,[49] mas que ainda assim atingem alturas de até 20 m.[50]

Sem capacidade fotossintética própria, estas árvores sobrevivem como plantas parasitas, obtendo alimento enxertando os seus sistemas radiculares com o sistema radicular das árvores normais. Embora mutações semelhantes ocorram esporadicamente em outras coníferas, nenhum caso é conhecido de tais indivíduos sobrevivendo até a maturidade em qualquer outra espécie de coníferas. Resultados de estudos recentes permitem afirmar que sequoias albinas podem armazenar concentrações mais altas de metais tóxicos do que as árvores normais.[51][52]


Evidências razoavelmente sólidas indicam que as sequoias-costeiras eram as maiores árvores do mundo antes da exploração madeireira, com vários espécimes históricos supostamente ultrapassando os 122 m de altura.[53]:16,42 A altura potencial máxima teórica das sequoias costeiras está limitada a entre 121,96 m e 129,5 m, pois a evapotranspiração é insuficiente para transportar água para as folhas além desta faixa de alturas.[38] Outros estudos indicam que este limite é ampliado pelas névoas, que são predominantes no ambiente natural dessas árvores.[38]

Uma árvore supostamente 114,3 m de altura foi derrubada no condado de Sonoma pela empresa madeireira Murphy Brothers na década de 1870,[54] e outra que se alaega teria 115,8 m de altura e 7,9 m de diâmetro foi cortada perto de Eureka em 1914,[55][56] Está documentado que um espécime, conhecido por árvore de Lindsey Creek, tinha uma altura de 120 m quando foi derrubada por uma tempestade em 1905.

Uma árvore supostamente com 129,2 m de altura foi derrubada em novembro de 1886 pelos madeireiros da Elk River Mill e Lumber Co. em Humboldt County, produzindo 2 258 m3 de tábuas comercializáveis ​​em 21 cortes.[57][58][59] Em 1893, uma sequoia abatida em Eel River, perto de Scotia, teria medido 130,1 m de comprimento e 23,5 m de diâmetro.[60][61][62] No entanto, não existem grandes evidências que corroborem essas medições históricas.

Hoje, as árvores acima de 60 m são comuns, e muitas estão acima dos 90 m de altura. A árvore mais alta atual é a Hyperion, um exemplar que mede 115,61 m de altura.[33] A árvore foi descoberta no Redwood National Park durante o verão de 2006 por Chris Atkins e Michael Taylor, e acredita-se que seja o organismo vivo mais alto do mundo. O detentor do recorde anterior era a Stratosphere Giant, localizada no Humboldt Redwoods State Park com 112,84 m (conforme medido em 2004). Até cair em março de 1991, a árvore conhecida por Gigante de Dyerville era a detentora do recorde. Este exemplar também estava no Parque Estadual de Humboldt Redwoods e tinha 113,4 m de altura e uma idade estimada de 1 600 anos. Este gigante caído foi preservado no parque.

Tanto quanto se sabe, em 2016 nenhum espécime vivo de outra espécie de árvores excedia 100 m de altura. A maior sequoia viva conhecida é conhecida por Grogan's Fault, descoberta em 2014 por Chris Atkins e Mario Vaden no Redwood National Park,[33] com um volume de tronco de pelo menos 1 085 m3.[33] Outras sequoias-costeiras com grandes volumes de madeira incluem a árvore conhecida por Iluvatar, com um volume de tronco principal de 1 033 m3,[53]:160 e a Lost Monarch, com um volume de tronco principal de 989 m3[63]

As alturas das sequoias mais altas são medidas anualmente por especialistas.[33] Mesmo com as recentes descobertas de sequoias com mais de 100 m, é provável que não sejam descobertas mais árvores com estas alturas.[33]

O diâmetro é medido a 1,4 m acima do nível médio do solo (diâmetro à altura do peito). Os detalhes das localizações precisas das árvores mais altas não foram anunciados ao público em geral por medo de causar danos às árvores e ao habitat circundante.[33] A sequoia-costeira mais alta facilmente acessível ao público é a National Geographic Tree, localizada imediatamente ao lado de um trilho no Tall Trees Grove do Redwood National Park.[64]

A lista que se segue mostra os maiores espécimes de S. sempervirens em volume (dados de 2001):[53]:186-7

Calcular o volume de uma árvore em pé é o equivalente prático de calcular o volume de um cone irregular,[65] sendo por isso um processo sujeito a erro por vários motivos, mas especialmente às dificuldades técnicas de medição e às variações na forma das árvores e dos seus troncos. As medições da circunferência são feitas apenas em algumas alturas predeterminadas ao longo do tronco e assumem que este é uma estrutura circular em secção transversal, e que o estreitamento entre os pontos de medição é uniforme. Além disso, apenas o volume do tronco (incluindo o volume de eventuais das cicatrizes e contrafortes basais) é levado em consideração, e não o volume da madeira nos ramos ou raízes.[65] As medições de volume também não levam em consideração a eventual existência de cavidades. A maioria das sequoias com volumes superiores a 850 m3 representam antigas fusões de duas ou mais árvores separadas, o que torna difícil determinar se uma sequoia tem um único ou vários troncos.[66]

Os detalhes da localização precisa das árvores mais altas não foram disponibilizados ao público em geral por receio de causar danos às árvores e ao habitat circundante.[33] A maior sequoia-costeira facilmente acessível ao público é a árvore conhecida por Iluvatar, que se encontra a cerca de 5 metros a sudeste do trilho Foothill (Foothill Trail) do Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.

Outros exemplares notáveis
  • Os exemplares conhecidos por Blossom Rock Navigation Trees foram duas sequoias especialmente altas localizadas nas Berkeley Hills usadas como auxílio à navegação pelos marinheiros para evitar o traiçoeiro recife conhecido por Blossom Rock perto da ilha de Yerba Buena.[67]
  • A árvore conhecida por Crannell Creek Giant foi documentado como tendo um volume de tronco de pelo menos 1 744 m3, cerca de 32% maior do que o exemplar conhecido por Grogan's Fault e 17% maior do que o atual a maior árvore presentemente viva, a General Sherman. Foi abatida por volta de 1945.[33][68]
  • A árvore de Lindsey Creek foi documentada como tendo uma altura de 120 m e um volume de tronco de pelo menos 2 500 m3 quando foi derrubada por uma tempestade em 1905. Se essas medidas forem verdadeiras, a árvore de Lindsey Creek tinha mais cerca de 3 m do que a Hyperion, o espécime considerado como a árvore mais alta da actualidade, e eram 213% maior que a Grogan's Fault e 171% maior que a General Sherman.[33][69]
  • Old Survivor, também conhecido como o Grandfather, é a última sequoia-costeira antiga remanescente da floresta de sequoias que povoava as Berkeley Hills. A árvore foi semeada em algum momento entre 1549 e 1554.[70]
  • Um dos maiores cepos de sequoia encontrados, com 9,4 m de diâmetro, está em Berkeley Hills na Roberts Regional Recreation Area, uma parte do Redwood Regional Park.[71][72]


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  36. a b c d Stone, Edward C.; Vasey, Richard B. (12 de janeiro de 1968). «Preservation of Coast Redwoods on Alluvial Flats». Science. 159 (3811): 157–161. Bibcode:1968Sci...159..157S. JSTOR 1723263. PMID 17792349. doi:10.1126/science.159.3811.157
  37. Harris, S. A. (1989). «Relationship of convection fog to characteristics of the vegetation of Redwood National Park». MSC Thesis
  38. a b c Koch, G.W.; Sillett, S.C.; Jennings, G.M.; Davis, S.D. (2004). «The limits to tree height». Nature. 428 (6985): 851–854. Bibcode:2004Natur.428..851K. PMID 15103376. doi:10.1038/nature02417
  39. a b Ishii, H. T.; Jennings, Gregory M.; Sillett, Stephen C.; Koch, George W. (julho 2008). «Hydrostatic constraints on morphological exploitation of light in tall Sequoia sempervirens trees». Oecologia. 156 (4): 751–63. Bibcode:2008Oecol.156..751I. PMID 18392856. doi:10.1007/s00442-008-1032-z
  40. Sperry, J. S.; Meinzer; McCulloh (maio 2008). «Safety and efficiency conflicts in hydraulic architecture: scaling from tissues to trees. Plant». Plant, Cell & Environment. 31 (5): 632–45. PMID 18088335. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2007.01765.x
  41. Mullen, L. P.; Sillett, S. C.; Koch, G. W.; Antonie, K. P.; Antoine, M. E. (29 de maio de 2009). «Physiological consequences of height-related morphological variation in Sequoia sempervirens foliage» (PDF). Tree Physiology. 29 (8): 999–1010. PMID 19483187. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpp037. Cópia arquivada (PDF) em 9 de janeiro de 2012
  42. Ishii, H. T.; Azuma, Wakana; Kuroda, Keiko; Sillett, Stephen C. (26 de maio de 2014). «Pushing the limits to tree height: Could foliar water storage compensate for hydraulic constraints in sequoia sempervirens?». Functional Ecology. 28 (5): 1087–1093. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12284
  43. a b c Burgess, S. S. O.; Dawson, T. E. (2004). «The contribution of fog to the water relations of Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don): foliar uptake and prevention of dehydration». Plant, Cell and Environment. 27 (8): 1023–1034. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2004.01207.x
  44. Oldham, A. R.; Sillett, S. C.; Tomescu, A. M. F.; Koch, G. W. (julho 2010). «The hydrostatic gradient, not light availability drives height-related variation in Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae) leaf anatomy». American Journal of Botany. 97 (7): 1087–97. PMID 21616861. doi:10.3732/ajb.0900214
  45. Dawson, T. E. (1 de setembro 1998). «Fog in the California redwood forest: Ecosystem inputs and used by plants» (PDF). Oecologia. 117 (4): 476–485. Bibcode:1998Oecol.117..476D. PMID 28307672. doi:10.1007/s004420050683
  46. Simonin, K. A.; Santiago, Louis S.; Dawson, Todd E. (julho 2009). «Fog interception by Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) crowns decouples physiology from soil water deficit». Plant, Cell and Environment. 32 (7): 882–892. PMID 19302173. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2009.01967.x
  47. a b c Earles, J. M.; Sperling, O.; Silva, L. C. R.; McElrone, A. J.; Brodersen, C. R.; North, M. P.; Zwieniecki, M. A. (2015). «Bark water uptake promotes localized hydraulic recovery in coastal redwood crown». Plant, Cell & Environment. 39 (2): 320–328. PMID 26178179. doi:10.1111/pce.12612
  48. Tognetti, R. A.; Longobucco, Anna; Rashi, Antonio; Jones, Mike B. (2001). «Stem hydraulic properties and xylem vulnerability to embolism in three co-occurring Mediterranean shrubs at a natural CO2 spring». Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 28 (4). 257 páginas. doi:10.1071/PP00125
  49. «Cotati residents, scientists scramble to save albino redwood». SFGate. 19 de março de 2014
  50. Stienstra, T (11 de outubro de 2007). «It's no snow job: handful of redwoods are rare albinos». San Francisco Chronicle. Consultado em 14 de agosto de 2011
  51. «Ghost Redwoods: Solving the Albino Redwoods Mystery»
  52. «Mystery Of White Trees Among California's Redwoods May Be Solved»
  53. a b c d Van Pelt, Robert (2001). Forest Giants of the Pacific Coast. [S.l.]: Global Forest Society and University of Washington Press. ISBN 978-0-295-98140-6
  54. Scientific American: Supplement (em inglês). [S.l.]: Munn and Company. 1 de janeiro de 1877
  55. Carder, A (1995). Forest giants of the world: past and present. Ontario: Fitzhenry and Whiteside. ISBN 978-1-55041-090-7
  56. «Pacific Coast News». Lumber World Review. 27 (8): 41. 25 outubro 1914. Consultado em 24 de maio de 2020
  57. Redwood Lumber Industry, Lynwood Carranco. Golden West Books, 1982 - Page 21.
  58. «Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Fort Worth, Texas. December 9th, 1886 - Page 2». Chroniclingamerica.loc.gov. 9 de dezembro de 1886. 2 páginas. Consultado em 7 de agosto de 2012
  59. «Does size matter? John Driscoll/The Times-Standard, Eureka, California. September 8th, 2006». Times-standard.com. Consultado em 7 de agosto de 2012
  60. «A Mendocino Big Tree». Mining and Scientific Press. 66 (15): 230. 15 Abril 1893. Consultado em 23 de maio de 2020
  61. «A Giant Redwood for the World's Fair». Pacific Rural Press. 45 (16): 354. 22 Abril 1893. Consultado em 24 de maio de 2020
  62. «Notes.». Garden and Forest. 6: 260. 14 de Junho de 1893. Consultado em 24 de maio de 2020
  63. Wendell D. Flint (1 de janeiro de 2002). To Find the Biggest Tree. [S.l.]: Sequoia Natural History Association. ISBN 978-1-878441-09-6
  64. «text report and photograph of premier redwood canopy scientist Dr. Stephen C. Sillett from Humboldt State University while measuring the National Geographic Tree ("Nugget") immediately adjacent to the Tall Trees Trail»
  65. a b National Park Service (1997). «The General Sherman Tree». Sequoia National Park. Washington, DC: National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2011. Cópia arquivada em 15 de março de 2015
  66. «Sequoia sempervirens (coast redwood) description». www.conifers.org. Consultado em 26 de novembro de 2019
  67. «Alameda». California State Parks Office of Historic Preservation
  68. «Crannell Creek Giant Coast Redwood. Lindsey Creek Giant Redwood. Largest Sequoia sempervirens Ever Recorded.». www.mdvaden.com. Consultado em 3 de novembro de 2019
  69. The Most Massive Tree, Zilkha Biomass Energy
  70. Herron Zamora, Jim (agosto 14, 2006). «The 'Grandfather' of Oakland's redwoods». San Francisco Chronicle
  71. Fimrite, Peter (Maio 8, 2013). «Hidden Redwood is Remnant of Forest Giants». San Francisco Chronicle
  72. Slack, Gordy (julho 1, 2004). «In the Shadow of Giants». BayNature


  • Noss, R. F., ed. (2000). The Redwood Forest: history, ecology and conservation of the Coast Redwood. Island Press, Washington, D.C. ISBN 1-55963-726-9.
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wikipedia PT

Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
 src= Sequoia sempervirens próximo da estrada US 199.  src= Secção do tronco de S. sempervirens.  src= Estróbilos e sementes de Sequoia sempervirens - MHNT.  src= O nevoeiro é um factor importante na ecologia de Sequoia sempervirens (Redwood National Park).  src= Resina seca de uma sequoia.  src= Anel de sequoias visto a partir do solo.  src= O trilho Skyline-to-the-Sea Trail a passar através do tronco caído de uma sequoia.  src= Uma sequoia bonsai em exposição no Pacific Bonsai Museum.  src= A árvore conhecida por Del Norte Titan.

Sequoia sempervirens é a única espécie extante do género Sequoia da família Cupressaceae (anteriormente incluído em Taxodiaceae), conhecida pelos nomes comuns de sequoia-costeira e sequoia-vermelha. É um megafanerófito perenifólio trioico, de longa duração, capaz de viver de 1200 a 2200 anos ou mais. A espécie inclui os seres vivos mais altos e mais massivos da Terra, atingindo até 115 m de altura (sem as raízes) e até 9 m de diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP), estando também estão entre os macrorganismos mais antigos do planeta. Antes do início da extração comercial e do abate generalizado das florestas californianas que se iniciou na década de 1850, esta enorme árvore ocorria naturalmente numa área estimada de 810 000 ao longo de grande parte da costa da Califórnia (exceto no sul, onde as chuvas não são suficientes) e no sudoeste da costa do Oregon.

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wikipedia PT

Sequoia sempervirens ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Sequoia sempervirens numit uneori și Sequoia sempervirescent este un tip de copac originar din America de Nord. Numele este un omagiu la Sequoyah, un nativ american Cherokee care a creat alfabetul Cherokee. Sequoia sempervirens a existat și în Europa înainte de Epoca de gheață. A fost reintrodus în Europa în Secolul al XIX-lea pentru scopuri ornamentale.

Sequoia sempervirens este specia de plantă cea mai înaltă din lume, care poate depăși 100 de metri și cea care poate trăi cel mai mult, chiar până la 2000 de ani.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia autori și editori
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wikipedia RO

Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Sequoia sempervirens numit uneori și Sequoia sempervirescent este un tip de copac originar din America de Nord. Numele este un omagiu la Sequoyah, un nativ american Cherokee care a creat alfabetul Cherokee. Sequoia sempervirens a existat și în Europa înainte de Epoca de gheață. A fost reintrodus în Europa în Secolul al XIX-lea pentru scopuri ornamentale.

Sequoia sempervirens este specia de plantă cea mai înaltă din lume, care poate depăși 100 de metri și cea care poate trăi cel mai mult, chiar până la 2000 de ani.

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wikipedia RO

Sekvoja vždyzelená ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Sekvoja vždyzelená (Sequoia sempervirens) je ihličnatý strom z čeľade tisovcovitých, rastie na západnom pobreží USA. Dosahuje výšku do 115 m.

Základné údaje

  • Výška: 115 metrov, v Európe iba 50 metrov
  • Kôra: červenohnedá
  • Listy: vždyzelené šupinovité a ihlicovité
  • Kvety: samičie zelené, samčie žlté
  • Plody: malé, guľovité drevnaté šišky.

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Sekvoja vždyzelená: Brief Summary ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Sekvoja vždyzelená (Sequoia sempervirens) je ihličnatý strom z čeľade tisovcovitých, rastie na západnom pobreží USA. Dosahuje výšku do 115 m.

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wikipedia SK

Obalna sekvoja ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia SL

Obalna sekvoja (znanstveno ime Sequoia sempervirens) je velik, pokončen zimzelen iglavec, ki je domoroden na zahodni obali ZDA. Drevesa te vrste so izjemno dolgoživa, saj lahko dosežejo starost med 1.200 in 1.800 let ali celo več.[1]


V višino običajno doseže med 25 in 35 m, lahko pa tudi do 115 m[2], deblo pa ima premer med 7 in 9 m. Krošnja je stožčasta in relativno ozka. Lubje je grobo, zelo debelo (lahko tudi preko 30 cm), relativno mehko, in vlaknasto. Običajno je rdeče-rjave do sive barve. Veje so vodoravno razprte do rahlo povešene. Iglice so ploščate, črtalaste (dolge med 1,5 do 2,5 cm), trde, gladke in temno zelene barve. Spodaj imajo dve vzdolžni srebrno-beli črti. Cvetovi so zbrani v ovalnem socvetju in so precej neopazni. Plodovi so okrogli do jajčasti storži, ki v dolžino merijo med 1,5 in 3 cm in so temno rjave barve.


Obalna sekvoja je razširjena na ozkem pasu, dolgem okoli 750 km in širokem med 8 in 76 km vzdolž ameriške pacifiške obale, po čemer je dobila tudi slovensko ime. Na jugu sega do Okrožja Monterey v ameriški zvezni državi Kalifornija, na severu pa do skrajnega dela jugovzhodnega Oregona, najpogosteje na povprečni nadmorski višini med 30 in 750 metri, izjemoma od 0 do 920 metri. [3] Najbolje uspevajo v gorah, kjer je več padavin. Najstarejša in najvišja drevesa se nahajajo v globokih dolinah in kanjonih ob tekoči vodi. Zelo jim namreč ustreza velika zračna vlaga, ki se v obliki meglic vleče po teh dolinah. Drevesa nad mejo pogoste megle (nad 700 metri) so, zaradi bolj suhe podlage in hladnejšega zraka, nižja on manj mogočna. Poleg tega jih tam izpodrivajo druge drevesne vrste, kot so duglazija, bor in tanoak.


  1. "Sequoia gigantea is of an ancient and distinguished family". Nps.gov. 2007-02-02. Pridobljeno dne 2012-08-07.
  2. "Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endlicher". www.efloras.org: Flora of North America. Pridobljeno dne 1. februarja 2015.
  3. Farjon, A. (2005). Monograph of Cupressaceae and Sciadopitys. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ISBN 1-84246-068-4.
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Avtorji in uredniki Wikipedije
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wikipedia SL

Obalna sekvoja: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia SL

Obalna sekvoja (znanstveno ime Sequoia sempervirens) je velik, pokončen zimzelen iglavec, ki je domoroden na zahodni obali ZDA. Drevesa te vrste so izjemno dolgoživa, saj lahko dosežejo starost med 1.200 in 1.800 let ali celo več.

direitos autorais
Avtorji in uredniki Wikipedije
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wikipedia SL

Amerikansk sekvoja ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV
Sequoia sempervirens

Amerikansk sekvoja (Sequoia sempervirens) är en art av barrväxt i släktet Sequoia. i familjen Cypressväxter. Amerikansk sekvoja är världens högsta trädart[1] och nära släkt med kinesisk sekvoja och mammutträd.

Artepitetet i det vetenskapliga namnet, sempervirens, betyder "städsegrön", en egenskap som gäller för de flesta barrväxter.

Amerikansk sekvoja förväxlas ofta med mammutträd, ett träd som även det är mycket stort, och som endast förekommer vildväxande i Kalifornien. De båda skiljs lätt genom bladverket och kottarna, och att mammutträden växer i Sierra Nevadabergen medan sekvojan växer närmare kusten och norrut till Washington. Namnet "sekvoja" är givet efter cherokeshövdingen Sequoyah (George Guess), känd för att ha utvecklat ett eget skriftspråk.

Det finns flera exemplar som är över 100 meter höga. Det högsta nu levande trädet skall vara runt 115 meter.[1]

Det danska namnet rødtræ (rödträd) kommer ifrån det engelska redwood, som i sin tur hämtats från spanskan. Det är lätt att förstå namnet, då kärnvirket varierar i färg från ljust rött till mörkt rödbrunt [2] Också barken har en rödaktig färg, men kan av solljuset blekas till en grå nyans.

Då barken inte innehåller någon kåda, så är den extremt motståndskraftig mot bränder [3] vilket självklart också är en förutsättning för att träden ska kunna bli så gamla - det äldsta kända trädet är ungefär 2200 år gammalt. [3]

Stora bestånd av amerikansk sekvoja finns i Redwood nationalpark i Kalifornien.


Se även



  1. ^ [a b] ”Detta är världens tio högsta träd” (på sv-SE). Illustrerad Vetenskap. http://illvet.se/naturen/vaxter/detta-ar-varldens-tio-hogsta-trad. Läst 14 februari 2016.
  2. ^ ”Farm Forestry timbers - Redwood”. www.nzffa.org.nz. http://www.nzffa.org.nz/specialty-timber-market/showcase/redwood/. Läst 17 april 2018.
  3. ^ [a b] Sequoia sempervirens” (på en). Wikipedia. 2018-04-05. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sequoia_sempervirens&oldid=834331659. Läst 17 april 2018.

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wikipedia SV

Amerikansk sekvoja: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV
 src= Sequoia sempervirens

Amerikansk sekvoja (Sequoia sempervirens) är en art av barrväxt i släktet Sequoia. i familjen Cypressväxter. Amerikansk sekvoja är världens högsta trädart och nära släkt med kinesisk sekvoja och mammutträd.

Artepitetet i det vetenskapliga namnet, sempervirens, betyder "städsegrön", en egenskap som gäller för de flesta barrväxter.

Amerikansk sekvoja förväxlas ofta med mammutträd, ett träd som även det är mycket stort, och som endast förekommer vildväxande i Kalifornien. De båda skiljs lätt genom bladverket och kottarna, och att mammutträden växer i Sierra Nevadabergen medan sekvojan växer närmare kusten och norrut till Washington. Namnet "sekvoja" är givet efter cherokeshövdingen Sequoyah (George Guess), känd för att ha utvecklat ett eget skriftspråk.

Det finns flera exemplar som är över 100 meter höga. Det högsta nu levande trädet skall vara runt 115 meter.

Det danska namnet rødtræ (rödträd) kommer ifrån det engelska redwood, som i sin tur hämtats från spanskan. Det är lätt att förstå namnet, då kärnvirket varierar i färg från ljust rött till mörkt rödbrunt Också barken har en rödaktig färg, men kan av solljuset blekas till en grå nyans.

Då barken inte innehåller någon kåda, så är den extremt motståndskraftig mot bränder vilket självklart också är en förutsättning för att träden ska kunna bli så gamla - det äldsta kända trädet är ungefär 2200 år gammalt.

Stora bestånd av amerikansk sekvoja finns i Redwood nationalpark i Kalifornien.

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wikipedia SV

Sekoya ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR
İkili adı Sequoia sempervirens
(D. Don) Endl. Diğer adları Kıyı sekoyası Dış bağlantılar Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons'ta Sekoya ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Wikispecies-logo.svg Wikispecies'te Sekoya ile ilgili detaylı taksonomi bilgileri bulunur.
Sequoia sempervirens

"Sahil Sekoyası" (Sequoia sempervirens), servigiller (Cupressaceae) familyasının Sequoia cinsinden tek bir türle temsil edilen (monotipik) 120 m boy, 7 m çap yapabilen anavatanı Kuzey Amerika olan büyük bir ağaç türü.

Herdem yeşil ve dev yapılı ağaçlardır. Oldukça kalın kabukları vardır. Genç sürgünleri önce kırmızı, sonra kahverengidir.

2 tip yaprakları vardır:

-Pul yaprak: Sürgünün dip ve uç kısmı ile kozalak sapında yer alan yapraklar,
-İğne yaprak: Sürgünün üzerindeki balık kılçığı şeklindeki ana yapraklar.

Kozalaklar 1 yılda olgunlaşır ve 15-20 puldan oluşur. Kozalak pulları yan kenarlarıyla kapanmıştır ve her pulun altında 3-7 tohum bulunur.

Doğal yayılış alanında 140 m'ye kadar büyür; gövde dibi çok geniş olup uca doğru daralır. Kabuk kırmızımsı kahverengi veya tarçın renginde, 15–25 cm kalınlığındadır, tacı ise dardır. Genç ağaçlarda dallar incedir, sonradan kalınlaşır ve gövdeye çevrel olarak dizilmiştir.

Yapraklar sürgünlere sarmal olarak dizilmiştir ve iki şekildedir; yan dallar üzerindeki yapraklar 1-2,5 cm uzunluğunda iki sıralı dizilmişlerdir, alt yüzlerinde iki stoma bandı yer alır. Ana sürgünlerin üzerinde yer alan yaprakların ise uzunluğu 1,5-2,5 cm olup uçları sivridir.

Erkek kozalaklar ovoid 1,5–2 mm olup sarı-yeşildir. Tohum kozalakları çok küçük, olgunlaşınca koyu kırmızımsı kahverengi, eliptik-yumurta veya yumurta şeklinde 2-3,5 x 1,2-1,5 cm'dir. Bir yılda olgunlaşan tohumlar açık kahverengi eliptik-dikdörgen şeklinde 1,5 mm uzunluğundadır. Tohum kanadı 1 mm genişliğindedir.


Dünyanın en uzun ağacı olan Hyperion bir sahil sekoyasıdır. Bu ağaç Kaliforniya'da bulunan Redwood Ulusal ve Eyalet Parkı'nda bulunmaktadır.

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wikipedia TR

Sekoya: Brief Summary ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR
 src= Sequoia sempervirens

"Sahil Sekoyası" (Sequoia sempervirens), servigiller (Cupressaceae) familyasının Sequoia cinsinden tek bir türle temsil edilen (monotipik) 120 m boy, 7 m çap yapabilen anavatanı Kuzey Amerika olan büyük bir ağaç türü.

Herdem yeşil ve dev yapılı ağaçlardır. Oldukça kalın kabukları vardır. Genç sürgünleri önce kırmızı, sonra kahverengidir.

2 tip yaprakları vardır:

-Pul yaprak: Sürgünün dip ve uç kısmı ile kozalak sapında yer alan yapraklar, -İğne yaprak: Sürgünün üzerindeki balık kılçığı şeklindeki ana yapraklar.

Kozalaklar 1 yılda olgunlaşır ve 15-20 puldan oluşur. Kozalak pulları yan kenarlarıyla kapanmıştır ve her pulun altında 3-7 tohum bulunur.

Doğal yayılış alanında 140 m'ye kadar büyür; gövde dibi çok geniş olup uca doğru daralır. Kabuk kırmızımsı kahverengi veya tarçın renginde, 15–25 cm kalınlığındadır, tacı ise dardır. Genç ağaçlarda dallar incedir, sonradan kalınlaşır ve gövdeye çevrel olarak dizilmiştir.

Yapraklar sürgünlere sarmal olarak dizilmiştir ve iki şekildedir; yan dallar üzerindeki yapraklar 1-2,5 cm uzunluğunda iki sıralı dizilmişlerdir, alt yüzlerinde iki stoma bandı yer alır. Ana sürgünlerin üzerinde yer alan yaprakların ise uzunluğu 1,5-2,5 cm olup uçları sivridir.

Erkek kozalaklar ovoid 1,5–2 mm olup sarı-yeşildir. Tohum kozalakları çok küçük, olgunlaşınca koyu kırmızımsı kahverengi, eliptik-yumurta veya yumurta şeklinde 2-3,5 x 1,2-1,5 cm'dir. Bir yılda olgunlaşan tohumlar açık kahverengi eliptik-dikdörgen şeklinde 1,5 mm uzunluğundadır. Tohum kanadı 1 mm genişliğindedir.

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Секвоя ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK


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Тунель у стовбурі
Sequoia sempervirens

Спочатку секвої називали каліфорнійськими соснами або мамонтовими деревами, через схожість загнутих догори гілок з бивнями мамонтів. Карл Лінней в 1859 р. назвав це дерево на честь англійського полководця Веллінгтона«Веллінгтонія велетенська», що викликало невдоволення в американців, які назвали дерево ім'ям свого національного героя Джорджа Вашингтона«вашингтонія велетенська».[4] Однак і ця назва не прижилася.

Родову назву було запропоновано австрійським ботаніком Штефаном Ендліхером в 1847 році для дерева, раніше відомого під назвою Taxodium sempervivens D.Don. Ендліхер не вказав її походження. У 1854 році Ейса Грей, визнавав необхідність виділення роду, писав про нову назву, як про «безглузду і неблагозвучну». У 1858 році Джордж Гордон опублікував етимологію родових назв ряду родів хвойних рослин, запропонованих Ендліхером, однак пояснення назви «Sequoia» не знайшов.

У 1868 році геолог зі штату Каліфорнія Джозайя Дуайт Уїтні в путівнику по Йосеміті The Yosemite Book вказав, що рослину було названо на честь Секвої (Джорджа Гесса) (Sequoyah, бл. 1770 — бл. 1843) — вождя індіанського племені черокі, винахідника складової азбуки черокі (1826) і засновника газети мовою черокі. За Уїтні, Ендліхер дізнався про індіанського вождя зі статті в Country Gentleman, яка привернула його увагу. З наступних видань The Yosemite Book фразу про статтю в Country Gentleman було вилучено через її очевидну помилковість. Ендліхер опублікував назву в 1847 році, помер 28 березня 1849 року, а перший номер Country Gentleman вийшов тільки 4 листопада 1852 року. В Country Gentleman дійсно з'явилася стаття із згадкою Секвої тільки 24 січня 1856 року. У цій статті описано дерево Sequoia gigantea, а також вперше припускалося, що воно назване за іменем індіанського вождя.

У 1860 році в журналі The Gardener's Monthly з'явилося дві статті, в першій з яких якийсь L. підтримував виправданість називання роду рослин ім'ям видатного індіанського вождя, а в другій редактор журналу Томас Міена повідомляв, що ніяких доказів того, що рід було названо ім'ям Секвої, ні у нього, ні у L. немає, проте їм це здається досить імовірним.

Джордж Гордон у 1862 році припустив, що Sequoia утворено від лат. sequī — «слідувати за чимось», на його думку, цей рід «слідує» за родом Таксодіум, з якого Ендліхер його виділив. Однак він виділив з роду Таксодіум також рід Гліптостробус, а назвав його зовсім інакше.

У 1879 році Джон Гілл Леммон писав: «вважається, що [назву] утворено від [імені] Секвої, видатного індіанця черокі, однак немає сумніву, що це — висловлена пізніше ідея, яка не повинна підтримуватися». На його думку, Ендліхер утворив назву від sequī, вважаючи секвою послідовником великих лісів минулого. Згодом Леммон продовжив дослідження щодо встановлення походження назви, а також надіслав письмові запити до п'ятьох провідних дендрологів щодо їхньої думки про назву. У 1890 році він опублікував їхні відповіді і свої висновки в статті Origin of the Name Sequoia. Так, Джозеф Долтон Гукер писав, що Грей вважав рід названим у пам'ять про вождя Черокі. Томас Міена повідомив, що L. — Дж. Х. Ліппінкотт, був особисто знайомий з О. П. Декандолем і, ймовірно, зі знайомими Ендліхера. Альфонс Декандоль відповів, що слово Sequoia — ймовірно, набір букв і позбавлене будь-якого сенсу. Двоє ботаніків з поставленого питання думки не мали.

Також Леммон згадав про свою розмову з Гукером і Гріємо, що відбулася в 1877 році, після відвідування ними берега Каліфорнії, коли на питання Леммона про походження назви секвої Грей відповів, що вона, без сумніву, утворена від sequī, а Ендліхер вважав секвою наступником скам'янілих дерев доісторичного періоду. Проте у вищезгаданому листі Гукер стверджував про іншу думку Грея, що може свідчити про неправильну інтерпретацію Леммоном його слів. Проти версії про спадкоємність доісторичних дерев побічно свідчить той факт, що Ендліхер у тій же роботі 1847 року описав кілька рослин за скам'янілостями, не вказавши на близькість жодного з них до секвої.

У 2012 році каліфорнійський учений Гері Лау (англ. Gary D. Lowe) прийшов до іншого висновку щодо походження назви.

Ендліхер помістив рід Sequoia в підпорядок Cunninghamieae, до якого також відніс чотири раніше відомих роди — Dammara, Cunninghamia, Athrotaxis і Sciadopitys. В той час стрімко розвивався математичний напрямок в систематиці рослин, і австрійський ботанік для розмежування родів використовував, крім інших, постійну в межах роду чисельну ознаку — кількість насіннин на лусочці шишки: 1 у Dammara, 3 у Cunninghamia, 3-5 у Athrotaxis і 5-9 у Sciadopitys. У 1830 році Олександр Браун виявив, що послідовності 1, 3, 4, 7 (отримані середні числа насіння на лусочку у цих родів) — згодом числам Люка — відповідає також розташування в родів хвойних хвоїнок і шишок, на що звернув увагу Ендліхер.

При розгляді Taxodium sepmervivens Ендліхер виявив, що у цієї рослини на лусочку припадає по 5-7, в середньому по 6 насіннин, які в послідовність 1, 3, 4, 7 не укладаються. Ендліхер отримав нову послідовність— 1, 3, 4, 6, 7. Ймовірно, саме з цієї причини він утворив нову родову назву від sequī. Внаслідок відсутності якоїсь єдності у принципах класифікації в XIX столітті математичні ознаки, яким надавав значення Ендліхер, були незабаром забуті.[5]

Останні дослідження (2017 рік) Ненсі Мюледі-Мехам (англ. Nancy E. Muleady-Mecham) з університету Північної Арізони, в ході яких було проведено роботу з архівами у Відні, показують, що Ендліхер часто давав ботанічні назви на честь інших людей, був поліглотом і цікавився лінгвістикою. Крім того, аналізуючи листування, Мюледі-Мехам приходить до висновку, що Ендліхер був обізнаний про внесок вождя Секвойї в розвиток мови і культури черокі. Таким чином, більш ймовірна точка зору, що рід отримав свою назву на честь вождя Секвої, як творця складової азбуки черокі.[6]

Слід зазначити, що в ареалі природного поширення секвойя більш відома як «червоне дерево» (англ. Redwood, або Coastal Redwood, або California Redwood), в цьому ареалі розташовані заповідники Редвуд і М'юїрський ліс; в той же час рослини спорідненого виду секвойядендрон відомі як «гігантські секвої». Саме останні ростуть в Національному парку Секвойя.

Ботанічний опис

Секвоя — вічнозелене однодомне дерево.

Крона конічної форми, гілки ростуть горизонтально або з легким нахилом вниз. Кора дуже товста, до 30 см завтовшки, і порівняно м'яка, волокниста, червоно-коричневого кольору відразу після її зняття (звідси англійська назва redwood, «червоне дерево»), з часом темніє. Коренева система складається з неглибоких, широко розкинутих бічних коренів. Листя 15-25 мм в довжину, витягнуте і пласке у молодих дерев, зі стрілками на затіненій нижній частини крони у старих дерев, і лускоподібне 5-10 мм в довжину у верхній частині крони старих дерев. Шишки яйцеподібні, 15-32 мм у довжину, з 15-25 спірально закрученими лусочками; запилення в кінці зими, дозрівання через 8-9 місяців. У кожній шишці 3-7 насінин, кожна з яких 3-4 мм в довжину і 0,5 мм в ширину. Насіння висипається, коли шишка висихає і відкривається.

Поширення та екологія

Поширена в північноамериканських лісах вздовж берега Тихого океану. Росте в Каліфорнії

Ліси секвої вічнозеленої тягнуться вузькою смугою довжиною близько 720 км тихоокеанським узбережжям США від округу Монтерей на півночі Каліфорнії до річки Чітко на півдні штату Орегон. Секвоя вічнозелена потребує дуже вологого клімату, тому не росте від берега далі ніж на 32-48 км, залишаючись у смузі впливу морського туману. Колись секвої разом з іншими представниками таксодієвих були поширені в багатьох областях Північної півкулі, проте останнє заледеніння зберегло їх тільки на західному узбережжі Північної Америки разом з близьким видом секвоядендрон велетенський, мамонтове дерево, або веллінгтонія (Sequoiadendron giganteum), також єдиним представником свого роду, званим іноді секвоя велетенська (S. gigantea). Секвою вічнозелену розводять як декоративну рослину на південному сході США і в європейських областях з помірним кліматом. Середня висота секвої вічнозеленої — близько 90 м, а рекордна — 135 м. Володарем цього рекорду було дерево «Батько Лісів». Одразу після визначення висоти дерево зрубали. Діаметр стовбура часто сягає 6-7,6 м і може збільшуватися в рік на 2,5 см. Зрілість секвої вічнозеленої настає в 400—500 років, причому нерідкі екземпляри віком понад 1500 років (найстаршому серед відомих — близько 2200 років). Дерево добре розмножується кореневими відростками, пеньковими пагонами і насінням, яке після проростання дає швидкорослі сходи. Крона вузька, починається вище нижньої третини стовбура. Овальні шишки і короткі пагони з пласкою, блакитно-сірою хвоєю надають їй красу і пишність. Кора товста, червонувата, з глибокими борознами. Заболонь блідо-жовтого або білого кольору, а ядерна деревина — різних відтінків червоного. Коренева система утворена бічним корінням, неглибоко проникає в ґрунт.

До секвої вічнозеленої і Мамонтового дерева близька метасеквоя гліптостробусовидна (китайська) (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), що зустрічається на дуже обмеженій площі в Китаї. Розрізняють два різновиди секвої вічнозеленої — притиснуту (var. adpressa), що відрізняється більш дрібними розмірами, і сизу (var. glauca) — з блакитним кольором хвої.

В 1885 році її посадили у Нікітському ботанічному саді, а станом на 1964 рік її висота сягала 26 метрів з діаметром стовбура більше метра.[4]

Цікава статистика

  • Спили величезних стовбурів гігантського дерева секвої досягають 12 метрів у поперечнику[4]. У тунель, зроблений в такому дереві, вільно в'їжджає екіпаж, а на пні можуть танцювати шістнадцять пар і поміщається оркестр[4].
  • Найвищу секвою знайдено влітку 2006 року Крісом Аткінсом (англ. Chris Atkins) та Майклом Тейлором (англ. Michael Taylor) в національному парку Редвуд. Висота «Гіперіона» (так було названо дерево) становить 115,5 метра (379,1 фута)[7]. Дослідники заявили, що пошкодження, завдані дереву у верхній частині дятлом, перешкодили секвої досягти 115,8 метра (380 футів).
  • Попереднім рекордсменом із живих дерев був «Стратосферний Гігант» в парку штату Каліфорнія Гамболдт-Редвудс, його висота — 112,83 метра, попередній вимір був у 2004 (у серпні 2000—112,34 м, в 2002—112,56 м).
  • Висоту в понад 110 м мають 15 живих дерев, а вищих за 105 м — 47 дерев.
  • Найвище дерево дугласії — дугласія тисолиста — має висоту 100,3 м.
  • У 2004 році журнал Nature написав, що максимальна теоретична висота секвої (або будь-якого іншого дерева) обмежена 122—130 метрами, через гравітацію та тертя між водою і порами деревини, через котрі вона сочиться.
  • Найоб'ємніше дерево — «Титан Дель Норте». Його об'єм становить 1 044,7 м³, висота — 93,57 м, а діаметр — 7,22 м. Серед живих дерев тільки 15 секвоядендронів велетенських масивніші за нього; хоч вони коротші, але у них товщий стовбур. Так об'єм найпотужнішої гігантської секвої «Генерал Шерман» дорівнює 1 488 м³.
  • Одну секвою спилювали 7-метровою пилкою 17 днів. Для її перевезення знадобилося 30 великих залізничних платформ.[8]


  1. Sequoia sempervirens // Ю. Кобів. Словник українських наукових і народних назв судинних рослин (Серія «Словники України»). — Київ : Наукова думка, 2004. — 800 с. — ISBN 966-00-0355-2.
  2. Доброчаева Д. Н., Котов М. И., Прокудин Ю. Н и др. Определитель высших растений Украины. — К: Наук. думка, 1987. — С. 38.
  3. Келлі, Д. і Г. Braasch. 1988 рік. Секрети старовікових лісів. Гіббс Сміт, Лейтон, Юта: 1-99.
  4. а б в г д Верзилин Николай Михайлович. По следам Робинзона // Сады и парки мира. — Л. : Детская литература, 1964. — С. 413. — 50000 прим.(рос.)
  5. Lowe, G. D. (2012). Endlicher's Sequence: The Naming of the Genus Sequoia. Fremontia 40 (1/2): 25—35.
  6. Nancy E. Muleady-Mecham. . — Т. 116, № 2.
  7. [1]
  8. Георгій Скарлато. Захоплююча географія. Навчальний посібник. — К.: «Альтерпрес», 1998. — 414 с., іл. ISBN 966-542-036-4


  • Трифонова В. И. Семейство таксодиевые (Taxodiaceae) // Жизнь растений. В 6-ти т / Ал. А. Фёдоров. — М. : Просвещение, 1978. — Т. 4. Мхи. Плауны. Хвощи. Папоротники. Голосеменные растения. Под ред. И. В. Грушвицкого и С. Г. Жилина. — С. 374—383. — 300000 прим.


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Секвоя: Brief Summary ( Ucraniano )

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Sequoia sempervirens ( Vietnamita )

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Quả và hột Sequoia sempervirens

Sequoia sempervirens /sɪˈkɔɪ.ə sɛmpərˈvaɪrənz/[2] còn gọi là hồng sam[3]là một loài thực vật hạt trần trong họ Cupressaceae. Loài này được David Don mô tả cho khoa học đầu tiên vào năm 1847.[4] Hồng sam thuộc loài cây mọc cao nhất trên Trái đất, có thể đạt chiều cao 115,5 mét (không tính phần rễ); đường kính thân cây lên đến 8,9 mét nếu đo ở gốc khoảng tầm ngực người. Loài cây này cũng là một trong số những sinh vật sống lâu nhất trên địa cầu, trung bình sống 800-1.500 năm tuổi. Có cây hơn 2000 năm.[5]

Thuở sơ khai hồng sam mọc phủ dọc vùng duyên hải từ Oregon xuống bắc và trung phần California với diện tích khoảng 2.100.000 mẫu Anh (8.500 km vuông). Miền nam California thì vắng bóng hồng sam vì vũ lượng thấp, không đủ để cây phát triển. Từ khoảng giữa thế kỷ 19 trở đi rừng hồng sam bị con người khai thác đẵn cây lấy gỗ khá quy mô. Những khu rừng nguyên thủy nay còn rất ít. Khoảng 70% cây cổ thụ đã bị triệt hạ vì tác động con người hoặc biến động môi sinh đã giết cây.

Chú thích

  1. ^ Farjon, A. & Schmid, R. (2011). Sequoia sempervirens. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 2 tháng 1 năm 2014.
  2. ^ Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
    “sempervirent”. Oxford English Dictionary (ấn bản 3). Oxford University Press. Tháng 9 năm 2005.
    (yêu cầu Đăng ký hoặc có quyền thành viên của thư viện công cộng Anh.)
  3. ^ Võ Phiến. Tùy bút. Westminster, CA: Văn Nghệ, 1987. tr 361
  4. ^ The Plant List (2010). Sequoia sempervirens. Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 5 năm 2014.
  5. ^ "The Redwoods..."

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Sequoia sempervirens: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI
 src= Quả và hột Sequoia sempervirens

Sequoia sempervirens /sɪˈkɔɪ.ə sɛmpərˈvaɪrənz/ còn gọi là hồng samlà một loài thực vật hạt trần trong họ Cupressaceae. Loài này được David Don mô tả cho khoa học đầu tiên vào năm 1847. Hồng sam thuộc loài cây mọc cao nhất trên Trái đất, có thể đạt chiều cao 115,5 mét (không tính phần rễ); đường kính thân cây lên đến 8,9 mét nếu đo ở gốc khoảng tầm ngực người. Loài cây này cũng là một trong số những sinh vật sống lâu nhất trên địa cầu, trung bình sống 800-1.500 năm tuổi. Có cây hơn 2000 năm.

Thuở sơ khai hồng sam mọc phủ dọc vùng duyên hải từ Oregon xuống bắc và trung phần California với diện tích khoảng 2.100.000 mẫu Anh (8.500 km vuông). Miền nam California thì vắng bóng hồng sam vì vũ lượng thấp, không đủ để cây phát triển. Từ khoảng giữa thế kỷ 19 trở đi rừng hồng sam bị con người khai thác đẵn cây lấy gỗ khá quy mô. Những khu rừng nguyên thủy nay còn rất ít. Khoảng 70% cây cổ thụ đã bị triệt hạ vì tác động con người hoặc biến động môi sinh đã giết cây.

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Секвойя ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Секвойя (значения).
Молодая поросль вокруг старого дерева

Произрастает в США вдоль побережья Тихого океана на полосе протяжённостью около 750 км и шириной от 8 до 75 км от Калифорнии до юго-западного Орегона, а также выращивается в канадской провинции Британская Колумбия, на юго-востоке США от восточного Техаса до Мэриленда, на Гавайях, в Новой Зеландии, Великобритании, Италии, Португалии, ЮАР и Мексике. Средние высоты — 30-750 м над уровнем моря, иногда деревья растут у самого берега, иногда взбираются на высоту до 920 м. Секвойя любит влажность, которую приносит с собой морской воздух. Высочайшие и старейшие деревья растут в ущельях и глубоких оврагах, куда круглый год могут добраться потоки влажного воздуха и где регулярно случаются туманы. Деревья, растущие выше слоя тумана (выше 700 м), ниже и меньше из-за более сухих, ветреных и прохладных условий произрастания.


Шишки и семена

Деревья высотой свыше 60 м встречаются очень часто, многие выше 90 м.

  • Самая высокая секвойя, получившая имя «Гиперион», была обнаружена летом 2006 года Крисом Аткинсом (англ. Chris Atkins) и Майклом Тейлором[en] в национальном парке Редвуд к северу от Сан-Франциско. Высота дерева составляет 115,61 метра[5]. Исследователи заявили, что повреждение, нанесённое дереву в верхней части дятлом, препятствовало секвойе достигнуть высоты 115,8 метра.
  • Предыдущим рекордсменом из ныне растущих деревьев был «Стратосферный гигант» (англ.)русск., произрастающий в парке «Хамболдт-Редвудс» (англ.)русск. штата Калифорния. В августе 2000 года высота дерева была 112,34 м, позднее в 2002 году — 112,56 м, по состоянию на 2010 год его высота 113,11 м[6].
  • До «Гипериона» самым высоким деревом всех времен был «Гигант Дайервиль», также в парке Хумбольдт-Рэдвудс. Высота была измерена после его падения в марте 1991 и равнялась 113,4 метра. Возраст, по оценкам, составлял около 1600 лет.
  • Высоту более 110 м имеют 15 ныне растущих деревьев, а более 105 м — 47 деревьев.
  • Некоторые утверждают, что высота секвойи, срубленной в 1912 году, равнялась 115,8 м.
  • Второе место по высоте после секвойи занимает Дуглассия (Псевдотсуга Мензиса). Высочайшая из ныне живущих псевдотсуг Мензиса — «Doerner Fir» (ранее известная как «Brummit fir») — имеет 99,4 м в высоту.

В 2004 году в журнале Nature было опубликовано исследование специалистов Университета Северной Аризоны[en], согласно которому максимальная теоретическая высота секвойи (или любого другого дерева) ограничена 122—130 метрами из-за гравитации и трения между водой и порами древесины, через которые она сочится[7].

Самое объёмное дерево среди секвой (red woods) — «Титан Дель-Норте» (англ.)русск.. Объём этой секвойи оценивается в 1044,7 м³, высота — 93,57 м, а диаметр — 7,22 м. Среди всех растущих на Земле деревьев только 15 гигантских секвой (секвойядендронов) массивнее него. Секвойядендроны (англ. giant sequoia) несколько короче, но у них более толстый ствол, чем у секвой. Так, объём крупнейшего экземпляра секвойядендрона «Генерал Шерман» равен 1487 м³.

Некоторые секвойи являются альбиносами.


Род Секвойя относится к подсемейству Sequoioideae семейства Кипарисовые (Cupressaceae), в которое также входят Секвойядендрон (Sequoiadendron J.Buchholz) и Метасеквойя (Metasequoia Miki ex Hu & W.C.Cheng).


  1. Sequoia (англ.). The Plant List. Version 1.1. (2013). Проверено 13 мая 2016.
  2. Lowe, G. D. (2012). “Endlicher's Sequence: The Naming of the Genus Sequoia”. Fremontia. 40 (1/2): 25—35.
  3. Nancy E. Muleady-Mecham. Endlicher and Sequoia: Determination of the Entymological Origin of the Taxon Sequoia (english) // Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. — 2017. — Т. 116, № 2. — С. 137 - 146.
  4. Ahuja, M. Raj. Genetic constitution and diversity in four narrow endemic redwoods from the family Cupressaceae (англ.) // Euphytica : журнал. — 2009. — Vol. 165, no. 1. — P. 5-19. Архивировано 25 мая 2014 года.
  5. ABC News: Botanist claims Californian redwood 'world’s tallest tree'. 30/09/2006
  6. Taylor, Michael. Tallest Redwoods Update (неопр.). Landmarktrees (January 10, 2010). Проверено 7 мая 2010. Архивировано 16 февраля 2012 года.
  7. Koch GW, Sillett SC, Jennings GM, Davis SD. Department of Biological Sciences and the Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011, USA. The limits to tree height // Nature. — 2004 Apr 22. — Vol. 428, № 6985. — P. 851-4.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Секвойя: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Секвойя (значения).  src= Ареал  src= Молодая поросль вокруг старого дерева

Произрастает в США вдоль побережья Тихого океана на полосе протяжённостью около 750 км и шириной от 8 до 75 км от Калифорнии до юго-западного Орегона, а также выращивается в канадской провинции Британская Колумбия, на юго-востоке США от восточного Техаса до Мэриленда, на Гавайях, в Новой Зеландии, Великобритании, Италии, Португалии, ЮАР и Мексике. Средние высоты — 30-750 м над уровнем моря, иногда деревья растут у самого берега, иногда взбираются на высоту до 920 м. Секвойя любит влажность, которую приносит с собой морской воздух. Высочайшие и старейшие деревья растут в ущельях и глубоких оврагах, куда круглый год могут добраться потоки влажного воздуха и где регулярно случаются туманы. Деревья, растущие выше слоя тумана (выше 700 м), ниже и меньше из-за более сухих, ветреных и прохладных условий произрастания.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

加州紅木 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Sequoia sempervirens
(D. Don) Endl. Sequoia sempervirens Distribution.png
Sequoia sempervirens

加州紅木学名Sequoia sempervirens),又稱海岸紅杉紅杉北美紅杉美國紅杉長葉世界爺,是世界上最高的針葉樹(位於第二高花旗松的變種海濱黃杉以及第三高的北美雲杉之上)以及是世界上長的最高的植物之一,能長到115公尺高,主要分佈於美國加利福尼亞州。目前已知最老的紅木約有2,200歲




  • 亥伯龙树(Hyperion)- 2006年被研究者發現。目前已知最高仍然活著的樹 - 115.85公尺。
  • 同溫層巨人(Stratosphere Giant) - 2000-2006年間最高的樹。目前已知第三高仍然活著的樹 - 112.83公尺,2004年測量。
  • 戴惠巨人(Dyerville Giant)曾經被認為是有記錄以來長得最高的樹,高113.4公尺。
  • 一棵宣稱有115.8公尺的樹在1912年被砍伐。
  • 除了加州紅木以外最高的樹 - 花旗松(道格拉斯松),100.3公尺。(黃杉屬黃杉)以及目前最高的樹還有杏仁桉,高156米,位於澳洲



主要分佈於北加州的太平洋海岸。北界至Chetco River(約加州和俄勒岡州交界),南界到Salmon Creek Canyon(加州蒙特瑞縣南部),最內陸離海不到75公里。




  1. ^ (英文) Farjon, A. & members of the Conifer Specialist Group (2006). Sequoia sempervirens. 2009 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2009. 撷取於2010-04-17.
  2. ^ Koch, G.W.; Sillett, S.C.; Jennings, G.M.; Davis, S.D. The limits to tree height. Nature. 2004年, 428: 851–854. PMID 15103376. doi:10.1038/nature02417.


 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:加州紅木  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:加州紅木


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wikipedia 中文维基百科

加州紅木: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
 src= Sequoia sempervirens

加州紅木(学名:Sequoia sempervirens),又稱海岸紅杉、紅杉、北美紅杉、美國紅杉、長葉世界爺,是世界上最高的針葉樹(位於第二高花旗松的變種海濱黃杉以及第三高的北美雲杉之上)以及是世界上長的最高的植物之一,能長到115公尺高,主要分佈於美國加利福尼亞州。目前已知最老的紅木約有2,200歲



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wikipedia 中文维基百科

セコイア ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
Question book-4.svg
曖昧さ回避 この項目では、植物のセコイアについて説明しています。その他の用法については「セコイア (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。
セコイア Sequoia sempervirens Big Basin Redwoods State Park 1.jpg
保全状況評価[1] ENDANGERED
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 EN.svg 分類 : 植物界 Plantae : 裸子植物門 Pinophyta : マツ綱 Pinopsida : マツ目 Pinales : ヒノキ科 Cupressaceae : セコイア属 Sequoia : セコイア S. sempervirens 学名 Sequoia sempervirens (D.Don) Endl. 和名 セコイア、イチイモドキ、セコイアメスギ、セコイアスギ 英名 Coast Redwood, Redwood
Sequoia sempervirens

セコイア: Sequoia [sɨˈkwɔɪ.ə]学名Sequoia sempervirens)は、ヒノキ科(またはスギ科)セコイア属の常緑針葉樹。セコイア属はセコイアのみの1属1種である。












 src= ウィキスピーシーズにセコイアに関する情報があります。  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、セコイアに関連するメディアがあります。


執筆の途中です この項目は、植物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますプロジェクト:植物Portal:植物)。
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wikipedia 日本語

セコイア: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
 src= Sequoia sempervirens

セコイア(: Sequoia [sɨˈkwɔɪ.ə]学名Sequoia sempervirens)は、ヒノキ科(またはスギ科)セコイア属の常緑針葉樹。セコイア属はセコイアのみの1属1種である。



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wikipedia 日本語

세쿼이아 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

 src= 다른 뜻에 대해서는 세쿼이아 (동음이의) 문서를 참고하십시오.
Sequoia sempervirens

세쿼이아 또는 레드우드, 미국삼나무(美國杉-)는 소나무목 측백나무과의 나무이다. 학명은 Sequoia sempervirens이다. 미국뉴질랜드가 원산이며 세계에서 가장 큰 나무이다. 현재 세쿼이아속에 속한 식물들 가운데 유일하게 현존하는 종이다.


한국 남부일본에서 자라는 삼나무와 비슷하여 미국삼나무라고 부른다. 주로 캘리포니아 태평양 연안지역에 서식하여 'Coast Redwood' 또는 'California Redwood'라고도 한다.


미국의 캘리포니아의 북서해안과 오리건의 남서부와 뉴질랜드 등지에서만 자란다. 수령은 2500~3000년 정도이며 최대높이가 112m나 되는 세계에서 가장 큰 나무이다. 나무가 높아질수록 물관이 전달하는 물의 높이가 제한되기 때문에 수분의 25~50%를 안개에서 얻는다. 안개가 많이 발생하는 여름에는 약 680kg의 수분을 흡수한다. 여름에 많은 성장을 하며 최대 매년 1.8m식 자라고 300년이 지나면 100m이상의 거목이 된다. 바다에서 불어오는 습기로 인해 강수량이 많은 산에서 자란다. 열매를 맺는 주기는 보통 10년인데 그때마다 수백만 개의 씨앗을 뿌린다. 세부적으로는 60여개의 가지, 200개 이상의 2차몸통, 임관토양 220kg, 잎의 총 무게 1.5톤이다. 씨앗이나 싹을 통해서 번식하고 씨앗의 크기는 보통 토마토 씨앗만하며 3.5~6mg이고 씨앗의 날개는 별로 기능이 없어서 바람에 의해서는 60~120m밖에 못 날아간다.



세쿼이아 목재는 단단하고 재질이 좋아 가구재 등으로 사용되었다. 부피가 크기 때문에 거목 하나만으로 2천개의 탁자를 만들 수 있다. 불에 타지 않는 성질과 썩지도 않는 장점이 있어 미국에서는 목책으로 쓰인다. 레드우드 국립공원에 가면 나무길을 많이 볼 수 있는 이유이다. 서부에서 벌채 사업을 하는 원인이였고 현재는 95%의 세쿼이아가 벌채되었다.


미국의 대통령의 이름을 딴 세쿼이아

  • President Tree
  • Mckinley Tree
  • Lincoln Tree
  • Rosevelt Tree

미국의 부통령의 이름을 딴 세쿼이아

  • Sherman Tree


  • Grandfather Tree
  • Chandelier Tree


  • Humboldt Redwoods State Park
  • Redwood National and State Parks: National and State Parks complex in Northern California.
    • Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California
    • Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park, California
    • Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, California


  1. Farjon, A. & Schmid, R. (2013). Sequoia sempervirens. 《The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species2013: e.T34051A2841558. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-1.RLTS.T34051A2841558.en. 2018년 1월 16일에 확인함.
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

세쿼이아: Brief Summary ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과
 src= 다른 뜻에 대해서는 세쿼이아 (동음이의) 문서를 참고하십시오.  src= Sequoia sempervirens

세쿼이아 또는 레드우드, 미국삼나무(美國杉-)는 소나무목 측백나무과의 나무이다. 학명은 Sequoia sempervirens이다. 미국뉴질랜드가 원산이며 세계에서 가장 큰 나무이다. 현재 세쿼이아속에 속한 식물들 가운데 유일하게 현존하는 종이다.

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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자