Asphodeline liburnica (Scop.) Rchb., syn.: Asphodelus liburnicus Scop., Asphodeline capillaris (DC.) Endl., Asphodeline cretica (Lam.) Endl., Asphodelus serotinus Sibth. ex J. Jacq.Family: XanthorrhoeaceaeEN: Liburne asphodel, DE: Liburnische JunkerlilieSlo.: liburnijski epljec, CR: liburnijska zlatoglavicaDat.: Jun 22. 2020Lat.: 45.07338 Long.: 14.66970Code: Bot_1314/2020_ DSC04275Habitat: moderately inclined, rocky hill slope, southeast aspect; light Pinus sp. forest with bushes; calcareous, skeletal ground; warm, dry place, half shade; elevation 65 m (210 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12-14 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea region, island Krk, outside the southwest outskirts of town Vrbnik, next to the main road to the town, Kvarner archipelago, Rijeka region, Croatia.Comment (pertains to Flickr album Asphodeline liburnica): Asphodeline liburnica is a beautiful plant of East Mediterranean region (South Italy, mainly Balkan peninsula, Crete, Turkey). The plant can be more than 1 m tall. Only two species of this genus are known on Adriatic islands and in Croatia: much more common and robust Asphodeline lutea (see my album Asphodeline lutea) and fairly scarcer and slighter Asphodeline liburnica. The latter hasn't been found yet in Slovenia. Both plants are similar. Asphodeline liburnica can be recognized by the fact that its stem leaves are concentrated in the lower part of the stem while with Asphodeline lutea they grow all along the stem. Ref.:(1) Personal communication with Ljiljana Boroveki Voska and Berislav Horvati, Zagreb. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske, Vol. 3. Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 693,(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 392.(4) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 470.
Asphodeline liburnica (Scop.) Rchb., syn.: Asphodelus liburnicus Scop., Asphodeline capillaris (DC.) Endl., Asphodeline cretica (Lam.) Endl., Asphodelus serotinus Sibth. ex J. Jacq.Family: XanthorrhoeaceaeEN: Liburne asphodel, DE: Liburnische JunkerlilieSlo.: liburnijski epljec, CR: liburnijska zlatoglavicaDat.: Jun 22. 2020Lat.: 45.07338 Long.: 14.66970Code: Bot_1314/2020_ DSC04275Habitat: moderately inclined, rocky hill slope, southeast aspect; light Pinus sp. forest with bushes; calcareous, skeletal ground; warm, dry place, half shade; elevation 65 m (210 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12-14 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea region, island Krk, outside the southwest outskirts of town Vrbnik, next to the main road to the town, Kvarner archipelago, Rijeka region, Croatia.Comment (pertains to Flickr album Asphodeline liburnica): Asphodeline liburnica is a beautiful plant of East Mediterranean region (South Italy, mainly Balkan peninsula, Crete, Turkey). The plant can be more than 1 m tall. Only two species of this genus are known on Adriatic islands and in Croatia: much more common and robust Asphodeline lutea (see my album Asphodeline lutea) and fairly scarcer and slighter Asphodeline liburnica. The latter hasn't been found yet in Slovenia. Both plants are similar. Asphodeline liburnica can be recognized by the fact that its stem leaves are concentrated in the lower part of the stem while with Asphodeline lutea they grow all along the stem. Ref.:(1) Personal communication with Ljiljana Boroveki Voska and Berislav Horvati, Zagreb. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske, Vol. 3. Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 693,(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 392.(4) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 470.