Utharomycesis a fungalgenusin thePilobolaceaefamily. The genus ismonotypic, containing the singlecoprophilous(dung-loving) speciesUtharomyces epallocaulus, which is widely distributed insubtropicalregions.[1]Utharomyceswas circumscribed by the Dutch botanistKarel Bernard Boedijnin 1958.[2]U.epallocaulushas been collected in Bahamas, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Mexico, China, and the United States.[3](Wikipedia 2014)
Utharomyces is a fungal genus in the family Pilobolaceae. The genus is monotypic, containing the single coprophilous (dung-loving) species Utharomyces epallocaulus, which is widely distributed in subtropical regions.[1] Utharomyces was circumscribed by the Dutch botanist Karel Bernard Boedijn in 1958.[2] U. epallocaulus has been collected in Bahamas, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Mexico, China, and the United States.[3]
Utharomyces is a fungal genus in the family Pilobolaceae. The genus is monotypic, containing the single coprophilous (dung-loving) species Utharomyces epallocaulus, which is widely distributed in subtropical regions. Utharomyces was circumscribed by the Dutch botanist Karel Bernard Boedijn in 1958. U. epallocaulus has been collected in Bahamas, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Mexico, China, and the United States.