
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Gonionota charagma

Alar expanse 16–20 mm.

Labial palpus olive buff irrorate with reddish brown and blackish fuscous; apex of second segment fuscous; third segment blackish fuscous in tuft, apex buff. Antenna light reddish brown spotted grayish fuscous. Head olive buff mixed grayish fuscous. Thorax olive buff strongly suffused fuscous; tegula with scattered reddish brown scales. Forewing ground color fuscous, overlaid and suffused reddish brown; from basal third of costa an all-defined olive-buff fascia extends to fold then contines to tornus; from apex to vein 2, an ill-defined olive-buff transverse fascia; cilia fuscous and reddish brown mixed. Hindwing sepia on upper side, underside light tawny olive with olive buff, reddish brown, and grayish-fuscous irrorations; cilia clay color with broad fuscous basal band. Foreleg white, tibia fuscous on outer side; tarsal segments overlaid red brown; midleg white; tibia fuscous on outer side except apically edged white; hindleg similar except tibia with white median annulus and white median spurs. Abdomen fuscous dorsally with reddish-brown scales posterolaterally; ventrally shining white and reddish-brown scaling laterally on terminal segment.

Male genitalia slides JFGC 4015, 10929. Harpe as long as vinculum and tegumen combined, of almost uniform width throughout and only slightly broader at middle; sacculus broadly sclerotized, confluent at outer end with sclerotized rod arising from base of clasper; termination of rod and sacculus armed with a strongly setose bulbous process. Gnathos an oval spined knob. Uncus broad basally, terminating in a knob with shallow distal concavity. Vinculum a narrow band with median anterior process. Tegumen broad basally, narrowed posteriorly. Anellus subrectangular, expanded basally on each side; posterior edge concave. Aedeagus curved, stout, distal end elongate, linguiform; cornuti absent.

Female genitalia slide JFGC 4016. Ostium narrowly V-shaped. Genital plate strongly sclerotized; lamella postvaginalis granular. Antrum narrowly sclerotized. Inception of ductus seminalis dorsal and slightly anterior to antrum. Ductus bursae membranous. Bursa copulatrix membranous. Signum an elongate, diamond-shaped, sclerotized, finely dentate plate.


TYPE LOCALITY.—Brazil, Nova Teutonia.


Described from the holotype (IV.1948, Fritz Plaumann), 3 and one paratypes from Brazil (Sta. Catharina, Oct. 1–4, 1934, Fritz Hoffmann).

In coloring charagma is very similar to incisa from Bolivia, but incisa is darker, is practically devoid of red-brown scaling and the underside of hindwing is darker and is suffused. In the male genitalia the cucullus of incisa is rounded (Clarke 1963, pl. 115: figs. 2–2b) with a short point at outer end of costa. In incisa there is also a triangular clasper about the middle of harpe which is absent in charagma. The harpe of charagma is twice as long as broad but that of incisa is less than 1½ times as long as broad.
bibliographic citation
Clarke, J. F. Gates. 1971. "Neotropical Microlepidoptera XIX: notes on and new species of Oecophoridae (Lepidoptera)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-39. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.95