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Orthotrichum Moss

Orthotrichum pulchellum Brunton ex Smith 1807

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Orthotrichum pulchellum Brunton; Winch,
Bot. Guide 2: 23. 1807.
Plants yellowish-green to olive-green, in loose, soft tufts, 1 cm. or less in height; leaves when dry flexuous to crispate, linear-lanceolate, slenderly acute at the apex, occasionally having an apiculus of 1 or 2 cells, 2.5-3 mm. long, the margins revolute except near the apex; costa ending below the apex; upper leaf -cells incrassate, irregularly rounded, nearly isodiametric, faintly papillose, ± 10 y. in diameter, the basal smooth, quadrate on the margins, elongate near the costa, more incrassate than in most species; autoicous; seta about 1.5 mm. long; capsules almost exserted, oblong-ovoid, contracted into a short neck, 8-ribbed when dry, little or not at all contracted under the mouth ; calyptra naked ; exothecial cells strongly differentiated along the ribs; stomata in one or more rows in the middle and upper parts of the sporesac, immersed; annulus present, 3-5 rows of small, round, incrassate cells below it; operculum short-rostrate; peristome-teeth 16, dark orange-red, more or less united in pairs, erect or spreading, later separated and refiexed, papillose, the papillae often arranged in indefinite lines, striate and often split at the apex, the segments 8-16, filiform; spores maturing in spring.
Type locality: Durham, England.
Distribution: On trees; the west coast of the United States; British Columbia; Alaska.
bibliographic citation
North American flora. vol 15A (1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora