Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Orthotrichum consimile Mitt. Jour
Linn. Soc. 8:24. 1864.
? Orthotrichum Winteri Schimp. Musci Eur. Novi (3-4:) Orthotr. 1. 1866.
Orthotrichum pulchellum sensu Lesq. & James, Man. 175. 1884. Not 0. pulchellum Brunton,
1807 Orthotrichum pulchellum var. longipes Sull.; I^esq. & James, Man. 175. 1884. Orthotrichum pulchellum var. Uucodon Venturi: Roll, Bot. Centr. 44: 419. 1890. Orthotrichum ulotaeforme Ren. & Card. Bot. Gaz. 15: 42. 1890. Orthotrichum Hendersoni Ken. & Card. Bot. Gaz. 15:42. 1890. Orthotrichum pulchellum var. productipes Ren. & Card. Bot. Gaz. 15: 43. 189U. Orthotrichum glabrum Venturi: Roll, Hedwigia 32: 285. 1893. (Nomen nudum.)
* As "Orthotricha pulchella.
t> Plants typically characterized by the light yellow-green color and the Ulo to-like appearance due to the long, linear-lanceolate, crispate leaves; occasionally these characteristics not very apparent ; leaves slenderly acuminate to subobtuse, reaching 3 mm. in length ; upper leaf-cells incrassate, rounded, nearly isodiametric, strongly papillose, the basal smooth and rectangular ; autoicous; seta up to 4 mm. long; capsules usually well exserted, short-oblong, when old much shrunken and 8-ribbed to the base, rather abruptly narrowed to the seta ,by a short neck, the urn 1.5-2 mm. long; calyptra naked or with a few hairs; exothecial cells strongly differentiated along the ribs ; stomata very numerous around the base of the spore-sac, occasionally occurring near its middle part; annulus present; operculum conic-rostellate ; peristome-teeth 16, pale, faintly papillose often in faint patterns, at first united in pairs and erect, later separating and reflexed, the segments well developed, narrowly linear, nearly or quite as long as the teeth, 8 or 16 in vigorous plants, slightly swollen at the joints; spores maturing in spring.
Type locality: On trees, Vancouver Island {Lyalt).
Distribution : On trees ; California to Alaska ; common on the west coast of the United States, rare east of the Coast Ranges.
- bibliographic citation
- North American flora. vol 15A (1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY