Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Octoblepharum cylindricum Schimp.; C. Mull
Svn. 1: 87. 1848.
Autoicous : male flowers minute, usually several, on very short stalks, scattered along the stem below the perichaetium, the pale, ovate, acute, costate, entire perigonial leaves enclosing
5 or 6 antheridia about 0.2 mm. long, either with or without paraphyses: plants in compact, pale-greenish or brownishwhite tufts with stems up to 4 cm. high : stem-leaves mostly 5-6 mm. long, from a usually broadened, more or less ovate base narrowed to a ligulate point with an acute, entire or slightly serrulate, scarcely distinctly apiculate apex, in cross-section showing, near the apex, 2 layers of cells above and 2 below the chlorocysts, near the middle mostly 4 layers above and 3 below with the margins of the leaf thick and rounded ; cells of the hyaline leaf-blade sometimes partly of a double thickness of cells, from square to elongate rhomboidal or hexagonal, with thin pitted walls ; perichaetial leaves scarcely differentiated : seta 1 0-20 mm. long; capsule erect, oblong-cylindric, 1.5-2 mm. long, with stomata in about 2 rows near the base and 4 or 5 rows of more or less transversely elongate cells about the mouth; peristome• teeth pale, slightly punctate, broadly lanceolate, extending above the mouth about 150 m and 35-40 fi. wide at the base, with a prominent median line and articulations; lid with a subulate beak about one half the length of the capsule : spores somewhat rough up to about 1 6 i in diameter.
Type locality: British Guiana. . , , , „ T TT ^... . 10 *n
Distribution: Jamaica (specimen so labeled communicated by W. Hans to von Tnumen in 18&y,
- bibliographic citation
- Robert Statham Williams. 1913. (BRYALES); DICRANACEAE, LEUCOBRYACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY