Image of Achrophyllum dentatum Vitt & Crosby 1972
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Achrophyllum dentatum Vitt & Crosby 1972


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In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Plant / epiphyte
Achrophyllum dentatum grows on trunk of Dicksonia
Remarks: captive: in captivity, culture, or experimentally induced


Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Achrophyllum dentatum

Achrophyllum dentatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Vitt & Crosby, Bryologist 75:175, 1972.

Hookeria dentata Hook. f. & Wils., London J. Bot. 3:550, 1844. [Original material: Lord Auckland’s Group and Campbell’s Isl., coll. J. D. Hooker, 1839–1843.]

Hookeria denticulata Hook. f. & Wils., Fl. Antarct. 1:143, 1845, nom. illeg. incl. sp. prior. (H. dentata Hook f. & Wils.).

Hookeria nigrella Hook. f. & Wils., Fl. Nov. Zel. 2:124, 1854. [Original material: Throughout islands, New Zealand, coll. Colenso.]

Hookeria robusta Hook. f. & Wils., Fl. Nov. Zel. 2:124, 1854. [Original material: Northern Island, New Zealand, coll. Colenso.]

Hookeria hepaticaefolia Hampe & C. Müll., Linnaea 26:503, 1855. [Original material: Bunik Creek, Dandenong Range, Australia, coll. F. Müller.]

Pterygophyllum nigrellum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt., Kew J. Bot. 8:264, 1856.

Pterygophyllum obscurum Mitt., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4:96, 1860. [Original material: Cheshunt, Tasmania, coll. Archer.]

Pterygophyllum denticulatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 12:397, 1869, nom. illeg. incl. sp. prior.

Pterygophyllum robustum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Jaeg., Ber. St. Gall., Naturw. Ges. 1875–1876:343, 1877 (Ad. 2:247).

Pterygophyllum hookeri Jaeg., Ber. St. Gall., Naturw. Ges. 1875–1876:343, 1877 (Ad. 2:247), nom. illeg. incl. sp. prior. [Original material: Cheshunt, Tasmania, coll. Archer.]

Pterygophyllum hepaticaefolium (Hampe & C. Müll.) Jaeg., Ber. St. Gall., Naturw. Ges. 1875–1876:343, 1877.

Hookeria ramulosa Col., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 18:232, 1886. [Original material: Near Norsewood, Waipawa Co., New Zealand, coll. W. Colenso, 1885.]

Hookeria subsimilis Col., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 18:232, 1886. [Original material: Near Norsewood, Waipawa Co., New Zealand, coll. W. Colenso, 1885.]

Hookeria macroneura Col., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 18:283, 1886. [Original material: Near Norsewood, Waipawa Co., New Zealand, coll. W. Colenso, 1885.]

Hookeria telmaphila Col., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 19:279, 1887. [Original material: Near Norsewood, Waipawa Co., New Zealand, coll. W. Colenso, 1886.]

Pterygophyllum magellanicum Besch., Miss. Sc. Cape Horn 5(Bot.):297, 1889. [Original material: Port Galant, Magallanes, Chile, coll. Savatier 1939 (BM lectotype, Matteri, 1972).]

Pterygophyllum macroneuron (Col.) Par., Ind. Bryol. 1053, 1898.

Hepaticina cyclophylla C. Müll., Hedwigia 41:124, 1902 nom. illeg. [Original material: Near Wellington, New Zealand, coll. T. Kirk.]

Hepaticina parvula C. Müll., Hedwigia 41:125, 1902, nom. illeg. [Original material: North Island, New Zealand, coll. F. Reader, 1883.]

Hepaticina pseudo-obscura C. Müll., Hedwigia 41:125, 1902. nom. illeg. [Original material: Near Greymouth, South Island, New Zealand, coll. R. Helms, 1885.]

Hepaticina nanocaulis C. Müll., Hedwigia 41:126, 1902, nom. illeg. [Original material: Near Greymouth, South Island, New Zealand, coll. R. Helms, 1885.]

Hepaticina zuerniana C. Müll., Hedwigia 41:126, 1902, nom. illeg. [Original material: Near Coromandel, Prov. Auckland, North Island, New Zealand, coll. G. Züur, Mar. 1882.]

Pterygophyllum cyclophyllum Broth., Nat. Pfl. 1 (3):932, 1907. Based on Hepaticina cyclophylla C. Müll. nom. illeg.

Pterygophyllum nanocaule Broth., Nat. Pfl. 1 (3):932, 1907. Based on Hepaticina nanocaulis C. Müll. nom. illeg.

Pterygophyllum pseudo-obscurum Broth., Nat. Pfl. 1 (3):932, 1907. Based on Hepaticina pseudo-obscura C. Müll. nom. illeg.

Pterygophyllum ramulosum (Col.) Broth. ex Par., Coll. 27, 1909.

Pterygophyllum subsimile (Col.) Broth. ex. Par., Coll. 27, 1909.

Pterygophyllum telmaphilum (Col.) Broth. ex. Par., Coll. 27, 1909.

Pterygophyllum dentatum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Dix., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 40:455, 1912.

Dark green, brownish, or blackish plants to 5 cm high. Leaves much crisped when dry, 2–4 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, dorsal and ventral leaves broadly ovate to nearly orbicular, lateral leaves often spathulate and sometimes with narrow bases, apices broadly rounded; margins plane with small, usually obtusely pointed teeth, teeth 10–30 μm long; costa stout at base, to 100 μm wide, usually 1/3–1/2 leaf length, usually unequally forked near tip; cells of lamina hexagonal, becoming more elongate toward base, thin-walled but slightly collenchymatous, median cells mostly 40–60 μm long and 40 μm wide, cells near margin 25–30 μm wide and 25–40 μm long, some lower cells near costa to 75 μm long. Setae 1.25–2.0 cm long. Capsules 1.0–2.0 long.

MAS AFUERA: Q. Loberia, Sk. 291 (S); Q. Vacas, H. & E. 41.

The species is known from Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and southern South America.
bibliographic citation
Robinson, Harold E. 1975. "The mosses of Juan Fernandez Islands." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-88. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.27