Netrium oblongum The image shows pyrenoids and the nucleus as pale and slightly structured disk in the center of the cell. In the pyrenoids, the cell produces the storage substance starch, which is deposited as a shell around them. Scale bar indicates 25 µm. Sample from wetland Lauchseemoor, Fieberbrunn, Tyrol, Austria. Sampling date 06/2023. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Wetland Lauchseemoor, Fieberbrunn (Tyrol, Austria) Latitude: 47.46954439 Longitude: 12.53826499 Das Bild zeigt Pyrenoide und den Zellkern als blasse, leicht strukturierte Scheibe in der Mitte der Zelle. In den Pyrenoiden produziert die Zelle den Reservestoff Stärke, dieser wird als Hülle um diese abgeschieden. Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Probe aus dem Lauchseemoor bei Fieberbrunn, Tirol. Datum der Aufsammlung: 06/2023. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Longitude (deg): -0.7. Latitude (deg): 51.3. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 50' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Associated species: Sphagnum. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in Sphagnum in bog pool. Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Pixera Pro tethered low-resolution digital camera with Meiji microscope using CS adaptor and x.7 projection eye-piece.
Longitude (deg): -0.7. Latitude (deg): 51.3. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 50' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Associated species: Sphagnum. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in Sphagnum in bog pool. Category: microscope photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Pixera Pro tethered low-resolution digital camera with Meiji microscope using CS adaptor and x.7 projection eye-piece.
Netrium oblongum Scale bar indicates 25µm. Sample from wetland Lauchseemoor, Fieberbrunn, Tyrol, Austria. Sampling date 06/2023. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Wetland Lauchseemoor, Fieberbrunn (Tyrol, Austria) Latitude: 47.46954439 Longitude: 12.53826499 Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Probe aus dem Lauchseemoor bei Fieberbrunn, Tirol. Datum der Aufsammlung: 06/2023. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Netrium oblongum Scale bar indicates 25µm. Sample from wetland Lauchseemoor, Fieberbrunn, Tyrol, Austria. Sampling date 06/2023. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Wetland Lauchseemoor, Fieberbrunn (Tyrol, Austria) Latitude: 47.46954439 Longitude: 12.53826499 Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Probe aus dem Lauchseemoor bei Fieberbrunn, Tirol. Datum der Aufsammlung: 06/2023. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.