Spiniferodinium (spin-if-err-o-din-ee-um) galeiforme Horiguchi & Chihara 1987. The image shows a mid-focal plane through a cell. The cingulum is in the middle of the cell. The nucleus is in the anterior end of the cell. There are many yellow-brown plastids present.
Spiniferodinium (spin-if-err-o-din-ee-um) galeiforme Horiguchi & Chihara 1987. The image shows a temporary cyst (non-motile cell stage). The cyst has many spines protruding on all sides. The cell contains yellow-brown plastids. The nucleus is in the anterior end of the cell.
Spiniferodinium (spin-if-err-o-din-ee-um) galeiforme Horiguchi & Chihara 1987. The image shows a temporary cyst (non-motile cell stage). The cyst has many spines protruding on all sides. The cell contains yellow-brown plastids. The nucleus is in the anterior end of the cell.
Spiniferodinium galeiforme motile cells are oval to round, slightly dorso-ventrally flattened. Length 23 34 microns, width 17 27 microns. Non-motile cell 25 - 35 microns in length, 20 - 30 microns in width. On motile cell, cingulum begins approximately 0.5 of the cell length from the apex, not displaced. Apical groove extending vertically towards the apex, until approximately 2 microns before the apex, where it turns to the left. The left side of the epicone overhangs slightly at the junction of the cingulum and sulcus. Sulcus initially narrow, then opening towards the antapex. Longitudinal flagellum arising in a pocket just below the junction of the cingulum and sulcus. Nucleus round, 10-12 microns diameter, in the epicone. Chloroplasts small, round to ellipsoidal, 2 - 3 microns diameter. Usually many chloroplasts present. Many colourless starch globules present. Non-motile cell appearing similar to motile cell, round, covered by a transparent helmet with small spines protruding.
Spiniferodinium galeiforme Horiguchi et Chihara 1987
Spiniferodinium galeiforme Horiguchi et Chihara 1987
Spiniferodinium galeiforme Horiguchi et Chihara 1987