Cosmarium praegrande P. LUNDELL The cells are up to 1.7 times longer than wide. The cell halves are spherical. The central cuts are deep and narrowly rounded on the inside and extend strongly towards the outside. The cell wall is covered with conical verrucae. They are arrranged in transverse rows which are shifted against each other. Between the transverse rows there are fine pores. The vertex view is circular in shape. Dimension: Length 95 - 100 µm, width 55 - 65 µm.Occurrence: Rare occurrence in Central Europe in fens and quaking bogs. Copyright by Prof. Rupert Lenzenweger, Ried im Innkreis, Austria. Place name: n. a. Latitude: 0 Longitude: 0 Die Zellen sind bis 1,7 mal länger als breit. Die Zellhälften sind kugelig, Die Mitteleinschnitte sind tief, innen abgerundet und nach außen weit geöffnet. Die Zellwand ist mit kegelförmigen Warzen besetzt, sie sind in zueinander versetzt verlaufenden Querreihen angeordnet , zwischen diesen feine Poren. Die Scheitelansicht ist kreisrund. Dimensionen: Länge 95 100 µm, Breite 55 65 µm.Vorkommen: In Mitteleuropa in Niedermooren und Schwingrasenzonen vereinzelt. Copyright by Prof. Rupert Lenzenweger, Ried im Innkreis, Österreich. For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Cosmarium praegrande P. LUNDELL The cells are up to 1.7 times longer than wide. The cell halves are spherical. The central cuts are deep and narrowly rounded on the inside and extend strongly towards the outside. The cell wall is covered with conical verrucae. They are arrranged in transverse rows which are shifted against each other. Between the transverse rows there are fine pores. The vertex view is circular in shape. Dimension: Length 95 - 100 µm, width 55 - 65 µm.Occurrence: Rare occurrence in Central Europe in fens and quaking bogs. Copyright by Prof. Rupert Lenzenweger, Ried im Innkreis, Austria. Place name: n. a. Latitude: 0 Longitude: 0 Die Zellen sind bis 1,7 mal länger als breit. Die Zellhälften sind kugelig, Die Mitteleinschnitte sind tief, innen abgerundet und nach außen weit geöffnet. Die Zellwand ist mit kegelförmigen Warzen besetzt, sie sind in zueinander versetzt verlaufenden Querreihen angeordnet , zwischen diesen feine Poren. Die Scheitelansicht ist kreisrund. Dimensionen: Länge 95 100 µm, Breite 55 65 µm.Vorkommen: In Mitteleuropa in Niedermooren und Schwingrasenzonen vereinzelt. Copyright by Prof. Rupert Lenzenweger, Ried im Innkreis, Österreich. For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Cosmarium (cos-may-ree-um) praegrande. Cosmarium is a very common and large genus of alga found usually in oligotrophic, acid waters. The cells of this genus are composed of two semi-cells, constricted in the middle. This region is termed the isthmus and is where the nucleus is found. The outer portions of each semi-cell contain a single, large chloroplast. The outer cell wall of each semi-cell is covered with pores and can be very ornate with the pattern being useful in distinguishing among species. The cells move slowly using mucilage secretion to create the force for movement. Both asexual and sexual reproduction occurs. The asexual reproduction is by cell division and the sexual reproduction involves the formation of zygospores. The gametes migrate from the parental cells, passing through pores to fuse in a region midway between the parental walls. The zygote can form a very ornate wall. This specimen was collected in a moor located in the Salzburger Land, Austria. The semi-cells of Cosmarium praegrande are spheroid and the cell walls are densely covered with conical granules except for a small area at the apex. This specimen is 40 microns long - smaller than those described in the literature (88 - 122 microns).
Cosmarium praegrande P. LUNDELL The cells are up to 1.7 times longer than wide. The cell halves are spherical. The central cuts are deep and narrowly rounded on the inside and extend strongly towards the outside. The cell wall is covered with conical verrucae. They are arrranged in transverse rows which are shifted against each other. Between the transverse rows there are fine pores. The vertex view is circular in shape. Length 95 - 100 µm, width 55 - 65 µm. Occurrence: Rare occurrence in Central Europe in fens and quaking bogs.