Type Locality: U.S.A., North America.
Distribution: Africa: South Africa; North America: Canada, U.S.A.
“Plants bushy, about 2.5-5 cm high, about 2 mm in diameter, reaching 5 mm in diameter at the base, branched irregularly. Axial cell filament covered with compact cortical cell filaments of parenchymous type. Outer cortex not distinct. Whorl branches abundantly branched at the ends, their branching in close contact with branching of neighboring whorls. Spermatangia, small, ovoid, 1 or 2 terminating on lateral branch, 3.5-4.0(-5.5-6) mm long. Carpogonium-bearing branches short, arising from periaxial cells and or cells of fascicles. Carpogonia 38-43 mm long, asymmetrical with elongate conical or club-shaped trichogynes, 9-10 mm in diameter. Carposporophytes definite in shape. Caprosporangia terminating on the gonimoblast filaments growing radially from gonimoblast placenta, 9-10 mm in diameter, 15-16 mm long.”
Kumano, S. 2002. Freshwater red algae of the world. Biopress Ltd. 375pp.