Description: English: The structure of cytochrome b6f from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Monomer. PDB id:1q90. Date: 9 August 2015. Source: Own work. Author: Эрг.
Description: Transmission electron microscope image, showing an example of green algae (Chlorophyta). Chlamydomanas reinhardtii is a unicellular flagellate used as a model system in molecular genetics work and flagellar motility studies. This image is a thin x-section cut through the isolated axoneme. Chlamydomonas flagella have the "9+2" structure characteristic of all eukaryotic cells. The axoneme has a central unit containing two single microtubules and nine peripheral doublet microtubules (known as the "9+2"). Dynein sidearms project from the A tubule of each doublet. Also visible in this image are the radial spokes and the inner sheath. Smith, E.F and P.A. Lefebvre (1996) "PF16 Encodes a Protein with Armadillo Repeats and Localizes to a Single Microtubule of the Central Apparatus in Chlamydomonas Flagella", J. Cell Biology, 132(3): 359-370 JEOL 100CX TEM. Source: Author: Elizabeth Smith, Louisa Howard, Erin Dymek. Permission(Reusing this file): PD.
Mukrime Birgul Akolpoglu, Nihal Olcay Dogan, Ugur Bozuyuk, Hakan Ceylan, Seda Kizilel and Metin Sitti
Wikimedia Commons
Description: English: Biohybrid Chlamydomonas reinhardtii microswimmers Top: Schematics of production steps for biohybrid C. reinhardtii. Bottom: SEM images of bare microalgae (left) and biohybrid microalgae (right) coated with chitosan-coated iron oxide nanoparticles (CSIONPs). Images were pseudocolored. A darker green color on the right SEM image represents chitosan coating on microalgae cell wall. Orange-colored particles represents CSIONPs. Date: 2 July 2020. Source: Extracted from this Commons file. Author: Mukrime Birgul Akolpoglu, Nihal Olcay Dogan, Ugur Bozuyuk, Hakan Ceylan, Seda Kizilel and Metin Sitti.
Description: English: Crossection of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii algae cell, a 3D representation. Date: 18 September 2013. Source: Own work. Author: Ninghui Shi.
Ajay Vikram Singh, Vimal Kishore, Giulia Santomauro, Oncay Yasa, Joachim Bill, and Metin Sitti
Wikimedia Commons
Description: English: Drawing of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii alga in coculture with Escherichia coli bacteria These two types of biological microswimmer (active colloid) populations exhibit opposite swimming behaviours: C. reinhardtii is a puller-type microswimmer while E. coli is a pusher-type microswimmer. Date: 28 April 2020. Source: [1]doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b03665. Author: Ajay Vikram Singh, Vimal Kishore, Giulia Santomauro, Oncay Yasa, Joachim Bill, and Metin Sitti.
Description: English: Cross section of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii algal cell, a 3D representation. Date: 18 September 2013. Source: Own work. Author: Ninghui Shi.
Description: Transmission electron microscope image, showing an example of green algae (Chlorophyta). Chlamydomanas reinhardtii is a unicellular flagellate used as a model system in molecular genetics work and flagellar motility studies. This image shows the flagellar apparatus, just after flagellar excision, which occurs at the transition zone(see area of flagella, with its fibers of the stellate structure). This image also shows components of the contractile vacuoles which are located just below the flagellar apparatus. JEOL 100CX TEM. Date: 7 October 2006. Source: Source and public domain notice at: Author: Elizabeth Smith, Louisa Howard, Erin Dymek (Dartmouth Electron Microscope Facility, Dartmouth College). Permission(Reusing this file): Released into the public domain.
Description: Transmission electron microscope image, showing an example of green algae (Chlorophyta). Chlamydomanas reinhardtii is a unicellular flagellate used as a model system in molecular genetics work and flagellar motility studies. This image is a longitudinal section through a portion of the flagellar apparatus. In the cell apex are the basal body regions that are the anchoring sites for the flagella. This image shows that the two flagella form a V and they are connected at their bases by a transversely striated fibre. This connection is thought to play a part in the coordination of flagellar movement. Also visible is the transition region, with its fibers of the stellate structure. JEOL 100CX TEM. Source: Author: Elizabeth Smith, Louisa Howard, Erin Dymek. Permission(Reusing this file): PD.
Description: English: Schamatic of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cell surface display forming. Starting from secretion to anchoring in the surface. Date: 2 June 2021. Source: Own work. Author: Candidomolino.
Mukrime Birgul Akolpoglu, Nihal Olcay Dogan, Ugur Bozuyuk, Hakan Ceylan, Seda Kizilel and Metin Sitti
Wikimedia Commons
Description: English: Biohybrid Chlamydomonas reinhardtii microswimmers A) Schematics of production steps for biohybrid C. reinhardtii. B) SEM images of bare microalgae (left) and biohybrid microalgae (right) coated with chitosan-coated iron oxide nanoparticles (CSIONPs). Images were pseudocolored. A darker green color on the right SEM image represents chitosan coating on microalgae cell wall. Orange-colored particles represents CSIONPs. C) Microscopy images of biohybrid microalgae treated with three different solutions: 1) microalgae coated with 5 µg mL−1< /sup> green-fluorescent chitosan polyelectrolyte solution (first row), 2) microalgae coated with 10 µg mL−1< /sup> red fluorescent CSIONPs (second row), and 3) microalgae coated with both CSIONPs (10 µg mL−1< /sup>) dispersed in chitosan polyelectrolyte solution (5 µg mL−1< /sup>) (third row. Date: 2 July 2020. Source: [1]doi:10.1002/advs.202001256. Author: Mukrime Birgul Akolpoglu, Nihal Olcay Dogan, Ugur Bozuyuk, Hakan Ceylan, Seda Kizilel and Metin Sitti.
Description: English: Co-cultivation of an algae-bacterial system to improve biomass of and lipid production by algae In this co-system, algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) and bacteria (Azotobacter chroococcum) could enhance the growth and biomass of each other through material exchange; algae supply carbohydrates and O2 by photosynthesis while A. chroococcum supply the nitrogen source and CO2 to algae by nitrogen fixation. Date: 29 April 2018, 23:30:52. Source: [1]doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00741. Author: Lili Xu, Xianglong Cheng and Quanxi Wang.