Klebsormidium bilatum Lokhorst is green streptophyte alga described in 1996 from soil of the slope of river in Belgium. Later this alga was found in other parts of Europe: from soil and growing on wood in Netherlands and Switzerland, soil crusts of Austrian Alps and sand dunes of German Baltic sea coast, cracks of granite outcrops of Ukraine. It is typical terrestrial alga characteristic for humid and shaded conditions. It can develop in mass and form macroscopic green biofilms on soil surface or rocks. The main morphological characters of the alga is quite thick filaments (8-10 μm) and medial incision in the chloroplast dividing it on four lobes. K. bilatum and close related K. elegans form separate genetic lineage according phylogeny of Klebsormidiales based on ITS 1, 2 rDNA and rbcL.