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Body size: about 7.0–10.0 mm. Body shape elongate. Gular sutures narrow, subparallel at apex. Frontoclypeal suture absent. Frons: longitudinal groove or depression absent. Cranium ventrally: tufts of long setae at sides absent. Submentum: ctenidium present. Antennal groove present. Eyes: size large, dorsal. Eyes number: four. Epicranial acumination absent. Lacinial hooks absent. Galea: shape clavate. Galea: ciliate setae absent. Mediostipes-Lacinia fused together. Palpifer: outer edge even. Mandibular apical teeth number: two, vertically situated. Mola reduced but present. Penicillus (at base) long setae. Pubescence above mola or cutting edge absent. Ventral furrow absent. Basal notch shallow or absent. Labrum-Cranium not fused. Epipharyngial sclerite present. Lateral tormal process: projection curved downwards, processes not connected (Airora). Ligula: ciliate setae absent. Ligula rigid, not retroflexed, weakly emarginate. Hypopharyngeal sclerite absent. Antenna 11-segmented. Antennal club asymmetrical, sensorial fields present. Front coxal cavities externally closed, internally open. Pronotum transverse. Prepectus absent. Middle coxal cavities open. Elytra: long hairs absent. Epipleuron thin. Elytral interlocking mechanism present, carinae reduced. Elytral punctation regular, scales present. Wing: radial cell oblong (or reduced), wedge cell absent, cross vein MP3-4 present, cross vein AA1+2-3+4 absent. Front tibiae: spines along side reduced. Hooked spur present. Claws: denticle absent. Parasternites number along ventrites III–VII: one. Spiculum gastrale absent. Coxitae undivided.
Jiří Kolibáč
bibliographic citation
Kolibáč J (2014) Trogossitidae: A review of the beetle family, with a catalogue and keys ZooKeys 366: 1–194
Jiří Kolibáč
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
Indonesia, Malayan Peninsula, Russian Far East, Japan, northern China. A large body of material of perhaps-undescribed species is known to me from northern Laos.
Jiří Kolibáč
bibliographic citation
Kolibáč J (2014) Trogossitidae: A review of the beetle family, with a catalogue and keys ZooKeys 366: 1–194
Jiří Kolibáč
visit source
partner site