Joanne Pei-Chih Tan, Sheh May Tam, Ruth Kiew
Figure 1.
Watercolour painting of Begoniarajah of an original wild-collected plant grown in the Botanic Gardens, Singapore. (Reproduced with permission of the Singapore Botanic Gardens)
Joanne Pei-Chih Tan, Sheh May Tam, Ruth Kiew
Figure 3.
Begoniarajah Ridley (cultivated) A Upper leaf surface B under surface C Young blade.
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 4.
Distribution map of Cremastosperma showing the four disjunct areas of the distribution: 1 the Chocó/Darién/western Ecuador region north into Central America 2 the tropical Andes (including a rough demarcation between areas occupied by northern/lowland and southern/montane clades) 3 coastal Venezuela 4 French Guiana.
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 17.
Cremastospermachococola Pirie. a leaf and fruit (Gentry & Forero 7286).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Map 2.
Distribution of Cremastospermaalticola Pirie & Chatrou, C.antioquense Pirie, C.chococola Pirie, C.dolichopodum Pirie & Maas, C.longipes Pirie, C.novogranatense R.E.Fr., C.osicola Pirie & Chatrou, C.panamense Maas and C.stenophyllum Pirie
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 13.
a–bCremastospermabrevipes (DC.) R.E.Fr. a flowers (Maas et al. 8064; photo PJMM) b fruit (Mori et al 22721; photo Scott Mori) c–eC.bullatum Pirie c, e Flowering specimen (Pirie et al. 94; photos c MDP e Robin van Velzen) d leaf base showing bullate corrugations of the lamina and long golden indument (Pirie et al. 71; photo: MDP) f, gC.cauliflorum R.E.Fr. Flowering specimens (fMaas et al. 9029, photo PJMM gChatrou et al. 224, photo LWC) h–jC.dolichocarpum Pirie. Flowering and fruiting specimen (Pedraza et al. 2146; photos: María F. González).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 19.
Cremastospermadolichocarpum Pirie. a flower b leaf and fruit (aCallejas 3110bSánchez 415).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Map 3.
Distribution of Cremastospermaawaense Pirie, C.dolichocarpum Pirie, C.magdalenae Pirie, C.napoense Pirie, C.pacificum R.E.Fr. and C.westrae Pirie
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 1.
Flowers of Cremastosperma. Fig. 11 from van Heusden (1992). aC.microcarpum: longitudinal section bC.oblongum R.E.Fr.: longitudinal section cC.monospermum (Rusby) R.E.Fr.: bud dC.gracilipes R.E.Fr.: flower e, fC.cauliflorum R.E.Fr.: longitudinal section (e) and stamen (f) gC.microcarpum: carpel (aMaas et al. 6281bMaas et al. 4592cNelson 763dLuteyn et al. 4890e, fHolm-Nielsen et al. 21501gPrance et al. 3527).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 21.
Cremastospermagracilipes R.E.Fr. a fruiting specimen b flower (aHurtado 3019bPalacios 1651).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Map 4.
Distribution of Cremastospermabrevipes (DC.) R.E.Fr.; C.gracilipes R.E.Fr.; C.monospermum (Rusby) R.E.Fr.
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 22.
Cremastospermaleiophyllum R.E.Fr. a fruiting specimen b flower (a, bSeidel & Schulte 2265)
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 23.
a, bCremastospermaleiophyllum R.E.Fr. a flower b fruit (Pirie et al. 2; photo LWC) c, dCremastospermamegalophyllum R.E.Fr. c habit (Maas et al. 8577, photo: PJMM), fruit (Maas et al. 8595, photo PJMM) e–gC.microcarpum R.E.Fr. e fruit (Maas et al. 6281; photo PJMM) f, g flower (Maas et al 8222; photo PJMM) h–jC.monospermum (Rusby) R.E.Fr. h habit i leaves j flower bud (Pirie et al. 5; photos LWC) k, lC.oblongum R.E.Fr. k flower l fruit (Maas et al. 9148; photos PJMM) m–oC.osicola. m fruit n flower o leaf and flower with scale bar (photos Reinaldo Aguilar).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Map 6.
Distribution of Cremastospermaconfusum Pirie, C.leiophyllum R.E.Fr.; and C.oblongum R.E.Fr.
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 24.
Cremastospermalongicuspe R.E.Fr. a fruiting specimen b flower (avan der Werff 10161bPoeppig s.n.).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Map 5.
Distribution of Cremastospermabullatum Pirie; C.cauliflorum R.E.Fr.; C.cenepense Pirie & Zapata; and C.longicuspe R.E.Fr.
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 25.
Cremastospermalongipes Pirie. a monocarp (with stipe) and seeds b leaf, flower and flower bud (aFernández 8872bForero et al. 6576).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Map 2.
Distribution of Cremastospermaalticola Pirie & Chatrou, C.antioquense Pirie, C.chococola Pirie, C.dolichopodum Pirie & Maas, C.longipes Pirie, C.novogranatense R.E.Fr., C.osicola Pirie & Chatrou, C.panamense Maas and C.stenophyllum Pirie
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 2.
Fruits and seeds of Cremastosperma. Adapted from plate 8 from van Setten & Koek-Noorman (1992). aCremastospermamegalophyllum R.E.Fr. b, eC.cauliflorum R.E.Fr. cC.microcarpum R.E.Fr. dC.macrocarpum Maas fC.monospermum (Rusby) R.E.Fr. (aBrandbyge & Asanza C. 30017b, ePrance et al. 24094cGentry et al. 32153dWingfield & van der Werff 6751fSperling et al. 6198).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 26.
Cremastospermamacrocarpum Maas. a fruiting specimen b flower (a, bvan der Werff & Vera, Flora Falcón 937).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Map 9.
Distribution of C.macrocarpum Maas; and C.venezuelanum Pirie.
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 27.
Cremastospermamagdalenae Pirie. a flower b fruiting twig and cross section of seed (aHernandez 251bEscobar & Folsom 3309).
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Map 3.
Distribution of Cremastospermaawaense Pirie, C.dolichocarpum Pirie, C.magdalenae Pirie, C.napoense Pirie, C.pacificum R.E.Fr. and C.westrae Pirie
Michael D. Pirie, Lars W. Chatrou, Paul J. M. Maas
Figure 2.
Fruits and seeds of Cremastosperma. Adapted from plate 8 from van Setten & Koek-Noorman (1992). aCremastospermamegalophyllum R.E.Fr. b, eC.cauliflorum R.E.Fr. cC.microcarpum R.E.Fr. dC.macrocarpum Maas fC.monospermum (Rusby) R.E.Fr. (aBrandbyge & Asanza C. 30017b, ePrance et al. 24094cGentry et al. 32153dWingfield & van der Werff 6751fSperling et al. 6198).