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Dicranella barnesii Cardot 1910

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Dicranella barnesii Card. Rev. Bryol. 37 : lis: 1910/
Dioicous or autoicous, the male flower either at the apex of a distinct plant or on an elongate branch from well below the perichaetium: inner perigonial leaves with broadly ovate base rather abruptly narrowed to a smooth, flexuous point, denticulate at the apex, or sometimes without an elongate point, and enclosing 5 or 6 antheridia 0.4 mm. long, and about twice as many paraphyses: plants in rather loose tufts, with stems mostly 5-6 mm. high: stem-leaves up to 2.5 mm. long, from a narrow, erect, scarcely distinct base, gradually narrowed to a spreading, flexuous, somewhat tubulose or deeply grooved point, entire except at the apex; costa broad below, more than one third the width of the leaf-base, often rather indistinct, filling most of the leaf above; lower leaf-cells linear, those in the narrow blade above rectangular, about 5 fx wide and 4-6 times as long; perichaetial leaves like the stem-leaves but with broader, ovate base: seta yellowish, 12-14 p long: capsule oblong-cylindric, erect and straight or somewhat curved, 1.5 mm. long; exothecal cells elongate, mostly 3-4 times as long as broad, with curved walls; lid obliquely subulate-pointed, about two thirds as long as the capsule; annulus none; peristome-teeth about 300 p high and 45 p wide at the base, red, vertically striate to above the middle, separate to near the base and divided three fourths down or more into slender forks: spores minutely roughened, up to 14 p in diameter.
Type locality: Honey Station, Hidalgo. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
Robert Statham Williams. 1913. (BRYALES); DICRANACEAE, LEUCOBRYACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora