Asker, Akershus, Norge
Figures 1–2.Baltimartyria rasnitsyni sp. n. 1 wing venation 2 reconstructed wing pattern.
Donald R. Davis, Jean-François Landry
Figures 1–3.Adults. 1 ♂, Epimartyria auricrinella, (4.9 mm) Canada: Quebec 2 ♂, Epimartyria bimaculella (5.5 mm) Holotype, Canada: British Columbia 3 ♀, Epimartyria pardella (5.5 mm) USA: California. (Forewing length in parentheses).
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Figures 3–8.Baltimartyria rasnitsyni sp. n. 3 head, lateral view 4 flagellomeres from mid-antenna, enlarged 5 foreleg, enlarged 6 tibia of foreleg with epiphysis from different view 7 legs 8 tip of abdomen and genitalia, ventrolateral view.
Donald R. Davis, Jean-François Landry
Figures 4–9.Adults and habitat. 4–5 Epimartyria auricrinella, at Lac Brûlé, Québec, 30 Jun 1997, ca 0700 hrs. on dewy Solidago leaf 6–7 Epimartyria bimaculella 6 at Washington, Olympic National Park, Hoh Rainforest Road, 22 Jun 2010 (photo by Zeller-Lukashort) 7 at British Columbia, Vancouver area, Belcarra, 24 May 2009, ca 1000 hrs (photo by Holden) 8 Epimartyria pardella, California, Redwood National Park, Gold Bluffs State Beach, Fern Canyon 9 Habitat, clump of the liverwort Bazzania trilobata at Lac Brûlé, Québec in which larvae of Epimartyria auricrinella were found.
Figure 9.Male holotype of Baltimartyria rasnitsyni sp. n. Right hand side position, scale bar 1 mm.
Donald R. Davis, Jean-François Landry
Figures 10–11.Habitats of Epimartyria 10 Swampy forest at Lac Brûlé, Quebec where larvae and numerous adults of Epimartyria auricrinella were collected 11 Douglas fir forest where adults of Epimartyria bimaculella were observed swarming around the ferns (photo by Zeller-Lukashort).
Figure 10.Male holotype of Baltimartyria rasnitsyni sp. n. Details of head, scale bar 1 mm.
Donald R. Davis, Jean-François Landry
Figure 32.Distribution of Epimartyria species. Alphanumeric designations refer to haplotypes shown in the haplotype network of Fig. 12c.
Figure 11.Male holotype of Baltimartyria rasnitsyni sp. n. Antenna, scale bar 1 mm.
Donald R. Davis, Jean-François Landry
Figures 81–87.Epimartyria bimaculella, Genitalic morphology 81–85 Male, USNM slide 18410, Fraser Mill, British Columbia 81 Genital capsule, ventral view (0.5 mm) 82 Sternum X (gnathos) 83 Aedeagus 84 Genital capsule, lateral view 85 Valva 86–87 Female, USNM slide 33919, Fraser Mill, British Columbia 86 Oviscape, lateral view (0.5 mm) 87 Genital sclerite, ventral view. (Scale lengths in parentheses).