Micropeza corrigiolata is a species of stilt-legged flies in the family Micropezidae.[1][2]
This species is present in most of Europe, in the Near East, and in the Nearctic realm.[3] These flies mainly inhabit meadows, fields, bushes, areas with leguminous plants, sparse vegetation and margins of sandy beaches.[4]
Micropeza corrigiolata can reach a length of 4–7 millimetres (0.16–0.28 in). These small and slender flies have a deep black body with a bullet-shaped head, reddish eyes and stilt-like legs. Also their abdomen is long and slender. The tergites have narrow, yellow edges. Antennae are black. Tibiae show short bristles. Wings are clear.[4][5]
Adults can be found from the beginning of June to the beginning of August. They mainly feed on small insects. Larvae feed on roots of various plants (Pisum arvense, Trifolium pratense, Medicago sativa).[5]
Micropeza corrigiolata is a species of stilt-legged flies in the family Micropezidae.